Princess and the Dragon 5

Story by Luksinatriks on SoFurry

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#5 of Princess and the Dragon

Well chapter 5 is here and I made it (a bit) longer for you people, have a merry merry christmas and of course many thanks to my beta reader . I am also planing to making an extra addition to the series as in Ill make a few pages that will not be related to the story progression but will give you some more insight (character descriptions, world descriptions, my writing style etc). Well without any more delay enjoy.

Malion just sat there looking totally confused. He did not know what to feel, at one hand he was happy that Lillian told him he stood a chance with her but at the same time she left and he didn't know when she was coming back. Now he was simply looking at a beautifully decorated black box, it wasn't a big one, a little bigger than a normal persons hand but still, he had to wonder what was inside.

Slowly and unsurely he reached for the box and used his claw to unlock the small lock that guarded its contents, the box made a slight 'click' sound but didn't open, he then proceeded to use one of his claws to open it. Inside he found a neatly folded note bearing the royal seal. It read

"Dear Malion, these past few weeks with you have been fun and if not even the most interesting period of my life so far, you have taught me so much more than a mere mortal could know and for that I am thankful. You have made me laugh and feel like a person which is more than what most others at the palace do. They treat me as a object, a precious one yes but an object with no life, to be used and thrown away at their leisure while you made me feel the feelings I didn't know I had before and for that I thank you beyond any measurements of words.

Also I know how you feel about me. I have caught you on more than one occasion masturbating on me, don't worry I don't mind for it was rude of me to spy on you in the first place. I am not sure if it's dragons mating season or if I'm just the first female you have talked to in years or if you are just lonely and horny and frankly I don't care for I know your intentions are pure. So don't worry even though you are not my race and that you are a dragon, you have come closer to gaining my heart than anyone I've known before and if you continue to behave like you do to me, I will gladly give it to you, I don't care what the nobles and father would say, I am willing to give my heart to you and run away. This may be a voice of a woman maddened by life of politics and diplomacy, a woman spoiled by having her own way every time, a woman who doesn't know what she is thinking and only wants to run away but rest assured I do know how I feel and I feel that you are the one for me.

Trust me, father may have called me back, but I will find a way to come back or to at least communicate with you, be it the end of me.

love Lillian

PS: I know you will get lonely without me so I gave you my little present, I hope you enjoy it."

A million thoughts ran through Malions head, she had caught him masturbating?! When?! How? Does she mind? But he relaxed when he read that she didn't mind and that she will give him a chance, he felt a indescribable warmth coming from inside him. Ohhh that woman, how she made him feel it was... you just simply had to live it to understand.

But wait there is more, what is this gift she was talking about, he reached down and saw black fabric in the box, he picked it up with his draconic claw. By the ancestors it was her panties all with the smell of her lady juices that immediately hit his draconic nostrils. Trust me when I say he had the fastest boner ever, all the blood in his body went down to his dragonhood and it throbbed like crazy, he looked like he was about to cum and boy was he suddenly horny and desperate to cum, he fell clumsily down on his draconic butt as he used his arms to grab hold of his rock hard cock and squeeze it furiously, he even bent his neck and sucked it a bit (all dragons could do this but he considered it nasty) he liked his taste salty, masculine and spicy *tasty... why didn't I do this before* he wondered.

His body was literally screaming at him "I NEED TO CUM" and he had no choice but to obey, he didn't even lube his dragonhood , which was a normal practice for him, he didn't want to feel the long pleasure he just desperately needed to cum. He thought that his cock was soo hard that it was even bigger then he thought it could get, the first 10 seconds felt like ages for him, he was that desperate, his mind raced and in his moment of complete need, he was like a animal, no longer being able to think clearly , no longer was he able to think about anything but his need to cum. He took the entire head of his cock in the attempt to bring himself to an orgasm.

He made strong and violent jerks and really soon he roared out loud, so loud in fact that the entire mountain shock, even the villagers were staggered a bit as Malion roared as he came in large spasms into his mouth. He was surprised at his own perversion, he didn't want to do it but in the horniness he did it. After that he just sat there looking like a baby who sees the world for the first time. He felt his throat was dry from the roar he just made and his mouth was full of his draconic seed. He looked around finally coming to his senses and realizing what he has done. At first there were two voices inside his head one was yelling at him to ran to the nearest stream and spit it out while the other was telling him to swallow it. At the end he thought "why not, its tasty, it isn't poisonous and my throat is dry anyway" and slowly he made a *gulp* as his seed was racing down his throat and into his belly "umm that hits the spot" he told out loud as he felt his throat getting better. He attempted to stand up but he felt something hitting him on his belly.

