The Drahune Chronicles Prologue Episode Zero Point One To Be Hunted

Story by Bluevirage on SoFurry

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#2 of The Drahune Chronicles: Prolouge

Another Prologue story. This one deals with transformation themes, forced sex, violence, and attempts at baddassery that fall flat on their face. It takes place after the last story, but before the first story of the main series of stories naturally.

The lead character in this may or may not be related to any of the other series heroes that have appeared or will appear. Thus, his physical appearance is kept vague within the story deliberately.

The Drahune Chronicles

Episode Zero Point One

To Be Hunted

The Drahune Chronicles by Michael Luvar Barnes is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

"Survival. That is the core instinct that all beings have. Tempered by time survival skills become a tool to ensure that the individual will have an edge; something to grasp onto when things look their bleakest. Still, when everything else has failed you, survive.

Simply put, fight when you can, run when you cannot. Only a true idiot takes on a foe they have no chance of beating as they are. Fleeing gives you the chance to adapt and change. Standing and fighting will get you nothing except death. The only exception in my mind to this truth is if you are protecting something.

What would you die to protect?"

  • Eric Dravens


S alem stopped at the edge of the forest. The moonlight gave him little in the way of a clear view of the territory before him. The path he was on led right through the forest's most traveled route. He expected anything to happen from this being an easy trip through the woods; or a rough one involving shooting and running.

Draw, place the shot, release. Repeat as needed until target is down._Salem thought as he stared into the dark woods. _Draw, place the shot, release.

Mental preparation was something Salem did before he found himself in trouble and had no plan of action. The dark haired man tightenedhis grip on the compound bow he carried and moved slowly into the woods; certain he could handle himself properly in an emergency.

The forest gave off a subtle collective energy that Salem felt as he proceeded. It was at peace. That was the impression Salem got as he entered it and looked around in the darkness.

At Salem's back was the village of Turner Road, Salem's hometown. It was named after the slab of asphalt that once ran through it decades ago. The road remained, though now it was mostly flattened earth with dark specks of asphalt littering it here and there.

Salem's parents were apart of the town militia and they taught their eldest son everything they knew. Certain he would need to know about survival in the changed world after the event thirty years ago. Thanks to his parent's Salem's physical and mental well being was honed until he became a skilled individual in many styles of combat, natural medicines, earth sciences, and physics.

Though his primary means of ranged fighting was archery. His shooting only complemented his training in hand-to-hand combat. Though he did have practice in different weapon fighting styles, he was a knife fighter. However Salem preferred a short sword for its reach when in close combat and carried one.

For clothing Salem wore a dark colored sleeveless vest with four pockets filled with odds and ends. A dark long sleeved shirt underneath with a bracer strapped to his left forearm. For hand protection he wore a pair of black leather gloves; the right glove modified for archery. Black baggy pants stuck into a pair of laced up black boots covered his lower body. Each boot had a quick release zipper with the tab, when zipped, hidden under a button secured flap of leather. Because it was summer he carried no additional clothing, just what he could wear comfortably.

The weather could be unpredictable because of the event decades ago. So he kept a hooded plastic poncho, secured in a fist sized pouch, attached to his belt. It would work well enough to keep him dry enough if any sudden rainstorms started during his journey. A trip he knew would take only a day of travel since his destination was a town nearby.

The environmental changes humans had caused before the event combined with the environment disaster caused by the event; in turn led to a global communications and societal collapse. The creation of smaller regional governments that consisted of allied towns and some larger sized cities here and there shortly followed once order was established.

There were a few fortified towns near his own where reclaimed technology was serviced. Salem had traveled to a some on his own when he had come of age. He had sought knowledge of how to make better arrows and bows. He ended up learning plenty and gained a few worthwhile apprenticeships as a mercenary and metalworker. The sword he carried was a testament to that latter skill. The mercenary training he put to plenty of use guarding caravans for a summer with a few of his teachers. Teachers that took a large cut of his payment, but gave him valuable insights his parents could not about killing humanoid targets.

