The gift of a fox

Story by Tarzimon on SoFurry

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Still recovering from the summer's activities, Scottie and Alex are stepping around each other, still figuring out where they stand with each other during the holiday season. However, the pre-christmas house party should help the duo figure things out.

A little christmas special, continuing from "Party of 5"

The holidays were coming soon and towns were packed with shoppers, the amorphous groups of people hustling and bustling to get last minute deals on a wide variety of Christmas presents. Among the group were a slender fox boy and his muscular black and grey wolf friend. Whilst the two of them weren't in a rush for any presents - they were good at finding decent surprises - the two canids thought it best to hang out pre-holidays, as well as get a little extra presents for their intended recipients.

"So, what you get Ryan for Christmas, anyway?" Alex the fox asked Sam, the wolf.

"You know how he is" the wolf said, grin forming across his muzzle. "He's been on this sort of 'fuck gender binary' kick or whatever, so I'm just gonna try and find some jewellery for him."

"You think he'll appreciate the lingerie?"

The wolf's lips spread into a naughty grin, Sam responding, "if he doesn't, I'd hope he'd give me a Christmas show."

"Of course, big perv!" The fox replied gleefully.

The two boys head into a nearby coffee house to take a break from the shopping rush and to warm up from the cold, snowless weather outside. Wading through the tedious cue to get themselves a hot drink - large vanilla latte for the fox, a cappuccino for the wolf - sit inside by a window for a while.

"So" the wolf starts, "how's life post-dropout?"

The young fox had dropped out of university before the new school year enrolled in October, allowing himself more time for personal time and maybe a decent job. Although the fox did enjoy going to his classes and hanging out with classmates, a number of things got in his way - mainly the one professor he had a one-time fling with (and wouldn't give up trying to bag another).

"Its pretty good" the fox replies. "I've still not got a job, but they're opening a bookstore near my house, so I'll hopefully I can get a bit of work there."

"That's not too bad." The wolf takes a long, deep gulp of his cappuccino, seemingly impervious to the scolding hot liquid burning his tongue. The wolf savoured the warmth of the cup, took a deep breath and asked, "You think you'll work there with Scottie or something?"

"Um yeah, maybe" Alex responded deadpan. The topic of Scottie and Alex was a somewhat sensitive one as of late, primarily because of what happened in the summer. Whilst Alex wouldn't describe as the traditional blossoming of romance - in a drunken night with three other men - the fox felt a connection with the lizard boy, especially the morning after.

"So, you still haven't talked with him about it?" Sam asked.

"Mate, I haven't got a clue what you're on about."

"Come on" the wolf asserted, "you phoned me up at three A.M. two days afterwards and kept me awake for about three hours. Ryan wasn't happy about and neither was I!"

"Okay, okay" the wolf responded sheepishly, "I haven't talked with him about what happened, but I figure now might not be the best time to bring it up."

"Oh come on" the wolf sighed, "you couldn't ask for a better time! You could confess your love for him, then passionately snog like in Bridget Jones or something!"

That got a laugh from Alex, who giggled, "in this situation am I Darcy or Bridget?"

"Depends," the wolf retorted, "who looks better in granny panties?"

"I 'unno, I've been doing squats lately" the fox laughed. "But seriously, I wouldn't say I'm in love with him, but we can't just call this friendship anymore."

"Why not? There are plenty of people who do friends with benefits."

"Yeah, but that doesn't sound right either."

The wolf drank another gulp of his cappuccino, swallowing and replying, "Well whatever you want to call it, you better see if he's on bored with it."

"Yeah, okay." The fox drank a big gulp of his latte, breathing to ask the wolf "so, you and Ryan still coming around tonight?"

"Yeah man" the wolf said. "wouldn't miss it for the world! You can't go back home, we're gonna make this the best pre-crimbo house party!"

The two boys finished with their coffees and continued shopping for extra presents for their friends, Alex putting much more thought into his gift than before.

. . . .