He looked down and saw his cock still proudly standing erect up to its full length, it is then that he realized that this entire day he would spend pleasuring himself

"Haha" Malions mother laughed as she saw her sons ordeal "my mate he sure is cute, so cute in fact he looks like the day he was hatched" she looked at her mate

"He sure does, I wonder how he would react if he knew we are the cause of all this?" he wondered scratching his chin

"Hey dear, what do you say we go pay him a visit, right now in fact?" Malions mother was so full with pride with her hatchling that she wanted to hug him even if he would have felt embarrassed.

"You know that's actually a good idea"

And so the two made themselfes ready and flew to their son, Malions flight would take 2-3 hours to the mainland and his parents nest but they were larger and faster and they arrived in half an hour.

Malion oblivious to all this couldn't take his mind and body off of Lillians 'reward' and after cumming once he wasn't able to go limp nor was he able to take his mind off of the human princess which had consumed him both body and soul it would seem. He simply sat there and masturbated himself again and again until he found himself wearing the princesses panties over his head, he had somehow managed to hung them by his horns and leave the spot where her pussy would be directly over his nose. He was in a state of trance whith his lizard-ish tongue out of his mouth and hanging as far down as it could. He simply sat there on his buttocks and used his clawed hand to masturbate himself feverishly.

He came about five times and still wasn't going limp by the time his parents came he didn't hear the loud "thump" of them landing in front of his cave. They casually came in already knowing what scene they would find. They entered the great hall where Malion was currently helping himself out, he was soo far out of this world that his eyes ware fixed on the celling of the cave and having failed to notice his parents entering he continued to help his dragonhood relive some of its seed. By this point it was very lubricated by Malions own seed and was as slick and as smooth as it could get. His parents approached him and were standing about one meter in front of him and ware staring at him. The silence lingered for some 10 seconds as they slowly began smiling then chuckling then laughing.

This having snapped Malion back into reality made him nearly scream. He reached down with both of his front hands and pressed his member downwards hoping to at least conceal it and he was failing badly and managed only to press it too hard and cause himself pain.

"MOM! DAD! HAVE YOU EVER HEARD OF KNOCKING!" he yelled at his parents who were still laughing hardly and as he was blushing like he had gone mad, he felt so hot as if he had a fever

"Yes we have son but we usually don't take advice from people who wear human panties over their heads" his mother laughed which only added to his embarrassment.

"And especially not from those who don't know how to keep their 'extra limb' in place" pointing to Malions crotch Malions father finished the sentence laughing

"BOTH OF YOU STOP IT" Malion yelled as he panicked , he didn't know how to take off the panties off of his head without moving his arms and showing his dragonhood, he tried to use his tail but only entangled it in the panties only causing his parents to laugh even more and him to be even more embarrassed.

"Here son, let me help" his father took off the panties and sniffed them "umm smells nice, I would mate with her every day" he told as his own massive member was raising "you have good taste son" he complimented him as he stroked his own dragonhood to full length "here darling you have a sniff" he offered the panties to his mate and she took them.

Inhaling deeply she said "uummmm.. yes that smells gooood" and she moved her left forehand downwards to her draconic opening "I can't wait to meet our new daughter in law, I hope we can have a orgy sometimes" she said as she started rubbing herself.

"MOM, DAD! HAVE SOME DECENCY!!!" he yelled but was starting to blush less for he was used to this type of their behavior, in fact this was nothing new to them.

"Well son you are a dragon and you know that when you are in love your cock will stay hard for at least a few days or until she comes and helps you take care of it, so tell me what is the use fighting it, I doubt you will keep your hands there for as long as we stay here?" his father told him

"I... I.. WELL FUCK IT" he raised his hands in the air and let his dragonhood free, it instantly got as tall as it could get and was even throbbing. "there you happy?" he told them angrily

"Finally! I hope that from now on you will stop being afraid to show it to us" his father said as he and his mate moved closer to inspect it.

