The Sweetest Love

Story by Lonewolf on SoFurry

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This story cantains sexual acts and homosexuality. If you are not 18 then do not read. Now that that's aside have a nice time reading this story.

His touch was amazing. The way he rubbed up and down my body loosening me up before we indulged in our nightly ritual. His gentle fingers caressing each and every individual muscle with love and care. His tongue going over every inch of me making me squirm in anticipation. His incessant purring vibrating in my ears letting me now he was just as content as I was. His soft furry body on top of mine felt like a warm blanket of protection. The way he would say he loved me right before he slid all of that feline cock into me. I moaned as he eased in and out of me in steady rhythmic movements. His teeth gently biting down on my neck as he held me in place. I would moan in ecstasy when he would increase the speed pushing me a little higher into my sexual peak. Each barb gave a hot tingle as it scarped the inside of me making my toes curl. His movements were those of a god. No matter how he worked his beautiful body it sent ripples of pleasure through mine. I would wrap my legs around his lower back as he thrusted deeper inside me. Tears welling up in my eyes at the love and passion we shared. The sweet smelling scent of sex that seeped from both our bodies giving us both a light headed feeling. He pushed in and out until he stopped abruptly. He would squeeze me real tight pushing all of his beautiful cock inside of me expelling all of his juices into me. I loved the feeling of getting filled. He always roared shacking the bed and shacking me up. I howled as I shared the relief of release. He waited a second till we had both slowly came from our climaxes. He pulled out and rolled over wrapping me in his arms. His strong golden arms keeping me safe and warm. After sex he leans over and kisses me passionately as all lovers do and then I fade into a peaceful sleep.

*The sweetest love*

I woke up the next morning wrapped in his velvety paws feeling so good and after last night. I felt his warm breath on my neck as he slept peacefully next to me. I rubbed back against him getting a satisfied murr and a gentle lick on my neck. His golden fur was damp from the sweat and had a musky scent to it. I loved smelling his strong scent the next morning after we made love. The alarm buzzed on the night stand and I swore under my breath. I didn't want my lion to leave my side. I just wanted to lay there and rub my lion's hard chest. But sadly he yawned and rolled out of bed.

I washed him as he walked over to our oak dresser and grabbed his work suit. Being a lawyer he had to dress nice every day and I have to say he looked very sexy in his suit. He grabbed a towel and a pair of silk boxers and headed for the bathroom. I didn't bother taking a shower with him because of the distraction of having both of us in their at the same time. I just laid in our bed and enjoyed the sound of water off in the distance. I could imagine my lion all covered in suds soaking wet and looking sexy. I heard the water go off and I waited for him to come out. a few minutes passed and he padded out dressed in his suit. He looked so good that I had to close my mouth in fear of me drooling on the bed. He reached under the bed and pulled out his brief case. I reached up and grabbed him pulling him into a deep passionate kiss. He rolled his tongue in my mouth then broke the kiss. I murred and laid back into my pillows.

He smiled and stood up looking at me with his beautiful red eyes that sent me into more thoughts of sex. He had the sexiest deep voice and when he spoke everyone stopped to listen. " Here's a list of what I want you to do today," he said handing me a list. " Here's the money. There's more than enough to get the list done with enough left over to do whatever you want to do," he said straitining his tie. When I first moved in with my lion he told me that If I remained faith full and loyal then i would never have to work another day in my life. He was so good to me that I never thought of cheating or anything else like that. He licked my nose and headed for the door. See you at lunch Wolfie," he said walking out the bedroom door.

I slept in for a little bit longer then decided to get up and bathe. I put on a black jump suit and locked up the house. I unlocked my car and hopped inside. Nothing to fancy, just a Porsche 911 Carrera 4 that my lion bought me for my birthday last year. I backed out of the drive way and made my way to the Barnes & Nobles as I did every morning before starting on the list. I parked my car in the parking lot and headed in side. " Hi Tom," the bear cashier said as I walked up. "Got my book Duke," I said grinning from ear to ear. He rolled his eyes and pulled a hard back book from behind the counter. " one " how to please your big cat sex book he said teasingly. " Duke shut up I said looking around to see if anyone was near by that may have heard. He chuckled and sighed. " Go get breakfast and I'll ring it up with that," he said with a small smile flipping through the book.

I grabbed a breakfast sandwich, some french vanilla coffee, and the morning paper and headed back to the counter. " So how's your man," Duke said ringing up the items. "Brian's doing great. He got a huge case so he's really happy," I said grinning. "That's great," Duke said yawning. I felt my cell vibrating in my pocket and I pulled it out and flipped open the ID. I froze when I saw the name and my face dropped. " What happened," Duke said switching shifts out with a co worker. " my ex just called me I said looking at the phone in disbelief. Duke pulled me over to a table and sat down beside me. Call him back and see what he wants," Duke said looking down at me. I shook my head and Duke got getting excited. "Call him back Tom," Duke said grinning. " Fine..... I'll call him back".

