Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Team Dawn Seekers! Ch.5

Story by NoXXI on SoFurry

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#5 of Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Team Dawn Seekers!

So... Let me tell you the story of just what happened as I tried to write this... Not once, not twice... But three times!

I started out okay; I had a clear thought, planned to introduce some characters... Wrote about 1100 words... And then my computer just... Kinda dropped. Everything's lost, so I try to make something again... 1300 or so words in, my word processor just tells me it has a memory problem and nothing but the first page is saved...

The third time was more of my fault due to battery issues, but well...

At least its up now. This counts as my upload for the first week of 2014! (Or, well.. I don't know how timezones work... I'm actually about 1 and a half hours late -_-)

Anyways, I know its short, but please enjoy D:

"Oh, damn it!" the Flareon girl grunted as she made the last stack of parchments fly around her team's room, covering what few sections of the floor were clear of the numerous pieces of writing in their sepia tone. Sounding annoyed, she turned to look at a Raichu, Sneasel and Quilava that were sitting across the room on their bunks, drinking berry juice as they enjoyed a nice, calm conversation on the topic of their soon-to-come first missions.

"Care to give me a paw?" she huffed, "It's your assignment too, you know?"

"Simmer down, Rachel..." the Raichu nonchalantly replied, taking a sip of his berry juice as he leant against the wall, "getting stressed over something that's not there isn't gonna bring it back."

"You're such a lazy leader, Donner!" She huffed back, "What if we fail?"

"We won't," the Electric-type answered, his tone sounding permanently drowsy, as if he was too tired to seriously consider his teammate's words, "Let it go, Rachel. It'll all work just fine." He went back to talking to his other teammates, ignoring the Flareon's further distress.

"Hey, Donner," the Quilava commented, "Heard your sister made it in. How's she doing?"

"Don't know," Donner replied, showing the same reaction he gave to the Flareon before, "I haven't gotten a chance to see her yet."

"If she's as good as the boss, she's got nothing to worry about!" the Sneasel added, finishing his drink "She'll go through everything from History to Outdoors without a care in the world!"

"You're makin' a big deal out of me, Jack," Donner looked at his teammate, "I'm just an average guy, doing what I can..."

"Alright, I give up," Rachel sighed as she hopped onto her bunk, lying next to her friends with a resigned expression in her face, "I just hope you're right... What about our first missions? Have you found any that look like they'll do us good?"

"Rachel," Donner didn't even look at her, his expression lost in a gaze towards the ceiling of the room, "Relax, will you?"

"You're the worst..." She muttered as she took to drinking some berry juice of her own.

"I think this is where the real tough 'uns get remembered for the rest of time," May observed as they walked into a large hall with numerous pictures and awards all over it, the Mareep along with the rest of the team staring in awe at the large amount of prizes in the place, many of them dedicating their shine to the same owner.

"Clash over the prize! Eliminators from Magna city conflict over local Bounty Hunters over the reward for a defeated outlaw!" Abby read the title of a piece of parchment that was placed on a nearby table, probably read by someone else not long ago; a picture of an Exploud and Hitmonchan staring defiantly at a Mightyena, Staraptor and Floatzel covering the paper's front.

"There's all sorts of cool stuff here!" The Skitty bounced, heading to another table to read what was on it as Vivian strolled around some of the shelves, looking at the plethora of trophies and medals, their sheen casting upon her and making her feel a strange inspiration.

The overall air of the place was solemn; something about the presence of so many teams and their history managed to impose a sense of respect upon the visitors that set foot into the jade-green tiles of its floor.

"Welcome to the archives!" The Espeon suddenly stepped out from behind a bookshelf, greeting the newcomers, "It's great that you chose to explore the Guild... Most students just go back to their rooms upon being dismissed!"

"Hi, Uncle Barnes!" The Eevee greeted in a cheerful tone as the older Pokémon walked up to the group," We were just looking around..."

"Well, that's excellent," the Psychic-type nodded, "There is a lot of history in this place...Gaze upon it; consider it an example of what you might someday grow beyond of if you put in enough effort. Hundreds venture out every day, but it is only those who put their heart into their duty that are truly remembered, even long after their passing..." those last words came from the Espeon as he looked up at a number of medals, lost in thought for a moment before continuing, "But I digress... Feel free to look around," he spoke as he softly caressed Vivian's head with his paw, turning to look at Sawyer, "Lots of students like to come here to carry out their studies in peace... The archives are open for you whenever you wish to learn something."

"Barnes," Aiden popped through the doorway, addressing the Psychic, "Oliver 's been lookin' fer ya. He's at yer study right now."

"I'll be on my way," Barnes nodded, turning back to Vivian, "Take care!"

"Thanks , Uncle Barnes," Vivian replied, watching the older two disappear through the doorway.

With that, everyone went back to looking around the room. Sawyer walked up to a low-height shelf that held several badges on it, each with a different name and glow to them; a reminder of many teams and Pokémon that must have carried out something very important. Serious about it as he was, he was still young, and the idea of heroic adventures still held a close spot in his heart... Would his team make it through training? Would they be successful? Remembered? He shook the thought off, however. He wanted to take up this life to help others, not for the sake of fame... But... What if he didn't succeed at some point? No one is free from mistakes, after all. He was never one to bear with the thought of others getting hurt because of him. Even back home, whenever he would...

