The Housewarming Gift

Story by Macabre Dragon on SoFurry

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#1 of Short Stories

Been working on this one for quite some time for the past little while, on and off and different jobs and distractions came up, but it's finally finished! Hooray!

This story follows a character named Will, a husky returning home from work to his brand new apartment for the first time. Desperate for a relaxing evening, he retires to his new accommodation with the intention of doing nothing, only to find that a certain, troublesome friend has other plans in store...

My aim with this one was to create a comedy, something a little less serious than any of the other stories I've created so far.

As such, I hope that everything works out and you have as much fun reading it as I did creating it.

As usual, the ending will contain sex, this time between a male werewolf and a male anthro husky. So now that you know that, continue reading anyway.

Any comments, critiques, and faves are greatly appreciated. :)

The Housewarming Gift

A smile came across Will's muzzle as he turned his car onto the stretch of road leading to his new apartment. Rain pattered lightly against the windshield as he drove his car up the street, his paws relaxingly gripping the wheel as he approached his destination. Though the weather was poor, the husky wasn't about to let the despicable rain ruin the feeling of arriving at his new home after a few, long weeks of packing and settling down. Drops pattered loudly on the roof of his car as he parked it on the opposite side of the road, a short walk from his building. The blacktop of the path leading up to the front entrance rippled with activity as heavy raindrops pounded its surface. The building itself was a dull grey to match the color of the clouds, yet, Will found no greater sanctuary in the comfortable, organized interior of his two bedroom apartment. Finally, he would have some free time to relax

Scrunching his nose in displeasure, the husky pulled out an umbrella from the side-seat of his car. It was only a short walk to the door but he hated getting wet. The water made his fur damp, smelly, and it ruined the effort he made into getting it soft and warm in the mornings. Investing in an underground parking space had been one of the husky's top priorities but the purchase was still in the works. For now, he would have to make the short walk inside. Taking the umbrella into his lap, Will unbuttoned the clasp holding it together and prepared to make the brisk walk inside. Although there had been no hint of rain early in the morning when he left, Will never left his home without it. He was always prepared for every possibility.

Opening his door and expanding his umbrella, Will stepped out into the rain and shut his car door behind him, locking it before jogging forwards through the muck. The claws on Will's footpaws tapped lightly against the ground to accompany the patter of the rain, his tail sticking straight out as he moved purposefully towards the entrance. Leaping over a small puddle that had gathered at the base of the walkway, he took a few more strides before he was finally under cover. Folding the umbrella and giving it a few shakes under the overhead canopy, the husky buttoned back the clasp and opened the glass door, taking the moment to give his tail a light shake before stepping inside.

Pleasant warmth greeted him as he entered the small lobby. There were a few metal chairs with cushions over against the wall to his side, a single plant on the other, and few out-of-place paintings of flowers hanging on each side. Other then that, the room was empty. The walls were a dull green and the carpet was brown, and there was an distinct, old smell that made Will wrinkle his nose.

It wasn't perfect, but Will wouldn't have it any other way. For the first time in his life, the husky had a place to call his own. No roommates, no guests, just a few rooms of peace and quiet where he could relax in solitude; an evening of no distractions, and no interruptions from the outside world. Just a few floors up, his peaceful sanctuary awaited.

Taking in a deep breath and walking forwards, Will walked excitedly towards the doorway on his right leading to the stairs with a slight bounce in his step. Tonight was going to be a good night.


Will sighed as he sat down on his sofa. His new home was a small, single bedroom apartment, complete with a rather spacious kitchen and conjoining bathroom. Boxes of his belongings were stacked neatly against the wall on each side of the room, marked and sorted into the appropriate categories so it would be easier for him to sort and unpack the next day.

The only items already unpacked included his sofa, the television, and his computer. Everything else was secondary and could be taken care of later, but for now, it was all the husky needed for his planned evening.

Flicking on the television with his remote, Will settled down and was just about to start watching when his cell phone rang, chirping and vibrating in his pant pocket. Taking it out, he stared briefly at the screen before letting out a small sigh. It was one of his friends, a human friend to be exact. It wasn't that he didn't like humans, it was actually quite the opposite; this one however, was special.

Putting the channel on mute, the husky answered.

He winced as loud music instantly screamed out from the speaker. His sensitive ears prickled and laid flat on his head as he frantically turned the volume down. Once it was down, he put the device back up to his ear and said, "What the hell Ryan, what was that?" There was no response for a few seconds as muffled music continued to trickle through the earpiece, the steady thump of bass pounding through the speaker despite the reduced volume.

After a few seconds however, a weak voice broke through the overwhelming noise. "Hello?"

Will turned up the volume again and gritted his canines as a particularly loud, high pitched squeal came from the other end. "Ryan? Is that you? Can you go somewhere else? The music is really loud, I can barely hear you."


The husky winced again. "Find somewhere quiet where you don't have to yell into the phone Ryan!" He yelled.

"I can't hear you! I'm going to find a quiet place to talk! Call you back!"

As his friend hung up, Will sighed and flopped down onto the sofa, keeping his phone in his hand. This was a typical thing for Ryan, to call him on such nights for the same, silly reasons. He was a good guy and good friend, sometimes more than a good friend on certain nights; however, he had a way of...pushing to get what he wanted. He probably just forgot that Will had moved into his new place for the night. All he had to do was talk to him for a little bit, then peace and quiet...

The phone rang in his paw once again. Will answered and sighed in relief when no noise came blasting out. "You were saying?"

There was a moments pause, then: "Hey! Sorry about that Will, how's it going?"

"Good, good," Will replied, sitting up on the sofa. "Just settling into my new place. You did remember that right?"

"Yes, yes, I know," he said abruptly. "This isn't me asking you out or anything, just wanted to catch up. You told me like, six million times remember?"

The husky rolled his eyes. "Yes, I do Ryan."

"Ha, alright then. So how's the new place?"

"Its really nice," Will replied, his ears perking up with a renewed interest in the conversation. "I don't really know who my neighbours are yet, but everything seems quiet and peaceful so far. The kitchen is spacious, there's only one broken tile on the floor, and I've got a bedroom all to myself."

"Just yourself?" Ryan snorted, "how boring."

"Sometimes boring is nice Ryan," the canine retorted, a hint of amusement in his voice, "though I'm certain you'll find your way into it soon enough."

A small laugh erupted from the other end. "True, very true," the human said before stopping abruptly. There was a moments pause as Will heard gulping noises.

"Um, Ryan...did you take a drink outside with you?"

"Um, yes?" The human replied, "I wasn't about to leave my drink inside unattended Will, that's like...bad."

"Yes...but so is taking your drink outside with you; just watch yourself buddy, you don't want to get into trouble."

"Pfft, ya, whatever Will. I think I'll take my chances."

"Mhmm," the husky responded, resting his head on his free paw. He knew his friend well enough to know that pursuing that conversation any further was pointless.

Ryan drank for a bit longer, then: "Did you have any trouble getting your stuff up there? I know that bed of yours can be difficult to get anywhere you don't want it to be."

"No, everything went fine Ryan. The movers were very helpful."

"Not in the same way when we last moved it I hope."

The husky gave a small laugh. "Not in that way Ryan, no.

"Well, why the hell not?"

A smile crept across his muzzle as Will shook his head. That was Ryan alright: never one to pass on an opportunity or make fun of a dog for failing to act on one. "I only like the cute ones."

A drunken chuckle came from the other end of the line. "What's so cute about me?"

"Absolutely nothing. I just felt sorry for you."

Another laugh, louder this time, erupted from the phone's speaker. Will pulled the phone away from his ear and winced again before the voice continued, saying, "Ah ha, sorry? For me? Come on Will, I exude envy and desire on the very ground I walk."

"O really? Then how's your night going, my master of unfathomable sexiness?"

"Oooo, I like that," Ryan replied with a light chuckle, "Might make you call me that more often." There was a pause as he sipped his drink. "As for the night, I've got endless beer, awesome music, and all the tail I can lay my eyes on. What more could a master want?"

"I can believe the first two at least," Will responded snidely.

"Hey, shut up. Or I'll come over there right now and just settle for you." A snigger trickled through the earpiece.

Will snorted into the phone. "You'll be getting nothing with that talk mister. What am I, your last resort?"

"Yep, you should feel privileged to be given such a high boner...honour, I mean," Ryan chuckled.

The husky shook his head, grinning despite himself. "Well, it's good that you're having fun buddy. I'm happy you've still got that same old charm you've always had."

There was another paused as Ryan took a sip, then: "you now it baby, I'm always full of *hic* charm."

"Ya, I can smell the charm on you from here."

"Really? Wow, that's really far away man, impressive..." Ryan's words were beginning to take on a slurred, seemingly bored laziness as the conversation continued. The husky could only assume that this conversation would drag on forever, so he decided that perhaps now was a good time to end the playful banter. Time to get back to his quiet evening.

Lying down and rubbing his eyes with his furred digits, Will responded, "Ya, so listen Ryan, I've got some things I need to take care of because of the move so I think I'm gonna go now. It was nice talking to you..."

There was a rough choking sound as Ryan suddenly gagged into the phone. "No! *ack* wait, I almost forgot, I've got a surprise for you!"

The canine sighed, expecting anything but a legitimate surprise. "What is it buddy?"

"I got you a gift!"

Will's ears perked up again and he sat up on the couch. Remember that he moved out had been a feat all on its own, but getting him a housewarming gift? That was completely unexpected. "A gift?" Really?"

"Yes, yes I freaking did!" Ryan continued, his voice filling with excitement. "It was the same gift we got Devon for his birthday last week, do you remember?"

" I wasn't there either remember?"

"What? I could've sworn I was with you...ah, well, doesn't matter. I think you're gonna like it though."

Despite himself, Will couldn't help but feel a small measure of elation build up within himself as well. "What did you get me?" His tail thumped lightly against the couch as he waited for a response.

"Have you heard of a website called Fantasy Calls?"

"No I haven't, what is it?"

"Well, it a site that lets you order any kind of fantasy creature to come to your door and do...well whatever you want. We got one for Devon and I heard he really liked it so...I kinda got you one."

Will's tail stopped moving. "Wait...what did you get me?"

"Just go to the site dog, is you're computer hooked up?"