I looked the number up in the phone and dialed it. The phone rang twice then picked up. "Hello," I said dumbly. " It's nice to hear from you again Tom, I missed you," the voice said. "Jake, why did you call me," I said remembering the pain he put me through. "It took Brian a long time to make me forget what you did to me Jake," I said trembling. " "I know, I did you wrong. I can't stop thinking about you Tom. our in my dreams when I go to sleep. I know what I did was wrong but I want you back, I need you Tom," he said almost begging. "You dumped me for some little slut that wanted some dick," I said getting angry. I know, I shouldn't have let you go. Tom I'm sorry," he whispered. "Why did you wait two whole years to call me," I demanded. " I needed to get my life together, I needed to stay sober for you". I have a man now Jake, and he treats me like a king. He's never gotten drunk and he's never hit me," I said with tears starting to well up in my eyes. "Tom please, I love you. I changed. " You broke my heart Jake," I sobbed. " Let me show you I've change. Tom, let me show you I can take care of you now. Let me show you that I'm different now," he pleaded. I thought about and sighed. "Duke.... what should I do," I said looking to him for guidance. " I don't know Tom. I wouldn't go. Do you know how much you'd be risking. I wouldn't give it all up. But if you must... then go".

I sighed and put the phone back up to my ear. " it's eleven right now Jake, meet me at our special spot at 12," I said wipeing the tears from my eyes. "Okay Tom, I'll be there," he said hanging up the phone. "You know if Brian finds out you might be in serious trouble," the bear said sighing. "I just want to see him again Duke. Just to see if he's changed," I said standing up. " by the way, why did you say twelve," Duke said looking at me. "You get off at 11: 30 and your coming with me. I can also finish Brian's errands before I meet Jake". Duke rubbed his eyes and I grabbed my book.

It didn't take me too long to finish all of Brian's errands. They were really simple things like a new tooth brush, fur comb, and grocery shopping. Not to mention our sex toys that Brian ordered. I finished that and drove to the spot with ten minutes to spare. The special spot was an old abandoned club on the edge of the city. We had spent many long nights there kissing and cuddling in the privacy behind the abandoned building. It used to be so romantic and I would melt into his arms when we were there. I pulled up into the drive way and Jake's Nissan was already there. "At least he's punctual," Duke chuckled. I glared at him and parked the car about ten feet away. The door to his car opened and out stepped my first love. The tiger who I remember had lost a lot of weight and didn't have a beer belly. I remember getting tired and falling asleep on his belly all the time. It was like the perfect pillow. He would rub my head and pet me until I fell asleep with his purring vibrating my body. Now he was toned and slim. He had on a nice dress shirt and some khaki pants. I stepped from my car and walked half way towards him. He smiled at me and walked the other half. I stood face to face with the Siberian tiger who I had experienced my first real love with.

Before I knew what I was doing i wrapped my paws around his waist and sobbed into his chest. "I'm so sorry Tom," he said wrapping his arms around me. I loved you, but now I'm with someone else, some one who won't treat me like trash," I cried. "Me and you, we can get back together," Jake said rubbing my head. "It's not that simple. YOU dumped me. I could have forgave you but YOU let me go. YOU put me out," I said angrily. "I won't do that to Brian. I love him way to much to do to him what you did to me. I couldn't stand seeing him hurt. We can't have what we did. I'm sorry Jake," I said pulling away from him. But Tom," he said looking at me with pain. "Sorry Jake, Brian means the world to me". Then I guess this is goodbye huh Tom," he said sighing. "Yeah it is," I said also sighing. "Tom, this belongs to you," he said picking my paw up. I felt something drop into my paw and I looked down as he walked back to his car. It was the silver locket that I had given to him on Christmas day. I opened it and it still had a picture of me in college with the inscription " I'll always love you no matter what. Your first, last and only, Tom ". I couldn't hold back my tears anymore and I ran back to my car crying.

I dropped Duke off at the bookstore just as my cell rang. I got excited when Brian's name popped up on the caller ID. " Hey daddy," I said waiting to hear his sexy voice. "Hey wolfie, where do you want to get lunch at". " How about the usual. Does that sound good wolfie," he said smoothly. "Perfect," I said pretty much melting in my seat. "See ya there Tom". I hung up the phone and drove to the house. The usual was a nice Italian restaurant named Fettichinies. Only the upper class went and you had to be dressed nicely with a reservation to enter. Brian helped the owner win a major case that could have resulted in the shutting down of the business. So now the owner allows Brian and me to come in and eat a meal when ever we want.