Scottie was just wrapping up the final stages of his preparation for tonight's house party - he and Alex had gotten all the booze prepared for themselves; he had quickly gotten a shower to wash off the fatigue from the day's earlier activities; and most importantly, he had hidden away a bucket for Alex and himself, just in case they drink a little bit too much and wretch themselves to death.

Tonight's definitely gonna be a good night the reptile thought, fixing his long, black hair in his bedroom mirror. Nothing's gonna go wrong at this party.

But he couldn't avoid it - that was a complete lie. What was thinking of could definitely go wrong, and would do so in dramatic style.

He always thought himself more level headed than too sleep with a friend - turns out that was a lie too. He didn't want to talk about it with him, but he knew the fox thought the same. He wanted to talk about that night, talk about that connection they felt, but any time after that night didn't feel like the right time, and the situation seemed to eventually be brushed under the carpet, never too be seen or heard of again.

He wanted something more serious with the fox - he was older than Alex by about 2 years, but he knew the fox was more level headed than him. Surely he'd be dealing with an issue like this better than himself, right?

Every once in a while the lizard boy can't help but think of Alex romantically, erotically. It was almost constant...

Just as those thoughts neared to flooding his head, he heard the front door open up, signalling the return of his fox roommate.

"Hey Scottie!" the perky fox's voice carried its way up the stairs, lightening the lizard's mood.

"Hey!" Scottie yelled back down, a smile forming across his face. "How was town?"

"Absolutely packed!" the fox yelled in reply. "I'm just gonna get a quick shower, you need the bathroom?"

"No go ahead!" the reptile replied. He heard the fox head into the bathroom and a few seconds later he heard the water running. He was feeling a little better about the situation, but he was only just able to keep his mind from going places.

I could go in there the reptile thought to himself, biting his lip. Last time we were in a shower together was what started it, what a better way to end it?

He could envision it now. The nice, warm water caressing the fox's orange fur, every inch christened by the warm stream from above. He could envision the fox's lithe form being exposed and accentuated by the water, water running down his neck, caressing his chest and running down his stomach...

And just like that the lizard chastised himself to stop with the fantasies and keep himself pre-occupied. He just needed to get a few of the finishing touches done, maybe goof-off a little.

Luckily, the vanity of his roommate was enough for him to help him get over any hot-and-bothered feelings. The lengthy process, the tricky issue of getting fur dried and styled, and surprisingly a few pre-drinks, were helping the lizard forget about the images of the fox in his head.

Until he walked into the front room, freshly styled and dressed, in a flattering tank top.

"You starting the drinks too?" the fox asked his lizard friend, sitting next to him with a can of lager. "So, you ready for the get together?"

"Yeah mate, deffo" the lizard replied, taking a large gulp from his can. "I haven't been to a decent party since the summer!"

"Yeah, yeah, that was a good one" the fox remembered, a hint of distance cropping up in his voice. "I think I know the highlight from that night." "Yeah, that was pretty cool" the lizard reminisced. "I think they highlight was the day after when that bat girl walked in on the three guys passed out in the room!"

"Oh man" the fox laughed, "that was gold! We could not have gotten out of there quick enough!"

"Yeah mate" the reptile replied. "But there is one thing I think we should talk about."

"Oh yeah" the fox replied, his voice becoming cold at the reminder. The room suddenly filled with an awkward air, the seconds passing like minutes in silence between the boys. It wasn't until the doorbell rung that the room seemed to come back into motion, Alex jumping up from the sofa to greet the first guest, a perky bunny girl with two crates of alcopops and a bottle of bargain bin wine.

. . . .

As guests gradually arrived to the pair's house the atmosphere became more and more joyful, the crowd at the party dividing themselves up into exclusive yet fluid groups - the majority of people were in the front room sitting on the sofa, drinking and playing games with anything from the games console located under the TV to a pointless challenge of keeping a balloon off the ground; others were gathered in the kitchen chatting with friends and making friends with people they had met; then there were the few who were either aimlessly wandering, only going to the kitchen for another drink, or the small hoard of people who had planted themselves at varying heights on the steps.

