The Wedding Arrives, and Only He

Story by solarix on SoFurry

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#3 of Life, love, and the Universe in General

This one took a little longer to write then the others intended to have it done back in November whoops, special thanks to a friend for the development of the character Alexis. Thanks L.K. -hugs- couldn't have done this without you. Might be a while before i get another part up please forgive me for that. Thanks for reading.

The big day was here, every in our family was here, everyone from Alexis's family was here too. I was standing at the front of the church off to the side with the rest of the groomsmen, waiting for the time when I would be called upon to hand my brother Polaris the rings. I don't know what it is but somehow when I have to be dressed up for a formal occasion I find it incredibly uncomfortable. Looking out into the crowd to try and distract myself I noticed mom crying, sitting next to her was Zach my arctic rabbit mate, he looked uncomfortable too but it was because my mom was alternating hanging onto him and to my father as she cried happily. I sighed and mouthed to him, 'I feel for you' to which he mouthed back "you can and will make up for this later.

Chuckling to myself I turned and looked at my brother and asked 'you ready?'

He looked at me licked his lips and nose and gulped "m-more than you could ever know" he took a deep breath and turned to me "I am really glad you can be here today standing next to me, I also wanted to thank you for that party last night"

I blushed 'it was nothing glad to do it for you it is the last time you will be single after all' Being my brothers best man hadn't been as hard as I had originally thought it would be, and planning the bachelor party hadn't been that hard either, being gay I hadn't even broached the thought of getting a stripper for my straight brother. He hadn't been disappointed some of our friends from high school who I had invited had figured that I would have trouble with that and had handled the situation. The rehearsal dinner had gone well too, sadly Zach hadn't been asked to be part of the wedding party but he understood he knew he was going to spend most of the day next to my mother and father (which meant that later that evening I was going to owe him quite a bit) who being the parents of the groom were not required to do that much. When I say I was going to owe him it isn't that my parents are homophobic actually they are thrilled with Zach, we have always been a different type of family as represented by the wedding today.

Alexis's family had been raised protestant, but my family had been raised fundamental nature worshipers. In short we were a combination of pagan, wiccan and druid, but minus the ideas of magic, we did use nature for the healing abilities in our household more, and I occasionally use fresh peppermint tea to calm down Zach and help strengthen his immunity when he feels stressed, and sometimes a couple of natural and I stress this legal herbs find their way into dinner and we have lots of fun after that but I digress. Even though the two of them come from different forms of religion my brother and his fiancée have been able to compromise the wedding, they are being married in Alexis's childhood church (I secretly expected the her to join our religion as she had confided she was tired of all the rules, and as a squirrel she was expected to be nutty so why not be nutty with her hubby) our religious leader who answered to pastor, father, and most of the time Jacobi or uncle Jacobi would be leading the service trying to blend things as best he can. He had actually bounced from a catholic church where he felt uncomfortable to a protestant church where he had felt lost to our church where he had felt at home (not that we really have a church we meet with him when we can otherwise we just worship in the bounty of nature as we feel is necessary) he is a pleasant old deer in his late forties, has a nice voice but doesn't have to preach to us our sermons usually consist of poems about the world and the importance of taking care of it as it cradles and cares for us. Alexis's family hadn't been thrilled but her mother a red squirrel was a bit open minded, especially since one of Alexis's aunts is a Wiccan practioner. Her father begrudgingly accepted that his little girl wouldn't take no for an answer and so the black squirrel sat in his seat looking stoic (though that might have just been the color of his fur).

I looked around the church, even if religion hadn't been in question it would have been covered in nature and the flowers that Alexis had chosen were wonderful. Beautiful fall sprays were everywhere with oranges and wheat and even though it was a stereotype (that I am sure Alexis's family found delicious) nuts mostly acorns in every spray. Her bridesmaids were dressed in nice oranges and harvest gold's, (which of course meant that for the groomsmen we alternated to those colors as well, luckily not too bad on my white fur or on Polaris's as well). As I looked around a little more the music began and in marched the rest of the party, the wedding had begun.