Malions mother took it in her right hand "it's so small and cute" she chuckled "you see Malion when you are in love your cock is as big as it can get and you know that when you see your balls come out of their sacks" she pointed down and Malion saw that truly his precious seed makers were out of their sacks and they looked swollen "and at your biggest form you are what? 7inches (17,5 cm) ? and when you're normally erect some 4inches (10 cm) you're so cute, you know that" she cooed his cock which made Malion role his eyes.

"Now son, let us sit down and have a chat will you, first you can show us around, in fact I do believe this is our first time here, so introduce us to your cave."

Malion rolled his eyes "fine" he got up on his legs but find it difficult to walk when he was this erect he felt grumpy, how dare they do this to him, but the more he thought about it the more he didn't mind it so he started the tour of his small cave.

"As you can see this is my great hall, here I spend most of my time" he then took them past the somewhat narrow entrance to another room "here is my hoard room, here I keep all my gold and most monetary valuables" he rolled his eyes as he lead them to the room on the left "this is where I keep all my food, that" he pointed to the room in front of his hoard room "Is my armory and that" he pointed to the room on the left "is my library" he finished "the cave and the mountain were small so I had to improvise, not that I mind though, everything is close by for when I need it."

"Indeed" his father told him

They all sat down in the great hall and started eating a cow Malion had caught earlier that day.

"So what did you want to talk about" he asked them as they eat, he wasn't hungry and his cock was still fully erect but by this point he didn't care.

"Well son" started his father as he swallowed a piece of meat "truth is we have a confession to make" he looked at his mate as if he was asking her if he should say it or will she.

"Yes, when you came to us we were so happy that you at least finally had a chance with a woman, we didn't care which one, we just wanted to make you happy." Malions mother continued "so we kind of.. helped you along" she looked down

"Helped me along? How? What do you mean?" he had a puzzled face

"I mean that we had a hand in your progression with your relationship" she continued

"What are you talking about?" he was confused

"Son you know we dragons have psychic powers and when you opened the link we were able to feel you but Lillian as well" his father explained

Malion was afraid as he finally understood, he never told them her name and that meant they either spied on him or they psychically influenced him and Lillian. "YOU! What did you do!?!?!" he asked angrily

"Relax Malion, we only helped" His mother comforted him "we made you SLIGHTLY more horny that you masturbate so she can catch you and then we 'convinced' her to spy on you and masturbate herself, we HELPED you" she pointed to the panties "and look what you have gotten"

Finally it all made sense, why was he so successful with Lillian, why was 'luck' always on his side

"Why..." he was so angry and sad and that was all he could manage to say

"We wanted to help you, that's why" his mom told him

"BUT I WANT HER TO LOVE ME BECAUSE OF ME! Not because you made her love me!" he yelled at them

"Relax son, we didn't do anything, we didn't MAKE her love you, we were more like the voice in the back of your head, more like a friend who convinces you to do the right thing, we didn't force her to do any of the things she did" she hugged him and his father hugged him as well.

He was angry, really angry but also glad in the same time, he couldn't resist and returned the hug

"Thank you" he whispered to them

"You're welcome son" his mother told him

"BUT! Do not influence her any more... please" he looked at her with pleading eyes

She smiled "of course son" and then she kissed his nose.

They released him from the hug and then they all exhaled with relief "and Malion there is another thing we need to tell you" his father started

Malion looked at him and he looked at Malions mother "yes son, we must tell you that we found out you have a fetish" she finished

Malion knew what a fetish was, he was quite familiar with the term and the meaning but he didn't knew which one he had "how do you know that and which one do I have" he asked them

"We found out when we mentally 'entered' you. Deep down inside you crave to submit, to be a slave." His mother told him as she took his hands in her own "and there is nothing wrong with that my son" she whispered to him and kissed him.

"No..." deep down Malion knew this was true but he wanted to deny it

"We can prove it right now if you wish" his mother told him

"Then prove it to me" Malion tried to defy her

She smiled "alright then" and with a move of her hand she made magical chains and shackles which grabbed Malion by his wrists of all his limbs and tail and dragged him down to the floor and secured him tightly along the floor and made him and his fully erect cock presentable.

