It might pick up

Story by sisco on SoFurry

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#1 of It might pick up

Someone suggested a polar bear mall Santa screwing one of his elves as a rp and well this idea kind of spawned off it. I found some time to write and so dashed out this quickly. As my family issues are now almost over and I thank everyone for their kind words of support, I will be trying to get a bunch more stories done while on the xmas break from work.

Not sure I like what So Furry has done with the formatting, I copied and pasted from word and had to spend a little while re=editing, no doubt I did something wrong so I'll work on it for next story. part two

"That's the last one, Santa." A little racoon in a green elf outfit said as he escorted a little wolf cub out.

Roy heaved a huge sigh of relief. The polar bear reached up a paw and ripped off the Santa beard he had had to wear every day for the last four weeks. "Thank fuck for that." He muttered to himself as he stood up and sniffed himself, a nauseating mixed aroma of chocolate, candy and kids piss filled his lungs. Damn it, why do the little buggers always have to piss themselves on Santa's lap?

The bear got to his feet, he was the perfect candidate for a mall Santa, a huge soft belly, broad shoulders and strong paws. He had shown the patience of a saint as he listened to spoilt brats asking for endless lists of crap. Smiling through his misery as he was captured in a thousand photographs. It wasn't too long ago the bear had been on the other end of the camera, taking his kids to see Santa. While his wife was 'shopping', man was he a stupid chump or what? That bitch was always out shopping and yet half the time the cupboards were empty. She'd call and ask him to pick up some milk, bread and take away on his way home from work.

Apparently shopping meant banging some pony who was manager of the local minimart. A tall, dark, stud pony named Brad, the bear snarled as he thought about it. They'd fucked behind his back for months before she hit him with divorce papers, on his birthday too. Fucking whore, she got full custody of the kids along with the house. That fucker Brad was right now living in his house, banging his former wife and would be having Christmas morning with his kids.

As he reached the staff locker room he was stomping along and slamming doors. His temper had been another problem, his boss had said something to him about it... it hadn't helped that his former boss was also a pony. He'd punched that fucker so hard he dislocated his jaw. It had felt good, right up until he was fired, arrested and his wife used it as leverage to get his visitation rights taken away.

Now he was living in some tiny shit hole apartment and had taken the Santa gig because he couldn't find anything else. As he took off his Santa pants he heard the door open and in bounced Karl. He was grinning widely and his cute husky tail was wagging. "Hey Roy, last night! The rest of us are going out for some drinks, you want to come?"

The bear took a deep breath and forced another fake smile onto his face. "No thanks guys, I'm way too old to be heading out on the sauce." Not to mention every penny of his paycheque was needed to pay the bills. After all this work he could look forward to an xmas microwave meal for one. God, the only thing he had to look forward to tomorrow was the Dr Who Christmas special.

"Awww, are you sure? I was wanting to buy Santa a drink." The husky asked and, if the bear had been paying attention he would have noticed, the young pups eyes wandering over his half naked body like a starving man eyeing up some prime rib steak. He licked his lips a little as the polar bear grabbed some pants out of his locker and began to pull them on.

"Oh yeah, I'm sure, besides I'd just slow you guys down." Not to mention that getting drunk while out with other people would probably lead to another drunken ranting outbreak. He'd possibly end up back at his former home shouting abuse until the police took him away again.

"Well, how about you let me give you a ride home? I can hook up with those guys after." The husky asked his blue eyes full of hope and if the bear had looked closer he would have seen the mischief inside them.

Roy thought about the offer for a moment, it would save him a long walk home in the freezing weather. "Sure, thanks, I'll just grab my last paycheque and we can head out."

"I'll go with you, I need to grab mine too." The husky said as he rushed after the large bear. "So you think you'll be doing this again next year?" There was a definite hopeful tone in the young dogs voice.

