[MLP:FiM] C & C chapter 14: Can't get something for nothing

Story by jami31 on SoFurry

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Twilight, Luna, Fluttershy, and Rarity's family is growing and developing. A trustworthy, reliable friend is working on Twilight's personal problem. But life has a way of keeping ponies off-balance, even when things are going well....

Sorry that this update took so long! I'll do my best to speed things up.

"C & C chapter 14: Can't get something for nothing"

by jami

a _My_Little_Pony:_Friendship_Is_Magic_ yuri/futanari fanfic--the characters are property of Hasbro.

Author's note: It's the fourteenth chapter of "Cockatrice and Cock-a-...Twilight?!" (We're very close to the end of the story.)


"No!" yelled the midnight blue pegasus, lurching upright.

Rarity had tried to snuggle her lover closer. She had kept aromatherapy scents in the air of the room. She'd given Luna relaxing and soothing baths and massages right before bed, made cocoa or hot cider for her, even sung to her; but these bad dreams persisted.

"It's all right, my love," Rarity said softly, hugging Luna and kissing her forehead. Luna's wild-eyed stare disappeared and she shuddered away the terror of her nightmare.

Luna huddled a bit deeper into Rarity's warm legs and chest. "Oh, Rarity, thank you," she whispered. She blinked and was a little surprised to discover that her eyes and cheeks were wet. "I'm sorry I interrupted your sleep again."

The white unicorn said, "Try to go back to sleep for now. We'll talk in the morning."

It only took a minute for Luna to fall asleep. Rarity, on the other hoof, lay awake, tenderly stroking Luna's neck. "So beautiful, so wonderful--so fragile, which can make you so difficult to deal with!" she murmured. "But you're worth any effort, darling. We'll get to the bottom of this today."


Fluttershy hummed like a bee as she swooped around the animal homes on the riverside. Her little daughter's eyes followed her, and Fluttershy found that the parental part of her was ecstatic to have that attention.

Cobalt Shock wasn't alone; Mirrordream was with her. Small as they were, the young fillies were often quiet when they watched Fluttershy doing her work.

Of course, they didn't watch for very long. Cobalt Shock seemed naturally competitive, and she drew Mirrordream into some exuberant play once they got a bit bored of watching Fluttershy. Mirrordream and Cobalt Shock were close, as though they were full sisters, not half-sisters. A little smile appeared on Fluttershy's face as she heard the sounds of tiny hooves racing around the bank and marshy meadow beside her. The ground was sloppy with recently-melted frost and even more recent rain. Winter Wrap-up had been only a week earlier. The river's water was dangerously cold, but the fillies had been warned of that, and they stayed well away from the water's edge.

There was a small commotion. Fluttershy turned and saw Princess Celestia with Twilight and the two filly heirs: Luna-Juna and Quicksilver Glare. Odd! It was Rarity's morning to watch Quicksilver Glare and Luna-Juna. Something else odd happened then; Twilight Sparkle said something to Celestia; Celestia responded; and Twilight Sparkle turned and went back toward the house, blowing the baby fillies a kiss as she left.


"Good morning, my darling," Rarity said sweetly. "It's time to chat."

Luna had just returned to the bedroom she shared with Rarity from the dining room where the whole family had had breakfast. The gorgeous dark pegasus was gathering a few materials for a trip to the grocer's. Hearing a new note in Rarity's voice, she stopped. The white unicorn's mane was gathered into a loose ponytail and the set of her jaw made her look determined. "Chat about what, Rarity?" Luna asked.

"I'm pregnant and you feel hurt."

There was a long silence. Luna wanted to deny the statement, but she could tell that Rarity would not believe her. And suddenly, Luna let herself be completely honest. She did feel hurt. She felt scared. Did Rarity not love her best? Why was this happening?

"We aren't chatting," Rarity said softly. "Darling, let it out, please. We can't work on this unless 'we' work on this." She smiled faintly. "Actually, how about if I start?

