The Life and Times of Tyson the Eagle Whore - An Incestual Encounter

Story by Oblong Pomegranate on SoFurry

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Hey there, I'm back! After AGES of a little dead zone there where I've been far too busy to write (or, more correctly finish) anything story-worthy, I come back with this. I hope you enjoy. A very special thanks to KetoArcticWolf for helping me with the general idea of the story and lending a few characters. Perhaps for those of you who frequent another furry website or two some or all of these characters might seem familiar... winks I was planning on making this a whole story series with all of Tyson's noteworthy encounters being showcased, but we'll see just how much time I can devote to that. This one took me long enough! Anyway, enjoy you naughty bastards!

The American bald eagle shifted his weight a little from one foot to another, gently whistling a small tune as he stared onto the barren street and sidewalk in front of him. It had been a slow day for him - no, an entire slow week for him. And here he thought that he was starting to get a small reputation going around town, snagging himself a few returning customers every now and then. But, apparently, everyone had other things to do this past week. He didn't doubt they were horny, and he didn't doubt that they loved what he had to offer, it's just that every once in a while a hole like this could open up in such a business. He was no newbie to this game. He knew that there were ups and down constantly. Sometimes there were floods of people wanting to have a go at the eagle, abd he'd be too busy to take care of them all. And, at other times like now, there was nothing. The secret to survival was trying not to spend your money too loosely when you had it. The eagle had been pretty good at that over the past two years or so, but even now he found his wallet fairly empty and his bills starting to come in once again.

But, there was only so much he could do in order to boost his income really. The occasional photo shoot or movie would only bring in so much, and he couldn't exactly advertise his nightly "profession" anywhere seriously either. He was stuck with just standing on his usual street corner in the shady part of town, hoping that people either knew where to find him or that they were out looking for someone to find.

Tyson really had made a decent living as a male prostitute though - he couldn't really complain about the job to be honest. He had managed to stay out of the pimp and gang markets by being just a hair smarter than some of the bosses around, so that was certainly a plus. He knew the area he was in, and he knew the people in it fairly well - making sure to do his research before sinking his talons into a new place. And, most of all, he knew the law and how the cops worked around here - taking every precaution not to get caught. And, when he did, knowing how to get out of it with the least criminal charges possible was also a good skill to have. You see, Tyson wasn't exactly your average "too stupid to do anything else" whore...

Tyson was always quite the kinky fellow in grade school as he began to explore his body at quite the young age. While other kids were busy playing card and video games, he was busy browsing the internet for a few things that would make even most adults cringe. And, after finding a topic he liked and could get into, he would begin to experiment with it any way he could. Whether it was with some of his sex-crazed school friends, someone he had met online, or just a random object he found around the house. He was always doing something naughty after coming home from school - usually right under his parent's beaks. It's a wonder he'd only been caught a few times, and even then in some of the tamer things he'd been involved with.

When he got to college though his horizons were opened up a good bit wider. He was always the first to try out something new and different when it came to sex - be it with males, females, animals, objects, whatever was really available at the time and whatever he got dared to try out. He was a crazy little eagle, and no one who knew him well would deny that, but along with his craziness there came a surprisingly smart mind as well. Sure he'd try out something sick and twisted first, but only after researching it and being sure that he could handle it after all. To most people it seemed that the eagle would fuck or be fucked by just about anyone and anything, but he secretly knew what he was doing when it came to some of the more extreme things. He practiced quite a bit, ate a good diet, and knew his limits - more than he could say for some of his other more... fun-seeking college buddies.

Believe it or not, the big and proud eagle was actually in school studying to become a lawyer - a prosecutor to be specific - so he could help defend his fellow furs from all the sick and twisted people out there and keep order in the country that he was the official mascot of... you know, that sort of prideful stuff. At least, that's what he had originally told himself anyway. But, things have a funny way of being turned on their heads sometimes. Little did he know that he would soon find himself pandering to the same people he wanted to rid the streets of.

It wasn't for lack of effort that he had to change his views a little bit though. He did well in school despite his sex-crazed nature, and he even managed to pass the BAR exam without too much trouble. But, the problems started to rise as he continued to search for a non-existent job in the over-saturated lawyer market after his graduation. He quickly found the bills starting to pile up and his finances starting to slip down the drain. He tried desperately to get any job he could, but the amount of debt he'd wracked up due to his fairly expensive college education and expenses was just too much to handle with a simple minimum wage job.

Getting desperate to pay off his bills before too long, he turned to a secret college pastime of his - staring in adult films and photo shoots. While staring in the occasional movie helped his income substantially, he knew that there was one other, and even quicker way he could pay off the bills for good. And, he was just willing enough to take the large risk for a large reward. So, after scoping out a good bit of the town, and catching up on the local laws and politics between the pimps and gangs, he set up shop on a somewhat decent looking street corner... at least decent for the red light district anyway.

Before long he began to sell himself to anyone who was in need of the special services and experiences he could provide by utilizing all his years of both sexual and interpersonal experience. Although it was a rough start at first, after a few weeks he began to grow accustom to all the nuances of being a whore and dealing with customers, pimps, police, and the like, and he actually started to find out that he enjoyed it all... quite a bit in fact! There was always something new each day to experience, and as word began to spread about the kinky eagle on his special corner his business really began to swell. The eagle had payed off all his debts in less than a year with his new job, and even though he didn't NEED to do it anymore, he found it very hard to give up the long nights of kinky sex and the very good income.