"Ya, one sec," Will responded. The husky got up off the couch and moved over to his computer. Sitting down, he quickly looked up the site his friend was talking about. When he clicked the link, a darkly colored page opened up in front of him. The title "Fantasy Calls," was bolded in block letters at the top. In the middle of the page, there was a small blurb that of information that read:

"Welcome to Fantasy Calls! The place where all your desires are fulfilled at the click of button! Feeling alone? Feeling like your sex life needs a little something "more?" Come, and browse our fine selection of creatures just waiting to satisfy your every need. Though some of you may doubt, all of our members are both willing and very, very real. With only a few clicks and a small fee, any of our selections will be at your door within the hour, ready to do whatever your horny heart desires. Play nice though, or you may find them quite...disobedient."

"Well, that's just about the cheesiest title I've ever seen," Will said as he finished reading.

"Aw, don't let the lame title fool you buddy, it's a legitimate service!" Ryan responded. "Besides, you should be getting a visit from one of them soon, so I wouldn't look down on the site too much before he arrives." He chuckled.

Will felt his heart race as he read the small paragraph over once again. What type of site was this? "Ryan..." he said with a panicked tone, "what did you do?"

There was a small burp on the other end before the response came. "Are you at the site?"

"Yes, of course I'm at the site, what the hell is it?"

"Scroll down some more, you'll see," Ryan sniggered.

Will scrolled down and took a look at the list that was underneath the information. There was an assortment of links, listed in different categories according to what the husky realized to be "species." Underneath the heading "Reptiles," there were links for several anthro lizards, but Will's jaw dropped when he saw 'dragons' and 'nagas' listed as well. As he continued to read the husky adopted a look of stunned disbelief. There were links for werewolves, gryphons, and various amounts of creatures and monsters. It seemed this site had a whole entourage of creatures for its customers to browse.

Next to each of the creatures, there was an asterisk and a bolded word that identified the selection's specialty. Next to quite a few of them, the word said "rape," yet some of them were words the husky was only vaguely aware of. A few of the dragons had the term "vore," next to them and it made the husky snort. Who would ever want that?

"Ryan..." Will said, an edge to his voice. 'What did you do?"

"I told you, Will," he replied, "I got you one."

The husky closed his eyes and rested his head against the computer desk and moaned. This was typical Ryan: going ahead with a plan without asking or telling anybody about it first. There were always consequences he had to deal with but for Will, this was a first.

"So, what do you think?" Ryan said.

The husky picked his head off the desk and moved the phone back to his ear. "Ryan, what the hell? Why didn't you ask me about this first? And how could you just FORGET about something like this?"

"Pfft, what kind of gift would it be if I told you about it? Honestly Will, sometimes you're just a little ridiculous."

"I'm ridiculous?" The husky retorted, having trouble keeping the anger out of his tone. "I just spent this entire week moving and getting settled into my new place, unpacking, moving furniture, and working at the same time. I've had no time for myself, and now that I finally get an evening free, I find out that you've bought some creature off a website to come knocking down my door!"

"Ah come on, it'll be fun."

"No Ryan, not really. You do realize that these things don't exist right? That I'm not going to get a...what did you get me anyway?"

"The werewolf."

"The werewolf, yes, exactly. They aren't real. I'm not going to get a werewolf at my door, I'm going to get some random guy dressed AS a werewolf show up at my door, or some big canine loser claiming to be one. Neither of those possibilities are appealing to me Ryan, they really aren't."

"O, it's real Will, trust me," Ryan said assuredly, slurring some of his words together. "Click on the werewolf, there a bunch of pictures and stuff that couldn't possibly be faked."

"It's the internet Ryan," Will sighed, complying and clicking on the werewolf link. "You can't believe everything you..." Will trailed off as he stared at his screen. The new page that opened up displayed three pictures of the werewolf in question, the one that Ryan had apparently bought. Though he was still doubtful, the husky had to admit that the pictures were really well done; almost lifelike for the fakes that they were. There were two pictures in total, with the first showing the creature standing up in a bedroom, bending his giant legs so that his head didn't hit the ceiling. Immensely huge and muscular, the werewolf was covered in head to toe with thick, black fur that covered his entire body. The tips of his ears brushed against the ceiling easily, with dark claws about an inch in length stuck out from each of his finger and toes. What really frightened Will however, was the gleaming set of white fangs displayed in his mouth as the werewolf smiled dangerously into the camera. The yellow eyes stared hungrily out at the husky, beckoning to him with an entrancing, sinister quality.

The most prominent feature of the beast however, was his crotch. Despite himself, Will stared for a good while at the set of furry orbs that hung low between the werewolf's legs. As one would expect, his balls were quite massive, bigger then any the husky had ever seen. Will's eyes strayed a little further upwards on the picture, away from the monstrous testicles and pausing at the sheath just above. Covered with a good amount of fur, the folds of skin entranced the husky for a good while as well. There was small tip of red flesh poking out from top, showcasing the beast's arousal and at the same time teasing the husky for what was to come.

Glancing over at the second picture, Will stared even longer, feeling his own arousal starting to build. In this one, the werewolf was lying sideways over the bed, resting his head on one of his clawed hands. Midway through licking his black lips, the beast was smiling lustfully into the camera, his eyes shining with a primal longing that shook the husky down to his very bones.

Shuddering, Will shook his head and broke himself out of his trance. He could feel his own penis begin to swell within his sheath, pushing against the front of his jeans. Those were some of the hottest picture the husky had ever seen, but, he knew they weren't real. Someone certainly did a good job of making them though. Sighing and calming himself, the husky relaxed and brought himself back to his conversation with Ryan.

"Alright, so the pictures are well done, I'll give them that."

"You were gone for a while there," Ryan said hazily, giggling at the same time. "You like what you saw?"

"I did Ryan, but these are just pictures, you know that right? You can't believe everything you see on the internet. Anybody could've made those with the right program."

"Ha! Well you'll be thinking different when he throws himself at you in a few minutes, hee hee."

The husky rolled his eyes, saying, "I seriously doubt that...wait, what did you mean by, "throwing himself at me."

"Um...did you read his specialty?"

Will quickly scanned the page. "Yes, its says 'rape' but..." The husky paused in shock, his ears drooping down on his head. "Ryan, what did you do?"

"You know, I think you've asked me that before. Want me to tell you again?"

"How long ago did you order him Ryan?"

There was a moments pause as Ryan took another drink. "Uh...I dunno, a while ago. Like, an hour, I think."

"How fucking long ago?!" Will was panicking now. The husky was up and out of his chair now, pacing back and forth across the apartment.

"Ack, wow Will," Ryan complained, his voice straining on the other end, "What's with the language?"

Will stopped pacing and put his paw over his eyes, taking a deep breath and calming himself before coming up with a response. It wouldn't be good to lose his cool now, especially when some weirdo claiming to be a werewolf was about to come to his house. A 'rape' specialist of all things. He didn't even like the word. Probably just a human dressed up in a costume, looking for an easy way to get some local husky ass. Ridiculous.

` "Alright," Will said, "I'm sorry, but you've seriously done it this time Ryan. What am I even supposed to do when this asshole shows up at my door? Did Devon tell you what happens?"

"O ya, damn, he wouldn't shut up about it. Apparently he practically kicks your door down when he arrives and the fun starts from there."

"W-What? There's no warning?" The husky stammered.

"Nope, pretty much happens right away as far as I know," Ryan said, giggling. "You're gonna be such a lucky dog."

Will felt his anger rising again. "No, no I'm NOT, Ryan. Call them back and cancel the order right now!"

There was no response.


A brief cough erupted from the other end of the line before the human replied, saying, "Bleh... I hate it when that happens." Another pause. "I'm out of beer Will."

The husky sighed. "Have you been listening?"


"Contact that website, and tell them that you want to cancel your order dammit! All I want is a peaceful evening, not for some horny, order-online, fake werewolf slut to come and rape me!"

"O come on, it'll be fun. And I can't cancel the order anyway. Once you've agreed to the terms of service and sent it through everything gets set into motion."

Will began pacing in agitation once again. Time was running out, and he needed to come up with some sort of solution before somebody decided to knock down the door to his brand new apartment and attack him.

"Alright, Ryan," the husky stammered, turning to sit down at his computer. "Tell me your account name and password, I'm going to cancel it myself."

"What? No! Will, come on, don't be like that. It's my homecoming present to you man!"

Sighing, Will hunched over the desk, putting his hand up to his face and rubbing at his eyes in exasperation. "I know Ryan, and I'm sorry. I realize you're trying to be a good friend, but this is seriously not what I want right now. I'll make it up to you in more ways than one, I promise, but for now, could you please just help me find a way to stop this?"

There was a brief pause on the end of the line as the canine waited for his friend's response. Finally, a sigh came from the other end, sounding much like the one Will had let out just seconds before. "Alright Will," Ryan said, "I'll help you."

A smile came across the dog's face as he straightened his back and placed his free paw on the keyboard. "Thank you Ryan. You don't know how this means to me. Again, I swear I'll make this up to you when I see you next. What's your account name and password?"

"No Will, I've told you that won't do any good."

The husky's face twisted in confusion. "What? Why?"

"Because," the human replied, sniggering, "You can't cancel it now man, and besides...I think you need this more than you realize. I mean, after a hard weeks move, I'd be begging to get some of that beast's tail, especially after all that work."

Feelings his anger begin to rise once again, the husky slid his hand off the keyboard and grasped the edge of the desk, digging his claws into the wood. "Then...why...did you say you were going to help me?" He said, his tone low and dangerous.

"Because," Ryan repeated, not recognizing the threatening note in his friend's voice, "there is one thing I can tell you that might stave off that mighty, sexy monster for a brief moment or two. I wasn't going to tell you this so that you could have more fun, but when I was filling out the form, the website made me put in a mandatory safe word that you can yell if you want the wolf to stop."

The husky's ears perked up. "A safe word?"

"Well ya," Ryan continued, " A safe *urp* word. You know, in case the werewolf gets to rough or begins to hurt you. It was a mandatory field that I tried to skip...something about client satisfaction and safety...blah blah blah. Anyway, if you screamed that, it would probably make him stop for bit."

Will stoop up from the computer desk, his eyes rapt with attention. Something that would make whoever was going to show up at his door stop? Excellent, that was exactly what he needed. Well, either that or a weapon.

"What's the word Ryan?" The husky said, holding his breath.

", hold on, let me think for a second..."

Stamping his paw against the floor, the husky let out a muffled, frustrated groan before looking up to the ceiling and mouthing the words, "Why me?"

