Chapter IV: Is This Just Real Life

Story by Aeon Shadowflux on SoFurry

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#4 of The Outsiders

In Today's Chapter we get a crash course in Kagen God and at wars they've been in. Also Koji shows he does have feelings. Remember read carefully their will be a quiz afterwards.

17,500 Years Ago

Koji woke up opening his shut eyes. Except there was no vision, he couldn't see. His feeling then came to him, he felt cold. Wind blew over his body freezing it. Around him snow covered his body, the flakes working their conductibe magic, Koji becoming colder and colder. The next sense was smell, a good smell came to his nose. Fresh blood, probally just spilled out. He then heard. Blood curdling screams entered his ears. Koji knew something he was at a battle.

He got up and shook off some of the freezing snow that covered his body. He looked around, and something was not right, he wasn't in his bedroom anymore. Around him snow blew, rampant and furious.

He looked around, he saw a hill of snow. He was in a northern region, somewhere by the artic circle. He saw a cliff and walked over. He looked down, below him creatures of all species were running all wearing strange armor and using spears.

They were all running at something he couldn't see until he looked closer. A shape appeared a massive humanoid shape, it was covered in white fur. It had beastly proportions porbally three feet taller than Koji.

They were using spears as well. Below him many of the warrors were on the ground dead inflicted with spear wounds. He looked again, now purple energy was radiating from their bodies. They got up and while he couldn't see them it look like their wounds healed. A massive purple blasted radiated from one of them and while blocking their bodies from view also hit the cretures and knocked them back into the mountain, the creature's fur turning black as it burned.

The creature fell as the purple energy dissipated. The warrior picked up a spear and ran towards the horde of the cretures. Ok, cold temperatures, strange enviroment, stranger warriors, where did that all make sense.

Koji desiding he would go back and find the source of the strange warriors. He shivered again and started to walked back. He walked and walked looking down as more warriors went towards the heard.

He heard a large commotion up ahead and braved though the cold weather. He reached the area, their was a large barrier. He put his hand and it and went though, he instantly felt warmer, the snow cleared.

Below him a massive amphitheater casually stood each of the seats stood an armored warrior of different species, before them stood a massive table with ten seats each with a different species.

"Ah yes the Siberian War, those Bigfoot or is it Bigfeet were bitches.", Someone said behind Koji. Koji casually turned around and saw J.D standing behind him, "Lets see the Black Book has decided to show you the general information of the Kagen Gods to you."

"Can you stop it?", Koji asked as he took in details of the amphitheater.

"No, but I can tell you something, you can interact with people just beware you can change the timeline, changes are nothing will but just beware. Also watch out your clothes don't change.", J.D said.

"A commentary please?", Koji said, J.D laughing noticing how soical Koji gets around him.

"The Dragon is Sunset and if all goes well you'll see his power. The wolf is Dusk and the one that caused Eric his Were-Crocodileness. Fox is Sunrise, Plasma and speed. Lion, Evening, Time and Snow. Next Me. Horse, Daybreak, Plants and absorbing. Owl is Morning and he is super smart and sees the unseen. Next is Midday the Bear, strongest of us and inflicts fear on anyone who sees him. Dawn is the Kangaroo, quickest puncher and highest jumper. The Gryphon is Daylight and the master of light and flight."

"Gezz, you people have a crazy names.", Koji said as the Kagen Gods started to speak.

"Ok now we are here to find out how to kill these Bigfoot or Bigfeet or what every these bitches are.", The older Twilight said at the table.

"Ok do any of you have any ideas on how we should deal with the hairy monsters trying to fuck with our way of life?", The Dragon said as converstation erupted between the Kagen Gods and their underlings, one of them, a owl raised his hand, "Yes you speak, foureyes."

"We should use a highly coordinated attack, that involves sneaking and distracting the monsters.", He said shaking nervously.

"Wrong, you die.", He pointed his finger out and a tiny purple fire emerged from it. The owl looked scared as a tiny purple explosion blasted out from under his seat and he was sent in the air. Purple energy covered the owl and blasted out from his head, hands and feet as his features changed. He landed back in the seat his glasses removed. "Now how do you feel about that question."

"I think we should use a full on attack.", The owl said a little less nervous, he saw the look on Sunsets face, "With explosions and all sorts of shit.", He said nervously.

"That's better, I aggre with this smart owl, who else aggres?", He said looking like he would explode anyone who dissaggred naturally all the hands were raised in the amphitheater.

"Yeah that was my war general incarnation, and yes it is a most powerful gets to lead.", J.D said as Koji's Vision changed to white again, "And now we are at the battle."

They were back where he started, snow once again wailing over both of their bodies. Below them hundreds of the armed warriors rushed towards the hundreds of furred monsters. Blood was splashed and purple energy flew around like money towards a stripper.

Spears pierced fur and skin, blood splashed and tainted the pure snow. Spear tips were covered in all type of fur blood. Warriors fell and got back up only to fall again.

Behind them the 10 gods were slowly walking. They were about 500 feet from the main battle watching over. After time soon some of warriors didn't get up, tired of fighting. The first of the ten main gods to move in was Morning.

The Owl flew in to the battle field it holding a spear. It stabbed on of the monsters right in the heart, before the monster could even fall he turned and stabbed another monster. He up as the monsters gathered around him.

He looked in pain as suddenly even to his surprise he was stabbed with a spear, he was knocked back to the other gods. They looked down as he gripped his injury in pain. The stepped in front of him as purple energy started to flow out.

The younger Twilight looked at the other Kagen Gods and he ran forward, unlike the current he was middle aged sporting a grey beard and hair, and wearing a brown leather overcoat. He had a sword at his side. He pulled it out and it glowed with blue raw energy.

