Life of Phil

Story by Zerink on SoFurry

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(This is just another attempt at a first person yiff story that I've probably failed on. Here it is, and for the legal stuff: Characters are not really copyrighted, but I did not take them from any other source other than my mind. You must be eighteen or older to read this, and of course, to even be on this website anyhow. If you're homophobic, press the back button, alt + left arrow, or click on the little "x" at the top right of this browser now. Thanks. Note: Grammarical errors were left in the story on purpose to create more of a conversational type of literacy. This may seem familiar, especially if you have read my other story, but it's just coincidence.)

Where do I start? Really, I don't know how it happened, but I guess I'll say what I remember. See, I'm a fox fur. Average height, average color, average whatever else. I was about fifteen and a half when it started, I suppose. Don't really remember that much, but I guess it's enough. Wasn't doing too great in school really. Don't know why. Used to be such a good kit, getting good grades, but something was on my mind that kept distracting me. Don't really know what it was, still don't know, but I got really lazy for no reason. Ah well, my grades at school aren't what I'm going to talk about. And I don't think it really had anything to do with school, either. Anyways, it did start at around fifteen and a half, I remember now. Really, I was at the gym, only because my parents wanted me to go... and that my teacher said I needed to go. Coach. Whatever. He said I needed to go. Don't remember the reason. So I was at the gym for the first day. Didn't know what to do, and since my parents had left me there and gone back home, I had to do something. Anyways, I was over at one of the machines, saying to myself, "What am I doing here?" I just really shook my head at the equipment and the weights on it. "This isn't me." Anyways, I just loaded a few weights onto the machine. It wasn't a bar, so I didn't really need a spotter. I sat down at the machine and glanced around. I was a bit intimidated at the furs around me. They all lifted weights that I couldn't dream of lifting at the moment. I just began to lift the weights, though I guess the actual weight was too much for me. Guess I really did need it. I lifted it about five times before I had to set it back. Another fox kept staring at me. I remember that at least. He looked kind of yiffy. Okay... really yiffy. He wore this mesh shirt thing with the same for pants. Guess it's more comfortable or something. Anyways, He kept staring over at me and I felt kind of embarrassed. I saw the weight he was lifting, which was about three times as much as I was. I just kind of rested on the machine. I closed my eyes for a while, then someone patted me on the shoulder. I opened my eyes and saw the same fox, still working on his machine. A wolf next to me patted my shoulder to wake me up and left. A few minutes later, I took a quick glance around and saw that the machines next to me were empty. It was the same thing, over and over, in rows, so it didn't matter. I closed my eyes and rested again. Anyways, I felt a pat again in about a minute. I opened my eyes again and saw that fox, except he was standing in front of me now. He looked kind of damp and was panting slightly, but then again, we were in a gym, so big surprise. Anyways, he said, "You're not going to sleep on that machine all day, are you?" I shrugged and closed my eyes again. I heard him climb onto the machine next to me and begin to do some reps. By the sound of the weights he was putting on it... well, I didn't really want to think about it. Immediately, I could smell him, though. His scent was strong. Guess he was here for a while. And didn't wear deodorant or something. Anyways, the scent itself was kind of turning me on, so I just concentrated on not getting hard right there. Gave me something to do at least. After he was finished, he asked, "So, you go here often?" I said, "No, not really. Parents and coach forced me. You?" He didn't respond immediately, but when he did, he said, "Yeah. Go here all the time. Anyways, I'm Ken. You?" I simply said, "Phil." He was silent for a minute, probably thinking. I kept my eyes shut. He said, "So how old are you? I'm sixteen." I said in response, "Fifteen and a half." He then said, "If you really need to... or are forced to get a workout, then you should go swim. Pool is right over there, and if you need a bathing suit, I think they've got a few extra shorts. Should be clean, since they clean them every day. I was about to head there anyways. I can show you." He pointed over to a hallway, which above it had a large sign that said "Pool". I looked over and knew immediately what he was trying to do. I didn't care. I took the bait. "Sure. Why not...." He had led me over to the pool. I grabbed one of the clean shorts and went over to the locker room. I put my clothes in there and put on the shorts. No one else was there... well, except for Ken, but