Christmas Reunion.

Story by Oros Triago on SoFurry

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Hope everyone had a merry Christmas! And yes, I just finished a Christmas story. Well okay maybe its only slightly related to Christmas and frankly I still like it. But anyways there's some spelling/grammar mistakes more then likely throughout the story but seeing as how it's now my birthday I'm just gunna go out and celebrate it. I'll go over this story later to do some fine tuning but hopefully you guys won't mind it. Until then I'll see you guys later!

High above the castle gate a guard threw his head over the side in the winter storm. "Open the gate!" He roared out to the gatekeepers far below. "Slayer's coming through!" Word spread out and soon the frost covered iron gateway lurched forward and a large black war horse charged through the opening, the warrior upon its back cloaked heavily with wolf fur surrounding his collar. On his back was a thick and highly reflective shield like polished mirror. On his hip matched a thick blade, the sheath made from a thick hide from an unknown animal.

His name was Slayer and he was hired by the king of this land. Of what it was he did not care, all he cared for was the money for the job he was to be paid. A job he knew well and that was to kill. But this was no ordinary creature he would be forced to slay, oh no, This beast was one that all trembled in fear of. One that no man but he dared to face in combat that would end with him most likely dead.

The kingdom was besieged by the presence of a dragon. Of all the things it had moved into a cave upon a nearby mountain some time ago. Tonight was Christmas Eve and in immediate response the king called for the famed mercenary Slayer who had dealt with such beasts for some time. The price he asked was high but of course the king was willing to pay. There were only two known soldiers in the whole world who could fight these deadly beasts and the other was under the rule of another kingdom.

Slayer was strong, almost beyond that of humans, to have the power to fight dragons. Yet of all things even he had a beginning. A beginning that he himself could not remember. His past was dark, devoid of anything and he knew there was a damn good reason for his earliest memory.

Years ago, when he was but a small child, he remembered waking to the sounds of cackling flames all around him. He was in a small village on fire, his memories gone. Slayer could not remember anything before that moment. He couldn't recall his family, his friends, even the name of his home. All he could remember was his old name: Zeniken. And the ones who did this to him, simple bandits seeking to rob.

They were dead now of course. Dead but his own hands. But that was years ago and he was now Slayer, a merc with no place to call home, no family to call his own. And he did not care.


Slayer stopped at the bottom of the mountain trail, the winter wind blowing all around him and his horse. Grabbing what he could he slapped the horses bottom to get it to leave and he watched as it disappeared into the blizzard. The war horse would not be able to go farther, the snow too deep and the mountain too steep. He was forced to go on foot and so he would.

With his breath showing in the cold frigid air, Slayer began to push his way through the near waist deep snow. He thanked the gods above for the cloak he had had enchanted to keep him warm in any weather, his body feeling like he was sitting right next to a fire.

But the climb was hard and long, his journey even forcing him climb up a sheer cliff. Soon he had reached the top and he pressed on with his deadly climb. By the morrow he swore he would either kill the beast or be killed. And the one thing Slayer does is keep his oaths. Years ago he had once dreamed of being a knight but that was in the past. He had learned the hard way he would never have that dream come true. This world was far too cruel for that.

Hours past and soon his surroundings began to turn darker to signify night was coming. Yet by then Slayer had reached his objective, a cave standing before him. Surprisingly it was small, so small that he assumed that the demonic animal would be no taller then him. Experience however did not give the warrior comfort as he had once fought and nearly met his end against a dragon half his size. They were tricky and even trapped their hoards well more then most experienced thieves of other species.

Which was where his sword came into play. Some time ago he had it enchanted to glow when a magical trap came close to his form. It had saved his life numerous times before and he was certain it would again. Drawing it out of its sheath he slowly held it before him as he began to inch his way into the cave.

The first thing he felt was the heat, the dragon magically enchanting its home to keep it warm. It was to be expected, Dragons rather enjoyed the warmth despite the heat their own bodies produced.

Once deep inside the cave Slayer removed his hood to reveal lush brown hair and bright blue eyes. His face was smooth, clear of facial hair and grim, handsome despite his youthful appearance of twenty one. Indeed he was young, one of the youngest dragon hunters ever to have been known as well as the best.