"I love you, my Luna. I love you more than I have ever loved anyone. With you, I feel beautiful and loved and wanted, but that's a tiny fraction of what you mean to me. I love the way you speak, the graceful way you fly, the way you play with your daughters, the way you get easily flustered, the way you say my name. There are so many things I love about you.

"So why, if I love you so much, did I get pregnant by Twilight? You do want to ask me that, don't you?

"It embarrasses me to admit this, but I'd gotten used to sex with you. I really enjoyed it--and we weren't having it. I know you were pregnant. I don't blame you one bit for not wanting to make love as often as we normally did. I thought too much of what I wanted.

"If I had it to do over again, I would have talked to you about having sex with Twilight Sparkle before I did it. I was insensitive. My dearest, I am truly sorry for that.

"I want to reassure you that I do love you the most, and that I loved you the most even in that moment. Knowing that I hurt you hurts me.

"Now, will you please, please share some of what you're feeling with me?"

Rarity's eyes glimmered with moisture. Luna struggled to speak. "Could you not have waited for me?" she finally whispered.

A tear rolled down Rarity's cheek. She and Luna slowly drew closer together. "I never wanted to make you feel alone," Rarity said. "I never wanted to upset you. If I had thought more of you and less of myself, I would have discussed everything I was feeling with you."

Luna put one of her wings over Rarity's neck. "I have been selfish, not you," she said. "I did not even ask how you felt when I grew closer to full term and we had fewer intimate times."

"You haven't had much experience with relationships," said Rarity. "Neither have I, come to think. This experience has really taught me a lot. I am going to communicate with you more, I promise. I don't want you to ever have to feel as though I take your love for granted."

"Nor I, my beloved. I am sorry; I recognize that I did take you for granted," Luna said quietly.

Rarity kissed Luna's cheek. "I forgive you, dearest, and I hope you will forgive me."

"Of course I forgive you," the regal pegasus answered, fighting back a sob.

"You are my soul mate, Luna. You are my better half and I love you forever. I'll never leave you alone."

"Rarity, I adore you. I believe in you and I need you."

Rarity replied, "I need you too." The two mares embraced tightly. They lay wrapped around each other, passion growing within them and between them.


The studious purple unicorn picked her way through the fringes of Everfree Forest. Zecora had said that she would have a solution to the hyper-virility problem today--and as Fluttershy had been really hot for physical loving for several weeks, Twilight Sparkle was anxious for Zecora's solution. Twilight had believed that once Fluttershy became a mother, she wouldn't want sex as often. Another preconceived notion shattered!

Zecora's strange dwelling appeared. Twilight heard voices before she got much closer. Zecora had a visitor; she sounded like Apple Bloom.

The two seemed to be having a friendly argument, but Twilight Sparkle didn't want to be an eavesdropper. Getting Zecora's solution was important, but the zebra was busy. Twilight turned around and headed back toward town. If she was lucky, she might be able to find Princess Celestia in the marketplace and help her get supplies. Twilight Sparkle sent her illusions ahead and to the left and right, but there didn't seem to be any dangerous monsters around this morning.


"My magic has gotten stronger lately," Rarity said. "Let me try this, okay?"

I have seen you practicing, Luna thought, but since you have been trying to keep it secret, I will not tell you that I noticed. What she said aloud was, "Please do, my love." And for my part, she thought, I will try my best not to drive you to distraction until after your magical attempt succeeds or fails.

Rarity's horn glowed faintly as she mentally lifted a what looked like a thin, U-shaped cylindrical pillow. The strange object had a sturdy muslin outer covering, and whatever was inside it seemed to undulate slightly.

At the white unicorn's expert direction, the pillow-like toy made gentle contact with Luna's vaginal lips. The undulations of the cool fabric felt delicious. It was like being stroked by a tongue, but not as warm, and with more pronounced ridges and peaks to stimulate her sensitive spots.

Rarity grinned from ear to ear and kissed her beautiful dark-eyed lover with passion. Luna kissed back. As Rarity's tongue entered her mouth, Rarity's enchanted creation entered her vagina. Luna caressed Rarity's neck with her wing. The two mares kept kissing, expressing themselves through their ardor.

