After Party 6 - The Reward

Story by Otter Miqmah on SoFurry

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#7 of After Party

After Party 6 - The Reward

Warning- If you are underage and reading this, I will find you... Also, my charters, my story.

To my readers - I apologize for not posting in... over a month... woops. I have been very busy with my new school, and my new friends, and my whole new life. But I hope you enjoy this next story. I will try to post the next one quicker than this one, but I can't make any promises. Thanks for sticking with me. Also,sorry for any stupid errors, it's 1 in the morning, but I wanted to post as soon as possible, because I've made you wait long enough. :3

John burst though the front door, his hand locked with Allen's. His parents were sitting on the couch watching television. When they heard the wolf they both turned.

"Hi Honey." Lucy Said. "Hi Allen." She said noticing the cheetah standing behind John.

"Mom, dad, there is something we need to tell you..."

"What is it? Is something wrong?" Said Adam sounding concerned.

"No, nothing is wrong....ok..." John took a deep breath about to tell his parents how much

love he had for Allen. "Me and Allen are...." And he froze. He looked at his parents faces,

staring blankly wondering what John was about to say.

His mind started racing. He wanted to tell them, he wanted to be with Allen, but his mouth

just wouldn't work. Nothing was coming out. Everything seemed to be in slow motion.

"Yes? You and Allen are...?" Lucy asked with a confused look on her face.

All of a sudden, reality went from slow motion to supper speed, but John's body was still in

shock. He was just not able to move. Something squeezed his paw, and he popped back

into reality. He shook his head to try and get oriented back in the room, and looked down.

He remembered he was still holding Allen's paw, and looked at him. The cheetah had the

same confused look as Lucky did. John looked back at his parents, who had also noticed

the wolf and cheetah paws.

John immediately let go of Allen and his mind raced again. "Uhh... umm..."

"Are you sure nothing is wrong? Why are you acting so weird?" Lucy asked again.

"Uhh, yeah... sorry. I'm just... uhh.... OH! Um, me and Allen kinda got the car scratched."

"What?" Adam yelled. "How?"

"Well... umm... we were stopped at a light and..." John looked over at Allen. His expression

had changed again, now to a look of disbelief and sadness. He had let the cheetah down.

But he just couldn't do it, what was he supposed to do? "... a crazy homeless lady started

attacking the car. She left huge claw marks in the hood."

"A crazy homeless lady?" Adam said unbelieving.

"Yeah... she asked if we wanted some fruit, and she just started attacking the car..."

"Ok... if you say so. How bad is the scratch?"

"It's just one big claw mark on the hood, it should be easy to fix. It looks kinda nasty


Adam sighed. "I'll take a look at it tomorrow. Are you staying the night again Allen?" Asked

the husky turning his attention to the cheetah still standing behind John.

"Uhh, yeah, if that is alright."

"Of course it is, you are welcome here anytime." Said Lucy.

"Thank you." Replied Allen.

"You're welcome. Help yourself to what is left of dinner, we have plenty."

"We will, thanks Mom." Said John as he quickly turned toward the kitchen trying not to look

at Allen.

Allen followed and they both got plates and started loading up on leftover food on the table.

Neither of them said anything, and John continued to avoid looking at Allen. Once they had

gotten enough food, they walked across the living room, where John's parents were still

watching TV. John looked over at them, and the feeling of letting down his lover squeezed

his stomach, he quickly looked down in shame and continued walking to his room.

They sat down on the bed in silence and began eating; he sounds of chewing loud against

the noiseless room. They sat there eating, both of them not wanting to speak. The tension

in the room slowly became too much.

"I'm not mad." Said Allen softly.

"What?" Asked John looking at the cheetah sitting on the opposite end of the bed.

"I said, I'm not mad."


"I can't blame you. I don't think I could have done it either. It is just that for a little while I

kinda pictured us happy everywhere, and it felt so good. And now it just seems like back to

normal. We still have to hide everything. Do you understand?"