There were a few more moments of silence as Ryan thought it over, then: "Agh, I dunno Will, it was some sort of breakfast or something."

The canine's eyes grew wide as he dropped his jaw in hopelessness. "A breakfast?"

"Ya man, I was hungry at the time. I can't remember what it was though...probably my favourite, like, bacon or something." There was a pause. "Or pancakes...Mmm."

Curling his paw up into a fist and squeezing it in frustration, the dog bared his teeth and took in a deep, angry breath. "Listen Ryan, can't you just..."

Will stopped short, frozen in fear as a knock sounded at his door. The hairs on the back of his neck stood up as he backed away slowly, padding silently further into the apartment.

"Can't what? Can't I what?" Ryan said.

"Shhhhh," the husky responded, "I think he's here."

"Awesome! Can I listen?"

"No! Ryan, goodbye!"

"Wait! Can you at least leave the line open so I can..." The canine hung up before his friend got the chance to finish.

Stepping backwards until his back was against the wall, Will swallowed nervously and called out, trying to make his voice sound as tough as possible. "Listen, whoever's out there, just go away. This was all just a big mistake, and I don't want to get raped so please, just leave." His voice cracked at the end, betraying his fear.

For a moment, Will's breath caught in his throat as complete silence fell over the apartment. He could see a shadow being cast underneath the door from somebody standing outside, but whoever it was seemed unwilling to respond for several, heart thumping moments.

Then, the person finally spoke. A tired, bland monotone voice carried through the door, saying, "Um, ok. This is like, just your neighbour dude...I'm not what you just said. I heard shouting, is everything alright?"

Will closed his eyes, sighing to himself and letting his shoulders slump. Great, what a wonderful first impression. Yelling and shouting for the past five minutes and screaming about rape wasn't exactly the kind of activity you wanted people to hear. The guy probably thought he was on drugs.

Pushing himself off the wall with disgust, Will walked up to the door and opened it, letting the bright light of the hall wash over his dimly lit home.

There was an otter standing there, his face a mask of concern underneath a set of brown, shaggy hair that came down over his eyes. He was wearing a matching set of plaid nightwear, along with a pair of dark brown slippers.

The husky lowered his head, looking to the floor in embarrassment. "Soooo, sorry about all that. I didn't really mean what I said. I honestly thought you were somebody else."

"Somebody else?" The otter said, confused. "Are you..." He leaned in close to look past Will into the apartment, whispering, "Are you under attack?"

Will arched his brow and scrunched his nose, leaning away from the inquisitive face of his neighbour. He smelled like smoke. "What? No, I'm fine. I was just yelling at my friend on the phone and things got a little heated, that's all."

"Hmmmmm," the otter said, ignoring the husky and continuing to look into Will's home. "Are you sure?"

Grinning in further embarrassment, Will put up his paw and lightly put it against the otter's shoulder. "Yes...I'm sure."

The otter moved back a step and retuned his gaze to Will, his face still showing signs of being nervous. "Ok, then, why did you ask...if I was know..."

"Ya, really sorry about that. Just a little misunderstanding, I wasn't really talking to you."

"Uh-huh," the otter said, still looking confused. "Then who were you talking to?"

"My friend."

Your friend."

"On the phone."


There was an awkward silence as both tenants regarded each other in silence. Will looked down at the ground and sighed as quietly as he could. He hated moments like this: the standing, waiting, desperately searching for a topic of conversation that would lift you from the horrible, oppressing awkwardness.

There had to be a way fix this undesirable circumstance.

The husky stretched out his hand gingerly, desperate for anything to alleviate the situation. "My name is Will by the way."

Meeting Will's grip, the otter briefly shook his hand before pulling away. "Manny," he said, his face still a mixture of confusion and concern.

"Nice to meet you," the canine said, doing his best to smile. "And again, sorry for the disturbance. I enjoy quiet evenings as well, and I know what it's like to have somebody ruin it for you." Will cast a dark look down at his phone before returning to his neighbour. "I feel terribly guilty for being so loud. Would you want to perhaps...come in for a drink? I'm not even close to being unpacked, but I think I could find something."

Manny took a step back, his eyes still wandering as he completely ignored the husky's words. "Hm, are you sure you're alone?"

Will arched his brow, taking a quick look over his shoulder into his apartment before turning back. "Um...yes."

"Hmm," the otter replied, still timidly looking behind him. He seemed mesmerized by something, as if his apartment was hoarding some sort of shiny secret that could be solved with continued surveillance.

Will waved a paw in front of his neighbour's vision. "Yes, um...Manny is it? I'm grateful for your concern, but there's really no need. I'm alone, and quite safe in here I assure you."

Nodding absentmindedly, the otter kept looking past him for a few moments before hazily drifting his gaze back to the confused canine. "Mhmm," he said, "looks like you're right." Adopting a glum look, he suddenly began to idly toy with the fur on the back of his paws before continuing. "Just a...uh, small word of advice: the walls in this place are pretty thin, man; just about any sound can get through'em, as my previous neighbours were so...kind to remind me."

After he finished speaking, the otter quickly turned his head and mumbled something, barely audible to Will even with his sensitive ears, but he picked it up nonetheless. It wasn't a nice word, leading the husky to conclude that his new neighbour didn't actually think that such warnings were the acts of 'kind' people.

Will sniffed awkwardly and scratched his head. "Uh-huh, well I'll keep it down for you from now on alright buddy? I won't shout like that ever again, you have my word," he said, offering a weak smile.

Manny's eyes lit up. "B-b-buddy?"

Now unsure of himself, Will turned his head as his face adopted a look of confusion. "Um...sure?"

Manny stood completely still for a few more moments, stunned by the husky's timid answer. Then, in complete silence, the otter walked forward and gave the dog a quick, powerful hug.

The force of the embrace caused Will to involuntarily exhale and cough, the usually strong grip of his neighbour tightening uncomfortably around his middle. Not knowing what to do yet again, he merely let the hug happen, his brow arched with complete bafflement as he brought a paw up to pat the odd little creature on his head.

Then, without a word, Manny let go and turned, walking down the hallway back to his apartment with a pleased grin on his furred face.

Still stunned, the husky waved awkwardly. "Ok, um...bye!" He said, standing in the hall until his new neighbour turned and walked into his home, shutting the door behind him. Will paused for a few moments, looking around before shaking his head and heading back inside as well.


The silence of the apartment greeted Will as he shut the door, the muted television casting a pale glow over the couch and the unpacked boxes surrounding it. Turning and locking the door behind him, he tiptoed back into the apartment. Sitting back down on the couch, the husky set his phone down next to him and picked up the remote, taking in a deep breath and closing his eyes to calm his nerves. His call with Ryan had made him anxious and fearful, yet as time passed, it became apparent that it was a needless worry.

It'd probably been over an hour ago now that the order had been placed. The website hadn't specified a timetable, yet Will felt a tad bit safer now that he had the time and silence to think the whole thing through. The odds that Ryan had actually managed to place a working order on the website wasn't very high. His human friend was most likely drunk out of his mind when he did it. Even if he had managed to successfully navigate the site's forms there was no way the information was filled out correctly, especially since the husky had just moved to a new address.

Yes, Will thought, There's no need to worry. I just need to keep calm, relax, and enjoy the rest of my evening alone.

Opening his eyes, the husky smiled and turned the volume back on, distracting himself once again from the worries of the night. It didn't take long however, for the phone beside him to vibrate once again, his friend's name flashing up on the display.

Grunting in annoyance, the husky grabbed the phone and walked across the apartment to the bedroom. Striding across the room, he set the phone down on the dresser right next to his bed. There was no need to talk to anybody else tonight. As far as he was concerned, the phone was just another distraction for now.

Turning back around, Will suddenly froze. A light, tingling sensation crept up the back of his spine as he spotted a large, dark form blocking the doorway. Too tall to stand upright in the husky's apartment, the massive form crouched low, its dark, heavily muscled body outlined in white light from the television in the other room.

A deep, bestial panting emanated from the creature like a ragged series of grating metal, the sound hitting the husky's sensitive ears like drumbeats. The smell of wet fur and what seemed like rust or copper spread throughout the small room, adding to the powerful, ominous presence of this terrifying newcomer. With his ears flat on the back of his head, Will remained motionless, unable to do anything but stare at the great beast that had entered his new home. This wasn't some pretender in a costume, or a large, heavily built canine like himself: this was a monster, a werewolf in every aspect of its being.

Will only had a few moments to take all of this in before the beast attacked.

Faster and quieter than the husky would've thought possible, the giant wolf closed the gap between them and grasped his side with large, powerful paw and threw him over to the side. The canine yelped in horror as he was easily tossed through the air, the room around him spinning until he landed softly on his back, right in the middle of his bed. Reorienting himself quickly, Will pushed himself up and began frantically shuffling himself away from the intruder, hoping to put as much distance between them as possible. He yelped again however, as the werewolf jumped onto the bed, the mattress bending under its massive weight before reaching out and grasping the his leg, pulling the panicking husky back into the middle of bed. The canine only had moments to stare up at the black, muscular middle of the monster before it descended on him, smothering him with its immense weight.

Unable to speak underneath the werewolf's body, Will squirmed to the best of his ability, pushing upwards at the furry, barrelled chest as it pressed against his face. He could feel the wet fur matting against the side of his face, the smoky tang and damp, uncomfortable taste forcing its way into his mouth. The smell of the beast was incredibly strong, the wild, bestial scent overwhelming the husky's sensitive nose as he did his best to fight back. Despite the canine using all of his strength, the wolf hardly moved. The giant body was simply too large and powerful for a small dog like Will to move on his own, a fact that the husky was quickly coming to realize with an oncoming sense of dread and hopelessness.

An amused growl rumbled through the form above him as Will continued to uselessly struggle, mocking his fruitless attempt to throw the monster off. The canine whimpered as he felt the werewolf slide his body forwards, the disgusting, wet fur rubbing against his muzzle and cheek. Though the husky couldn't tell what was happening, his breath caught as he felt a softer, warm weight descend upon his crotch. He could instantly feel the powerful heat through the layer of his pants, emanating from the delicate flesh that pushed into his waist. It was much bigger than anything Will had felt there before, yet the husky had enough experience with other canine lovers to know exactly what was pressed against him.