"Oh god I hope not. This next year has to be better than this one, it sure as hell couldn't be worse." The bear replied without thinking and then hastily added. "I mean, I hope to have a stable job next year, you know?"

"Oh totally, I'm gonna get myself some part time gig in like a coffee shop or something. While I study for my degree." The husky replied excitedly as if he hadn't heard what the bear had said. His brain was slowly digesting those words and their possible meaning.

Then they both picked up their cheques from the small human resources office. The husky lead the bear out to his small car and got in. "Damn, it's cold today, even for us cold weather types huh?" The husky joked his breath frosting up the window.

"Yeah, not too bad though." Roy replied as he fastened his seatbelt.

"Oh yeah, I bet you are always warm. Having that lovely polar bear physique and all." Karl replied and he let the bear wonder about the last part.

"Oh yeah, I certainly have a lot of insulation." The bear replied bitterly. "My wife used to say it made me comfortable."

"Used to?" The husky asked as he started up the engines. The bear had never spoken about his marriage, hoping it was all over by now so the ride could end the way he wanted it too.

"Yeah... I'm divorced, just four months ago to be honest." The bear admitted, figuring that in a short time he would be saying bye to the husky forever anyway so what did it hurt to let him know the truth.

"Dude that fucking sucks, what happened?" The husky said taking the opportunity to put a friendly paw on the bear's thigh as a sign of support. His paw lightly squeezed and he could feel under the layers of fat there was some solid muscle. He suppressed a groan as he imagined what the mature bear could do with muscles like that. He shifted in his seat a little removing his paw a second later, his sheath swelling in his pants.

The bear was too lost in the pain and anger of thinking back over it. "She was cheating on me with some pony guy, with a sixpack and a sort of ok job."

"Fuck, who would chose a sixpack over a sexy keg? Bitch must be crazy." The husky muttered his eyes sneaking a look at the large soft bear stomach, licking his lips as his cocktip slipped out of his sheath.

Roy wasn't listening as he continued. "She took the kids, then I got fired for punching my boss. I lost my house and well... lets just say it's been a fucking shit year and I can't wait for it to be over."

"Well it's almost over, but you never know it might pick up." The husky said with a sly smile. He knew what he wanted and with the bear in this depressive a mood he figured it would be easy to get.

"Ha! If it ends without anything else going wrong I'll count that as up." Roy said with a bitter and sad laugh. Still he actually felt slightly better, it was nice to talk to someone about it.

The husky pulled in next to Roy's apartment block and turned the engine off. "Hey look, I got a bottle of J D in the back. How about we chuck a few glasses back, it'll help the last of this year go faster?"

"I thought you were going out drinking?" The bear asked quietly, the idea actually seemed quite inviting.

"Meh, it's Christmas eve every bar will be packed. I'd rather sit somewhere warm and quiet, knock a few back and have some fun." Karl lowered his voice a little as he said the last bit and gave the bear his poor little puppy dog look.

"Well it ain't tidy or spacious... you know I really can't think of anything positive to end that on. I have a glass or two, lets go get pissed." The bear said with a smile.

The husky could barely contain his excitement, a night drinking with a mature bear, with a huge hugable tummy and a deep baritone voice. His cock was throbbing inside his jeans already. He knew he had to get Roy drunk and show him that losing his wife was one of the best things to happen to him. he grabbed the bottle of Jack Daniels off his backseat.

His tail was wagging uncontrollably behind him as he followed the bear up the stairs. His hungry eyes on the firm round rump, he wanted so badly to reach out and grope those huge rolling mounds. However, he knew that right now it would freak the bear out. He promised himself that he'd be knot deep between those cheeks before the new year.

As he entered the bear's apartment his nose was assaulted with the smell of stale bear musk. He could see dirty clothes littering the floor, on some of the shirts he could see stains that his nose told him were cum. He couldn't suppress his whimper of desire as his cock shot a thick gob of precum into his underwear.