Among these aimless few was Scottie. He had settled for hanging around in the kitchen with a few of his friends - CeCe, a hyena girl purple highlights in her headfur, three piercings in her left ear and a ring through her left nostril; and Connor, a taller-than-average muscular crocodile with a bare head, standing out in the crowd due to his all-black outfit and pair of knee-high punk boots.

" then this bitch just gets in my face, screaming 'you fuckin' startin' now, eh? Are ya?! ARE YA?!?' so I just fucking launched headfirst for her and tackled her to the floor!" The hyena said, telling the boys the story of how this cheetah girl was fighting her for a taxi on a night out.

"I bet you got her good" Scottie replied to her, taking a gulp from his lager, the growing number of cans getting him somewhat tipsy.

"No kidding" the crocodile added in his deep, gruff voice. "She should have known better than getting in ya' way! You're a fuckin' one man army!"

"Ya damn right!" CeCe laughed, opening her third bottle of cider.

As the conversation kept flowing between the hyena and crocodile, Scottie took that moment to zone out, finding his eyes gravitated towards the front room. From the kitchen he could see the crowd of people, more specifically his vulpine whom had stumbled into view. The fox and Bernice, his blonde rabbit friend, had found themselves standing underneath a piece of mistletoe, which was taped, to the ceiling; the crowd around them started to chant "snog! Snog! Snog!" to which the duo caved, Alex landing a get peck on the rabbit girls lips, pulling away quickly and laughing. Although he knew better, the lizard boy was still incredibly envious of the bunny's opportunity.

"hey, Scottie" the crocodile boomed at him, bringing him back to reality. "What's up?"

"Yeah" CeCe added, "you don't seem yourself right now."

"Actually, its kind of been that way a while" the crocodile added.

"Yeah..." the lizard responded, trailing off in distraction. The duo standing either side of him followed his gaze to find the fox in the other room, rambling around with a group of furs in the living room.

"Is this about your roommate or something?" the croc queried.

"Of course it is!" the Hyena informed the croc. "Is this related to that gangbang you two were in?"

"Oh, you have such a way with words" Scottie responded, words slurred somewhat. "You could right a Greek tragedy!"

"Alright, a little blunt I know" the Hyena said, "but I still think it's a pretty big accomplishment. I haven't fucked fives guys!"

"In a row" Connor retorted, punctuating with a snorted laugh.

"At least I can get a girl, pit stains!"

"I'm sorry, I thought we were talking about my problems?" the lizard interrupted, grin forming across his face.

"What problem?" CeCe said. "The way I see it, you've won already - you don't have any big issues right now, and you got to get a piece."

"Yeah, but I want to know how he feels. I know I'm usually a cold, cheap lay, but this feels different!"

"Maybe its cos you share a house with the guy?"

"So what, fucking move out?" the lizard laughed, half-amused and half-bitter.

"Okay, forget that. How about we try this - you go around and act all flirty with a few guys and girls here tonight, see if that gets him to notice you."

"You think its that easy?" the lizard queried.

"I know you are" the crocodile laughed. "But yeah try that - it's better than anything I could suggest."

It took a while for Scottie to come around to the plan - surprising, considering the type of life he usually leads, sans the past couple of months. However, as the night went on the lizard made his way around the crowd, find a few people to chat up, some of them even going along with his flirting, but it never went past a few words and suggestive glances. Eventually the lizard boy gave up and drank himself into a right state, eventually finding himself lying on the sofa in the front room, trying to drink and failing due to his inability to navigate himself.

However, part of his plan did work - He gained the attention of his fox roommate. Alex had seen Scottie going around the party with a bunch of people, not thinking much of it; he simply shrugged it off as his friend getting back into the swing of things. When the lizard stopped with his attempt to get with others was when Alex couldn't help but worry over him - especially since he saw some of the guys from earlier on looking at the inebriated lizard as though he was an easy catch.

Sensing the necessity to jump in, Alex cautiously approached Scottie, nudging him back into a clearer state of consciousness.