Carefully moving deeper into the cave Slayer watched as it began to grow and expand. It seemed the cave grew bigger which meant more room for it to stash its hoard of gold. At one point he was forced to stop and grab a small glass-like rod from his bag and tap it gently, a soft glow emanating from it. Far above in the darkness he could not see he heard rocks tumble but he only assumed it was a rat of some sort.

How he was wrong for high above, hidden on a ledge that could hold her weight, sat the mighty green dragon Niiku. Atop her perch Niiku watched with blazing red eyes as the human far below walked past, her heart pounding within her thick chest.

*It cannot be!* the green thought incredulously as she watched the all too familiar human walk deeper into her home. A large variety of emotions tried to take her heart: Joy, sorrow, laughter, anger, so many and yet the most strong of them all was how much she wanted to leap down and pounce on him playfully like she did when she was but a young hatchling.

And yet...Niiku felt something was off with him, the Zen she had come to adore for all these years was so kind to the point where he wouldn't even hurt a fly! But this man she felt the anger, the pain. The sword and the armor hidden in his cloak telling her of his past deeds and what he came to accomplish.

Rising from her perch Niiku began to carefully climb along the rock wall of her home after the light of her old friend. It wasn't long until they stopped in the room with her treasures, Slayer walking ever deeper towards the mound while Niiku climbed higher up to sit on yet another perch.

Slayer stopped at the foot of the massive pile of gold and jewels, his eyes scanning the area for anything that moved while the grip on the hilt of his sword tightened. "Here to steal my hoard warrior?" He spun about as the feminine voice echoed around him. She laughed silently to herself as he spun about in all directions, trying to locate her. "And off all nights too! It had to be Christmas!"

Slayer slowed his spins, his eyes scanning the darkness. "Like you would care spawn of satan." He said slowly and he heard her laugh.

"Come now!" Niiku replied with a grin as she began to climb across the room once again only to leap off the wall and gently glide down to the pile of treasure. Slayer did not hear her land and she grinned once more, scooping a small thing that humans called mistletoe onto the tip of her tail that she had stored. "Even you have to respect the ideas of Christmas!"

Hiding behind the mountain she waited for Slayer to rotate around again before climbing to go behind him. "It is a time for giving, for loving, to be with ones you love and to be grateful for what you have." She jumped behind him with a crash that sent him spinning around and Niiku waved the mistletoe just In front of both his face and her own.

"...and for Mistletoe." Niiku finished and yet of all the things she expected, him trying stab her was not one of them. With a small eep of a yelp she jumped back and fell onto her back, her cream coloured insides of her wings showing as she flailed on her hoard before flipping back onto her feet. With a huff she watched him once more.

Slayer held his sword up at her as he slowly walked up the treasure mountain, his eyes solely on his target. "I have no one to love." He growled as he slashed at her and Niiku leaped away once more. "No one to give to." Another slash. "And nothing.." Niiku used her tail to slap his sword away and he held his hands up. "To be grateful for."

With a final roar he tackled the dragoness in her side and they both went cartwheeling off the side, tumbling down the steep slope. He had planned on giving him time to run after his sword and yet instead he found himself on the ground, the green dragon on top of him with her hands holding him down and her tail wrapping around his legs. In this position she had every possible advantage the dragon could possibly achieve.

"Get the hell off of me!" Slayer roared in her face as he began to resist, trying to free himself. But Niiku merely used her superior strength to keep him pinned. Even for one such as him, it was nigh impossible to shake a dragon off. "Get off!"

The green dragon had a thoughtful look, a small grin playing at her lips. "Hmmm." She suddenly stuck her tongue out at him between her smiling lips. "No. Say please and promise you won't attack me."

Slayer stopped his struggling only to glare at her. "I swear I won't attack you and please get off of me." He said in between gritted teeth.

Her eyes narrowed down at him. "No." She stated calmly as her tail tightened. "I don't believe you." She fumbled with his arms and grabbed both his wrists with her one hand, her other going to cover his mouth when Slayer began to curse. "I'm going to release your mouth in just a moment but when I do I want to hear why you came to kill me. Do you understand?"

Slayer glared at her angrily before closing his eyes. Niiku heard him give out a rather muffled 'I understand' and she removed her hand. "The king of the nearby kingdom sent me." He explained slowly with a look of pure hatred. "He was willing to pay me handsomely for your death. His reasons were that you have stolen from him."