Roy didn't seem to notice as he grabbed two glasses from the kitchen and waved at one of two armchairs in his tiny living room. "Make yourself at home, mi casa su casa."

Karl grinned and licked his lips sitting down and grabbing the glasses he poured one huge glass and handed it to the bear then put just a splash in his own glass.

The bear took a huge swig and let the warm alcohol fuel the fires of hate inside him. It wasn't long before he was bitching, drinking quickly as he did so. The husky always eager to top up his glass. The bear didn't even notice that the dog hadn't taken more than a sip, while he was already a good third of the way through the bottle. His mind getting a little fuzzy, just as the husky began to steer the conversation around to his sex life.

"A blow job? Ha fat chance, that bitch didn't suck my cock once from the second I put that ring on her finger. Her cunt dried up too, those two fuckers must go through gallons of lube." The bear ranted as he drained his glass again, the dog instantly filling it back up.

"Aww man, that's so true. Hell women can't suck cock for heck. You need a guy to give you a proper blow job." The husky said slyly, his eyes had been on the bear's package for the last ten minutes, his jeans were soaked in his precum by now.

"Yeah, I bet there are tons of fags who would just love to suck my cock. I should go hit the gay scene sometime, get rid of my tension." The bear slurred every word and his head was beginning to spin as, what was now two thirds of a bottle of whiskey, sat in his empty stomach.

"You wouldn't have to go to the gay scene to get a fag to suck you off." Karl said grinning widely and licking his lips.

"You're right." The bear said and then waved at his mobile. "Got internet on my phone, can get one of them to come here and give my cock a good sucking."

The husky shook his head and laughed, it was clear this bear wasn't able to see a come on when it was right in front of his muzzle. Deciding that it was time to take the initiative he leaned over, reached out with one paw and firmly groped the polar bear's crotch. The bear's sheath was swollen and hard, the dog could feel the beginnings of a mammoth cock growing there. "You really don't need the internet."

"Wah?" The bear wasn't able to form actual words his head was spinning and his cock was giving him some weird signals, it had been a year since anyone but him had touched it. It felt good. "But...but you're eighteen."

Grinning widely the husky slipped off his chair and knelt in front of the bear, caressing his crotch with both paws. "So? I may be eighteen, but I promise you I can suck cock better than your stupid bitch wife. I'll make you feel things she never could." He could feel the cock swelling inside the bear's pants as his paws worked it over, his fingers squeezing and caressing the wonderful meat. His fingers found the bear's fly and began to pull it down.

"But... this is wrong." Roy muttered unable to resist him laying back in the chair his legs spread wide. The alcohol being more fully absorbed into his bloodstream as he submitted.

"Fuck wrong, this is right." The husky said as his paws reached inside the bear's pants he felt the sticky flesh, hot flesh and wrapped his fingers around the cock pulling it out into the air where he devoured the black morsel with his eyes. "It's perfect, just like I imagined it would be. You don't know how hard it's been watching you every day, letting all those kids sit on your lap, all the time aching to sit in it too. To pull out your fat cock, lick it, taste it and suck your balls dry. Then ride you until every last drop is drained from us both."

Roy groaned softly his alcohol soaked brain told him that everything was ok, it felt good so just shut up and enjoy. He gasped loudly as he felt an eager tongue lapping over his cock slowly from base to tip and then swirl around his cocktip. The strong firm tongue dragging on his hot flesh felt better than his wife's tongue ever had. This was the tongue of someone who loved the taste of his cock, who wanted to suck it more than anything.

Karl moaned as the lapped on the bear meat, the musky flavour was far better than he imagined it would be. So strong and manly, he loved the feel of the hot throbbing cock in his mouth. He took as much of the huge maleness into his mouth as he could. He'd never seen a cock as big as this one, it was easily a foot long and at the base it was as thick as his wrist. He pulled his lips off the delicious lump of meat and looked up at the bear. "I can see why your wife had to find a pony, you must have ruined her for all other guys with a monster cock like this."