he was on the other side of the lockers. I closed the locker and went over to the pool and shivered slightly from the air conditioning. I stepped into the pool and thanked the gods that it was heated. I closed my eyes again and kind of floated off in the pool. I heard a splash, but I didn't bother to see who it was. I kind of already knew. I could hear Ken swimming laps around me, but I didn't really feel like swimming. Floating in the warm water was just fine. I felt Ken brush up against me. I guess I was near the side or something, on his course. I didn't really care. More like "ah well, he can dodge me. More exercise." Suddenly, though, I was grabbed from behind and dragged into the water. I scrambled to get free and came up, gasping for air. I saw Ken come up and start laughing. I growled, then realized something was missing. Ken was holding my shorts. I looked down and was a bit... very embarrassed. He swam backwards and I just kept at the side of the pool, trying to hide myself with my tail, which seemed bigger than it should have been under the water. Almost like a fish. I called out, "Give me back my shorts!" He swam over and played with the shorts in front of me, just out of my reach. He said, smirking, "Just try and get them!" I swam over quickly and grabbed for my shorts, but missed. Ken swam back, laughing, and I tried to get them again. Every attempt failed, so I tried something that he wouldn't expect. I quickly grabbed his shorts and yanked them down, then swam away back to the side of the pool with the. Ken was just smiling. I looked at him and grinned, holding his shorts, as if it were revenge. Seemed he was counting on it. He swam over quicker than I could have imagined, almost like a dolphin and tackled me. I fell into the water, and I guess he wrestled with me. I tried to get free, but he just wanted to play. I managed to get back to the surface and take huge gulps of breath again, but was still behind me, holding my arms close to my sides with one of his arms, and grabbed his shorts with his other. One thought was going through my mind, though. He was strong.... Well, not only was he holding me with one arm, he was propelling us upwards with his legs. I wasn't helping at all. But... I guess I didn't mind the position I was in, really. He let go, though, and swam back after giving me a nip in the ear. It was oddly pleasurable, but anyways, he was holding both our shorts in his paws and swam to the side backwards, smiling. We were both naked now, though he was the only one that actually had clothing, he still hadn't put it back on. And even though I was hiding my sheath and balls with my tail, he wasn't mimicking it. I had full view of his sheath and balls, which floated there, as if in animation, though with the disturbance of the water, it was kind of distorted, but anyways, enough of the big words, huh? He had a fairly nice sheath... fairly big too. Bigger than average at least. He made no indication of noticing me take a quick glance. I did dart my eyes down, close them, then looked at him after opening them. Like a blink, but as if I had water in my eyes. With chlorine, that hurts. With my peripheral sight, I could still see his sheath and his balls. He smirked at me and said, "Embarrassed, huh? Don't be, it's not like it's something I've never seen before. Besides, you've probably noticed that I have one too." I blushed a little and moved my tail to its normal position: behind me. Ken grinned and rested on the side of the pool. He gave me a weird look, almost mischievous. He said, "If you still want your shorts, then come over and take them. Won't be easy though...." I had thought for a moment, and then swam forward as quickly as I could, hoping I could catch him off guard... but unfortunately, the quickest I could wasn't as quick as I'd hoped. He just dived and swam under me. I felt a brush against my balls and my sheath, and I was a bit surprised. Not disappointed, but surprised. Difference there. Anyways, when he resurfaced, I just tilted my head quizzically, as if it could provoke an explanation. Then I noticed that he no longer had the shorts. I looked and saw that they were quite far away from the pool. I didn't dare climb out and grab mine for the chance that Ken would actually get a clarified image of me nude. I just stayed in the water and made waves so that he couldn't really get a good image of me. I rubbed water from my eyes for a moment and heard a splashing sound. When I opened them, Ken was gone. I looked around, but didn't see him anywhere. Though, I did feel an unnatural current under me, but when I realized it was him, he was already behind me, holding me in the same hold as before, except for a different reason, I suppose. I didn't have his shorts, so it must have been. He nipped me in the ear again, then licked me. It felt oddly arousing, but I sustained myself. However, what happened next I didn't have the willpower for. I felt his paw move over my stomach, then downwards and he began to feel my sheath. I murred slightly, then he began to play with my balls. My cock began