The Ramblings Of A Madman: Nyudo Gilgamesh Nattak, Part Four: Conclusion

Story by Reptilius on SoFurry

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"The school...was a massacre...when we arrived, the first that came to mind were the students. They were so hideously twisted, their bodies contorted and messed with in the most perverse manners I have ever seen. Some were clearly raped, some had been tortured and played with. Others had met a fast, instant death. I can't find words for this kind of bestiality. It is so horrible, I just can't."

~ Police Officer Marco D'Anglo

Lorand Asylum, two years since the Lockville High Massacre...

It's strange how such horrible things stick to one's mind. Simply being there to witness it is enough. You don't have to be involved. That, however, is distant to the young demoness sitting on her bed, clutching an old, brown teddy bear. Judging from its rugged look, the toy could be anywhere from ten to a hundred years old. It seemed timeless, like the eyes of the young girl. She, in comparison to her toy, couldn't be older than seventeen. She too, however, seemed timeless, and there was no telling how old she was...

"Wow, Mr. Brown...your eyes are as dull and lifeless as His are...except that you are a whole lot cuter. Sweetie-pie..."

The demoness began stroking the little doll, her soft paw tracing across his round head. She was, apparently, incredibly fascinated by the little doll, little more than a trinket to some. She smiled weakly, putting the doll aside for a while so that she could prance around for a minute or two. In her tiny cell, that proved difficult. Every single movement was a challenge, and the drugs they played on her didn't make it easier to be a patient at the local madhouse...

"I'd sure say, Mr. ain't much to do here. Rather dull, actually. No cute boys either, unless you count the sweaty brutes who keep me in place. Or what do you say, Mr. Brown? Do you agree? Of course you do!"

She gazed over at the lifeless teddy bear as if it was her own son, taking it into her embrace like a mother handles her cub, nuzzling it with her vulpine muzzle. She sat down on the edge of the bed, tilting her head forward. She was bored, hungry and lonely. Pretty soon now, however, some random guy would come over and give her a plate of leftovers from some low-budget party, maybe a glass of water (milk if she was really lucky), and some napkins.

Even though the demoness didn't mind a plate of food right now, what she wanted most was a mind-blowing fuck. Being locked up like some animal was more than enough to drive the young demon insane with lust. Anyone would do, even the fat wolf with the dirty jeans who walked by every day to visit some other nutcase. She couldn't help but grin. The ugliest fuck in the complex...she had been reduced to some tramp!

However, being a tramp was a whole lot better than suffering the fates of these...others...silently whispering to themselves in their cells about everything they could to kill time. Some were clearly schizophrenic, some had friends in stuffed animals, and some were just bored. She had seen them all. The worst kind, however, were those very few who had survived an encounter with...

They all shared some characteristics that made them entirely different from the others. Some were contorted and twisted, their limbs wizened and aged. Some cried blood instead of tears, and did so often, and others were so unspeakable in appearance that even the most hardened of souls flinched upon seeing them...

She, too, was one of them...but she was different...

She wasn't abnormal, not even by demonic standards. She was beautifully shaped, nearly six feet tall. She hadn't really measured herself in years...but last time she checked, she was five feet eight. Like most demons, she shared both characteristics from her bloodlines, being wolf and fox, and those of the demonic gene implanted deep within her body. This did give her a wholly unnatural appearance, with those great bat-like leathery wings sprouting from her shoulder bones, the flaring green eyes with the black slit for a pupil and the messy, red and black hair.

Ample, perfectly round breasts were proudly adorning her weak little "sparrow-chest", as she called it. This, due to her entire body being incredibly slim and well-kept. She was, however, by no means skinny! She could be described only by one word: Perfect. Of course, there was no such thing, but many of the people she had met here on the complex had called her just that: Perfect.

"Attention, all personnel. We have a security breach in Area 3. All personnel are to meet at the main gate. Awaiting further information..."

The man in the speaker fell silent. What was it this time, then? Some crackhead desiring cash, or just some petty pocket thief having climbed the status-ladder? She didn't really care, anyway. Nothing mattered anymore. Everything, even her past, remained a complete mystery. At least, she couldn't really remember it...

"We have managed to identify the intruder. He is in his early fifties, late forties. Male gender, wolven build. Some strange characteristics, protrusions and clothing. Clearly armed. Be on your guard. Do not open fire unless needed. Awaiting further instructions..."


A long, awkward silence followed, and the complex started emptying. Everyone seemed to be heading for the main building, everyone except the patients. be more precise...the everyday nutcases were handcuffed and taken away. The others, the so-called "supra-nutcases", were left behind. They were too dangerous to be released. Yet.


Seconds. Minutes. Hours. How long was it? Probably the latter. The man in the speaker spoke constantly. He told us to remain calm, avoid panic and a lot of random crap. He even sang a song to make us calm down. It ended up with everyone crying blood...

The demoness looked over to her teddy again, again taking it into her embrace. She held it tightly against her chest, looking into its dull, lifeless eyes from time to time, just to make sure he could see her. She stroked him again, smiling weakly. There was no hiding it: She was afraid. Scared. Terrified. Her vision was still bleary from the drugs they had injected in her body the day before...

