One Hell of a Night

Story by VenatoR on SoFurry

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#1 of One Hell of a Night

So... It's been a while. A really long while, at that. I've been busy doing a multitude of things which don't need to be listed, and only recently did I feel a creative spark in me. This was when I stumbled upon an image by Strype (a very talented artist who deserves all your recognition and support) which can be found here, and I had a dream that night which went roughly like the story below. It's not very long, and I haven't spent a lot of time proof reading it, so I apologise. I just thought you guys might like to read something from me once in a while, seeing as you've all favourited and upvoted so many of my posts. Thank you for that, by the way. The support definitely motivates me to keep writing. Anyway, I hope you all enjoy this NSFW piece as much as I enjoyed writing it.

~ Ven.

One Hell of a Night

Sitting stiffly in an alcove, I watched the jukebox in the corner rumble for a moment, the big black records behind the glass screen being moved around by a robotic arm. One of the less sober patrons of the bar had just had his way with the coin slot and the buttons, like a wobbly courting ritual as he tried to coax some sound of approval from the machine. The funny thing, to me at least, was that the vinyl records behind the glass were fakes. They were just there to give a retro look to the juke box, while the real music came from a stack of CDs hidden in its bowels. Thus, what was on the surface was just a facade, as was the case with a lot of people too.

To my dismay, what the wobbling Bear had selected from the touch-screen was a country song. I sighed, looking down at the glass of rum being clutched between my hands. I'd found myself in this place when a pair of my 'friends' decided to go on the prowl for their respective sexual interests. Only, I wasn't told of this hidden goal until the pair of them left the table, having promised to bring back a second round of drinks, and I noticed them both leaving ten minutes later with companions under their arms.

"Why'd they even take me?" I wondered aloud, then gave up wondering. Lifting up the glass, I downed the rest of the rum, going so far as to lean back in the seat and tilting my head right back to let it go down easy. When the last droplet had trickled down my throat, I sat straight again and put the glass down. I'd closed my eyes for a moment, just enjoying the darkness found there, when the gentle clearing of a throat caught my attention. Rightfully, it couldn't even be called a clearing, since it was just the sound with no action behind it.

I opened my eyes with a deep breath, and was greeted with a belt buckle. Not right near my face, of course, but it was on my eye level. A large silver buckle, attached to a wide black belt and holding up a pair of dark jeans. Upwards, a very flat belly, though the width of its owner suggested a male body builder. That thought disappeared right quick when I saw the breasts above it. I suppose they were normal for someone of that size, but to me they looked ridiculous. As to avoid lingering on description, just understand that the woman who stood before me was far, far more well built than the average girl. Not excessively so - that is to say that the main muscles were clearly visible beneath her fur, but she didn't look like a steroid abuser.

Nonetheless, under my breath, a soft, "Fuck me..." of utter shock slipped out.

She smiled nervously - How can someone of that size be nervous?- and said, "I... Uh... Bought you a drink."

I blinked. "What's the occasion?"

"Well... You looked a bit lonesome back here. I asked the bartender what you had before, so I got you another glass. Rum, right?" She offered it to me. Now I got a good look at her face; oddly feminine, with a pair of big blue eyes and black hair hanging all around. There was a tattoo of a dragon poking out from beneath her dark T-shirt, on the side of her neck. There was something... Alluring about her. This sensation was one I'd only felt a few times before in my whole life.

"Rum. Right." I replied, carefully accepting the glass, which looked comically small in her big paw. What was she, eight feet in height? Definitely a meter in the shoulders. And a body builder. But the demeanor didn't fit the equation at all...

She smiled, then began to walk away.

"Hey, hold on." I called. She stopped and looked back. I stood, having put the drink down. "Would you like to sit with me? Talk a bit?"

A big smile appeared across her Wolfish lips. "Sure! I'll just get my drink, okay?"


I collapsed into my seat. My heart was pounding like a jackhammer, and I had to resist the urge to down the second glass of rum in front of me to try and calm myself down.

"What's gotten into you?" I asked myself. "You never seen a girl before?"

A pause.

"Not one like that."