An hour later my brother and his new bride marched down the aisle and out of the church heading for the car to take them to the reception hall. I with the other groomsmen partnered with the bridesmaids (I was pair up with a cat) and marched out of the church leading everyone else out to blow bubbles and throw sage seed and lavender blossoms on the happy couple. I waved to Zach and mom and dad as we were ushered towards a second car that would follow my brother and now sister in law to the pinnacle gardens taking a long and round about trip letting the guests arrive and be seated (it took an hour and a half but I did get to know the people I was riding with better specifically the bridesmaids who were family and friends of Alexis, she had asked one of her childhood friends the grey tabby to be her matron of honor and filled the rest with a t mix of sisters and girlfriends.

Soon enough we were there and going through the usual things, a quick blessing over the meal eating gabbing with everyone in sight, I looked out and mouthed things to Zach quite a bit since I had to sit at the bridal party table, he was doing well my mother had only cried on his shoulder and dad's shoulder four or five times by this point. This shows how much my parents accept Zach dad had given him several handkerchiefs (he brings a lot to weddings and funerals and births and holidays mom is very emotional) and had offered them to Zach, later Zach told me he had said that all of his sons needed to be prepared for my mother's happy crying. So things continued on right up to my speech where I told a couple childhood stories about my brother and how proud of him I was and wished them a long and happy life. Then the dancing began, by tradition I had to dance at least two dances with the matron of honor, though I really wanted to have my paws wrapped around my bunny I stuck it out (her boyfriend really wanted to have her back too) I also danced a quick dance with my sister in law before grabbing Zach and cutting a very nice rug.

After four or five dances it was time for the usual wedding craziness, the bouquet toss and the tossing of the garter. Ironically Zach was standing too close to the group of women during the bouquet toss and actually caught it.

"Look what I got sweetheart" he quipped to me "guess you know what this means"

'ha ha ha' I laughed now give that back to Alexis so she can through it again, which she did and it was caught by her maiden of honor which I though was appropriate, her boyfriend on the other hand looked nervous as we lined up for the garter toss. He needn't have worried because that was where the other weird thing happened. As we lined up for the garter toss just for fun I decided to do my best to catch it since tradition dictated it should be used for the next wedding which would hopefully be for the person who caught it. Polaris took it off of Alexis and turned around then tossed it up. At least twenty other paws reached for it but it missed them and I caught it or at least I thought I had, I had one part of it and I felt a tugging from the other side and I realized that both Zach and I had caught the garter. Blushing I looked at Zach and said 'well guess you know what this means' he responded with "yes but which one of us gets to wear this" I just kissed him to a large amount of wolf whistles and a couple shouts of get a room you two.

After that the wedding dissolved to the usual things dancing snacking up till about nine when my brother and sister were to leave to go to their honeymoon, more flower seeds and sage were thrown on them as they left along with well wishes. They drove off with the stereotypical cans tied to the back of the car along with some shoes too.

'Ready to go home bunny?'

"Yup" he replied

We made our quick and quiet goodbyes then left, the ride home was quiet Zach tried to engage me in conversation but my mind was miles away. I was thinking about how odd it was that Zach had caught the bouquet and then we both had managed to grab the garter. We had talked about marriage in the past but hadn't really thought too much about it, but now I was thinking maybe it was time to see maybe....

-----------------A Few Days Later------------------------------------------------------------------------------

'Zach, are you getting dressed?'

"Yes silly puppy, but I still want to know where you are taking me"

'You'll see and you'll enjoy it too'

"Fine" he grumbled and came walking out to the living room where I was waiting dressed casually in a nice shirt tan pants and my brown shoes, Zach walked in and I started laughing.

"What's so funny?"

'You look like you stepped out of flash dance, you look good but still are you staying alive?'

"Hush you"

'Oh come on you do look good when you're not eating it orange is your color'

"What's wrong with eating it?"

'The quantities you eat of carrots can be disturbing not to mention the stains on your fur'

"Yes" he said with a smile "but that just means we get to have more fun cleaning up churl"

I suddenly felt very warm 'come on lets go down and head out'

We took my car I blindfolded Zach I wanted this to be a special night I was taking him to the restaurant where we had our first date a nice little Italian place and after dinner I planned on taking him on a moonlight stroll near the river where I planned on asking him to marry me. I had picked out the ring earlier on that week. A plain gold band etched with our names and the anniversaries of our first date and the day I was asking him to marry him, I figured that something too showy would embarrass him.