"Wow, teddy...the big, bad men with the batons sure use a whole lot of time dealing with Mr. Baddie in the main building..."

Another awkward silence followed, then the man in the speaker fell silent. The sound of something blunt hitting flesh replaced his calm, collected voice, and the contact with the main building was broken. It was clear now: HE was on his way over. And, judging from his description, he wasn't aiming for a cup of tea...

The demoness frowned, keeping her teddy close. Fifty armed men, top-trained and skilled with handling that kind of ilk...

What could possibly have stopped them in their tracks? Whoever it was, it was a being of great power, or just someone who's been really fucking lucky...Whatever, it was heading this way, and it had apparently lost the ability to feel remorse. It was a creature capable of causing so widespread destruction that its power resembled that of a deity...could it possibly be...?

She listened. For every step he took, she acquired new information about the sucker. For every single rubble stomped under his soles, for every single inch he got closer...she got to know him. And the only two words she could find about him, were...

"Welcome back..."

Before her stood the cruelest, most twisted manmind in history (according to the demoness, that is). A vile contraption of flesh, blood and bone...He smiled, that bastard, his sword resting on his shoulder. His long, silvery-white hair, messy and unkept, began dancing on the wind, revealing his night-black eyepatch and large parts of the scar...the scar that her father had given him ages ago...

"...Nyudo Gilgamesh Nattak..."

The demon bowed, his strong, meaty fist grasping the weapon's hilt, awakening it from its rest. With unnatural calm, he pointed it at the demoness before him, a sly grin spreading across his muzzle. His toned, yet slim body tightened. He was excited, she could tell. He wanted her, both her body and her blood. Sick bastard...

"I see you've finally decided to come for me. Well, guess what, Nattak, I'm not scared anymore. I'm not the young, whiny crybaby you chased after two years ago. One might say I'm way past that. I still sicken when I see your ugly face, though..."

The demon remained unnaturally silent, an evil glint of light shining in his dark, empty eyes. In the flash of an eye, he sliced the iron bars keeping the demoness imprisoned, apart. She didn't move an inch. For the first time in her life, she stood up to him, faced him. Gazing into his eyes left the demoness to think of how old he really was. Eighteen, maybe nineteen. He couldn't be a day older than nineteen...

Then, it all came down to one...

"I know you're a big girl now...a big, mature girl, not like the little brat I was chasing through the hallways of Lockville High. Unlike your classmates, you have actually posed some resistance. Or is it purely the devil's luck? Perhaps you have some sort of guardian angel, little one, but he seems to be on vacation now!"

The demon's voice was childish and mocking. He loved this, to play with his prey before delivering that final, unavoidable blow. Judging from the evil light burning in his cold, motionless eyes, he wasn't going to show her any mercy...but she didn't care...she honestly didn't care...

"Don't you understand, Nattak? I died years ago. You killed me when you forced me into submission the day after school. From that day on, I've been incapable of feeling anything. Love, pain, hatred, joy...It's all the same to me, really. So therefore, I dare you..."

The demoness took hold of the massive weapon aimed at her, resting its cold edge against her throat so that it was perfectly aimed at a critical point. If Nattak moved a mere inch, the demoness would surely die. There was no preventing it. All he had to do, was shove his sword one inch forward. She wouldn't have time to react before a fountain of blood would empty her...

"...I dare you to kill me, Nattak...kill me, strike me down. I have nothing left to live for. And neither have you. I know your plans. I've studied you. Every move you've made...The only reason to why you want to kill me, is because of my heritage, am I right?"


"Your sword...they are wielded only by the mightiest of demonslayer patriarchs. You, Nattak, are one of them. The only real reason to why you hunt ME, is the fact that I am the only living member of my family who's still fertile. Am I right? You'll kill me, just to prevent my family from going on and on and on...Well, guess what, that is never going to happen, is it?"


"...Because the second you kill me, Nattak...the second you kill me, you will be forced to commit seppuku, just as it says in your codex. And you're afraid of dying. Afraid of exploring the great void that we are all drawn against...Well, guess what, Nattak: Its not that bad. And here on Earth, you don't miss what are you waiting for? Kill me."

The great demon paused. True, he was a demonhunter patriarch, hunting his own brethren through the ages...and now, he had the last remaining fertile female before slash, and her head would be severed from her shoulders...she was as good as done, and there was only one outcome. He aimed, raised his sword towards the skies, slashed it downwards and....sheathed it...

The demoness didn't budge. She had known the outcome for two years. Now, she stood there with a hollow soul and little else. She watched the demon sheathe his sword, and his eyes. They burned now, not with that evil light, but...something she couldn't really perceive...

Nothing more was said. The demon turned his back on her, and began walking. Where he was going, the demoness didn't know. She didn't want to know. She wanted him as far away as she could get him, and possibly further, too! But then again, his evil grin suggested something else...

"You have have grown...but the next time we meet..."

There was a strange amount of dead animals on the roads that day, animals hacked apart by something that could have been anything from a dagger to a guillotine...perhaps it was just another outcome on this story?