Differentials: Part 8 - Rewards (Yiffy Version)

Story by Verlak on SoFurry

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#9 of Differentials

Hello again, this is the 'yiffy' version of part eight of my story series, Differentials. There is really no difference in the actual story between the two parts, only the fact that the clean version has no sex in it whereas this one does.

Notices over, time to start :3 -


The two foxes sat there together, wondering what to do. Liz hadn't said how long they would take, but the fox assumed it would be at least an hour before they came back. He considered going to sleep, and decided that it would probably be the most reasonable thing to do, unless the vixen decided otherwise.

He started to relax his body, although the vixen didn't seem to want him to.

"Come on little kit, don't you want to play?"

As she talked, she ran a clawed finger along the fox's cheek, speaking in a honeyed voice, dripping with seduction. Looks like the fox would have to play along with her and hope she didn't decide to go further. The fox had previously acknowledged that she could easily manipulate him into doing what she wanted, and just begged in his mind for her to stop soon. Unfortunately for him, the vixen wasn't thinking of stopping with her games until she'd gotten all she could get from him.

"I've got a very fun game, made especially for you."

As the vixen said that, a grin spread across her face. The fox noticed the malicious glint in her eye, and with that the fact that she was topless. He looked down at himself and noticed that he too had no shirt on, suddenly remembering that they must have only put on their shorts after drying themselves.

The fox looked at himself for a few more seconds, wondering how he didn't notice such a detail, but soon turned his gaze towards the vixen's bare chest. Her large breasts certainly weren't lacking in size, the full, white orbs suspended perfectly, looking very touchable, especially with the current circumstances.

The fox looked up at the vixen's face, noticing that she had seen him looking at her breasts. The fox felt himself grow a little embarrassed, although the vixen didn't seem to care about staring at his body.

"Enough looking, let's start!"

As she said that, she jumped over onto the fox's lap, facing towards him. She pressed her head forwards, the fox being forced to accept her kiss. The vixen pushed their mouths closer, using her tongue to explore as she pleased, breaking through any of the feeble attempts the fox's own tongue made to stop it.

Eventually the fox was forced to give up his fight. Maybe, the fox thought, he could at least make this enjoyable for himself. He stopped resisting and returned the vixen's kiss, taking her by surprise for a short moment before she made the most of his decision. The vixen explored the fox's bare chest with her hands while savouring the taste of her partner's mouth. He wasn't too bad for a first-timer, she thought as the fox became absorbed in her kissing and touching.

His chest was well muscled, and despite having been kept in an enclosed environment for the past month, his Reklan DNA had kept his body fit and strong as it was designed to do. He could have stayed immobile while eating twice of what he normally ate for a year and he would still be as well-built as he was now with no sign of excess weight at all, although there was a limit to what it could do.

The fox felt the furred hands on his chest and returned the gesture, running his hands through the soft fur on the female's back before working his way round to her front, slowly fondling her breasts and squeezing her nipples when he reached them. A short gasp escaped from the vixen, followed by an arousing 'murr' as she savoured his contact.

She decided to take it to the next level, slowly working her hands down the fox's body to his sheath, his pink member already partially emerged from its shelter. She slowly began to stroke the area, the fox moaning through their connected mouths. The fox was getting closer, thought the vixen. Only a few more steps and they could start to have some real fun.

She slid of the fox's lap, breaking their kiss, and knelt on the floor. She took her hand away from the fox's now erect cock, much to his disappointment. However, she moved her muzzle towards it, using her tongue to play with the tip of his member, making him murr as he tensed in his seat.

Slowly she brought her whole mouth around his erect flesh. She had a bit of difficulty getting all seven inches into her mouth - the geneticists definitely hadn't skimped when it came to the size of male Reklan's cocks. She couldn't say she'd had much practice either. She had only done what she was doing now when she desperately wanted something from the male she was flirting with, however with the fox she didn't want anything except his feelings. She loved him.

The vixen slowly began sliding her head back and forth, using her tongue to work the underside of the fox's member, keeping her sharp teeth out of the way as she was taught to do by one of the many females in her previous home. She soon felt the fox's knot form, his body tensing up as he prepared himself for what was going to happen.

The fox felt a wave of pleasure rush over him as he released himself into the vixen's mouth, spurts of cum shooting into her waiting maw, the vixen swallowing it all. The fox hoped that this meant the vixen could finally be finished, although it seemed the vixen wanted to continue, much to the fox's secret excitement.

She got up, beginning to pull down her shorts before the fox interrupted her, doing the job himself, prolonging every moment his hands had contact with her thighs, stroking the area near her opening, but always coming just short of what she wanted. The fox was playing with the vixen at her own game, teasing the vixen until she grew impatient and threw herself onto the fox's lap, his member resting against her stomach.

She lifted herself up and slowly brought herself down onto the fox. A rush of pleasure affected them both, the intimate contact sparking triggers in their mind. She lifted herself up again, nearly clearing the fox before plunging down again, causing them both to murr simultaneously. The vixen set up a slow pace, coaxing all possible pleasure from the moment before both their primal instincts took over.

The fox started to pump rapidly into the vixen's tight tunnel, the silken, pink folds contracting with his movements. The female came down to meet him halfway durng his thrusts while sharp, repetitive yiffs broke out from the fox, not trying to hide the experience he was having. Quickly they worked themselves up into a mutual climax, both of them struggling not to howl out in pleasure as orgasm struck their body.

The vixen fell onto the fox, embracing him in a hug, whispering 'I love you' to him. The fox responded with a gentle lick on the cheek, returning the feelings the vixen felt for the fox. The fox enjoyed being inside of the vixen, being connected with her in the most personal of ways, but he realised that he wouldn't be able to stay like this forever, and even with how kind Liz and Dan were, he wasn't sure how well they would take to finding out their slaves had just had sex in their living room.