"Yeah... I'm sorry... it's just that... I really wanted to tell them, I really did. But when I

wanted to say it, I just froze. There was nothing I could do. I'm not used to doing stuff like

this." Said John putting his face in his paws. He felt an arm and them a warm body wrap

around him, and he wrapped around it.

Allen kissed John on the cheek. "We'll manage. It is fine." And he squeezed John hard

before letting go and staring into his eyes.

"No." John said. "It is not fine. I have to tell them. Tonight."

"Are you sure? We can wait and figure out something else if you want."

"No. Come on..." John grabbed Allen's arm and rushed out of the door. "I want you to make

sure I tell them. Kick me in the leg or something if I freeze, and don't let me leave until I say

it, ok?"

"Ok." Allen said as his arm was being tugged by the enthusiastic wolf.

John ran into the Living room, still holding on to Allen, and stood between the television and

his parents sitting on the couch.

"Hi John. What's up?" Asked Lucy, trying to see the television around the wolf.

"Ok... I have something else to tell you."

"What? Did the car blow up?" Said Adam laughing.

"No. Ok... Me and Allen are..." It was happening again. John could feel himself starting to

freeze at the stare of his parents. His mind started racing, and he closed his eyes.

Everything went back to normal. He was relieved. But he still needed to say it. He pictured

him and Allen together at the park. He thought of how wonderful it would be to show his

affection of him in his own house. He gathered up all the energy in his body and he felt his

mouth move. He opened his eyes.

His parents were sitting there with a shocked look on their faces. The room was dead silent

except for the noise coming form the television. John wasn't sure how they would react.

They were all quiet for a while. Allen scooted closer to John and squeezed his paw.

"You... and Allen... are... gay?" Asked Lucy slowly, her head swimming.

"Yeah... "

"But... what happened with Steff?"

"We kinda split up..."


There was silence for a while again. Adam shifted in his seat uncomfortably.

"Are you two happy together?" Adam asked.

"Yes, we are." John looked at Allen, and they hugged and looked back at Adam.

"Well then. I have no problem."

John felt like he had a ton of weight lifted from his shoulders.

"Well, I'm happy for you." Said Lucy.

John had the biggest smile on his face that he ever had. He kissed Allen on the lips and ran

back out of the living room, pulling Allen along again.

"Well. John is gay. Who knew?" Said Adam to Lucy.

"At least he is happy." She said back.

"Well, that made the awkward birds and bees talk I spent months preparing for worthless."

Said Adam laughing.

"Oh Adam..."

"Well it did."

And they both went back to watching the television.

When John and Allen got back to the room, they jumped onto the bed and kissed each other


"I love you so much!" Said Allen, as his hand went down to squeeze John's ass. His tail

was wagging in the air, whacking against his hand.

John tried to respond, but Allen's tongue was getting in the way. Allen broke the kiss and

looked seductively at John.

"You know... what you just did deserves something special..." He said.

"... oh really?" Said John going in for another kiss. "What's that?"

"Come on... you know what..."

"Maybe I do, and maybe I don't." He said in a teasing tone.

"Oh come on... don't play dumb with me... you know."

"Oh I know. I just want to hear you say it."

"You want to strip me down and tie my hands behind my back and lay me face down on the

bed. You want to spread my cheeks and rub your lubed finger into my tight pucker..." Allen

heard his pants unzipping, and felt a paw rub his hardening cock though his underwear.

"Keep going..."

"You want to stretch me out for what you are going to do to me..." John pulled Allen's pants

off, followed quickly by his shirt. John licked the length of Allen's soft white chest. "You

want to take that huge piece of meat between your legs and shove it so deep inside of me

that I will feel it for a week..."

John began removing his own clothes while covering Allen's chest in kisses. When he

removed his pants, his enormous tent, threatening to rip his boxers, sprung out. He rubbed

the behemoth bulge against Allen's fully hard member.

"Keep... going..." Said John, now clearly aroused and panting heavily.