Salem had deliberately had waited for sundown to head out of town. Trusting in his abilities to see, and defeat, any danger the night may bring. He had grown bored with how easily he could deal with most human opponents. Longing for the days of fighting of Ryleozyrn raiders and cursed beings in the deserts west of his homeland.

As Salem continued to follow the road westward through the woods he kept his footsteps light from years of practice. He hoped to see old friends at a village at the edge of the desert. A village he was familiar enough with because of his time spent there some years back. He also considered the possibility that he might pick up a few new leads on work elsewhere.

Moving through the darkness he glanced around. His bow griped tightly in his left hand as he moved steadily through the woods. Salem had been trained to utilize mystical skills that allowed him to thrive amongst the woodlands surrounding his home. It was thanks to that training he was able to sense and see the auras of living things. He could track targets without looking at them. And thus had trained extensively to see auras without actually 'seeing' them with his own two eyes. The darkness was easy to travel through with his abilities in full use.

His parents however warned him that he should travel only during the day if not traveling via horse or vehicle. Speed was key when one needed to avoid danger as opposed to confronting it. Little did they know how much killing Salem had witnessed and performed. All started when he had only just reached manhood in their eyes.

The compound bow he carried was a gift from his parents right before he ventured out into the world the first time. It had an adjustable detachable scope with zoom and night-vision capabilities. The scope was handy for actually using his eyes to track targets at various ranges. Ultimately that gift coupled with his training from them was used to end a few sentient lives. Beings that had threatened him or his comrades.

He was in the woods that night for the challenge, his parent's warnings somewhat ignored. Even with it his aura viewing was limited to only about a mile or so at his current skill level. And was unable to determine at certain ranges in the dark if a target was behind something non-living like a building or a rock. But even with its limitations, in full use the aura sight caused the area around Salem to be lit up like a city; the auras of living things creating various shapes of energy that appeared as many different shades of color. The effect was nearly identical at times to viewing the nighttime sky.

Patting the wrapped leather grip of the blackened steel alloy blade strapped to this left leg. Salem mentally listed the additional weapons and equipment he carried as he walked along. Two quivers filled with twenty-four arrows each. One was strapped to his back behind his right shoulder, the other strapped against his lower back to his belt.

Some of the arrows he carried were modified by him for different situations. A skill Salem had picked up during his apprenticeship years. He also carried a pistol as a backup weapon stuck in a quick draw holster strapped to his right thigh. One never knew when it would be more practical to just put a bullet in a target as opposed to placing an arrow in its forehead with the skilled draw and release of a bowstring.

Pausing in mid stride, Salem focused on the sounds the woods made. Feeling something was not right he focused harder as he notched an ebony colored arrow from the quiver behind his right shoulder. He was prepared to draw back on the string without any hesitation. Something was in the woods with him. And it was not an animal he had ever felt before.

Salem closed his eyes for a half a second as he drew upon the energy within his being. Reaching for that energy with an imaged hand he grasped it and took hold of it. Suddenly his aura vision was active and he used it to search the area around him.

Not quite looking at anything he gazed around the woods; his eyes unfocused as he paid attention to the energies radiating within the darkness around him. The many different colors coming from different plants and smaller animals hidden away in their homes within and beneath the foliage.

Catching sight of sudden movement, Salem focused on it. It was close, whatever it was, hidden out of view behind a row of trees and bushes twenty meters north of his position. The energy given off by the trees made it somewhat harder to focus on the individual that had aroused his senses. Focusing harder he created a clear image of a shape of energy colored white coming out from behind a tree to stand in front of another. Lifting his bow Salem made the first move and fired a phosphorescent paint arrow into the tree.

He took the shot without using the scope attached to his bow. Trusting more in his years of training to shoot in perfect darkness using his aura vision than anything else.