"MOM!" he tried to protest but felt himself getting unbelievably horny his cock was throbbing

"Shhhh hatchling, you will enjoy this" she told him as she approached his cock and sniffed it "ummm you must have been playing a lot with this bad boy have you not?" she spat in her hand and began stroking it really gently "tell me the truth, you must not lie to your master" she played with him as she used her other hand to rub her pussy and his father played with his own cock.

"Yes... yes I have mom" Malion didn't want to but he went along with it, he wanted to resist but he felt more horny than he ever was in his life "I crave a woman mom, I NEED LILLIAN!" he told her

"Shh... you will get her, she will do this and even more dirty stuff with you" she told him as she made a magical blindfold and put it around his eyes "think of me as Lillian" she told him and the last sight he saw was his mom stroking him with one hand and rubbing herself with the other all the while using her mouth and tail to service his father

Malion felt like he was about to explode then he felt his mom remove her hand from his dragonhood. He whimpered "mom let me cum PLEASE" he moaned.

"Only good slaves and pets get to cum" he then felt what he felt was a hand but actually a foot, his mother was giving him a footjob, or more correctly just standing on his dragonhood with one foot and as she said "open your mouth" and as Malion obliged she put her other foot in his mouth and then she continued to suck his fathers dick and please herself all along the way.

Malion groaned in pain, it was not that he wasn't enjoying the act but his mother was heavy and not only that but she was standing on his most sensitive area and his face, he tried to protest but he failed to utter a single word out of his draconic mouth which were far too busy with servicing his mothers foot.

He felt himself getting close to what was probably one of the biggest orgasms he had in his life, but then all the pleasure suddenly stopped. She got off of him.

"Mom... let me cum... please" Malion said in an unsure voice, he was shivering but he wasn't cold.

"Patients dear, patients" she said and took his tail with her left hand and raised his lower body upward, she then used her right hand to jerk him off

She smiled like a mother who sees her child happy "Well maybe your human princess can't do this to you, but I'm sure she can do... other things." She and his father chuckled "now son, open up" Malion obeyed her without question, his mind wasn't his own anymore, he was neither sane nor present at the scene , it was like his mind was a blank, he didn't think, he didn't respond, he just... existed. He failed to notice that right above his head his father was fucking his mother and that their fluids ware leaking directly into his mouth.

"You might want to brace yourself honey" his father told out loud.

It was then at that moment the family shared that they collectively came. The mother was the first one to do so followed by the father who came 2 seconds after her, he pulled out his penis and they both shot their load into Malions mouth and speaking of Malion his body was contracting as he came himself and because of his position he came into his mouth as well. His body was contracting and twitching from the orgasm, it was like you cut a insects head off and its body still moved. His head however was completely still , I don't know why, but it was like he was brain dead , it was possibly because of the pleasure and all the chemicals mixing in his brain.

His parents wanted to roar but didn't want to disturb the humans so they just shut their mouths and groaned hardly. After they came they panted for a little while and waited for a few seconds for the aftershock of the orgasm to fade, they felt like a person who ran all day and finally stopped to catch his breath.

"Amazing as always my dear" said Malions mother as she turned around and kissed her mate, they licked a little then got off of Malion

"As for you hatchling" she kneeled besides Malion who was still in a trans and closed his mouth "eat up, didn't your mother ever told you it is a shame to throw away good food" as she said that she heard a 'gulp' sound and she chuckled "so cute.." she murmured to herself.

"I think he passed away" said his father as he picked him up in his arms "we better tuck him in and sneak out, he has to have a good long sleep in order to be prepared for his mate" his father placed him comfortably on the flat ground in his great hall and his mother covered him with his magical cloak (funny story how he got that, I will have to tell you sometime). The two prepared to leave when Malion spoke half consciously

"Mom... if I do become her slave, will she still... love me?" he asked sleepily

His mom kissed him on the check "if she truly loves you then you will only be her slave in your.. games... but you will always be her equal In her heart" she smiled at him

"But what if she doesn't love me" he asked drifting to sleep

She patted him "she does love you, or she is not the one for you" with that Malion was beginning to sleep "we will talk tomorrow and you can ask me anything you want dear, now go to sleep" and as she said that he finally felt asleep. The duo hugged and smiled with pride at their offspring


"LILLIAN NASTRANOVA!!!" Lillians father roared across the room and all the servants left the room knowing this would be a domestic issue and that it should be proper to leave the father and daughter alone. The king didn't even wait until his daughter was properly announced before he shouted at the mere sight of her. She had just arrived and said goodbye to Arcanius before she was practically dragged into the royal chamber. There was no doubt that this was the overly protective father and king Handralus Benusia Sigurni IV of the Nastranov dynasty , hence the Lillians surname, the only thing she was glad about was that she avoided her full name with surnames form 10 families and 15 titles being read out loud, not that she minded it that much but she didn't know her own full name, after all she wanted a normal life as much as selfish that sounds for there were tons of normal poor girls wishing to be princesses.