The magical toy began producing exquisite sensations between Luna's hind legs. It seemed firm, but not rigid--warm, but not hot--and its pressure on her clitoris was an amazing combination of suction and gentle pinching. Luna's eyelids opened wide when the oddly-shaped toy pressed unexpectedly on her rectum.

"Mm!" Luna tried to say, but Rarity purposely pushed her tongue against Luna's, making her swallow her comment. The toy was extremely pliable and ductile. It felt almost liquid as it "poured" itself past Luna's tight anus, to grow firmer and expand very pleasantly once it reached her bowels. The gradual stretching drove the graceful pegasus wild; nothing she'd experienced in her very long life had prepared her for this unique, stinging, throbbing ecstasy. The toy's other end was just as busy, writhing and bubbling against the over-stimulated flesh inside Luna's juicy vaginal cavity.

Rarity felt Luna's body tremble. With her telekinesis, she yanked three thick pillows off their bed, and just in time! Luna collapsed onto her flank. Her irises rolled up. Thick, clear liquid oozed from between her vulva. Her muscles clenched and she held her breath and her orgasm overwhelmed her senses....


"Twilight Sparkle, thank goodness you are back!" Princess Celestia's horn shone while she restrained Luna-Juna from knocking over a display of lily bouquets in fragile vases. With her wings, Celestia was corralling Quicksilver Glare; the baby filly obviously loved how wide-open the aisle looked and she wanted to charge down it at full speed.

Twilight smirked; she couldn't help it.

The sun princess looked daggers at her. "A little help would be appreciated," Celestia said. Her voice was sweet, but icy.

"Right! Mama's here!" Twilight announced cheerfully. The alicorn children both turned at the sound of her voice. They nearly bowled her over as they dove to get a hug from their unicorn parent. She kissed them both and said, "Stick close to me, now." The baby princesses looked at her solemnly with their wide eyes, and followed her when she stood and strode toward Celestia. "What have you already gotten, Princess?"

Celestia bit back her frustration. "Nothing yet--it was all I could do to keep these two from destroying the grocery store!"

"Oh, did the little angels give you a hard time?" Twilight teased. Quicksilver Glare and Luna turned their innocent gazes on their aunt.

The irresistible weapon of cute broke through all resistance, as it always did. "No, they're such good girls," Celestia heard herself cooing. "Now that Mama's here, you girls will help her and Aunt Tia with the shopping, won't you?"

Twilight put her hoof over her mouth to stifle a laugh.


The cool shower cleansed the sweat and various fluids from Luna and Rarity. "I knew you were improving your magic, but how did you progress so quickly?" Luna asked.

"It was something I remembered Pinkie Pie say once, believe it or not. She said, 'We're all better when we do what we're good at!' or words to that effect. When I first tried to improve, I got really frustrated with how slowly things were going. Then Pinkie's remark came to mind, and I thought of my greatest strength: gems! I can make them do almost anything. Once I made the covering, I filled the toy with gems: mostly pearls of different sizes, but also some well-polished agates and turquoises. I'm glad it worked so well. I wanted you to be the first to try it, so I only did a few very rudimentary tests."

Rarity glowed. Luna smiled at her petite indigo-maned lover. "Thank you for the terrific surprise, my love," she said, kissing Rarity behind one delicate ear.


It was after supper. Rarity, Fluttershy, and Luna were playing with the children. After exchanging a meaningful look at Fluttershy, Twilight Sparkle left the cottage quietly.

Thanks to her improved illusion magic, Twilight avoided the only dangerous creature she might have encountered (a harpy) and made it to Zecora's house with no trouble. She knocked and the mysterious zebra admitted her right away.

"I've been busy; Pinkie Pie has just gone," Zecora said.

"Now you're here! Is it an errand you're on?"

"I was wondering if you'd come up with any sort of help for my problem," Twilight Sparkle said.

Zecora looked gravely at the studious purple unicorn.

"Toning down your potent seed

Has been difficult indeed.

I have made a small confection

To push you in the right direction.

This toffee treat is not a full solution

But may become so, with evolution."

