A Trick of the Light

Story by FuzzWolf on SoFurry

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A Trick of the Light

by FuzzWolf

This story originally appeared in issue 3 of FurNation Magazine. As it's been well over a year since that was published, I thought I'd share it here. As it was published in a magazine first, I've gotten very little feedback on this story so I would appreciate any comments on it. Thanks. :-)

The lights pulsed rhythmically. Bodies moved in time with the music. The room was dark, hot and full of furry bodies moving together.

A good-sized gray wolf stood off to the side, just watching the room for a while.

He was at one of the largest costume parties in town. In fact, furs from all over the country came to this one, and it was infamous. He had only heard about it at the last minute though. He'd gotten the basics from a friend who knew somebody who hung out with someone else that had gone to the party once years ago. The wolf's friend had been rather vague in his description of the events, possibly because they were both a bit out of it when the discussion came up.

Suffice it to say, the wolf had spent his fair share of time just watching to see how things were done here. Supposedly you could find whatever you were looking for for a good time at this particular gathering. This was known as a party for yiffy furs and was held annually. But it was only a good time if you knew how to play it right. Or so he'd heard. He'd wall-flowered all night so far, but he hoped to get lucky tonight. He scanned the crowd in hopes of seeing someone that interested him. He hated having to rely on his vision alone, but with the amount of smoke in the air, not to mention the abundance of strong perfumes and colognes, he couldn't pick much up by smell tonight. He shrugged and squinted slightly into the darkness, hoping that his lupine night vision would be enough to find what he was looking for.

He stretched a bit, rubbed an itchy spot on his back against the wall and continued to watch the crowd. He was a fur with quite a large frame, muscular and tall. He was quite imposing looking, even if a little shy sometimes. He had taken advantage of his natural attributes and chosen an appropriate costume. He was dressed as a high school jock, complete with a tight pair of jeans that emphasized his lower physique and a red and white letter jacket. The jacket showed it's age a little since it was once his dad's, but seemed to fit okay. He looked a far cry from his usual self. He was a typically shy, mid-twenties call-center tech, and much more used to khakis and polo shirts than his current outfit.

A particularly hard-thumping song had started up and the whole crowd moved wildly. Slowly, however, the center of the group parted as if by magic. The wolf leaned forward to see that the crowd had parted to show off a fur dancing up a sensual storm. The fur, a beautiful red vixen, was dressed as a Catholic schoolgirl. How perfect is that, the wolf asked himself. The wolf's eyes started at the floor, on the small black shoes that moved gracefully across the dance floor and followed the supple curves of her lower legs, covered with long, white socks. He blinked and nearly missed a flash of red-furred vulpine thigh as the fox's pleated skirt swished around in a twirl.

The wolf felt an uncomfortable thickening in his sheath as he continued to mentally undress the dancing fox. Above her swishing skirt and wonderfully curved legs, she wore a white shirt, covered by a sweater that matched the colours of her skirt. He noticed she was rather small chested, but that didn't matter. He was more of an ass-man anyway, and from what he could see, this fox had a positively delicious rear under that bushy, red tail. And those eyes were really captivating, full of sultry wanting. They flashed a sparkling blue from across the room, and connected with his for a moment.

That was when the now very aroused wolf decided to make his move. He worked his way around the dance floor, close to the wall on the side where the fox danced. As the song finished and she left the dance floor amidst some applause, he was right there to offer her a drink.

At the bar, the young fox gratefully took a tall glass of water.

"Thank you, dancing like that really gets me quite hot."

The wolf's sheath throbbed within his jeans as she spoke. He began to try and stutter out his name, too horny or too nervous to think straight.

The fox gently put a soft black-furred fingertip to his muzzle.

"Sssh, no names," the vixen whispered with a lusty tone.

As she leaned in close; he could smell her sweet perfume. "Just take me somewhere private."

He nearly came on himself as her soft cheekfur tickled his sensitive lupine ear. She took his paw in hers and led him away. He didn't stop to think until they got to the door of the men's room and the fox led him inside.

"Are you sure about this?"

"Look at the door love, it has a lock."

With a sly grin, the eager fox pulled him inside by the paw and quickly bolted the door.

"Just relax, and let me show you a good time," the vixen commanded.