*This cannot be Zen.* Nii muttered to herself silently as he explained. *Zen would never hurt me. He was my closest friend and yet...* she looked at his face. *this is him. This is the one I had come to love.* she wanted to cry. *By the gods Zen...what happened to you?*

"Obviously the king did not tell you that he is a tyrant that rules with an iron fist." Retorted Niiku after he finished. "Yes I stole from him and I always steal from him. But every year I return the gold to those it rightfully belongs. Guess you could say I'm a great big green Santa." She began to laugh. "The kings a fool that taxes his subjects far too heavily. Half of them die by the end of the year under his rule because of it so I do what I can to help them."

Slayer glared at her. "Why do you explain it like I would care?" He questioned and Niiku blinked at him. The more she conversed with this man the more she was certain that he wasn't Zen. And yet looking at his eyes, his bright blue eys,

She suddenly smiled. "How about this: we make a deal for tonight. You stay here with me for Christmas. If, for any means, you deem me untrustworthy then do what you wish." The dragon nodded. "How is that."

"And why..." Began slayer underneath her once again. "Should I trust a dragon?"

"Because you are pinned under this dragon and if you hadn't realized I do have a mouth filled razor sharp teeth."

Slayer sighed at that. "And what makes you think I won't just go straight for my sword?" He went on. He was determined to end this soon, he didn't really care how. "I mean I can just take my sword and slit your throat as you sleep."

Nii only smiled at him once more. "Then give me your word." She insisted. "Give me your word that you would not hurt me. It is Christmas, not murder a dragon time."

Slayer actually held back a chuckle at that last one. "And what if I'm one of those 'never keep my word' sort?" The warrior mused and Niiku grinned back down at him.

"Because even we dragons know of your strange code of honour Slayer." She whispered to him while her clawed digit traced gently along his cheek. "Even we dragons know you. You slain how many of my people, six seven. Most dragon slayers are lucky to get even two."

Slayer snorted at her, the dragon pulling her hand away quickly. "Fine." He hissed at her before closing his eyes. "I, Slayer Zenkin..." Niiku's eyes went wide when he said his name. "...swear to never harm you during this night." He opened his eyes and shook his wrists lightly. "Now will you release me?"

Niiku nodded enthusiastically. "Done! Thank you for your cooperation." And she removed her arms. Suddenly Slayer tackled her once again and this time sat on her belly, his hands holding hers. Staring at her face he laughed.

"Moron!" He roared out loudly. "I'm a mercenary not a goddamn knight! What the hell were you-" he fell silent when the green dragon kissed him gently. When she pulled back she licked her lips.

"Tasty." She murred and he leaped backwards with his eyes wide. She quickly rolled onto her stomach where she laughed mischievously. "Oh come now, its tradition!" She held her tail up once again to show the mistletoe. "You can't tell me you never heard of mistletoe!"

Slayer stared at her for several moments, his chest rising and falling before wiping his mouth. He could still feel her lips, those soft lush lips. He shook his head. "What...the hell?" He breathed and she laughed as she stood onto all four of her feet.

"You promised! You have to stay!" She sang and for a moment he almost smiled at her glee. Then Slayer remembered his job and he snorted. He was here to kill her not sit here and have kissing moments with!

"So I did." He murmured while slowly stand back to his feet. The young man sighed as she giggled and stood up as well. Just as he first thought she stood no taller then him. Her eyes completely flush with his. Her green scales sparkled in the dim lighting from his light rod, her red eyes showing a strange sense of careless joy. Her legs and chest showed fine muscles, her wings strong and agile in appearance. Three horns adorned her head, one in the center and two on either side and all three were pearly white. Like the undersides of her wings the dragons underbelly scales were cream coloured. And off all things he found her rather...familiar.

"Who are you?" Slayer suddenly asked as he tried to shake his head of the kiss. It effected him so damn hard and he didn't know why.

Niiku smiled at him with a rather charming one. "I am Niikuisillian. Call me Niiku." She stuck her tongue out in what he found rather cute, her tongue a strange hue of blue. "I really hate my full name."

"A bit personal don't you think?" Muttered slayer as he sat down on a rather uncomfortable pile of gold. It was the only place he could think to sit on. Niiku only shrugged.