"Are we there yet Solaris, I'm tired of riding and I'm hungry too"

'Almost just cool your jets a little bit let me just park, and keep that on'

I'd caught him with a paw heading for the blind fold. I parked us just a little ways down the street and came around to help him out and to walk to the little bistro known as Gelini's, it was our favorite in our college days. It was also where we had our first date...well actual date it was three months after we had moved into our dorm room and we had been dating for about four weeks by that point when I suggested we go out to get something to eat off campus together and the rest was history.

'Okay hunny' I said as I pulled off the blindfold 'we're here'

"Gelini's oh sweetie what are we doing here"

'You're not happy?'

"No I'm thrilled but we usually only come here for special occasions"

'Tonight will be special now let's go in and have dinner'

I led us in greeted Gelini greeted us with a hearty boys, boys welcome and led us to a seat near the large front window, he left me with a wink and sent over one of his sons Anthony I believe but then again Gelini had a large family all bulls and stallions the old coot himself was a bull and Anthony was too, still not my type I love my bunny. We ordered some of the house white and salads for our first course I was considering the lasagna and Zach was considering fettuccini Alfredo.

"So what is so special that you wanted to bring me to our special place?"

'Later just eat and enjoy right now'

"Can't I have a little hint?"

'No' I said as I kissed his nose 'now hush up and enjoy your meal'

"I would enjoy it more if I knew what was going on, I mean if you are getting a promotion then I would like to know"

'Just eat and enjoy I'll tell you later though it might mean a promotion for both of us'

"Fine" he grumbled but went back to his food and telling me about his day.

Later after dinner I took us a short way to the riverside park and we began our starlight stroll. That is the wonderful thing about Starfall even though it is a large city we have no excess light pollution so the river is usually like a mirror so you get a duel sky scene one in the water which always looks as if you could step off into space and the actual vista itself above us. We walked calmly along the river and heard cars drive nearby lazily.

'There is a reason I wanted to take you out tonight and it does have to do with a form of promotion'

"Oh really" was the coy reply "what form would that be?"

'Well' I said as I led him to a nearby bench and sat him down then got down on a knee and pulled out the ring 'how about the promotion that comes to both of us through marriage'

Zach gasped "oh it's...I don't know...when .why did...?"

'Because I love you and I always will, you may have been the only person I have ever been with but still I know that you are the one for me'

Zach didn't say anything but he looked down and folded his ears down as well

'Zach? You do want to marry me don't you?'

He stood up and began to pace a little then looked down into the river then began walking away.

'Zach' I called as I followed him 'Zach please I know you have been scared in the past but please at least talk to me about this'

Zach just kept walking then he stopped and turned to me and said "I don't know I just don't know I do want to marry you but I don't know" then he turned on his foot and walked off again and I chased along.

'Please bunny I love you don't lock me out just talk to me'

He stopped then hailed a cab and turned to me and said "I need time to think just a little time to think puppy and then I will be able to answer you"

With tears in my eyes I said 'then come home with me you can think there please don't leave me here without you'

He was crying to as he pulled the door shut and he said "I need time to think by myself"

Those last two words hurt me more than any knife or bullet ever could. I let go of the door handle and watched as the cab drove off. I considered following in my car but I couldn't have made it to it in time and there were no other cabs in the area so I did the only thing I could do I sat on the bench and cried. I cried for half an hour and looked at the ring before I decided I was cold and I wanted to go home so I headed slowly back to my car. Along the way I reviewed everything in my mind and none of it made sense to me, he had always looked positively on marriage in the past. I got into the car and drove back to our apartment, for a brief period I considered going to my parents place and seeing if my mother would help me understand what had gone wrong but decided that as long as he was only considering things then I wouldn't bother her, instead I decided to go home and try to figure out where my bunny was.

I made it home at about 9:30 and I started calling people starting with Zach's parents and after freaking out poor Mrs. Dawson I found out he wasn't there. Since all of Zach's brothers and sisters lived too far outside of Starfall I decided to call my parents and see if he hadn't gone there for some crazy reason. Of course that was a farfetched dream, so I began calling friends around the city who he might have stayed with, no one had seen him and his cell phone was in the office. So after trying everyone I could possibly find I sat back on the couch with my drooped ears and cried some more. After a while I flipped on the TV just to see what was on and to try to drown out some of the quiet. Everything that was on was something that hurt a little bit more sitcoms where people were finally marrying or at least spending time with each other, comedies where they made jokes about divorces and low comedy about being free, finally I turned on the TV music station to old collections of show tunes right in the middle of a Starlight Express playback just as the song U.N.C.O.U.P.L.E.D. played, that hurt the most of all.