But, on some nights, that income just wasn't coming. The streets were dead this week, and his regulars seemed to have either found other whores or were just too busy or broke to come and see him. A whore as special as him due to his species being so rare certainly fetched a pretty penny, and most guys just couldn't afford to be regulars. So, as he slowly watched the night tick by and the occasional plane fly overhead, he just continued whistling the same tune that'd been stuck in his head all night as he scoped out the empty street and sidewalk for even a casual glimpse of a potential customer.

It was a long and boring night as the eagle watched the moon slowly reach it's peak in the sky and then gently begin to set. He had seen a few people pass by during the night - some obviously looking for some action but most just incredibly drunk or randomly passing by. None of them really seemed interested in what the eagle had to offer though despite his years of experience with luring even the so-called "straight" customers in. He was just about to call it a night and go home with empty pockets... again... for the third or forth time this week... before he spotted a fairly good looking and muscular male shark about a block away, heading quickly in his direction. His interest suddenly perked up as he tried to focus his powerful eyes in the dim light of the evening hours - quickly beginning to make out a second but only slightly smaller shark walking behind the first one.

It took the eagle a while in the weak light to make out any characteristics of the two big aquatic creatures, but from the way they walked and their similar body styles he had to guess that they were related - perhaps brothers, cousins, or maybe even father and son as their definition grew the closer they got. The eagle knew from experience that groups were usually horrible targets for this sort of thing as no one could ever agree on anything, but he was desperate enough to try these two sharks out. After all, he didn't want to go home with empty pockets yet again. The thought of his credit card and rent payments filled his head as he slowly waited for the two sharks to cross into his territory, slowly looking the two muscular and fairly good looking males over as he began to work on his opening statement to them.

He gave them a look as they finally crossed over from the vixen's territory onto his side of the street, hoping to catch one of their sets of eyes in the process. He had to wait until the shark pair were almost standing right next to him before the younger looking one finally caught his glance - the eagle giving him a big wink before slowly starting to say, "Hey there you two. Need some help finding something tonight? Well, if you're looking for what I think you two are looking for, and you have a bit of cash on you, then I think you might have just found it..."

It was a line the eagle used often, but it was a fairly effective line usually - getting the people to at least come to a halt and give the eagle whore a strange glance if nothing else. This time was no different as the smaller shark slowed to a stop not far past the eagle, pulling the older shark into a stop as well as they both turned to look at the friendly smiling bird.

They just stood there and stared for a moment as what the avian said slowly sunk into both their minds, the younger shark being the first one to say something as his lips broke out with, "Hmmmm, I dunno... we do have some time before work dad," he said as he slowly turned to face the other shark. "And I've never really played with a bird before. Whaddya say? I think I'd be willing to pay him a bit just to see what it'd be like..."

As the smaller shark turned back towards the eagle, the bird had quite the surprised look on his face - not expecting this to work at all much less for it to go THIS fluidly. But, he quickly took a hold of his expression and placed it back into one of a quiet confidence as he watched the larger shark chuckle a little bit at his son's question. It was at that point that the older shark looked the eagle dead in the eyes and slowly said, "I dunno son, these whores can be quite expensive. What do you charge?"

The eagle was more than ready for this question as he couldn't help letting a small smile escape his beak at the father's seeming willingness as well. With the smile still gracing the bird's beak, he slowly opened it up and said, "Well, unlike most of the others out there, I don't actually charge for time - I charge by the kink. That way I make sure that my customers are happy and that they're getting what they paid for." Then, as a small joke, the eagle gently added, "And, lucky for you two that I'm running a special today. Since you two seem to be related, you automatically qualify for the two for one incest special. If you two are willing to mess around with each other for a moment, then I'm willing to half the price for you."

He said it as more of a joke than anything else, but he quickly realized he could be treading on very unstable ground there - not having many father-son teams that seemed interested in his services had left him with little to fall back on with this kind of subject. But, surprisingly, the larger male shark just let a small grin slide out of his face as he slowly said, "What exactly to you mean by 'mess around'?"

"Well, um..." the eagle said, not sure if they were still joking or not. "I suppose that the beginning of a paw job would get you 25% off, and if you decided to go all the way to a blow job I could give you the full 50%... not that you have to though. Full price should still be cheap enough that you two could afford it," he added in as a small clause to his statement - not wanting to scare the first potential customers in days off. "So, what could I do for you two in that case? What are you craving?" he says after a moment of silence in between the two parties, trying to move away from his joke and onto more business matters.

The shark duo seemed as if they were ready to drop the incest clause as they both looked at each other for a quick glance, the younger one saying, "I dunno. I suppose a beak job would be nice. I mean, it's not often you get one of those, that's for sure. But, I do want something more though... a tight hole to drill into would be very nice tonight I think. I don't know how tight HE'LL be, but I'm willing to take a shot at it."

The eagle thought that this was a good time to jump in as he just smiled and slowly said, "Trust me, I might be pretty experienced with what I do, but I can still clamp down hard enough to make you believe I'm a virgin."

He let the statement hang in the air for a bit as the younger shark just smiled before looking over at the older one. "What do you think Dad? Sound good to you?"

