Catnundrum. Chapter One.

Story by Roofles on SoFurry

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Catnundrum Chapter One By Roofles

Once there was a cat named Simon. He was a Siamese cat. Ever since he was a kitten he wore a roped collar with a golden bell on the front of it. With brown hands and feet, ear tips and tail tip and a brown masked face this creamy tan cat had a problem he could not, would not tell. Not to a soul would he ever admit it and be a stereotype in and of himself.

Cynophobia: An irrational/abnormal fear of dogs.

This was an issue in and of itself trying to live his day to day life in the hum drum coexistence of the species. Simon wasn't sure how many times he had to relocate, transfer classes and over all stay in due to this problem. However his problem only grew worse.

Coming into work Simon shook his hooded head, sending small flakes of snow everywhere. The darker burgundy sweater looked tacky when he first saw it but his natural brown masked face and tan fur worked well with it. Brushing his shoulder off he shivered from the contrast of the cold of the open door behind him and the warmth washing over head. Like a summer breeze the heavy duty heater above the automatic door churned out warm, if somewhat stale, air already melting the snow he was covered in.

It wasn't snowing hard outside but the parking lot employee's used was behind the building. Due to a safety violation or some sort of bs the managers told them they had to use the front door from now on. The long walk around wasn't bad and even refreshing, it was the smoke he needed to caused him to be as burdened down by snow as he was now.

Simon kicked his shoes against the wall hoping to get as much snow off the skate shoes he wore. The logo was branded onto the side of the shoes much like the pants and sweater he wore. All was free from the store so long as he wore them openly to advertise for them. Simon didn't really have a choice in the matter. His feet were already killing him cramped in these human made shoes, his animalian toes were about to snap off as it were inside. Glad his nails could at least retract.

Pulling the hood off, his twin ears were able to poke free standing tall glad to be free and able to breath. Most winter wear kept ones extra digits safe and warm from the cold season such as tail and ears. However it was by no means cosy or comfortable. "Better warm than dead" his own mother had always told him. His fur was scrunched up in all the wrong direction. The fur on his ears were poof out and his short hazel nut brown hair, normally brushed straight, was a tangled mess of knots and curls. Simon had spent a good portion of the morning getting it straightened out. And now he'd have to spend the little time he had before work to at least try and deal with the whole mess.

A heavy padded hand landed on his shoulder, sending shivers up his spine. His long tail stuck out as if the poor cat had been electrocuted, fur sticking out in every angle as the heavy brown fur hand began to brush the snow off his back.

"Sheesh, you look like you've been rolling around in the snow." Robbie said. His voice was husky, even if he was a rottweiler. Deep almost a growl as he spoke each word, brushing the nearly foot shorter cat off roughly manhandling him practically in a misguided friendly gesture. That heavy paw landed on his head afterwards, messy up his hair the cold snow from the dog's palm melting into his hair. "There you go little buddy." He gruffed, barking louder with a chuckling laugh.

The usually always friendly dog gave him a good shove behind as Simon was now rooted to the floor, freezing up at the barking sound. "Get in already," the dog laughed again. "Going to let all the heat out." He added guiding the cat away from the mat in front of the door. The twin windowed electronic device closing as they moved away.

Simon just nodded meekly as if he was just told he was next in line for the guillotine. That heavy hand never left his back, guiding him further inside before the doors shut. "Ah, another beauty of a day. Am I right, little buddy?" The dog fussed his hair up before heading past still with that chuckling gut shaking laugh.

Simon was by no means a thin lithe scrawny cat like most his breed, he was substantial with a more medium-bony nature than most with some meat on his arms and legs. He still had the almost wedge like shaped head, if a bit more evened out (even if he still looked more like a marten than a cat at times). The corner of his eyes still had the "oriental" heritage of his ancestors home and was proud of it. A healthy build, with a thinner coat hence wearing such uncomfortable snow wear.

The rottweiler on the other hand was ripped. Muscular and buff and it showed through the black work shirt he wore. His biceps barely able to be contained in the already tight fitting large shirt he wore. The rest of him was no different. Strong, thick thighs with a perfectly curved firm rear end. A small black dot of a tail could be seen on the outside of the pants he wore, wagging as normal as he greeted his fellow co-workers. His head was broad like most larger dog breads with his black ears drooping down on the side of his face.

The Dalmatian was already behind the cash register waiting for the dachshund to finish checking out. The dog waved a black spotted hand in his general direction without a word as he waited. A large line had formed and the crowd was beginning to get restless in he pre-Christmas rush. Roddie was already greeting his other co-worker.