She'd come back with a tall glass of yellow liquid. The fruity smell that wafted over to me suggested it to be a cider of some kind. We sat there for a moment, just looking at eachother, until I smiled nervously and made her blush ever so slightly.

"Uh... Hi." I said.

"Hello." She replied.

"I guess... It'd be easiest to start from the beginning. I'm Silas." I offered my hand to her.

She took it, once again surprising me, this time with the softness of her grip. "Nina. Pleasure to meet you, Silas."

"All mine." I accidentally said, which got another blush from her. "Ahem... So what brings a girl of your calibre to a bar, if you don't mind me asking?"

"Not at all. I got dragged here by a few friends. That tends to happen quite a lot; I mean, I can look imposing, and get rid of guys they don't like the look of. So I just play the bodyguard." Nina shrugged. "What about you, Silas?"

"Funnily enough, I got dragged here by friends as well. I wasn't told that they were looking to find some tail, and when they did, they up and left without warning me."

Nina frowned. "They don't sound like very good friends."

"Yeah... I'm starting to realise that. And yours sound like they're just using you."

"I've looked at it that way, yeah... But it's a bit better than sitting around at home or spending hours in the gym. More interesting, I mean."

"Speaking of which; those are some hella impressive guns you've got there." I smiled, just to show that I spoke light-heartedly. Nina blushed again, laughing. She pulled back the sleeve of her shirt and flexed a bicep as a joke. All of the sudden all those weeks of press-ups I did seemed like a waste of time.

"Honestly, they're just proof of too much free time. I'd rather be normal-looking with a more interesting life." She looked down into her glass with a soft sigh.

"Hey..." Reaching out across the table, I put my hand over hers. "It's better to be different. And your life can still get interesting."

Her blush was dark red at this point, but the smile was completely genuine. "Thank you..."

"Tell you what. Would you say your life got more interesting if I gave you my number?"

Nina stared at me, shocked.

"Oh. Sorry. I didn't mean to be so forward-"

"No! No, you're not. You're just trying to make me feel better. And you're doing really, really well." She smiled, nodding a little. "Yes. I would say my life got a lot more interesting if I had your number."

I smiled back. Taking out my phone, I put up a page with my number on it and placed it on the table, facing her. She did the same, but instead copied the number down under a very interesting contact name.

"Silas the Cutie?" I asked. Nina coughed, though this smile was pure, happy guilt.

"You are, like, the definition of cute to me."

"Oh..." I leaned back in my seat. "Is that the reason behind the drink?"

"Kinda. Mainly I just like doing nice things for others. And sometimes that leads to good things happening to me."

I nodded.

"Case in point." She pointed to the new contact in her phone. "I've got a new friend."

"So you do." I remembered my drink. For a moment I recalled how easy it is to get one's drink spiked in a bar, but I decided against interrogating Nina. She didn't seem like the type to try to hurt others. So I picked it up and took a sip. After that I smiled at her again. It had been a while since I felt like I wanted to smile so much - but it felt really good to have a reason to again, however brief.

"So... Uhm... Are you doing anything tonight, after you leave?"

I tilted my head and looked at her. "You mean am I busy?"

Nina nodded.

"I'm not busy. Not at all. Friday night, the best I've got to look forward to is going home and maybe watching a movie, then going to bed."

She opened her mouth to say something, then closed it again, shifting her gaze to the foam in her glass and the fingers tapping nervously on the table.

"Nina, I don't bite. If you want to ask me something, go right ahead."

"Well... Since you're free, would you like to come home with me instead? I mean, we don't have to do anything. Just talk some more where it's quiet. Then you can go or spend the night, though I'd prefer the latter." That last part was almost inaudible.

I smiled. "Sure. I'd love to spend some more time with you, Nina."

She smiled back, seemingly holding back joy.


We walked back to her place, with me feeling a little bit emasculated. I was some two feet shorter than her, so no surprises there. And yet, it's wasn't bad. I mean, I felt comfortable in her company, not intimidated in the slightest.

Nina's home was a cozy bungalow at the end of a road. It was certainly quiet there, much more so after the somewhat hectic atmosphere of the bar. The first thing I noticed when we arrived at the door was that the door itself was taller than usual. Obviously, to accommodate the large occupant. So it had about a foot and a half more clearance.