He jumped up against the monsters who he was only up to his waist. He slashed the energy flowing. The monster roared out as a massive gash appeared on his chest. Then blue energy started to materialize around the wound. It built up and then he was forcefully knocked back hitting the other monsters.

"So at this point how far into this war are we?", Koji asked as they watched other the younger twilight combat the Bigfeet. J.D took a second to think about the question.

"Well I only used the Blue Saber until the last day, so about 1000 days and this battle is about to get god and we should move about 200 feet that way.", J.D said as they moved towards the nine other Kagen Gods, J.D knowing what he was about to do.

They looked back down as Twilight continued slashing the Bigfeet. Many fell that day but more surrounded him. He continued yet Koji could see that he was losing stamina. As he tired more surrounded him.

He was surrounded by two of the beasts he slashed on a gash forming. He turned to another and slashed again but this time neither were knocked back he looked in confusion as he slashed the second on again.

The first one knew what it had to do it picked up a spear and before the shark could react he plunged the spear into Twilight's back, piercing the top of his back fin and entering the overcoat.. He looked in pain as he slashed one last time defeating that he beast.

He stumbled wandering away from the battle. He reached to his back and pulled out spear from his back, his scared fin bounced back as blood started to flow out. He looked to his hands as purple energy trickled out of his hands.

He looked confused as he tried to figure out what was happening, his face turned to fear as he figured out what was happening he looked back down at his hands and his face changed to a smug smile. "Ok, boys I gonna go out with a bang.", He picked up his hands.

Behind Koji he heard a rumbling noise, he looked behind and the water was rumbling and splashing.

Twlight but his hands up and waves slashed up on both sides of the land. He started to turn his arms. He sped up more water splashing up and splashing. He stopped with his arms in air and the water stopped. Purple energy blasted up from his arms. Soon it followed from his heads and his arms. He spread out his arms, and slammed his arms together. Purple energy blasted forward as water followed over the ice and into the valley. A shockwave blasted out shaking everything.

Like a river it followed forward towards the Bigfeet. It hit the monsters and they were swept of their feet. They hit into a massive glacier and were all blasted with the purple energy. They looked tired as they fell to the ground the water dispersing to form random ice formations.

The purple energy stopped as Twilight put his arms down. He looked changed he had following long blond hair and looked much younger. Koji looked in amazement towards J.D as his vision went white again.

This time Koji wasn't cold he felt warm. He looked around he was in the middle of Las Vegas, J.D was standing next to him. "This hasn't happened yet, but if events continue like they are then this what will happen.

Koji looked around the 10 Gods stood on one side of the city, and on the other. A massive black figure covered in white bright lines. It took no shape in steed constantly taking random shapes. The two groups looked like they were in a stalemate.

Koji looked around again, this time he noticed a pattern in the sky hexagons were in the sky like a glass dome had covered the city. The blob started to condense, it floated up and took a circle shape. Below he could hear screams of people.

The blob's bright lines turned into a flashing orange color, and a purple energy field surrounded it. It turned all orange and it exploded. Koji started to back up as his vision flashed white again. They were taken away before something could happen to them.

Koji woke up with sweat running down his face. He was in his bed, the black book shutting to a close. Koji got up and ran across the hallway and he knocked on J.D's door. J.D opened the door and Koji rushed in.

"What the hell was that!", Koji said not even waiting.

"I don't know the black books wanted to show us something extremely important, something with the future, the city covered with a glass dome, massive exploding creature I don't know.", J.D said as he started to pace around the room, "And now I'm worried cause I know that could happen."

"Hey calm down.", Koji said grabbing J.D by the shoulder and putting him in the bed. He was shaking like nervous dog, "Calm down J.D.", Koji could still feel J.D was still freaking out, partly because his hands were moving everywhere and he could smell it.

He put his hands on J.D's face and turned it so it was facing his, "J.D calm down, you're freaking out you need to focus on something else.", He said he looked in J.D's eyes and saw something a child needing comfort. He took a risk. He pulled J.D next to him and planted a kiss on his lips. It was only for a second and Koji pulled away. Avoiding J.D's eyes trying not to make eye contact.

He smelt the instant change in J.D the fear changing to something he had only smelt a few times in his day, attraction and love. "Whoa, I knew you were gay but didn't expect the lonely shark to go for the semi-god shark.", J.D said in partial shock.

"Listen I'm sorry, I didn't know what came over me for that second.", Koji said feeling embarrassed and ashamed of what he just did to J.D

"Hey, listen I think that was nice and maybe after we get the vaccine tomorrow, we go out for a cup coffee, nothing to be ashamed and I think even though I'm new at these relationships as much as I know you are that the love you feel is pure and I'd be honored to go out with you.", J.D said as he put his hands on Koji's face and planted his own quick and sweet kiss on Koji's lips.

"Thank you, even though this is quick and sudden, in the last 30 seconds I just felt something come over me when I starred into your eyes.", Koji said as he looked back into J.D's purple eyes and felt it again.

"I think the word for what your feeling is called love, it can be sweet and pure, sudden and spontaneous, hidden and stored away, I now my bed isn't large enough for both of us so how about we go over to your room and just cuddle.", J.D said as they got of the bed and worked their way to Koji's bed.

"I couldn't of though of something better.", Koji said as they both made their way into Koji's bed, the frame groaning as it had to support two sharks. J.D planted a kiss on Koji's neck and they both fell asleep. They both laid in bed, resting, but sleep sweet sharks as tomorrow is your hardest day.