Alan was coming from the back just signing in, putting on a swamp green apron with the store logo on the front. The Akita was just as large as the rottweiler and a bit thicker around the stomach, his tail curling up from behind him. He gave the other dog a strong one arm hug, patting his back roughly and returned the greeting.

"And there he is!" The Akita said as Simon tried to sneak past into the back room, doing his best at being invisible and failing. "If it isn't my favorite pussy tat." The Akita slurred unknowingly before giving him a double armed hug, picking him up and nuzzling that broad head against the cat's chest and once more sending every finger and toe the cat had splaying out in freight as if he were a cartoon that had been shocked. Flexing as Alan did so the Akita nearly tore through, another, work shirt as well as nearly snapping the cat in half as he growled playfully.

Alan set him down and headed off without a second thought.

Simon only managed to move after the dog had walked past unaware of the cat's frightened disposition just chalking it up to Simon being Simon. Or cats being cats as he figured. Rubbing his bruised side the cat headed back into the employee only break room and through the side door into the locker room to change into his work shirt, not one to just wear it around always like the rottweiler did. He regretted it though most days. And his luck was just not in his favorite.

Pete and Charlie were in another heated debate over the latest game. Apparently their two teams had gone against each other and there was some disputes about who had actually won.

"The ref was a blind dumbass!" Pete, the pit bull, began arguing loudly a deep growl rumbling in his chest. Shirtless the dog was jabbing a finger at the chow chow on the other side of the bench. "Anyone could've seen that Willinsky was down!"

"Yeah, yeah. Keep bitching about it." Charlie, a chow chow, laughed grinning from ear to ear enjoying the other dogs torment. Simon wasn't sure if he was actually fat or fluffy. The dog was covered from head to toe in some of the thickest fur the cat had ever laid eyes on. It was like a dull sandy brown lion's mane that covered the dog's whole body. His shirt was poofing out in all angles from the fur tuck in underneath and would look comical if Simon wasn't trying not to wet himself. Around the chow chow's head was a very mane like circle his face seemingly sunken in because of it, puffed up and out due to the tight work shirt he wore.

"Simon." Pete barked loudly making the cat nearly spring up to the ceiling like in the old cartoons he used to watch as a kitten, clinging to it for deal life. His nails were out and he had painfully dug into his own arm startled by the dog suddenly calling him. "Was Willinsky down or not."

Simon managed to look at the dog just enough for the pit bull to slap his paws together and turn back towards the chow chow. "See!" He boomed loudly spittle actually hitting the other dogs face. "Even Simon agrees with me." Simon just winced as he watched in slow motion as the saliva hit the other dogs face. Disgusting.

"No fair." Charlie said wiping his cheek off not even paying it any mind. "Simon always agrees with you. His opinion is biased." Simon had actually never spoken two words in front of either of the two dogs, just keeping his head down and trying to go about his day in relative peace and saftey. It never lasted long however.

"Pard'n me kitty." A, very large, great Dane said trying to squeeze past the cat as he came out of the side bathroom. "Don' wan' tah' run yah' ov'r." The dog drolled clapping a paw on his shoulder making Simon, once more, grab his own arm painfully and stand a half foot taller. The great Dane literally moved the cat aside, swinging him open like a door in an old saloon and with that Duke moved past heading towards the back where he worked in stocking.

"Oh, hey Simon." Robbie popped his head back in. His mahogany brown jowls were drooling a bit from the smell of roasted pheasant on the other side of the store cooking. Robbie licked over his own broad black bumpy nose with his tongue. Simon could only fear however, not having the dogs keen sense of smell, that it was because of him that the dog was drooling hungrily so. "Mind giving me a lift home today?" Simon was just staring at those dripping jowls. "I got a ride in with Donald. He's got this thing with his sis though afterwards. Help a doggie out?" Robbie begged afterwards, lower lip quivering with large almond shaped, deep brown puppy dog eyes before laughing again. That barking sound that made the smaller cat jump. If he tried Simon was sure his own whole muzzle could fit inside that snout of the dog's.

Simon was about to say something or other but only managed to open his muzzle before the dog cut in. "Thanks man! I owe ya' one." And with that the broad head of the dog vanished back out into the store. And the cat just folded his ears glaring after him wanting nothing but to start hitting his forehead against the wall.