I changed out of my jump suit and put on a nice grey dress shirt that complemented my grey fur. I picked up my pants and the silver locket fell out. I sighed and tossed it into my underwear drawer. I threw on a pair of black slacks and took my shirt and pants down stairs and tossed then in the kitchen's laundry basket.After that I headed for the restaurant. Upon entering the parking lot a vallet took my car at the entrance and parked my car. I padded into the restaurant and was greeted by our usual black panther host. "Hello Mr. Jenkins," he said showing me to my table. Every one called me by Brian's last name seeing that were like a married couple anyway. I like to be called that because it makes me feel good to be referred to as Brian's mate. The host showed me to the table and Brian was already seated. "Hello wolfie," he said kissing me as I sat down. " Everything is ready just as you asked Sir," the host said. "Good, I'll call when I'm ready," he said nodding to the panther. "I took the liberty of ordering our food," he said lifting the top of my tray. " Slow roasted salmon with lemon juice and chips on the side, just as you like," he said smiling. And the steak with chopped onions, mash potatoes, and corn for me," he said. "Thank you daddy," I said folding my napkin over my shirt. "How was your day," he said leaning over and giving me a kiss on the cheek. "It was okay," i said trying to forget Jake. I realized too late on how I said that but Brian had already started. Baby is there something wrong," he said grabbing my paws and rubbing them with his. No baby, I'm just a little tired is all i said giving him a big smile. "Okay then," he said with a curious look on his face. "You know I like to keep my wolfie happy. If something is wrong you need to tell me so I can fix it," he said giving me another kiss on the cheek. "Everything is great baby," I said smiling. I looked over the table and noticed there were no drinks. Baby where are the drinks at," I said looking over at him. "Oops, silly me. Waiter," he called. The waiter came over and Brian whispered a few words and the waiter nodded. He came back a few seconds later with two glasses of champagne. I was surprised seeing that we usually had tea with our meals here. Brian looked at my surprised facial expression and grinned. You have no Idea what today is do you," he said chuckling. I racked my brain quick to think up any reason why today was special. After not having any clue I gave in. "Sorry baby but no".Today is our one year anniversary," he said kissing my cheek. "Waiter," Brian said calling to the panther. The panther came out followed by to other waiters carrying flowers, chocolates, and roses, and large balloons that said " Happy Anniversary!. "Happy First Anniversary Tom," he said warmly.

I was so shocked that I just sat there. It was so wonderfully to hear that we've actually been together as a couple for a whole year. Tears rolled down my cheeks as I padded to his side of the table and wrapped my arms around him. he leaned down and kissed me deeply wipeing away my tears with his paw. People in the restaurant were staring at us but I didn't care. I was about to hug my lion and I didn't care who disagreed. And that's exactly what I intended to do. I just stood there wrapped in his paws kissing him and rolling my tongue with his. It seemed like an eternity later when we finally broke our kiss. We each took our seat but I was virtually glowing with happiness. " Tom I'm gonna make this night so special and wonder full you'll never forget it," he said holding my paws again.

After lunch I went home and Brian went back to the firm. I was so anxious to see what he had planned for the night. I knew when Brian said something that he did it. I went to the living room and sat down on a lazy boy. The room was decorated with black furniture. A love seat, a sofa, a chase, and two lazy boy recliners all in black covered the living room. A big screen tv with an entertainment center sat in the corner with its small screen blinking and flashing. I smiled to myself as I thought to myself about the house. Everything in here we bought together. Well... I helped pick it out and he bought it. But everything in here was ours. I was so lucky to have him as a room mate. As soon as Jake dumped Brian was right there. It was Brian who I turned. He was the one that held me and told me I can find someone better. Who knew it be him. He helped me and I helped him. That's why when he went to the top he took me with him. Now I have a nice house, a car, money, and to top it all of a lion that loves me.

It was about ten and Brian was just getting of work. My cell rang and my kitty was on the line. I'm bringing things home for dinner. When I come through that door I better see you naked," he said playfully. "Okay baby, will do,"I said hanging up the phone. I was so happy that I was dashing back and forth in the bathroom making sure I looked my best for my lion. I was in the bathroom for so long that I didn't here the front door open and shut. Brian walked in and padded down the hallway to the kitchen. He placed a few items in the fridge and a very special one on the counter. He walked back into the living room and set our meal down of steaks on the floor. He brought over to long candles and light them placing them on the floor beside the food. Grabbing to glasses he filled them up with a little white wine and turned the stereo. He pulled a cd out from the cd case that was one of our personal favorites. He set the wine down and dimmed the lights. He slid out of his suit and hung it up in the coat closet and waited.