"You want to feel your rod pulsating inside of me, stretching me to my ripping point. You

want to feel my tight warm hole around your cock..." John, with one swift motion, pulled off

Allen's red briefs, threw them across the room, and stuck his cock into his muzzle. He

started sucking the cheetah who was already aroused from the description he was in the

middle of.

"You want to pump in and out of me, your slick dick sliding in and out of my hole..." Allen

could feel his orgasm nearing deep inside of him. "Oh god... oh... You want to... fill me up

like no one will ever fill me again.... You wa..." Allen was cut short. The arousal of the idea

of his mate penetrating him while he was being sucked off was almost too much for him. He

didn't think he could take it anymore, his orgasm was teetering on the edge. "You want to

fuck me is my ass..." Here it comes "AND-LOAD-ME-SO-FULL-OF-CUM-IT-WILL-COME-

OUT-MY-EYES!!!" He yelled as the most powerful orgasm he ever had shot through his body

and ropes of his cum lacquered the back of John's throat.

John sucked up all the creamy juice coming from the cheetah, the hot fluid exciting his

senses. He sucked the barbed cock dry and pulled off.

Allen was still ridding out his orgasm. His eyes were closed and his chest was frantically

going up and down with his heavy breath. "I... was... supposed... to... reward ... you..."

"I know, I just couldn't help myself. Hearing you talk about it put me in the mood, and I

needed you now."

"Well then... I'm just... going to... have to make... it better... for you... later tonight... won't


And the wolf scooted up and kissed the out of breath cheetah on the lips. "I'll love whatever

you do."

"Well I'll make it special anyways..." He replied and kissed the wolf back.

They both jumped as they heard a loud knocking at the door.

"John? Allen? Is everything alright, I heard yelling..." Said Lucy from behind the door.

"Oh! Uhh... yeah everything is fine; we were just watching a movie..." John said scrambling

to gather up his clothes with Allen. "We'll be quiet now..."

"Alright. Just wanted to make sure you were alright." And she walked away.

John gave a sigh of relief. "That could have been bad... forgot my parent's could hear us..."

"Yeah me too. Good thing she didn't open the door."

"She knows what we are doing... She just likes to interrupt."

They both laughed.

"So..." Said Allen, running a finger across the wolf's still bare chest. "You will get your

reward later tonight..."

"Ohh... can't wait." And they giggled again. "So what do you want to do now? I'm all


"I can tell." Said Allen pointing at the still rather large bulge under the sheet John had used

to cover up. "We could play ball again."

"Nah... I want to save my energy."

"Then let's just snuggle..." Said Allen sliding close to the wolf. John turned and wrapped his

arms around Allen and they laid in the bed feeling the warmth of each other bodies.

Allen felt safe in the Wolf's arms. All the crap that had gone on in the last few days meant

nothing when he was with him. His mind was at piece and nothing else mattered. He

embraced the fuzzy wolf's chest and buried his face deep into John's fur, taking in his smell.

This is love, he thought.

Allen woke up as he felt a paw squeezing his lower regions.

"Hey, wake up, my parents are asleep."

"What..." He said still half asleep. It was much darker outside and it was very quiet.

"I said my parents are asleep now."

"Ohh..." Allen said seductively. "Did I fall sleep?"


"Sorry, I didn't mean to leave you all alone."

"It's ok, I liked watching you dream. Your tail twitches."

Allen blushed. During his sleep he had ended up lying on top of John, and had apparently

had a very good dream, because he was already fully hard.

"So... you thinking what I'm thinking?" He said sitting up from the warmth of the wolf.

"Uhh.. duh." John said. He pulled out the bottle of lube. "Already ahead of you."

"You are a sly one..." Allen said standing up on the bed on his knees. He was quickly

joined by John, who was also fully hard and dripping. "I can tell you have been waiting for me

to wake up."

John looked down and gave a shrug. "Wouldn't you?" He giggled.

"I love my horny puppy... Now lube up!"