"You never give me a lift home," the chow chow pouted as he headed past the cat who was still trying to form some kind of logical reason he couldn't take the dog home. Simon jumped back to the present as the dog past literally jumping back several paces.

"Don't worry about it," Pete said with a wink moving past and out. "Charlie will get over it," the dog said trying to reassure him on something that hadn't even crossed the cats mind.

It was an odd thing really in the end. All the dogs seemed to favor him, this might've been due to the time he saved their asses when they were caught smoking in the stock room. And not the cigs Simon did either. The dog's always had that up beat, more than friendly nature that rubbed the cat the wrong way. Seeing as how every time one touched him Simon had to stop himself from clawing their eyes out.

Shivering again Simon shook himself off, wiping his long sleeves before holding himself and shivering once more. The cat licked the back of his hand quickly, grooming himself out of nervous habit several times. Brushing the side of his cheek and smoothing his whiskers out before moving on. His tail wouldn't stop wagging for the rest of the day, and unlike a dog it wasn't a good sign. Simon swear he was loosing years off his life from working here. The cat very well couldn't afford to switch jobs, again. And when he tried to talk to HR about switching his scheduled up he soon learned that the golden retriever that had bought him a coffee on the first day was in fact the HR rep.

Thankfully Simon worked in electronics of the large retail store in the far back corner and away from the other departments. However he knew very little about the technical aspect of the job and ended up referring most customers to his coworker, Henry.

The husky any other husky Simon had ever met. Way too happy for his own good. One of those people you end up just despising for their boundless energy and go lucky, upbeat nature. And Henry was no different.

Bouncing on the end of his toes as if he were a kangaroo the husky jumped over to greet him warmly. "Afternoon, Simon!" This was followed by another hug. Dog's were always such touchy feeling creatures, Simon could never fathom the need for it and wished he could say something about the matter instead of freezing up like a deer caught in headlights. His silence only encouraged this dog. "Hi. Hey. How's it going? How's your day? Good to see you." The dog soon followed up with trying any form of greeting he could manage before Simon returned the acknowledgement. Dog's could be so needy.

"Hi." Simon said in the begrudging tone he always used. Not to be rude or disrespectful but in hopes these canines would get the picture. They never did. His ears were back, eyes glaring daggers and tail tip flickering.

A smile formed on Henry's muzzle as his tail began to wag and eyes lit up making the cat feel guilty for thinking of him so poorly. A loveable bastard, literally as he didn't have a known father. Simon still always tried to keep a good arms length from the dog who, if allowed any closer, would feel the need for that physical contact. Touching, hugging, nudging and basically everything but holding the cat's hand.

Simon just adjusted the shoe he wore not saying anything more to that face as Henry practically skipped off towards the registered to help a rather disgruntled looking orange tabby. The shoes were plain like his pants. A dull dark gray. Underneath on the bottom was a design of a cat paw, pads and all. Though they were green rather than pink or like his own gray ones. It happened to be his favorite color though. Otherwise normal if with the exception of a larger end allowing his toes to breath. At least he wasn't unlucky enough to be a animal with unretractable claws.

Simon spent most the afternoon going about the usual. Stocking a few things, checking orders, helping customers, avoiding the canine workers that felt a strange need to contact and interact with him. Simon could see this was the case with all of them and each other as well and he was by no means special. It was rather obvious as to why someone would hire a canine over another species to work in retail. Every breed just had that helpful nature about them, even if a few of them in question would love nothing but to maul the face off of those annoying stupid costumers that always popped up once in a while.

"And another thing!" The old bat of a woman protested, shrieking as she cradled a child in one arm, rocking the other back and forth in his stroller and ignoring the screaming crying third child at her side. "The box said it was good until the Tenth. Well I tasted it on the Tenth and it was bad! I used it on my sandwich and it was terrible!"

Simon didn't want to point out that food wasn't even his aisle, let alone just how stupid she was or how she shouldn't legally be able to bring forth One child let alone Three into this already overcrowded world of theirs. When, for once he was thankful, the husky popped up just as he was about to slap the woman upside the head and tell her to get her tubes tied.

"Simon, it's your break. I can cover this." Henry beamed before turning towards her. "How can I help you?" And then she began all over again shrieking practically as she repeated herself. Nutella was too good for that woman.

The Siamese cat quickly snuck away before he could be pulled into another fiasco. He hated working in public service. Some people were literally too stupid to deal with. Or help.