I began to walk through the house as Only He played in the background. I looked at all our photos and all our things then I came to our bedroom and I began to cry some more thinking that maybe that large bed where we had spent so many happy weekends just cuddling and holding each other might be used by only one of us from then on did nothing to make me feel better instead I felt cold and could only imagine how cold it would be to spend the night there. Cold empty and without the comforting thought that Zach was only gone for a little while and would be back later so I drifted back to the living room and clicked back into a TV show popped the top on some ice cream and drowned my troubles with rocky road, which was just how my life felt right then and there.

Somewhere along the line I dozed off and had the worst dreams I have ever had since I was a puppy. I was tortured all night with different versions of what happened some worse some similar and one that was sadistic and woke me at three with whimpers and fear sweat. In it Zach turned to me and laughed when I offered him the ring saying that his secret boyfriend would have bought a better ring and that was why he was leaving me for him. After that nightmare I got up for a glass of water by this point it was raining which sooted me fine till I remembered that my bunny was somewhere out there in this and I went back to the couch and cried some more listening to the Broadway ballads channel till I drifted off again. I slept somewhat peacefully after that till I was awakened by keys in the door around 7 or so, and in walked my bunny looking far better than I did.

'Your home I said' neutrally and without moving off the couch. "Hi puppy and yes I am" I got up and walked to the kitchen to get myself a cup of coffee. I don't have good mornings without it and when I've slept in my clothes and when I've slept on my tail wrong to boot, and of course he followed me.

"Puppy please talk to me please I'm sorry"

I just gave him icy silence as I set the coffee machine and added coffee to the machine and water to its reservoir.

"Solaris please talk to me don't do this to me"

I lost it at that point 'LIKE YOU DIDN'T DO SOMEHTING LIKE THIS TO ME' I roared

He winced and said "I deserve that I deserve a lot worse actually I was childish running off like that"


"Yes I do and I'm sorry Solaris but I have an answer for you now"

I picked up my cup of coffee and headed back to the living room Zach trailing behind me, I sat on one end of the couch and he came and sat at the other end. The TV was still playing the Broadway channel and had ironically started starlight express again and were up to the same song from last night U.N.C.O.U.P.L.E.D. I sat down and sipped my coffee and noticed Zach wince at the song that was playing. He doesn't dislike country so I figured that he didn't like the theme.

"Solaris please at least look at me and let me explain"

'So explain' I said quietly 'tell me why the thought of a wedding ring and me for the rest of your life took an entire night and leaving me alone when we should have been so happy'

"I am sorry and I will tell you it was because of Kyle"

'Kyle....Kyle who?' I said quietly inside I was screaming this is your nightmare come true there is someone else and you are going to lose him forever and wind up all alone he's all you've ever known who else would want you.

"Kyle Kittrick from our college days" and with that he gave a little wince and took an even higher pitch shortly before I screamed again


By that point he had put a paw over my mouth and was hushing me "Solaris shush don't yell you'll wake up the whole building at this rate" he took his paw off my maw and continued, "and I'm not leaving you for him it was because of what he said specifically what he said that one summer"

'You mean the summer he did manage to break us up for a week' I asked quietly 'what did he say that could cause you to run off when I proposed to you'

"Just a few little words little things really but the one that actually made me do things was when he asked how I expected our lives to be any fun if the only fur I had ever been with was you and he asked what kind of experience could I possibly have if I had only ever been you little cock tease"

I looked down 'that was actually one of the things that I had a nightmare about last night, that you were leaving me because you didn't feel you had enough experience in life'

"puppy I could never do that to you that week that Kyle broke us up it hurt pup it hurt me too much and I realized then that I could never be anybody else's"

'So what was last night?'

"A little fear and self-doubt but this is going to make you yell again"

'Not likely so you might as well tell me the rest'

"I went to Kyle's place last night to ask his advice and I slept over there"

'YOU WENT TO HIS PLACE...why....HE DIDN'T YOU DIDN'' I finished with a whimper and we sat quietly for a while and I reflected on that summer.