The phosphorescent arrow zipped along whistling faintly before splattering the tree with glowing paint upon impact. It rained down on a stooped figure that snarled as it was pelted with droplets of yellow goo. Rising up to its full height and looking around; the silhouette was still hard to fully see with the naked eye. However the height of the creature coupled with the carnivore like sounds coming from its muzzle told Salem all he needed to know.

It was a Were, a cursed being, a creature born out of legend and given new life in the current world thanks to rouge magic and science.

Salem reacted better than he thought he would.

A fucking were, holy shit a fucking WERE! Salem thought as he failed to control his heart rate. The mighty organ raced as adrenaline flooded his body. Now that he had identified what was in the woods with him fear was trying to take control.

Be swift, be practical, and always keep moving, be it your mind or your body! Know when to move, know when to stop, know when to attack! Analyze, analyze, analyze!

Salem snapped back into focus as the memory of his father's words brought control back to him. His heartbeat slowed and he dropped into a crouch and got off the road he was on. Now that line of sight was lost between himself and the creature if it decided to look his way. He pulled out a small vial from a pouch attached to his belt and unscrewed the top of it.


The Were let out a loud snort as a scent wafted its way. Its eyes darted about as it sniffed the air. It had gone into the woods like it had done every night when it could no longer hold off a transformation. Hunting smaller animals helped to sate its urges along with running freely between the trees. But tonight, something else had drawn its attention. Something familiar to its transformed senses had come into the woods.

Seeking it out it had wandered in the direction of the scent. Stopping near a tree it was startled and annoyed to be splattered with a familiar glowing ooze. Ignoring it, it continued to track the scent when a new scent greeted it.


It looked towards where Salem had unleashed the smell and started to slowly move in that direction. Intent on discovering the sources of the smells that had gained its attention.


After the _event_creatures and beings thought to be myth, or having previously kept to themselves; became more widespread and open in the changed world. Were-creatures in particular were both caused by magical and viral means.

If it was created via a curse, you could not be infected unless the Were deliberately passed its curse to you. Usually via a bite, though not many studies had been done to determine if scratches could also transfer the curse.

If it was viral, a scratch, bite, or exposure to fluids from the infected party would infect you. There was a vaccine but it was only useful for a short window of one hour after exposure.

Human Weres retained their human level intellect and could probably be reasoned with since animal instincts did not wholly consume their minds. They also could speak human languages known to them and came in multiple animal hybrid forms. Other species were not known to gain the ability to talk when transformed and were locked into a humanoid version of what they were born as when transformed. No single community had done or attempted detailed studies of the Were creature phenomenon; and since communication between larger City States that sprang up after the event was limited. Any breakthroughs had to be shared via courier. There were plenty of reports of more intelligent Weres commanding less intelligent Weres when hunting in groups, similar species usually stuck together.

Still both strains of z_oanthropy resulted in the same thing. A humanoid figure with strength and speed to match and exceed its previous shape._


Salem moved in a fast crouch away from where he had opened the vial. The blood was harvested fresh that day from the butcher's shop. He had mixed an anticoagulant with it and used an insulated vial; giving it a larger window of use before going bad. Even when spoiled Salem knew it had its uses. That was why he acquired it. Right now he was using it to test the intelligence of the Were.

Picking a tree with enough foliage was easy enough and lifting himself among its large branches took some effort with his bow slung over his back. Once perched high above the forest floor Salem peered from his hiding spot. He watched his target, still sporting specks of yellow glowing goo, amble into view.

Salem did not flee far to ensure he could hit his target with kill shots if it came down to a fight. But depending on the fortitude of the being he faced it could easily heal the injuries; then attack and infect him. Or it could simply flee into the night.

It however was easily the largest thing he had ever seen in the wilderness near his home. Bears, he was told, were huge when standing. The Were he was watching was something that easily could take on a bear and walk away from the fight unscathed.

Its bigger than I thought. Salem thought as he studied it using his bow's sight. He had turned on its night-vision to better pick out the features of his possible foe. _And a Were canine, maybe a wolf or coyote, or even a wolfdog._Salem frowned to himself.

