
Story by kaleemmcintyre on SoFurry

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Through the warm July night a car raced down the road at top speed while its driver furiously snapped his gaze from both his watch and the road. He had to move quickly considering that his time was limited. His pulse raced along with the car engine as he let his thoughts turn grim at the loss of his remaining minutes. The large gray Shepherd/wolf canine pressed the gas pedal just a little more to the floor as he steered his car onwards onto his destination. Looking at his watch for a fifth time in the past six minutes the twin breed dog growled once he noted the waning night giving way to dawn. If he didn't hurry then he'd be out of luck again tonight and that would make a third time this week.

His little four-door car charged down the street with a low purr as the engine pulled the metal machine through the night, the surrounding buildings waving past almost in envy. Turning the wheel and hitting a corner with practiced ease the Shepherd cringed when he heard the rubber squeak against the concrete before flickering his ears and staring through the rearview mirror for any sign of the cops. This late at night one of them was bound to wake up and come after him but he might have to play get away with them on this night and deal with the consequences later.

The moon dipped farther into the horizon towards the borderline between the heavens and the earth and the mixed dog felt his pulse speed up even more so to the point where he could here the drumming of his blood in his ears. The point on the speedometer was already in the red and was struggling not to fall into the triple digits but the canine didn't notice.

Another tight turn and then an easy press of the left pedal brought the car to an immediate halt. The Shepherd/wolf jerked in his seat when his body lurched forward before being ricochet back by his seatbelt and then thrust back into his seat. Rubbing his head the mixed dog groaned before turning his head seeing that the building where he wanted to be was still open. The gray furred dog hit the press for the catch to the belt holding him down, threw open his car door, grabbed his keys, and got out of the vehicle all in one swift motion that had long since been practiced. Slamming the handle forward and listening to the muffled thump of metal on metal the Shepherd moved to the entrance to the building and with a quick flick of his wrist he hit the auto-lock on his keypad.

What could have been mistaken for a marble statue stood in front of the doorway like a sentinel; covered in rich white furred, streaked with black stripes and muscles upon muscles while clad in a tight fishnet shirt and thick black pants was the guard for the building. The Shepherd/wolf stood before the other male almost impatiently and when he looked up at the imposing figure the larger male just nodded and tipped his head to the side to let him pass. The Shepherd grumbled his appreciation offhandedly in return then walked passed the male but not before slipping the muscular guard something into one placid paw. Going inside the mixed breed looked around and caught the telltale signs of the inside of the building being cleaned for the night. Sterilizers, bleach, and other assorted chemicals were spraying, foaming, and running rampant over the walls and such making the shepherd/wolf nearly gave from their powerful scent. Workers were mulling around with mops and brooms, the signs of fatigue covering their muzzles along with sleep while weariness took purchase in their muscles. The Shepherd/wolf ignored everyone around him, as he knew his way towards his destination.

Passing a zombie like cat who was trying to keep from letting loose a yowling yawn the mixed canine ran up the stairs to the second story where he was met by a long, narrow, hallway void of life or activity. Stale scents wafted pass the mixed breed dog's nose causing him wrinkle his muzzle in distaste but he didn't care about any of that right now. Padding down the long row of doors to the one that he was searching for the dog felt a shiver of something traverse over him like wave. His ears perked when the sounds of someone inside moving around caught his range of hearing.

Not bothering to introduce his presence with a traditional knock he grabbed the doorknob and twisted all the while moving forward. The person inside snapped around as they were in the middle of a state of undress and smiled at the incomer.

"Thought you weren't gonna make it." A young white wolf said in a deep sultry tone as he watched the mixed breed come into his room and then pushed the door close with his tail.

The two looked at each other before the Shepherd stalked closer to the wolf. A snarl peeled over the gray dog's muzzle and a predatory gleam shone in his eyes. The naked figure of the slim, six foot wolf before him made him hungry and he was glad that he had caught the other before the lupine went home for the night. Reaching for his own shirt and tearing into the cotton with his claws the Shepherd removed the upper garment from his body and letting his handsome physique been seen for the wolf to gaze upon. The white male licked his muzzle and dropped the leather pants from between his paws onto the floor where they fell in a silent pool around his feet. Already naked, the wolf didn't bother to put on a show for the dog but simply kicked the bunched leggings away from his and then went over to the Shepherd.

Reaching out and feeling the strong beat of the other's heart the wolf murred when he watched his paw lift before setting back into place. The Shepherd let the smaller male do as he wished while reaching down for the clasps to his pants and snapping them. The deep musk of the mixed dog ran from the folds of his fur hugging clothes up between his nose and that of the white wolf's making both sniff and groan together. It had been too long and the thick fog of need told both that the next few moments would be filled with only raw passion between them.

