Buchanan Boys 1-01

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#1 of Buchanan Boys

Chapter 1 - Section 01 of Buchanan Boys.


"Aah, it tickles, Ben!" "Yeah, but in a good way though, right?" Huddled in Ben's bedroom, the teenage rabbit coached his little brother on jerking off. "Feels... Feels like I gotta pee!" The young bunny gasped. His small paw pumped steadily over his stiff little cock. "That means you're doing it right, don't stop!" "Unnnnnh!" The nine year old spread his legs and pushed his hips out, his loins aching with imminent release. "You're almost there Jace!" Ben cheered. "Aaaaaah! Ah!" The little boy squealed. He began to toss his head and shudder, his long lapine ears flopped about as he writhed blissfully through his first dry orgasm. "Ohhhhhhhh-mmmmmnnnhhhh!" He groaned. Biting his bottom lip, the bunny released his hypersensitive shaft, panting breathlessly and slumping back against his brother's bed. "Oooooh Ben... That felt weird... Weird and, fun... And... Nice!" He giggled. "Toldja." The teenager gloated smugly.

Jason panted for breath, tingling all over with alien sensations, his head rolled from one side to the other. Eventually the youngster's gaze fixed upon the very obvious and rather lewd bulge in his brother's shorts. "Hee... Haha... Your wang is all hard like mine was." He sniggered, pointing directly at Ben's tented crotch. "Yeah, caussa you - you make noises like a girl when you cum!" The older boy teased. "Nuh uh! You don't even know what girls sound like!" Jason shot back. "I do so, dickbrain!" The teen protested. Ben seized upon the minor provocation as a pretext for rather lewdly thrusting his cloth-covered erection towards his brother's face, poking his cheek a few times with the damp peak. "Unnnghhh! Ew! Don't poke me with your dick! That's totally gross!" The little bunny protested. "Pfft, whatever, bet you wanna touch it." Ben teased. The fifteen year old boldly pulled the elasticated waistband of his olive-coloured shorts out and yanked them down in front, exposing his hard, bobbing six inches to his little brother, the thick uncut length slick with precum.

"Mmmh yeah, you like my cock, don't you?" He teased his brother. The teen bounced his hips, making that obscene teenage pole flap around. "Eerrrrgh! No way!" The little bunny protested. The boy's eyes remained fixed on his older brother's cock, though. He'd never seen it up close like this before. "C'mon Jace... Touch it, you gotta practice jerking off." Ben cooed with a smirk, only half-teasing. The studly teen rabbit leaned back on the wall his bed was against, spreading his legs for his younger brother. "Go on." He coaxed the fourth grader, grinning enticingly. "Practice... On you?" Jason asked, sounding both curious and disgusted simultaneously. "Yeah," the teen nodded. "You can't practice on yourself again until way later or it'll hurt." Jason looked sceptical. "How will I know I'm doing it right?" He asked, looking up into his brother's eyes beseechingly. "You'll know." His brother said with a smirk.

Hesitantly, Jason reached out towards the stiff, glistening rod of flesh between his brother's legs. "Yours is all slimy!" The little boy groaned, withdrawing his wet hand. "Yeah, cause I'm not a little baby whose balls haven't dropped yet... Yours will get like that soon." Jason pouted, looking hurt, but his curiosity got the better of him, reaching out to take hold of that pulsing teen arousal once again. "Ohhh..." Ben moaned. Jason blushed, smiling proudly behind the twin veils of his dangling ears. The boy felt an odd sense of satisfaction at being able to make his brother produce such noises. He gave the fleshy rod a gentle squeeze. "Uhhhnn!" Jason licked his soft young lips, his little paw slowly starting to slide up and down Ben's dick, gently pulling his foreskin with it. "Unghh goddd Jace, yer a natural!" His brother panted, lapine hips already starting to stir. "Really?" Jason asked, excited. Enthused, the little boy started stroking faster. "Ah! Fuck! Yeah! Yeah you are!" His brother moaned. The teen grit his teeth. Despite his assertions to the contrary, this was the first time he'd felt another's touch between his legs, and it felt good. "Don't... Stop!" He begged.