Within seconds, the pair was kissing passionately. The jock wolf could feel his companion's paws pulling open his pants. Once he had stepped out of his jeans, he began to slip his jacket off, but the schoolgirl placed a paw on his shoulder and whispered,

"Leave it on, it's sexy."

He could only stand and throb as the talented vixen worked him over, teasing his maleness through his straining boxers and squeezing his tightly muscled rump.

"Oh gods," he whimpered as she gave him a little squeeze and began to slide down his boxers.

"Oooh, you're a big boy," the fox squealed with delight once the wolf's thick shaft was fully exposed in front of her muzzle. She buried her small black nose in the fur of his crotch, deeply breathing in his scent while nuzzling at the side of his shaft.

The wolf gasped and moaned, letting the beautiful fox back him up against a tiled wall. She began to nurse his cock now, flicking her tongue against his dripping tip before sucking his hard shaft into her muzzle. The wolf was overcome, he'd never heard of a girl doing something like this before. Surely, this was something that only happened in stroke mags.

Suddenly, the sensation ceased. He opened his eyes to look down at his new friend for the night.

"Am I doing good Mr. Wolf?" She asked with an impish grin, eyes glowing.

He couldn't hold himself back anymore; he had to have her now. The counter was at just the right height so he lifted her up and sat her down on it. The wolf took the fox in a deep, passionate kiss. As he kissed her, making her whimper with desire, one of his paws slipped slowly, teasingly, up her red-furred thighs and between her legs. He ran a paw lightly over her wettening panties, before slowly slipping inside to feel her...

...thick male shaft!

With a yelp, the wolf backed away quickly, leaving his very clearly male companion's huge erection peeking out under his skirt.

"What's wrong lover?" the fox asked, genuinely confused.

"Y-you're a- a male!"

The fox giggled and reached down to stroke the thick shaft that was still sticking up out of his white panties.

"Yep, it certainly feels that way. What else would I be?"

The wolf was really dumbfounded now, and waved his paws back and forth.

"I dunno, maybe a girl!" He nearly screamed.

The fox chuckled to himself. "I would have thought you knew, there aren't any girls here."


"This is an all-male party. Didn't you know that?"

The wolf blinked repeatedly, then began to understand. The fox had started to laugh now, and the wolf felt his face grow red under his fur. His tail slowly curled around one leg, beginning to work its way up between his legs. He started to back away, not quite sure what to do. How could he have gotten so turned on by another male? He couldn't be gay, could he? He had just about reached the door and was stretching his paw out for the handle.

"Hey, what're you-" The fox cocked his head curiously. "You're not going, are you?" He asked, a measure of disappointment in his voice.

"Y-you tricked me fox."

"But, I didn't. It's not my fault! How come you came to an all gay party anyway?"

"But-" the wolf covered his muzzle and whimpered. "I'm not gay."

The poor wolf looked a bit scared now, and the fox felt sorry for him in a way.

"Aww, it's okay sweetie. Of course you're not." The little fox had scooted off the counter now and made his way over to the wolf. "You just got a little confused is all."

"Um...yeah, that's right," the big wolf stammered as the fox took him by the paw and led him back towards the counter. "My friend told me to come here..."

The wolf allowed himself to be led by the paw. He'd thought his friend had just been drunk when he'd told him about this party because he hadn't stopped giggling while giving the wolf directions. Now, he knew the real reason why.

The fox looked back over his shoulder and tried to suppress the urge to lick his lips at the sight of wolf's throbbing erection, which hadn't gotten any less rampant.

"Your costume is very...ah, convincing."

"Why, thank you wolfie," the fox said flirtatiously as he sat back up on the counter so he was closer to eye level with the tall canid.

"Maybe, it was a trick of the light..."

"Very possible," the fox agreed, stifling a giggle.

Now that the wolf was standing close to the aroused fox, a thick, and

distinctly male, musk filled his nose.

"I-I couldn't smell that you weren't female with the smoke and perfume

and... and..."

The wolf looked back up at the fox, who was now caressing his muzzle softly.

"Listen to me wolfie, it's okay. It doesn't mean anything okay?"

"Okay..." the wolf tentatively agreed, not quite sure what was happening now, his mind still clouded with his own arousal.