to grow in my sheath, which he pulled back and began to stroke me until I was fully hard. I could immediately imagine someone walking in and spotting us, but ah well. I blame it on my parents. And my coach. Anyways, when he was done playing with my cock, he moved his paw back to his own sheath, or at least that's what I thought. It was then I realized that he had a hard on too, but I wasn't really surprised. He was stroking his own cock to full hardness, then he went back to mine. He whispered in my ear, "I'm going to yiff you, is that okay?" He squeezed my cock a little teasingly and stroked it again. Unable to really use reason, since my thoughts were a bit flooded by my arousal, I just moaned a little and said, "Yeah...." He brushed my tail out of the way and pressed his cockhead against my tailhole. Seriously, I was a virgin at that point, so I don't think I was really ready for it. But I guess it was one of those "no turning back" kind of points. I just really hoped it wouldn't hurt too much. He stroked my cock a little before pushing slowly into me. Begin stretched open slowly did hurt, but I'm guessing it hurt less that being stretched out quickly. I gasped at it and whimpered slightly, though I didn't want to. I tried to be strong, but y'know, it's not like we use these muscles for much else besides using the restroom. Anyways, he kept pushing forward, cooing in my ear, saying, "It'll only for a few seconds," and "Good fox," even though he was a fox, and "Oh gods, you have such a nice ass...." Not sure if I should have took that as a compliment, but I did anyways. He was completely in me, and he was right, it didn't really hurt anymore. He pulled out slowly, and then pushed back in. It felt actually kind of good. And with him stroking my cock while he did it, it felt awesome. Every now and then I would involuntarily clench around his cock, but from the sounds of him moaning and humping in response, I guess he liked it. Eventually, though, he kind of snarled and growled and began to thrust into me hard. After being stretched out already, it wasn't bad. It felt kind of better than before, and that was saying something. With every thrust I could feel his cock brush up against my prostate gland, which helped make this all the more better. He bit the back of my neck as the scruff. I didn't feel all too much of it, but his teeth did manage to get to the skin. It stung a little, but not enough for me to really make it a point. His thrusting, though, came harder and quicker, as well as him stroking my cock. I was moaning the whole time, really. He whispered a few times in my ear in repetition, "Just a little longer, foxy...." I felt a slightly larger object coming in me now, though, so I guessed it was his knot. I didn't feet it before since he didn't thrust into me with it until now. It hurt a little, but not really that much. Finally he just thrust into me one last time, letting his knot completely go into me. I felt his cum spurting out of his cock into me as he emptied his balls. He humped me slightly through the orgasm. When he was done, he still moved his cock as much as he could, which wasn't much, back and forth, milking out the cum from his cock into me. He began to paw me off, moving back and forth in a steady rhythm. I was moaning a bit louder now, but not that loud. He could hear it, but I don't know his reaction to it. He moved his other paw from keeping my arms to my sides and I let them float up. His paw, however, went down to play with my balls a little, which made me moan a little more, and then squeeze my now forming knot a little. He whispered in my ear, "Cum for me, sweet fox. You've been so good...." I moaned and clenched his cock slightly, and he stroked me a little faster. He squeezed my knot every now and then, adding to the feeling. All of it paid off in a few minutes, though, when I began to hump his paw slightly, though his hips had to move with me. I moaned a little, though it was higher-pitched than before and the white substance came from my cock and just floated into the water Ah well. He milked my cock, stroking it while his other paw played with my balls slightly. Though thoughts of someone passing by or wanting to use the pool kept entering my mind, being tied with him wasn't bad. I enjoyed it at least. However, he got a little nervous and whispered in my ear, "This'll only hurt for a second." He pulled out quickly, and I felt a sharp pain quickly enough. It faded though, and soon it was near nonexistent. He turned me around in the water. I didn't see him though, so I guessed he was underwater again. I felt a warmth on my cock and I looked down to see what it was. I saw Ken. I was right, he was underwater. But... he took my cock in his mouth and began to such at it, licking at it with his tongue while it was in his muzzle. I moaned loudly, but he couldn't really hear it. After he was done with it, he emerged again and kissed me. He stuck his tongue in my mouth and I could taste chlorinated pool-water, but I didn't really mind. What I also tasted, however, was a little cum. After the whole