Buchanan Boys 1-02

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#2 of Buchanan Boys

Buchanan Boys Chapter 1 - Section 02


Jason trotted behind Ben and his school friend, Riley. The bunny boy's backpack jostled from side to side as he tried to keep up with the pair of teenagers, who for the most part ignored him, despite their chosen topic of conversation. "So he jerked you off?" Riley asked. "Yeah man, he was good at it, too!" Ben boasted. The older bunny had a bad habit of falsely implying he had some frame of reference from which to judge the quality of sex acts. "Did he make you cum?" The fox asked, excitedly. "Yeah, totally! I even got some on his face!" The bunny grinned. "Oh man, you should totally get him to suck your cock next!" Ben gave Riley an uncomfortable sidelong glance at the suggestion. "I dunno man..." The bunny murmured.

"You guuuyyys! You're leaving me behind!" Shouted Jason. The little boy had fallen several meters behind the pair and was struggling to catch up, practically jogging just to avoid falling further behind. Ben stopped to let him close the gap, giving his little brother's headfur an affectionate ruffling once he caught up, causing the boy to produce a breathless little sound of annoyance. "Rrrghff." "Hey Jason, Ben says you like dicks and want to suck both of ours!" Riley joked, smirking cruelly. "Knock it off man!" Ben shouted at his friend. He flashed Riley a stern look and gently held Jason close to his side, away from the fox. "Dicks ARE pretty fun..." Jason shyly admitted to his shoes. Both teens perked their ears in surprise, wondering if they had heard correctly. The little bunny lifted his head and flashed them both the brightest, happiest, most shamelessly naughty little smile that either of them had ever seen before.

The three boys clattered through the front door of the Buchanan house, dumping schoolbags and textbooks on the closest available patch of floor. Ben took responsibility for locking up behind them and kicking the bags against the wall, so that his parents wouldn't trip when they got home. Jason fetched himself a glass of water in the kitchen. The two teenagers stampeded excitedly up the stairs to Ben's room, sharing hushed, excited whispers as they went. Jason watched their shoes disappear up the staircase through his upturned glass, holding it with both paws and guzzling from it greedily. Once drained, the little bunny put it in the sink and began peeling a banana. "Hey Jace, come up here!" His brother called from the top of the stairs.

Jason climbed the stairs, nibbling slowly on his banana as he went. The little bunny poked his head into his big brother's room, seeing Ben and Riley sat opposite each other, Ben in his computer chair, Riley on Ben's bed. "Come in, shut the door." Murmured Ben. Jason stepped into the bedroom and closed Ben's door, his ears perked curiously. "What's up?" He asked. "Do you... Um... Do you really, y'know, like..." His brother started stammering. "Wanna see my cock?" Asked Riley, shamelessly. Jason giggled at the direct question, grinning and nodding. "Ok!" He chirped. The little boy stepped in closer to the fox, munching on his banana and peering down at Riley's crotch expectantly, an eager spectator. Riley grinned up at the boy, enthusiastically wriggling out of his jeans to expose his swollen sheath. Jason looked on curiously, his mouth full of banana.

"How come yours is so small, and sticking up like that?" Jason asked, pointing at Riley's sheath. "It's... It's a sheath, Jace... Some guys have got them instead of dicks that dangle out in the open all the time." Ben tried to explain. "So where is your dick? In that thing?" Jason asked, gesturing to the fuzzy tube again. "Yeah, s'hiding." Joked Riley. The fox spread his legs, a little pink peeking out at the opening of his sheath from all the attention. "How d'you make it come out? I wanna see!" Said Jason. The little boy dumped what remained of the banana in Ben's bin. "You gotta rub it, like a lamp, y'know, to make the genie come out?" Riley instructed, grinning.

"Oh." Jason murmured, looking up into Riley's eyes. "Rub it then?" "Uh, nah, see, it only works if someone else does it." Riley chuckled. "Oh." Jason repeated, looking to his brother. "You rub it?" Ben's ears perked and his face flushed red. "What? No way!" "I rubbed yours!" Jason reminded. "An' you peed on me with cum!" Riley laughed and fell back on Ben's bed with a sigh. "It'd be weird if I did it!" Claimed Ben. "Why? He's your friend!" Jason pointed out. Riley lifted his head from the bed, propping himself up on his elbows and grinning at Ben. "He's kinda right, dude. Help a brother out, it's just a pawjob." "I'm not gunna give you a fucking pawjob!" Shouted Ben.