Jason was in a trance, staring at his brother's large cock as his paw slid up and down it easily. This wasn't like stroking himself off, it was better! He loved feeling the warm, thick, firm tool in his paw, the veins and ridges rubbing through his slick paw as he stroked. "Mmmn, this is fun!" He chirred. "Fuck... Oh! You can do it... Any time, little bro!" His brother panted. "You're so damn good!" Ben gasped and writhed as his little brother brought him closer and closer to climax, his jaw clenched, his balls tight. "I'm gunna... Cum!" He grunted. Jason's ears perked. "You mean get that good feeling?" He asked. "Yeah... An... No... It's different... Different to yooooourrrs!" The teen groaned. Shoving his hips out into his brother's grasp, Ben's cock pulsed in the little boy's paw. The first sticky streamer of gooey white blasted right over Jason's face, who had been leant over getting a good view of his work. The bunny boy squealed and withdrew his paw, leaping back out of the firing line. Ben's cock slapped against his abs with a meaty thwack before disgorging another blast of cum, and another, and another.

By the time the teen's balls had emptied, Jason's face was streaked with white and Ben's torso was thoroughly wet with a sticky, abstract expressionist splatter of his own seed. Ben panted for breath and slumped back, groaning. "Ohhhhh goddd Jace... That was... You're the BEST." He gasped. Jason just gave his brother a faintly horrified glare. "You PEED on me!" He wailed. Jason burst out laughing. "S'not FUNNY! You PEED on me! That's SO gross!" Jason grabbed Ben's pillow and started swinging it at him. Ben held up his paws, but was far too busy giggling to defend himself from the repeated blows to the head and shoulders his brother dished out with the flailing pillow. "You PEED on me! You PEED on me!" The little bunny yelled accusingly. "It's not pee! I didn't pee!" His older brother giggled beneath him. Jason dropped the pillow, halting his assault momentarily in light of his brother's claim. "Not pee?" He murmured, pouting, then punching his brother in the shoulder. "It came out of your dick! That's where pee comes from!" "Yeah, and cum! Pee and cum! It's cum!" His brother tried to explain. "What's cum!? Yer makin' it up!" Jason yelled.

Before Ben could explain any further, the pair heard the front door unlock. Ben quickly yanked his shorts back up and threw a tshirt on over his sticky chest. Jason scrabbled to find his shorts in the tangle of Ben's sheets, wriggling them on and straightening out his shirt as the front door closed and the voice of their mother rang up the stairs. "Children! Are you still alive?" She called. "Yeah mum!" Ben shouted back. "Most excellent." Came her reply. The sounds of grocery bags and keys echoed up the stairs from below. "Shit!" Ben hissed quietly, spotting the state of Jason's cum-streaked face. Jason giggled at his brother's foul-mouthed indiscretion, then wailed and struggled as Ben frantically began wiping his face clean with a sheet. "Blehhh! Gerroff!" He grumbled, squirming.

Their mother's footsteps could be heard on the stairs, her boots clunking loudly on each wooden step. Jason flopped back against Ben's bed with a grin, happy to see his mum coming up the stairs, Ben's door was wide open. "Hi mum!" The youngster called. "Hello child." She cooed back The 40-something rabbit hauled her slightly bulky frame up the last step and then clunked down the hall to her bedroom. She deposited a few belongings and kicked off her boots before padding back to Ben's room in her socks, leaning in the doorframe. "How've you been, boys?" She asked. Her pleasant smile was partially obscured by the shock of wavy black and platinum blonde hair she'd been dyeing into her headfur for as long as either of the boys could remember. "Um, gooood!" Jason cooed with a furtive grin. "Yeah, same old." Murmured Ben, hoping to escape consideration through indifference.

Jen glared suspiciously at her youngest. "What aren't you telling me child?" She inquired jovially. "Nooothing!" Jason giggled. Ben tried to ignore them both, burying his face in his DS, which wasn't switched on. He was suddenly very aware of the way his shirt stuck to his chest, and the subtle damp spots now bleeding through the material. "I'm watching you." Jen muttered playfully to Jason, causing him to giggle and grin. Her attention finally turned to her eldest. "And how are you, dear?" She asked. "Fine." Ben mumbled. The hardened mother of two hardly expected more interaction than that from her moody teenage son. "Alright then." She chirped. Jen went to turn and leave, wrinkling her nose as the musky scent of semen tickled at her senses, turning back to Ben. "It's time to clean your sheets, Ben, it smells like boy in here." She muttered, departing with a slight waddle.

No more than two steps down the stairs, Jason's curious young voice called after her. "Muuum, what's cum?" He asked loudly. The woman sighed with exasperation. That was not a conversation she was willing to have with her nine year old at five thirty on a Wednesday. "Ask your brother." She called back, turning her head to flash Ben a knowing glance. "He knows."