"Hey Scottie" the fox said, himself somewhat intoxicated, but in a clearer state of mind than his friend. "Wanna go up to bed now, mate?"

"Yeah, sssssssure" the lizard responded, his words slurring heavily.

"Okay then" the fox said, grabbing his hand. "On the count of three - one, two" he paused, lugging him up by his hand and supporting the lizard on his shoulder, "three." The fox had difficulty getting the lizard out of the front room and up the stairs, made difficult by the wasted people who had decided they were going to spend the night. After a struggle up the stairs, the boys made their way to Scottie's bedroom, which still handled been invaded by party-goers.

"Ttttthanks, Alex" the lizard said, laughing drunkenly.

"No problem" Alex replied, returning with an awkward laugh. Before the fox had left the lizard to his own devices, Scottie put one hand to his friend's neck, pulled him close to him and started kissing him passionately, his tongue forcing its way into his mouth. Locked into the kiss, the fox and the lizard both fell onto his bed, Scottie on top of Alex.

Alex eventually managed to get the lizard pried away from him and gasped "mate, what are you doing?"

"I knew it would work" the lizard said.

"What would work?"

"My plan" Scottie said, hiccup-ing mid-sentence. "CeCe and Connor said I should mess around and you'd notice, and it worked!"

"They what?!"

"That's important right now," the lizard said, giggling, "now you're mine." The lizard continued kissing down the fox's body, starting from his neck, moving down his stomach until he reached the fox's trousers...

...and in that second, he launched straight for the bathroom, the sound of the lizard vomiting filling the hall. The rest of the night was spent over the toilet bowl, Alex holding his friends long black hair so it would get caught in the crossfire.

. . . .

The next day Alex awoke ridiculously early, his head somewhat foggy from the night before. He decided to get up and make himself a cup of tea, just the thing to help him get back to normal. A few minutes later, the fox's ears flinched to a sound coming from upstairs - he went to check on Scottie, slouching his way into the bathroom, groaning like the living dead.

"So, how's your head?" Alex asked the poor lizard, clearly suffering from last night.

"Don't even talk to me" the lizard responded, splashing his face with cold water.

"Want a cup of tea?"

"And eggs" the lizard said. "And maybe some bacon?"

The two lads sat down in the front room, munching through their hangover cure as best they can, taking in the silence of their empty house. The two boys looked over at each other every once in a while, sharing a rather subtle look of knowing.

When they had both finished, Scottie stood up, stretched out his weak body and declared, "I can't function right now - I'm going back to bed."

The lizard made his way up the stairs, and in a matter of moments the fox was right behind, reaching his bedroom and shutting the door, asking, "do you remember last night?"

Scottie turned around, wide-eyed at his friend's question. "Oh god" Scottie replied, "we didn't do anything did we?"

"No" Alex replied, "but I want to!" He pushed Scottie onto his bed and climbed on top of his, gently kissing the boy. He pulled away from the kiss as quickly as he initiated it, pulling of the lizard's shirt, exposing his lean, slender body, shot stomach portrayed around with body scales. Alex went down his friend's body, first kissing the nape of his neck, all down his chest and stomach, and in a mirror image of last night, started undoing the reptile's trousers.

"I think we can avoid being sick this time, right?" the fox joked.

"I don't know" lizard joked, "I'm just worried you can't work down there."

"I've got a good idea" the fox said, pulling Scottie's trousers and underwear down, revealing the lizard's pussy. Alex moved in closer to Scottie's cunt, kissing the area just above and then kissing his clit, which was rewarded with a shuddered moan from above. The fox went to work right away, spreading the lizard's lips open and kissing the centre of his friend's vag, using his tongue to explore. He paid most of his attention on the labia and the clit, sucking on his fingers and pushing them slowly in and out of the lizard's opening.

"When did you get so good at this?" the lizard commented, panting heavy.

