Roommates 5: The Best Part of Waking Up

Story by pyrostinger on SoFurry

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#5 of Roommates

Author's note: Wait... I don't really have anything to put up here. Oh, uh, sorry for the delay, for those of you waiting with baited breath for the next installment. Life has reared its ugly head, and therefore prevents me from crapping these out daily.

Plus, I want 'em to be good.

Anyway, onto the story...

EDIT: Mostly mechanical, nothing major

Roommates 5: The Best Part of Waking Up, or Not a Coffee Guy.


I woke up, a light from above insisting me to awaken. That, and something pressing into my hip. Rolling slightly away from Sem, I stared up at the fluorescent lighting, it glaring down at me. I sighed, bowing to the inevitable, then rolled back to look at the peacefully sleeping Sem. Gently, my paw caressed his cheek and jaw line. He purred ever so slightly, moving into the caress and making me smile. I think... that's what drew me to him, sitting behind him and watching him. I could perceive his innocence. In a college like this, where sex was so commonplace, purity of any sort was hard to find...

However, that light was annoying the ever-living hell out of me, so I had to move away from him to shut it off. Reluctantly, I pulled away from his sleeping form, his tail twitching cutely. I didn't want to wake him yet, though. Rolling off the bed, I flicked off the light switch and looked at him in the light of the rising sun. His member was invitingly erect...

A smile arose on my face not unlike the sun, and I climbed on the bed... then on him, my head down by his legs. I did it carefully, not wanting to wake him without giving him a nice bit of "breakfast." Softly, I licked his member, looking back. An ear flickered, nothing more. Smiling to myself, I took his tip into my muzzle, licking lightly. A shiver ran up my spine as I felt him breath on my pussy. There was no other-- wait, a moan, soft, which descended into purring.

Gods, I wanted him. I wanted him in me again. I wanted him to cum in me, moaning in pleasure. I wanted to feel his gentle, if hesitant caresses. My body burned for his touch, damn him for sleeping! More of him disappeared into my muzzle as I licked and sucked, his tip hitting the back of my throat. A bit of him stubbornly remained out of my reach, so I pulled back, pawing him off as I heard him moan, still asleep. That's when I got my idea...

I licked a finger, then caressed Sem's tailhole with it, smearing my saliva over the spot. Wetting it again, I pressed in with it, slowly.


That had to be the most interesting way I've ever been woken up. I mean, I was getting pawed off, and pussy was literally in my face. The only downside would be something up my tailhole... I think Kiyara put a finger up there...

But, of course, I didn't know this, waking up. All I know was something very good was happening to my cock, involving a paw that was not my own, while something else was invading my tailhole, probing. I jerked awake, finding myself face-to... well, Kiyara's cunt, which dripped on me.

"Seeeem," she moaned, still pawing me off, the discomfort of my tailhole not lessening at all. "Sem, lick me, please..." Kiyara was very forward, something I found I liked. If I had a female version of myself in the bed... well, I seriously doubt we'd be in the bed. Again, I couldn't refuse Kiyara. So, going mostly on the great many porn movies I'd seen, I chanced a lick at her glistening snatch. She moaned, her muzzle around my member. I shivered. At the same time, the discomfort of my tailhole was joined by a sudden, abrupt pleasure. She was pressing against... somewhere, and damn, did it feel good. As I moaned involuntarily at this discovery, the anal discomfort (and pleasure) disappeared. So, also, did the sucking, the part I missed most. However, it did allow me to concentrate on what I was doing.

Yet another first for me, eating pussy. Initially, all I did was lick. Remembering something from a porn I had seen, I pressed my tongue into her, actually slipping in and bathing the already soaking walls. I got a sense of just how close taste and smell are connected, as each taste of her dribbling cunt exciting me more, my cock throbbing in her grasp.

The fact that Kiyara was now reduced to a trembling, panting, moaning mass was even more gratifying. I had caused that reaction. Even her digging her claws into my piece briefly was a direct cause of me nipping her inner flesh. Her fragrance was getting more intense by the second, it seemed, and it looked like I was going to make her cum, with only my tongue.

Abruptly, she seemed to remember about the cock that she had been squeezing and pawing off for a while and commenced sucking, her muzzle engulfing my tip as her paw shafted me. She also remembered my tailhole, only this time, the discomfort was quickly joined by the intense pleasure as she found... whatever it was up there faster.

I was done. My short muzzle pressed into her pussy as I tried to hold back, but that tailhole thing was the kicker. At around the same time, though, my tongue became slightly constricted, fluids flowing down it and into my mouth. I could feel her still around my tip, even as my seed spasmed out of me. Evidently, she wanted to swallow, as I felt very little drip back onto me. I... think I did fairly well, handling her orgasmic onslaught, though I felt some starting to pool around my head briefly before becoming soaked into the sheets. I shivered as whatever was happening down south abated. It had started to feel kinda good, though...

After a time where both of us lay panting, Kiyara rolled off me into a sitting position, leaning back on her arms and licking her chops. "How was breakfast?" she asked me, a slight smile on her face.

"Br--? Oh, right. Um... yeah, it was, uh, pretty good," I said, sitting up myself. "I, uh, don't normally get breakfast like that..."

She chuckled. "Maybe I should change that," she replied, leaning forward, then tossing a leg across my body. My heart beat quicker as she leaned close. "Also... you're a very messy eater..." Her tongue slipped out, licking my muzzle and whiskers where, apparently, some of her juices had accumulated. I tried to think up a witty rejoinder when her tongue moved across my lips, and then she was kissing me. Whatever response I had died a-borning as once more I melted to her subtle command. Then, her pussy was at my tip again. I don't know how she did it, but I was hard and ready again...

