Under Cloak of Darkness: Chapter 2

Story by Darkscribe on SoFurry

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#2 of Under Cloak of Darkness

He woke with a very painful sensation in his head. He tried to sit up, but was held down by strong, feminine paws.

"Wha-what happened? Where am I?" he asked groggily.

"Well, you were attacked by the most feared and dangerous Behaku Lord in history, and lived thanks to us," she said. She took a wet cloth and pressed it against his forehead.

"And who exactly are you?" he asked.

"All in due time, but for now you rest," the feline said and got up to leave.

"Wait!" he called. She stopped.

"Yes?" she asked.

"What's your name?" he asked her.

"Kimona," she said and left through the sliding, paper door.

"Kimona," Eve said to himself. "Damn, she's hot,"


She walked into the room that held the greatest warrior in reality, Hibarro Arronix. He had very tanned skin covered in wrinkles. His facial features were relaxed and serious as he meditated.

"Sir, he's just woken up," she said, bowing upon entry. "No major damage, it's a good thing we arrived when we did,"

"Yes, it was," the old man said slowly. "You should thank Darrow for helping to find him,"

"He aided us greatly, I hope his leg heals," she said. "Um, sir, I have a question,"

"Shoot," he said and opened his eyes. He stood up and walked off of the pedestal that he meditated on.

"Why does Swade want the dragon? What does he have that Dameon wants?" she asked.

"I don't know," he said gloomily. "I honestly don't know,"

She started to walk out of the room and back to the healing dragon's room, when Arronix spoke again.

"He has immense power, Kimona; I could sense it when he was born. He will be used for something insidious, something that, right now, I can't comprehend."

She bowed and walked out of the room. She thought about what her master had said. What did Swade have in mind?


She knocked on the wooden post that held up the paper door.

"Who's there?" said the exhausted voice from behind.

"It's me, Kimona. Can I come in?" she asked.

"Yeah, sure," he grumbled.

She slid the door open and walked in. He looked at her.

"Would you mind if I looked at your wound again?" she asked.

"No, go ahead," he said.

She sat down on the bed and began to unwrap the bandages around his head. She gasped when it fell away. There was no wound at all! The huge gash on his head disappeared completely!

"What is it?" Eveser started. He sounded scared.

"Your wound, it's gone!" She stammered. "I've never seen anyone heal that fast!"

"I guess I'm just reeeeaaal special, eh?" he said.

"Yea, special," she said. The question still remained, why did Swade want him? His powers? His abilities? She wondered as she looked up and down at his body whilst he stared out the window. He was a blackish-steel color with small flecks of silver here and there. His horns were all black with blue on the tips as was his tail. His wings were folded, so she couldn't tell much about them, but the rest of him looked pretty good.

"Don't worry, you're safe," she said kindly. "And for as long as I live, it's going to stay that way,"

So wrapped up in this moment she was, that she didn't notice the small gecko crawling along the wall. What a story it had to tell to Lord Swade! It began to rush for the window, even though it was supposed to return a few days in the future.

"Oh well, I'm sure that Dameon won't mind if I show him all the info I got!" it scurried towards the window and was gone in a few seconds.

*******Later, at the Behaku Palace, we learn that Dameon Swade wasn't happy enough with the info...who knew?*******


(Word of advisement Holi=Holly)

"Well?" Swade asked from his huge throne. The slave shook with fear, head bowed and on both knees, in front of the towering steel behemoth.

"I beg your pardon, my lord, but that was all I heard!" the slave exclaimed fearfully.

"You didn't figure out how he healed that fast? You don't know why?" Dameon asked, metallic voice calm but with a hint of annoyance.

"It was never mentioned, your Greatness. Arronix said something about his �Immense Power', but that was all I heard," the slave said.

"So, you return earlier than I told you to, you return with insufficient data because of your early return, and now you give me excuses?" Dameon sounded very annoyed now. His pupils turned red and he stood up. The slave looked up for a moment and then quickly shot his eyes to the floor, whimpering in fear as the Grand Lord of the Behaku Clan walked towards him. He walked in circles around the cowering reptile.

"Yes, my lord, I have. I do not lie in your presence," the slave said hopefully.

Dameon nodded his approval, his pupils turning back to their blue color.

"Smart man, smart man. You have helped me ever so in my troubled times, it would be such a tragedy to get rid of you now," Dameon said slowly. The lizard started shivering with relief.

"Oh, thank you, your Excellency! I promise I will get all the information next time!" he said thankfully. Dameon suddenly took a sharp intake of breath and looked down at him.

"Sorry, but I'm afraid there won't be a next time," he said.