The older shark just smiled a bit before saying, "You go ahead and have your fun with the whore's rear. I think I'll just keep his beak busy while you're at it. That's intriguing me more than his rear to be honest - I've had plenty of those in my day, feathers or not. The question is, does he think he could handle both of us at the same time with his beak alone. THAT would be worth paying to see."

The eagle quickly switched his gaze over to the younger shark to see his reaction before looking back at the older one. "Two guys at once going after my beak's attention? Should be easy enough," the bird said confidently - at least confidently enough to convince both sharks that he could anyway.

Another tiny silence fell over the group for a moment before the larger shark slowly said, "So, for two blow jobs and a fucking how much are we looking at?"

The eagle flashed both sharks a grin and a small nod as he thought about it quick, considering his base prices for each and factoring in the special circumstances of the deal before slowly saying, "Well, for what you two want, I'm thinking around $400 for everything."

The eagle was used to people recoiling in shock from his prices - many not knowing that he considered himself a higher-class prostitute than the rest. It wasn't because he was more dignified or anything, it was simply because of his species. Avians were rare, and not many people could claim to have bedded one in their day. So, in order to have that honor, you simply needed to pay more. And, surprisingly, many people thought the same way. For ever person that his prices scared off another five would pay them, so the eagle saw no reason to charge any less. But, surprisingly, the older shark barely even flinched as the price was quoted to him. Instead, after a moment to take it in, he simply said, "Is that before or after the incest discount?"

Taken off guard by the question, the eagle stuttered a bit before slowly saying, "Um... before." He shifted his positioning slightly before looking over to the older shark curiously, wondering if he was actually serious about taking the eagle up on his offer. He didn't have to wait long however as the older shark soon turned towards the younger one, and his human-like hands quickly dove down to his son's waistline. One set of fingers wrapped themselves around one side of the younger shark's pants while the other focused on diving for that metallic button in the center. It popped out in a quick moment, almost before the younger shark could even react. He did however have time for a reflexive twitch at the grab and a slight little gasp at the sudden popping of his button. But, as his zipper started up unzip itself, the younger shark fell silent and motionless, simply watching his own father remove his pants almost as if this had happened a thousand times before.

He didn't as much as flinch as the fabric slid down his legs and onto the sidewalk below. It was even the father who looked around for a moment to see if anyone was coming before slowly dropping to his knees on the cool concrete and sliding his hands back up towards the younger shark's decently bulged speedo underneath. They must have been swimming earlier or something the eagle figured as he watched the father make quick work of that too - grabbing the elastic and pulling it down to reveal something quite astonishing to the bird: the younger shark wasn't even remotely hard yet - and his cock was still bigger than most the eagle had to service!

He had to be a good 6-7 inches soft as his large and blueish human-like uncut cock hung there heavily between his recently freed dangling balls, themselves quite a hefty and almost horse-like size to them as the sharks whole package was just... impressive. But, the eagle REALLY began to worry when the older and grayer shark wrapped one of his hands around the younger shark's shaft and gently began to pump that skin up and down over his son's huge and girthy length. It quickly grew longer, wider, and more menacing with each pump - inflating rapidly to 8, 10, 11 and then finally maxing out at around 13 inches or so the eagle estimated - that roughly 3 inch in diameter throbbing cock making the bird wince just by the sight alone.

With a satisfied grin on his face, the older shark turned to look at the nervous eagle fidgeting over in a shadow. His grin only got slightly wider as he said, "Well now, I believe that's 25% off. Now to get the full 50." And, with that, the shark opened up his mouth quite widely, and yet almost effortlessly swallowed the first few inches of his son's cock as his large lips came right down over it.

The eagle was still fairly in shock or else he would've been quite amazed at the older shark's talent - sinking down onto the smaller shark's member without even a straining grunt on the way down and sinking about a third of that cock inside his open mouth after the first push downwards. He let that meat sit in his experienced mouth for a few moments as the eagle could see his mouth and throat flex - a sure sign that the shark was busy working his tongue over his son's member and sucking on it healthily. He continued this procedure for a moment or two before slowly adding some head bobs to his routine - pushing and pulling his head up and down that thick and pulsing shark shaft as he really began to work the younger shark's meat over for the bird to watch and enjoy.

The younger shark took the teasing well actually, almost like this was a semi-regular occurrence for him as a matter of fact. He let out a soft and relaxed moan as his father wrapped a human-like hand around the base of his cock and started to stroke it in time with his bobs, the occasional moan and gentle thrust of the smaller shark's hips coming out as well as the he obviously enjoyed the treatment and felt quite comfortable doing it. When the larger shark opened his mouth and started to slide the cock deeper inside and down into his throat, his son got a bit more into the act as well as he gripped his father on the shoulder and let out a spine-chilling moan of, "Oh... daddy..."

That caused the eagle to shiver a little in his quiet and distant spot away from the two creatures. He'd always had a thing about incest for whatever strange reason, but he never thought he'd actually get to see it himself in person... with two good looking relatives actually going at it like this. He was joking about the discount at first, but, after a display like this, how could he NOT offer it up? His pants were slowly becoming tented as he watched the father suck off his son with the smoothness of a well-practiced event, and the occasional moans of 'oh daddy' from the younger shark made the eagle's toes curl up against the concrete of the sidewalk from the naughtiness of the act.

