Sleighbells Ring

Story by Kalan on SoFurry

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#5 of GenderShifting

A lesson on reading the fine print before you sign.

"Have you ever done this work before?" Syrran gave a bright empty smile to Chase, it never quite reached the woman's eyes as he sat on the edge of the chair and fought not to squirm.

"Well, not exactly. I've known people who have and they say the work is light and easy, and that it only requires someone who has the ability to give up a month of their time." He attempted to coax a real smile from her by leaning forward. "And who wouldn't want to give life a try on four legs?"

"You would be surprised, this job isn't for everyone, and certainly not for someone who is a novice." His attempt to get her to smile failed, leaving him settling back and watching her go through his papers.

He had been shaking when it came time to fill out his application, it was the most daring job he had ever set out for. Fourteen years ago animal rights activists had fought and won the banning of carriage horses within the city, just as they had banned the use of dogs on the police force and other dangerous jobs. It was considered cruel that they were forced to labor for man's benefit and perhaps die in service, and the banning had gone all over the country. It had happened right at the tail end of nanobot technology and the birth of a new transformative culture, their ability to modify people to what they wished as long as they had the money to afford them. It had been natural that things had changed with how places were run to amount for the fact animals were beginning to gain rights. It had started with the police and military, a new position opened up to those willing to undergo the nanobots and change in the extreme.

Soon, police dogs were really officers on all fours with all the ability of the animals they had once employed. They were smarter, though, they didn't need a handler, they were able to use their attributes on their own initiative and in undercover operations they were invaluable. Who looked at a dog? Who questioned one? They were also in the military, in airports, everywhere dogs had once worked, humans now took their place. After the dogs, horses began to be replaced, mounted officers were mounted on changed cops. They became an elite force, after all, a horse was a formidable weapon when a human worked behind the powerful body and had no fear of things that might frighten a horse. It had only been a matter of time before the jobs that they had done outside of the military were taken up by changed animals. Such as the old horse and carriage rides that toured the city, now they tours could be done without a driver for a cheaper amount or with a driver if one wanted a spoken tour.

It was a decent paying job, especially during the holidays, for those that didn't mind spending weeks on end on four legs. You worked hard, but you were also given room and board, you were paid at the end and didn't spend your pay check. A single seasons work paid around 15,000, more than enough to walk around on four hooves for two months. Chase couldn't believe when he'd been called in for an interview, there weren't often spots open for the Sleigh Co at this time of year, they had their regulars that worked for them. But this time they had an opening that he was keen to fill, he couldn't take on a retail job, the idea made him flinch, but a few months working in the harness would work out just fine. Hell, he used to love the nanobot technology when he was younger, he had adored his weekends in trying various forms. It was the perfect job for him.

"I need you to sign these, since you're not a former employee I have to inform you that we do not allow for your choice in size, color or breed." The woman looked a bit bored as she pushed over a pile of paper work. "We match you to a seasoned driver that will undertake side care for you outside of your work. This will include hoof care, cleaning, food, and upkeep of your residence. There are no clothes or gear allowed except for company provided."

"I understand." He took the paper and began to sign his name, feeling a wave of relief and excitement that he'd managed to secure a spot in the company. "That's no problem at all."

"There is an employee handbook here." Syrran pushed a bound packet towards him. "I'll also advise you to read it carefully, we expect our workers to show the utmost decorum while working and that includes matters of using the restroom and controlling yourself. We're going to pair you up with a seasoned driver, I'll want you wrap up your affairs this week, we're coming on the Christmas Season and that's our busiest."

"Yes, ma'am." He grabbed the booklet and smiled, he could already imagine the amount of money he'd be taking in from all of this. Enough to pay for presents, enough to have a real Christmas for once.

"Good, here is the calendar and schedule, please note the dates and arrive on time. Late entries will be dismissed. We have more than enough applicants to replace you." The manager handed him another slip of paper. "Welcome to Sleigh Co, I'm sure that you'll find this a once and a life time experience."

"I'm sure I will." He was nearly squirming with eagerness, once in a life time! Truly once in a life time. He could only imagine the sorts of things he would learn here and the money...

~ ~ * ~ ~

The smell of horse filled the air as Chase walked behind the slight man that was going to be his driver, the wide open bar was well lit and far more appealing than any horse barn. The stalls had privacy doors on them, they were large and roomy with fresh flowing water and the straw that was used was only on part of it. The rest of it was wood chips that offered something softer if one wanted to lay there. They could all be opened easily by a horse mouth, but the interior doors and the exterior ones that led to a wide park complete with heating spots so no one got too uncomfortable. Each stall had a harness hanging there, decorated in red and green with silver bells catching the light. The inside of the barn was being toured, people wandering about, many of them girls, giggling a little bit as they peered at the open doors of inhabited stalls. They would eventually get their sleigh ride, but there was no doubt that they were looking for a bit of perverse fun on the side.

"Alright, the main barn is full up." Mick turned his head to look at Chase. "We hired more help than we have ever had before, so you're going to be going to a sub barn. I'm afraid it's a little rougher than this one."

"Rougher?" He looked at the large stalls, the one he passed boasted a large grey looking horse with heavy feathered legs. "How could it be rougher?"

"Well, the owner keeps a few personal horses and you are going to be staying down there with the other two newbies. It will be an actual stall, but you will also be able to sleep in peace." Mick grinned, his eyes looking a bit sly. "These fellows won't have much peace."

Chase kept his mouth shut, no matter how badly he wanted to say something, he wasn't about to embarrass himself. Mick had been working as a driver since they had started this business, he was good at his work, or so he'd been told. He doubted that the driver would have any sympathies for him and the fact that many of the male workers would count on women in their stall. They weren't really animals after all, and quite a few girls found it fun to tease them and see just what a horse boasted. He'd heard stories of a few even daring to go further than a few strokes or licks. Still, it wouldn't be that bad, he was still getting paid. He shrugged his bag on his shoulder and trotted after his driver as they went out of the barn and started on a narrow path down towards a bright red looking barn. Not the monstrosity they had just left, but a standard barn one saw on any farm, complete with a fenced in pasture.

The inside proved to be just as anticlimactic as the outside. There were eight large box stalls, complete with two that were massive and set back against the wall. Four were inhabited with horses, or at least, he thought they were horses. They were all drafters, probably former carriage horses, their eyes flat and unfocused as they regarded the intruders. Three were in smaller stalls, but one, a massive bay fellow with a broad white blaze took up one of the big stalls. He was heavy bodied, obviously a Clydesdale given the traditional markings and look, but he was utterly uninterested in life as he continued to chew on a bit of hay. The stall next to him was open, the door swung wide to reveal deep thick straw and wood chips laid out along one side just as they had done in the main barn. It was at least quite large, if the Clydesdale was anything to judge by he would have plenty of room even if he didn't have a door that led outside.

