Nightmares and Newcomers

Story by Sonic Fox on SoFurry

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#8 of Odd Company

This story is rated "Y" for Yiffy. Reader discretion is advised. The sun was shining, birds were singing, and not a cloud was to be seen; it was truly a beautiful day. Luna lay in a vast field, nestled close with her twelve pups in the tall grass; the wolfess's heart was full to bursting as the young pups suckled at her teats. After a long journey, Luna's dream of becoming a mother had been fulfilled thanks to her mate, Luke. Luna glanced down at the pups, her eyes filling with shock as she discovered one was missing. The wolfess looked left and right, dismayed that her pup managed to wander off without her noticing. Suddenly, Luna felt a wave of pleasure course through her as a small tongue lapped at her sex. Startled, Luna turned to see the missing pup behind her, licking at her white furred slit. Luna was about to stand up and bring the pup back into the crowd of his siblings when the pup stopped and smiled at her, his tiny penis poking out of his sheathe. The pup's wolfhood started to grow and grow, becoming disproportionate to its body. Once the member grew to the size of a full grown wolf's, the pup mounted his mother and thrust his enormous wolfhood into her, making Luna cry out in surprise and pleasure. Luna awoke with a gasp, the sensation of her pussy being filled riling her from her dream. The sleepy wolfess glanced all around, realizing that she was still in the cave where she and her friends had designated as their home. Luna felt a great wait on top of her, pressing against her back, and a large cock hilted inside her; two white furred paws lay in front of her and trailed up to her back. Luna gazed upwards and was greeted with Luke's grinning face. "Good morning, Luna," Luke said in a sign-song voice. Luna, irritated at being roused from her sleep, glared up at Luke with sleepy eyes. "Luke," Luna groaned, "Why did you have to wake me up? I was having a wonderful dream and you turned it into a perverted mockery of a very touching moment. Why couldn't you have waited until I woke up to do this?" Luke smiled down at the irritable wolf, licking one of her ears playfully. "I normally would have done so, but it's almost midday; almost half of the day is gone. So, I took it upon myself to wake you up; I also knew you would be grouchy, so I decided to start your day on the right paw, so to speak." Luke pulled back and gently thrust into Luna again, slowly mating his lover. "Ooh," moaned Luna, "You can be, ah, so tiresome Luke. I miss the days when I, oof, would have to wake you up; you used to be a grouch back then, too." Luke smirked at Luna's comment, amused by her attempt to speak without gasping or moaning. "Well, it's good to see that you're in a good enough mood to take a shot at me; perhaps I should go a little faster and see how "happy" I can get you." Luke rose up on his paws and started to hump into Luna faster and faster, grinning as Luna closed her eyes shut and pressed her head to the ground. "Ah...Luke," Luna gasped as Luke pumped his cock into her pussy, her claws scraping against the stony floor. Luke added small amount of force with each thrust, causing Luna's body to slide slightly along the ground. "You know, ooh, if you keep, ah, mating me like this, then you won't, oh right there, have enough seed in you to, aha, impregnate me when my heat comes." The wolf let out a small laugh at Luna's remark. "True, but if I don't mate you I won't be in top shape to mate you again and again and again; wouldn't want that now would we?" Luna tried to make a witty comeback about Luke's explanation, but could only whine and moan as Luke pounded into her harder and faster. With a loud moan, Luna's pussy tightened around Luke's cock as she climaxed, cumming all over his throbbing length. Now that Luna was spent, Luke pulled out of her and walked in front of the exhausted wolfess, standing over her and lowering his aching member to her face. "Would you mind finishing me off, honey?" Luna grinned underneath her mate, amused at how the tables had turned. "No, I'm a little tired right now. Perhaps I will later when I'm up and about." Luke, dismayed at Luna's answer, stood dumbfounded on top of the