Krystal, Rouge, Renamon and Sally 3 - From the beginnning

Story by SPAMZZKRR on SoFurry

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#3 of KRRS

"WHERE THE HELL IS THIS? WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON?!?!?" Wolf was on his own in the dark, dank atmosphere. He was chained up to the wall in thick chains, far too thick to just hold him. His burns cut and torn into his sides and his beaten legs hung underneath him. Nothing else moved within his cell as he struggled against the restraints. "WHERE I AM? LET ME GO!" His screams echoed loud in his cell but none were answered.

"Morning." Michelle's eyes slowly opened to see Amber standing over her. "Ready for so breakfast?" After a quick stretch and quickly throwing on her bra and panties, Michelle was following Amber to breakfast. The breakfast hall was a long hall with no cameras. In the corner was Salina reading a newspaper and the serving table was on the opposite side. A long row of people stood there waiting for their breakfast, chatting and idly talking about the day ahead all in their bra and panties. Amber and Michelle joined the back of the line as they surveyed the hall. One table stood out to them. A large round table sat in the middle of the hall with Hazel and all her friends and pets sitting round it. She seemed fully content with laughing at others and stealing other people's food. Michelle decided to stay out of her way and just ignore her. The duo grabbed their breakfast (what seemed to be a type of gruel with a piece of bread) and sat down at a near by table. There was Starlet, a black Labrador, a squirrel and a lizard. "Hiya Michelle! I haven't seen you since you got here!" "Hi Starlet. How you doing." "Alright I guess, the food sucks though! Good work in the tub last night!" The two began so friendly banter until Hazel butted in. Her presence was immediate and she stood judgementally behind Michelle. "Oh Michelle I changed my mind, you could try and help me relieve some stress." She flopped her massive girth in front of Michelle's face. "My God..." Hazel was pleased with Michelle's fear and shock, "You call that a cock?" She started blankly at the vixen, "What do you mean?" "I've seen pencils bigger than that! You're pretty small for a herm aren't ya?" The girls at her table began to giggle. Hazel moved away as she began to blush. "Wow you really showed her!" "Well it was the truth. I've seen herm dicks with at least 6 inches on her." The crowd around her was amazed. It seemed because of her forced sexual past she gained new respect. Michelle was lying on her bed when the call came through on the intercom, "Number 153 to room 18." "Strange? Why do they want you on your own? Oh well, go down the corridor, past the dining hall in building 5 and it's the first room on your left." She waved to Amber as she left the room. The long corridor was daunting. The smell of cold food filled the atmosphere and the echoes of laughter were long gone. A chilling wind from the main courtyard blew through the compound as the dark camera eyes scanned the scene. Michelle made her way care-free down the corridor and opened the door of room 18. There on the bed sat Hazel. "Michelle! How nice of you to join us!" The door suddenly slammed and locked behind her as out of nowhere jumped a few girls with strap-ons. "What's going on pencil dick?" Hazel growled at the remark, "Oh we're here to knock you down a few pegs." Michelle didn't seem too daunted by the obvious rape ahead of her as she yawned, "Can we get this over with I need to get back for a shower." Hazel just sneered as she stood up from the bed, "Come on then girls." As the group circled round her she just sighed and strode her way to the bed and took up the position. "You heard her girls, come get me!" A large bundle followed her words and soon a victor (a large horse with a black strap-on) pushed her way to the front. She began to drool as she moved the strap-on in position, "You'll pay for annoying our mistress." Michelle just smiled as the horse began her violent motion, thrust after thrust and wave after wave of pure pleasure. The screams and moans of Michelle's pleasure only boiled Hazel's blood even more. Soon the horse began to tire and soon finished herself up leaving Michelle quite disappointed. "Is this al you have? Pathetic little girls who can't handle a strap-on properly. I'm disappointed." Hazel had clear heard enough as she gritted her teeth, "Fine, let's try something much more to your natural liking." Hazel unleashed her member which had now grown to quite a considerable size since its semi-hard condition from the morning. "Oooooooo