"Alright, this is going to be your stall..." Mick gave the open door a pat. "We haven't got a harness yet, but we'll fit you after you're done changing. We have a special harness that we want to fit you in since you're new."

"Okay.." he moved nervously towards open stall door. "Was I going to change here? I thought I had orientation first?"

"No, we're not that old fashioned. It's better to pair you up one to one." He gestured to the inside of the stall with one hand, the other pulling out a large bracelet from his pocket. "Go on, once you're stripped put on this bracelet and it'll activate the nanobots, the chance should take some time so I'm going to go see about the other new employee. They're out in the paddock with Matti and were a bit unnerved. If you need anything I'll hear you, though."

"Thanks." Chase stepped into the straw and glanced over at the stallion in the next stall. "I think I'll be fine."

"Good." Mick set the bracelet on the edge of the door. "I'm glad you were hired on, we really have been wanting to bring in new blood like this. We have high hopes for you new ones!"

Chase watched as the driver left and felt a stirring of excitement as he gave another look at the stallion beside his stall and started to peel off his clothes. He hadn't been told what he could expect in terms of size and type of horse, he'd just been told that the terms were picked out by what they needed. He hoped he wouldn't be one of the small carriage horses, he wanted to be a large powerfully built stallion that would attract the eyes of everyone. Perhaps a Percheron or maybe a Shire. He peeled his pants off and wiggled them down to his ankles before picking them up so he could fold them to one side of the stall. There was a shelf built in for him to put his personal belongings on, including his back pack, despite he didn't think he'd need anything he'd brought.

Once he was stripped down he picked up the leather cuff and wrapped it around his wrist, joining the pliable rubber edges together so that they melted into one another to form a seamless whole. The light at the top of the band flared to life, glowing a bright red-pink as he felt the faint tingle where the rubber touched his skin. He shivered a little bit and moved towards the soft wood chips, half excited, half afraid to see how he would change. The cuff would keep the nanobots active on him, as well as following the set programing until it was taken off him. The place where the rubber touched there was the faintest tingle spreading out along the edges and ran up along his arm. The hairs on the back of his arms stood on end in reaction while he dropped down to sit on the wood chips so he didn't fall when the change finally took on hold of his limbs.

A splash of darkness started to slide right up along the line of his chest, darkening his skin with a spot the size of a thumbprint and growing larger as it spread out to either side. It felt warm as the darkness spread down in a line that slid towards the curve of his belly and tendrils of the darkness reached outwards. He leaned back, moving a hand up to brush against the dark patch, only to have some of that darkness spread out along the tips of his fingers. Where the black spot on his fingertips spread outwards, his nails began to thicken and grow heavier. He flexed his fingers lightly as he felt the nails growing and spreading around tip of his joint. The bones stiffened and made the appendages pull inwards, joining together and growing harder to bend by the moment. His darkness was spreading up towards his wrist as his joints ached faintly.

The dark skin that was spreading along his chest began to show a velvet covering of hair that rested flat against the line of his chest and lower. It was chasing away the pink flesh entirely, running towards his hips and lower body, all the way to his legs as he felth the warmth beginning to flare along the line of his loins. It was a pleasurable sensation as nerves grew more sensitive by the moment and made him squirm in place. He could see glossy dark fur running over him, smoothing along his chest and hips, wrapping along his legs. His other hand started to have nails thicken as well, the first hand already growing heavier as his two middle fingers pulled together to form a single thick hoof and his other fingers were pulling downwards and growing smaller by the moment.

He felt the increase of tingling starting between his legs, making his breath catch in his throat as he fought the urge to squirm in place. His soft cock rested along his inner thigh and grew more sensitive as it plumped up and started to stiffen in reaction. He moved his hand down, the one less changed, and touched lightly along the dark flesh with a gentle stroke. It began to stiffen in reaction, swelling outwards against the palm of his hand while he let out a soft huffing noise in his throat and he leaned his head downwards slightly. His ears were growing larger, heating up while the tips began to taper and grow more mobile. He wrapped his hand around his cock, squeezing lightly and stroking from the base all the way up towards the tip, savoring the way that his nerves were coming alive. It was almost painfully pleasurable to wrap his changing fingers around his cock tip.

The precum beaded out and smeared against him as the stiffened girth rested right along the line of his belly, the tip nearly grinding against his belly button. He moved one hand down to brace himself, the nails nearly all the way joined together to form a thick hoof, his wrist feeling strange as the position was changing and moving higher up his body. His other hand was losing mobility rapidly, his cock ran right along the palm of his hand and smeared a gooey spill of precum over the edges. It felt strange, the dark flesh throbbing rapidly and making his hips shiver and rock forward slightly before dragging back again. He watched as his orbs were tighter, the flesh pulled over the balls so the pressure grew as he let out a groaning cry. It felt good, even if there was a slight hint of pain behind the growing pressure. He rocked his hips slightly, shifting on the wood chips towards his side.

His hips popped strangely while his feet began the change, his ankle was elongating and growing higher up along the line of his calves as the nails were thickening by the moment. He could feel the bones shifting and thickening, growing heavier so that he had to drop his hand away from his cock. He awkwardly propped himself up on his arms as he looked down along the line of his glossy black haunches. They were rounding out as his knee moved up higher on his leg, making the way it bent seem strange and wrong. He moved them up awkwardly, pulling up higher in the air, but he was able to shift them enough that he could look down along the line of his stomach. The pressure that was being put on his balls was growing worse, making him groan out raggedly as the skin seemed to compact the vulnerable orbs and pulled them up tight between his legs. His stomach was rolling with the sensation of the testicles being mashed up between his legs, that wasn't right.

He fought to work past the feel of his lips thickening and his teeth growing larger, instead he concentrated on contorting himself to look down between his legs as the black round balls were suddenly fading between his legs. They were pushed back into his body so that his stomach cramped and he groaned out in reaction, kicking his changing legs out behind him so the hooves clattered against the ground roughly. He pushed upwards, blowing out a breath as his lips grew larger and heavier, starting to push out into the air while his nose began to spread outwards and the nostrils parted to either side. The darkness of the fur was covering his nose while his hair was beginning to grow heavier. He should have enjoyed it, but all he could do was try and make his heavy lips work as he felt his lower belly starting to change and shift. The muscles tightened and relaxed, quivering slightly as his cock uselessly rubbed up against his belly.