wolfess. "What? No, no, please, Luna. Don't leave me like this; I'll be horny all day and every creature in the valley will know it. Please, Luna, I'll do anything if you...ooh," Luke moaned as Luna took his cock into her muzzle, gently suckling on the throbbing pillar of flesh. "Oh please, Luke," Luna said, taking the cock out of her mouth to nuzzle his balls, "You really think I'd let you go without satisfaction? Come on; you know after what you've done for me that I would never even think of such a thing." Luna returned the wolf's cock to her mouth, sucking on it harder and faster, smiling as her mate squirmed above her. "Oh, Luna," Luke moaned, humping into her torturous muzzle as his climax descended upon him. "I'm going to..." Luke let out a short howl as he came inside Luna's mouth, filling the wolfess's maw before being swallowed down her throat. Luke spurted into her mouth a few more times before he finally stopped and collapse on his side, panting heavily. Luna licked her lips and rose to her feet, walking over to where Luke was lying and poked him with a paw. "What? Now you're going to just lie about after you woke me up? That's not really fair, Luke," Luna said jokingly. Luke smiled and slowly stood up on all four paws. "Glad to see you in such a good mood." Luna smiled and nuzzled into his neck, giving him a small lick on his cheek. "You're so sweet. So, what do you have planned for the day?" Luke walked with Luna to the cave entrance, stopping before exiting. "I was going to go get some food with Kent and Drako. By the way, Trixey was looking for you; she said something about a new watering hole." Luna's smile faded when Luke mentioned Drako. "Luke, I want you to be careful around Drako. I've heard tales about that name; it means God of War. I know he has no memory, but we know nothing about him." Luke turned and faced Luna, licking her nose gently. "Don't worry, Luna; I know Drako seems intimidating, but we can't just let him wander around without a clue as to who he is. I'll keep an eye on him, but I don't believe he means us any harm." Luna sighed and stared into Luke's eyes, his blue eyes seeming to calm her nerves. "Alright, just be careful; I don't want to lose you." "I promise you, Luna, nothing bad is going to happen, to any of us," Luke said, nuzzling into Luna before turning to leave the cave. Luna followed him out but went in a different direction, searching for Trixey. Luke walked through the forest, taking in the sights and smells of the valley. After a short while, he finally spotted Kent and Drako sitting by a small stream. "Hey guys," Luke called out as he approached them. Kent looked up and smiled. "Hey Luke; you finally get Luna up and out of the cave?" Luke chuckled as he sat by the two canines. "Yeah, she was a little grumpy at first, but I managed to put her in a good mood." "You two seem to truly love each other," Drako replied. Luke simply nodded, not wanting to go into detail in case it would upset the confused wolf. Drako had appeared from seemingly out of nowhere and couldn't remember anything except his name. Kent and Trixey brought him back and Luna allowed him to stay with them. The past few nights, Drako seemed to have dreams that he would describe as murky yet familiar. Today, Luke and Kent had decided to take him out for some fun and food; Kent was going to show the two wolves a trick or something like that. "Alright," Kent said, ending the silence, "Are you guys ready for lunch?" "Absolutely," Drako answered, "But why are we at this stream; there no food around here." Kent smiled and moved towards the edge of the stream, pointing with his paw into the water. Drako and Luke walked up beside the vulpine and stared down into the water, glimpsing a number of fish swimming about. "There's our lunch." "What?" Drako said disbelievingly, "We can't catch those things; they're way too fast for us." "True," Kent said with a foxy grin, "But we're smarter." Luke and Drako rolled their eyes at the fox, doubting his logic. "Fine, let's make a bet. If I can catch a fish, you both have to say "Oh Kent, you are the smartest and most handsome fox in the world," okay?" Luke and Drako whispered amongst themselves before smiling at the fox. "Alright," said Luke, "But if you can't, then we get to toss you in the