The fox lifted the vixen up and off of him, cleaning up his privates before returning his shorts to their original place. The vixen had soon cleaned up as well, laying down with her head resting on his lap, the fox soon falling into a stroking motion with his hand, the vixen's murrs encouraging him to continue. If only they could stay like this forever, he thought. They soon fell asleep, comforted by the warmth of each others' body.


It was almost twelve when Liz and Dan came back from the store, having purchased the new bed for the two foxes. They hadn't paid for an expensive one, but neither did they get the cheapest bed they could find. They came into the living room to find the sight of the fox sitting back in the sofa with the vixen laying with her head on his lap.

It was a cute sight, and Liz didn't bother to disturb it as she sat down, thinking about what she would say to them when she woke them up from their nap. She had a plan thought out that would hopefully encourage the two to work hard, and discourage the vixen from detracting from the fox's productivity, although she was sure the cunning female would find a way to sneak around it, most likely to the male's expense.

She eventually worked out what she was going to say, and tapped the two foxes on the shoulder, gently at first but growing stronger until their eyes opened.

"Wakey, wakey!", said Liz.

The fox slowly opened his eyes, the vixen's head shifting on his lap as she turned to regard the person who had disturbed her nap. The fox hoped he wouldn't get told off for going to sleep, since whenever it had happened in his old home it certainly didn't receive any praise.

"Have a nice nap?", asked Liz.

The fox nodded his head groggily as he saw the woman sit down on the sofa next to where Dan was already sitting, waiting for the two foxes to fully waken before talking again.

"Well, I have some good news and some bad news. Which one do you want to hear first?"

"The good news", piped the vixen, as bubbly as ever plus some more because of the recent nap.

"The good news is that we have bought you a bed", said Liz.

"And the bad news?", asked the fox.

"The bad news is that the bed won't be arriving till tomorrow, but that brings us to another bit of good news, which is that you will be staying in the guest room for tonight."

The fox was happy. If any other human had said that he didn't have a bed, they would most likely have made him sleep on the floor, not in their guest room. The vixen also seemed to enjoy the idea, the part of her tail that wasn't trapped between her body and the sofa swishing slowly in happiness. dan then decided to make a comment.

"If you think that's good enough, wait till you hear what else we've got planned for you."

"Yes, that's right", said Liz. "We've decided that for your hard work, you deserve a reward."

The fox stared in disbelief. Never before had he been given a reward for his good work, only being punished for the bad work he had done. The fox wondered what kind of reward it could be, even a kind word would be brilliant for him.

"You two managed to clean your bedroom three times quicker than I could have ever done it by myself. For that, we're going to give you some money. Voss, you can have ten credits. Fionn, you're only getting five."


The vixen questioned Liz as if she were the child caught taking the cookies, asking the mother why she was being told off.

"Because you were the reason that little event happened earlier on, am I correct?"

By now the vixen's face was a picture of disbelief. She had never been encountered by someone who didn't fall for her innocent play before, her attitude perfectly reflecting that of the child who was now hiding the cookies behind their back, asking how the mother knew they had them.


"But what? Maybe if you start to behave more maturely, you can get the same as Voss, but not until then. Do you understand?"


The vixen was the pure embodiment of disappointment as she realised that Liz was much too smart to fall for her tricks, and wasn't going to fall for them any time in the future, either.

However on the other side of the spectrum, the fox was ecstatic. He had never been given a compliment, let alone a reward. And hopefully the vixen would behave a bit more, although the fox was sure he wouldn't mind if she played with him a little bit. The fox heard Liz continue on.

"You can use that money on whatever you want. You can buy some little treats with it right now, or you can save up for something bigger like some furniture to put in your room."

The fox marvelled at the thought of him having his own money that he could spend as he pleased. He resolved to save up for something big and exciting, not spending it all immediately on small things which wouldn't last long. He wasn't sure how the vixen would spend her money, but he hoped that she would save up with him so they could cut the time it would take to get something big.

"While we were out we also bought you some clothes. They're plain but we can't exactly having you go round showing off fancy clothes when you're meant to be slaves."

Liz picked up a bag, presenting the contents to the two foxes. Inside the bag was a collection of t-shirts and shorts, either white, dark blue or black. He had never owned clothes before, his previous owner not seeing the need for him to wear clothes as he worked outside, away from the house and any visitors.


Dan enjoyed seeing the foxes' marvelled faces as they were presented by thing after thing by Liz. They had splashed out quite a bit on the two, and although many people spent the bare minimum on their slaves, making the two foxes feel better made him feel good as well. He was sure they could have spent more on the two, his high-paying job as an accountant for a high-up business paying well for what was a relatively simple job once you knew everything about it.

However the only thing stopping him from spending more was what people would think when they found out he and Liz were treating their slaves more like kids. He was sure there would be no end to the grief if that happened. That also reminded him that he would have to get someone else to lend their slave to give the two foxes a tour of the town do they could do jobs outside the house as well as in it.

He was sure the two would cope just fine, but outside they would be re-exposed to all the discrimination placed upon the Reklan. People from other towns had said that the town he lived in was more hateful of the Reklan than the one they lived in, and it wasn't uncommon to hear of a slave who had been punished for looking at human in the wrong way, sometimes the Reklan being killed if the human was in a bad mood or wanted to push for the slave's death. It never took much effort to have a Reklan 'punished'.

The vixen would most likely cause some trouble, and although he was sure she would be able to avoid punishment with her manipulative nature, she may end up doing so at the fox's expense, leaving him to take the blame for things that she did. Dan just hoped that Liz's plans to rein in the vixen would work to their benefit.