The tip began to grow more sensitive, an aching tingling as he let out a wild cry, the sound coming out as an equine squeal as his cock began to pull backwards. The flesh still taut as it pulled slowly toward his loins while he continued to grow. The increase in bulk and muscle made his shaft look smaller, but at the same time it was growing more sensitive, the pleasure spiking as his hips quivered and bucked forward and rubbed along his own belly. He dragged backwards and rocked forward again, humping against himself while his ears flattened right back to his head. Every movement came with its own pleasure that made him tremble in place as he watched the cock pulling further and further back, thick ridges of flesh formed between his legs. He had to lift his leg up high to look beneath himself, but he could see the plump lips wrapped right around the base as his shaft was soon hanging soft along his broad equine leg.

A sheath? Maybe they programed me as a gelding.. The thought made him pin his ears back in anger, if he was programed as a gelding he'd be damned if he would tolerate this!

His cock was pulsing slightly and warming up, his entire lower body was growing overly hot while he jerked his hips forward again and the cock began to drag further up between the lips. They were pouting outwards, shifting out of view as they were pulled back. His legs were and haunches were changing into more animalistic features. His shoulders cracked slightly as his arms began to change into position as forelegs, making him struggle to twist around as he let out a short ragged squeal. The sound rising up in volume as he kicked behind him wildly, trying to get Mick to come and check on him. His cock was disappearing rapidly, pulling backwards and pressing between the thick dark lips that he could feel moving beneath his tail. He struggled upwards, trying to get on all fours while the spill of his hair moved down along the length of his neck, running down towards ridge of his shoulders as his neck grew longer.

"What's wrong?" Mick's voice was a god send as Chase fell back on his side trembling before letting out a high pitched squeal. "Are you in pain?"

Chase tried to shake his head back and forth, but the movement was awkward with his changing neck, his vision was shifting as his eyes moved to either side of his head, but he was more concerned with the changes to his genitals. He let out a short squeal and threw his head back towards his haunches as the stall door was closed and he heard the driver coming into the stall. A hand moved to touch his legs, stroking lightly along his haunches as he twisted his head upwards and strained slightly. His eyes refocused, but everything looked strange as Mick crouched down next to him and reached up to catch his hind ankle and gave a slight tug. He helped, rocking his hips and rolling onto his back slightly so that he was splaying his hind legs open to bare his changing body towards the man. He felt the fingers moving up and suddenly there was a gentle brush that rubbed right along his changed sex, what should have been his sheath wasn't where it should have been! A sheath should have been slung low on his belly, not behind his legs.

"Easy now, easy..." Mick murmured softly and the fingers suddenly curled forward, brushing right along the tip of his dick. The touch sent a startling rush of pleasure through him, one that made him jerk and let out a short noise of protest. "Well it all seems alright, just a bit shocked, eh?"

This isn't right! It should be lower! Chase pinned his ears flat back as the fingers continued to stroke along the lips of his sheath.

The other hand moved down and suddenly wrapped around something that made him kick out wildly, nearly striking the rider. The fingers caught around a sensitive nub and suddenly pulled along it, stroking and tugging from the base towards the tip. Chase tried to look down to see what was going on, but he couldn't see past the swell of his barreled chest as the nubs were pulled and stroked lightly. The force tugging outwards and making his stomach tense up strangely. The other hand was curling against the folds of his sheath, pressing forward until they pushed inwards and he felt a sudden pressure along his lower belly. Parts of his body were spread open, splayed wide around the fingers and muscles clamped down and flexed in reaction. He let out a high pitched noise and rolled upwards, his eyes flashing with a rim of white as the fingers sank into his body. Her body... not his... HER body!

The a wild noise she lunged up on all fours, ignoring the dizzy sensation as she pulled away from the fingers that had pushed between the folds beneath her tail. She was horrified at the sensation of the folds between her legs, the brush of the long tail against them so she hiked her tail up higher and lowered her head down slightly. She could feel herself struggling to keep her balance as she grew heavier and the muscles continued to form, making her spread her forelegs open a bit wider to make sure that she didn't fall over as she retained her balance. The driver stood up next to her and gave a rough pat right along her haunches so that she stumbled forward, nearly tripping over her solid hooves before she caught herself and the man that was supposed to be her co-worker reached up to pick a heavy leather halter from the stall post.

"Calm down, easy there.." He reached out to catch beneath her chin and pulled her head about. "I know it's startling, but you'll get used to it."

Used to it?! How can I get used to it! What the hell do they think they're doing turning me into a female?! She pinned her ears down flat as the halter was pulled up and over her broad black head, the straps buckled beneath her chin and jaw. This is outrageous, they probably gave me the wrong one.

"I know what you're thinking." Mick spoke as she leaned down and tried to use her thick heavy lips to pull at the rubber cuff. "But trust me, you've signed up for a wonderful experiment, we've never actually tried to breed our carriage horses since the ban went into effect, but your increased intelligence will be an asset to any foal. Just a shame we couldn't find any actual females that were ready for the job."

_WHAT?! BREED?!_She pinned her ears flat down against her head and let out a shrill equine squeal of rage, jerking her head backwards before taking a few prancing steps backwards, tugging at the hold on the halter.

As she pranced backwards she bumped right back against the stall wall that kept her and the horse next to her separated. The stallion responded by dropping his head over the edge and suddenly biting roughly right against the side of her tail so she lunged forward with a wild sound, swinging about in the stall to glare at him. Mick only laughed at her, a soft chuckle before he climbed over the edge of the stall door. He didn't try to help her, he just seemed amused at her reaction before walking away, leaving the newly changed mare pawing at the door with one large hoof. Vainly trying to see where she could grab to unlock herself so she could go to the management. She wouldn't stand for this, a mix up was one thing, but her driver was ignoring the fact that she didn't agree to this.

Leaning over the opening showed her that the latch that closed the stall door wasn't one of the modified ones that would allow for a deft pair of lips to unlock it. It was bolted shut and spring loaded so that once it was locked shut, her lips wouldn't grasp it easily enough to pull backwards. Her tail lashed back and forth in annoyance as she strained down and tried to wrap her lips right around the round edge, pulling slightly and trying to force it up so she could get it past the slot. It sprang back every time she started to lose her grip, slipping right back so that she let out an annoyed sound and tried to yank it upwards again, wrinkling her upper lip back at the taste of metal on her tongue as she did so. Once she contacted management she would demand she be moved as well, up to the proper stable where they worked the carriage horses, not down here in this barn with real horses.