He knew wolfdogs were even more unpredictable due to their mixed breeding. Caught between two worlds. One part a domesticated animal, the other a wild creature used to wilderness behavior. His own pet wolfdog Willow, had been trained extensively by his parents to focus on the family as its pack.

Salem smiled to himself at his fond memories of Willow. He remembered when he was a bit younger rolling around in the mud and running wild and free with Willow as his only company. He also remembered the time she came home injured and slept for a while before recovering from what his family had thought were fatal wounds. Focusing back on the now Salem went over his two best options.

_Fight or hide. Fight or hide._Salem silently considered his two best options while controlling his breathing.

Salem lowered the viewfinder of his scoped sight and flicked off the night-vision. He focused once more on using his aura vision to track his tracker. Reattaching the scope to his bow, he once more focused on not focusing his sight to see energy fields better once he grasped the power again.

Could I kill it? Should I attempt it? Salem thought while he bit his lower lip.

Salem watched the Were amble in the direction of his hiding spot. He pulled up his right sleeve and used an arrow from his back quiver to give himself a small cut. He smeared the blood on the shaft of the arrow before notching it. This time he aimed up above the treeline and released his shot at an angle. The arrow smoothly sailed through the air to come down some distance behind the Were with his blood on it.

The Were canine turned and sniffed the air coming from behind it. The scent it was tracking was coming from two directions now. The sound it had heard before detecting the second source, it recalled, was similar to the noise the arrow that had covered it with the glowing stuff made in flight before hitting the tree near it. Crouching low the Were broke into a run aimed straight at Salem's hiding place. Certain the first source was the origin point of the arrows and the blood.

Salem quickly drew another arrow and took aim. Its t_oo fast for a sure shot at this range. Have to wait. May need to conserve ammo._

The beast, once near, leaped from the forest floor twenty feet straight up to land with surprising grace on the wide branch Salem was balanced on. The action brought it face to face with the crouched human who pointed an arrow at its head.

"Your move." Salem said coolly. He was still trying to determine its intelligence level.

The two locked eyes for a long moment before the Were flinched and Salem fired. The arrow struck the Were in its left wrist catching it mid swipe. It cried out in pain before taking another lunging swipe at Salem with its right claws, its jaws snapping as it tried to bite Salem's bow.

Salem punched the Were across its muzzle to throw off its bite with his free hand. He felt his clothing tear as claws glanced his left pectoral. There was a faint stinging sensation from the site where he was wounded.

Praying it was cursed and not trying to curse him; Salem leaped backwards off the branch away from the creature. Salem had considered using the gun, but he did not want to worry anyone back home. This was his problem. He would deal with it and face the consequences of his actions alone. Even if the best choice now was to get more attention on this Were. What if it attacked other locals if he failed to stop it? The town militia proper would determine if it was a villager and attempt to help it. Otherwise they would kill it.

I am truly a selfish asshole. Salem thought as he fell.

He fell for a few feet before a thin wire secured to the tree's trunk and his belt grew taunt and stopped his fall with a jerk. Lashing out with his boot he dug the tip of a nail embedded in his boot's sole into the tree's trunk.

Stabilized for another shot he drew an arrow from the quiver behind his right shoulder and notched it. Drawing the bow tight he loosed the arrow at the Were.

Seconds had passed between Salem falling backwards out of the tree and firing the second arrow at the Were. But in those seconds the Were had recovered enough from the arrow now sticking out of its arm to focus on fighting the human.

It smoothly moved itself out of the path of the arrow flying towards it and leaped into another nearby tree before bounding to the ground. The thud of its landing was the last loud sound it made as it scrambled into cover.

Salem peered through the night-vision scope on his bow. He watched the Were distance itself from him. Calming his racing heart with breathing techniques. Salem began to consider his options. It was hurt and running away. He could pursue or flee himself. Salem's instincts told him it was not done with him and was just setting up its next play. Either way Salem had to make a choice.