With a shuddering gasp, Will began to fight again, even as he felt the massive form begin to move, humping him delicately into the mattress. Despite the slow, measured movements of his huge form, the werewolf rocked the bed from side to side as he thrust, the entire frame squeaking lightly in protest at the abnormal amount of force descending upon it. The beast ground his sheath against the front of the husky's pants, massaging the furred folds of skin against the canine's own. Despite the horror of his current predicament, Will felt himself begin to swell at the touch.

No, Will thought, uselessly trying to kick his legs out from underneath the beast's hindquarters, this isn't happening, this isn't happening! This was monster above him, a vicious, disgusting creature of the night; there was simply NO way he could be getting aroused from this!

Another delighted rumble reverberated from the werewolf as he pressed himself down harder, almost painfully grinding himself into the canine's waist. The beast seemed to sense Will's hesitant pleasure, and was more than eager to ease his little toy along. Lifting the front of his body off the smaller form, the wolf grinned, baring his white, gleaming teeth that shone even the darkness of the room. The husky took in a deep breath before returning the creatures gaze, his eyes wide with panic as he panted with exhaustion.

His yellow eyes glowing, the beast slowly dragged a clawed hand down the husky's clothed chest. Will winced at the touch, his nervous eyes following the giant paw until it stopped at the top of his pants, curling around them and beginning to slowly tug them down...

"NO!" Will barked, flailing out with his hands and pushing off the larger creature's thighs as hard he could. "I don't want this! I never paid for you it was my *agh* friend! Wait, no, don't touch me there! You're filthy and wet and gross! Go away!" Turning around, he raked at the bed sheets, clawing to get himself as far as he could. He only got a few feet however, before the werewolf gave an amused grunt and closed his paw around the husky's ankle.

"Ah! No! Stop!" Will shouted, grabbing the pillow at the end of the bed and turning to swat at his attacker. The werewolf chuckled, continuing to pull down the husky's pants until his crotch was exposed. Looking down at it intently with a lustful grin, the monster kept going, backing up off the bed to yank the poor canine's jeans off completely.

Panicking now, Will turned back over and tried desperately to crawl back away. Jumping up, he grabbed the edge of the wooden frame at the head of the bed just as the werewolf gripped his ankles one again. The strong paws pulled him upwards, raising him up above the mattress as they pulled at him with relentless force. What began then was a tug of war, a battle of the ages between the terrified husky and the horny monster trying to pull him down. Suddenly remembering his only probably way out, Will cried out as he hovered in the air, shouting any possible safe word that Ryan might have left on the site: "Pancakes! Bacon! Waffles! Cereal! Oatmeal! Eggs! Toast! Fucking French toast! A breakfast! Safe Word! Stop! Waaaaaa!"

Just like that, the strong grip left his leg. Will dropped face first onto the bedding, impacting the mattress softly before shuffling frantically away. Curling up into a ball, half naked and panting, the husky stared, wide-eyed at the werewolf, who was now standing at the foot of his bed, playfully clutching his jeans in one of his massive, clawed paws. The dark form turned his head and displayed his fangs in a pleased grin, its yellow eyes flashing with delight.

There was a moment of silence before the wolf spoke, his voice a deep, growling rumble. "You had it at pancakes."


After the werewolf had spoken, there was a long moment of paralyzation as Will remained huddled at the opposite end of the bed, shaking uncontrollably and his eyes wide with fright. Almost as suddenly as he'd begun, the beast had stopped. He remained standing in the middle of the room, the amusement across his predacious countenance obvious even in the dark.

When it became clear that the monster wasn't going to attack him again, the husky had slowly dragged himself to the edge of the bed before carefully standing to grab his phone. The glowing, yellow eyes never left him as he moved, yet the wolf remained still, his ragged panting echoing through every corner of the room. As soon as he held his phone, the horrified canine once again, shuffled across to the other side of the bed with measured, careful movements, as if any sudden increase in pace would invite another smothering.

The large wolf chuckled, his fearsome grin broadening. "Don't be afraid little pup, I'm not going to bite."

With a yelp, Will ran from the room, bringing his bed sheet with him to cover the naked lower half of his body. The canine stumbled briefly as the linen became entangled in his footpaws, his knees falling hard against ground. Almost dropping his phone, the husky grunted briefly in pain before panic forced him immediately back to his feet. Frantically wrapping the sheet around himself and holding it together with one paw, he ran to the side wall, flicked on the light, and quickly began to dial Ryan's number, pacing around the apartment and keeping a nervous eye on the doorway leading to the bedroom.

"My my, you are a timid one aren't you?" A growling voice said as the werewolf stepped out of the doorway and into the light. "I don't think any of my clients have shouted their safe word before we'd even started..."

Now that the intruder had stepped forwards, Will was able to observe his attacker in much greater detail. An almost exact replica of the pictures he'd viewed on the internet, the wolf's body was huge, heavily muscled, and covered head to toe in thick, black fur. The only notable difference in the monster's appearance compared to his pictures on the site was that he was slightly damp, the dark hair covering his body matting to his predacious form, outlining the shape of his muscles with much more clarity.

Well, that and the smell, Will thought, scrunching his nose despite the fear that gripped him. The scent that filled that apartment was a mix of wet dog and heavy rust, mixed in with a primal, bestial quality that the husky was having a hard time placing. The dog inhaled it some more. Was it actually...pleasant?

Hunching over so that his head wasn't hitting the ceiling, the beast continued to stare at the cowering husky with amusement, clutching the dog's jeans with the terrifying claws of his right paw. Also, just as Will feared, the giant creature wasn't wearing any clothes at all. Though the husky had covered himself once his pants were taken, the wolf displayed no care at all that his groin was visible, his furred sheath and testicles hovering directly in his line of sight. Shivering as he remembered the soft flesh pressing against him, the canine tried to keep his gaze elsewhere. He locked eyes with the beast, searching in horror for any hint of what the intruder would do next, but he couldn't help but let his eyes wander down every few seconds, drawn to the enticing shape of the wolf's impressive crotch.

Backing away with fear until his buttocks hit the corner of the couch, Will held up his hand and said, " stay right there...don't come any closer!"

The werewolf grinned, flashing his pointed fangs. "I could stay right here, but then how would you get your pants back?" Bringing the jeans up to his nose, the beast inhaled deeply, sighing and fixing his host with a look of pleasure. "On second thought, maybe I'll just keep them. I like the way they smell, and I find the bed sheet suits you much better." The yellow eyes flashed dangerously. "It'll be easier to remove later."

Will's ears fell flat against his head as he heard those words. "No, fuck no...that's not happening . Do not TOUCH me again." The husky held his phone up, listening and waiting for his friend to answer.

"Who are you calling?" The wolf asked, taking a step closer.

Will backed up some more. "My friend, the one who got me into this mess!" He almost shouted. "I never wanted you to come here dammit, this is all a big mistake. Put my pants down and please...please just leave, you're scaring me."

Another deep chuckle resonated from the intruder's chest. "And what do you think your friend will do, hm? Call this whole thing off? If that is your wish, I'll gladly leave your cramped little home. Client satisfaction is my number one priority."

After taking one more step backwards along the couch, the husky paused, regarding the werewolf with a look of confusion as the earpiece continued to ring in his ear. "W-What?"

Rolling his eyes, the beast let out a deep sigh. "You can stop backing away from me like I'm about to pounce on you again Will, I'm not a mindless animal." Taking a large step to the side, he set the jeans down, placing them on the computer desk. "That being said, why don't you put the phone down and we'll talk this out? Your friend can't do anything now, this evening is between you and me."

Though fear still gripped him, Will felt slightly calmer at the wolf's business-like tone. Instead of his usual, predatory smirk, the wolf had replaced it with a calm, intelligent look of reassurance. Ryan wasn't picking up, and his guest was right: it was probably useless to phone the human now, especially if he was in the drunken state the husky suspected. Ending the call, the canine swallowed nervously and set the phone down on the couch next to him before quickly grabbing the sheet with both hands, hugging it around his chest.

The werewolf smiled in approval. "Very good," he growled, "I was worried there for a moment, but I'm glad you can still see reason. You're already much better than most of the customers I deal with, especially when they're alone with me."

Will took a deep breath, trying to calm himself down. "Um...thank you?" He replied.

Grinning again, the beast nodded his head. "I'm well aware of the frightening nature of my appearance Will. My body is huge and strong, my claws are long and sharp, and my jaws are deadly and powerful." He clacked them together a few times for good measure. "Most of my clients have a hard time looking past my more dangerous qualities to focus solely on the more intimate aspects of my physicality." He winked suggestively.

"Mhmm," the husky responded, licking his lips timidly. "You are...quite scary."

"Indeed," the werewolf chuckled, "But I wouldn't worry too much about me, you are my client for tonight after all. Though some people might have reason to dread my appearance, I can assure you that your pleasure is all I can about. Forget about all that fairy tale nonsense about werewolves being violent, brutal savages little pup, for I'm in complete control." The beast crouched down into a sitting position, settling himself down on the back of his legs in his natural, resting state. Even this low, the wolf was just as tall as the canine in front of him, their eye's meeting in a direct line. "Why don't you come over here and...get a little bit closer? I won't do anything unless you want me to."

Will took a single, slow step forward, almost obeying the werewolf's wishes before returning to his original spot next to the couch. "If control, as you say you are, w-w-why did you attack me?"

"Because that's what I do," the wolf said, smiling from his crouched position. "For all my genuine clients, and by that I mean the ones who're expecting me, it's what they want. 'Rape' is the specialty that's listed next to me on the site a reason little one. When I'm bought, the customers are expecting a powerful werewolf to come and have his way with them, and it adds to their overall excitement and satisfaction if I do it when they least expect." Giving a brief chuckle, the werewolf nodded in Will's direction. "But of course, I always get a few like you as well."

"Like me?" The husky asked, confused.

"Clients who aren't expecting me, or don't want it to happen," the werewolf answered smugly. "I'd say your death-grip on the bed frame and screaming 'pancakes' at the top of your lungs was a pretty clear indication that both of those apply to you."

" shit." Will said, feeling a small amount of anger seep through his fear as he began to relax. "You showed up in the dark, unannounced, silent as a shadow before grabbing me and humping me into the mattress like some sort of crazed, horny monster! What reaction did you expect me to have?"

"O, but I am a crazed, horny monster," the beast said, amusement plain on his features. "Such qualities are needed in my line of work, and valued traits amongst my fellow employees."