"Now leave off that." A hand suddenly pinched her upper lip and made her jerk her head up in annoyance, releasing the lock. "You're just going to hurt yourself playing with it, it's designed to keep a horse in, not to be undone."

Chase lifted her head and glared at the driver who had come back with a flake of hay to toss over the edge and into a large clean bucket set in the corner. She snorted unhappily and reached up to thud a hoof roughly against the door, trying to show her displeasure. Her ears went back flat to her head as the man just gave his head a shake and tried to reach out and pat her nose. She ducked beneath Mick's hand and pulled away, still glaring at him.

"Listen, lassie, don't give me attitude. You read your employee handbook, and I'm not going to sit here taking lip from you because you didn't think it would happen to you." Mick gave him a disgusted look. "It's not like you're not making a mint on this."

The handbook didn't say anything about this! Chase squealed out angrily and snapped at the air with her teeth, only to have Mick shake his head and turn away. Ignoring every squeal and thud of her hooves on the stall trying to get attention.

~ ~ * ~ ~

Chase spent two solid days in her stall sulking. She didn't leave them the back door that opened up into the pasture was opened, she didn't leave when Mick had come to clean her stall, she didn't want to leave. In the course of those two days two other new employees were brought down and he was forced to watch both turn. One turned into a rather dapper looking buckskin complete with a heavy sheath slung beneath his belly, but the other turned into another mare. That one, Chase didn't even know the poor former man's name, was just as angry as she was. She was bigger than Chase, more like a Shire with a deep chest and large feathered hooves. Chase was black all over, glossy black and the feathering along her hooves was very muted, not thick and heavy. She didn't even know what species she was, just that she wanted to get out of here and talk to the damn management about this place. The only other mare here was a very subdued white mare who had a black cap on one of her ears, but Chase rarely saw her, she was mostly out working.

She lowered her head and rubbed her nose along her foreleg in annoyance, trying to get at an itch as she felt the chill December breeze hitting her right along the hind quarters from the open door. She shivered her skin here and there, annoyed at the feeling of it before turning about to try and latch the door shut. She didn't want to go stand mindlessly in the pasture, she wanted to find someone that would 'listen' to her. Until her harness was made, there was little hope that that would be happening any time soon, though. As she stretched her neck out to use her chin to yank the lower part of the door shut though, she stopped as she heard a wild sounding squeal and a scrabbling of hooves from outside of the barn. That brought her ears up and Chase hesitantly stepped out of her stall to try and find the source.

"DAMN IT! Grab her nose! Don't let her bite him!" The yelling voices made her ears lift higher as she walked around the back of the barn and towards the fence line.

As Chase turned the corner she froze in place, her ears going back and her head going high up as she walked in on the white mare that she had seen in the stable, the one with the same cuff that she herself wore. The mare was twisting her head wildly, snapping her teeth and bucking as the heavy body of the Clydesdale stallion climbed the curve of her rump cheeks, the large feathered hooves hung down to either side of her while the men holding her were trying to keep her from biting him. One of the stable hands reached up with a bit of wire and grabbed her upper lip, pinching it down so that her head was forced away and the stallion clambered up higher on the back. The heavy mottled cock swung back and forth under him like a cannon, trying to find the mark as he hunched himself up blindly and took another step forward so the former human was nearly crouching under him.

The changed human's eyes bulged slightly as the tip found the mark thanks to one of the men grabbing under the shaft and forcibly aiming it up, and then a wild squeal burst out. The mare was rocked forward and Chase just stared as inch after impossibly thick inch disappeared into her body, driving inwards with a wet sound. No one tried to help her, she couldn't even help herself, her body was bound in a harness so she couldn't kick or harm the stallion fucking her. The dale sank in all the way to the base before dragging outwards again, slimy pink and black cock flesh flashing in the light as he began to hump her in rough brutal strokes, ignoring her struggles to get out from under him. Chase felt as if she were pinned in place, she couldn't move, could barely breathe, she could only watch as the creature drove himself into her with short grunts, thrusting and rocking until the bobbed tail jerked upwards and the thrusts came to an end. The large hooves curled against her sides and he leaned forward so that the thickest portion of the base was wedged right inside of her.

That was enough, more than enough, Chase jerked free of the horrified fascination she felt at watching the scene and bolted back behind the barn again. She tucked her tail low and bolted back into her warm stall trembling in place, her nostrils flared wide with short hard puffs of breath. How could they do that?! That hadn't been a changed stallion, a beast had been allowed to mate her as if she were truly a horse. There hadn't been anything in the manual about that, nothing at all! He had read it, most of it was the same boring stuff that any job had. They couldn't do this, it was against the law, wasn't it? Was there a law forbidding the practice? She trembled in place, her ears pinned flat back while the other man turned mare watched her with interest. Did that man know what was going to happen to them both?

Sometime later the Clydesdale was brought back, reeking of sex and his sheath and part of his cock tip still visible and smeared with fluids. That was better than when the nameless changed human was brought in walking awkwardly, her tail held up and to one side as thick creamy drops of cum splattered down from her abused folds. Her driver lead her into the stall and gave her a pat, as well as a treat in her bucket before leaving. Her neck was marked from teeth, her sides roughed up from where the beast had gripped her barrel. Chase was left huddled to one side of her stall, well away from the stud that had mounted her. Surely they had to have some sort of permission before doing this!

"Right, Chase! Your harness is in, ready for a day of work?" Mick's cheerful voice was almost a blessing as she watched the stud neck to her snuffle over the stall wall as if he was wondering if she were next. At least out at work she had a chance to make her complaints known to the management. Someone had to listen to her.

~ ~ * ~ ~

Two Weeks Later

~ ~ * ~ ~

"Alright folks! I'd like you to meet Chase, she'll be your horse for today and she's still a bit new so do try and be nice to her." Mick's voice was an annoyance while Chase flicked her ears forward to ignore his little set speech.

She gave her head a slight shake, settling the reins along her back and shifted the bit along her tongue. Mick had told her that bits weren't commonly used on the veterans, but her relative newness made it important that she could feel that she were being guided. Sometimes new horses would get confused on where they were supposed to go or be startled by the keenness of their hearing, she had heard a few horror stories of a new horse bolting into traffic by mistake when she thought a car was too close on the other side. Still, it wasn't too bad and the harness fit her perfectly, it boasted thick padded wool along the parts of the harness that had pressure on it and every strap and buckle were checked repeatedly for her comfort. She even had her own blanket for when they were waiting on a new customer and if it were cold, but mostly the work kept her warm enough. It would have been a dream if it weren't for the downsides, such as going to the bathroom in public and the lack of male genitalia that she should have had. That last part was what she could barely stand.

