The Lion King 2 1/2: Chapter 9 - Aftermath

Story by Mirri on SoFurry

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#9 of The Lion King - Everything The Light Touches

Illustration for the story:


The Lion King - Everything The Light Touches

Chapter 9 - Aftermath

by Mirri

The chirps from birds in the above trees was the first sound that greeted Kovu's ears. The lion grunted and rolled over on his other side in his sleep. His eyes opened briefly and he saw Kiara and Vitani grinning and splashing each other with water in the river right next to him. Kovu chuckled to himself and was pleased that the two biggest sluts in the pride finally seemed to be getting along. It had taken quite a fight to get to this point.

He closed his eyes again and gave a contented sigh, happy that all was well and he could go back to his scheduled catnap again.

The rest of the world went a blur for a while, the lion contentedly snoring and relaxing even though he was already feeling the stickiness on his rumpfur, back and mane from the happy lionpile's earlier adventure.

Time passed. The two lionesses finished romping in the water and went up on the bank of the river to doze in the sunlight and dry themselves off, while the male lay in the background and had a well-deserved nap.

It took quite a few grooming licks to the lion's sticky tummy before he was starting to get drawn out of his dreamstate. The two lionesses stood around him, grinning to each other and already dry from the sun. The lazy male mumbled something and raised his left paw up to push down the head of whichever lioness he managed to grab, until he could feel her muzzle between his hindlegs. The lionesses both giggled and Kovu soon felt the obedient grooming licks across his sheath which quickly made it fatten.

A set of smooth, passionate lips pressed down against his own and made him *mrowf* softly before slowly opening his eyes and seeing Kiara look back at him, just as his tongue dipped into her muzzle to swirl around hers.

The kiss deepened and the lion's sheath could barely contain his growing erection when Vitani started suckling on it a bit. Kiara felt her mate's paw on her cheek scritch her gently and then push her away to break the kiss after a while.

"Go help out my sis." Kovu grinned and winked up at her.

Vitani moved over to lie down behind the lion with Kiara joining her there. They both stuck their heads up between Kovu's hindlegs and started taking turns licking at his sheath while he grew hard.

His member was already glistening with his own precum as it slid out of his sheath and made a wet trail up his lower belly.

"Mmm, that's good... now take it in your muzzle." Kovu purred down at the exquisite grooming he was getting from them.

Vitani was the first to lean in over her brother's groin and pick up his stiff lioncock with her tongue, slipping it inside her mouth to get it all wet. She waited till Kovu had done the initial twitches and groans before she passed it on to Kiara, who promptly went down on him as well, adding her own saliva to his shaft.

"Nnnnngh.." Kovu tensed up as the two lionesses took turns passing his maleness back and forth between their muzzles, each one bowing her head up and down a few times before giving it back.

"I think he likes it." Vitani snickered and watched the other lioness suck off her brother with increasing fervor.

"I know what else he likes too." Kiara's eyes glinted with mischief as she passed the staff on again, her paw circling the lion's rumpfur slowly.

"HeeeeEEEY!" Kovu tensed up and snorted out when he suddenly felt a clawtip being stuffed right up his tailhole.

"He likes it in there, I heard it when Simba fucked him." The girls both giggled, Vitani having to drop the lion's stiffness down on his belly with a wet slap to do so.

Kovu scoffed indignantly at the two. He did not want to admit that he liked it when Simba used to assert his dominance over him like a common lioness. It happened a lot when he first came to the Pridelands, but now that they were all one big family and there were plenty of lionesses for them both to keep happy, the two males hardly got together anymore.

"Yeah, you shoulda seen him before whenever Simba came up. He couldn't get his tail in the air fast enough." Kiara further teased the lion.

Kovu just grunted and grabbed the back of her head with his paw, pushing her muzzle down over him again.

"Shut up, Kiara." the lion grinned and deliberately shoved his cocktip deep enough to go into the lioness' throat and make her gag on it.

Vitani laughed at the two and made herself useful in the meantime by rubbing big lionballs with her paw.

The paw on the back of her head helped Kiara find the pace the lion wanted and she soon felt her nose tickled by messy groinfur as she bobbed up and down his shaft while sucking him off.

"Mrrr... see, your muzzle is much more useful like this." The lion grinned toothily and purred as the other lioness licked up the inside of his hindleg all the way to the top. Her grooming licks around his hindpaw made him splay his toes and he even began panting when she started slipping each pawtoe into her muzzle and suckled on them one by one.

He closed his eyes momentarily at a particularly good jolt of sensation from Kiara's muzzle and opened them again only to find himself staring at Vitani's rear and her lifted tail. She had abandoned the pawlicking for a moment to look back at him over her shoulder while her paw ran down the inside of Kovu's hindleg to keep him teased and excited.

"You want this, don't you bro?" the lioness wriggled her rump in front of him enticingly. The male started to drool at the sight of bared, inviting lionpussy right in his face.

"Oooh yes.. gimme." he reached out and stroked his paw down Vitani's wet folds, dipping one claw inside to open her up a little more.

Kiara looked up at her mate and tried not to grin at the two while she was busy bouncing her head between the lion's hindlegs. She knew that she contributed a lot to his current state of drunken arousal.

"I've got a better idea." Vitani purred slowly and stepped forward down the lion's body, brushing his hindpaw all the way from her chest down her belly. Once it slipped out from under her tail she turned around again and repeated the motion, this time brushing the hindpaw all the way down her tummy and stopping *just* as it reached between her hindlegs.