Will sighed, annoyed at how the wolf could still be so happy with what he'd done. "Well, shouldn't there be some kindof, you know, way to check and make sure the client wants it before barging in and pumping your furry body against them?"

"Why yes, of course. All creatures under the site's employ are instructed to stalk their clients for a little while, if only to gauge their character and determine the best possible approach. For me, it's a little different, and it does vary from creature to creature but trust me," the wolf's eyes narrowed, his black lips widening in delight, "I knew you quite well before I revealed myself."

A light chill crept up the husky's spine. "...How long were you in my apartment, exactly?"

"Long enough to hear the majority of your conversation with your human friend Ryan," the beast replied, scratching the tile floor idly with one of his claws. "He must be quite the friend, ordering someone like me to 'liven' up your evening."

Will's eyes narrowed on the smug creature in front of him. "So you heard the entire conversation, and yet you still waited until I was alone, cornered in my dark bedroom, to grab me, throw me on the bed and smother me with your damp, disgusting fur?"

The werewolf feigned a look of mock innocence before twisting his muzzle into a smile. "Yes."

"You bastard."

"Insults now, hm? Well, at least its an improvement over that shaky stuttering you were dealing with earlier. I'm a big boy, I can take it."

Will tried to fold his arms, a habitual stance for him when he was about to talk angrily to someone. He only crossed them briefly however, before flinching as the bed sheet dropped a few inches, exposing himself for a few seconds before he caught it and hugged it against him once more. Momentarily shaken, the husky shuddered as the werewolf's eyes widened in delight, his dark pupils widening with lust as his gaze dipped down.

Collecting himself, the canine continued, speaking with a little less sureness than he'd intended. "So, did you get into my apartment anyway?"

Just as the wolf was about to answer, a knock sounded at the apartment door. Both of the creatures paused, glancing over to the entrance in unison as a familiar voice came through it once again: "Hello? Are you there buddy? I heard you yelling something about food, so I thought I'd come back and bring you some. I have some nice bacon left over from..."

Before Will could react, the werewolf walked over to the door, his massive form bending low as his footpaws thumped against the wooden floor. before he gripped the knob and yanked it open.

Standing outside, as expected, was Manny. The otter's appearance was much the same, only this time, he was carrying a plate with a few strips of bacon on it in one paw, and a fork held delicately in the other. His pleased look quickly evaporated as he slowly gazed upwards, lifting his head to stare at the fearsome predator towering above him.

Grinning, the beast nodded at the smaller creature. "He's busy at the moment, but thank you for your kind offer," he said, snaking a paw down to grab a strip of bacon. "I'll be finished with him tomorrow morning, you can come and visit him then my little friend."

Manny stood completely still as the monster finished speaking, watching with a blank stare as the beast threw the piece of bacon into his mouth, chewing a few times before swallowing and licking his lips. Then, without a word, the otter turned and rushed back down the hallway, entering his neighbouring apartment with quick, panicked steps before slamming the door behind him.

Sighing, the werewolf backed into Will's home, shutting the door lightly before turning to stare at the husky once again. "He didn't give me a hug. How disappointing."

Not knowing how to respond to that, Will stayed where he was, watching as the beast walked back across the floor to his original position.

"He's quite the odd one isn't he? That little otter... he seemed to like you quite a bit though, I can see why," the wolf continued, his eyes wandering down to the dog's waist once again as the blanket slipped.

Swallowing and finding his voice, Will said, "Ya, he is a little weird, but at least he knocks first." He pulled the sheet back up, strengthening his grip. "And you never answered my question, how did you get in here?"

Sighing as his customer covered himself once again, the werewolf blinked and looked back into the dog's eyes. "The window in your bedroom of course. It was hardly a difficult leap for someone like me, and you wouldn't imagine how easy it is to get into certain places with tools like these," he said, holding up his pointed claws and twiddling them in the air for emphasis.

"Hmph, well, I'll be sure to lock it better from now on then."

"Aw, don't be like that" the wolf said, his smirk returning. "That might make a little harder for me to get in when I come back next time."

"There won't be a next time," Will replied, taking a step forward. "I want you to leave. Now."

"But our evening's just begun Will, are you sure you want to end it so...prematurely?"

"Yes, I do actually. I want you get out. This wasn't how I wanted this evening to go, I just wanted a..."

"Peaceful, quiet evening alone after your move," the werewolf interjected, shrugging shoulders when the husky gave him an annoyed look. "I was here remember, I know exactly what you want, but I was hoping to convince you otherwise."

Feeling most of his fear melt away, Will shook his head and gave his intruder a look of infuriated disbelief. "Huh, fat chance of that." There was a moments pause as the wolf gave him a blank look. "What, do you really expect me to have sex with you after what you pulled? I've never been so frightened in my life, do you really think I'm even remotely in the mood?! This was all one big misunderstanding and you and your website's disorganized, nonsensical, bullshit policies are to blame. I'm going to be giving your site a call first thing tomorrow to complain about them, you, and this...this... break-in!" The husky was panting now, breathing heavily in mild exhaustion as his tantrum came to an end.

The werewolf took it all in complete silence, staying crouched and never moving from his spot on the floor. When Will finished, he stood up, calmly and carefully, before speaking again. "Now that you're finished, do you mind if I provide a counter proposal?" He asked, his voice a low, suggestive rumble.

"Yes, I do mind," the husky retorted, narrowing his eyes.

The wolf continued anyway. "I have to agree with most of what you said Will. I understand your concerns, and you're most assuredly in the right to complain about the way this evening was handled."

"Thank you," the canine replied, sighing in exasperation.

"However, you're wrong about one thing." The beast smirked. "You are definitely still in the mood."

This time, it was Will's turn to give a small laugh. "I think I can judge that for myself, thank you very much. Now leave, please."

Ignoring him, the werewolf took a small step forward. "You must remember Will, I don't know how many times I have to keep reminding you. I was here the whole time." The wolf licked his lips. "I saw you looking at my pictures."

The husky swallowed nervously, taking a tiny step back. ", that was before, when I thought I was alone."

"Yes, but it was me that made you touch yourself nonetheless, don't bother denying it little pup." The wolf took another step. "And that's not the only time. When I was on top of you, humping your sexy little body into the bed, I felt your sheath swell against mine, a sure enough sign as any." He gave the husky an evil smile, baring his teeth. "Even in your terrified state I could feel your cock pushing at the front of your pants, eager to leave it's furry little sleeve and rub itself against my own."

Though he'd ignored it out of fear and anger up to this point, Will felt his gaze drop down to the beast's groin, his eyes fixating on the black fur of his sheath and testicles hanging just beneath. He stared at it, transfixed for a few seconds before he managed to say, "!" He replied, shaking himself and almost dropped the bed sheet again. "I cant do this, not with you."

"O, but you can," the wolf hummed, dragging the claws of his right hand suggestively down his chest, raking them through his fur until they lightly tickled his balls. "You're friend has given you a wonderful gift Will, and if you'd let me, I would like to help make you realize that."

"But...I don't...I can''re too big!"

The werewolf shook his head. "There's no need for such excuses Will, you and I both know you're just being hesitant. I've been doing this job for much longer than you may think, and I know a client who wants me when I see them. All it takes is the proper... persuasion." The werewolf took another step forwards so that he was only two strides away from the frozen husky. "Over quite some time and experience in this job, I've gained quite the talent for offering the proper incentive for reluctant clients. It is after all, my job to gage what sexual acts you would prefer."

Will didn't respond. Although the husky still seemed slightly hesitant, the wolf's words were having an effect.

Smiling, the beast took another step forwards, knowing that he was about to win. "Most of my clients prefer it rough: to be fucked relentlessly by a powerful, primal beast full of raw, sexual dominance." He took one more step, standing right in front of the transfixed husky, his furry sheath hovering just a foot below the canine's face. Crouching down to his customer's eye-level, the wolf continued: "but you don't want that do you? Not yet anyway. You prefer sex of a more delicate nature, with a partner that provides a soft, careful touch rather than a forceful one." He put out a clawed hand, stroking the side of husky's cheek. "I can be gentle, Will. I can be anything you want me to be. Your friend only wants the best for you, and I'm more than willing to provide it. This can still be your evening to unwind my little pup, even if it may be a little different than you imagined."

Will shivered at the beast's touch. He almost pulled away, but instead he stood completely still, closing his eyes as he felt long, pointed claws gently caress the side of his face. Although the presence of the massive creature had once been horrifying beyond measure, the husky now found himself humming, comforted by the soft, compassionate words that reached his ears.

Giving a warm grin as he saw the canine close his eyes, the werewolf continued with his motions, stroking the side of Will's cheek. "I was also thinking that perhaps as a beginning point to our night together, that I would like you take me." The werewolf held his grin as the husky's eyes snapped open. "As a sort of means of making up for pouncing on you earlier."

Holding the wolf's stare, Will started to breathe a little quicker, his heart beating heavily in his chest. There was no hint of playfulness in his eyes, the beast was being completely serious. "Are...are you sure?" He asked.

Chuckling briefly, the werewolf lightly tapped the canine's muzzle with his claws. "Try not to look so surprised Will. I may prefer to be a dominant, scary monster most of the time but every now and then, I do enjoy giving the client a little time to mount me instead." He bared his fangs in lust. "Especially if it's one I like."

The husky gulped, holding his breath as the beast loomed closer to him, his fearsome muzzle just inches from his own. He was having trouble finding the right words to say. The logical part of him was telling the intruder to get out, but the physical part of him was starting to send a different message. Sniffing lightly, Will took in the monster's overpowering scent, the smell of damp fur and heavy, bestial musk filling his nose. Though it was tremendously unpleasant before, for some reason, now, in his relaxed state, the husky found the scent inviting, intoxicating almost. He found his gaze dropping lower, fixing on the werewolf's crotch once again before looking back up. "I...I think, I would like that," he said.

The werewolf blinked once, his grin broadening. "Good," he said abruptly, before moving his head forwards and meeting the smaller creature's lip in a kiss. Wrapping his massive forearms around Will's middle, the wolf pulled the husky close, pressing his chest against the smaller form as he began to undulate his warm tongue against the dog's mouth.

There was only a brief hesitation on Will's part before the husky felt himself melt inside the stronger beast's grip. Lifting his paws from the bed sheet, Will cupped each side of his guest's furred face, returning his kiss with equal passion. The sheet around his waist slipped down to the floor, exposing the canine's naked lower half once again.