With a light brush of the reins she threw her weight forward and the harness creaked around her as she set off with a jingling of bells. All forty silver bells chimed merrily as she began the path that would take them back home, the last of fare of the evening consisted of a few girls who wanted to visit the farm and the horses. Normally they would have been sizing her up as a potential partner, she had seen stallions showing off for their last fare, often going so far as to be peeping out of their sheaths to catch the females' attentions, but not her. She was a disappointment. The girls had gotten in before any of them had noticed that there was no swell of a sac hanging down between her haunches, only a dusky set of mare folds. She was left flushing and hoping that they weren't staring at her hiked tail, the crupper was too tight to allow her to drop it down to hang naturally.

The cart rattled up along the road as her driver gave her a light touch with the whip, not a snap or even something that hurt, just a light brush that told her she needed to step into a trot . With a sigh she lifted her head and picked up her hooves and brought them down sharply, speeding up much to the girls' delights. The mud squelched from beneath her hooves, splattering along her legs and hitting up along her chest where she would have to have help cleaning it off. She tried her best to keep herself working at a good pace, she had already heard that they were going to shift one of the horses from the lower barn to the main one used by the workers, she wanted to be that horse. She wanted nothing more than to go into the big airy barn and forget about the damned stallion that seemed to enjoy spending his time trying to coax her over to that side of her stall. He had only gotten worse about as the days went by, often curling back his upper lip so he looked as if he were trying to smile at her.

As if I want anything to do with him. She nearly pinned her ears back as she turned sharply and began the descent down towards the company farm, the mud hitting harder against her chest as she had to canter while the cart was slowed down with the brake.

She had tried, repeatedly, to get someone to understand she didn't want to be in this position, this wasn't supposed to be her position! Except, she'd been ignored, they'd all just shrugged and left her alone, or told her that she had read the handbook and knew what she was getting into. For the life of her she didn't know what she was supposed to have read to come to this situation. She hadn't seen anything like it in the book that would say she could be a stallion or mare, if she had she would have said something! Albeit, she hadn't been that attentive when reading all of the details, most of them had been the same sort of stuff that every job called for, nothing more, nothing less. Now she was left stuck and no one seemed the sympathize, her only real thankfulness came from the fact that neither she, nor the other man turned mare, had been hauled out for the stallion. They had begun treating them like every other worker. Up at around noon, harnessed and in either the carriage or sleigh and then down to the city to work until it was time to return in time for dinner.

"Alright, ladies, thank you for your patronage, please remember that a bus leaves here at 10PM for a down town drop off." The driver gave an amiable smile as her reins were drawn back and she was allowed to come to a stop. "And do thank Chase, she is becoming quite the pro at this!"

Chase tolerated the strokes of hands along her nose and neck, the girls were mostly distracted though, they had the look of most of the women that came here to play with the stallions. Her ears splayed to either side in disappointment, she should have been one of the ones that had women coming to her stall for some pleasure. Or one girl waiting for her to get stripped of tack so she could get an intimate and sexual grooming for fun. But no, she stood and sighed as she watched a few of the stallions relaxing in their little paddock prick their ears up in interest at the new visitors. One of them would likely end up with hands all over his body, pleasuring him, teasing him, stroking him. Their shaft plunging ever so deep into some tight passage, pushing ever deeper, working its way in until the tip was beyond that point of no return. The hot rush of sperm rich seed being pushed inwards, driven by the flared tip so that there was no where else for it to go....

What?! Chase jerked her head up a bit and pinned her ears at her own wandering thoughts and a warmth flowing along her belly. She hadn't even been aware of Mick unhooking the cart from her. Great, now I'm a pervert...

"Alright, Chase, let's get you cleaned up." The hands moved to hold the reins automatically and she gave him an aloof glare before stepping in front of him and forcing him to trot to catch up. She didn't need to be led! "Ack, hold on, alright? Come on, I want that mud off you and you'll want warm water to get rid of the chill."

A warm rub down would feel good... She flicked her tail and allowed him to guide her up towards the main part of the barn and felt a rush of hope. Maybe she'd get the stall she deserved and away from that damn stallion.

"Mick, where are you going with Chase?" Syrran called out from the door next to the main barn. The owner didn't look alarmed, only curious as she was led up to the little covered shed that constituted the grooming area.

"Oh I think enough time has passed, she needs a good checking over. You want to grab a teaser for her? Don't want to get excited for nothing." Mick pushed open the door and Chase only felt mildly curious at the terms as she stepped into the heated shed. The warmth sank into her muscles after her long day in the cold weather. "And is that Dr. Burton's car down at the barn? Might see if he's got a minute?"

A doctor? She blinked her eyes a bit in confusion, perhaps she was going to get the royal treatment, she had certainly earned it.

The floor wasn't tile, but texture cement with a drain set in the middle. Mick was as quick and nimble as ever, reaching up to unclip the heavy leather collar and swing it around so it could be pulled up and over her head. She gave herself a shake the moment it was gone and the weight eased from her shoulders as she gave herself over to the normal grooming. That, at least, was the good part of the job. Her driver was very deft at working over her harness, but this time he simply unbuckled a few straps entirely to hang them up to one side of the room so they could dry, the bulk of the harness remained in place as he reached beneath her belly and unbuckled another loose strap. Bit by bit, the bells were taken off, the harness was broken down to the bare basics as if he were intending to clean it all piece by piece later. Most of it was coated in slushy mud, so that made sense enough that she simply basked in the warmth and shifted her weight off one hoof to relax.

She only twitched her ears up when she heard the dull thud of hooves and a nose pushed open the door, followed by a large body. One of the other workers stepped in with his groom trailing behind, the fellow snorting a little bit as he plodding in and used his nose to push one of the gears on so send out a spray of water from above. Chase froze, her muscles tensing up as the harsh hot scent of horse and leather filled her nostrils, but not her own. The heavy bodied horse was obviously a changed man by his actions, his coat a dappled roan color with flecks along his haunches, and he was watching her as the steaming water covered his body. The scent of him made her shift a bit nervously, her crupper hiked tail lashing back and forth as her stomach tensed up. She couldn't recall when she'd been near one of the changed stallions like this, she was just ashamed. She was nervous.