The white male slid his paws down the rippling muscle of the Shepherd's chest over his tightly packed abdomen before taking in the rim of the dog's black dress pants. Kneeling down with practiced experience the wolf took his time as he drew the canine's lower half into view all the while rubbing his muzzle into the downy fur of the dog's stomach and pelvis. When he was finally as naked as the other male the Shepherd stepped out from the puddle between his feet. Shooing his discarded clothing away with a flick of his foot the Shepherd grasped the wolf and drew him up. The two men looked at one another, their eyes shining with an emotion was that unclear and yet well known to the both of them. Muzzles locked together and instant later. Fangs clicked as they met while tongues found that long lost companion they had been missing.

Paws caressed fur, tails whipped around excitedly, and sheaths pressed close as the two males became one again after their long absence. Breath was swapped and lost, whilst both grew lightheaded from the contact between them. Finally the need for air became overwhelming and the Shepherd broke loose from the white wolf. A string of drool linked them together before it too was broken by a paw and then rubbed through padded fingers. The white male made the next move as he led the gray dog onto the bed and then drew the Shepherd down. With the mixed canine on his back the wolf pressed his paws on both sides of the other and then licked his muzzle while gazing deep into amethyst gems.

The Shepherd began to pant as the wolf stared at him like that but nearly howled when the other dove forward and snapped his fangs into the soft folds of his neck. Digging deep into his throat and grinding the flesh against bone the Shepherd felt his breath lock deep inside hit esophagus. Pain registered when the white wolf reached for his arms and dug his ebony claws into the flesh bringing whimpers of surrender from his muzzle. The wolf released the Shepherd only seconds later but not before taking a quick snap of the other's nose making known his dominance.

The gray canine tipped his head back to acquiesce, which earned him a growl of approval. The wolf held onto the dog by his arms, never releasing him but not yet using his full strength to break the other like a toy. Scenting the omega's neck the white lupine caught the signs of heat that had swept the other up and he couldn't stop the quiet grumble from spilling out of his muzzle. Taking one paw from around the canine's arm the wolf brought his padded paw down to where the dog's throbbing sheath was set with his crimson tool showing itself, pulsing with desire unbidden. A squirt of pre matted the lupine's palm before another shot followed soon after by another. Not even touching the quaking member the wolf allowed his fingers and fur to become saturated in the hot, musky liquid until he was satisfied. Bringing his sticky, wet paw between his muzzle and that of the dog under him the wolf took the canine's snout into a tight hold nearly suffocating the other in his own juices.

The smell was too intense; as he couldn't move his face away to shake the other off he was drowned by the thick scent that was his own. Though his unpinned arm was unhindered there was a shackle placed onto there that had nothing to do with a physical restraint. When the wolf saw that the dog's eyes were beginning to roll into the top of his head he broke contact between his paw and the dog's muzzle allowing him to breathe. The wolf snorted darkly before bringing his palm towards his face and licking the sweet biter fluids up with his tongue. Slow laps over his black padded paw were the first thing the Shepherd saw when he regained his vision and he couldn't stop the whimper that pushed up from his chest at the sight.

The wolf, finished with his task, looked down at the other male and then bent down to lick the canine's nose where a bubble of pre had been sitting, winking in the light. The wolf chuckled when he saw that the Shepherd had closed his eyes and folded his ears back in submission and knew that he wouldn't have any obligations from the other male, especially not when he took his remaining paw from around the dog's arm and then proceeded to lift the canine's legs up over his shoulders. Folding the Shepherd almost in half the wolf climbed over his submissive's form to where his black lupine shaft was right on top of the red cock of the canine. Streams of pre shot over the wolf's black tool coating it in clear liquid slime and making the lupine grind himself against the other. Hips pressed close and the Shepherd felt his back lift off of the bed as the wolf drew him up further and further.

Once the wolf's black mating staff was coated in pre he began to poke his tip against the canine's own shaft and balls. Fast humps were met with a low growl and murf as the dog tried to pull his arms up and squirm away but an ominous growl in the front of his face made the canine settle down as the alpha male made use of his fur and groin. The thrusts of the white wolf's hips went on, the squirting of both his and the Shepherd's tools made both the front of their bodies slick and rub against one another faster and faster. Both their tails wagged around while groans and yips passed between them until finally the wolf felt his knot engorge at the bottom of his shaft. The Shepherd's bulb swelled and he had to bite his lip to calm down enough to keep from reaching his end too soon.

The wolf huffed and panted when he could still himself before looking down at mess on his fur and then at the omega's. Grinning with wicked delight the lupine shifted his hips to where his pointed cock was aligned with the dog's tailhole, which sat perfectly between the firm globes of his anus. The rosebud pulsed and throbbed the same with both male's hardons and the wolf couldn't stop when he shoved himself all the way into the other and speared the canine open. The yowl from the dog had to have alerted someone downstairs but no one came into the room knowing that a bitch was being bred. After all that was what the place was for and when the wolf began to pull himself from the Shepherd and then stuff himself back inside he growled out and pushed his bloated knot forward wanting to hilt the other. It had been far too long and his built up tension was boiling over to where he was nearly rabid in his want to claim the dog with his seed.