My ears perked as my pants audibly vibrated from somewhere on the floor. My cell was going off. Gods, who could be calling me now??


I had trouble focusing in the morning light. Groaning, I looked for the alarm clock. It was on my nightstand, as usual, but it had been pushed out of place, the face away from me. I felt a weight on my chest and body as I reached for the clock, turning it so I could look at the time. It was 10:18 AM. Memory trickled in at around then. I had been yiffing Ani last night, and I think I remember her saying "ow" at some point... but, now, she was resting on me. She slept peacefully, nuzzled into my neck, her body draped on mine. I smiled softly. She looked so precious like that, sleeping. I envied Icarus, but I know that I'd never move between them. They care too much about each other, and I care too much for them both to do that. Still, I wished one of those looks were for me...

Slowly, her eyes opened, then she yawned cutely. "G'morning, Iccy," she said sleepily.

Once again, she mistook me for her boyfriend. "S'not Iccy, Ani."

"Not?" she began, looking up at me. "Oh... sorry, Croy."

I chuckled. "Don't sweat it. You've only called me that about every single time we've yiffed."

"I know, I know," she said, curling her arms around me. "But I can't help it if you smell kinda like him. As a matter of fact, it's a good thing. I feel safe with you, just like I feel safe with Icarus."

I nodded, lightly scratching her back. It felt good, knowing I was in the same class as her boyfriend. I know for a fact that outside of him, Ani doesn't sleep around much. I guess she has to feel safe for that...

"You want somethin' to eat?" I asked her.

She shook her head. "I wanna cuddle s'more, so I can smell you s'more." She rubbed her body into me slightly, and I smiled.

"Sure," I said, rubbing the back of her head.


"Ignore it," I told him. I saw him about to protest, but I was much too impatient to even hear him, so I pushed down, reducing him to a shivering, yiffy blob of putty as he disappeared inside me. Even though I went slow, or, perhaps, because of that, a small moan pushed past my lips. I gripped what I could of his chest fur, finally sliding all the way down on him. Trembling, I wrapped my arms around him, rolling us over. This time, he would lead.

Thankfully, Sem quickly caught on. Another tremor trickled through my body as I felt him draw back, then push back in. My arms held onto him fiercely as he moved faster within me. My paws pressed into his back, and I cried out in ecstasy. Gods, he found my spot, and I held him tighter. Dimly, I could hear his phone go off again, but he was too far gone to notice. That turned me on so much more, and my eyes squeezed shut, my climax quickly onrushing. I could hear him panting, feel him tensing. "C'mon, Sem, cum in me, please..." I cooed. My world came crashing down around me as I came, eyes springing open as I saw him, teeth gritted, body tense, eyes tightly closed as he felt me squeeze him involuntarily. I was burning up until I felt his cooling shot of cream inside me, my legs curling around his waist and holding him to me, his lips fastening onto mine as our collective orgasm consumed us both...

For all his being a virgin up until last night, Sem knew in ways he couldn't have how to please me. His tongue sneaked into my mouth without my bidding, making the moment that much more... everything. Where had this panther been all my life, he that seemed so innocent yet could respond so well to my gentle lead? Feelings bubbled up inside me, expressing themselves in a caress of his cheek as the kiss broke, and we lay together, staring at each other, breathless in mutual pleasure.

The moment shattered as the trill of his cell phone cut across the room. I saw him wince, then smile at me in apology. I shook my head. "Don't be..." Reluctantly, he pulled out of me and answered the phone.


I was annoyed to no end that someone was calling me. I'm sure even my parents would've just left a message by now. Fishing it from my fallen slacks, I pulled it open, then answered it. "Hello?" I said, my irritation at the timing coming into my voice slightly.

"Sem?" came the voice at the other end. "Sem, where in the hell are you? I left a message on your box 45 minutes ago!"

The hell was Terry calling for? "I just woke up, Terry, why?"

"Why are you not at the library?" he exclaimed.

"Because I just woke up, Terry!" This was getting annoying, and I was letting him know it.

"Dude, you're leading the last study session for the Friday exam!"

"WHAT??" Oh, shit, I forgot that I was leading the study session! Dammit, that stupid party last--

I stopped in my self-depreciating tirade. If I hadn't have gone to the party last night... I looked over at Kiyara, and she gave me an encouraging smile, still very much naked. "Um, shit, okay, what time is it?" I said into the phone.

"Uh, it's 10:47 right now, so get down here as soon as possible. You're lucky the professor's late, too."

"What room?" I said, picking up the boxers I had on last night, not having enough time to find something clean. I put them on as Terry said "Room 302," after which I hung up, telling him I'd be there.

"Kiyara, I gotta go to a study session that I'm late for right now," I told her, and she nodded. "Shit," I continued, more to myself, "I gotta take a shower and--"

"Don't," she said.

I looked at her in confusion, halfway to taking off my boxers again. "Don't what?"

"Take a shower," she continued, getting off the bed and slipping her shirt over her head. "You'll save time."

That made sense, but... "But I smell--"

She put her paw on my mouth, silencing me. She looked into my eyes. "Don't worry about it, Sem. You'll be fine. Now, hurry up and get dressed, okay?"

I nodded, quickly pulling on the clothes that I wore last night and stuffing notebooks and books and pencils in my backpack. I was at my door when I felt Kiyara's paw on my arm. I looked back only to be greeted with her lips on mine again. "What time does it get out?" she asked softly, moving slightly away.

After a moment of getting over the kiss, I told her that it was two hours long. "So, like, anywhere from noon to one I'll be out. Why?"

"Meet me in the north cafeteria after you're done, okay? One of the tables by the big window."

Was she asking me out? I didn't know... I had much too much on my mind to sort that out right now. I nodded, then was off.