The older shark continued his treatment for a good few minutes or so, making sure his son was adequately pleased from it before slowly sliding off the cock and letting the huge throbbing member bob and glisten there in the cool night air. He slowly stood up before looking at the eagle, the bird having to struggle to pull his still shocked gaze from the thick pulsing cock to look up at him as the bird blushed a little bit at his gaze. "Well, 50% off, right?" the larger male said as the younger shark did nothing to hide his dripping erection.

The bird whore could only nod slowly a few times, having no other choice but to give in to the male's request. His eyes slowly shifted back to the cock before looking back at the shark male as he spoke.

"So, how much will it be for a double sucking and then my son here taking your rear?" he asked forwardly, causing the eagle to gulp nervously at the thought of that as he slowly tried to think out a price.

"I... um... well," the aroused and still slightly shocked eagle replied as he tried to make his mind work and figure out the prices he usually charged. "It'd usually be around $50 each for a blowjob and $150 for a bottoming session. That'd be $250 normally, plus... I'd have to charge you and extra $50 'horse' fee for your son's size in both cases, so... $350. If you're the same size then it's an even $400..." He says carefully, trying to not let his brain get in the way of basic math as quite a few other thoughts were flying through his head.

The older shark just nodded a bit before he said, "So, $400 normally, $200 after our little show?"

The eagle could only swallow nervously once again as he thought back to the quick but powerful act and gave his beak a few nods.

It was then that the older shark reached back and pulled out his wallet, slowly opening it up and counting out a few bills before handing them over to the eagle. "There you go then, now, when you're finished counting them, why don't we move into the alleyway for a bit more privacy?"

The bird simply nodded at that simple request, finishing up counting all $200 of his advanced paycheck before stuffing the money into his back pocket and turning around - leading both males into the nearby alleyway. It was a familiar place to him as the bird did a decent bit of his business there, but even the familiar surroundings could barely hide his nerves as the two large sharks started to follow him. The smaller shark had stepped out of his pants and his speedo at this point, just carrying them on his shoulder as that huge throbbing shark meat bobbed with each step he took into the dark and secluded alley - the bird listening to it slap up against his thighs and belly as he walked and hoping that he wouldn't have to take TOO many days off after this ordeal to recover.

Once they were near the middle of the shadowy passageway - hidden equally from both sides by a decent bit of length and the occasional dumpster, the bird turned around to face the two grinning shark males with a nervous but inviting smile on his face. The older and more dominant of the two quickly began with, "Alright now, get down and continue what I left off! I'll join in a moment once I get to see what your beak can actually do... and if it can handle what you say it can..."

The eagle actually blushed a little at this statement, mostly because he knew there was some truth to it. He had handled big cocks before, but this was pushing even his limits. Nevertheless, he slowly found a comfortable spot down on his knees on the ground and called the naked shark over to him - stretching out his beak wide a few times to try and loosen it up before his powerful eyes were staring right down the barrel of one of the largest cocks he'd ever seen.

The bird hesitated a bit before slowly reaching up a wing to let it grasp around that thick and slick piece of meat - his delicate wingtips slowly curling around the shaft and just barely reaching his wing back around on the other side. He gave that cock a few nervous strokes - pushing back the foreskin a bit and looking at that big needy human-like head staring back at him. An eye stared into an eye as the eagle contemplated working over this cock - wishing he could call the whole thing off right now. But, his slow demeanor didn't go unnoticed for sure. Although the smaller shark seemed to enjoy the gentle teasing wing job, the bigger shark just grinned a little before saying, "Come on whore, get to it! We don't have all night!"

That was the push that the eagle needed as he slowly opened up his beak as wide as he thought it could go and very slowly began to lean his head forward. The covered head of that cock gently rested on his tongue as it rolled out of his beak to catch it - the bird already tasting a good bit of strong male musk on the shark even though his father had just finished giving it a good spit shine not all that long ago. He lapped up any new shark pre that gently leaked onto his tongue - the bird swallowing slowly before coming back and quickly sliding a few inches of that long meat into his beak. He had to hold his jaw open quite wide to keep his sharp beak tip (or at least it looked sharp, the eagle making it a point to file it down every day just for occasions like this) from digging into the flesh, but the bird was more or less surprised at how easily the first bit slid in. Sure it was big - VERY big - but the eagle whore had pleased horses before in his line of work. It wasn't something he did everyday, but all his years of training had made this act easy enough for him it seemed, at least for now.

After he took in the first few inches and let his tongue gently swirl around the underside of the thick shaft, he slowly began to bob back up the long cock for a few slow and steady bobs to get everything set and ready. He looked up at the smaller shark with his big eyes and slowly started to work on the next few inches of the cock - the bird diving down slowly until he felt the massive head of the shark's cock push against the entrance to his throat - something he knew would take quite a bit of work to make happen. He let out just the tiniest little gag in response before sliding all the way back up until the tip popped out of the seal it had made inside his mouth.

Although his beak itself couldn't wrap around a cock tightly the inside of his mouth sure could, and with all the time he spent practicing his oral arts he'd become pretty good at mimicking anything with a pair of lips. He was pretty sure he was one of the only avians in the world as advanced in the cock sucking talents. A beak was quite a difficult thing to work with, and his customers took a big risk getting oral from him... or so they thought. He had ruined enough dildos during his childhood and teens though to know what to do and what not to do, so no one was ever in any REAL danger. This shark, although working up against the bird's limits, wasn't really in any danger either as the bird had things under control. He dove back onto that cock after a moment to get a few good breaths in - making a few nice and sloppy noises for the pair to enjoy as his beak bobbed down against that thick meat once again.