"Would you like anything to drink?" Nina inquired. She'd padded off to what looked like the kitchen. "I can get you rum, whiskey, sherry..."

"I think I'll ease back on the alcohol for tonight. I'm already feeling a bit light headed. But thank you for the offer, Nina. If you could do me a glass of water, that'd be great."


I stood in place, looking around. I'd been taught by my parents that it was rude to sit down without the host's permission.

Nina came out of the kitchen with two glasses of water, and handed one to me. "Don't you want to sit down, at all?"

"I'm waiting for you to say where I can."

"Oh... Make yourself comfortable wherever you like. I didn't invite you here just to push you around, after all."

With that said, I padded over to a big couch and sat down, fidgeting to make the cushions accept me as one of their own. Nina sat down on the couch too, a little bit away from me. Respecting personal space, I guessed.

"So... Are we going to sit here like a pair of strangers, or shall we seal this friendship with a cuddle?" I glanced at her, smiling warmly. Without a word, she slid right up close and leaned into me, under my arm..

"I was waiting for you to say that..." Nina murmured.

For some reason, I started playing with her hair. She began to murr softly. "You know... You're awfully timid for a girl who looks like she could flip a car over."

She giggled. It was such a sweet sound. "I am. I've always been shy. I was one of those girls in school who didn't have friends and just sorta studied. But then, instead of spending money on makeup, I spent it on a gym membership. Exercising felt good, better than... Uhm."

"Touching yourself?"

"Yeah, that's a safe way to put it. So it became a habit. And here I am."

"Like... Three hundred pounds of pure woman."

That got her laughing. "Probably a bit more. I haven't weighed myself in a while."

Nina turned over, onto her back, and rested her head in my lap so she could look up at me. Her hair was splayed out all over the place, making her look adorable.

"And how do you feel about this... Three hundred pounds of pure woman, Silas?"

"Well... To be honest, I'm used to the idea of a woman being soft." I placed my hand on her belly and ran my fingers over her abs, just to clarify what I meant. "Haven't really ever met a girl like you. But really, I'm blowing it out of proportion. Your fur is still really nice to the touch, and you're still very­ pretty." I paused, then added, "If you want me to spend the night, then so do I."

Nina added, "And if you want to sleep with me, then I do too."

"I simply couldn't turn down an offer like that."

Nina led me to her bedroom by the hand. Once there, she turned her back to the bed, took both my hands and pulled me down on top of her as she lay down. We began to kiss slowly, tenderly. Her legs wrapped around my waist, her arms around my neck, all in an effort to pull me closer. We were both really starting to get into it and my hands went to her belt, undoing it, then her fly. When she realised what was going on, she tried to stop me, but the effort came too late.

Something heavy flung up and hit me in the stomach. I opened my eyes and glanced down, only to see a huge erection staring back at me. I was so utterly confused that I didn't even react.

"Please, please, please, don't freak out." Nina whispered. Her voice snapped me out of the trance and I looked at her. She was past being on the verge of tears - they were already rolling down her cheek.

Her legs, previously wrapped around me, had gone limp. Probably in anticipation of a writhing escape attempt. I only got clear and sat down on the bed next to her. Nina sat up, removing her shirt to cover her lower self up. Her head was hanging low, her hair covering her muzzle like a dark curtain. She pressed her hands to her face to cover it in shame. The weeps, though muffled, were regular at that point.

I sat there, unable to decide what to do. Should I leave? Just go, forget what happened and never look back? That... That didn't feel right. And it looked as though that had happened to Nina too many times before. She was so set on being alone that when I lay my hand on her shoulder, she actually flinched back.

"Hey... I won't hurt you. I just want to hug you, okay?" I reached out again, gently pulling her towards me. She didn't resist, leaning limply into my arms. "Shh... It's all right. You just shocked me, is all."

"I... I wanted to... To tell you... I meant to s-... Say... I just f-forgot about it!" Nina moaned.

"What, that you have a cock? I have a cock too. It's nothing I haven't seen before. Maybe not on a girl, though." I tried my best to sound cheerful for her, though I wasn't sure how well it was working.