stream." Kent smiled and nodded his head, lying down at the edge of the stream and dipping his paw into the water. The fish swam away from his paw; Drako and Luke snickered, but Kent kept his paw still in the water, waiting for the fish to return. After a few minutes, a fish got careless and swam to close to Kent's paw. With a quick yank of his paw, Kent brought the fish out of the water and sailing onto the bank next to the two wolves. Drako and Luke gawked at the fish floundering about on the grass, slowly bringing their haze up to Kent's beaming smile. "Well?" Kent chimed, tail swishing back and forth excitedly, "I'm waiting." Luke and Drako sighed and at the same time mumbled, "Oh Kent, you are the smartest and most handsome fox in the world." Kent laughed as the wolves continued to stare at the fish. "How did you do that?" Luke asked, poking the floundering fish with his paw. Kent smiled and motioned for them to come over to the stream's edge. "I guess I could show you how to fish; it's actually a very handy skill to have." For five hours, Kent showed Luke and Drako all the basics of fishing, plus a few tricks. Drako nearly got one out of the water while Luke was having some difficulty. A fish swam past his paw and Luke quickly brought his paw out of the water. The fish had eluded his paw and all he brought up was a moderate amount of water which sailed behind him. "AAAGGHH! LUKE!" cried out two familiar voices. The three canines turned around and were greeted with the angry glares of Luna and Trixey, both of them drenched with water. "Luke," growled Trixey, shaking her fur free of excess water, "What's the big idea?" "Oh sorry, girls," Luke said, trying to stifle his laughter, "I was trying to catch a fish." "Right," replied Luna irritably, "Well, we came here to borrow Drako for a minute; we want to show him around." "But we were going to have lunch," Kent whined. Trixey looked up at the sky with a frown. "It's getting close to sunset; it's been over five hours and it's closer to dinner than lunch. Why don't you take the fish back to the cave and get them ready to eat?" "Alright," replied Luke, "We'll get dinner set up while you two show him around. Don't take too long, though." "We won't," Luna replied mildly, "Come on, Drako." Drako followed the two females as Kent and Luke dragged their catch back towards the cave. The walk was a quiet one, but not very long either. As a lake came into view, so did a white horse with a horn sticking out of the top of its head. "Hello Sela," called out Trixey to the horned equine. Sela looked up and smiled. "Luna! Trixey! It's so good to see you two." As Luna and Trixey came closer, Sela noticed Drako. "Who's your friend?" Trixey grinned and hopped over next to Drako. "This is Drako. We found him a few days ago; the poor thing can't remember anything but his name." The unicorn gasped. "I'm so sorry to hear that dear." "Thanks," murmured Drako. "So where's Roan, Sela?" asked Luna. The unicorn sighed heavily. "Oh, he's off with an otter and a field mouse somewhere. I'm just trying to pass the time, but I wish he would pay a little more attention to me. I mean, I have needs, too." A small smile formed on Trixey's muzzle. "Drako, would you excuse the three of us to a private conversation?" "Sure," muttered Drako. The three females walked off a short distance and began to talk, whispering so Drako couldn't hear them. After a few laughs and hushed whispers, the three of them returned to Drako's location. "Hey Drako," started Trixey, "Luna and I want to help the boys with dinner, but we don't want to leave Sela here alone. Would you mind staying here and talking with her until we come and get you?" Drako sighed, not to thrilled with being left with a stranger. "Fine, I'll keep her company." "Great! Thanks, Drako!" Trixey shouted as she and Luna disappeared into the bushes. Drako sat next to Sela, staring out across the lake. The wolf looked up at the unicorn a few times, noticing how she was smiling down at him. "So," Drako started, "You're mates with someone else?" Sela nodded. "Yes; he's a bit odd, but I still love him. So occasionally I will let him have some fun with whatever male he can seduce." Drako shivered at the concept. "That's...bizarre. I have to commend you for being so tolerant of