John squirted some of the lube into his hand and rubbed it around. Allen had turned around

and bent over revealing his furry ass. His tail was lifted giving the wolf easy access to the

red pucker below. Once John was satisfied with the lube job of his fingers, he moved behind

Allen and pressed up against the red hole.


"Yes... you deserve this."

"I love you." John said before sticking his finder deep into the cheetah. Allen's back arched

at the feeling. It didn't hurt as much as the last time, and he had become a lot looser since


"Uhh... hun... I need you to relax."

Allen realized that he was clenching down on John's finger and quickly let loose. "Sorry...

just tell me if I do it again."

John moved his finger around in the tight hole. Allen squirmed slightly at the strange

sensation of the finger rubbing against his insides. John stuck a second finger into Allen and

pulled them in and out of the hole.

"How you doing?" John asked.

"So far so good."

So John stuck a third finger into the cheetah. He could feel that the hole was about at its

maximum, which was still too small for him to fit into.

"Does this hurt?" He asked the cheetah who had begun to bight on the side of the mattress


Allen loosened his jaw. "It does a little, but it's fine, keep going."

"Are you sure? I can wait its fine."

"No, I want you inside of me."

So John attempted to stick another finger in, but it was proving to be difficult. He globed a bit

more lube into his paw, and slowly stretched Allen enough that he could get his knuckles

inside. Allen started to gently cry in pain, and John pulled out.

"Did I hurt you, I'm sorry!"

"No, no, keep going, I want to feel you."

"Ok... are you sure?" The cheetah nodded, and John noticed a line of dark wet fur under his

eyes. "I'm going to try the real thing now, ok?" He nodded again. "Just tell me to stop if it

too much, ok?"

"Just stick it in me!" Allen yelled. John started by the cheetahs energy grabbed the bottle of

lube, and squirted a huge glob onto his hard member. He spread it around until the whole

thing was sleek and ready to enter the tight hole.

John maneuvered on the bed so that he was directly behind Allen's raised ass. He brought

the tip of his intimidating rod to the tight pucker, and saw Allen jump. He petted the cheetah

back lovingly, and slowly pushed his large head into the loosened pucker. It popped in

without much restraint. John waited to see how Allen reacted before continuing, but got the

message when Allen pushed back and sent John's cock sliding in another two inches, the

pucker tightening around his thickness.

Allen's colon was stretched as far as it could go. The lube made the penetration easy, but it

still hurt. He was barely keeping back his tears. John started to thrust the first few inches

into Allen. He could feel his orgasm coming already from the tightness of his mate. It was

exactly how he had imagined it would feel.

John watched the inches slowly go in and out of the cheetah. He loved the feeling of the

tight ring going up and down his length and him penetrating deep into the Allen's insides.

The warm damp feeling took him over; he was lost in the moment.

He started moving faster, and with each thrust he would push a little further in, and Allen

would be stretched out a little further.

"Yaooooooooooooooo!" Allen yelled very loudly, his fur standing up on his back. John pulled

out the entirety of his length from the cheetah.

"Are you alright?!" He asked Allen who was still breathing heavily.

Allen help up a paw covered in thick white cum. "You made me cum, that's all."

"Oh, good, I thought I hurt you." He said petting down Allen's fur.

"Don't worry about hurting me. I barely even feel the pain anymore. But..."

"Yeah?" Said John who had grabbed Allen's paw and had began licking off the cum.

"Well... I kinda feel like a bad kitty today..." Allen said suggestively.

"Oh... I see. Does my kitty want to be punished?"

"Only if I will learn my lesson." Said Allen, hardly believing that the words were coming from

him. He had never really invested much though into his fetishes, but tonight he wanted to be

as special as possible. He was equally as surprised that John was going along with it as

well as he was.

"Well, my naughty little kitty, I can give you a lesson you will never forget... if kitty thinks he

needs it."

"Kitty does... kitty needs it really badly."

"I see. Wait here. And don't do anything... naughty." John said before scooting off the bed

and walking to the closet. He shifted something's around and pulled out an old shoe box

and brought it to the bed. He placed the box down, and removed the lid. It was filled with

long black straps in various lengths and thicknesses.