"Well I like to share things." The dragoness looked over at him. "Now you tell me something about yourself." Slayer cocked an eyebrow at her.

"Oookay." He looked away for a moment before crossing his legs. His blue eyes went to the only lighting source in the room and how it barely lit anything."I know this is slightly off topic but you any other lighting in this place?" Niiku nodded and she held a foreleg up. He watched as a ball of light shot out of her palm and towards the walls around them. Torches flared to life and he was shocked to see the vastness of her home, the ceiling far above in darkness.

But it was the Christmas tree right in the middle of her hoard that stunned him the most. Bits and baubles, trinkets and decorations covered the massive pine tree. Atop it sat a small golden star shined to perfection. "Do you like it? I work on it hard every year."

Slayer looked back down at her. "Why?" He simply asked. But it really wasn't to him for his curiosity surrounded the whole idea that she celebrated Christmas. This was a religious thing so how can she possibly enjoy it?

Niiku closed her eyes, a faint smile on her face. "When I was younger there was a young boy I befriended." She opened her blazing eyes to look back at him. "He was the one who played with me, he was so kind and sweet. I...fell in love with him." She looked up at the tree once again. "He loved Christmas and when I left...I began to celebrate it too. I think I did it...hoping to make him happy should I see him again."

"When was the last time you saw this boy?" Slayer continued to pester and she laughed.

"Well let's see here..." She paused only to think for a moment. "I would have to say...maybe a little over thirteen years." She sighed, unaware of Slayers stare. "I know its been so long but...I still can't help but hope. I didn't want to leave him, my father forced me to. He hated humans, despised them and viewed them as nothing more then vermin." She shook her head. "Not me. I was always intrigued by them and well, my friend taught me we were all people."

A layer looked down at his feet. "He seems like a great person." He murmured and Niiku nodded her head in agreement. She suddenly looked back up at him and smiled once more.

"Your turn. Where do you come from?" She asked and Slayer looked away.

"Don't know." He breathed after a moment. "Lost my memories thirteen years ago. Only thing I remember is waking up in the middle of a shitty ass firestorm raging through a village. Assumed the place was my home but...I was the only survivor." He tapped his forehead. "I was strong. That was why I survived."

Niiku looked down at the ground. "I truly am sorry for your lose." She whispered and he truly felt her sincere apology. Thing is he wasn't.

"Don't be." He shot at her, Niiku rearing her head up and blinking at him. "I don't remember anything before that day. I ain't missing anything so I ain't complaining."

Niiku felt like crying over her friend. It explained so much to her why he was so different. To think that his entire village was wiped out, his mind wiped of its past. He had forgotten everything, even...her.

"But what of your family?" She said and he shrugged at her. "Surely they had lived there with you. Don't you ever wish you knew them, remembered them?" Slayer remained silent, his face dark. "And what of the friends you have had once?"

He suddenly stood up and Niiku went silent "I'm going to take a piss." He stated calmly before strolling out of the cave. Niiku watched his back as he left and once he was gone, a single tear ebbed its way from her eye.

"Zen...what happened all those years ago?" She whispered sadly and slowly she placed her head down on her legs. "Why don't you remember me?"


Slayer stared long and hard at the ceiling, his mind playing the moment he awoke inside a building entirely on fire. The terror, the fear, all of it he felt in mere moments. And it was all because Niiku brought to his mind the idea of having a family.

All his life he had always moved forward, always looked ahead. Never once did he look back to think. Nod now he was and he could feel a tremendous pain in his chest. He was alone, so very alone. Not once in his life had he stopped to chatter, the warrior within keeping him from others. He was secluded, the world a dark and terrible place to him.

And then it all came crashing down on him, his mind reeling at the aspect of what it was he had truly been hunting for. Slayer never intended of being a great warrior, he sought something else. Something that was forbidden in the eyes of god for him to do to himself. He sought death.

There was no deny g it now. Slayer was a death seeker, a man who looked for his end without ending himself by his own hand. And now that he realized it he also knew that if a dragons could not end him then he would be forced to use his own hand.

Turning onto his side he looked over to see Niiku slumbering away on a now smaller hoard of treasure. Just as she said before the dragon had brought much of the treasure down to the village far in the distance despite the storm raging. Now it was close to morning and she was now sound asleep. And he still saw her rather familiar yet he couldn't tell who she was.