him. Must get a little lonely, though." Sela giggled and brought her face down to his, her mouth inches from his ear. "Would you like to fix that?" she whispered in his ear. Drako's eyes widened and he quickly glanced up at the unicorn. Before he could say anything, Sela licked his muzzle and walked a short ways from him. "I've been dying for sex for so long; you don't have to do this, but I would greatly appreciate it." Drako stared at the unicorn as she turned around, her rear end facing him. The wolf could see her equine lips; puffy, a little wet, and eager for some stimulation. Drako couldn't fathom mating with another creature outside his own species, but the more he gazed at her pussy and smelled her arousal, the more he started to enjoy the idea. Finally, Drako silently padded up to her rear and angled his head up between her legs, slowly lapping at her lips like every canine when they drink from a stream. "Ooh!" Sela whinnied, stomping her hind legs as Drako licked her folds. Drako started to push his muzzle inside her pussy, exploring her depths with gusto. Juices started to dribble out of Sela's cunt, coating Drako's face. Sela pulled away from Drako, turned around, and gently pushed the wolf onto his back with a hoof. As Drako lied on his back, Sela approached his hind legs and dipped her head down, trailing her huge tongue over his sheathe and balls. Drako shuddered and whined as the unicorn coaxed his impressive member out of his sheathe, standing up straight and throbbing. Sela took the wolf's length into her mouth and sucked on it hard, giggling as the wolf kicked out in pleasure. The oral foreplay did not last long, however, for every time Sela would bob her head on Drako's cock, her horn would come dangerously close to Drako's face. It took several panicked shout from Drako for Sela to realize what was going on. "Oh!" Sela exclaimed, raising her head off of Drako's groin, "I'm sorry, Drako." Sela's eyes drifted back down to his cock, gleaming with her saliva. Something inside Sela snapped and she turned herself around, lied down on her stomach, and raised her rump up, showing off her aching cunt. "Fuck me now, Drako," she neighed, "Fuck me hard!" Upon hearing the lust in her voice, Drako rolled onto his paws and approached her rear, sniffing her snatch with zeal. Drako hoisted his upper body onto Sela's rear, trying to get a grip on her big buttocks. Once the wolf finally got a hold, he aimed his cock at her quivering orifice and thrust into her hard, enticing loud moans from the both of them. Without stopping to see if Sela was ready to continue, Drako started to hammer into the unicorn's pussy with all his strength, determined to make both of them cum. "Ah, Drako!" cried out Sela as the wolf thrust into her with great force, driving her senses wild. Drako pounded into the unicorn's cunt as fast as he could, racing to achieve and orgasm. The wolf ravished the screaming unicorn, his hips and balls slapping against her ass and pussy. Sela's tail swished to and fro, brushing into Drako's face numerous times until the wolf finally clamped down on it with his jaws. "Sela," Drako grunted as he slammed into her as hard as he could, "I'm about to cum!" Seal merely cried out as she felt the full force of Drako's cock plunging into her and came all over his still thrusting cock, her pussy squeezing his cock in the process. Drako hilted himself inside her and let out a howl as he came in the unicorn's pussy, ropes of cum shooting deep with the climaxing snatch. Drako loosened his grip on the unicorn and fell to the ground, exhausted from the mating. Sela caught her breath and stood up, smiling down at Drako. "Thanks for the fun, Drako," Sela whispered, "I really appreciated it." "My pleasure," Drako said with a small smile. Sela giggled. "Just so you know, Trixey and Luna aren't going to come back and get you; they wanted me to tell you to return to the cave when you were finished. Do you know the way?" "Yeah, I know where to go; thanks," Drako uttered as he rose to his paws. "Let me know if you ever want have some more fun," Sela said with a wink, "I'd love to spend some more time with you." Drako grinned at the unicorn. "I will." With that, he made his way back to the cave, following the scent of fish through the forest.