you are a big girl aren't ya? Come on then, I'm waiting." Michelle presented herself to the now angered bear. One quick thrust and her length was fully in. Even with Michelle's full experience backing her up, Hazel was undoubtedly big. Although Michelle wasn't finished yet. "I'm bored of this position," she flipped the large Hazel away, crawling on top of her and began to ride cowgirl and exposing her anus, "room for a few more girls!" She was asking for more and more and the girls responded. Two had taken up position behind her and began to fight for room in her tight ass as one made her way round the front to occupy Michelle's vacant mouth. Soon the whole group was on the floor and only Michelle and Hazel were left on the bed. Michelle had begun to suck Hazel off. "Yeah....suck it.....stupid....slut..." Michelle did as she was told and loyally sucked and licked at the shaft, playing with the meat in her mouth. She milked the shaft for all she could get and boy did she get it. Stream after stream of hot herm cum filled her mouth and, by the load, she knew she had done well. Now she could put her plan into action. As Hazel looked up at the ceiling in pleasure, "Good girl, drink it all up. Are ya disappointed now?" Michelle leapt up and, with a long passionate kiss, transferred all the cum to Hazel's mouth. She pulled away leaving a trail of cum behind and Hazel in utter shock as she swallowed the load. "Now, let's be honest," said Michelle with a huge smile on her face as she wiped away the last few drops of cum, "If you had to drink stuff tasting like that wouldn't you be disappointed?" There it was, she had done it. Hazel sat staring into space as Michelle slowly turning away, her tail flicking out in as to tease the bear. Michelle suddenly fell to the floor. Hazel had picked up a lamp and had smashed Michelle to the floor. "YOU LAIRY LITTLE BITCH!!! WHO THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOU ARE?!?" A few more strikes with the lamp and Michelle was out cold. The haze began to disperse and Michelle wrenched her bruised and broken head from her chest. She was locked in a chair with in the room where she was inducted. On the other side was Hazel and Salina around another chair, screams and cries through a gag could be heard. "You nearly killed her! What were you thinking?" "Naughty bunnies have to be punished severely." Soon Salina noticed that Michelle was coming round, "Sweetie!" She rushed to her side and grabbed her hand, "Oh my God are you okay? I did a bio-scan and your children are fine. Are you alright?" "Who nearly killed me? What's going on?" She shook her wary head and tried to focus. She was shocked to find it was Amber in the other chair. She was naked and was covered in whip marks and bruises and tears poured down her cheeks. "She went off the deep end and nearly killed you." "What? It wasn't her it was Hazel!" Salina and Hazel looked at each other with a worried look, "I told you Salina, she is so scared that she blames me. I found her lying in a bloody heap and bought her here. It's just as the witnesses will tell you." "Fine, Hazel, I'll leave the punishment up to you." She gave Amber one last slap round the face and walked out the door as Hazel locked it behind her. "Now, now, now my little slut, you've been very naughty. What am I going to do with you???" "Hazel let her go she hasn't done anything. This is between you and me. I'm sorry is that what you want?" "No I don't think 'sorry' will do you need to suffer." A malicious smile crossed her face as she pulled a cord and Amber's legs lifted into the air. She pulled out her girth and took her position. "Hazel no! Please!" "You could take me easy, I wonder if she can to. Maybe just a spit lube will do..." A quick spit and thrust and soon Amber was full of Hazel's large cock. Hazel just smiled with glee as she began hard, pounding thrusts all the way in and all the way out giving her no time to adjust to the massive member no inside of her. "You're too big you're hurting her!" "Nonsense I'm the perfect size, her pink bunny pussy is far too small." Amber squirmed and cried in her shackles; trying desperately to ease the throbbing of her stretched pussy. Hazel began spanking Amber harder and harder to answer her muffled cries. "Do you see why I own this place?" her voice now crazed and maniacal, "And no new slut will cross me without punishment." Suddenly she pulled out with a smile, "Wow I wonder how tight this slut will be down here." Lining herself up with Amber's tail hole made her find new life and struggle against the herm. "That's enough! I'm sorry please no more she hasn't done