ordeal, we swam around a little, burning the extra energy we had. After that we went to the showers and washed out the chlorinated water from our fur. My mind was racing from what had happened, really. After our clothes were on, we dried off as much as we could and walked back to the machines. I sat on a bench, and Ken sat next to me. I sighed and pretended to be out of breath and said, "Whew, what a workout!" Ken smirked and said, "Yeah, it was. You did well, good job." I blushed at that remark, but he changed the subject, which I was thankful for. "So where do you go to school?" I thought for a moment, then said, "The one down the street. Not far. You?" Ken smiled and said, "Same for me. Weird, never saw you around. But then again, I guess I don't know everyone, so ah well. May have seen you around, but never noticed. Who knows?" I kind of scratched behind my head sheepishly and said, "Well, I'm not really popular, y'know. Kind of like a loner." Truthfully, I was. I was a smart fur, no doubt, but I guess that would put me in the 'nerd' category, but even then so, I got not-so-great grades, so that didn't put me in a category. So I was a loner. I guess that's a category. Ah well. No matter. He responded, "Ah well. Don't worry about that. But I guess I have to ask before I feel too guilty, and this will only make me feel guiltier or a little less, but do you have a boyfriend or girlfriend or something?" I shook my head. "You?" He shook his head. "I haven't really found anyone I like all that much, well, until recently anyways. Even then so, don't know if he likes me back, so I'd rather not tell him directly." My heart kind of wobbled a little at that, on verge of falling and lifting, couldn't really tell between which. I was beginning to like Ken at that point, even after the whole pulling-off-shorts incident. Ken shrugged and said, "Think it would be wise to tell him directly?" I nodded and said, feeling slightly clever, "Yeah. The saying goes, 'true love is blind', so try to put it to the test and see if he feels the same about you. If you don't tell each other, then you'll never know." Ken nodded and said, "Good point. I'll tell him, I guess." Yeah! My wisdom was showing, making me appear to be more mature than I already was. Ken then looked at me and took a deep breath. Why? I don't know... well, I do now, but at that point I didn't know. He then said, "Ever since I first saw you, Phil, I've been attracted to you." At that point, I was lost for words. Some maturity. He continued, "So anyways, like you said, I should tell the fur that I like that I actually like him. So I'm telling you now, I like you, in more than an infatuation. Even since we were in the pool, it just felt right holding you in my arms." I gulped, and opened my muzzle, as if trying to find the right words to say. Well, trying to find any words to say would be more accurate. I managed to say, lamely, "Thanks...." He looked at me, then nuzzled me in the arm, whispering, "Seriously, I think it's a bit early, but I love you, Phil. You're the perfect mate I've been seeking...." I blushed a little, I think, when he said that. It was flattering, really, for someone from probably a popular group at school to say that to a loner. And by the looks of it, it seemed as if he could have had anyone else, so you get the point. I stuttered now when I spoke. "I... I don't k-know what to say." He smiled and put his arm around me, holding me close to him. I could feel his warmth, even though we were both damp and the air conditioner was full blast. He hugged me, putting his muzzle on my shoulder, and just held me in his arms. I put my arms around him cautiously, until finally I just hugged him back, putting my muzzle against his fur. He was right, so I thought at that point. It did feel right.... So that was the beginning of it. Ken introduced me to his friends later on, when we were back in school, and soon enough, we had become mates. It was perfect. My grades also began to go up. Guess loneliness got to me, but I'm still not sure that was it. Anyways, things were a bit dull to go on with. Though, if I ever wanted yiff... heh, I had it almost every day. It always felt as good as the first time, except without the pain. So... when is the next part? In three years, I suppose. That was a little after our graduation, I think. We were looking at a one bedroom apartment. Didn't want to spend all of our money on a living space and not be able to afford it. Luckily, we found one. I went to college near-by. Ken did so as well. It was great. We had a couple of the same classes, but anyways, our professions were going to be different. But hey, as long as we stuck together, I didn't mind. And it seemed we did. This was just a recap, anyways, so don't mind it. This actually happened in the two years after. Well... things began to fall apart later. Our relationship was just fine... but I guess I should say the real time that I'm telling this. This happened a few days ago, a little after three years from our graduation. We were walking in the street until Ken saw someone that he