  • * * Drako was standing in a cave, but not the same one he remembered being in before falling asleep. Confused, Drako gazed all around him, wondering where he was and how he got there. Drako heard paw steps behind him and turned around, spotting a fox, a wolf that seemed part husky, and another wolf lying on the ground, her face blocked by the fox. "After looking you over, and from what I know, you have a sickness I have only heard of, but never seen. It's rare and can only be cured by your own body; you don't seem to have it to bad yet but your body seems to of lost all hope and has given up." The fox muttered to the wolf lying on the ground. "What does this mean?" the wolf asked in a feminine voice, filled with worry. "The sickness is called Lupus Fever. It's a sickness that eats away at your blood and muscles until you die. For how fast it's advanced, I would say you only have another six or seven months to live, and that's if you're lucky," the fox answered, a small tear running down his eye. Drako tried to approach the canines; curious as to what was going on, but with every step he took he seemed to be drifting farther away. The wolf started to trot and then broke out in a run, but the scene before him sped away at a speed he could not match. Drako awoke in the cave with the odd pack he had met a few days ago, the sound of the four canines sleeping filling the cave. Drako glanced all around, looking for the three creatures he had just seen, but found no other creature except for the wolves and the foxes. The wolf's heart became heavy, as if something important had slipped away from him. With a depressed sigh, Drako rose up and walked to the small pool of water in the back of a cave, refusing to go back to sleep after the vivid dream he just experienced. Drako took a few drinks of water from the spring, going over the dream in his head, when he heard a whimper coming from the other side of the cave. Curious, Drako followed the sound of the whimpering; the sound leads him to where Luke and Luna were sleeping, Luna was shaking and whimpering in fear in her sleep. Concerned for Luna, Drako nudges Luke with a paw, wanting to alert the wolf of his mate's whimpering. "Huh, what?" Luke asked groggily, "Drako, is that you?" Drako lowered his head to Luke's. "Luke," whispered Drako, "Luna's whimpering a lot and she's shaking; I think she's having a nightmare." Luke glanced at Luna and saw that she was indeed whimpering and shaking against him. "Luna," whispered Luke, gently nudging her with his nose, "Luna, wake up." Luna didn't wake and only continued to shiver in fear; then, Luna started to mumble something in her sleep. "Across the sea and across the land, a broken family falls apart. A broken heart and a stubborn mind remain loyal to the peak until peace returns. A terrible darkness shall consume the land unless a leader returns to his home. A worried mind calmed and a new follower shall mark the beginning of a new adventure. A life shall be restored and friends will return home. But a word of caution to those that return; another evil shall plague their home. The envious moon shall block the sun, bringing shadow and darkness to a peaceful haven. A wicked soul with the power of the heavens shall bring forth an army of hungry followers, devouring any that stands in their way. But beware the black wolf, with red scars that blaze in the darkness and eyes that shall corrupt one's soul. Seek out the fox, the brother of the dark wolf, for with him lies the fate of the valley." Drako and Luke listened to Luna's words, mystified by their meaning. Suddenly, Luna started to cry out in terror, tears streaming down her face. "No! No! Trixey! Kent! Luke! No, please, no!" Luna's eye's snapped open and she screamed, waking Trixey and Kent on the other side of the cave. Luke placed a paw over Luna, trying to calm her down. "Luna! It's alright! You're safe!" Luke exclaimed. Luna glanced around wildly, hers eyes wide with fright. "Where is it?! It was here; I just saw it!" Luna cried out. "Nothing's here, Luna," Luke said gently, "It's just the five of us." Kent and Trixey made their way over, looking down at Luna with worried expressions. "It was just a dream, Luna; you're safe." Luna stared into Luke's eyes and buried her face into his neck, crying into his fur. "I was so scared, Luke. I saw horrible things. I saw Trixey and Kent swarmed by these animals, mauling them viciously; Kent dragging himself over to Trixey's body before bleeding to death and...and..." Kent, though disturbed by Luna's description, smiled down at the wolfess. "We're fine, Luna. See? Nothing bad has happened." Luna continued to sob into Luke's fur. "The creatures ran away, even the really big one outside the cave. Then a huge black wolf