The Sissy Abused (Formatted to Fap!)

Story by Zipeau on SoFurry

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#5 of Formatted to Fap!

Here is zanzan's story. I will warn it has diapers and sissifying but no scat.

Zan stood in the line of naked slaves, his heart pounding and a tear running down his cheek. He couldn't remember how he had gotten here but he knew he was in trouble. The blue folf, in his late teens, chewed on his lip and waited to be inspected.

As the fur to his left was dragged away like the others before him, the inspector, a malicious looking badger dressed in leather, came up to Zan and tugged at his ears, looked in his mouth and scrutinised his fur. The he knelt and began to inspect the folf's sheath and balls.

Zan's cheeks blushed and he suddenly lost control of his bladder. A yellow stream fountained from his sheath and before the badger could move away it soaked the front of his uniform.

"What the fuck, you insolent little slut!"

Zen was pushed to the cold metal ground and the Badger took out a thick leather belt. The leather bit into his soft bum, as the folf was cruelly whipped. He shrieked and screamed for it to stop but the badger kept going until Zan's ass was a vivid shade of red and tears were pouring from his cheeks - it didn't sting, it just burned really badly.

"Take this bitch off and sissify him, it seems he's unable to control himself" said the inspector waving his hand dismissively at the cowering canine on the floor.

Zan was dragged off by two strong-armed guards; one a small chocolate-brown otter and the other a large tough looking black and white striped Zebra with multiple piercing about his body that made him look even tougher.

He was hauled into a kinky looking room filled with sissy playwear - in the centre was a large padded table.

"Hold him down on the table Jamie, I'll get this pissy bitch padded up" said the otter to the zebra

Zan was lifted up on to the table on his back and held down with strong paws - it was no use fighting.

The sleek otter disappeared to a storage unit and then placed a bottle of talc, a diaper and a plastic item (Zan didn't know what it was) on the table next to the terrified folf teen.

The diaper was slipped under him and he felt its thick padding - these were no ordinary diapers. Next some of the distinct smelling talcum power was shaken onto his groin and the otter rubbed it in with his soft padded paws - taking great pleasure in fondling the frightened folf's balls and sheath. Once his groin and bum had received a liberal coating of the powder the otter brought out another item that made the Zebra giggle.

It was a butt plug.

"So does little sissy want a plug to keep him occupied?" said the otter playfully

"Hehe nice one Athar." said the Zebra

Zan let out a small whimper: "Please no, please."

"You know you want it!"

The Otter said as he put the large plug under the folf's tail and pushed it in uncaringly. Zan whimpered again as his rear was penetrated by the rubber and the plug locked into his butt with its tapered base.

"Silly whining bitch" said the Zebra "We'll soon sort that out!"

To stop the plug coming out the diaper was quickly brought up about the Zan's hips and fastened snugly in place with its blue tapes. The folf shifted about and blushed as he felt the padding rub against his fur.

The otter then picked up the plastic item and unfolded it - it looked like a massively oversized pair of pants with elasticised legs and waist. They were slipped up Zan's legs and secured over his diaper - the elastic snuggling up around his legs and tummy.

"Those are 'plastic pants', they will prevent any leaks should you have too many little accidents, because I don't think anyone's going to be changing you for a while!"

Zan was pulled off the table and made to stand with his arms above his head. A vivid pink dress was slipped over his head and arms. The dress was so short you could still see the folf's diaper and it bore the word 'sissy!' across the front. Before Zan even had time to react his arms were pulled down and tightly bound behind his back with thick rope.

He was now unable to escape even if his tormentors were not there. Unexpectedly from behind him something was shoved into Zan's mouth. It was soft and tasted of rubber and looking down his muzzle he realised is was a pacifier! It was no ordinary pacifier though - it was oversized and very effective at gagging him and to keep it in it had a system of red leather straps that fastened around his muzzle and head. Completing the entire ensemble a nice pink collar was strapped around his neck and a lead was attached to the front.

"There we go, nice and sissified!" said the Zebra

"Dam right Jamie but we don't have to get the bitch back until tonight and it would be a shame to let him rot in a cage for all those hours wouldn't it?"

"That's a good point Athar, I think were thinking the same thing!"