"These guys must have been really good... Right?" the murmur brought him back to reality as he turned to see Vivian sitting next to him, looking at the same badges, "Platinum rank Rescue team... Diamond rank Bounty Hunt team..." her tone was very shy, as usual. Sawyer noticed her look down a bit before facing him again and continuing, "I... I really hope we can all be as strong as these guys someday. Even if I'm not really strong, I'll try to give it my best..."

"You'll be fine," Sawyer nodded encouragingly in reply, placing his paw on the shelf, "We haven't even started up our training yet... I'm sure you'll do great. Even better than most!" he finished his attempt at motivating the Eevee, an awkward sensation coming to him upon realizing just how fast he'd been to talk, not sure if he looked exaggerate when with how he talked and placing his paw on the shelf. He looked at her, a smile still on his face, awaiting her reaction.

Vivian just sat there, staring at him, a slight blush on her face as she seemed to be struggling to contain a giggle.

"I looked really silly, didn't I?" He asked, still looking at her.

"Y... You did," she spoke, letting out a soft, huff-like giggle.

"Well, you get what I tried to say," he looked down modestly with an awkward smile, looking back at her, "Cheer up!"

"Whatcha looking at over here?" Abby peeked between the two, the Skitty's tail making a whipping motion as she settled between the Shinx and Eevee, looking at the badges, "Hey, I hadn't seen these!" she cheered, looking over the shelf's contents.

"Those are some fine-lookin' things!" May chimed in, sitting next to Sawyer, "They musta' been really somethin'," the Mareep nodded calmly, "They all started up the same as we did, though... Dream big!" she turned to see her friends, "Let's work hard and make it to this place!"

"Yeah," Sawyer nodded, an idea lighting up in his mind as he placed his paw back in the shelf, "Let's all make a promise... No matter how hard things might get or how impossible our training and missions may seem... We'll try out best, and we'll make it to this same shelf someday!"

"I'm all for that!" Abby spoke with as much energy as usual, placing her small paw on the Shinx's, "Let's do this!"

"Sounds like a great thing," was all May said as she set her paw on her friends' as well.

All three stopped, looking at the Eevee, as she shakily placed her paw with the rest of her teammates, showing a nervous smile as she did so.

"I... I promise I'll give it my all," she muttered, facing her teammates with as much confidence as she could put up to them.

"Alright!" Abby cheered excitedly, "Let's reach for the stars! Go, Team-" she cut herself, short, keeping up her excited expression but not sure what to say to follow along, finally just smiling nervously. "We... Don't have a Team name, do we?" she chuckled.

"Hadn't thought of that," May replied, bringing her paw to her chin as the salute they had made disbanded, "I guess it's still a bit early for that. We should still try n' decide on one soon, though. Gotta have somethin' to say when they ask us."

"Yeah, we should," Sawyer agreed, looking at everyone, then at the door, "You guys feel like going back to our room now?"

"Yeah, let's go."

"Excuse me!" the turned as they left the Archives to see another Pokémon approaching them. He was relatively small even standing on his hind legs, his entire body covered in gray fur with the exception of his paws and feet, all of them a distinct white. The same applied to the tips of his ears, folded over his head. His round, purplish eyes looked at them, as seemingly emotionless as the rest of his expression.

"Could you direct me to the mess hall?" he inquired. His words had a way to convey a strange force in them, sounding as if he was trying his hardest to speak, "I had no chance at breakfast and I'm starting to feel hungry."

"Sure!" Abby bounced forth towards the Espurr, who just leant back slightly. It was almost as if he had been startled, except his expression, once more, showed no sign of it, "You just have to keep going down that hallway," she gestured with her paw in the direction opposite of the one the Psychic-type came from, "And once you've passed two intersections, you just have to take a turn to the right!"

"I see," the other feline nodded as he kept on his way, taking a few steps before turning back to look at everyone, "Thank you! My name is Reyson. I joined yesterday, same as you. I hope we can get along!" With that said, he called out in the direction he came from, "Zen! It's this way!"

"Coming!" A Natu fluttered by, landing next to Reyson, "Let's go... I'm hungry."

"See you later, Reyson! Nice too meetcha! Same to you, Zen!" Abby happily waved her paw at the Psychic pair as they left, disappearing down the hallway, "I like that guy; he seems fun!"

"He seems..." Sawyer started, still looking slightly off.

"...Well, he's..." May continued.

"Interesting," Vivian finished, everyone but Abby not quite understanding the was the Espurr talked.

"Yeah, that's what I was goin' for," May added, "Interesting..."

The four young Pokémon were heading for their room to spend some time of the day. They'd go out and do something else later, for sure, seeing how it only seemed to be a bit past noon.

"Hey, you guys!" The Marill Sawyer recognized from the Pikachu's Team earlier approached them, "We're thinking of going out and having a stroll through the grounds later... I'm asking in case you feel like coming with us. I'm inviting everyone to come along!"

"What do you think?" Sawyer asked the girls to see what they had to say. He didn't really mind a different way to spend time. He was eager for classes to actually start, so anything to make that wait more entertaining was fine by him.

The girls all looked at each other and gave a nod, Abby adding up with a "Great!" to confirm.

"We'd like to come along," Sawyer nodded.

"Alrighty, then!" the Aqua Mouse replied, raising her paw, "We'll leave in two hours once I've asked everyone and we're ready! See you guys then!" she finished, taking a few skips down the hallway while Sawyer, May, Vivian and Abby resumed their walk to their room.