And enjoy they did, although the younger one was certainly enjoying it a good bit more as he was the one getting serviced. On the first quick pass he let out a good sized moan - his thighs twitching a little bit as he felt his cock tip becoming engulfed by the talented bird. It only took the bird a few more passes though before the shark's large hand came down on the bird's head and started to push him forward a bit more with each bob the bird made. Along with the younger shark's almost constant moans came the bird's grunts, gentle squawks, and gargled throaty noises as he felt that cock head press up against his throat opening again and again - the avian getting a bit worried at the shark's persistence in getting in there so soon. He could already feel a few gags and chokes come up as the cock began to stretch out his throat entrance a bit painfully, but the bird fought through it and only managed to shed a small tear or two as the eager shark continued to help him slide along his large length.

"Mmmm, how is he?" the larger shark asked after a while, the bigger male supporting a good sized bulge from watching his son making that eagle struggle around his thick meat.

"He's good..." the smaller shark said in between his gentle moans, "Really good. Didn't expect much with his beak to be honest, but... damn. He knows what he's doing."

That statement just made the larger shark grin as he slowly yet unceremoniously started to strip off his own pants and speedo - letting his own cock bob free into the very dim alleyway lighting. The eagle was too busy trying not to choke on the smaller shark's cock to really notice much, but out of the corner of his eye he began to see an absolute monster rise up to attention. If the smaller shark was a foot long, then his father had to be a foot and a quarter at the very least. It was an absolutely incredible specimen of a cock as it stuck out proudly and obscenely far from the shark's body, almost comically so. But yet, the size of it wasn't the thing the eagle would remember most about this cock - oh no. It had something far more sinister to imprint on his memory than simply it's length.

As the older shark walked up to the eagle whore's beak he could already begin to smell the male's musk - thinking it was the younger sharks for a bit as his beak edged a little closer to the smaller male's groin with each push forward. But, by the time the eagle felt that second cock head pressing up against his soft and feathery cheek - that drooling cock leaving a little wet mark on his feathers - the bird knew where the smell was coming from. The younger shark certainly had a strong scent to him, but the father... god damn! It was almost as if the eagle was pressed right up against his most musky parts right after the male had just finished hours upon hours of an intense workout - and that was just with the cock tip pressing against his cheek. It was about as far as one could get from his nostrils while still making contact with his head, and already the bird was starting to feel his eyes water from the scent.

What happened next though really left the bird with a powerful imprint on his memory. The larger shark soon took control of the situation as he continued to press his cock tip to the eagle whore's face. After a moment of holding that large human-like head against the bird's soft plumage, the larger shark slowly grabbed a hold of the eagle's head feathers tightly and pulled him off his son's cock. With a little moan of approval the older shark watched as he lead the bird in his direction - making him spin on his knees a little bit as he kept a firm and somewhat painful hold on the bird's head feathers. With one last tug the bird was now facing down the barrel of that mammoth cock with his nostrils right at the foreskin-covered head. The eagle let out a heavy cough as the musk invaded his senses and tried to choke him out, but that didn't stop the larger shark from slowly pushing his cock up along the top of the whore's beak - slowly dragging it right up between the bird's eyes as he pulled the avian's head down between his two huge and dangling nuts.

Tyson struggled for a breath as his sinuses and lungs almost refused to take in such a musky scent - the poor bird coughing and gagging a good bit as he was forced lower and lower into the center of that heavy stench. Even breathing through his beak didn't help as the taste of the heavy male's scent was enough to get him to cough a bit more - his body not being able to handle such a heavy musk despite all his years of "training" and acclimation to such a thing. He struggled to make due as the cock slid itself more and more over his beak, and his nostrils got closer and closer to that musky center.

When the bird finally found his beak tip and nostrils right underneath the huge shark's balls he couldn't really let out a sigh of accomplishment or anything, just a few more coughs and snorts as his nose began to fill with mucus to help block out the scent. Even that didn't seem to help as the bird felt surrounded by the smell - choked off and isolated by it. He'd smelled male's musk all his life and usually loved it as it helped get him ready for what was to come, but this... this was insane. It was so much more to handle than normal... the shark having to be one hell of a man to even produce so much man smell in the first place...

There was nothing the eagle could do either as he was trapped down there by the shark's big hand, slowly biding his time until he started to feel his breathing get a bit normal once again. The loud coughs, dripping eyes, and running nose that the scent initially caused slowly started to wane away as the shark just continued to hold the bird down there in the center of his musk, chuckling gently for a few moments as he watched the eagle slowly get acquainted with his smell.

"Mmmmm, too much for you, huh whore?" the shark's booming voice echoed out in the alleyway as both sharks extended another little chuckle at the eagle's struggles. But, eventually, the bird's body slowly became numb to the smell as his senses had enough to last a lifetime. His smell and taste slowly began to dull as the eagle's breathing slowly returned to normal as well - the bird's coughs and sputters turning into gentle twitches when a sudden burst of scent hit the eagle wrong for a moment. But, before long he was ready to go again - the bird settling down and breathing somewhat normal nestled in between the older shark's heavy nuts like he was. Although, the worst was still yet to come as the shark finally allowed enough time for the whore adjust to his scent.