Rolling a shoulder, with a grumble the cat popped into the break room glad to see it was empty. Taking his lunch out he took the farthest seat as he got his phone out, rolling it skillfully between his fingers before sitting back and kicking his feet up on the chair next to his own. A bit dismayed to see he hadn't gotten any messages or text the cat just began playing one of the games on it. A small mouse ran around on the screen and he had to grab at it. Not proud of it, the cat still enjoyed the game nonetheless. It had the red light and strings of yarn and mice that ran around. How could he possibly not enjoy it?

He quickly stashed the phone as one of his brown ears popped up hearing the sound of others coming in for their break. Simon quickly began focusing on his battered cod fish salad. It was a little strong on the vinaigrette and was pungent even to his own nose let alone the two canines who walked in. So of course they would notice and speak up about it as if Simon would honestly care about what they had to say about something they wouldn't have any of.

"Put the lid back on that thing, pew!" The pit bull waved a hand in from of his snout, scrunching up his brow and faking a few gagging sounds. Simon wondered if he doused himself in this stuff they would then leave him alone.

The rottweiler, of course, took the seat next to him pulling it out so his own feet fell off and tossing one of his bare paws up onto the table and eying what it was the cat was eating. His stomach grumbled despite the smell and the dog licked his chops. "Wha cha' got." The dog said friendly enough even if it had a bit of an undertone to it. A hungry one at that.

"Fish." Pete spoke up taking a seat across from the two and leaning over to get a look. "And salad. Bleh. Don't know how you eat that stuff."

Simon had a few choice words to reply to that but didn't find his voice to. So he just nodded trying to shrink in on himself and take up as little space as possible, hoping the dogs would go about their business. Or leave. Or he himself would just cease to exist. Any of the above would be acceptable at this point.

His ears were standing tall, tail stiff as a bone and pupils thin and catlike. His claws kept popping out and in. All signs that he was nervous, agitated and shouldn't be bothered like a corner animal. The other two either didn't notice or pay it any mind however.

"So how's it going with Sheila?" Robbie asked crossed the table still with a leg up on it and his eyes looking over every now and then to the cat's food stomach growling hungrily. The dog worked with the Akita in food service but never brought a lunch with him. Simon wasn't sure when he had taken off his shoes but the dog was bare foot and felt the need to kick his other leg up, resting back as he did so and now just staring at his meal.

"Eh, she keeps getting on me about the stupidest things. Do the dishes, put away the laundry, don't leave pizza out it'll attract ants." The pit bull mimicked in a very surprisingly female voice for a man his size and girth. "Blah, blah, blah! If she wasn't putting out twice a day I'd kick her out already." He added with a wink. "California King size bed man, it'll save even the worst relationships. Plenty of room to romp and just as much to sleep soundly without having to touch afterwards."

"How long has it been since she moved in?" Robbie asked lifting his shirt up a bit, popping his fly open and scratching his mahogany, reddish brown stomach. Simon was sure he had been flexing the whole time. Either way it was impressive. The cat felt rather meek and helpless in comparison.

"A week." Pete grunted back frowning now as he rested against the table, a little further and he could practically bump his nose against the rotties padded feet. Simon was the only one to seem to notice this however. These dog's didn't really understand the concept of personal space.

"What about you." Roddie asked nudging the cat's side. Simon's nails dug into the padded palm of his hand as he just grumbled a bit in reply. One of the rottweilers ears lifted up. "Come again?"

"That's what she said." Pete laughed crudely to himself as he began picking at the can of dog food he brought with him.

"N-nobody." Simon replied a bit louder clearing his throat and with a nervous shaking voice. After he spoke Simon mentally kicked himself realizing that if the two were to kill him now no one would even know about it. A very odd random fearful thought that always seemed to cross the cat's mind at least one time or another during the day.

"Why don't you two go out?" Pete pointed out making both of them choke on their own reply as they stammered.

"I c-can't!" Roddie insisted with no reason as to why as Simon just froze up once more whenever he was put on the spot as it were. It happened more than one would think. "I got thing and stuff and things to do!"

"Why not?" The pit bull frowned, scrunching up his brow and looking between the two as the gears in his head tried to move without getting anywhere. "You're both single. Gay. So why not?"

"W-who said I was g-gay?" Simon asked and got no reply. "I could pull off bi!" He insisted rather loudly which only furthered the flush filling his own ears. One of those things that weren't very secretive around dogs who could literally smell all the tell tale signs. Simon always felt that whole personal space violation when around the dogs even when they weren't touching him.