My efforts did get a depressed chuckle out of her.

"I'm not going to up and storm out, Nina. Don't be afraid of that. Just help me understand you and we can keep going, okay?"

She looked up at me, trying to see if I was telling the truth. I didn't break eye contact, and even gently wiped the tears away with a finger.


"Okay. First question. Please don't take offense, but I'm confused as to your gender."

"I was born a Hermaphrodite. Half male, half female, though mostly female. Like, eighty percent."

"So you've got girl parts too?"

"Yes. Fully functioning and all that."

I thought it over, then frowned a little. "I don't mean to be jumping to conclusions, but I think with your size, I'd end up with internal haemorrhaging.

Nina blinked, then got it. "Oh, no! I... I don't even like that kind of thing. If anything, I like having someone else touching me there, but that's it. Occasionally I'll use a penetrable toy, but it's been months since I've had that urge."

Silence, again. I laughed a little. "Don't get me wrong, you're an amazing girl, but you can really destroy a man's ego with that cannon of yours."

She didn't laugh at that. "It's happened more times than I care to remember. They'd see it, then just run out, sometimes screaming. Same with most women. About the only people I can garner any sympathy from are other Herms, and it's rare that I meet one."

Nine had wrapped her arms around my middle, and the way in which she'd done so made me realise how desperately she wanted me to stay, if only to have some company.

"You... You can go if you want to. You've already given me a chance to explain myself, and that's more than I usually get." Nina whispered.

"Y'know... I think I'm gunna stay. Admittedly, I'm a little bit weirded out by seeing a penis on a girl, not to mention one that size, but something in me is saying that you're different."

"Thank you!" She almost broke down again, hugging me tight.

"It's my pleasure, Nina."

Once we'd released one another, I got off the bed and tugged Nina's jeans off. In the meantime, she'd removed her bra and underwear, then waited patiently while I got undressed too. When she got a look at me without my clothes, she smiled. "I don't know what you were worried about. You look great. Really handsome."

"Yeah, but in comparison to you-"

"In comparison to me, most athletes look like walking sticks. You're comparing yourself to someone in a completely different circumstance, and it's not good for you to do that. You know, I think you're still worried about being big enough for me." She lay on her side and reached out, taking my hand in hers and pulling it to her muzzle for a little kiss. "Your personality is better than I've seen in years, and nothing could put a blemish on it."

I felt a blush creep into my own cheeks and blurted, "Nine."


"Nine inches."

"Well... Trust me, Silas, you're _more_than enough man for me." Nina winked.

I chuckled nervously. She didn't let go of my hand, reassuring me.

"Come and cuddle with me?"

With a nod, I rearranged myself to lie next to her, on my side as well. In the heat of the moment, I booped noses with her, making her giggle happily.

"Lie on your back for me?" I asked. Without hesitation, Nina did just that. With my hand, I traced a gentle line from her breast, down over her belly and to her mostly flaccid member. Then I just stroked over that area - the inner thighs, around the shaft and over the crotch. I leaned over, kissing down from her neck to her breast, where I started to French kiss her nipple.

"Please... Don't stop..." She whispered, a shiver running down her. When I glanced up, I saw her biting her lip, eyes closed, just letting herself be overcome with pleasure.

Then I looked down, purely out of curiosity, and was once again taken aback. Not enough to stop giving her my 'attention', however.

"Big girl, big cock. It's logical." I told myself between kisses. "Has to be a footlong."

"Thirteen and a- half!" Nina bucked, probably because I'd gently squeezed her balls.

"You'd put a horse to shame." I laughed.

She blushed furiously. "Pervert."

"If only you knew, sweetheart."

A little while longer, and I felt the pulsing in her shaft while I slowly stroked her. But she had other ideas.

"Could we move onto the more fun part?" Nina asked, her voice a little shaky.

"Sure. I was just waiting for you to say that you were ready."

"Such a gentleman." She stuck her tongue out at me, then leaned over the side of the bed to reach what I assumed was a bedside table. In a drawer there she found a small square packet which she tried to get open, but her hands were trembling.

"Are you feeling okay, Nina?" I asked, taking the packet from her for the moment.