"What's a pawjob?" Jason asked, causing both teens to turn their heads to him. "Seriously!?" Riley asked in a mocking tone. The nine year old's ignorance of sex and foul language were frequent targets of derision from Riley. "It's nothing." Said Ben, cautiously. "It's what you did to your brother, y'know, when you rub someone's dick until they cum." Riley explained, in a very condescending tone. The fox was obviously much less reserved about corrupting the little bunny than Ben was. "Oh." Ben repeated.

Looking to his brother again, Jason pointed to Riley's dick. "Do that to him. I wanna see." The bunny requested. "No!" Huffed Ben. "Do it to him or I won't do it to you 'gain!" Said Jason, grinning. His mother had recently taught him about leverage. "SOMEBODY needs to give me a fuckin' pawjob, or I'm telling your folks that you suck each other's dicks and smoke pot when they're not around." Grumbled Riley. "We don't smoke pot! Pot makes you dumb!" Gasped Jason, shocked that Riley would lie to his parents like that. "Yeah, fuck you, man!" Shouted Ben. "Uh, I think you mean 'suck you', and you best get to it or I'm gunna tell your mum you're both fags." The fox grinned.

Ben and Jason looked at each other, both boiling with a mutual hatred for the manipulative fox lying between them. "Fuck, whatever, let's just do it so he doesn't tell." Spat Ben. The teenager roughly grabbed hold of his friend's sheath and started to pump firmly. "Mmmmngh... Nnnh jeez man... Not so fucking hard!" Riley growled. "You're such a dick, Riley." Ben growled back, loosening his grip. "Ahhh yeahhh... You love me though." The fox shot back with a grin. His pink length steadily emerged from his sheath, giving Jason a good view. "Ewwwwww!" Jason giggled. "His thingy is all pointy and lumpy and gross!" "Haha, yeah, he's got a gross pointy doggy dick." Ben laughed, wrinkling his nose at the canid member in his paw. "Shut the fuck up, both of you!" Spat Riley, huffing and groaning as Ben jerked him off. "Ewww, his thingy's all pointy." The fox crudely mocked Jason. "You're such a fucking baby, man, grow some balls." "You grow some balls! At least... At least I'm not a dumb idiot like you!" Jason shouted. The little bunny ran to his own room and slammed the door, leaving Ben's wide open.

"Why are you such a dick to everyone?" Huffed Ben, still reluctantly pumping his paw over Riley's stiff length, now angry at the fox for upsetting Jason. "Ahnnh... Ah yeah... Keep goin'." The fox groaned, ignoring the question, and Ben's obvious displeasure at the situation. He was starting to sound slightly effeminate as he got closer to climax. "God, this shit is SO gay. You're such a fag for making me do this!" Ben growled, pumping away and averting his eyes. "Ahyeah! Ah Ben! Ben! Ben! Yeeeahhh!" The fox cried out breathily. He arched his back, pushing his sensitive dick into Ben's paw as the canine tool throbbed and pulsed, gushing forth a torrent of watery seed all over his shirt. "Nnnnnnnnghhhh! Okay stop! Stop! STOP!" The fox gasped. He pushed Ben's paw away, his knot swelling up to just under the size of a tennisball. Ben looked on in disbelief. "Dude! What the fuck!?" He gasped. Riley reached down, gently massaging his own knot as cum kept flowing out of him, utterly drenching his shirt. "Unnnnh... Uh yeahhh... Fuck yeahhh..." He moaned breathlessly. "Ugh... Gross." Ben groaned in disgust. Riley moaned happily and slumped against Ben's bed with a smile.

"Kay, now get the fuck out, and don't say shit to my parents!" Ben huffed. He dearly wished to be left alone after the ordeal, feeling his emotions starting to bubble over. "Yeah, jus' gimme a minute." Riley panted. "NOW!" Ben wailed, with an upset quaver in his voice. "Jesus fucking Christ! Gimme a fucking MINUTE!" Riley shouted back. The fox gingerly wriggled his still-swollen arousal back into his jeans and sat up, starting to peel his soiled shirt off, just as Ben's mother arrived home from work.

"Children?" Jen called from the front door. "Whose is this bag?" Ben sniffled, wiping at his eyes and composing himself before he called back to her. "It's... It's Riley's, mum... He's just leaving." The boy called, unable to contain another soft sniffle. Riley casually finished wiping some residual cum from his fur with his balled-up shirt, getting up and leaving Ben's room topless, his ears flat, on some level aware of the discomfort he'd caused his friend. "Yeah. S'mine." He said, rudely elbowing past Jen to reach the door. "Hi, bye." He mumbled. The fox grabbed his bag and ran out of the house at a brisk trot, not closing the door behind him. Jen rolled her eyes and locked up after the departing fox.