She tried to dismiss her reaction as Mick reached up and gave her head a pat before pulling the bridle off her head and the bit from her mouth so she could work her jaws. Her nostrils flared wider as the scent on the air grew stronger, harsh and masculine, earthy enough that it was almost too much. She twitched her muscles a bit faster, flexing them as the stallion seemed to be watching her with a sideways look, his driver working to help give him a quick rub down that seemed to be more about getting him warmed up than clean. He was already clean. A quick glance showed that, and it also showed a truly impressive bit of cock flesh swinging back and forth beneath him. The tip swayed this way and that, thickening as it lowered towards the ground in a shameless manner that made her stiffen. Her tail twitched to one side, shifting just that much more as the worker shifted about, almost as if he were trying to get the water along his haunches more, but he ended up crowding her with his chest shoved against her shoulder.

His eyes were bright as his nose almost touched her own and his wet chest rubbed along her suggestively, there was a way he moved that made her body tremble in place. She shifted on her hooves, almost swinging around to present her haunches to him, but a small thread of humanity stopped her. Instead she let out an outraged noise and nearly kicked him as she shuddered backwards and escaped. His interested eyes followed her, sweeping over her body with interest while his cock flexed under his belly, almost like he were showing her what he had to offer. He was propositioning her! Her ears went flat back and she showed her teeth, turning her head about.

"Alright, she's not interested in you." Mick admonished finally, coming to her defense. "Go on, don't be rude."

The stallion huffed out a sound almost like laughter, but he turned away, but not before his cock slapped his belly with a lewd sound. Chase ignored it, she wasn't going to be treated this way damnit! Her ears remained flat to her head all the way until the stallion walked out with his hard on just swaying around as if he were proud of it. If she had been turned into a proper stallion she wouldn't have behaved like that, nor would she just crowd up to someone and assume they wanted to be fucked! He knew that she was really a human under this guise, what sort of human must he be. Her annoyance only grew as her groom moved about and picked up one of her hooves to scrape the muck out from under them to fling to the ground. She wanted to have the harness all the way off! She didn't want to be partially unharnessed, she wanted warmth and water.

Instead, all of her hooves were picked clean and the harness adjusted, straps were taken down from where they were hung and reattached back onto the harness. She tried to figure out exactly what was going on, but Mick was as swift as ever. The hanging leather straps were affixed right down around her ankles and pulled taut before she could stop him. She jerked her hooves forward, but she only stumbled as she realized that he'd forced them together by the narrow band of leather, barely enough for her to walk forward. He wasn't done, another few straps came down and her forelegs were similarly tied off until the restraints could be joined together with a single band of leather that ran from the front two to the back too, making her struggle and awkwardly shuffle forward, angrily squealing out at the bonds. It was all done with his trademarked efficiency.

"Calm down, if you struggle you're going to fall to the ground." Mick gave her haunches a slap so she twisted her head around to try and nip him.

The groom stepped behind her and gathered up her long tail, reaching onto one of the shelves to pull out a roll of lime green vet wrap that he began to work around the long heavy hairs. They were forced upwards and wrapped around her tail bone before the wrap was used to work around the edges, going one end over the other neatly, over and over again, tightening and gripping tightly. She tried to jerk her tail free with a wave of panic, but he pinned it down firmly and worked the wrap around tighter, making a tight club of her long flowing tail and leaving her haunches bare. Terror rose up in her chest as she tried to awkwardly walk forward, they couldn't breed her, she didn't want to be fucked by a stallion! She had never agreed to this no matter what they said!!! They were priming her up to breed!

"Syrran sent me up, Mick, you have a mare to check?" A voice came from behind her and she let out a high pitched squeal in entreaty as a man came in with knee high riding boots and a bag hanging from one arm. "This one of the volunteers, then?"

I AM NOT A VOLUNTEER! She tried to squeal the words out, but they didn't come out of her muzzle. They only made the vet wince a bit as he shrugged out of his coat and hung it on a peg.

"They're all like this," Mick grunted and let go of her wrapped tail so that she snapped it back and forth. "We have their signatures on file, though, and they've been paid. I think they just feel the need to try and extort out more money."

I did not agree to this!! Her anger came hotter as the man reached into his bag and pulled out something that crinkled as well as a small tub.

"Well, let me get a look at her, than. Are there any signs she's in heat?" The man, the vet, pulled on a shoulder length glove that made her feel a moment of pure dread.

"She was winking like mad as we came into the barnyard and then again when I had a stallion in her. Tail hiked and everything." Mick sounded clinical as she bared her teeth at him. She hadn't winked once!!

The vet gathered thick creamy looking lubricant and began to work it over his arm with firm vigorous strokes that ran from the wrist all the way up to his shoulder, coating himself liberally. It made Chase snap her tail down firmly between her haunches, she had an idea of where that hand was going to go and she did not want ANYTHING in there, much less an entire arm. She tried to twist her head around to glare at Mick, why were they continuing to lie to her about this? She had never signed anything! There were probably plenty of volunteers that they could have picked out for this, but they were doing it in an underhanded away. She tried to walk away, but the way her legs were hobbled it was an awkward hop step, but at least it showed her reluctance for this. As she tried to get away, the owner came in as well, in one hand was a clip board.

"This is Chase, she's been transformed into a Friesian, we're going to partner her up with Judge." Syrran spoke absentmindedly and flipped papers over on the clip board, Chase tried to squeal out a protest. "Is she still doing this?"

"I think she didn't read the fine print, at least Michael accepted her lot well enough." Mick reached up to grab her forelock, but she snapped out at him. "Here give me that paper work."

The groom sounded angry as he reached out to take the clip board from his boss and flipped it open as if he were searching for something. Chase glared at him, trying to ignore the way the vet was looking at her hindquarters and stepping behind her. Eventually, Mick opened it to a particular paper and turned it around to hold it up at her. He had to bring it quite close for her eyes, or rather eye considering she couldn't really look straight on well, could see what she was being shown. It was a photocopied bit of paper with small text that she had to strain to read properly. It was vaguely familiar as she glanced at the head line.

"Employees may earn an additional $35,000 by opting into the year round employment program that will hold said employee for twelve months under the conditions that they sign up to the in stable program that studies and experiments with alternate ways to enhance the carriage and sleigh experience and provide additional future employees. Up to and including artificially stimulating to harvest and test sperm for viability and potential breeding for females. By signing here you forgo all rights to returning back to human form on January 1st for the additional amount listed above, you will be advised in your acceptance of the program after the first day of employment and arrangements made with the help of our financing department. Once transformation takes place, this contract is binding and complete. Choice of form, size, coloration, gender, job description, usability will be at the employers discretion. _________________________________"

Th..that just meant I didn't mind staying on! And getting jerked off if they wanted! Chase stared in horror at her signature.