Roy wanted to be angry at the mention of his wife, but the fingers stroking his shaft continuously sent waves of pleasure through his drunken body. His cock was drooling pre heavily onto the dog's fingers. He gasped as he felt the dog suck on his tip firmly again, that wonderful tongue swirling around his cocktip drinking down his hot pre.

"Please, strip off. I want to see the sexy Santa naked." The husky begged kissing his cocktip again and again.

The bear moaned softly ad started to struggle out of his shirt. The husky rushed to help and the moaned softly as the white furry mountain was exposed. He ran his paws down the soft curves and moaned deeply. "Oh god, you are so hot, so perfect. I can hardly believe that tonight you are mine."

"J... just to suck on." The bear muttered his words heavily slurred as he pulled off his pants. Karl groaned softly his paws wandering down to the bears hips, he squeezed the soft flesh there and nodded.

"Of course, if all you want is a muzzle job, that's all that will happen." The husky replied as he thought to himself that he'd get so much more from the bear and make the big white sexy beast want it too.

He slipped back to his knees, with the clothes removed he could see two huge pendulous plums hanging down between those thick thighs. He blinked and stared in shock, he'd never seen balls that size on any guy as he reached out to take hold of them he gasped. Each one was big enough to fill his palm, he rolled them gently and leaned down slowly. He inhaled the bear's scent and then licked over one slowly, the bitter sweaty taste flooding his mouth.

Roy groaned out loud, his wife had never licked his balls, hell that bitch just used to suck his cocktip until he started to pre and then get him to jerk himself off to completion. He reached out and ran his fingers through the husky's thick hair and looked down, maybe it was the alcohol flooding his brain but watching another guy licking and sucking on his huge nuts was really hot. His cock jetted a stream of pre onto the husky's shoulder.

Karl chuckled softly and slipped off his shirt and jeans. His own erect cock was crying out for attention as it drooled a stream of pre onto the floor. However, right now he needed that big musky bear cock back in his mouth. He suckled the tip tenderly, teasing it with his tongue and taking as much as he could into his mouth. The taste was musky, full bodied and quite beefy, just like the bear. He loved the taste of a real male in his mouth, he'd had a few guys his own age but their flavour was weak, undeveloped. Males like Roy had matured, their flavour had aged with them, going from the weak and sweet taste of the immature, to the potent and strong flavour of a full grown and assured male.

Groaning loudly the bear found himself thrusting into the warm maw, he had never had such a willing maw and tongue before, he could not believe how good it felt. He rocked his hips slowly and looked down, watching his thick black cock sliding between those soft black lips and right to the back of the teenagers throat. He was amazed how hot it was to see a young fit stud servicing his thick meat, he grabbed his phone and flicked the camera on.

Karl had his eyes closed so it wasn't until the phone gave it's imitation shutter sound that he realised what was going on. His eyes went wide as he looked up to see the bear with a dopey drunken smile and the phone being pointed at him. "Hey, seriously not cool without asking first."

"Sorry, just wanted to show my wife how it's done properly." The bear rumbled with laughter as he hit send on a picture text with a really nasty message.

"Did you just send that picture to your wife?" The husky asked in shock, his jaw dropping open.

The bear looked down at the dog with a lustfilled grin plastered on his face. "Sorry, just wanted her and Brad to know, I found someone half her age, twice as sexy and far better at sucking cock than she will ever be. That pony will have to make do with her dried up cunt."

"Seriously unsexy to think about that bit of her." The husky whined as he looked up at the bear.

Roy shifted his huge mass looming over the dog as he leaned down, his huge paws caressing the dog's cheeks. "Aww I'm sorry puppy, didn't mean to put you off. What you were doing was really great." Karl found himself nuzzling into the two huge paws, the slightly calloused pads lightly scratching in the most delightful way. Then the bear's lips met his and he moaned softly, the bear tasted of Jack Daniels, but with a strong almost meaty flavour behind it. He gasped as a thick ursine tongue was forced into his mouth, he gagged as the powerful male took what it wanted from his muzzle. He whimpered loudly as he found himself suckling on the wildly probing meat.