"I knew I'd be needing it" the fox commented, getting back to work on the lizard's pleasure. The fox was passionately kissing the lizard's pussy, inserting a second finger into the lizard, followed by a third, by this time the lizard was grabbing onto the pillows, not having attention paid to him down their for months.

"I think you need awarding for that" Scottie commanded.

The fox pulled away from his friend, leaned over and kissed him, his muzzle still coated in the lizard's passion. In one slick motion, the lizard had gotten the fox's trousers off and began stroking the fox's erection, proceeding to lick the fox's member.

Alex gasped at the sensation, his body stiffening as the lizard began sucking on his head, moving down over his hard cock, pre already flowing out of the sensitive tip. Before long the fox was finishing in the Lizard's mouth, Scottie pulling away and swallowing, the fox shooting a second string.

"I hope that's not it?"

"I can go another round" the fox replied, smirk forming across his muzzle. He gestured for Scottie to lay back on the bed, his fingers moving back down to the lizard's sensitive cunt, stimulating as many nerves as he could. Before long the fox had moved himself into position, pressing the tip into the lizard's wet opening and in one slow motion had invaded.

With one long, impassioned gasp from the lizard, the two were locked in carnal passion, the fox slowly bucking into the lizard, their eyes locked onto one another, the duo sharing the moment with each other on a deeper level.

Alex leaned down and scooped the lizard off his back, kneeling on the bed and sat upright, Scottie practically in his lap. The two shared a deep, meaningful kiss with one another and continued, this time the fox thrusting with more power and intent, the two looking deep into each other's eyes, their breaths coming in and out in unison. Before long the fox was slamming into the lizard, lizard moaning louder and louder as the fox reached climax.

"I'm coming!" The lizard moaned.

"Me too" the fox exclaimed, bring the lizard back down on his back and raising his bottom up a little, thrusting as hard and as fast as he could, giving one last thrust as the fox finishes inside the lizard, pulling out and jerking off to bring out the final few drops, shooting additional strings over the lizards lap and stomach.

"You want some more attention?" the fox asked cockily before diving back down for the lizard's pussy, first licking the come off of Scottie's stomach, the making for his cunt on one swoop. He spread the lizard's legs wide open and began lapping up the lizard's entrance, sucking hard on Scottie's pussy. His friend was enjoying every moment of it, reaching down to play with his own clit, bringing himself to another orgasm.

. . . .

The two boys lay in bed with one another, the fox spooning the lizard from behind, the sheets pulled over them to keep warm. The fox and the lizard held one another close, their hands grasped in one another as they took in the moments before.

"So" Scottie broke the silence, "you wanted to do that even after last night?"

"I've wanted to do that for a while" the fox laughed.

"Me too" Scottie sighed. "I think we can agree it wasn't the most conventional way to start things off."

"I wouldn't say we have the most conventional friendship" Alex responded.

Filling the moments with silent before saying anything, Scottie asked "about that - what exactly is this?"

"What do you mean?"

"Well, I've been thinking" the lizard continued, "since summer, we can't just be friends anymore, but I don't want us to get into something we don't want."

"Oh" the fox responded. "Well, what do you want from this?"

"I want to be open for the world" he said, before continuing, "but I want you, you and only you."

"How about this" the fox declared. "We can look around, and if we want we can go around, but at the end of the day we'll always have one another."

"That just sounds like fuck buddies" the lizard laughed, barely even convincing himself.

"Now here me out" the fox continued, "we can't be fuck buddies if we love each other this much."

"What did you say?" the lizard asked, a smile forming over his face.

"You heard me."

"No I didn't the" Scottie grinned, "say it again."

"Well" the fox paused, "I love you. And as long as I love you, you can do whatever you want, as long as I'm the one you come back too."

"I love you too" the lizard replied, lightly kissing the fox.

"So, we're more than friends?"

"We're somewhere beyond that now, I think" the lizard laughed.

"Merry Christmas" the fox said.

"And happy New Year" the lizard replied. "Let's just see what happens between us next year?"

"Sure" the fox replied, confident he knew what was going to happen.