knew. He pressed me to keep walking and pretend not to notice the fur, but it didn't matter since the large, black panther could smell Ken. He turned around and called out, "Ken! Been a while!" Ken turned hesitantly, so I had to stop, naturally, and said, "Hey there... Derek. How've you been...?" Derek smiled and said, "Fine, fine... hey, who's your friend there?" Ken gulped and his eyes were darting around. He hesitated, then said, "Just a friend... name is Phil...." Derek narrowed his eyes after seeing Ken's reaction. I extended my paw and said, "Hello there, Derek." He shook my paw, but warily. He then looked at Ken and whispered something I couldn't really catch. The panther walked away, but something seemed wrong. When we were back home, Ken immediately hugged me and began to cry. I stroked his red fur and said, "What's wrong?" He had just looked at me with tear-filled eyes... the ones I remember so well, and said, almost in a sob, "I'm sorry, Phil. I love you so much... but...." He walked towards the door, backing away and said, "I'm so sorry... I have to leave now. Forget about me, alright? I want you to be happy...." I didn't understand at all. Where was he going? Why forget about him? Why all of a sudden? Before I could ask, he ran out of the door. I followed him without him really noticing. I didn't mean to stalk him or anything.... He went to a warehouse near the apartments and said, "Alright... I'm here Derek.... Just leave Phil alone, alright?" Derek shook his head and said, "You know I can't do that. Let's just hope he forgets about you, alright? Though, I'd never thought it would be you...." What I saw then was... well, I was lost for words again. Derek pulled out a gun and pointed it at Ken. Ken was crying openly right now, but just standing there. He didn't move. I tried to move, to hit the gun out of the way, or to shout and tell Ken to move away from the gun... but I couldn't. I was stuck. I was frozen. I closed my eyes and prayed to the gods that this would turn out alright. I kept my eyes and hoped. But.... I heard a loud bang and a thud on the floor. I opened my eyes, and immediately my eyes began to water. I cried but didn't sob when I saw his body on the floor, motionless except for the slight oozing of blood, but even that stopped within a second or two. Ken was dead. It flowed through my mind, going in circles, but it didn't want to believe it. I didn't want to believe it. He was truthfully everything that I wanted in life, and now he was gone. But looking at his body still kept telling my own mind, deceiving myself that maybe, by one small chance, he was still alive, even though the bullet hole in his forehead said otherwise. Derek put his gun away and began to walk towards the entrance. I was immediately filled with rage. At least that's what my conscious mind still had. My vision turned a bit red, and I ran and leapt on Derek. His gun fell out of the holster and slid across the floor, or at least that's what I heard. I didn't care. All I could think about was killing Derek... for Ken. He punched my face quickly, but I didn't feel it. I was numb all over. I felt stronger somehow, and... I bit Derek in the neck swiftly. This was the same panther I had shook hands with earlier. I tasted the blood, but yet again, my senses were numbed. It was so faint, even though it flooded into my mouth. I guess I hit an artery. I backed away and looked at him. Derek put his paws, clenched over his neck, trying to stop the bleeding, but it kept coming. I punched him in the chest a few times, as hard as I could until I was drained. There was a sickening crack, but I don't know if it were Derek's rib, or my paw. I didn't really care. After the whole ordeal, I heard sirens. I saw red and blue flashing lights. The police were here, I guess. Tears were pouring down my eyes and I managed to crawl my way back to Ken. I collapsed on the floor, with my paw on his chest, then I blacked out. I woke in a jail, looking at the fur that was keeping me in. It was the stereotypical view of the cop. Fat, but strong and held his equipment to him and was by-the-book. He said I could get a phone call, but other thoughts were going through my mind. As soon as he opened the cell door, I grabbed his gun and shot him. There were no other prisoners, but one other cop. I shot him immediately too. They were dead, and all I could think of at that moment was suicide. Why stay? Ken was my life, and now he was gone. What did I have left? That was a few hours ago. I've spent the past hour writing this suicide-note. I now sit in my cell. I write this in hopes that this will happen to no one else. These are my last words, as I now have the gun in my other paw. I can hear it click as I cock it, and now... I guess this is good bye. For Identification purposes, my name is... was Phil. My last name is gone now. It died with Ken. If there's an afterlife, I doubt I'll see him wherever I'm going. I'm am the fox of average height with a wound in the head. [There are scrawls on the paper below the description, but blood covers it and makes it illegible.]