It had been the summer before out sophomore year Zach and I had just moved off campus to our first apartment, one of the campus owned apartments. So we weren't really out and free just yet but we had a little more privacy then we had then when we were in the dorms. We were both taking some extra classes to help us get out a little earlier and for me I was also taking an internship at the ad agency that I now worked for (which is how we could afford the apartment we have now) which would help me pay off school a little earlier and put me in place to get a good job when I finally got out of school. Zach was taking some classes and was also signed up for a summer internship but at the main courthouse as their web designer.

We had known Kyle Kittrick since our freshman year and he was moving into an apartment near us as well. He had been a pretty good friend for the past few years but lately he had been annoying mostly making remarks that foxes made better lovers so what was I doing with Zach and vice versa, I wanted to knock him on his fuzzy red tail and be done with it. He was always with a different fur you never really saw the same one twice unless it was a long weekend or he had some new toy to play with and needed a partner to stay with him for a few days. My favorite line that he had once used on us was "you know you two have a very boring life and don't you get tired of the same old same old" he said this while he cupped us both under our chins and finished with one of the stupidest lines I have ever heard "I should teach you both some things let's get naked and get in bed together you'll be the students I'll be the teacher".

He had decided that we need to be exposed to different things expressly we needed to be educated in the ways of love. Of course some of our other friends said he just wants to add you both to his collection (it was rumored that he had a file on his computer of every fur he had ever dated or been with) which of course we both graciously refused and in some cases playfully bantered about but usually we left him in the arms of some stallion or fox, or bull, or lion happy as the kit that he was inside. So we dealt with it just putting it off to hormones and sluttiness, till that summer when he renewed his attack with a fervent passion and succeeded for one week to break us up.

It started early the week before we had just moved in together and were still bringing things to the apartment Kyle was hanging out with us in between boyfriends or mattress sessions. He had been hanging off the end of our couch by this point and from what I found out now he had attacked Zach with this idea later. Zach had gone out with some friends from school to one of the local bars I had bucked myself out of that one with both exhaustion and a small project I had to work on. Unfortunately Kyle had invited himself over to watch TV claiming he didn't want to be alone and he wanted someone to pick out hot guys with on different shows. He started out with the usual the real man ploy, something with more length and then progressed into the idea that we should explore other people since what we had was the equivalency of masturbation with another person. I attacked this one by asking him if he was training for a new Olympic sport no one had heard of yet. He passed that off by suggesting that maybe Zach was with his cheating and the passes he had made. That stopped me for a bit before I decided that that couldn't have happened. Of course Kyle didn't let it go.

He kept pushing the ideas into my head and then he finally showed me doctored emails from Zach saying things like can't wait till tonight or you were soooo good. After that I began to question things even more so I just left and went home to my mom for a few days. Not knowing that Zach had decided on much the same thing we talked and decided to break things off. It didn't end well we each wound up yelling at each other and I spent the next seven days crying and making threats against Kyle. When I wasn't working I was thinking about Zach and how much it hurt to lose him and I would begin again. Mom gave me some sage advice why not talk to him and try to understand maybe work through things. I took her advice mostly because I needed to get my things from the apartment and we both met there ready to pack things up and break our lease with the school and then go our separate ways.

Of course things were frosty to start then we began to yell at each other Zach asking me how much my little boy toy Kyle meant to me, me asking the same and that was when we realized that he had been playing us. Wisely for Kyle and for once in his life I am sure he had decided to spend the night elsewhere. When he came back he didn't bother us and we rarely saw him for the rest of that summer or that year and to this day I haven't called or talked with him in person sometimes on Furbook but other than that I don't contact Kyle. Which is why in my hunt for Zach I didn't find him. Something I now think is both suspicious and a little evil of him not to mention means that likely I am going to lose him.

'So how long have you been sneaking around with kyle' I asked neutrally




'OH AND I'M SURE THAT KYLE HELPED YOU "FIGURE THINGS OUT"' I said making little air quotes with my paw


'He has a boyfriend now?'

"Yes a nice horse named Josh"

'Stable and long lasting I hope he he ha ha ha' I couldn't help laughing at my little joke

"He he he he he ha ha ha ah ha he yes I would say so and kind and caring"

'So nothing happened last night between you two'

"Nothing happened puppy" he placed his arm around me and gently petted me

'Murr oh bunny can you forgive me for yelling at you I...I thought you had left me for him like he made me think you did that summer'

By this point the song playing was Only He one of the twilight ballads. Of the show and I don't know if it was the music or the moment but I looked at my bunny in a new light. Of course it might also have been the exhaustion. Yet as I looked at him with that song playing I knew that he was mine and would always be.