Breaking the kiss, the werewolf bared his fangs, his yellow eyes glistening with delight at his client's eagerness. "See? That's much better isn't it?" He began to drop his head down. "You're a pent up little pup, I can tell. All this hard work you've done getting out here has left you no time for yourself..." he purred, licking his chops. "And now that you've had more than enough time to get a good look at me, I think it's about time you returned the favour."

Inhaling deeply, the werewolf's nostrils flared as he took in the husky's scent, before opening his maw and exhaling a cloud of warm, rank breath over the white furred sheath in from of him. Will shuddered, moving his hips forwards involuntarily at the tingling pleasure that washed through him in response.

The husky breathing heavily again, only this time, not in anger as he stared down at his partner's amused face. "Wh-what are you going to do?" He asked, eyeing the monster's fangs with mild concern.

The wolf smiled. "You cock aches for me Will. It's already beginning to swell in that furry pouch of yours, begging to come out and play." Dropping down onto his knees and settling himself into a more comfortable position, the beast put his of his paws lightly on Will's thighs, spreading them apart while simultaneously forcing the husky to brace himself against the couch behind him. "Let's see if we can't...coax him out..."

Bringing his muzzle forwards, the werewolf opened his mouth and dragged his hot, moist tongue along the canine's crotch, starting from the bottom of his white, fluffy testicles and sliding all the way up to the top of his sheath. Will shivered again, spreading his legs wider and placing each of his paws on the edge of the couch to each side of him for balance. His guest was right: he was definitely pent up. As the rough tongue slid upwards, caressing his testicles and pulling his skin sensuously upwards, the husky found he could do little more than moan in delight at the pleasant sensation. Gripping the bottom of his shirt, Will ripped it off his chest and threw it across the room. Now completely naked, he settled his rump on the edge of the couch, sighing and shifting his weight in happiness as the warm, wet flesh continued to lap as his sensitive sleeve.

Growling with lust at his client's response, the giant creature continued, burying his snout in-between his client's legs while pressing his warm muscle into the delicate sac and folds of skin in front of him. Licking fast, and with force, the werewolf used all of his knowledge to please the smaller canine, his tongue exploring and massaging every sensitive inch. Thick saliva quickly coated the entirety of the husky's junk, matting the fur flat against the soft flesh and bending to the motions of the red surface that danced overtop.

His face radiating with bliss, Will closed his eyes and put of his hands on top of the werewolf's head. The beast at his crotch rumbled, pausing to kiss his furry sleeve before continuing with his powerful undulations. His cock was already beginning to push itself out of his sheath, the red tip of his member poking out at the top and steadily growing with each passing second. For a brief moment, the werewolf's yellow eyes met his, shining with evil delight at the canine's arousal. That look was the only warning the husky got before the wolf slid his muzzled upwards, his black lips brushing across the surface of his sheath before wrapping around the tip of his cock, suckling gently at the emerging flesh.

Gasping at the sudden touch of the wolf's lips, Will gritted his teeth, his face twisting into a look of pure bliss. He could feel the thick tongue licking at the tip of his urethra, tickling it lightly as the beast slowly sunk his head further down, taking more and more of his length into his mouth and pushing the folds of skin down as his penis grew steadily larger. Though the giant canine was careful, the husky still occasionally felt the pointed fangs delicately press against his cock, brushing against his eager flesh and adding to the number of new sensations he felt in the mouth of his fantasy lover. If anything, the brief touch of teeth heightened Will's arousal, as the combination of danger and slight prodding sent chills down his spine and tiny spikes of pleasure washing through his groin to the base of his tail. Arching his back, the dog whined, involuntarily pushing his hips forwards into the wolf's cavernous maw as it closed around his manhood, easily enveloping his growing length at it pushed itself into the loving pocket of warm, rippling flesh and moisture.

After taking the husky's cock into his mouth, the werewolf closed his eyes, focusing on the task at hand. He slid his tongue all over the tasty flesh, revelling in its taste as it slowly grew in his mouth. A brief chuckle escaped his lips, gusting a cloud of warm air over his client's crotch as the husky pushed his hips forwards, clearly enjoying the treatment he was receiving. Convincing the customer of their desires was sometimes necessary to get the juices flowing, and the wolf was very good at his job. Hearing Will whine in pleasure, the werewolf slowly backed his head away, sliding his black lips over the throbbing cock within. Then, sliding his hand upwards, he placed two, clawed digits at the bottom of his partner's shaft before delicately pinched the folds of skin covering the swelling knot underneath. After bobbing his head up and down a few more times, the wolf pulled the skin downwards with a careful, practiced movement, exposing the round, veiny bulb of flesh at the base of the dog's cock.

A high pitched whine escaped Will's clenching jaws as his knot was freed that slowly lowered to a pleased growl of his own. Dropping his gaze down, the husky breathed heavily in delight, watching the fearsome, bestial head continue to bob up and down on his ample, canine cock. He was completely erect now, the full extent of his manhood throbbing within the hot confines of his lover's mouth. He uncontrollably shuddered as the tongue slid across his knot, lightly twisting around and squeezing before curling back up inside.

Moving his head bad and letting Will's shaft fall out of his mouth with a wet slurp, the wolf tilted his head upwards with a sly, suggestive grin to answer the pleased, wide-eyed face above him. "Well, you're certainly a tad bigger than I imagined my little pup." He moved his head forwards one more time to lick the husky's tip, gathering a small trail of pre-cum that had began to drip. "And tasty as well," he finished, giving a light swallow and running his red tongue along his lips. "Now that your just about ready to pop, why don't we...start our little evening together, hm?"

"O-ok," the husky managed to utter, flinching as his partner gave a rough snot of amusement that blasted hot air over his erect shaft. Shaking with excitement, it was almost too much for Will to watch the werewolf stand up and walk away, the creature's black tail swishing suggestively as he moved into the center of the room. This was the first time the horny dog had been granted a glimpse of the beast's rear, and as he expected, it was quite the arousing sight. Powerful muscles along the creature's broad back were outlined underneath the thick fur, which shone and reflected the light of the room, making them stand out even more. They stretched downwards in smooth curves down the beast's body, bending as his teasing, sultry walk continued. His round, voluptuous rump swayed across the husky's vision, his tail flicking from side to side in a continuous, tantalizing tease.

Slowly dropping onto his knees, the werewolf turned his head, fixing Will with a warm smile and dragging his claws across his shoulder. "Come on little pup, time to play," he rumbled before falling down onto all fours. Lifting his tail and putting a hand on his cheek, he said, "There's no need to be gentle with me, rut me as hard as you like..."

Will didn't move for a moment, sitting still against the couch as the beast's ass hovered in front of him. Down on all fours, the werewolf was at the perfect height for the dog to mount. He gazed back at the husky with his gleaming, yellow eyes, their deep pools beckoning with his invitation.

His eyes however, weren't what Will was staring at. It wasn't the first time another canine had bottomed for him but...the wolf was a different sort of partner. Even in his submissive state, he was terrifying creature, the gleeful look in his eyes holding complete control over the situation. The husky stood transfixed, watching as the beast slowly swayed his hindquarters back and forth, his hefty, furred balls swinging in unison just below a pink, puckered tailhole.

The husky pushed himself off the couch. "D-d-don't you want to move to the bed...I mean, it might be softer," he said, timidly taking a step towards the wolf's upraised hindquarters.

"No little pup," the wolf responded, baring his teeth, "I want you here and now." The hand on his ass trailed down his thigh and onto the floor, his black claws raking the wooden surface as he straightened his head and widened his legs.

Will paused, still unsure of himself. "Don't you want me to find some lube? I mean, you're very big and all, but still..."

The wolf rolled his eyes. "I don't want you to worry about my comfort Will, my saliva will work as a lube just fine. It's what I prefer anyway..." he said, his voice dropping to a whisper before turning back into a snarl. "Just quit talking, get over here, and fuck me before I pounce on you again."

Feeling his heart quicken, Will closed the remaining space with a few weak steps, placing his paws on the larger canine's rump, to each side of his black, furry tail. Immediately, the husky could feel the heat tickling the fur of his groin, causing him to shudder in anticipation. His giant lover emitted a low growl from his chest as the dog gripped his erect cock, lining it up with the twitching tailhole in front of him.

"Go on..." the werewolf purred, sensing Will's slight hesitation. "You want this...just relax and ease your hips forward..." The beast moved himself backwards, humming as he felt the ring of his anus spread around the tip of the dog's penis.

Tensing as the beast pushed back on his cock, Will involuntarily thrust his hips forwards, hilting himself inside faster than he intended. With a shaking yelp of delight, the husky felt the smooth insides part and relax around his aching rod, clenching tightly in a hot press of rippling moisture and flesh. The bestial drool coating his manhood wetly eased his stiff shaft forwards a few more centimetres, making a soft squelching noise to accompany the werewolf's low growl of content. Will's eyes practically hazed over as he felt insurmountable bliss wash through his groin and spread to the rest of his body. The heat was greater than anything he'd ever experienced, and the low rumbling of his giant lover sent pleasant vibrations darting into his sensitive cock.

Steadying himself, Will leaned forward and put each of his hands on his partner's sides, the underside of the wolf's black tail curling as it was pushed back by his descending chest. Then, with a quick motion of his hips, the husky began humping against the large creature. Slow at first, the dog worked himself into a rhythm, pumping himself against the massive, furry body while beginning to emit low growls of his own as he felt the warm muscles of the monster's anus squeeze and clench at his invading member.

The werewolf's mouth opened with a pleasant grunt of happiness, his tongue lolling from the corner of his mouth and dripping large gobs of drool onto the floor. He let out a rough exhale of breath every time the canine pushed forwards, spreading him apart and sending trickles of pleasure dancing from the base of his tail and up his spine.

Slurping his tongue into his mouth, the beast sighed, looking back at his partner with a pleased grin. "That's it Will," he rumbled, wiggling his hindquarters and emitting a strangled yelp from the dog fucking him, "this is the evening you wanted. Don't hold back little pup, I know you can do better." He bared his teeth. "Rut me Will...rut me as hard as you.... Grrrrah!"

Digging his claws into the beast's flanks, Will bent down slightly lower and began thrusting forwards as hard as he could, growling with primal passion to accompany the violent snarl of his immensely powerful partner. The words had driven him past any point of holding back, and the husky now found himself in state of instinctual urging that only desired his release. He no longer cared about the well-being of the creature below. The body underneath him was so powerful...easily holding itself in place as Will fucked it with every he could muster, panting heavily and drooling onto the black fur on the monster's back. His claws dug into the wooden floor as he lay himself flat against the wolf's back, pumping his hips in short, rapid bursts. His white, furry balls slapped against the larger sac in front of it with every forward push, the soft flesh tapping and pressing together as the two canines mated with an animalistic frenzy.