She remembered signing it, thinking it would work out great if she got a year's work in for that money, it had been a no brainer. Except, now she lingered on the part about breeding and gender. She hadn't seen that word before, or had she? She remember glancing over it, she'd read it a hundred times all through the handbook and had just naturally skipped over it. But there it was in black and white, gender, her gender had been chosen for her! Her ears pinned flat back and she tried to lunge out to snatch the offending paper away, but it was yanked out of view, distracting her enough that she couldn't evade when a hand suddenly pushed right up and against the vulnerable lips of her sex She was pushed forward roughly as the lube covered fingers suddenly sank into her and sent out a sudden shudder of pleasure through her. It wasn't one that she could stop even if she wanted too, the long appendages pushed inwards and began to spread her open wider and wider.

Her inner walls clamped down at the unwilling tremor of pleasure at the sensation of being filled, the walls pried open wide apart so that her body was shoved forward a few inches and she had to splay her legs in order to keep herself in place. Even then it was a still difficult since the leather drew taut and she was off balance. The fingers plunged inwards, the elbow soon tugging along her outer lips as the fingers stretched outwards and the hand flattened in her passage. Parts of her body reacted, flexing and twitching, while he pushed forward to the point that she could feel the finger tips brushing against a barrier deep inside of her. The vet grunted and pushed forward, his shoulder dug in along her haunches as the finger tips brushed right along that spongy cervix and made her clamp down around him and squeeze. She pinned her ears back flat to her head and bared her teeth, it wasn't her fault she had missed one single word, it wasn't her fault at all!!

"Nnf, relax!" The vet suddenly gave another shove and fingers curled right along the barrier of his cervix, wedging firmly forward to the point that she let a shrill squeal. It felt wrong! It was all wrong!!

The fingers curled, making her stomach tense slightly while the caress of the arm worked against her, she didn't want it to feel good, she wanted it to hurt. There was just the faintest ache of it holding her passage open before the arm drew backwards. The glove caught on places, tugging and making rolls as the vet shoved his hand against her haunch and pulled his arm all the way back out in a single smooth movement that made her body tense up. As the fingers slipped from her vulva she felt them pulsing, the same tension she had felt earlier, one that made her twitch and flush hotly. They hadn't meant she'd winked an eye, that part of her body wasn't winking at all, her tear shaped vulva was flashing open and pursing together, advertising her state like a mare in heat. Like a mare in heat?! She was a mare in heat!

"She's good to go, I'd get him up here, she might have been hiding her state for the last few days. Was Judge showing any interest in her this morning? He was stabled next to her." The vet peeled off the glove while she tried to stop her winking cunny. Judge? The Clydesdale?! Not him!!!

"He's always been interested in her. Come on now." Mick slipped a halter over her head and gripped the underside. "Let's get you out of here."

No.. no no no!! I want out! I didn't know what I signed! She gave an exaggerated shake of her head, but the hand pulled harder and hauled her forward.

"Listen, you're just going to have to deal with it. You signed the clause, and we've already invested the money in you." Mick led her awkwardly out of the shed, hobbling along with her bound legs as she was aware others were watching her go down the hill. "If you struggle he'll just get worked up and get too rough."

I don't want him at all. She trembled as she was led down the hill, her bound tail bapping against her haunches roughly.

Every time she tried to struggle, her groom hauled her forward again, sometimes shoving against her shoulder so that her legs tangled up giving her no choice but to follow him as she was led down to the edge of the barn. She had never been so humiliated and terrified in her life, they couldn't do this when she was obviously disagreeing with them could they? She obviously didn't WANT to be bred by any horse, regardless of what she had signed without thinking. They should have talked her through it! They should have told her in detail what it meant! They should have done one of a hundred things to make sure she really wanted to do this. Who would want to do it?! A lead was clipped to her halter as she hobbled backwards awkwardly, her eyes rolling wildly as the owner of the stables came down as well.

"You would think one of them would read to see what they really are signing." Syrran gave her head a shake. "But they see yearly employment and extra money and sign away. Hopefully at least one of them will give us a foal intelligent enough to pass as a human, but still work the carriages without costing us an arm and a leg."

She tried to swing around, her eyes rolling wildly while she heard the familiar thud of Judge from inside the barn as he began to hit the side of his stall. He did that every time his groom was showing signs of coming to fetch him, and this time was no different, except Chase knew why the stallion was being brought out. She had seen it herself weeks ago and believed she had escaped it since they hadn't dragged her out, except she hadn't. They had just been waiting. She tried to yank her head back, throwing her weight onto her hind haunches to rear, but the hobbles on her legs kept her in place through her struggles. They only grew more frantic at the first rumbling whicker that came from the barn door and the sound of overly large hooves hit the ground and the wet squelching of the slushy mud. She twisted around and rolled her eyes the dale snuffed at the air with his upper lip peeled back like he was giving a strange smile. Only it wasn't a smile, once she understood what was going on, she knew he was taking in her fertile scent by the way his chest swelled out with each breath.

She twisted harder, throwing her weight around until her forelegs slipped out from under her and stumbled, nearly falling down save for Mick suddenly pushed up against her and helping to steady her. She trembled as the stallion snuffed again and let out a strange rumbling sound, coming in closer as his groom let the lead go slack. She turned her head, watching as the monstrous mottled shaft began to drool down along the underside of his belly, swinging back and forth and the heat of his breath tickled against her haunches. She shuddered at the feel of it, even as the harsh masculine scent began to fill her nose. She tried to burrow her head down towards her driver, tried to escape it, but the scent was being pushed at her. Every breath was filled with it until it was hard to breathe clearly, her body trembled in place and the heat of the breath slipped along the curve of her haunches and pushed further with another rough puff. Horribly, she felt herself winking at him, her vulva pulsing and flexing instinctively and in a way that she couldn't stop even if she wanted too.

The teeth caught her by surprise, the scrape of them tugged along her outer leg and caught right at the back of her ankle so her body tensed up and reacted. She crouched her haunches down and let out a spurt of watery wetness, the golden liquid splattered to the ground as her bladder released before she could stop it. Her ears burned in humiliation, that was no way for a human to act, even a human in an animal body. The stallion swung his head up higher and there was a meaty thud as the cock swung up to slap right against the underside of his chest, hitting roughly before it swung back down. She could see it, just as horrifying and large looking as it had first appeared, but now it was ready for her. The tip oozed out a dribble of precum as the larger horse pushed his head up and over her slender haunches, his chest crashed against her as he charged forward and made Chase buck back wildly, his hind legs kicking out wildly as the weight shoved her down to the ground.