"Father" she said bowing slightly "please calm down"

"CALM DOWN!?!?!" he shouted at her.

Handralus was a man in his 40s but who had preserved much of his youthful appearance, he had mid long brown hair and a oddly shaped whiskers which were slightly more blond than his hair but also very thick, he had what I do believe is called side burns which nearly extended along his cheek to his whiskers and were a little shy of connecting with them, his cheeks were full, his face was semi-egg and semi-circle shaped with thick eyebrows but despite of all the facial hair most people would mistake him for a 30 year old. He was charismatic and despite gaining a little weight and losing the muscles from his youth he was still very capable both in physical and mental sense.

"HOW CAN I CALM DOWN WHEN I HEAR THAT MY DAUGHTER WAS NEARLY KIDNAPPED BY BANDITS AND SAVED BY A DRAGON!!!???" he roared at her but more out of concern then out of anger

"Yes and you should be thankful instead of angry" she calmly said to him

"I WHAT!!??" he was red in the face "EXPLAIN YOURSELF THIS MINUTE YOUNG LADY!" he hit the armrest of his throne chair with his fist

Lillian sighed "Father... I am all well and without a scratch, that's why you should be happy. A dragon saving me is more a cause of joy then that of anger. First, a dragon saved me and that means a LOT in the eyes of the people. Second, it can mean that dragons are sane and if so ON OUR side. What enemy would threaten us then? And third, you should be happy because if a knight saved me you would be forced to marry me to him out of public pressure and I personally wouldn't have anything against marrying this noble and brave dragon that saved me from the clutches of death" she waved her arm and spoke both melodramatically and sarcastically.

Her father was calmed by her words and put his hand (which was in a fancy leather glove) on his chin and thought for a few seconds before smirking and then after a few seconds he bursted out laughing

"Lillian... Lillian... it isn't often that a monarch says this but.. I'm sorry I was wrong" he lowered his eyes and head as a form of respect to his daughter "I even denied your mother from being here for I was afraid that she would side with you, but you defeated me in a less than one minute speech." He shifted in his chair. "don't get me wrong I'm still furious at this sort of thing happening, but I'm not furious at you but rather at the bandits, how did they amass in such great numbers in our territories is beyond me, but I do know this THEY MUST BE CUT DOWN!!" he emphasized that "I better convey with my generals you will stay here young lady" he began to get up

"NO..." she panicked but quickly got to her senses "I mean shouldn't you inform the president of Malonia (country south of Detomia and one of its two neighbors , I'll get more to the trade republic in the next chapter) what was his name again Prastor? Prastar? Oh yes its Prestar. And after you do that father I would like us to speak in a family meeting I have a few advices to give you on." She finished

He rose his eyebrows at her "what that chubby spoiled "lord" would do to aid us?" (he emphasized the word lord soo much it seemed he never spoke a word of Glupni in his life and before you ask Glupni was the language used all over the isle of Pozudninsko- the isle where Detomia and the two of its neighbors are) , "he cares nothing but for his public image" he asked her

"Exactly, we use that against him, if he doesn't respond to the bandit threat near his borders then people will not vote for him and he loses power and wealth, that's why he will help us" she outwitted her father

He smiled at her "good and tell me why do you want us have a family meeting?"

She looked at him and said "well I want to inform you of a few things, give you some advice and most of all I want to go back there, but I will not start an argument over that before you talk to your generals, right now I want a long bath and then a nice long sleep to get away from all of this." She said and bowed "now excuse me father I will take my leave and bother you no more" she turned around and left

The King was smiling at her as she left and even when she did leave he was still smirking "You have no idea how much you make your father proud do you Lillian?"