For Will, the next few moments were blur. Panting at an alarming rate, his movements were growing strained, erratic even as his orgasm got closer and closer. A mixture of growls and moans escaped his twisted muzzle as he humped away, losing himself in the feeling of werewolf's anus convulsing and twitching around his cock as he slammed it as deep as it could go. He'd never acted this way before in his life. It was abnormal for someone who preferred delicate, planned, romantic encounters to be reduced to such an instinctual state. The only thing that mattered on the husky's mind finding release, to fuck the needful bitch underneath him until blew his load deep inside the warm flesh that squeezed him.

Then, with a low, strangled bark, Will leaned forwards and ground his hips into the werewolf's hindquarters, pushing his knot inside and tieing with the larger creature. With a soft, high-pitched whine, the husky came, his dick throbbing as it blasted thick ropes of cum deep inside the beast's raised ass. Closing his eyes and slumping down on his partner's back, the dog continued to whine and weakly pump his body against the gigantic, furry frame beneath, gasping and flagging his tail with every electric pulse of his ejaculation.

Growling long and low, the werewolf closed his eyes and grinned as he felt his client's seed pour into him, filling his insides with a pleasant, tingling warmth. Semen began to coat every inch of his colon, squirting and trickling from the dog's dick buried deep within. He could feel the pleasant throbbing massaging his sensitive walls, the hot breath of the panting canine above him, and the slight pressure on his rear as his lover continued to lightly hump against him. He'd been concerned when the canine demonstrated reluctance at first; however, once Will began snarling and taking him as his own, his fears soon evaporated. The bestial nature that overcame the husky in the middle of the act was unexpected, yet, it was certainly welcome. He grinned, his smile brimming with wicked joy. Savage, animalistic sex was always better.

Cracking open his eyes, the werewolf looked down between his thighs, happily observing the twitching, white and grey legs that shook with ecstasy behind him. What evicted the most pleasure however, was his own swelling sheath and half erect cock, pushing outside the furred folds of skin and already dripping with arousal.

Grunting as Will humped him one more time before slumping onto his back, the werewolf lifted his head and turned, fixing the shaking husky with a satisfied grin. "Well aren't we a little more energetic than we thought? What do you say my little pup? Was that not a more fulfilling and rewarding experience than a quiet night at home?"

Panting heavily, Will opened his eyes, looking up while resting his chin on the beast's back with a tired, contented smile. ", yes it was I suppose," he replied, burying his nose into the thick fur under his chin and inhaling deeply, savouring the scent of wet fur and bestial sex that wafted around the inside of the apartment. He closed his eyes and sighed, letting his senses take it all in before opening them back up as a stunning revelation crossed his mind: he actually liked this monster's smell now. He shivered with delight as he sniffed again, basking in the smoky musk that dominated his new home. When did he start enjoying it?

Will grunted as he lifted himself into a standing position, his body remaining pressed against the werewolf's backside as his knot kept him tied in place. He smelled the air again, shivering as the musk entered his nostrils. "I...I don't know what came over me..." the husky said, confused.

"O, I have a fairly good idea," the werewolf smugly answered, rolling his hips and evicting a sharp huff of pleasure from the dog tied to him. "As I said before, I have very good inclination for recognizing what my clients really want." He turned his head, fixing the husky with a triumphant look. "It seems I read you like an open book."

"No...ungh...disagreements over here," Will replied, grunting as he tugged his knot free. A few, trailing gobs of semen washed from the tip of his spent cock and out from the werewolf's tailhole as he pulled free, dripping down to lightly land on the back of the beast's testicles.

Letting out a low, dragging growl, the werewolf picked himself back off the floor, raising himself up to his full height. Turning and facing the husky once more, he bared his fangs, staring at the husky with his glowing yellow eyes, a suggestive smile etched across his fearsome face.

Will almost backed up a step as an another smell hit his nose. It was a scent that had been small before, hiding vacantly behind an overpowering mixture of other odours; but now, it reached his nostrils in a strong, concentrated blast of heady musk. A heavy cloud of warmth floated across to his face, the scent of it screaming in muzzle as he squinted at the impressive sight. Standing at full height, the werewolf's half-erect cock hovered just below his muzzle, peaking outside the ample folds of his furred pouch. Stunned for the moment, he watched as the werewolf brought up one his massive hands to drag a furred digit slowly across his testicles before stopping and rubbing the tapered tip of his shaft.

"Like what you see Will?" The werewolf smugly asked.

The husky breathed deep, struggling to find the words to say. "We're...not done?" He managed to squeak.

His companion shook his head. "Not even close my little pup. You have me for the night remember?" He replied, taking his hand off his penis to place his fingers underneath the dog's chin. "Or did you briefly forget because you were staring so intently at my cock?"

Shuddering at the larger creature's touch, Will tried his best to give an answer, but the words caught in his throat as he found his eyes dropping to the massive maleness once again. Even at half-mast, the beast's shaft was ominously bigger than any cock the canine had ever seen, and the poor dog was having difficulty focusing on anything else, even as his companion's yellow eyes bore down on him and narrowed in sinister glee.

"Seems you're still quite eager to keep going," the werewolf said, letting go of the husky's chin and clamping a paw down on his shoulder. "Why don't move this into the bedroom? You can take you little security blanket if it makes you feel safer."

" I think I'm good."

"Excellent, lets go."

Without waiting for Will to respond, the werewolf pulled his client along, his long legs thumping against the floor as his massive body moved into the adjacent room once again. His little lover offered no complaints as he stumbled along with him, which made the wolf swish his tail back and forth in delight. There was no need for games or convincing with this one any longer.

Entering the room, the wolf gave Will a light push towards the bed. With much more grace than before, the husky turned and fell calmly onto his bed, shuffling himself into the middle of the mattress. With a growl, the werewolf followed his client onto the mattress, the end of the frame bending and creaking underneath the beast's immense weight once again. He smiled as the canine spread his legs, displaying himself with a eagerness that was quite absent before.

"Now, isn't this a much better sight?" The wolf mused, licking his lips. "No clothes, no fighting, and no bed sheets to get between you and me..."

Will kept his wide eyes on the horny beast kneeling on the edge of his bed, swallowing nervously. The monster's tail was flicking back and forth, his glowing, yellow eyes fixing him with a lustful glare.

Without waiting another moment, the werewolf crawled towards his client, draped himself over the tiny form and let his massive weight descend. He exhaled a deep, rumbling shudder as he felt his sheath press into the dog's own, the warm, spent flesh mingling with his own rising pleasure. Almost immediately he could feel the other being's smaller member jump against his own, twitching and beginning to swell again at his touch. He sighed, growling as he placed his tree-like arms to each side of the husky's face and lowered the rest of his weight, grunting softly as he began to pump his hips into the delicate form underneath.

Will could do nothing more than moan as the massive beast humped him, rocking his haunches into him with an almost loving care. It was different this time, every sensation heightened by his state of arousal rather than dulled by overwhelming fear. Gasping, he held the werewolf's flanks tightly, wincing and moving his body in unison with the animal claiming him. He felt the monster's penis throbbing and swelling against his own, twitching with a strength to match the powerful body above. Continuing his accompanying motions and doing his best to assist his companion's satisfaction, Will bared his teeth, knowing exactly where this was all leading.

After a few more, drawn out thrusts, the werewolf stopped. Letting the weight of his haunches press the husky into the mattress, he lifted his front end up, narrowing his eyes on his client's panting face. "Well, my little pup," he growled, sliding himself down to the end of the bed, "I think it's your turn..."

Holding his breath, Will gripped the mattress with his claws in anticipation as his giant lover's head moved down in-between his spread legs. There was a moment where nothing happened, where the only thing he could feel was the hot breath washing over his groin, until finally he felt a warm, sensual lick drag itself up the underside of his tail and up to his anus. Will moaned as the werewolf grabbed his thighs with each of his massive paws, holding them apart as he went to work. The rough length of the beast's tongue pressed against his tailhole, slickening his sensitive opening with layer after layer of hot, slimy werewolf saliva. His lover rumbled along with his passionate groaning, flicking his tail back and forth as he pressed his large muzzle in harder. The rough surface of his tongue tickled and massaged him for several minutes, pausing occasionally to curl around and stick it's tip briefly inside. As the tongue entered him, Will would yelp with delight, kicking his legs out in the werewolf's strong grip as a jolt of pleasure washed through his convulsing body. Moving his hips and straining on the verge of another release, the horny dog didn't care about having a carefree, eventless evening anymore. The only thing he desired now was for the wolf to enter him: to fuck and breed him like a primal, wild beast in heat.

Lapping at the puckered opening until it was completely moistened with his thick, warm drool, the werewolf pressed his tongue hard one more time, chuckling as the husky's tailhole spasmed in response. Raising himself into a kneeling position on the bed and sliding his hands upwards to grip his client's ankles, the beast pulled the dog towards him, purring heavily as his partner's legs wrapped eagerly around his large, muscled middle.

"Well, aren't you getting eager..." the beast growled, placing a paw under his partner's lower back and holding him in place as he lined his throbbing cock up with the horny canine's entrance. "You're quickly turning into my favourite client my little pup; Such enthusiasm after so much denial is something I find quite...invigorating to say the least." He smiled, easing his hips forward and pressing his tapered tip against the husky's tailhole. "However," he said, pausing to let Will squirm and whine for him to continue, "why don't we find out exactly how enthusiastic you are, hm?"

Will held his breath, looking up into those deep, glowing yellow eyes as they narrowed and leaned forward, glaring at him as the monster's fearsome muzzle twisted into a lustful grin. "W-what do mean?" He stammered through is frantic panting.

The werewolf leaned in closer, letting his hot breath wash over the husky's frozen face. "I want you to beg, little pup. I want to hear you whine for my every inch of my hard, pulsing dick as I push it deep inside you." There was a brief pause as he moved back, shifting his hips and readying himself for the plunge. "Go on Will, let me hear it...I'll make you wait if you..."