Kovu watched in amazement and heated curiosity as Vitani crouched down and straddled his hindleg, starting to hump it with an eager mrowl.

At first he just felt her dripping cunny rub against his hindpaw and get it wet, but after she got the initial eager humping overwith, she paused for a moment to reposition herself and slipped one of the pawtoes she had been sucking on earlier right up into her slit.

A shiver went down the lioness' spine at feeling something inside her like that and she was quick to resume her humping, only this time with the lion's hindtoe slipping in and out of her pussy.

"I've.. mmm.. never pawed you off like this before, sis." Kovu licked his muzzle at the sight, his paw merely resting on the back of Kiara's head as she slowed her suckling down to calm the male enough for him to enjoy the full show without interruptions.

Vitani mrowled and humped his hindpaw like a male lion would, thoroughly enjoying putting on this display of dominance.

"I love fucking your paw, bro." she groaned, in case this was not clear to all the observers already.

Kiara had to pause just to watch this. Her mouth slipped off Kovu's cock and left a strand of precum and saliva between her lip and his cocktip that snapped when she moved back far enough. A paw replaced her muzzle for a while, stroking the lion to keep him stimulated and aroused while the two of them watched Vitani buck against her brother's paw to pleasure herself.

"Mrr.. go for it, Tani." Kovu cracked a grin and licked his lips repeatedly, tasting her aroused scent on them from the air.

Vitani went all out and rutted Kovu's pawtoe wildly to the amazement of the two lions staring at her. It only took her a few moments longer to cry out in a shriek of pleasure that made the other leonines fold their ears back.

The lioness twitched and bucked against the paw in time with her contractions. Kovu just purred and gasped at the hardness with which his hindtoe was squeezed inside Vitani's tight pussy.

Kovu's sister came down his hindpaw and Kiara leaned up to lick his hindleg from below, catching the trickling stream with her tongue and grooming it away. The scent of lionesscum filled the surrounding air and made the male arch his hips some again.

"Clean my paw off, Kiara." The male rumbled in a commanding tone. "And you suck me off again, Tani."

The lionesses traded places as instructed, Kiara started licking the other lioness' sweet love juices off the male's splayed pawtoes and Vitani went back down to move his shaft up and down in her muzzle while nursing from it.

Kovu tossed his head back in the grass and groaned after a few minutes at the dual attention he was getting from them.

"Ohhh.. you're both such good lil' girls. MMMMrrr... ..join my sis, Kiara.. I'm getting close."

The lionesses giggled to each other and Vitani slipped the liondick out of her muzzle to make room for her pridesister.

They both began licking up either side of the massive, throbbing lionhood, their tongues touching occasionally. The females used their muzzletips and nosepads for caressing as well, offering the male full contact and a feeling of all these different kinds of soft and fuzzy textures while he was getting slurped. Kiara even added her own paw to knead her mate's heavy balls while a single pawtoe circled his tailhole and made him pucker up and groan louder.

Unseen to the male, Vitani kept licking as before, but snuck a paw down between the other lioness' hindlegs. The aroused lion barely noticed the sudden change in mood of Kiara when she parted her hindlegs and groaned at having her muff stroked and played with.

Neither did he notice his sister's brief pause as she leaned up to whisper in the other lioness' ear.

"Let's just leave him here and go fuck somewhere else." She snickered and nipped Kiara's eartip. Kiara hesitated for a moment as she glanced up the body of the lustful male who was thrusting his hips upwards at her tongue in sheer eagerness.

Vitani sensed her reluctance at this point and added a whisper, "I'll eat you out first. All you want... I'll bury my tongue" she batted her eyes seductively and pushed a claw into Kiara's tight little cunny for extra effect.

Kiara lost all will to resist and nodded eagerly at the naughty proposition. The other lioness leered at her and moved her head down to kiss her passionately.

Luckily for Kovu he was caught in the middle of it and he just *had* to lift his head up to watch. It was exhilarating beyond words to see the two lionesses tonguekiss each other with his dripping cock standing up right between their muzzles.

This way the male felt every single touch of their muzzletips rubbing against each other while they wrestled tongues playfully in each others' mouths, switching sides once in a while to tease the male even more.

"Don't stop girls.. I'm almost... almost.." Kovu whined and flung his head back with a groaning roar.

They finally let him cum all over himself. Both were still tongue kissing in pure rapture while the lion sprayed his seed over his own bellyfur, chest and even all the way up to his chin and in his mane.

A load struck Kiara's ear and she got a splurt of lioncream running down on her head and cheek before she managed to move away and let the male cum up himself again.

The poor, weak and climaxing male barely even noticed the two lionesses escape his vigilant attention until it was too late. Somewhere between the white, glowing haze of his pleasure he felt a kiss on his balls and heard the two giggle and run off, leaving him a mess.

Kiara ran off ahead of the other lioness with her tail raised teasingly high in the air to get the other to follow. Vitani who had her mind set on getting some prime Pridelander pussy now was right on her tail.

Kovu in his current state of afterglow, could barely even manage a grunt of discontentment in the general direction of the two. And he had so been looking forward to the two of them cleaning out the entire mess he had gotten himself smeared in all the way up until now.

It looked as if he would be reacquainting himself with the cold river water now while the two lionesses were off having fun with each other.