There was a silence that followed before Pete began once more. "So why don't you? Be a cute couple." The dog had offhandedly made the comment but the cats nerves were already on edge with the rottweiler so close as it was (practically trapping him in the corner), able to smell the dog's natural musk and feel the heat coming from his muscular body. Heart pounding in his chest as the walls seemed to close in around him. "Or just fuck each other?" Pete offered not even as a joke.

"With a dog?" Simon said louder than he meant too and another long awkward silence insured falling on the room like a wet blanket. "I got to go." Simon quickly said pushing himself up and moving past before the rottweiler could stop him. That cat could be quick when he needed. Simon still had easily Ten minutes plus to go before his break ended. He needed a smoke however it was literally the only thing that got him through his work days.

"Good job, dumb fuck." Roddie growled grabbing his coat from the hook and following after the cat who had gone out the back door into the back alley behind the Mega Mart. Roddie gave the confused pit bull a finger before jumping out back after him, propping an old milk carton they used to keep the door from closing.

The snow continued to fall from above the cement parking lot primarily used by the trucks and for the employee's to park at. The door behind the cat didn't have a handle and he'd have to go all the way around to get back in but didn't care, not even looking over his shoulder at the lack of the door meeting home and closing. The cool air was nice, refreshing from that stifling room and he was already slipping the Electronic cigarette into his mouth.

Pressing the button he took a slow long breath of the vapor before letting it go. Holding it in the Siamese cat closed his soft baby blue eyes and just savored it. Puffs off smoke escaped his black nose and out into the night air. He touched the metallic nose ring he had, one thing he was thankful for for working in this place. They didn't give a shit about how you look. So long as you wore the designated outfit and showed up on time. The fact he wore his bell or the music cat notes tattoo running down his left arm. It was a verse from his favorite sonnet. All of these things the managers could care less about. Show up even a minute late for work? You were out on your furry rear end.

Taking another breath his eyes opened up at the sound of heavy steps, crunching in the snow from where the break room door was. At first he figured it to be the night guard, seeing as how the sun was probably already set. This was more hopeful thinking than not. Simon hated the evening shift, at least Eddie the guard allowed him back here whenever he liked. But sure enough it was the rottweiler that came into view underneath the dimming back light of the store.

"Hey." Roddie waved making sure he was noticed before coming any closer. "Sorry about him." He jabbed a figure over his shoulder to illustrate who he was speaking of as it it weren't already blatantly obvious. Roddie did it more so unsure what else to do with his hands. "I know we pick on ya' sometimes," he cleared his throat a bit unsure of how to proceed never one for these kind of confrontations. "I mean a cat with a bunch of dogs?" He chuckled. "Sounds like a bad sitcom." His laugh was forced even to his own half folded ears.

"Look, I just need some space. K?" Simon voice was as rough as usual trying to sound as off putting, if not insulting, as possible. And cut the dog like ice feeling guilty over the whole matter as it was.

The dog took a timid step closer making the cats tail begin to sway quickly, those baby blues never leaving the dogs face even as Simon took another smoke.

"Sorry. Really." Roddie withdrew his step forward. The dog didn't turn to leave, just rubbing the back of his thick canine neck. "I'd understand," he spoke slowly not meeting eye contact as he shifted his cold feet on the ground wishing he had brought his shoes out. His bare feet were getting cold and the soles of his feet were getting dirty from only gods know what was back here. "If you don't want to give me a ride tonight." Roddie finished looking up at him with those large almond shaped, deep brown eyes like pools of mud.

Simon never took his eyes off him but his ears did relax and he could feel his claws retracting. "I never said that." He swallowed afterwards seeing the dog look up at him with his whole face now and that cold shiver run down his spine, his fingers and toes breaking out into a cold sweat as was normal whenever he was around the dog. Oddly enough only around this dog. He was also the only one he managed to form two sentences with.

Roddie smiled, stubby tail wagging madly even if he was trying his best to hold back. "Hey, thanks man." The dog stood there with that smile, wagging his stubby tail (something the cat always found amusing). "So," Roddie spoke up resting against the wall after a minute passed by in silence. He leaned against the wall, flexing again Simon was sure, as if trying to act cool. "What's the deal with the bell?" He pointed at the dull brass bell.

Simon raised an eyebrow at that.

"Not to be rude or nothin'!" Roddie quickly said waving his hands as if trying to put out a fire before it began. "A cat's curiosity is all!" The dog winced after he said that. "Sorry, I mean-," he stammered a bit looking as if he were the one sweating now.

"A childhood present is all." Simon answered still looking at the dog as if he had just began speaking in tongues.