'So bunny' I said as I nuzzled him and licked his nose 'did you decide what you want to do'

He kissed me back "yes and ironically it was Kyle who helped me decide to do this yes puppy I want to marry you I want to be yours forever"

'He do...I...I.....I...'

"Kiss me stupid"

I did as the song Only You began to play. Our tongues danced to that song and we broke on the finish.

'So Kyle helped you realize that yes was the right answer may I ask what he said'

"Yes and actually he said that I had something special with you that I needed you, you needed me and that what we had was to be envied by everyone around us"

'Kyle said that I really misjudged him' I kissed him again and squeezed him close to me 'remind me to send him a basket of something and some flowers'

"I think he would enjoy that a lot he has changed a lot I think that his boyfriend is helping him change" he rubbed my ears "I got caught out in the rain when I was going in to see them and he actually gave me a robe helped me dry my clothes and didn't make a pass all night the only thing he did say was that I was looking good and Solaris has a nice looking bunny" he kissed me again. "He also told me to rest and spend the night at their place put me up on the couch and rushed me out the door this morning telling me that I needed to get back to my puppy before he did something drastic"

'Hmm maybe I should also send him some protection lube, and some toys'

"Hush you naughty thing you"

'Can't help it I have my bunny back he's agreed to marry me and all is right in my world'

Zach sniffed me "not all is right in your world dirty dog you time for a bath" he fingered my clothes "you slept in these didn't you"

I blushed 'yes I did I didn't want to go into our room and get my pajamas and I didn't want to sleep in my underwear or naked in case' I sniffed him next 'and you aren't so springtime fresh either bunny'

"Well then I think its bath time pup lets go" he pulled me up and led me to the bathroom where he started the water and added some things. Soap and bubble bath and some salts that like jasmine and cherry.

'Oh bunny' I said as I came over and began to help him strip out of his clothes we began to make a game of it I took his jacket and threw it towards the hamper, he in turn pulled my shirt off me and worked on my belt helping me get hard in the process as he groped playfully "woops this isn't your belt buckle" giggles ensued 'no it most certainly is not'. I began to play with the button on his pants groping him gently every so often through the cloth. 'Opps this button is stuck but something else seems to be loose' and then I pulled his zipper down with my teeth 'but this zipper works at least and let's see what my prize is' Zach's cock flopped out and with a churl from him I gave it a good lick and tasted the salt of his pre.

'ooo bunny looks like you missed me'

"chrrl yes I did puppy" he said as he dropped his pants and pushed me on my back and pulled mine off me "and it looks like you missed me too puppy"

I blushed because I was hard and dripping a little 'Murr yes I did bunny' by this point we were both completely naked and ready for the tub but I wanted a little something more so when Zach went to turn of the water I began to rim his tail hole.

"Meep puppy we're supposed to be getting clean"

'First let's get really dirty' saying that I got up and aimed my dripping shaft for his tailhole and slowly slide in murring the whole way till I got to the base of my knot. I slowly pulled back out and slid in some more aiming for his prostate. 'Ooo bunny you feeeeeel sooooo good' Zach clenched his tailhole and churled some more "y-you do t-t-tooo pup don't stop". I took him at his words and sped up leaking pre like a broken water main. Finally after several more thrusts I forced myself in the whole way forcing my knot into his tailhole with a squelching pop 'Ohh Zach I love you now and forever' the squeezing on my knot caused me to cum and I had a few more micro thrusts before I was done, I must have hit bunny's prostate because he began to shoot quite soon after that. Panting and still stuck together because of my knot I kissed my bunny and said 'looks like we did get quite dirty and look at the mess you made'

"I'll clean it up later let's take that bath"

I lifted him up and carefully took us into the tub and sat him in my lap and held him close. 'I love you bunny soo much' I had sat the ring box next to the tub and I pulled I out now and put it on one of his fingers 'now and forever bunny now and forever'

"Yes puppy" he said quietly and somewhat sleepily "now and forever" and with that my bunny fell asleep in my arms, I just held him close and softly began to sing Only He. Because only he was mine and only he could light up my life yes Only He.