Run. Salem thought. You are not that far from the town. You can make it and maybe get a dose of vaccine that hopefully is not snake oil and the real stuff just in case. Then you and the others in the militia can take down the beast with nonlethal tactics until it changes back.

Salem knew he did not want to take on the were by himself if he could get away. Making it back to town was his best option he decided. He was not that far away now. Just another dozen feet or so from the treeline. Once past that he would be able to see the lights of his village more clearly.

Salem cut the wire supporting him after letting it out a bit more from the spool attached to his belt. He dropped the four feet to the ground easily enough. Landing he took note of the Were's position as he notched another arrow and began to creep sideways towards home. He took aim in the direction of the Were but did not draw the bowstring taunt.

Salem realized an instant later the Were was moving again, this time right towards him at full speed. Drawing his bow tight he let the arrow loose right towards the charging Were. The arrow was smacked out of the air by the beast's healthy arm with ease.

The creature smashed into Salem, knocking away the bow. His boots kicked up dirt as he struggled to remain upright with the creature already readying another lunging attack. Salem smoothly drew the short sword with his left hand and slashed at the Were as he kept his balance. Causing the Were to lock its jaws on his forearm bracer as it caught his arm in mid swing. Salem winced as he felt the tips of fangs punch through he material and enter his flesh.

Salem and the Were glared at each other again, his arm caught in between its jaws. The threat of a quick amputation via bite readily apparent.

_Fuck this._Salem thought as he drew the pistol. In one motion he brought it up and aimed squarely at the Were's head and squeezed the trigger.

Nothing happened.

And in the next moment the Were smacked away the gun. As this was happening Salem realized he had never practiced enough quick-draws with the gun he had. And so he had missed the step of releasing the safety while bringing it to bear on his target.

Salem studied the figure before him. The glow of its aura combined with his natural sight made it appear to be a wraith straight out of a horror story.

The Were released its bite on Salem, realizing he lacked any weapons and watched him stumble away from it. Growling the Were watched Salem, seeing what he would do next.

Salem steadied himself and checked his arm, he was bleeding but the limb was intact and usable. Moving into a fighting posture, he figured he could use the Were's weight against it, throw it around a bit until he could get his sword and end it.

The Were had other ideas and simply vanished into the trees surrounding them. It began to run, circling Salem.

That tactic, I know it! Salem thought as he kept up with the Were using his aura vision. _Now!_Salem lunged for his sword as the Were emerged from the woods again in a leap.

The seconds between his hand, inching for the blade as he made a desperate leap of his own passed insanely slow. He could already see the Were landing, left foot perched on the blade. Sliding into the Were's leg with a thud Salem tried to stand; only for the Were to pick him up by the back of his collar and fling him onto the ground near a bush.

Toying with me? Is it human level or merely a trained mutt? Salem thought as he smacked into the earth and rolled over onto his back.

Salem glanced over his shoulder and could see that on the other side of the bush lay open field. To have gotten so close to escaping yet be so far was infuriating. But Salem could not focus on that as the Were moved closer. He moved and it growled so he stayed still.

"I am sorry I hurt you. But I was and still am afraid of you." Salem said in the hope that it was an intelligent Were and one that was feeling merciful.

As if reminded of its injury by Salem's words the were lifted its wounded arm. It snapped off the arrowhead with a thumb after grasping the shaft then pulled the shaft free of the hole it had made. Salem watched with fascinated horror as the hole previously occupied by the arrow sealed itself closed in seconds. What little moonlight there was clearly illuminated the scene before him.

Salem tried to control his breathing as he considered his options. He still had his arrows. He could grab two of them and go for its eyes.

The Were moved closer to Salem and growled as it glared at him. Salem could have sworn he saw the briefest hints of recognition in its eyes as the two locked eyes again. Salem figured those were his last moments alive; an attempt to pull arrows out to use as stakes would end with his guts spilling onto the earth.

"Behave." The Were said finally as it reached for him.

Salem, shocked by the speech, tried to scoot away from the Were. "W-what? Why? What do you want?" He sputtered.

"Breed." The Weredog replied.