"Y-yes. It's just been so long since this happened, and it's making me so nervous. It's not my first time by any means... Just... Third."



I tsk'd disapprovingly. "A gorgeous girl like you should have men fighting over her."

Nina covered her face with her hands, trying to hide the blush. I took one of her wrists, moved the hand away and kissed her cheek. At this point, her wolfish ears were drooping and a very shy smile was stuck on her lips.

"What did you want to do with this?" I asked, gesturing to the packet I was holding.

"To put it on myself. I don't want to make a mess on the bed or on you, depending on how this goes."

"Right... I'm afraid I don't have a condom with me."

"I'm on birth control. And I have those morning after pills over there." She looked over at the untouched pack of medication. It looked like it had been sitting there for a while. "You've got nothing to worry about, Silas."

"Well... I trust you." I kissed her cheek again. "How about I dress your friend up for the show?"

Nina giggled, then nodded with a smile.

After tearing open the packet, I put the rubber at her tip of her manhood and rolled it down. What surprised me was the moan that left her at the sight of that, but I didn't comment for fear of embarrassing her.

"Okay. How would you like to do this?" I asked.

"I'd... I'd like to look at you during, if that's okay."

"Of course it is. I was actually thinking the same."

I rearranged myself to be between Nina's legs, and lifted her lower half up a bit to get comfortable. And, as promised, under her balls there was a pussy, already glistening from the foreplay. It looked... Bigger, than ones I'd seen before, but I attributed that to her being a big girl.

"You ready?" I asked.


"I'll go slowly, okay?"

"Please do."

I carefully eased myself in, and was instantly greeted with a deep, happy moan. Not from Nina, though - this one came from me.

"God... You're tighter than I thought you'd be!" I gasped.

"And you were worried about being small!"

I opened my eyes to take a look at Nina, and saw that she was gripping the headboard like a vice. The muscles in her belly and arms were tensed, and her dick was hard as a rock.

"Nina... I can't move." I patted her hip. She'd wrapped her legs around my waist again, but fortunately she hadn't managed to crush my pelvis. Yet. Hearing my plea, she relaxed.

"Sorry! Didn't mean to do that."

"It's alright, don't worry about it."

I thought about how to do things so that both of us would get the most pleasure out of it, and something popped into my head. I leaned down, snaking my arms around her upper back, so that her hard-on was squished between our bellies. That put my face in between her breasts, but I couldn't complain. With that, I started thrusting, slowly at first.

As it turned out, it was much more comfortable and pleasant to keep the pace quite slow and rhythmic. When I felt like either I or Nina were about to blow, I'd stop and wait a moment, catch my breath. The third time that happened, Nina put her arms around my neck and pulled me closer, murmuring in my ear;

"I need to cum so bad. And I want you to cum inside me."

I wasn't about to argue with a woman who could snap me clean in two, so I kissed her cheek and nodded. I clung to her as close as I could, to squeeze her length between us as much as possible, and started ramming into her, trying to go deeper each time. Nina's moans got louder and louder, right up until, when she hit an orgasm, she let out a massive howl. I felt the condom swell between us, her cock pulsing hard. I kept going for a few more seconds until I came as well, at which point I slammed in as deep as I could and almost howled as well. Instead, my voice just cracked and I slumped on top of her.

It was some fifteen minutes before either of us could move. The adorable thing was that Nina, instead of pushing me off to get some air, wrapped her arms around me for a cuddle. Her heart was still pounding - with my ear to her chest, it sounded like a deep drum inside her. She started running her fingers through my hair, as well as stroking up and down my back.

"You still awake?" Nina asked.

"Mhm... Barely... Was it good for you too?" I moved my head, resting my chin between her breasts to look at her, and smiled.

"It was the best sex I've ever had. And that's saying something, despite my limited experience."

"You know, I'm tempted to say it was like that for me too. Partly because I've never been with a herm, but mostly because I've never met a girl like you before."

"Awww." She smiled. After a little pause, she asked, "How did you know to do that?"

"To do what, Nina?"

"Well... Rub me off like you did. By grinding against me."

"Call it a lucky guess."

"I loved it."

I chuckled, stroking one of her big legs. It was still wrapped firmly around me. "Should I be worried about you not releasing me?"