He didn't brood on it. Slayer instead slowly stood onto his feet and began to leave. He wouldn't kill her, no he was far from it. Leaving the cave and into the soon lighting darkness outside, he began to plough through the thick snow towards the bottom of the mountain. He stopped however when he came across the cliff he had climbed not long ago.

Looking up he watched as the morning sun peered its way over the horizon and he smiled a sad smile. Tears welled in his eyes and soon he began to slowly lift his arms upwards. A moment later and he took a single step, a final step, and plunged into oblivion.

Down, down, down he fell his mind quiet and his body accepting. Years of pain, years of suffering were soon to be over. All his life he sought death and although he would be forever damned he did not care. Hell can take him. This life was far too cruel. His past, his future, all decided when his home and his memory were destroyed.

"ZEN!" His eyes went wide open, claws digging I to his clothing and yet his descend did not stop. It merely slowed and he watched as his fall became less steep. Soon he was falling at an angle near parallel to the ground and within the next moment he crashed into the deep snow.

Lying face down in the snow he slowly flipped himself onto his back, his chest rising and falling with each deep breath he took. "Why did you save me?" He asked without sitting up. "How do you know my name? Who are you really?"

Niiku did not answer his question but instead threw her own at him. "Do you really not remember me?!" she cried out painfully at him. "Have you really forgotten about me?! Zen please why did you do it? Why did you try killing yourself?!"

He stared long and hard at the blue sky. "Because I'm already dead." He whispered slowly. "My life before that moment years ago is gone. The boy you once knew is dead." He began a to laugh a small maniacal laugh. "I assume that is why you call me that nickname? I'm the boy you fell in love with all those years ago? I am sorry Niiku. I truly am."

The green stared at him for a long moment before suddenly spinning around. Scooping something in her mouth she spun yet again and tossed a small package at him, the box smashing into his face. "Merry fucking Christmas Zeniken!" She cried and with a sob she flew into the air.

He watched as Niiku circled around him far above, a small sad cry spilling from her form then she was gone. He was alone once more and slowly he sat up to reach for the small item she threw at him. Removing the flimsy wrapping on it revealed a small brown box which he opened, his eyes going wide when he saw gears begin to move a small tune began to spill out.

He remembered this, he remembered!

Memories flooded into his mind at that point, so much he had momentarily lost himself in what was real and what was the past. Soon he found himself reliving a moment in his past, one that involved Niiku.


"Merry Christmas Niiku!"

The small dragoness jumped when several hand wrapped packages fell on top of her and her head poked out the top of the small pile now over her. Looking over she snorted when Zen stood over her with a gleeful smile. She returned the smile gratefully.

"Well merry Christmas to you too Zen!" She laughed as she pulled herself out of the gifts. She turned to face the small pile and she gently poked one of the strange boxes. "What's all this then?"

Zen laughed as he picked up one of the boxes and handed it to her. "They're Christmas presents! For you!" He exclaimed and she suddenly leaped up onto her hind legs to give her friend a hug. He returned it eagerly and began to giggle when she started to lick his cheek.

"Awww why thank you Zen!" Niiku purred into his ear before hopping down. She picked the present he gave her back up and looked up at him with a look he was all too ready to answer.

He swished his hands towards her. "Well go on!" He grinned at her. "Open them! It is Christmas morning after all!"

With a cry of glee she ripped the packaging open to produce a red wool heat. She flipped it over in her paw starting at the strange white fluff on the tip of the triangular hat. "A hat? Zen you know dragons can't wear hats." She muttered but looked up when he grabbed it.

"I made it so that you can wear it." He murmured and gently placed it over her head. He slid the two horns on either side of her head into holes and the same went for the one on top. Taking a step back he laughed at how adorable she was in a little red Santa hat. "You look so cute in it!"

Niiku blushed as she turned back to the pile. Zen though grabbed a much smaller present and handed to her. "Here. I'm really excited about this." He explained and she gladly opened it. Soon a rather plain wooden box came into view and she looked up at him confused. "Open it."

Lifting the lid she blinked when music began to play and the dragon looked up when Zen bent down next to her. Slowly his arm went around her long neck and he smiled softly. "My parents made it for me some time ago. It...means a lot to me but I want you to have it."