Allen looked at the box in wonder. He had no idea that John was this kinky. John noticed

the look of curiosity on the cheetahs face.

"Learn something new about me today?"

"Yes... yes I did. What is this for?" Allen asked holding up a thick black belt like thing

covered with metal spikes on both sides.

"Oh, that is for when kitty is reeeaally bad..."

"I see... and this?" He held up what looked like a collar with four loops attached to it.

"Ah... that is what I will use for the lesson." John said, and a kinky smile appeared on

Allen's muzzle.

"Well, get teaching..." Allen said throwing the leather strap device at John.

Allen laid down on his back, and John moved so that he was knelling over him.

"Ok, kitty. You've been bad, and now you are going to learn to be good." He said strapping

the largest leather loop around Allen's neck. Then he took Allen's arms and looped two of

the smaller loops around his wrist so that he couldn't move his arms.

"Does kitty feel sorry yet?"

"I regret... nothing..." Allen said as John pulled up on of his legs to his chest and strapped it

to one of the remaining loops on the collar. Then he took the other leg and did the same with

the last loop.

"You are one hard kitty." He said grabbing the now completely immobile cheetah fully erect

cock and squeezing it. "But I think I can break you." Said John squeezing as hard as he

could. Allen hissed in surprise at the new extreme sensation.

"Has kitty been good enough for more lube?" John asked shaking the tube above Allen.

Allen nodded, and John squirted a large blob of lube onto the completely exposed reddened

pucker. Then he knelt down and pressed his large head up against it.

"Does kitty have any last words?"

"FUCK ME BITCH!" Allen screamed as John thrust as hard as he could into the cheetahs

back end. The new position made his inside tighter, but that didn't stop the rampaging log of

meat from entering as far as he could. John pulled out and thrust back in, Allen moaning

and screaming at the pressure inside of him pistoning in and out. The full ten inches of John

appearing and disappearing in the cheetah, moving his insides around each time his length

entered him.

Allen's tail was twitching wildly out of control at this point. His entire body would have been

had it not been almost completely restrained by the leather straps. The sensation of nearly

being ripped open was making his cock throb. He was about to erupt, his impending orgasm

getting nearer and nearer with each trust from the wolf. He moaned loudly as the pressure

built up at the base of his cock adding to the constant pressure of his stretched insides.

John picked up on this and grabbed Allen's cock once again and gave it a squeeze. Just as

he did, Allen shot his load. It shot straight and true directly into John's face. The thick white

glob stuck to the tip of his nose. He stopped thrusting and closed his eyes as the smell of

the cheetah's spooge filled his head.

Allen, who was recovering from eruption notice the stop, and attempted to sit up. It proved to

be difficult with the hard wolf still inside of him and the leather straps holding his limbs tight

to his body. He managed to lean forward enough to lick off the wad on John's nose. John

opened his eyes to see the cheetah's rough tongue lick off the last of the cum. He leaned

forward and locked lips with him. The salty taste shared between the two muzzles.

"Why did you stop?" Asked Allen breaking the kiss.

"I got your sent..."

"Well, you've got my ass..."

"Very true." John said as he slowly started pumping in and out again. Allen fell back onto

the bed and accepted the cock in his ass. But someone was wrong.

"Oooo... ahhh..." Allen said in pain.

"What's wrong?"

"I forgot about....owww.... your knot."

John looked down; his knot had started to form now and was getting bigger by the second.

"Shit. Well... what should I do?"

Allen tried to sit back up again, leaned forward, gave John another kiss, and with all the

strength he could muster, scooted forward with his hip, and popped the half formed knot into

his already fully stretched hole. His face winced in pain, but his expression slowly faded into

one of pleasure as John attempted to pull back out, but found it impossible.

"But... I'm going to rip you open." John said still trying to pull his knot out before it grew to

its full size.