I finished readying myself and undressed. I grinned and decided I'd let him take my boxers off. With a huge smile on my face I walked down the stairs. I heard the music and saw my lion sitting there in nothing but his silk boxers waiting for me. There's nothing in the world that could possibly kill this moment I thought to myself. "Every thing looks so nice Brian," I said wrapping my paws around him. I sat down and he slid me closer to him till I was right under him. I've been waiting all day for this my love," he said sweetly in my ear. I opened my mouth to speak but a finger to my lips silenced me. His paw was replaced by his muzzle and he frenched me deeply. After we broke the kiss he cut our takes up. After that task was completed he leaned me against his furry chest and fed me. While I ate he licked and rubbed down my neck and shoulders. He wolfed down his steak after I had finished mine and padded off into the kitchen. He came back with two cans of whipped cream and a box of strawberries in one paw and a bottle of chocolate in the other. "Drink your wine and lay back," he instructed. He grabbed the wine bottle and when I had finished it he had me drink two more glasses full. He waited a minute and looked down at me. "Do you feel warm inside," Brian asked. I nodded my head and he chuckled. I felt warm and fuzzy all over. I don't normally drink so any wine will put me over.

Brian grabbed one of the whipcream bottles and looked down at my boxers. I thought I asked you to be naked when I got home," he said moving his paws down to my boxers.I just smiled as he pulled them off showing my harden wolf meat. He sprayed my meat then my navel. then finally my nipples. I shivered a little at the coo feeling of the cream but suddenly forgot when his tongue moved over my cock. He slowly ran his tongue up and down my shaft then down to the base. He licked all the cream off as I murred and finished it off with a kiss to the tip. He moved up to my navel and ran his barbed tongue around clearing away the cream. His tongue traced up my chest until he reached my nipples. He sucked each one gently. He slurped around and pulled them slowly with his teeth. I murred and moaned loving what he was doing to me. My toes were curling and my eyes were closed tight.He was so manly and power full with the way he moved. His actions were slow and timed but never wasted. Many people were surprised that Brian was gay including his parents. That was a fun week vacation I thought to myself. He only acted gay when he was around me. If he never told you you'd never know.

Brian licked all the cream off my nipples and back down to my cock. " I think I missed a spot wolfy," his muzzle went down and I moaned out. He slid the whole thing is his mouth. Meat, sheath, and knot all went into his muzzle. Pleasure shot through my body like tidal waves and splashed into my brain. he moved with slow precision along my meat while rubbing my stomach with a golden paw. Brian deep throated my with such care and skill i felt that I was in heaven. His wet nose was rubbing against my pubic hairs making me giggle a little. I could feel my self coming closer to climax at a steady speed. I clenched my teeth and arched my back as howled to the ceiling. I shot all of my warm thick wolf seed deep into my lion's waiting muzzle. He slurped it all up and leaned back with a smile on his face. "Your turn," he said with a seductive tone.

I still felt warm and fuzzy from the wine but I couldn't wait to please my lion. I pulled his boxers off and stared at the beautifully sight I saw all the time. His beautiful sheath and balls were always a welcoming sight to me after a long day. I gently ran my paw across his sac and licked his sheath. I grabbed a chocolate bottle and told him to lay on his stomach. He rolled over and I rubbed my paws across his furry butt cheeks. The were so firm and tight. I opened the bottle and squeezed it over the middle of his back. I realized a little late that it was extra creamy till it squirted out like water. I couldn't stop the flow in time as it ran past his swishing tail and all over his pink pucker. He looked back wide eyed knowing what I was about to do. Before he could open his mouth I drove my tongue as far as it would go into his rump. He tensed up and squirm as my tongue went in circles licking the chocolate. So this is what it feels like to make him squirm I thought happily. After I was satisfied and a few begs from Brian I stopped and sat back.