prowled inside and came for me. Luke tried to stop it, but it just clamped down on him with its jaws and shook him all around. And him in half!" Everyone just stood in silence as Luna continued her graphic nightmare. "When it was finished, it lurked toward me, glaring at me with those eyes! Then it lunged at me and tore into my stomach. I screamed as it devoured me, but that wasn't the worst of it. I...I think I was pregnant; when it opened my stomach, I saw something in its jaws." Luna gagged as she forced herself to recall the nightmare. "It looked like a pup! It was so real!" Luke hushed Luna, gently nuzzling into her. "Luna, it's okay. It was just a dream. Everyone is safe; you don't have to be afraid." Luna glanced up and Luke and licked his cheek, still sobbing and shivering. "Just relax and let's go back to sleep." Luna shook her head heavily. "I...I can't. I'm afraid I'll dream of it again." Trixey walked around and lied down next to Luna's head, giving her a small lick on the head. "Don't worry, Luna; we'll keep you safe for the night." Kent nodded and lied down at the opposite end, forming a near complete wall of canines around Luna. Drako turned to return to his spot, welcoming sleep even after both his and Luna's dreams. "Hey Drako," Luke called out to the wolf, "I know you haven't really gotten to know us very well in such a short time, but I would like to ask you to help us keep Luna company. Of course, if you're not comfortable with that, then I understand and I won't press you to do so." Drako tuned and stared at the four canines, focusing on the female wolf that continued to shake even in the presence of her friends. Drako considered the request, and in less than ten seconds, he padded over to the four of them and lied down in front of Luna. "Thank you," Luna uttered, closing her eyes and trying to calm herself down. The five of them slept together, keeping each company throughout the rest of the evening.

"I think we should leave the valley," Luna stated. The five canines sat in a circle the next morning, eating a freshly killed wild boar. After her nightmare, Luna felt anxious inside the cave and was hoping to get away for awhile. After Drako had kept her company along with the others, Luna's biases about the wolf changed and she now felt a pang of sorrow for him. So, in order to help her forget about the dream and to help Drako recall his memories, Luna decided that she wanted to venture outside the valley. "What!?" exclaimed Trixey, dropping her mouthful of boar meat. "But we just got here and settled down! Why would you want to leave?" "I don't want to leave this place forever," Luna replied, "But Drako is not from around here; he's not a pup, he's a full grown wolf. Somehow he's lost his memories and we should help him regain them." "But I don't remember anything," Drako interjected, "How will we know where to start?" "Simple; we see Razia," Luna answered. "She may not restore your mind, but she can at least point us in the right direction." "Are you sure you want to do this Luna?" Luke asked his mate. "Yes. I feel like I have to, as if it was destined to happen," Luna replied. Luke smiled at Luna. "Then I'm going with you; you're my mate and I won't let you go it alone." "Thank you, Luke," Luna said, licking his cheek. "What about the cave?" Kent asked, "What if someone takes it while we're gone?" "You two don't have to come if you don't want to; you can stay here until we get back," Luke answered. The two foxes looked at one another and whispered, discussing with each other silently before smiling at the wolves. "Of course we're going with you; the three of you would be lost without your lucky foxes," Trixey replied. Luke chuckled at Trixey's remark. "Alright; it's settled. We'll ask Sela to watch the cave until we return and head out to Razia's cave." Luke, Luna, Trixey, Kent, and Drako left the cave at midday, embarking on their journey to return Drako's memories. As Drako followed the odd company of foxes and wolves out of the cave, the image of the three canines from his dream kept returning to his mind's eye; the one the other two had been talking to seemed to be sick. The dream brought tears to Drako's eyes, but as he walked on he couldn't figure out why... The Odd Company and all other characters mentioned in this story except for Drako, Ti, Bain, and Ariel belong to Sonic Fox Drako, Ti, Bain, and Ariel belong to Drakowolf. Well, it's here; the new chapter of "Odd Company." It came out sooner than I planned, but Drakowolf's series had me yearning for the good old days. I will be switching my focus from series to series with every chapter, so please be patient. I would like to thank Drakowolf for participating in this series and for encouraging me to write this chapter.