"Mm... Maybe a little."

"How about this; you let me free, and I'll take that used rubber off you while you lie back and relax?"

"Only if you come back and spoon with me afterwards."

"Oh, absolutely."


As Nina's legs let me go, for the shortest moment I felt naked without them. Then that feeling subsided, leaving me to try and figure out why it even came. I pulled my spent self out of her with great care, since I knew that afterglow could be rather painful for some.

While I kneeled and took a few deep breaths (since I had problems with that when I was being held by her), I felt the bed move a little. As my eyes opened, I saw a head of dark hair at my crotch, and a sudden warm feeling on my member. I couldn't help but moan, from a kind of painful pleasure, though I could feel how gentle Nina was being in helping me get cleaned up.

"Ah... T-thanks..." I said.

"My pleasure. You taste good, by the way." She winked.

"You know, I remember coming in here with a very shy girl."

"Yeah... I tend to get a little cocky after an orgasm. Sorry."

"Hey, no worries... It's a nice change of pace."

I eyed the filled condom on Nina's now limp erection, and got an idea. Having taken off the condom and tied it, I picked up her spent member and put the head into my mouth. I swirled my tongue a few times around it, then gave it a little suckle to make sure nothing was going to drip out.

At first, Nina watched me with curiosity. That changed to surprise, which then changed to ecstatic pleasure which caused a shiver to run all the way through her. Even her toes curled up from it.

Afterwards, I lay down next to her, making a big show of licking my lips. "You taste good too."

Nina shuddered again. "I'm gunna get you back for that, just wait."

"I look forward to it."

She looked over at me, turning on her side. "Alright, now explain how you knew about that."

I laughed a little, brushing the stray hair back from her muzzle. "I had some... Interesting... Experiences in Uni. Call it an experimentation period."

"You surprise me more and more, Silas..."

"That tends to happen, yeah."

Nina didn't say anything for a long time after that. She just gazed into my eyes, and I did the same. She looked like she wanted to say something, but wasn't sure if she should. I wanted to hear it.

"You okay?" I asked, reaching over to put a hand on her cheek. When it was there, she lay her hand over mine and held it in place.

"Yeah... I'm just wondering if I should push my luck. I mean, I've already met someone amazing, and had an absolutely unbelievable night..."

"Hey, you've got nothing to lose. Push away."

"Well... Do you think this'll be a one-off thing? We get up tomorrow morning and go our separate ways?"

"Do you want it to go like that?"

"No... I don't want that."

"Me neither. I'd like to see you again. More than once."

Nina closed her eyes, gathered her courage, and asked her question; "Would you like to go on a date with me sometime, Silas?"

"I would, Nina. I would like that very much."

I couldn't describe the joy that took Nina over when she heard that. However, she did let out a silly-sounding giggle. She reached out and grabbed me, pulling me on top of her as she rolled onto her back and laughed again, hugging like there was no tomorrow. And in the midst of that pure happiness, three little words slipped out.

"I love you!"

She went completely quiet when she realised what she'd said. She let me go and moved away, sitting up and looking at me. Had I been able to see through her fur, I'm sure she'd have looked pale as a ghost.

"I'm so sorry, Silas, please don't take that the wrong-"

"I... Love you too, Nina. You and your obscenely large woman-hood."

Nina sat there, mouth agape, trying to decide whether or not she'd actually heard that, or if it was some sort of hallucination. Then she just burst into laughter from the emotional overload. For the hell of it, I laughed with her.

Once we'd both calmed down, Nina lay down next to me and pulled the covers up over us. She placed her head on my chest, wrapped an arm around my midsection and one leg over mine. Didn't want to let me go, I guessed.

"I keep thinking this is a dream. That I'll wake up alone tomorrow morning and everything will go back to normal." She murmured to me.

"I'd pinch your butt if I could reach it. But I certainly hope that this isn't a dream, else I'll really, really miss you."

"I'd miss you too, Silas. Right now, I just... I never want you to leave."

"I don't intend to."

With a happy sigh, Nina relaxed. "Goodnight. I love you, Silas."

"Sleep tight, Nina. I love you too."