"Alright bitch, tongue out... and leave it out!" The shark commanded as he waited for that warm and slick avian muscle to slide out of the bird's beak. The bird was a little horrified at having to taste something this strong smelling, but he was in no position to argue of course. With a simple nod the bird opened his beak just a crack and let his wet appendage slip out - slowly pressing up against the back of the shark's balls before hearing a pleasured moan from the shark in return. "Mmmm, that's it... keep it slick..." the shark commanded before slowly pulling the avian mercifully out of his crotch, although making sure the bird's tongue continued to slide along his balls and cock for the entire slow journey back up and out along that incredibly long cock.

The taste at first was pretty strong as expected - the bird having to work a bit to keep himself from gagging yet again as his tongue pressed up against that heavily salty skin and was slowly dragged upwards. The taste was bad on the outside as his tongue tingled with it's sensory overload on the slide up, but it's when the shark commanded the bird to stick his tongue back into his beak and swallow the avian really got a full taste of the male's musky flavor.

It was almost overwhelming for sure, but the eagle's senses had dulled quite a bit by this point, and a struggling swallow was all that was needed to get that taste down. After blinking his eyes to remove the tears that had accumulated the bird looked back up at the shark and was quickly ordered to release his tongue out once again for another pass up and down the elder shark's massive cock. This time the taste had faded a good bit as the eagle's taste buds had more or less given up for the night - the salty taste of male cock barely registering all that much on his tongue as the eagle had grown used to it... or used to it enough to make it through the task.

There were a few more passes along that large cock as the larger shark continued to drag the bird by his head feathers up and down that shaft, making sure he got every inch of it at least moist with his spit as the bird worked quickly and efficiently. But, before long the shark simply let go of the eagle's feathers once he made it to the top of his foreskin-covered head and gave a warm chuckle as his big cock throbbed in front of him powerfully. "Mmmmm, not bad whore... I've certainly had worse," he said with a smile. "Now, here's the plan. You're going to deepthroat my son once again and make sure he's fully coated in a layer of your slickest spit while I make sure your rear is ready for the taking. Then, he's going to be the one taking your rear and I'm going to take his place imbedded in your throat, got it whore?"

The bird could only nod a few times like a good whore as he took the direct order, swallowing hard at the thought of actually taking that monster cock into his mouth and even his throat - knowing he wouldn't be able to talk again for a week if it did happen. But, he was in no position to argue now as his beak and face was already reeking of shark musk, his throat was nice and ready to go the full distance on the smaller shark from the previous poking he did, and there was just a hint of an erection slowly growing down in the eagle's pants at the thought.

"Good," the larger shark said as he once again grabbed the eagle's plumage and lifted him up off of his knees, only to bend him back over with his beak pressed into the smaller shark's cool and somewhat dry groin now that his spit had a chance to evaporate. "Go ahead son, get our money's worth and use him however you want," the larger shark instructed as the smaller shark simply nodded and took his father's lead, grabbing onto the eagle whore's already ruffled plumage and pulling his beak against his own needy shaft. "Open," he commanded quickly, and as the eagle took one last gulp before opening his beak up wide. It wasn't long before he felt it quickly fill with a familiar thick and warm cock.

It slid in nearly all the way to the point it had been before with one quick thrust - the bird gagging just a little bit as he felt his breathing cut off with that cock lodged deep in his mouth, and that tip quickly starting to push further into that tight but yet inviting throat. The shark was quick to start his thrusts as well, not even letting the bird get familiar with the sensation once again as he made sure to make quick work of that throat's resistance. Back and forth his powerful hips started to go as that cock dove deeper down the avian's windpipe and slid out almost to the very tip as the younger shark heeded his father's words and quickly got to work with the whore.

On the other hand the elder shark didn't waste a lot of time just watching either. Although the bird didn't feel anything as he was focused on trying not to bite down around the cock shoved into his beak, the older shark had been busy undoing the whore's pants button and zipper, quickly pulling them down to reveal the bird's own dark black skimpy man-thong underneath. That too was made quick work of, and before long the eagle had a pile of clothing sitting wrapped around his ankles with his ass nice and free for the large shark to enjoy.

It didn't take long for one of the shark's large human-like hands to come down and grasp those tail feathers - roughly hiking them up and making the bird let out a muffled squawk around the cock invading his throat. Once those tail feathers were out of the way and stayed in place like that on their own now, the shark took both hands down to the eagle's soft feathery ass cheeks and roughly spread them apart to take a look at the eager hole staring back at him between the white mass of feathers. "Mmmm, looks quite well used whore - you must be popular..." the large shark said with a little grin as he slid one of his thumbs over that sensitive and talented ring of flesh. "Looks like you'll be able to fit after all," he adds as he looks up to his son with a little smile as they share a chuckle in between them.

The eagle could only shiver in nervousness as he feels the elder shark's fingers slowly start to rub over that ring of flesh he had back there. The father was right, it certainly WAS a well traveled area back there. The eagle was no stranger to taking cock, that was for sure, and it surely showed as that pucker slid open a bit as the shark's powerful hands pulled the eagle's fluffy cheeks apart.

With a wide grin the large shark leaned back, getting a good wad of spit in his throat, before letting it fly onto the eagle's ass - hitting him square in the crack but a bit higher than the hole. Whatever didn't soak into the downy feathers back there though started to drip down, and before long the shark's fingers helped to slide the slick spit even farther down onto the whore's ring, spreading the slickness around a good bit as the eagle drooled and squawked more around that cock driving into his mouth from the added sensation. It was making him lose a bit of focus for sure as the eagle ruffled his feathers a bit at the contact, choking a bit more over that cock as the younger shark continued to use him more or less without mercy up there.