"Please!" Will quickly stammered, his voice leaving him in a ragged breath. "Quit teasing me like this! I need this right now, so please, I'm begging you, stick that fucking thing inside me and pound me as hard you can!" He gripped the mattress with his claws, trying to push his waist forward only to be held back by the strong grip of the monster's paw around his middle. "Hurry up and fuck me you giant asshole!" He finished, desperately.

The werewolf turned his head with a mixture of thought and amusement. "Hm, I'll be honest, that was a little more harsh than what I expected." He waited that way a few more moments, pausing to tease his client some more. Then, just when it looked like his partner was going to complain further, he slowly began to slide his hips forwards, forcing the canine's intended words to morph into a strangled yelp. "But whatever," he grunted, growling through his pleasure as the dog's tight hole enveloped the head of his cock, "that's good enough for me..." Straightening his tail and growling, the wolf continued to steadily push his hips forward, spreading the husky apart with inch after inch of his moistened shaft.

Will gasped as he felt the beast's large penis force itself inside. A mixture of overwhelming pleasure and slight pain spread throughout his body, causing him to close his eyes and grind his teeth together while he raked his claws against the bed in delight. The strong grip of the wolf kept him in place as the hot flesh spread him further and further, sliding deeper inside with the slow, careful decent of the monster's hips. Squirming for a few more seconds, his long series of passionate yelps and growls soon turned into a collective, shuddering sigh from both creatures as he felt the werewolf's swelling knot press up against his tailhole, the warm length completely buried within. Tensing the muscles in his legs while shifting and pushing his rump into the werewolf's groin, the husky felt himself involuntarily clench on the invading member, evicting a strangled gargle of bliss from his open mouth as he struggled to control his rapidly rising pleasure.

Grunting as his client pushed back against him, the werewolf rumbled with content, closing his eyes to concentrate on the tight, convulsing warmth that gripped his aching cock. Much to his delight, the husky never stood still for a single moment. The horny dog shifted and moved against him, toying with his erection and massaging it with every practiced sway of his hips and squeeze of muscles. It was almost too much for the experienced wolf to handle. Even stationary, he was fairly certain the eager pup could bring him to orgasm from such movements alone.

Shuddering as the husky rolled his hindquarters one more time, the werewolf backed himself up, sliding his penis out halfway before driving it in once again. Then, letting Will hold himself in place with his legs wrapped around his waist, the werewolf placed his paws to each side of the canine's head as he moved himself back a second time, thrusting forwards with more power and ferocity. Working himself into a rhythm, he began to savagely mate with his smaller lover, pounding himself deep into the dog's tailhole with all the strength he could muster. His giant, furry body pumped up and down slamming the husky down into the bedding and rocking the frame back and forth with his powerful movements. Baring down and letting the full extent of his weight descend, the beast began to lose himself in a frenzy of passion and lust. His large, weighty testicles smacked noisily under his partner's tail as he kept going, his twisted muzzle growling and breathing heavily as he worked to fulfill his relentless, bestial urges.

Arching his back and stretching his head back, Will rode out the wolf's onslaught with a mixture of blissful whines, accompanied by the rare, pained yelp as the engorged member plunged into him. The bulbous ridges of the beast's cock rubbed and kneaded every inch of his anal walls, stretching him apart with an audible, wet squelching noises each time the wolf drove his muscled hindquarters forward. As the mating continued, a combination of senses slowly began to drift into the dog's keen nose, filling it with the smell of bestial sex. The salty tang of semen, the hot, rank breath and drool of his panting lover, and the heavy musk of sweat and wet fur dominated his nostrils, adding to the culmination of raw, animalistic qualities that were easing Will towards another powerful orgasm. Pulling himself closer, he shivered as his lover momentarily paused, grinding his large, pulsing knot against his anus. The husky could feel his own release coming... a slow tingle of pleasure building as semen gathered at the base of his shaft. He whined as he felt the beast's cock throb within him, warming his insides as a small amount of pre-cum leaked with his passage. It wouldn't be much longer now.

"'re...ungh...fucking mine now pup," the werewolf grunted, feeling his lover shiver and squeeze his legs tighter around his waist. Bending his head down, the beast snarled savagely, increasing the rate and speed of his thrusting. Feeling his orgasm approaching, he began to lick his client's chest, drooling and slobbering over the white fur as it matted under his wet undulations. Moving his muzzle upwards, he dragged his rough tongue underneath the husky's neck, running it up to the canine's chin and lips before lifting if off and letting it loll out of the side of his mouth. His face began to scrunch with bliss as his canine bitch moaned underneath him with greater intensity, the pleasant sound reaching him through his own series of grunts and passionate rumbles.

Then, after a few more quick, frantic humps, the moment finally came. Taking one of his paws off the bed, the wolf planted his claws on Will's shoulder, his rough snarls pitching into a long, drawn out whine of ecstasy. His strong grip held the husky in place as he ground his waist forwards, squirming his hips and working his knot inside the dog's clenching tailhole.

Will squirmed underneath his dominant partner, tensing and shuddering as the massive beast drove his swelling ball of flesh home. Tears of overwhelming pleasure and pain streamed down the husky's face as he cried out, yelping as the monster's hips dropped down, the fleshy knot tieing him with a wet, audible squelch. The insurmountable pleasure the husky felt at that moment, combined with the sudden jolt of electric pleasure that shot up his spine as his partner's massive cock jumped within him sent the horny dog over the brink. Barking and raking at the bed sheets with his claws, Will arched his back, twitching and moving erratically beneath the wolf's monstrous form as he ejaculated, shooting rope after rope of his canine semen over both of their chests.

Shaking as a wave of pleasure washed over him, the werewolf slammed his hips forwards and arched his back, pushing Will all the way to the front of the bed until he hit the top of his head against the backboard. The muscles along his dark flanks stood out like tight, steel bars as his entire body flexed with his immediate release. Gripping the top of the wooden frame, the beast howled, his entire body rocking with orgasmic bliss as his first blast of seed shot deep into the husky's hindquarters. He could feel the little pup clenching around his shaft, squeezing his rectal muscles as the dog lost himself in another powerful ejaculation of his own.

The wolf's massive dick throbbed with release, pumping load after load of hot, viscous cum out of its flaring tip, coating Will's anal walls with the thick, white liquid. Continuing to move against the husky, the beast thrust his hips forwards and flagged his tail up and down with every powerful squirt of his seed, the rhythmic tensing of his body accompanying every twitch of his cock as it unloaded the contents of his giant testicles. Eventually, after some time had passed, he let go of the bed frame and hunched over the smaller canine, dropping his long, passionate howl into a pleased whine and crying out into the night as his entire form shuddered once again.

Riding out the length of his pleasure, the wolf bucked happily at the smaller form, a ridiculous, content smile etched across his usually fearsome face. After a few more moments, the energy began to gradually died down. Faces returned to normal, the constant stream of cum slowed to a trickle, and the tense, straining forms of both canines smoothed back to a state of pleased relaxation. Feeling the event come to a close, the werewolf slumped down onto the bed, smothering Will in a hot, weighty mess of spunk, musk and sweat. He stayed like that for about a minute, basking in the afterglow of his release before he heard a few muffled complaints and a touch of warm breath tickled his middle. Lifting himself up, the beast gazed downwards, his yellow eyes twinkling at the panting, satisfied husky underneath him.

"I think I've made up my mind," the werewolf rumbled, quickly bending down to give the dog a quick lick on his nose. "You're without a doubt my favourite client now."

Will stared back up at his lover with a mixture of delight and overwhelming exhaustion. "And...what does that get me...exactly?" The husky gasped in-between breaths, evicting a smile from his companion.

"O, nothing much, just my admiration and approval you greedy little pup," the beast responded before hunching over the panting dog once again. Leaning in close to Will's ear, he smiled, baring his gleaming fangs before whispering, "And possibly the odd session for free."

Grabbing Will by the shoulders, the werewolf brought canine in close to his chest and rolled over, moving his giant body and shifting the mattress as he reoriented himself onto his back. With his cock still tied to his client, he relaxed himself in the middle of the bed, letting the husky sit comfortably in his lap as they both waited for his erection to slacken. The wolf smiled happily running his claws tenderly through the white fur on the dog's chest, watching as his partner closed his eyes and sighed contentedly at his touch.

Will brought up one of his paws, grabbing the beast's massive hand as it stroked him. "Thank you," he said.

The wolf sniggered. "There's no need to thank me for the sex, Will. If it weren't for you're friend, I never would've come here."

"No, not for that..." There was a brief pause as Will struggled to find the right words. "Thank you for giving me what I really needed this night. You unwind and stuff."

"Ah, yes...well, it wasn't a hard solution to prescribe Will, I was just doing my job," the werewolf joking, moving his other paw to stroke the husky on the back of his neck. "But I do believe its not too late to get some of the rest you deserve as well my little pup."

The husky yawned, moving his hips as he felt the monster's cock twitch within him, the pool of cum spent within him sloshing about. "'re still tied to me..."

"Yes, and I will be for quite some time," the beast responded, leaning forward to give Will a light lick on his face. "I'll wake you in a little bit when I can pull out, but for now, why don't you catch a bit of rest..." Closing his paw around the back of his client's head, he pulled the dog lightly forwards until the smaller canine caved in and slumped against his massive chest.

"But, I don't want to yet," Will murmured, yawning as he laid his head against the wet, semen-covered chest in front of him. "I'm not tired..."

"Sleep," the wolf cooed, petting the dog's head with his claws. "I promise to wake you in a little while for some more fun. As I said, I'm very good and knowing what a client needs my little pup, and right now, you need to rest." He wrapped his massive arms around the tired dog, growling lightly to ease his client to slumber. "You have me for the entire night Will, so don't worry, it's not over yet..."

Closing his eyes, Will listened to the deep, pleasant rumble of his companion's chest as it moved up and down, rocking in his head a pleasant, fuzzy caress of fur and warmth. He no longer cared about the moisture coating and dirtying his well-kept coat, nor the possible dangers of the beast that held him.

As it turned out, Will never got the quiet evening alone that he wanted; in fact, the dog had never been bothered so much in his life. From the second he got in the door, the night had been once event after the other, each one causing an even greater disturbance than the last. It had been a wild, unexpected, disorganized few hours for which the usually neat, methodical husky had been completely unprepared. As all this went through his head, Will sighed, a smile coming across his face.


Laying his paws to each side of his head, the husky yawned again, letting his entire body relax and grow heavy as he slowly drifted off to sleep.


The End.