anything!!!" Michelle's cries fell on deaf ears and soon Amber was making her way deep inside Amber. She began to alternating between the two holes, widening and stretching Amber to limits she thought were not possible. As much as Michelle wanted too, she could stand it any longer and looked away. She shut her eyes tight and began to pray. "Please," she thought deeply, "Please stop her." The image of Sally kept flashing in her mind being raped instead of Amber. She began to cry, "Sally......I need you so much Sally..." It had been hours since the punishment. The silence in the room was evident as Amber was curled up under her covers holding herself. She had spent the last few hours crying herself to sleep because of the pain just like Michelle had done many times. Her cheeks were soaked from tears and her sleep was restless. Michelle only stared at her from her bed. She got up and kneeled next to her bed, getting next to her ear and whispered, "Listen to me Amber. I will get you out of here and we will find your brother. You will never go through that ever again, I promise." "153 and 77 to the meeting room for a new arrival." The speakers boomed the order as Michelle kissed Amber on the back of the neck and left. Entering the room, Michelle found a small skunk sitting on the bed with a person in a dark hood. Michelle sighed and sat on the bed, "Well how did you get here then? Bad luck, huh?" "No...I'd say good luck actually." That voice......that voice that echoed in her mind. The only voice that can make her heart skip and beat and then bring her back to life. The stranger threw off the hood. It was Sally. "SALLY!!!" Michelle dived on top of her and hugged her strongly, "Never leave. Never ever ever ever ever ever ever ever leave me again you understand?" "Okay I promise I'll never leave you." The skunk only sat in surprise, "You two...know each other I guess..." The pair ignored her, "Come on Krysy we need to get you out of here. I also bought a spare suit 'cause I know what you're like!" Michelle snapped off the collar and slipped into the suit. "New arrival number 286 of House 1, make your way to inductions." Krystal and Sally just stared at the inter com and laughed. "Let's get to the south wall, the team have placed a charge and they'll fly in after the wall comes down. The house is surrounded by an anti-aviation shield and the arwings will fall out the air." The duo sprinted through the corridors and into the courtyard. Krystal suddenly stopped, "Get to the courtyard and get the wall down, I'll be back." "Krys there is police scanners all over the planet we need to hurry." Krystal disappeared down a corridor and bashed open her bedroom door. "Amber we're going." The bunny didn't move. "Amber look come on." No movement. "Amber...I know your brother. Lucas Reloy and I know where he lives. I promise that anywhere is better than here." There is a long pause until Amber finally stirred. "......Okay..." she grabbed Krystal's hand and they both ran to the courtyard. The courtyard was full of the girls surrounding Sally in wonder. "Sally why isn't the wall down?" "Fox has just been caught by the police. All the arwings are in a dogfight." "Bring the Great Fox." Soon the charge went off, bringing the wall down. Salina and Hazel rushed into the courtyard, arms failing, "What the hell is going on?" Krystal, Amber and Sally turned to leave as Hazel grabbed Krystal's wrist, "Where the hell do you think your going?" Krystal had had enough. With a clenched fist she laid one right between Hazel's eyes knocking out flat. A strong wind blew as the Great Fox hovered down and open the landing bay hatch. "QUICK THE POLICE WILL BE HERE ANY MINUTE!" The engines roared in the background as the trio clambered onto the landing bay. The Great Fox blasted it's engines and took off. The three laid breathless on the landing bay floor. "Good work guys." The voice was sudden. It was the cloaked figure. He began to clap and laugh maliciously, "If I can't get rid of you then I'll have to kill you." Krystal stood up and extended her staff from her belt. "I don't know who the fuck you are but you aren't gunna kill me or Sally." "I beg to differ." The figure disappeared and reappeared behind Krystal, shunting her to the floor. He began pummelling her. Sally and Amber hadn't had time to get up as he held Krystal by her throat. "Sleep now in the fire." A laser blast made him drop Krystal. There was Rouge and Renamon standing at the bay entrance. "Piss off and leave her alone." "Rouge, just the girl I've been looking for. I'll catch up with you later." The figure faded out of sight and Krystal fell to the ground.