"But, it did" the fox leaned down and gently took hold of the wolf's still-hard cock "feel good, didn't it?"

"Ooooof," the wolf whimpered as the soft paw began to stroke his swollen shaft.

"We're all alone here wolfie, no one has to know if I make you feel good a little longer."

The fox rubbed his fingers over the tender crown of the wolf's cockhead, making his member drip precum and getting a stifled whimper from the wolf.

The fox got up for a moment, turned around, and bent himself over the countertop again. He lifted his short skirt up, wiggling his tail as he did. He knew he had the wolf right where he wanted him, and he knew just what this needful but "straight" male wanted to hear.

"Now get over here and fuck me like the naughty vixen you thought I was." He commanded with a sly grin.

The wolf stepped forward dumbly, breathing heavy and obviously being led by the dripping member protruding from his body. As he moved closer, the fox flicked his tail up again so that it was raised invitingly. The equally needy fox gave his would-be lover a great view of his upturned rear. The tight, silky panties outlined the perfect curves of his butt. He teased the wolf by slowly lowering them just to where the bottom curve of his rump met his upper thighs being very careful not to show off his more masculine aspects. The fox surreptitiously adjusted his erection so that it wasn't trapped against the counter-top under his body. He didn't want it squashed under him, and he could somehow tell this wolf was going to give him a really good ride.

The wolf gently caressed the smooth, red fur of the "vixen's" rump. The fur was so soft, and felt wonderful under his paw. The aroused canid let a lusty growl slip out, barely audible under his breath.

The fox shivered a little at the sound, "Yes wolfie, go on, you know you want to...fuck me now, I need it so bad."

Overcome with lust and desperate to see all of the fox's beautiful body, he pulled the fox's panties all the way down, revealing the rest of his perfectly round rear and slim thighs.

The fox's butt transfixed him. He pushed the bushy red tail up. The vulpine's bottom was all red furred except for a small amount of white fur between the cheeks that ran up onto the bottom of his tail, and also below to his white-furred balls and inner thighs. He tried to ignore the impressive length of foxcock hanging below his "vixen". He moved in close to the fox, their bodies pressed together, his throbbing wolfhood resting against the soft fur. His cock leaked pre on the fox's fur, which was very soft and felt so good against his exposed cockhead.

He didn't think twice, he'd already come too far now and the fox was right, who would know? They didn't even know each other's names. He pressed his cockhead hard against the fox's tight anus. The fox gripped the countertop as he felt himself being forced open. Luckily, the wolf was so turned on that he had produced enough precum to ease the entrance somewhat. As the fox's slickened hole gave way, the wolf pushed forward urgently, swiftly burying his wolfhood between the fox's soft, furry cheeks. As the thick length opened him up roughly and suddenly, the fox cried out.

Momentarily terrified that someone might hear, the wolf reached out and clamped his right paw around the fox's muzzle. He continued to whimper around the wolf's paw, but could not cry out now. The big wolf held him tight like that, one paw on the counter for leverage and the other firmly around his muzzle. He held still for a moment, afraid he had hurt the small fox.

After a moment, he removed his paw. He looked around nervously with the vulpine still impaled on his thick shaft.

"Um, are you okay?"

Inwardly, the fox groaned. This wolf obviously had never yiffed a male before; he had a lot to learn about taking things slow. Luckily, he liked things rough occasionally and the wolf was a very nice size so he was willing to take a little initial discomfort. Given the moment's respite, he was more than ready for a good ride.

"I'm fine wolfie, now give it to me!"

The wolf grinned, his worries about yiffing a male being melted away by the pure pleasure of the fox's tight rear clamping down on his hard member. He couldn't recall a female being this tight. As the fox had asked for a good ride, he began humping hard into the vulpine's tight rear. The thickness of his cock and the fox's tightness forced him to take it slow at first, but after a few minutes of huffing and puffing, the wolf's long, slow pumps had loosened up the fox enough for him to speed up a bit.

"Ohhh, yes that feels good," the fox moaned as the wolf's thick shaft opened him up wide. The fox's own member drooled precum down onto the counter. He whimpered in frustration as he was unable to paw at himself, and he knew it would break the wolf's straight fantasy if he asked him to paw him off.

Then again, this teasing felt really, really good too.