"You have to be kidding, why me? Why now?"

"You smell good, familiar." Was the simple reply.

"W-what?" Salem gasped as he felt its large fur covered paw lock around his left ankle and pull him closer. A villager wants to rape me? Is it male or female? Fuck!Oh, poor choice of words Salem. Salem blinked as he was pulled closer to the creature.


The human had hurt her. Studying him as she dragged him closer; the Were then grasped him by the shoulders and lifted him off the ground. She found the scene funny, it was like being held as a young pup by one of her human masters. But she wanted more than to just hold the human.

He seemed like he would behave now, a word she had heard mentioned time and time again. Human words were not easy to form without her transformed body. Now, her vocal chords adjusted for human speech, she could use the words she had learned.

"Behave." She repeated as she reached for his pants after standing him on his feet.

The human flinched but remained still, steadied by her left hand as her right's claws found purchase on his belt. A light tug and they parted the material of the belt. Another tug and his pants were cut open. Pulling on the clothing ripped it away from the human, he squirmed in her hold as she dropped the torn remnants of his pants. What she sought was now exposed to the night air.


Salem watched the Weredog drop the torn pieces of his pants and finally realized he was going to have sex with this beast against his will. Salem closed his eyes as the Weredog pulled him in a tight hug. It gently stroked the hair on his head, the attempt at making him relax felt strange but worked. He felt the shoulder strap for his other quiver get cut away as the Were embraced him.

It was treating him almost as if he were a pet. Fear still made him whimper, the unknown beast could still kill him when done.

Holding him at arms length again the Weredog repeated itself.


Salem blinked as he was once more reminded of something. But it was impossible, wasn't it? The Weredog gently laid Salem back on the ground and moved its muzzle over his chest. It began to lap over his injuries. The scratches becoming slathered in its saliva as its tongue tasted his flesh. He shivered at its touch and to his surprise felt himself grow erect.

"Good." The Weredog said as it took notice of and wrapped a large furry paw around his erection. Completely obscuring it to what little moonlight that filtered through the trees.

Salem shivered as its paw pads made contact with his shaft. They were cool to the touch and made his maleness throb in reaction. Reaching for the Were he stroked his hand through the Weredog's fur. He felt its nipples and smelled its arousal.

"Girl." The Weredog replied, answering his unspoken question.

_That is a relief._Salem thought as he visualized the Weredog turning him over and mounting him had it been male.

The Weredog stopped stroking Salem with its fingers and moved its muzzle closer to his face. Lapping briefly over his lips, she then placed her arms on either side of his head as she moved over him. Her warm fur stroking over his smaller body as she got into position. Hunched over as she was, she stared at the somewhat more relaxed human and parted herself around his erection.

Salem's fingers dug trenches in the earth beneath his hands. His chest still burned, his eyes stared at the beast using him as she rocked her hips gently back and forth. Raising and lowered her hips to an old rhythm.

Tight, gripping, moist, terrifying. The sensations and feelings of being used made Salem gasp through clenched teeth as his shaft was bathed in her fluids. Her riding of him changed as she paid close attention to his noises of pleasure. She wanted her partner to enjoy their breeding. She knew that if she shared pleasure with him he would not be as angry or afraid of her.

Salem's own thoughts were a mess as he endured the pleasure forced upon him. Loosening his grip on the clods of earth and grass he had squeezed into balls with his hands. Salem felt something inside him that he had felt before when pleasuring himself. Only this time it was much more intense and much more unbearable.

Salem could not fight it no longer and let out a cry. "Urgh!" The grunt through clenched teeth announced his first approaching climax.

Salem's hips jerked as he had an orgasm within the Weredog. He felt his abdomen clench and unclench as he gritted his teeth and endured the pleasure as his body released his seed. His shaft throbbed with the passage of each spurt into his partner above him.

The Weredog stopped moving and gasped as the human beneath her came within her. She studied his face as beads of sweat poured off his forehead and he made pleasured sounds. Examining his face further she decided her chosen partner for fornication was simply overwhelmed.