Her forelegs splayed open wide, just trying to hold herself up while forelegs curled along her haunches and the stallion crawled up her back. The weight smear of muddy legs clutched her and his neck stretched out so his head moved along the line of her neck. She turned to snap at him, but Judge was quicker, his teeth snapped down to catch the nape of her neck and pulled roughly, using it like a handle to haul himself upwards. The heavy cock swung up to slap against her haunches and jabbed forward blindly shoving upwards right along the curve of her haunches. Mick gripped her halter tightly, forcing her head about, making her helpless as the forelegs curled forward and the beast rocked against her, jabbing the tip forward and smearing precum along her fur roughly, rubbing it into her as he pushed his cock between her legs, slapping it up right against her teats before dragging backwards again. His hot huff ruffled against her main as Chase squeezed her eyes shut, she just wanted this to stop, all of it to stop! Anything to make it stop!!!

The cock tip was suddenly pulled upwards, the hand gripping it yanked it higher up until it pushed right against the rapidly winking folds, the flexing outer lips suddenly splayed open as the dale felt something soft and wet pushed against him. Chase's squeal was muffled against her driver, high pitched and wild as the cock splayed her open with a lewd wet sound, the lubricant from the vet helping him inwards as he nearly punched his way through her passage. Her walls splayed open wide, clutching around him as the beast walked forward and gave another thrust, grunting slightly as he did so. The powerful cock tip pushing deeper and deeper, making her let out an angry squeal as she felt the medial ring plunging into her. The hot wet splatter of precum was being flung deep inside of, hitting deep and hard to push right against her cervix.

The next thrust began to feed the thickest portion of the base into her, the part that was far wider than the tip and caressed along her sensitive folds before pushing inwards. Her inner muscles being stroked by the powerful thrusts forward, only pulling back an inch before he plunged forward again to sink another few inches into her passage. There was nothing she could do except brace herself, her entire body shuddering in place as she pinned her ears flat back to her head. It hurt, her muscles ached as he kept spreading her open, the thick base mercilessly sinking inwards until the stallion hunched his back and she felt the weight of his balls rolling between her haunches lewdly. Eventually, every last inch was forced into her that could be forced in, the tip bowed right up against her cervix, trying to force inwards before he dragged backwards with a lewd wet noise, some of the precum spilling out of her as her walls clutched down around him.

Her body wanted this, her body was flush with desire, something that was pounding in her ears and making it hard to think of anything except the two large shaft that began to thrust inside of her. The thrusts forward came with wet squelching noises as her own wetness was forced out around the edges, his girth caressed through her, tugging and pushing forward as he bottomed out at the apex of each thrust, grunting slightly as he tried to force more in. She couldn't fit any more, her walls made a lewd O around him and the medial ring tugged through her as he dragged back out, nearly pulling all the way out with his tip nearly slipping free before he plunged forward again. It made Chase cry out, her head dropping down lower as the steady drives rocked her forward and pulled her back, his hooves dug in against her sides as if he were trying to make her step back into his thrusts.

The hot feel of his saliva ran along the back of her neck as the teeth clamped down harder, twisting slightly while the thrusts grew more ragged and faster. They were building on each other, the lewd wet noises, squelching and slurping as her own wetness was being pushed out around the edges with the thick precum already being flung into her body. She knew what he was building too, she wanted to get away, she wanted to have this stop, she wanted to run. The tip flared open inside of her, stretching just that much further open, straining her walls to the point that they were nearly being torn apart as she clamped down around him. His powerful hips lunged forward and suddenly he was straining forward, nearly all of his weight pinning her down as he stuffed himself in to the point that she intimately felt his girth bowing within her passage. The tip opened up wide so that the opening of the urethra shoved right up against the opening to her cervix before the first pulse went through him.

Chase let out a high pitched squeal, her jaws opened up wide as she felt the hot wave of cream being flung into her passage, thick and rich with sperm, her walls clamped down tightly and squeezed, pulling and suckling around his cock. Rope after heavy rope pushed the viscous stuff against the barrier, pushing through it, sending the virile spill into her vulnerable womb as the stallion released her neck and drooped his head along her shoulder with short pants, his haunches shuddering as he worked to empty every last drop into her vulnerable body. She was left shaking beneath him, her head held low, her eyes squeezed tightly shut as he worked to fill her with his foal. There was nothing she could do, nothing she could say to stop it, all she could do was tremble under his weight as millions of sperm flowed into her, each racing to claim her ova as its own. Each one readying to doom her to a life as a brood more.


Chase jerked up with a high pitched cry and flailed in the darkness, twisting around and struggling to grab for the alarm next to his bed. He missed the bright red thing, knocking it off so he had to curse and struggle to grab it from the floor so he could smack the button that would turn it off. His breathing came in short labored gasps, his eyes slightly unfocused as he found himself sitting up in bed. He fumbled for the light to chase away the darkness, he wanted to see his hands, he wanted to see that they were human. They had to be human. The rush of foolish fear didn't embarrass him as he got the side lamp on and looked down at his very human hands and fell back against the wall, his brow sweaty as he licked his damp upper lip. The book he had been reading before bed, Sleigh Bells Ring, was cast to one side of the bed, opened up to a large Clydesdale pulling a winter sleigh through thick mounds of snow. It had all been a dream, a horrible dream.

Oh god, I was dreaming... He shook his head roughly and swallowed, his throat felt dry and scratchy. I must have eaten too much...

He licked his lips again and reached to pull the book back up into his bed, the horse pulling the sleigh was like the one from his dream. The heavy neck arched proudly, the barreled chest, the low slung sheath that was boldly shown in the illustration of holiday traditions. The fear began to slip away as he looked at the beast that had been the cause of it in his dream and felt a wave of relief, almost enough relief to not question the awkwardly painful erection pressed against his belly. It had been a dream, a horrible nightmare, he hadn't enjoyed it. Not at all. He snapped the book closed and swung himself out of bed, nearly stepping on the handbook that had fallen from the bed as well.

It was only a dream... But I guess I can read this once more.. He reached down to pick it up, he had a few hours before he had to report to the company to change, he would just make sure he had crossed his T's and dotted his I's in all the right places.