The wolf grunted as he pumped faster. He lifted up the fox's tail and watched in satisfaction as his solid meaty shaft pounded in and out of the fox's perfect rear. He loved watching his wolfhood disappear between those beautiful cheeks. He tried not to think about the fox he found so attractive being male fearing it would break his concentration.

The little tug on his tail added even more stimulation to the anal penetration and the fox gasped with the dual pleasure.

"Oh yes wolfie, pull my tail like that."

The wolf didn't hold back, he gripped the fox's bushy tail in the middle and pulled up firmly.

"Ah!" The fox gasped.

"Oh, you like that, eh." The wolf grinned and gave the fox's tail a couple more sharp tugs as he continued to pound his fat cock deep inside the willing "vixen" bent over before him.

"Oh my-ahhhh yes. Harder! Fuck me harder!!" The fox cried out.

The wolf no longer cared about keeping the fox quiet. The gasps of pleasure and the urging to take him hard made him want the fox even more. He continued to sharply yank on the fox's tail in time with his deep thrustings into his tight rear. He leaned over the fox, putting everything he had into humping the vulpine madly. Very soon he felt his knot begin to press against the needy tailhole beneath him.

The fox was in heaven now. The wolf was taking him hard and fast, and that was exactly what he wanted. This party was for mindless yiffing and tonight he was a vixen in heat. He felt the wolf's huge cockhead pounding repeatedly against his pleasure spot deep inside. He just needed a little more and he knew he would cum without even touching his raging hard foxcock.

The wolf knew his knot was fully engorged and could tie with the fox now. He just wasn't sure if he should or even could with another male. His knot pressed insistently at the fox's entrance with each inward thrust.

"Um, should I-"

Before he could get the question out, his partner snarled with desperation in his voice.

"If you don't, I'll kill you. For yiff's sake, tie with me!"

Whether it was out of arousal or fear for his life, it didn't matter; the wolf slammed his knot home at that moment. The sound that came from the fox wasn't quite a scream, but it wasn't far off. More like an extreme pleasure-filled yelp as his small body was overcome with the mixed pain and pleasure of his tailhole stretching hugely to allow the wolf's fist-sized knot to enter. Not to mention the wolf had yanked hard back on his tail to help ram his knot in. The fox's painfully hard cock bumped against the front of the counter he was obscenely bent over.

The wolf almost lay down on top of the willing fox as he jackhammered his trapped cock against the fox's insides. He could only take a few short moments of the tight tailhole squeezing down hard behind his sensitive knot before he howled and filled the fox with his cum. The wolf's cock slamming and spurting inside him soon triggered the fox's climax also. His eyes watered and he was nearly speechless with pleasure as his untouched foxhood pumped its load against the counter and onto the bathroom floor. The wolf filled him up with lupine cum just as his own balls were emptying in a very powerful orgasm.

Both groaned in exhaustion and felt weak. The wolf slumped against the fox, trapping him with his body as well as his cock.

"I haven't cum that hard in a long time," the wolf said with a great deal of surprise in his voice.

"Me neither...told you, you'd like it." The fox panted underneath him.

The big wolf gulped and had to admit to himself that the fox was right. It was the best sex he'd had in a really long time.

After a few minutes of panting for breath and enjoying the afterglow, the wolf's knot had finally shrunk enough for him to pull out of the well-satisfied fox.

He looked a bit guilty as he cleaned himself off and began to get dressed. He sighed as he caught the fox looking curiously at him.

"Now, what do I do?"

"Well, if you ever think you're ready to try some more, just give me a call."

The fox picked up his panties and retrieved a pen that had fallen from the pocket of the wolf's discarded jeans. He scribbled something onto the crotch of the panties and tossed them to the wolf, who caught them deftly. The wolf just watched, wondering if he should say something, as the fox then cleaned off his shrinking cock before it shrunk back into his sheath. The fox smiled sweetly at the wolf as he unlocked the bathroom door.

"Thanks for a really nice time, wolfie." He said as he opened the door. "You're a natural," he added as he left, "sexy."

"But?" He looked up just in time to see the fox's bushy tail disappearing as the door closed behind him.

The wolf scratched his head and wondered what to do next as he looked down at the silky, white panties.

"Trevor 555-9433"