This wasn't how it was supposed to go the bear was supposed to be drunk and docile. He was supposed to suck him and then lick his taint, down to his pucker, rim him and then finger him. Next he would go back to sucking, while he fingered him keeping the bear right on the edge. Then he would replace his fingers with cocktip and by the time the bear realised what was happening the husky would be balls deep, rutting the strong alpha male into heaven. He'd not let the bear cum until his knot was lodged firmly in the bear's tight rear.

Breaking the kiss and licking the husky's nose, so all Karl could smell was Jack Daniels and bear musk, the bear growled lustfully. "Bedroom's over there."

"B... but I thought you just wanted a muzzle job?" The husky asked in confusion as the bear got to his feet, the huge fur towering over him.

"No you said as long as that's all I want, well now I'm saying I want more." The bear reached down and grabbed the husky by the arm and firmly pulled him to his feet. Roy grabbed the open bottle of Jack Daniels and handed it to the husky. "Better take a couple of swigs of this, it'll help when Santa gives you his big lump of coal." The bear reached down to stroke his drooling black shaft and winked as he spoke.

The husky gulped and found his paws moving on their own, he grabbed the bottle from the bear and took a deep swig as he headed into the bedroom. He hated to admit it but some part of him was desperate to submit to the white bear. He wandered into the bedroom with the hulking male following him. He crawled onto the messy sheets and lifted his tail, and then he took another deep swig from the bottle.

Roy grinned and licked his lips looking at the fine young stud offering himself to him. A lithe and yet not skinny frame, soft silky fur, pink pawpads that looked velvety and smooth. A thick drooling pink shaft dangling down with two small furry orbs just bouncing on his white taint. The nervous look in the husky's blue eyes as he drained the last of the bottle, he guessed he was probably bigger than most of the guys the husky had fucked.

The bear grabbed something and shoved it on and then took a few steps forward. His huge paws rubbing over the husky rump being offered, his claws running through the silky fur to tease the skin as he growled deeply with dominant lust. "Mmmm don't worry, I still remember how to break a bitch in nice and slow, it won't hurt much."

Karl whimpered at the bear's words trying not to think of how thick Roy's meat was. The strange thing was he'd fucked three or four older guys making the mature alpha males into his willing bitch, it had turned him on. Yet as he lay on the bed bracing himself to be taken by a bigger stronger male he had never been so turned on. His cock was leaking pre like a faucet, his heart was pounding , his head was spinning and his body was aching to feel the large bear pressed against him.

Grabbing hold of the husky's scruff the bear pulled him over. "I want to look my bitch in the eye while I plough him." Karl found himself rolled over onto his back the bear spread his legs and the bear leaned down over the thin dog. The dog's eyes went wide as he saw the bear had put a red Santa hat on. Roy's huge belly and chest pressed down onto the nubile young frame of his lover. The bear took the empty bottle out of the dog's paw and chuckled. "You know, my wife stopped me drinking JD years ago, cause it always got me fucking horny and never really got me that drunk."

The bear kissed the husky again, his tongue forcing it's way into the dog's mouth as his paws stroked down the husky's body. Karl groaned loudly as he felt something huge stroking against his taint. The huge cocktip stroked slowly down until it found his pucker. Then the bear began to grind his hips, his thick maleness grinding against the quivering pucker. Jetting pre into his lover as the tip ground deeper and deeper, the bear gave a thrust, a gentle one, his cocktip kissed the dog's entrance.

Roy continued to rock his hips gently his cocktip slowly prising open the tight pucker, flooding it with pre and slipping millimetre by millimetre inside the dog. As he lay over Karl thrusting continuously his tongue danced with the husky's the bear's paws found Karl's he laced his fingers between them and pinned the dogs arms above his head.