It pleased her to know she had pleased him. She relaxed her vaginal hold on him and settled in on him. Allowing some of her weight to rest on his lower body. Planting her hands on his chest she watched and waited for his breathing to stabilize before rocking her hips and beginning to bounce once more upon him. She would have her release and he would provide it. He would be good to her.

Salem was rocked back into full consciousness after his orgasm by the Were beginning to ride him once more. Having grown comfortable with her, he reached up and attached his hands to her massive hips. His fingers slid through her generous body fur as he touched her.

He liked it. The Weredog concluded. He liked her actions. Mating like a human was the right choice she decided as she continued her ministrations. She enjoyed the breeding, it was much more pleasurable than the previous times she had been bred. Looking towards the heavens she moved a little faster. The occasional slight bark of pleasure escaping her muzzle as she felt herself approach her own climax.

Salem clenched and unclenched his teeth, fingers, and toes as he was ridden. The canine humanoid beast above him suddenly drilled its eyes into his. The whole experience of being forcibly mated by the Weredog was not completely unpleasant; it had become something amazing. He had wanted a challenge that night. And trying to outlast a horny Were was not on his list but a surprising option that he was starting to embrace.

Salem felt himself preparing to pump more of his essence into her body. Before he could further lament his lack of staying power she stopped moving and clenched her inner muscles as she came on him.

"Good, good, good!" She exclaimed happily as she felt something she had never felt before with a human. The pleasure radiated through her body and made her wish to howl. But something told her to stay as quiet as possible while using the human. A groan instead escaped her muzzle, her body quivered on top of her partner as he came within her.

A thought entered her mind though as she came down from her high. Looking down at her partner and his scratches she inwardly felt happy. Resting a large paw upon his still lightly bleeding chest she spoke again.

"Marked, mine now." She said simply as she rested upon the human.

Salem focused on the Weredog's simple speech and realized what she meant. "You were an ordinary dog before."

She nodded in understanding of his question.

"Did something attack you?" Salem squirmed as he felt his erection twitch as she wriggled her bottom.

She nodded, a sad expression gracing her features, and touched the scars hidden beneath the fur on her left side. She then reached for and placed Salem's right hand against them.

Salem ran his fingers over the scarred tissue and suddenly knew the truth.

She sensed the change in the human as he touched her wounds. Even after changing wounds and marks from her original form remained. Especially those that were gained before and during the initial infection or curse period.

Salem gently pushed at the Weredog and rolled her over onto her back. It was not easy since she was bigger than him. But finding himself between her warm furry thighs made his erection harder as he pressed himself once more into her. Intent on showing her that he was willing to continue.

The Weredog gasped as Salem pinched her nipples as his hips began to saw his erection back and forth within her. She felt herself quiver as he took her like humans she had seen mate in the woods. She had hidden from them but studied their activity. It made her happy that he accepted her after attacking him.

"Good girl." Salem said as he rested his head against her larger body and continued to breed the Were for as long as he could.


Morning found Salem alone and stumbling into his family's home holding his torn clothing and gear. His mother and father patched him up as best they could while his younger siblings pestered him for details about what had happened.

Salem told the family the truth but left out the coerced sex. His family worried about his fate now that he had contracted zoanthropy.

His parents left him alone to formulate plans for how to help control him when the first uncontrollable change happened. There was information covering human Weres; so the family would have some resources to reference as he grew used to the fact that a beast literally lived inside him now.

His siblings took longer to leave his side. Asking him if he was going to try hunting as a Were once he sorted out the change and its gifts.

Finally when he was left alone in his bedroom he sat on his bed wondering what was going to happen to him. As he sat there was a soft creak that took him away from his solitary thoughts as the bedroom door parted to reveal the family pet.


She entered the room softly. Treading on her dark paw pads to stop in front of Salem as he sat on his bed and looked at her. Turning sideways she deliberately showed the scars on her body while looking him in his eyes.

The scars on her left side.

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