Niiku kissed his cheek softly and Zen blushed. "Thank you Zen..." She suddenly looked away and began to blush herself. "But uh there is one thing I really would like for Christmas, one I know I won't get for some years."

Zen cocked his head at her. "And what is it Niiku?" He asked her gently. "Maybe I can help you get it."

Niiku blushed even harder now. "Well you see what I really want for Christmas is..." She took a deep breath.


The green dragon stared long and hard at the moth eaten red hat she had sitting in front of her, holes dotted the old thing yet she had always kept it, the same as Zen's music box. She gave a sudden grunt of anger she swatted the hat away and sulked as she laid down next to her gold.

"You even kept the hat."

She didn't even look up at the sound of Zen's voice. "Like you would care." She sniffed before laughing sadly. "You aren't even able to remember when you gave it to me."

"Erm well that doesn't really make sense to me at all really." Niiku looked up to see him scratching the back of his head. "Cause if ya think about it Niiku I wouldn't have said that without really remembering now would I? I mean think for a moment what I just said." He held his hands out in a confused manner. "I just said you even kept the hat yet you said I don't remember."

Niiku's red eyes went wide and she raised her head up only to look over at him. "Hang on..." She whispered flabbergasted and in a shaking voice. "Zen...your memories..." She slowly stood up and faced him, Zen giving a shy grin as he closed his eyes. "...did they...return?"

Zen only grinned and gave out a light chuckle at her. "Well some things are still foggy but uh-WHOA!" Before he had time to finish Niiku tackled him onto the floor and began to lick his face affectionately. Unsuccessfully trying to fight her back, the young man shrugged before grabbing her snout and squeezing it shut.

With her tongue hanging out the dragoness tried to shake free of his grip but he held on tight and she instead gave out a huff. With one quick and hard push she shoved her rear down on his hips causing him to wheeze at her weight. "Alright Niiku..." Zen gasped under her. "...I'm going to release your mouth but when I do I want you to get off okay?" Niiku gave a small nod. "Good. One...two...three!"

The moment he released her Niiku leaped backwards and he sat up. Both stared at each other before suddenly bursting into laughter. Falling onto their sides they continued on for several minutes before finally wiping the tears from their eyes.

" did you get your memories back?" Asked Niiku as they both sat up once more. The man only chuckled as he scooted over next to her, quickly producing the small wooden box his parents gave him years ago. He flipped it open to allow the soft music flow into the large cavern.

"With this." He explained with a smile. "Niiku, the moment I opened this box my memory of when I gave it to you came flushing into my head. Everything that happened on that day I remember and the days surrounding it too." He suddenly shrugged. "Sadly I don't remember everything and things get a little hazy the farther back I try to remember but you I remember. I could never truly forget about you."

Zen looked over only to watch as she suddenly looked away. "And I remember one important detail of that day as well Niiku." Slowly he began to slid his hand up to caress her long neck. His rubs started from just below her head and yet soon she felt them begin to go lower to massage her entire neck.

"A-And what is it that you remember?" She whispered and Zen placed his forehead against her hide.together they sat there for several moments, the man remaining silent against her until she could bear it no longer. "Zen...what do you remember?"

The dragoness suddenly trembled, Zen having placed a gentle kiss on her neck. "I remember you telling me the one thing you always wanted Niiku." He murmured as he gave another kiss higher up. "Of how much you yearned for it yet could not have it because of their age." Another gentle kiss, this one on her jawline but he slowly brought his mouth to hover over her own, Niiku staring at him with a look of want. "And you can have him. Merry christmas Niiku."

And then they kissed, their lips sealing shut against one another and Niiku began to silently cry. For years she had wanted him, wanted to be his mate and now here he was finally kissing her with his arms wrapped around her gently. With her heart beating within her chest she slowly placed her paw on his chest and gently yet forcibly pushed him down onto the ground where he laid himself down. Their lips never left, not until she was fumbling with his pants.

"E-Easy there Niiku." Zen gasped when she accidentally added too much pressure, hurting his poor manhood. He brought his hands down to gently remove her paws, his own replacing hers in undoing his belt.

"I'm sorry Zen." Apologized the dragon as he slowly removed his cloak as well, the armour and everything else underneath removed as quick as possible. Soon he was pulling his pants down and she kissed him once again. "I've just been wanting this for years and to finally be here, with you..."