The rutting was slow and gentle, with each thrust the bear sprayed a little more pre into the puppy lubricating him deeper just before the next thrust. The hot maleness inside him stretching him so far he could feel every throb every tiny vein and every motion. As it got deeper the thrusting got faster and faster, the bear working his thickness deeper and deeper into the willing, trembling puppy fuck hole. Karl had taken a few poundings since he realised he was gay, but he'd never been bred so gently. The slow pace was both wonderfully gentle and at the same time maddeningly teasing. Part of him just wanted the cock fully inside him, he wrapped his legs around the bear's waist trying to pull him closer.

Unable to stop whimpering and moaning the husky could do nothing but submit. He couldn't believe how good it felt to be slowly forced open, the bear was already a few inches deep inside him and yet having his ring stretched had never been so pain free, although the alcohol that made his head spin might have been to blame. Whatever the reason he was loving the feeling of the thick cock slowly forcing him open, the dominant male holding him down, taking what he wanted. He felt powerless and yet somehow safe and warm. His cock was sandwiched between them the warm bear belly surrounding and squeezing it, making it throb and ache with need.

Karl felt two huge balls resting on his taint as the bear finally hilted inside him. He moaned in disbelief, he'd never had a cock or toy that big inside him, his ring was stretched further than he ever thought it could. As the bear pulled out of the kiss and began to nuzzle his neck lovingly the dog whispered. "Your wife felt this, then left you? Stupid fucking bitch."

The bear chuckled at this and then pulled back a little and thrust forward, the husky squirmed under him wonderfully. The tight hole seemed to pull his cock back inside, and the dog moaned deeply. The bear took a nip on the dog's neck making him squeal a little. "Mmmm, you like my cock inside you don't you?" As he asked he thrust again harder, his cock so thick he didn't need to aim for the dog's prostate he had no choice but to hit it.

"Yes! Oh god, yes it feels so good." The words came out without Karl even thinking about it, his body was caught in waves of pleasure as his prostate was assaulted. He knew he was the bear's bitch and he couldn't be happier, he loved the feeling of that huge cock stroking inside him. He could feel the thickness tugging on his tight ring as the meat slid slowly out of him. He bit his lip until he could taste blood as the bear thrust forward much harder and faster. The sudden pressure on his pleasure button made him cry out loudly. "Fuck! Yes! Harder!" Once again the words came from his body and his brain had no say in what he was screaming.

As the bear rutted into him again and he cried out in pleasure once more there came a loud thumping on the wall and a muffled cry of. "Keep it down in there!" Karl blushed deeply in embarrassment, nuzzling into the bear's thick neck for comfort.

Roy's reaction was very different, he lifted his head up and roared so loudly Karl could feel his entire body shake as the huge chest above him rumbled. As his roar died down the bear shouted. "I'm fucking in here! Keep your damn trap shut or so help me I will come round there and break you!"

The husky cringed against the bear a little and then as the bear started to rut into him again he moaned and gasped. Karl couldn't help but reflect that he had thought he could sneak fuck this guy, now he was glad his plan had failed. No telling what the bear would have done if he'd tried to fuck him like that. He pressed himself against the thrusting bear, wanting to please the beast on top of him.

The bear's head was spinning, the roar and the threats, that wasn't him anymore. However, it had been once, he'd been a jock in high school, predatory and virile. He'd taken what he wanted, who he wanted. He'd made bitches squeal in pleasure, without a care in the world. He had been a top rugby player in his school, played for the county too. Hell he'd been playing in university with dreams of going further, when he knocked up his future wife.

She'd drained his maleness, she'd tamed him made him her bitch. He snarled loudly in realisation, his sweet tender thrusting was long gone, he was rutting into the dog beneath him like the animal he used to be, his hips slamming so hard into the young male that the bed rammed into the wall. She'd used up everything, she'd refused to suck him off, fucked him only on his birthday and Christmas. Then she'd left him for some fucking pony. What was worse, instead of ditching the bitch he'd begged her to come back. Well no more, the beast was back and he wasn't going to take it anymore!