The heavy door to his cell opened, the hinges screeching like tortured souls. "Who the hell is that? Where am I?" Miss S had entered the room wheeling in a large cylinder behind her. "Where you are is of no importance. Who you are is very important. You are some pathetic little bandit that no one cares about, especially not your sister." "What the hell have you done to my sister?" "Nothing, she is fine and well which I apologize for. She should be dead by now." "Dead? If you lay a finger on her then I will kill you." "Why is that? She left you. You protected her and she didn't even come and find you. She completely forgot about you. You were a disappointment in her eyes and she ran from you." "But....she cared for me." "She needed something to take her mind of the death of your parents. She got bored of you." "No....she....she....," Wolf began to tear as the thoughts began to make sense in his mind, "She did leave me." "Exactly." Miss S held a syringe up to Wolf's arm and squirted him with some strange fluid. "What did you just do?" Wolf could feel the liquid in his veins, making him breath heavier and building him up to become much stronger. With a simply wrench he broke out of his restraints and had Miss S by the neck. "Listen," she said struggling for breath, "You can kill me and gain nothing or join with me and gain so much more." Wolf breathed heavily, listening to the pulse of energy that strange fluid had given him. He released Miss S. She rubbed her neck and began to smile, "Good...the healing can begin."

Krystal opened her eyes slowly. She rubbed her head and checked herself. She wasn't dead or, at least, she thought she wasn't dead. All her bruises were gone and she felt no pain. Her energy was fading though and she laid back down to the earth beneath her. The sky was scorched and blood red as no sound could be heard. Darkness seemed to be the only thing that moved and the red, fruitless earth under her clutched at her fur, begged her not to leave. Although the scene was terrifying, she felt relaxed. Then came a sound, quiet at first. Little footsteps. Then walking, running, charging. The volume grew bigger as it sounded like a stampede. "Next wave!" the scream was long and soon Krystal was grabbed by the arm and pulled up. "What the hell are you doing out here. MOVE MOVE MOVE!!" He shunted her towards what seemed to be a large wall with an open gate in the middle. A creature of pure dark metal appeared behind him and it's sword pierced his chest. Krystal sprinted for the wall as gunfire rained from both sides. Krystal just made it through the gates as the heavy locks buckled behind them. No sooner had Krystal found her feet that she was pushed to the floor. "SHOW ME YOUR TEETH!" Not knowing where the sound came from she decided to comply. "Captain, she's clear." The grunt rushed off and began firing on the enemy through one of the portholes on the wall. "You." Krystal turned to see a large bat staring at her through a rifle sight. He wore bulky, grey battle armour and a visor. "Tell me who you are and what you're doing here before my rifle begins to speak for me." " name is Krystal." "Okay, but what the fuck are you doing here?" "I don't know." "Are you a spy? A new breed of darkling?" "What? No I just woke up in the middle of the battlefield." The bat lowered his rifle, "Oh you woke up did ya? How fucking convenient. I had to sacrifice one of my men to retrieve you. His blood is on both our hands." Krystal only looked away in dismay and guilt, "Corporal." "Yes Captain Valentine." "Take this...'thing' to the city and get a civvie to look after her." "Right away." Krystal was lead away from the front lines, screaming and gunfire left behind. They soon reached a large gate connected to wall on each side. The wall was gigantean, scraping the sky as it stood tall and proud. "All clear. Corporal Fiffen here with a stranger. Teeth test is all clear." His voice echoed aloud along the great wall and soon the gate began to open. The sight on the other side was unbelievable. A large city, surround by the great wall was in Krystal's wake. It stood proud and bright. The buildings sat contently next to each other as the people began pleasantries in the street as if the creatures never existed. An excited bat with large glasses and a long robe ran up to Krystal. "Hello Corporal, need a guide?" "More than that. Find out what this thing is and take care of it." The corporal turned and sprinted back to the horrors of the frontline, ignoring the undeniable fate that awaited him. "Hello there, my name is Aloni and welcome to the city of Defixiones Pax." "Erm..Hi my name is Krystal, nice to meet you." "So Krystal the obvious question would be what are you?" "I'm a vixen. You've never seen a vixen before?" "Vixen? Never heard of one. All the population of this planet is the same species. Well, apart from those...things outside our city walls but don't worry about them. Come, let me show you around."