"Cool! Cool. That'" Roddie mumbled a bit mentally punching himself for the stupid response. "I have something like that. This old tennis ball when I was a pup," once more Simon just looked at him as if he had gone mad. "It's all chewed up now and gross n' stuff but it's like...yeah..." Roddie trailed off unsure where he was even going with that. Trying to relate to the cat was difficult. The dog wasn't even sure what he liked or disliked. Or, really, anything about him.

As a dog this was a very unfamiliar territory. Dog's were always more than happy to tell each other everything in their daily lives. From what they liked or didn't, to who they were with or what they had done. Hell Robbie even knew what the pit bull had for dinner last night and the last time he let one rip. And the cat now before him? He didn't know heads or tails about him other than what he could smell from him. Which was a lot in and of itself, the rottie had to admit.

"Yeah...." Simon just took another slow drag before letting the vapor out.

"You don't got tah be nervous, you know." Roddie spoke up though it seemed to be rather forceful as if the dog had been wanting to say it for some time but being ever unable too. He swallowed loudly, clenching his hands into fists several times before beginning once more. "I mean sure Pete's a dumb ass and Charlie is a bit rough around the edges, Duke looks mean but is just a big softie and Donald...well Donald's an ass. You get used to that though."

Simon didn't answer still feeling the fur on the back of his neck on edge as those eyes looked at him, staring with an almost understand warmth and yet missing the whole picture to begin with. Sure they were nice and sweet now, the cat knew. But in a flash a dog can change like that. A saint one second and a hell hound the next.

The rottweiler's jowls hid most of his bottom jaw and every one of those 42 flesh ripping teeth. His head was big as it was and with such a broad neck and shoulders, almost twice his weight Simon was sure and have almost a foot on him? Intimidating was an understatement. Which was why he hated the fact he couldn't but find the dog, in his own way, arousing. A good looking guy was a good looking guy after all.

"I mean we know," Roddie winced again wishing he hadn't said we. "I know your nervous around us." The dog wasn't about to point out it was because he could smell it. Telling someone you were sniffing them usually got a poor reaction from other species. And the fact he was always sniffing the cat would probably be counter productive to trying to put him at ease. "And it's cool!" Robbie assured him not wanting to make him look like a freak because of it. "Most everyone nervous around big dogs like us," he tried to reason out logically. Roddie realized just how poorly he was doing this however. "But if you ever came to poker night, I'm sure-"

Simon cut in though unable but too. "Poker night with the guys?" The cat made sure not to say dogs but it was way too obvious for the feline what that scene would look like. It was like the start of a bad joke. A very bad joke in his case. It would be like walking into a tiger's den covered in lamb chops. Not a pretty sight, plus it'd mess with his fur.

"Well...yeah. You don't like poker?" Roddie asked folding his ears back, eyes going a bit wide and looking at him as if he had just been told they had run out of dog food.

"Oh no," Simon chuckled a bit suprised by his own voice and if only for a second he took his eyes off the dog taking another smoke, he could feel his pupils easing up back into more opal shapes. "I do. I do." The cat said looking back up. Simon smiled at the look that crossed the dog's face. It was as if they didn't even care that others knew how they felt, like wearing ones heart on their sleeves. Simon almost envied them for it. Almost.

A face that looked sad, depressed and heart broken one second was filled with life the next. Ears up, whiskers out, maw open panting softly with eyes shining in the dull light above, tail wagging none stop. Roddie's breath, like Simon's own, was visible in front of his muzzle as he panted. "Good! So you'll come over right?" Roddie swallowed before adding on. "Sometime I mean."

"Sometime. Maybe. Sure." Simon replied, folding his ears back and looking away as he took another smoke. It was a lie he knew but was sure the dog bought it. The cat always felt a bit bad for being able to trick a dog so easily. Like throwing a tennis ball without ever letting it go from your fingers. Both enjoying and feeling bad about it at the same time.

"Great," Roddie muzzle opened a bit more his drool covered teeth visible in the light as the end of that soggy red tongue stuck from the end of his muzzle curling at the end as he panted. Robbie slobbered, licking his chops before swallowing once more. Simon shivered as he watched the display. "I'll see you after work then!" The dog waved turning around and planning to head back in.

"Yeah." Simon muttered watching the dog closely.

In that tight black T-shirt with the red lettered logo on the front, in dark gray jeans and bare foot was the 6'5 rottie left the 5'8 cat behind to smoke a few more times before following him in.