Twilight couldn't help noticing that the gooey sweet Zecora had made smelled like cinnamon and scorched oats. What if it didn't help at all? If even Zecora couldn't solve her problem--

--No, she wouldn't let herself think that way. Twilight popped the chewy morsel in mouth.

She twitched. Was the toffee having the opposite effect? "It feels a bit wrong," she said, trying not to sound panicky. Her cock pulsed and twinged, filling rapidly to erection.

Zecora smiled at her reassuringly. "An additive, to test the candy--

Don't worry!--it must make you randy.

To see if the progress is ample

I need to get another sample."

That was abrupt--but Zecora was often abrupt, really. She almost never told ponies what to expect ahead of time. If she'd engineered the toffee to give Twilight a hard-on, things were still going as expected, and that was a good sign.

Besides ("Sorry, Fluttershy!" Twilight thought) Zecora's blowjob had felt wonderful. Twilight didn't mind getting another one.

Zecora, however, opened a door and let Twilight into a narrow hall. There were five closely-spaced doors set on the right side of the corridor. The exotic zebra indicated the last door to Twilight. It opened into a tiny room. Zecora's face reddened and she explained in a whisper.

"My boyfriend and I like fun--

We wanted to invite someone.

When the next door closes, 'Snap!'

Put your penis through the gap.

You will get to use my mouth;

He'll get what is...further south."

"This is kinky, maybe a little too kinky. Will I even be able to give her 'the sample' under these circumstances?" Twilight asked herself after she shut her door and eyed the oblong slot cut in the strangely curved section of wall on the right side of the room.

Next to her, about a minute later, there was the sound of a door shutting.

Half-heartedly, Twilight put her front two feet in the funny-looking loops of canvas that hung halfway up the curved wall. She slipped just the first 10 cm of her cock into the smooth-edged slot.

Someone's lips kissed the wide head of Twilight's penis. Thick, wet lips then wrapped around it, very slowly.

It sure felt like Zecora's mouth--but were her lips that tight last time? Was her mouth that hot last time? Zecora and Soarin' might have talked it over and decided that Soarin' would get her mouth and Twilight would get her pussy. If so, what if Zecora's solution didn't work? The strong sexy zebra might get pregnant with another of Twilight's children!

Twilight's hind legs shuffled closer and closer to the opening in the wall, unconsciously pushing more of her formidable length into the next room, and into Zecora's throat--or her cunt. Twilight's mind kept spinning. Her hips began to thrust as her body heated up. What if it wasn't Zecora at all? What if Soarin' had always wanted to try sucking dick and talked Zecora into secretly giving him a golden opportunity? The co-captain of the Wonderbolts, bobbing on her joystick? Twilight's thrusting went faster.

Supposing the pony in the next room really was Zecora, and she really was fellating Twilight while taking Soarin's cock in her pussy. How hot must that look? Zecora was a little older than Twilight and her friends, but she was quite pretty and her confidence and grace were really sexy; she must look amazing with one long penis plunging into her twat as she sucked off another one--

--Twilight Sparkle came suddenly, powerful spurts of semen shooting from her long, thick cock and into the unknown orifice of the unknown pony on the other side of the wall. The wet, sucking pressure kept up while Twilight's cum basted whatever cavity it was in.

When her orgasm ended, Twilight Sparkle's mind began to function normally again.

"Fuck--what did I just do!" she moaned quietly. She put all her feet on the little room's floor and glanced around worriedly. She listened for sounds of activity. She tried not to think about Fluttershy and Luna and Rarity--none of whom would be pleased with her if they found out about this.

A strategic retreat was in order. Twilight opened the door and stepped into the little hall. Nopony was there.

Quietly, Twilight Sparkle slunk through the corridor, then to the front door of Zecora's cottage. She heard a door opening in the hall.

Zecora, leaking trails of spunk from her cute black vaginal lips and the corners of her luscious mouth, appeared in the hallway.

The purple unicorn couldn't face the comely zebra. "Thanks for your help, sorry, gotta go!" Twilight squealed. She fled for home, leaving a satisfied and amused Zecora behind her.