Zan got a little shock and he lurched forwards as his leash was tugged. He was lead from the little room and through the deserted corridors of the slave facility. No one could see him but the folf was still mortified with embarrassment as he was tugged about behind the bigger, older, more experienced and more dominating males. His feet were unrestrained but as he walked the plug moved around uncomfortably in his tailhole and the diaper and plastic rubbed against him.

He didn't know where they were going but he did notice that they seemed to be leaving the facility and as the folf saw the large front gates he began to drag his feet.

"Hmmmff, nuuu!" he mumbled from behind the dummy.

"Come on now bitch - don't you want people to see you all dressed up!"

They entered the main bulk of the ship and began to weave through the much busier corridors. As various furs passed they sniggered, smiled and laughed at the little folf's obvious embarrassment. Zan's face was blushing so hard he could feel the heat and he didn't know how there was any blood left for his cock, but there was! His canine furhood had risen from its sheath and was now rock hard and rubbing against the inner-padding of his diaper.

Tears began to well in his eyes and he whimpered more and more as the journey went on but soon enough they had reached there supposed destination - a public toilet.

They entered the toilet which was just a normal public rest room on the ship - it had porcine urinals, a line of cubicles and the mandatory, shiny and posh looking sinks.

"Bend over bitch!" said the Zebra as he pushed Zan down to his knees.

He was then pushed onto all fours on the cold floor tiles and the Zebra, positioned behind him, pulled down the back of his pants and diaper revealing his youthful bottom. The otter, still holding his leash knelt down in front of Zan and began to take off his uniform.

The two guards were now more naked that the folf and the furs using the toilets were beginning to take more of an interest, gathering round to watch the rape of the sissy.

"I think you know what's coming little bitch, so I'm going to take this out" said the otter as he unbuckled the pacifier-gag "But I don't think your going to be talking much!"

The otter replaced the gag he had just taken out with a new one; he grasped his flaccid cock and put it to the canine's muzzle. The otter was actually a rather sexy fur, he effortless and graceful. His furhood was a good size and had a large sharp head and a bulge just after that - the rest of the shaft was smooth and flared a little at the base.

"Suck it or we'll ring gag you and do it anyway"

Zan relented and allowed his tormentor's cock into his maw and began to suck it as best he could. As he did and it rapidly hardened, the Zebra behind him worryingly began to caress his tailhole with what felt like a fully erect equine member. The zebra's cock was a typical equine specimen - it had a massive flared mushroom shaped head, a medial ring in the middle and was backed up by enormous equine balls.

The Zebra behind him began to gently push his massive member in to the canine's rear, letting his ass stretch and suddenly with great, but slow, force he pushed his cock into the folf as far as it would go.

"What are you, 18 boy? Bet you've never even been fucked before! I'm going to enjoy this."

The otter began to 'murrr' as the boy pleasured him and the Zebra grabbed Zan's hips began to thrust his meat in and out of Zan's ass.

He whimpered as he tired to concentrate on sucking the otter off so he would not be punished anymore but it was hard with the Zebra fucking him with his massive cock.

Zan looked around as much as he could and blushed yet again as he saw 10 or 15 furs standing around him and pawing themselves to the show.

The otter and Zebra sped up, nearing their own climaxes. Zan could feel the sweet otter cock in his muzzle and could taste his salty pre. His tailhole stretched wide as the Zebra pounded in and out and its flared head rubbed vigorously on the folf's prostate.

Suddenly the otter came in his mouth and he tried to swallow it but he wasn't used to this treatment and a lot of it dribbled out and dripped onto the floor. Moments later the Zebra came, his cum spraying into the canines rear with such force that Zan lost control of his bladder again. As the Zebra finished up and his seed trickled out of Zan's ass, the little canine gushed pee into the front of his diaper - wetting it and weighting it down, brining a yellow tint to the front.

The guards finished up and stood back giggling at the sissies wet diaper. The surrounding group of on lookers then all seemed to climax collectively in a spectacular orchestration of cum! Zan was splattered with multiple different seeds and his whole body seemed to blush as he was marked with the scent of sex.

The taste of otter in his mouth, his tailhole gaping and leaking and the sticky smell of seed all over his fur he just lay there sticky and abused, waiting for what was to 'cum' next.