"Don't worry.... Ooo... I know my limit... I just...." Allen stopped mid section as the knot

reached it's full size. His face was frozen with his mouth wide open. John tried to pull out

one last time, but the motion made Allen's entire body jerk uncontrollably. John stayed

perfectly still afraid he was hurting his mate.

Allen gave out a huge exhale, and his face returned to a look of pleasure.

"You ok?" John asked.

Instead of answering, Allen squeezed his colon muscles and started to breath heavily. John

shivered at the sensation of the already tight cheetah getting tighter. He felt the pressure of

an orgasm building inside of him as Allen started to thrust into John's hips. John moaned

loudly and Allen started to squeeze and thrust harder using all of his energy to do so.

The pressure inside of John built up more and more. The buildup was longer than any he had

ever had. He knew it was going to be big, so he tried to brace himself for it. He felt the

pressure build up more and more. Then he felt it move through his cock as he shot an

enormous load deep inside of the Cheetah. Stream after stream, he pumped into the

cheetah. Allen felt the burning hot sensation inside of him. John started to swoon at the

power of his orgasm.

Everything went dark and John fell forward onto Allen. The soft sensation of the wolf's furry

chest colliding with his tender cock made him release his own load which globed between

the two of them. The force of the body on top of him with the fully hardened cock and knot

inside of him, combined with the fact that he was still bondaged up with leather straps, was

too much for him to handle, and he too passed out.

Allen woke up with the wolf still on top of him. He looked around and his eyes met the

clock. They had been asleep for almost three hours. Then he looked back at the wolf still

asleep on top of him. He attempted to shift his weight, but remembered that his limbs were

still attached to his neck. He moved awkwardly side to side, but ended up rolling the two of

them over so that he was now on top.

The shift woke John up. He slowly opened his eyes to find Allen still laying on top of him.

Allen greeted him with another kiss.

"Good morning!" Allen said.


"Yep. What a night, right?"

"Oh yeah..." John said attempting to sit up. He noticed the leather straps still binding his

mate, and began to undo them. "Woops, sorry you had to wear these for so long." Allen

stated to move and flex his newly free muscles, but winced in pain as he discovered that

John's soft cock was still inside of him. They both looked down at the piece of squishy flesh

connecting them.

"Wow... I didn't even feel that. You must have stretched me pretty far." Allen said trying to

pull away from the slowly hardening cock, but finding it difficult to remove from his beyond

tender hole. "Shit..."

"Do it like a band aid. Do it quick, I'm getting hard again."

"Oh, fuck you..." He sighed. He braced himself and pulled up quickly with a little scream,

and the half hard cock flopped out and onto John's chest.

Allen Slid off of John and wincing laid down on the bed.

"I'm not going to be able to sit for a very, very, very long time. But it was worth it." He said

leaning over to give the wolf a kiss.

"I love you." John said after the kiss.

"I love you too. But I think my ass hates you."

"Fair enough." He said as they both giggled. "Want some breakfast?"

"Do I have to sit?"

John laughed, "No, you can stand."

"Good." He said getting up from the bed, rubbing his ass and making comical painful faces

at John.

They both got dressed and walked into the kitchen, where both of John's parents were

getting ready to leave for work.

"Well good morning!" Said Lucy enthusiastically. "You boys sleep well I hope?"

John and Allen looked at each other and smiled.

"We slept well enough." John answered.

"That's good. Breakfast in on the table." Lucy said as her and Adam put on their coats and

walked out the door. John sat down on the table and Allen stayed standing. When they

heard the car start up and drive away, they started to eat.

"My ass hurts sooo much." Allen said between bites of food.

"I can imagine."

"I can't believe you fit inside of me..."

"Neither can I."

"If you don't mind, I don't think I can do that again for a while..."

"That is fine with me, you made me pass out. I couldn't do that again for a while either."

"Good, it will give me some time to recuperate."

"I did notice that we are both covered in dry cum... maybe a after morning shower is in order?"

Allen smiled seductively at John as he stood up and they both walked towards the