The younger shark's hips were busy pumping away back and forth into the whore's mouth and throat, making deep, slick, popping, throaty noises as his cock rammed in deep and popped the eagle's passageway open. Not having any lips to dampen the sounds only made it worse and louder as each wet pop and slap into that throat rang out heavily on the alleyway walls - the groaning eagle doing his best to try and keep his beak wide for that cock all the while. And it was certainly not an easy task either - the bird had taken horses smaller than this guy! Those balls slapping against his lower beak didn't make his job any easier either as the whore felt that cock try and slide down into his stomach - his throat aching already from the rough action. And just when the bird thought it couldn't get any worse, something started to grab his attention on his back door again.

Content with lubing up his outside with his spit, the shark behind him began to push his thick digits into that whore's rump, sinking in two or three on the first go and making the bird shiver and cry out around the cock, the bird missing a breath and gagging hard around that cock while struggling to catch the next one for his mistake. The elder shark could only grin a bit more as he started to pump those fingers in and out of the whore's sloppy ass, making the bird's plumage puff up a good bit more now as the avian was being attacked from both sides. It was quite hard to focus from the assault as it was, but when the father added yet another finger to the whore's unprepared rear it made the bird give a loud squawk and have to pull off the son's cock, squirming so much with the shocking rush that he twisted to the side and panted painfully.

There was no mercy for him though it seemed. The shark pair was going to get what they paid for one way or another. The father's fingers stayed lodged inside the whore and even gave a few squirming wiggles, making the bird shake and squawk more as his rear stretched out farther than it had been in a good long time... and that was just from a few thick digits. And the younger shark, quite unhappy from having the whore pop off his thick and dripping cock, roughly grabbed onto his head feathers and pulled him back in line after only a few deep recovering breaths from the bird, stuffing his beak and throat full of cock all the way down to the balls once again and making sure he gagged and begged for breath before the younger shark finally let him up for a quick mercy gasp.

This treatment went on for a good few minutes, but it seemed like hours to the poor eagle as he could only take it. He had no defense, he had no fight in him. He was at the mercy of the two large sharks, and he knew that the best way to get out of it was to please them, as painful as that was getting to be. Nevertheless, the eagle's rear did begin to open up after a bit of harsh fingering from the shark behind him, and he could tell the younger one was getting close in front of him too. Feeling the end near, the bird held on for as long as he could, and just when he started to get comfortable in his position... the father slipped out his fingers and gave a hard slap to the bird's ass. "I think he's ready back here if you want him..." he says with a grin as the larger shark takes a step back to admire his work. The son just grins a little himself as he pulls his cock out of the bird's gasping and drooling beak, messy as he's ever been, before the cock slaps to his cheek leave a nice wet mark in his feathers - a combination of drool and pre matting his feathers down.

"Mmmmm, he got me close, won't take long..." the younger shark says as he and his dad trade places slowly, the bird doing everything he can to get a few good breaths in while he could now. His ass hurt, his throat hurt, his head was spinning from the lack of oxygen and all the shaking it had endured... but he wasn't done yet. And, as he saw that MASSIVE cock on the larger shark now in front of him, he looked up with almost begging eyes to stop.... right as the younger one slipped in balls deep into the slutty bird's now prepared rear end with a hard, merciless push.

That loud squawk after that sudden plunge was all that bigger shark needed to cram his cock down into the bird's beak... or at least try to. The avian's jaw put up a good fight, but before long the larger shark cock showed it who was boss and began diving down towards the whore's throat opening, mashing that fat drooling head up against it as the large shark in front of him let out a happy little groan and moan almost at the same time. "Mmmmm, fuck... been too long since I slid into a mouth like that.." the large shark said with a pleasured rumble, his whole body vibrating from it as the eagle let out a gagging squirm around that mammoth member. His jaw ached like it never had before as the bird could only try to pull back, but a pair of strong hands over his shoulders made sure the bird was going nowhere. That big shark didn't seem to want to BREAK the eagle as he most certainly could thankfully, not driving forwards like a lot of people would and trying to burst open that throat, but he did grind that cock head of his against the whore's throat opening firmly, making sure there was a nice firm pressure on it in case the whore WAS able to swallow him at any sudden point.

But it wasn't only that monster cock trying to choke him to death, oh no, the eagle also felt that other, still giant cock up his backside, hitting in DEEP into his insides, probably making his stomach bulge a little bit as the younger shark could only let out a soft moan in pleasure. He wasn't all a ruthless attack on that ass though. A few points during the pounding the young shark mercifully held his cock deep and still for a few moments, enjoying the feeling of well trained flesh around it no doubt, before slowly pulling back out and giving the eagle's ass a firm slap, making him jump and gag evermore on that thick shaft in his beak. It was most likely to keep himself from cumming all too quickly, but the avian enjoyed every last little grain of relaxation that he could handle before the assault on both of his ends picked up again.

"Oh yeah..." the younger shark said as he thrust back in with a firm grunt, the avian squirming hard and shaking at the force, pushing him harder against the other shark's cock. "Not too tight, not too loose, just fuckin' perfect..." he says with a grin as his hips waste no time getting up into gear, slamming harder and harder into that rump and quickly going faster than he had into the bird's beak - the eagle's ass not having to breathe for sure as it took that hammering like a pro... after a few tender moments of heavy gasps and muffled squawks while the pain was worked out of his pucker and depths.