"Where's Jace?" She asked Ben, after reaching the top of the stairs. Poking her head into Ben's room, she immediately wrinkled her nose at the smell. "Pheeew, your room STINKS, Ben." She stated. The woman quickly realized that something wasn't right with her son. Ben was unable to hide his sad, hurt expression from her for very long before his face creased with tension. "What's the matter, chicken?" She asked softly. Ben sniffled a little, wiping his eyes on the back of his paw again. "Riley's an asshole, that's all." He muttered. Jen sighed softly and hugged her upset teen gently. "Awww... Yeeeaaah... He kind of is." She agreed, nuzzling between her son's ears. "I don't think you should hang out with him so much, dear... He's... A pretty troubled kid." "Yeah." Ben murmured into his mother's shoulder. "Pretty troubled asshole." He huffed. Jen patted her boy's back and released him, giving a nod. "What'd he do this time?" She asked. "Nothing." Ben huffed. "He's just a jerk is all. We're not friends anymore." "Well, good." Jen chirred, rubbing Ben's back and trying not to sound too delighted. "I think you're much better off without that one."

"How are you doing sweet pea?" Jen asked Jason, peeking into his room next. "I'm okay." He muttered. The nine year old was reading, cuddling his teddy bear and sulking on his bed. "Are you suuure?" His mother asked. "Yeah... Kind of." Jason murmured, looking up at her from his book. "Riley called me a baby." Jen sighed. "What would Riley know?" "He's all grown up and stuff, he knows about like, y'know... Sex." Jason muttered. Jen sighed again, sitting beside Jason on his bed. "That doesn't make him grown up, Jace. You're more grown up than he is in some ways... He hasn't learned how to take responsibility for his actions yet, or to be honest, or polite..." "He's right though! I am a baby... I still like all baby stuff and I didn't even know what a pawjob is!" Jen huffed in anger. That fox... She took a deep breath, calming herself down and stroking Jason's hair softly. "You're right, Jace, you do still like a couple of babyish things, but so what? You only get one chance to enjoy baby stuff... Or... Maybe two if you have kids of your own, but the point is, you can't be grown up without being a baby first... Part of why Riley is so mean all the time is cause he hasn't had it as easy as you boys, he had to grow up too fast, and that's made him a pretty shoddy grownup-in-training." "So... You don't think it's weird that I still do colouring in, and stuff?" Jason asked, looking up at his mum. "No, dear, because you are weird, so weird is normal for you." Jen murmured, smirking down at her son. Jason giggled. "I'm not weird!" He half-heartedly protested, grinning. "Yes you are darling. You're you're father's son, and mine too, so you're definitely not normal." She pointed out, scratching his ears. "But that's ok, because normal people are boooring." Jason rolled onto his back, proudly squeezing his teddy bear. "I guess so." He grinned.

Later that evening, Jason snuck into Ben's room. The teen hadn't been down for dinner, and the lights in his room were off. "Be-en?" Jason called softly. Ben remained motionless under the covers, his back to the door, but Jason could tell that he wasn't asleep. The little bunny closed the door and climbed into bed with his big brother like he often did. "Are you ok, Ben?" Jason asked, reaching out under the covers to squeeze his brother's shoulder. The teen wriggled away. "M'fine..." Jason withdrew his paw and kept to himself for a minute, nibbling his bottom lip. "Did you... Do it? Did you do a pawjob on Riley?" He asked. There was a minute of silence before Ben murmured back. "That's not how you say that." "Huh?" "You can't do a pawjob on someone... You give them a pawjob." The teen explained, flatly. "Like a present?" Jason asked. "Yeah... I guess." Ben rolled over and looked at his little brother in the semi-darkness. "Why're you here, anyway?" Jason wiggled in closer to his brother, hugging him, his head nestled against the teen's chest. "I thought you might be sad." "What made you think that?" Ben asked. "Well... Riley was being mean... I thought that might've made you sad, cause like, your friends are supposed to be nice, s'pecially best friends." Jason explained.

There was another long moment of silence, Ben gently held and squeezed his little brother. "That's really smart, Jace." He murmured softly. "What do you mean?" Jason asked. "Well like, figuring out that I'd be sad... It's... Smart, emotionally smart. Smarter than Riley." Ben muttered. "Really?" Jason asked. "Yeah, totally. He couldn't even figure out why I was pissed at him when he went to Josh's last weekend after he said he was gunna come for a sleepover, here." Ben huffed. "Riley's a jerk." Jason murmured, nuzzling up under his big brother's chin. "Yeah..." Ben sighed. The two quickly fell asleep together like that, in each other's arms.