Zen placed his hand on her smooth cheek, his blue eyes staring deeply into her blazing red eyes. "I know Niiku, I know." He whispered to her as he not only rubbed her cheek but also her chest. "I guess...we should get started then huh?"

Niiku suddenly snaked out of his grasp and down his moderately muscled body, a large grin on her face. "Oh! I call starting!" She giggled as she placed her paw over Zen's flaccid shaft, her rather stubby toes gently massaging the flesh. Zen leaned back and relaxed, enjoying the feel of his closest friend and soon to be lover giving attention to his most prized possession.

"Jeez aren't you an horny dragon." He chuckled as his cock began to grow and expand. He gasped when Niiku began to slowly add her tongue to the mix, Her long smooth tongue gently lapping at his flesh. "Yup. You are."

Niiku giggled at him before giving the base of his growing erection a kiss, followed by a long lick to the tip. There she began to gently fondle his balls, rolling each orb in her small hands while licking his tip. "Gods you taste wonderful." She laughed and Zen only chuckled before placing his hand gently on her head.

"Niiku..." He breathed as she slowly began to slide his member into her maw eagerly. He gritted his teeth as warmth surrounded him, his hands clutching effortlessly at the hard stone ground. Her tongue wrapped around the bottom of his member, sealing it from the outside world. "Oh god Niiku..." He moaned as she began to slowly slid it up and down, friction sending pulses of ecstasy through his veins. "...your tongue."

Niiku smiled as she suckled on him as though he was a stick covered in sugar. Popping him out she placed several more kisses on his throbbing erection before sliding him back in, her red eyes looking up at him with a grin around the embedded flesh. As she sucked on him yet again her tail slowly began to curl in on itself towards the small pink flesh amidst her cream coloured scales. Soon she was grinding her tail along her vent causing her lips to swell with aching lust.

The dragoness began to chuckle as she pulled offer him once again, much to Zen's disappointment. However that disappointment turned into something else as Niiku began to slowly crawl her way up his strong form. She did it sensually too, her body brushing against his own as she moved until their hips were at the same level, his erection pointing straight at her own sex.

Zen took the hint at what she wished and slowly placed his hands on her hips, rubbing his palms along her hide until he was gripping near her buttocks. "Well now, I was t really ready yet there Niiku." He grinned as he kissed her on the cheek. "I was rather enjoying that fantastic blowjob you were giving me."

Niiku only chuckled before nipping at his ear playfully, her hips moving to grind herself against his shaft. "Mmm. Well too bad." She giggled into his ear, her claws digging into his shoulder as she prepared for what was too come. Her wings fluttered out suddenly to envelope the both of them in a wide blanket of living flesh, sealing them in their own world. "I want to move on to the best part."

Zen nodded as he reached between their bodies to carefully grasp himself and pointed his head to her opening. He stopped when he felt her slick vent hug his sex, his eyes looking up at hers. "Am I beautiful Zen?" She whispered in his ear and he barely managed to say yes when she pushed her hips down, his member disappearing inch by inch into her warm body. The first thing she determined was that he was much bigger inside then what he appeared outside.

"Oh G-gods..." Whimpered Niiku as their hips became flushed, her pussy stretched wider then even her tail could possibly do to it. Zen at that point breathed out a sigh and he looked up to see her grimacing atop him.

"Hey if you can't do it stop." He told her gently as his hand went up to stroke her neck. "I don't want you to be pain, I want you to be comfortable and feel pleasured." He blinked when she started to slowly shift her hips trying to ease her body over his large equipment.

"I can handle it!" She hissed at him irritated and Zsn flinched at the venom in her words. Immediately Niiku had an apologetic look and stopped her movements to nuzzle his face gently. "I'm sorry Zen. Dragons...become a little emotional when we start to mate."

Zen only kissed her jawline while stroking her neck once more. "It's okay. Go at the speed your comfortable with." He told her in a voice filled with love. "It's not your fault if...ya know..."

Niiku chuckled as she began to slowly raise her hips once more only to slid him back in. "If I go a little sex insane?" She laughed as she closed her eyes and murred, cooing as she slowly adjusted to his size. Zen wrapped his arm around her neck, his other hand still on her rump and helping her roll onto his raging erection. She felt so nice, warm flesh like silk rolling across his sensitive member with every small movement she made. Even just moving her tail caused her vent to squeeze and ripple around his cock.