That was cool I thought. I've never get to do that kind of stuff. He usually does it to me. I licked a way all the neglected chocolate while Brian calmed down from the tongue lashings. " Now I know how you feel," he said chuckling. I grabbed the chocolate bottle and made a swirl around his cock. Then I sprayed wipcream on it. "I think it's missing something," Tom," he said grinning. I laughed and grabbed the strawberry carton. I picked out a nice big one and placed it on the tip of his cock. Unlike Brian I had to slowly lick away the cream on Brian's cock. His cock was way bigger than mine. he had a whole three inches on me with his feline ten inch cock. I licked off all the chocolate and cream till it was all gone. I looked at Brian then at the strawberry. "Eat it," Brian said smiling. i bit down fast taking of everything but the bottom third of the fruit. Brian sat there with his mouth open looking at me like I lost my mine. " Yummy i said laughing at his facial expression. I smiled and slid as much of the lion cock into my mouth as I could. Slowly bobbing up and down letting his barbs tickle my throat. He was so sexy and his strong musky scent was making me light headed. The wine was already making me drowsy but his scent was like a double dose. He moaned and rubbed my lupine ears mumbling how much he loved me. His pre tasted good and I loved lapping it up once he shot some. I bobbed faster and Brian moaned out and rubbed my throat. I felt him convulse in my mouth and as thick warm streams of kitty cum coated my throat. I had grown accustomed to Brian sweet taste. Since he never smoked or drank it always tasted good. He murred as I finished swallowing down his seed. He leaned forward and locked lips with me getting a taste of his own seed. We broke the kiss and he stood shakily to his feet. "I have a surprise for you, then will go have some more fun upstairs," he said in his sexy deep voice.

Brian padded into the kitchen and grabbed his special item. It was a little black box from the local jewelry store. Inside was a silver diamond studded seven carrot wedding ring. He looked it over and sighed. "Tonight's gonna be the night," he said putting the ring back in the box. Before he could get all the way over to me my cell phone rang. "I'll get it Brian said following the sound of the ring. He walked into the kitchen and heard it coming from a pair of pants in the laundry basket. He picked up the phone and didn't recognize the ID. "Hello," he said after pressing talk. "Hello, is Tom there," Jake said. "Who is it baby," I called out from the living room. "This is Jake, Tom's friend," Jake responded. Tom knew exactly who it was then. " Don't you ever call my wolf again. You had your chance," Brian yelled angrily. "Who is this," Jake shouted into the phone. This is his boyfriend and I don't appreciate you calling him," Brian said hanging up the phone. "Baby what's wrong," I said getting up and walking into the kitchen. " Why is Jake calling you," he said looking me in the eyes. "He wanted me back baby. I told him no because I love you," I said rubbing his toned chest. I'm buying you a new cell phone tomorrow and I don't want anyway to know your number but Duke and I," he said trying to calm down. I'm sorry baby," I said hugging him around the waist. "Can we forget about all that and go have fun, please baby," I said with puppy dog eyes. He smiled and ruffled my head fur. Your right baby," he said kissing me on the cheek. " Plus i want to see the surprise daddy," I said grinning. " Remember when i said this was going to be a night to remember," he said taking the box from his pocket and holding it behind his back. "Yeah," I said smiling. " Close your eyes," he said standing in front of me. I closed my eyes and waited to see what the surprise was. Brian knelt down on one knee and opened the box. "Open your eyes," Brian said happily. I opened my eyes and looked down at him. Tom Kennith Lawner, Will you marry me," he said smiling bright showing his white teeth.

I pounced him knocking him to the floor. "Yes Brian yes," I said hugging him and crying. He wrapped his paws and hugged me telling me he loved me so much. I'm not sure if it was the wine or my emotions at this point but I was really dizzy. " I love you so much Brian," I said again and again. " How about we go upstairs and celebrate Mr. Jenkins," Brian said licking my nose. "Okay daddy," I said as he lifted me up and carried me upstairs.

He kicked open the door and laid me down gently. "He pulled the sheets back and we both slid in bed and I wrapped my paws around his strong back. The wine had finally dulled my systems and I felt drained but good. I could feel him positioning himself up and his warm cock rub across my pucker a few times. I could feel his strong thighs pushing forward making his meat slide into me. I moaned out as his barbs slide forward scraping my walls. His scent was wonder full. He was so gentle yet so firm. His heavy body was pushing into mine making the bed rock and shake. I moaned and squeezed his back harder. The pleasure of his beautiful sex and the wine were slowly making me drowsy. I clenched up tight as I fired shot after shot of wolf cum all over our chests wetting our fur. He in turn roared as he came fireing his seed deep inside me feeling me up with not only his warm seed but with his love. He rolled over to where my back was to his chest and held me close. He licked my neck and massaged it gently making me feel so good. My vision was going white and I knew I was close to falling asleep. You forgot to put this on he said slipping my wedding ring on my finger. I smiled as he nuzzled my and purred vibrating me gently. I sighed and next thing I knew I had fallen asleep wrapped in velvety heaven.

I hope everyone enjoys reading this as much as i enjoyed writing it. After your threw reading it please lt me know which charectors you liked best in this story. Comments welcome and critisizm is wanted. Depending on the reaction there might be a series.