But, this certainly wasn't the eagle's first cock up his rump, and in a few moments he fell into a regular pattern with the younger shark slapping up against his soft and feathery ass cheeks, feeling that cock hammering away deep inside the bird's colon as the whore slowly let his mind focus back on that huge cock in front of him - his rear end on auto pilot now as it slowly squeezed and massaged that thick shark cock with each pump. It still hurt on occasion, and the eagle gave a few teasing squeezes and sucks on that cock from time to time as well, but for the most part experience took over for him as he had something way more important to focus on at the moment.

The cock in front of him was getting no easier to handle as the avian gargled and groaned heavily around it, drooling all around the length of that impressive piece of meat as the avian struggles to get a breath, or bob over it, or do much of anything - just nursing it like a little baby for now. Luckily, the big shark knew just how to work with that massive endowment by this point in his life, and the eagle was lucky that he had enough self control to hold back. He seemed quite content to watch his son pound away into that slutty rump and enjoy himself while the bird sloppily slobbered all over that thick jaw-busting shaft of his. He gave a few thrusts back and forth with his hips on occasion, and the avian did much the same with his head and neck - that cock never quite slipping down into his throat, but not for lack of trying from both parties for sure. But, before the bird knew it, he could start to feel the shark behind him stutter a bit and lose his rhythm. It seemed like his torture was coming to a relatively quick end after all as the bird knew exactly what that meant...

With such a pace as the smaller shark was going, it wasn't surprising that the eagle felt him tense up and squeeze hard around his hips, fingers digging into his soft feathered sides as the bird let out a few more hard grunts into that cock lodged in his beak. A few final hammering thrusts and the smaller shark was done, letting his balls tense up and his cock twitch and spasm inside that tight passageway. Soon enough his cum started to shoot out with a few heavy moans from the male behind him a few deep grinds making sure not a drop of the heavy load leaked out as the eagle swallows it all up with his hungry rump, somehow finding space for all it it with that fat cock taking up most of the stretched out compartment for sure.

The older shark just smiled down at the scene as his own hips were busy thrusting back and forth a few inches, making the eagle sloppily slobber on his cock as the bird's rump was filled with a nice coating of thick aquatic seed. "Mmmmm, gotta work on your Stamina there Son," the elder shark teases a bit before finally himself slipping his spit-shined cock out of the eagle's beak and starting to pump it gently with his own hand.

The eagle in the meanwhile just slowly let his jaw click back into place as he let out a few heavy pants, slowly closing it a little bit as that massive cock loomed just above him, musky as all hell still and looming to cum. And there was nothing the bird could to to hide as it stared him right between the eyes, laying on his beak and slapping it occasionally before the large shark tilted his head back a bit and let his own load go. Ropes and ropes of cum fell over the eagle's face and beak as the bird doesn't dare move his face, panting and moaning gently all the while as the heavy white ropes coat his head and neck with the shark's heavy scent, as if it wasn't doused enough already. Slowly those streams of white sticky substance began to drip down the whore's face and beak, leaving long stringy strands as they fell down to the ground eventually, but a good bit of the cum just matting his feathers and soaking in down between them as the avian continues to catch his breath all the while his face is painted with a few hot ropes of manly seed.

The eagle himself was rock hard as the smaller shark took a moment, and then slid out of that slutty and well used rump - the gape quite apparent as the bird's hole was left to drip a few drizzles of the younger shark's cum, slowly leaking it down onto his taint and then soaking into his downy feathers. The eagle could only continue to pant and catch himself though, his mind spinning from the intense fucking as he's half thankful it's over and half disappointed at the same time. His own cock was as far from his mind though as anything else at the moment as he just continued to stay bent over in his position, a nice firm slap landing on his ass as the final mark of his being claimed. The bird let out a tired squawk at that and just let the two sharks enjoy the view of the messy and well used whore as they slowly started to step back and slide their underwear and pants back on, getting dressed and ready to go.

The avian did finally bend back up to a full standing position, cum still dangling and dripping from his beak and ass as he makes no effort to clean it off - the avian standing there almost proudly with his markings as he slowly says, "W.. will that be all Sirs?" with a sort of fake but sort of seriousness to his voice, really hoping that he'd done his job for his measly paycheck.

The larger shark just chuckles a little before slowly adding in, "You did a fine job whore. I think we're set," he adds, zipping up his zipper and giving his son a pat on the back, who also nodded in response to his father's statement. "Take care whore, we might be back soon enough..." he adds with a soft chuckle before slowly strolling out of the alleyway with his son by his side, leaving the eagle naked, messy, and quite sore, but mostly all alone.

The bird took a moment to take everything in before finally moving for his bag, hidden behind the dumpster, grabbing a small towel out of it and rubbing both his face and his rump off from the musky cum left behind from the sharks. He makes a second pass before tossing the cheap towel in the dumpster next to him and going to find his clothing. Sure he was sore, and might even have to miss work the next day. But when he slipped those pants on and felt that familiar bulge of money in his back pocket, it could only make him smile a bit. It was all worth it. Now, to go home, relax, and help take care of his own needs while he counted out his small, but still well earned earnings over and over again, reminding himself just how much he really did love his job.