"Better?" Asked Zen as she began to quicken her pace and pulled off of him farther. Soon she was bouncing on him with his shaft nearly out of her but she only slammed right back down to the base with a wet lewd noise. The dragon only managed to pant a weak yes before pressing her lips against his own, her tongue forcing its way into his mouth.

She did not slow down at all when she pulled her lips away. All Niiku did was flutter her wings once more as her fucking increased in speed, his cock sliding in and out with ease. His tip rubbed her in all the right places and she rolled her hips as she moved to make it rub in her most sensitive areas. Soon she felt a pressure within begin to form and she bit her lip.

"Relax Niiku." Zen whispered up at her slowly. "Just let it wash over you. I know that look, you're close." The dragoness only nodded as she whimpered, her rear legs shifting to hold her more stable. Without warning she quickened her humping even faster only to shoot her head up and give out a cry of pleasure, her dragon pussy beginning to move in undulating movements.

Zen squeezed his eyes closed, his face grimacing as he fought the sucking movements of his lovers sex. But it was fruitless and within a moment of her own orgasm starting his own exploded deep within her. Nikki's eyes shot wide open as she felt his tool throb deep within her body, every twitch sending large amounts of his spunk into her womb. Soon it was drooling out from her sex around the embedded cock within her and she collapsed on top of him.

"Whoa! Are you okay?" Asked Zen worriedly but he smiled when Niiku only licked his neck in affection. The dragoness began to purr and snuggled her head against his own. She loved how warm her lower body felt, how full it was. She laughed when she lifted herself off of him, Zen grunting as his over sensitive flesh slid out of her with a plop. There she flipped over onto her side and lifted her leg up, her head snaking down to begin licking up the mess around her sex.

Zen sat up only to watch with wide blue eyes she eagerly licked the mixed juices onto her tongue, most of which was from him. Yet she murmured of how incredible they tasted, of how she felt so full from just one go. When the outside was clean Niikuu actually went straight for her still swollen vent and began to snake her tongue within to get more of his sweetness. He knew that if he hadn't have been spent at that point he could've gotten yet another boner.

"Yummmm!" Cooed Niiku as she pulled away and looked back at him. She suddenly pounced and placed her forelegs on his thigh. "Let's go again!" Zen tasked at her and laughed, grabbing her with both his hands only to kiss her.

"Fraud I'm all spent Niiku." He murmure to her and she only frowned.

"Well then you have no endurance." She huffed. "I want another round! I loved it, it felt so nice the way you filled me right to the brim." She purred before licking his cheek. "I'm so happy! I've been waiting for this for so long, it just..."

Zen kept his smile as he pulled her into a hug. "I know Niiku, I know." He whispered into her ear and he kissed her neck gently. "We'll do it again later. Just let me rest for the moment."

The dragoness nodded as she was held. "Zen?" She murmured to him and he gave a questioning hum. "What will we do now? The king will be expecting you." Zen didn't open his eyes, refusing to let such thoughts disturb his happy reunion.

"We do what we can Niiku." He whispered. "I love you. I won't leave you and I never will." He gave out a breath. "If we must we can always flee."

Niiku nodded before pulling away. They stared for an long moment, their eyes never leaving and she felt like she was about to cry. Zen pulled her close once again and kissed her softly, lovingly. "Merry Christmas Niiku." She heard Zen whisper.

"Zen..." She whimpered before suddenly crying. "I love you. I love yo so much." Tears streamed down her cheeks as she held on to hi for dear life, like he oils be torn from her any second. "This is the best Christmas I've ever had."


The following day the king was found in his bed with a sword deep in his chest. A careful inspection of the blade revealed it to belong to the man Slayer who had been hired by the king to slay the nearby dragon. The man was declared enemy of the kingdom and soon evidence showed that the dragon too had fled. However the people of the kingdom, those not loyal to the now dead king, proclaimed named the warrior Tyrant Slayer and claimed he was a hero.

Soon after legends began to spread of a warrior with a dragon as a bride, both traveling the world, never stopping in a single place. However wherever they wen kings who ruled with an iron fist began to tremble in fear and soon were found either completely changed or dead in their own beds. The name of the Tyrant Slayer continued to spread.