"B-b-but I-I thought you said you were going to keep me alive!" the slave screamed, incredibly horrified and looking straight up at Dameon.

"No, I said that it would be a tragedy for you to die...tragedies make me laugh," he said and smirked. He nodded towards the door. The slave looked over and saw a slender, light brown, female lizard walk in slowly towards Dameon. She wore black fishnet stockings and a red skirt that didn't cover past her thighs. Her blue bathrobe covered the rest of her upper body. He held his left arm straight out to the side and she walked over and leaned against it.

"This is my new mate, I believe you know her quite well?" he asked the cowering slave.

"Holi?!" the slave asked, dumbfounded.

"So you DO know each other? Awwwww isn't that precious?" he mocked.

"But, Holi, you're my mate!" he screamed at her, and started to stand up. Dameon's pupils flared solid crimson and he kicked the slave full-force in the face. He flopped backward and landed on the floor.

"Actually, she's mine now. And I'm very overprotective," Dameon snarled. She tapped on his shoulder and he leaned in to hear her small, barely audible voice. His pupils became black with demented happiness and she stood back as he raised his hand towards the slave. A small ball of fire grew slowly in the middle. The slave whimpered in fear.

"Change or I'll kill you," he growled. The reptile at first didn't understand, but then nodded reluctantly and changed into a gecko again. Because he didn't hear his old mate's death request, he had no idea that Dameon would pick him up by the torso and drop him into his mouth. His screams were drowned out by the sound of crunching bone and iron clanking against iron. His old mate just laughed.

"Mmmmmm tastes like�" he started, but caught himself. "I might be low, but I'm not THAT low!"

Holi walked up and kissed his steel cheek. He looked at her and she looked back at him with caring eyes. His pupils turned a medley of different colors, each one more vibrant than the last. He never really felt love before, and he never really planned to. She was just a fuck toy. Once he was done with her, he would probably pull a reverse Black Widow on her and eat her. She was just another fuck toy. Just another, just another, just another...

He repeated the same phrase in his head over and over again. He didn't do it on purpose, he just couldn't stop. He smacked the side of his head multiple times, unable to get the words out. He took a rock from the stone floor and smashed his head with it. It wouldn't stop, it just got louder! He smashed his head again and again, so many times that when he stopped, there was a huge dent on his forehead! He would do anything to get it out of his head!

"What do you want?!!!" he screamed. Some of the guards came over to help him, one of them even laying hands on his shoulders. He spun around and grabbed the guard's hands...and tore them off. The other guards backed off as he ripped the unfortunate guard to hundreds of bloody shreds. JUST ANOTHER, JUST ANOTHER, JUST ANOTHER DAMEON! DO YOU GET IT NOW!!!???? A voice screamed in his head. He stood up, the room spinning before him, Holi walking closer to him, the guards and medics running to him, him drawing his blade and swinging it like a madman at the guards. They all backed off, including Holi. He dropped the blade when she looked at him. It was a look of unimaginable fear. Dameon stepped back, feeling like nothing he had ever had before. He clenched his hands around his metal skull and squeezed, he squeezed until his skull began to crush in upon itself! "That's the last straw! He'll kill himself if he continues this!" Holi thought as she ran up to him and wrapped her arms around him. She hugged so tight, keeping him close, close to the warmth of her body. The voice started to stop! Just another, just another, just another, just ano�

"SHE'S NOT JUST ANOTHER!!!!!" he screamed. She looked up at him. The voice was gone; the whole catacomb palace went silent. She looked up at him and sighed with relief as he looked down at her. His pupils were dark grey, his mouth opening and closing like a fish out of water. He held her back.

"You're not just another," he said slowly, as if she knew what was going on in his head.

She just looked up at him with those caring eyes. He looked back with eyes that had lost their love and caring eons ago, but they still made her feel good when they turned blue again. It let her know he was back in his old self again....with one or two minor changes.

Under Cloak of Darkness: Chapter 3

(Song: The Beautiful People by Marilyn Manson) (Scene: Dameon Opens the Door) He spun the wooden bow staff with all the grace and majesty of a retarded penguin with Tourettes Syndrome. "Ouch!" he shouted as the staff hit the inside of...

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Under Cloak of Darkness

The storm came down heavily on his shoulders as he stood on the roof of the skyscraper. He took a long drag from his cigarette and looked down. As he watched the dragon go by, he wondered how long exactly he'd watched him, how long he'd followed him...

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Sulphira's War: Chapter 3

The latest edition to the Sulphira's War series. If you're new to the series and want to read more, go to my page and check my stories. Its the only way to read them all. All of my other stories are part of a story series...so yea, enjoy. ...

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