The Shepherd could do nothing when as he laid back and watched as the wolf took his body without question. It was supposed to be this way with the stronger lupine ramming into his depths, stretching his tailhole wide, and thrusting deeper and deeper into his body seeking purchase with his ten inch mating tool. The warm shots of wolf pre filling his guts was a welcomed feeling to the dog and his own cock rained out thickening fluids onto his neck and chest the more time went on and the faster the wolf pounded his hips. The lupine was slathering over his muzzle as white foam coated his muzzle and dripped onto the other male. His knot kept on the outside of his omega and it was beginning to aggravate him. In order to properly breed the bitch he needed to break the other open fully and dig his shaft all the way until the canine would taste his cum into the back of his throat. His pride and status on the line as well as his sanity the wolf drew the dog up further to where the crimson canine cock was in front of the Shepherd's nose spitting out pre between his nostrils and then stood up over him before pulling his onyx cock free.

The Shepherd opened his muzzle unconsciously letting strings of liquid sex flow into his mouth and over his tongue as he watched the alpha pull him up and then overshadow him with his presence. Staring into the cobalt eyes of the wolf made the canine feel much smaller that he was and he dug himself deeper into the bed as he watched the large black cock belonging to the alpha shoot onto the back end of his body before he watched in horror as the wolf drove himself all the way forward in one quick motion. The lupine gave a howl of triumph when his knot burst through the barrier separating him from the omega's insides. His cock sunk inside of the dog to where it struck the other's prostate before going even further into him making the Shepherd yell in agony mixed passion. In that instant the two were beyond one, but a single conscious being, neither could tell where one began and their counterpart ended as the connection of their sex bound them so close together.

The wolf shook his head throwing his drool and foamed saliva from his muzzle all over the room before he licked his snout and then drew his hips back. His knot plopped free from the Shepherd before he thrust his hips back home and sunk the round ball into place. The dog yipped again as he was spread open too quickly but the wolf took little interest as he bred the bitch. His fat sac had drawn closer to his body and the seed frothing over inside of his balls was affecting his mind too greatly. There was no gentle meeting of hips only the forceful slaps of fur and flesh together as the two became one over and over after separating into two. The Shpeherd's own neglected cock was now inside of his muzzle and dribbling pre into his throat the wolf was ramming against him so hard. It was a weird sense of autofellatio but the dog licked over his cock and coaxed more and more of the sweet bitter liquid from inside of his tool as his own knot punched his nose again and again.

The rhythm between the two males was perfect in a way that every time the wolf would smack his hips into the rear end of the dog it would push the canine's cock deeper into his muzzle where his tongue would whip out over the base of his own cock and balls drawing them deeper into himself. The wolf felt his knot getting too large to pull free from the warm cavern squeezing it and he growled in annoyance before he settled down and made short jab like thrusts that got him even more friction. The Shepherd could taste his own pre in his mouth and sucked on his own shaft while nursing on the tip with his esophagus and drawing it deeper into his muzzle. His knot was so close to his nose that the thin film of ooze coated over it and onto his nostrils and then inside making it hard to scent anything other than himself. When the wolf forced himself out with a ferocious pull of his hips it caused the Shepherd to yell out but that move proved to be unwise when the lupine pushed himself back inside of the canine the other male's knot pressed into his muzzle stuffing it. The canine could only swallow around his own bloated bulb while his cock was stuck firing thickening pre into his belly.

The wolf was too close now and he could feel himself readying to fill his omega. Looking down and seeing the bitch chocking on himself was the final keystroke needed to finish this sonnet and the lupine thrust once burying his knot into the dog and raising his muzzle to the roof to let out his climax in a ear shattering howl. The Shepherd was caught off guard again as he was taken and then filled to capacity. His prostate was pressed against sending shivers up his spine and then in that instant his cock twitched and he came. The dregs of his orgasm raced from his cock into his throat and then downwards to his stomach where it warmed the dog's belly along with the wolf's own cum that was rushing up inside of him. His knot had grown to where the canine had to force his muzzle open when the enlarging ball of flesh swelled up to proportions that made his jaws ache.

The wolf kept howling long while his seed filled the dog and then when there was no more inside of his pouched orbs the lupine dropped his head down and let his tongue hang from his muzzle as he panted over the omega. The two looked at each other when the wolf opened his eyes and a warm connection simmered between them all the while the Shepherd's cock kept spewing its load deep into his throat.

When the canine could finally withdraw his knot enough from his muzzle so that it didn't scrape over his fangs he pushed back and let a rope of white trail over his chin and down his neck and belly. The wolf wasn't ready to pull out so soon but did let the dog's legs down where he set them on both sides of his body. When the canine was flat against the bed the lupine decided to finish up their act and raise up one of the Shepherd's legs and then turn the panting dog over on his knot and cock until he had the gray male's back to his white chest. The wolf then reached around and brought the omega close to his body as he could before nibbling on the dog's right ear and closed his eyes to sleep.

"Good night cousin."

The Shepherd laughed when he heard the wolf sleeping and his comment go unheard. Closing his own eyes the gray canine rolled his tail over their bodies before he drifted off as well.