Karl's mind wasn't working anymore, the pounding on his prostate was flooding it with endorphins. His body spasmed with wave after wave of pleasure, his cock was screaming with need, his balls were tingling and churning with the need to shoot. The tiny bedroom was filled with the sounds of sex, the slap of balls on ass, the bash of a bed on the wall, the grunts and snarls of a dominant top and the moans and cries of a bitch being serviced.

Roy's nips on the dog's neck got stronger and stronger, until he was biting the dog's neck and shoulders. Every time he'd tried that with his wife she'd stopped him, the dog didn't he just whined and stretched out his neck exposing himself to his alpha. His body was on fire with the pleasure of a raw animal mating, he could feel his orgasm drawing near. He drove his cock into the dog again and again, jackhammering into his bitch. Showing the husky why he used to be able to drive any scrum where he wished, he used the power of his huge thighs to breed the willing bitch under him.

As he rutted faster and faster, his biting grew more and more bestial. Until as he reached his peek the bear bit down hard on the join between the dog's neck and shoulder. His teeth slicing into Karl's flesh, he tasted blood and his nose was filled with the scent of a subordinate. His cock throbbed hard as the most powerful orgasm of his life took hold of him.

As he felt the teeth slice into him, the strange extreme mixture of pleasure and pain overwhelmed Karl. He screamed out into the night, his cock spraying his heavy load onto the bear's stomach without being touched. The intensity of the orgasm that rocked every fibre of his being shut his mind down. He acted on pure animal instinct, ignoring the bite pushing back into the wonderful rutting, as his ass was pumped full of rich, thick and potent bear cum.

The bear continued to rut as he drained his balls into the husky, as the orgasm slowly faded he let go of Karl's neck. He licked the teethmarks, feeling slightly guilty as he saw the white and grey husky fur stained red with his blood. He'd had no intention of hurting the younger male, he had just been unable to control himself. For the first time in decades he had let loose fully.

Gasping and panting Karl tried to get control of himself, the huge bear was still holding him down. His neck and shoulders ached from multiple bites and he could scent his own blood. He'd never been with a lover so passionate, his entire body felt drained and empty, except for his ass which felt wonderfully full. "Shit... oh Shit!" Was all he could say over and over again, and as the bear let go of his paws his arms went around the bear holding him tightly, not wanting to let go.

"Sorry if I was a bit rough on ya, it's been a while since I had something as hot as you to fuck." The bear muttered as he continued to lick the husky's wounds until they stopped bleeding.

"Fuck, don't apologise... that was... that was...epic! I mean I came here thinking you were hot and would be a good fuck, damn if you weren't the best fuck I ever had." The husky replied nuzzling into the huge bear neck enjoying the warmth and strength of his lover.

"Yeah, well it's been a year since I last got to fuck anyone, still I don't think I ever had a fuck as good as that before." Roy said kissing the dog's lips and sucking on Karl's lower lip for a second or two. "I... don't know much about gay guys... kinda hoping this wasn't just a one time thing."

The husky chuckled and blushed a little. "I thought it would just be a one time thing, but I think you might have ruined me for other guys."

As the bear opened his mouth to reply he head church bells start to chime at the church down the street and he chuckled. "Oh it's Christmas day, want to spend the day with Santa?"

"Yeah but only if Santa fucks me again, oh and if you keep the hat on, it's hot on you." Karl replied and battled the bobble on the Santa hat as he did so. "And stop talking about your wife, that dumb bitch is yesterday's news."

The bear nodded his head and laughed softly," Deal, no more about that shrew." He smiled down at the husky half his age still impaled on his cock and thought about how the year had picked up, hell it was practically a Christmas miracle.