The Kickbacks, Chapter 1

Story by xerox2 on SoFurry

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#1 of The Kickbacks

I've been reading transformation stories for a long time. It's time to give something back.

I tried to break up some of the narrative patterns I've seen in tf stories, but at the same Time I really just wanted to actually get something uploaded ;)

I really appreciate comments of all sorts. It doesn't matter if it's criticism, questions, or praise. Please share your thoughts!

The Kickbacks

by: Xerox2

Kevin reached between his legs and touched the pussy that now resided there. He breathed in sharply as his fingers caressed the puffy, triangular flesh of his new sex organ. It was a dog's pussy, he knew. He'd seen the shape countless times on the bitch he had as a pet growing up, but this time it was larger. . . human sized. The lips of it were a darker speckled flesh that contrasted with his fairer natural skin color.

It started with the genitals last month too. He sighed and drew his finger away just as a small bead of liquid formed longingly in the new Y shaped crack. Warmth spread through his crotch, but he had to ignore it. As he buttoned his pants, he took a moment to flush the toilet even though he hadn't used it. He couldn't stay in the bathroom forever; he was expected. It was time to speak. The bathroom's valet handed Kevin a towel, but he was distracted by the new sensation of his pussy rubbing against the inside of his briefs. It fits fine, he thought, it just feels weird.

A fully suited, fully groomed Kevin Alphonse Baker stepped into the massive conference room. Hordes of eager investors, speculators, employees, and their families applauded as he made his way to the podium. But in that sea he saw only one face. He could pick her face out from a crowd of any size. It was he eyes, he thought, those big gorgeous green eyes, accentuated with eye shadow, those gentle lips pursed into a straight line. He was sure many people here were clapping only out of politeness, but her applause was a different kind of facade; it was an indictment. Even as the MC handed him the mic the eyes of his ex fiance burned into him from the second row.

"Twenty five years ago," he started, the crowd falling silent, "if you had told me the future of beef would be in Asia, I would have called you crazy. But today, expanding markets in China and cultural shifts in attitudes toward consuming beef in India mean that soon we might be seeing the biggest demand for new ranches in Asia rather than here at home." Some pictures of popular asian landmarks -- the great wall, the Taj mahal, the streets of shanghai -- flashed up on the projection behind him. In the middle of all the pictures was a stock photo of a bunch of men in suits excitedly shaking hands and smiling. "Today, I'm proud to announce a brand new initiative for expansion. One that will provide jobs for tens of thousands of workers at home and abroad: The Pan-Asia Ranching Expansion Project!" Applause filled the room again as a large title card filled the wall behind him.

He absent-mindedly scratched an itch in his crotch and was startled at the unfamiliar sensation. He missed a beat, but the moment was soon out of everyone's busy minds. Everyone's but hers. She looked at him now, a look disappointment on her face. She knew. The rest of his presentation continued without a hitch, and he rejoined the diners below. On his way off the stage he mimicked the stock photo from earlier, shaking hands will all manner of colleague and skeptic. They didn't know, he thought, that the hand they shook had been touching that THING between his legs. He hadn't even remembered to wash it. He took a roundabout path, but very consciously made his way to that woman in the crowd. When he finally reached Kayla, she shook his hand too.

"Nice presentation, Mr. Baker. Beef markets in Asia, very interesting." she glanced lower. "I do hope no. . . personal problems get in the way of it becoming a reality."

"I'm seeing a doctor, Kayla." He wasn't. She sighed. "Please. . . give me a chance. We had so much together."

Kayla leaned in a bit to whisper in his ear, "Nothing you can do can make up for the way you shattered my life with your disease, Kevin. My very conceptions of reality. My dream of a family. . ." She withdrew and smiled "If you would like to talk more to my department, It would be best to utilize the company-appointed liaison." That smile would have fooled almost anyone. It was practiced, natural. Of course Kevin could see through it, but the artistry of it made him desire her all the more.

He wanted to stay there forever, grasping her hand, looking into that practiced perfect face. A few months ago they had negotiated the expansion into South America together, and today they couldn't have been further apart. Without another word he nodded and took his leave. Appearances must be upkept, and he had taken far too many "personal days" in the last month to simply leave, so he stayed. He stayed and shook hands and drank drinks with his coworkers until it was safe to leave. A torrent of thoughts raced through his mind all the while, and somehow his multi-million dollar proposal -- the one that could make or break his career-- took a distant third. He was preoccupied by the fear of the unknown, the fear of his physical changes and what he way wake up to tomorrow, but he was more distracted by the fear of the known, the fear that now, certainly, Kayla was lost to him.

By the time Kevin all but staggered through the rain and into the cab, he had gotten quite a few congratulatory drinks. The driver's headphones filled the car with muffled Bollywood. He let his hand wander toward his crotch. The driver was surely distracted with drivng, he thought, just be casual. The truth was he couldn't resist. He felt a familiar relentless horniness approaching him. With his legs splayed a bit, he could see the slightest outline of it against his slacks. As he drew his hand across his crotch, he felt how soft the lips were, and how warm! He hadn't expected them to be so hot. He flexed a muscle and felt his pussy twitch underneath his hand. It send shivers up his spine.

It had all started about a month and a half ago. He and Kayla had been waking up after a night of celebration not too different from tonight and quickly found that Kevin had a generous pair of mare's lips between his legs. Kayla fell into an uncharacteristic fit of panic at the sight and immediately dashed out the door. She had never returned, and life was difficult without her as he had continued to change. In a few weeks his lower body had completely been transformed into that of a mare. It wasn't until he had traveled out to his country home and let one of his prize stallions mount him that he returned to normal. He had been driven by an insatiable horniness that had been growing through the month. And he could feel it starting again right now. He moved his hand away and caught a glimpse of some wetness through his pants. This wasn't the night he expected to have.

Kevin slammed his house's door shut and immediately started taking off his suit. Gus came over to meet his master without a moment to lose. He was a gorgeous Rottwieler and of course he was always excited when someone entered the home, especially Kevin. He came up and goosed his nose against his owner's groin, almost knocking him off his feet. Kevin recovered drunkenly.

"Not tonight, Gus." He clenched his teeth and quickly put Gus outside, and then put out a dish of food and water for him. The patio area was generous and he had access to some property and shelter, so he'd be fine. He wasn't eager to get raped by another animal. Last time he thought it had cured him when that horse came inside him. Now he knew that it had only changed his affliction, not stopped it. He would find a cure this time.

With Gus out of the way, he retired to his bedroom and got undressed. The room felt massive. Not only did Kevin do well for himself, but it was also still mostly furnished for two. Piece by piece his clothes came off, and he didn't stop until he was completely naked. His alteration was obvious in the full-body mirror. He walked forward, noting how it made his pussy bounce a bit as he went. He could feel its warmth across his thighs, and the cold touch of his hand was electric, ushering a moan from his lips. he rubbed a finger up and down the slit, reveling in the odd sensation. He popped his index finger in his mouth and salivated on it a bit for lubricant. Lowering his hand, he slowly he worked his finger a ways into his new pussy. It felt wonderful. He gripped his finger with unfamiliar muscles and moaned in pleasure.

Lost in the sensation, his balance abandoned him and he tumbled over, colliding with Kayla's old dresser. Some of the drawers fell open, and as he went to close them he saw something in one of them. The toy was peeking out from under some towels. It was one of her dildos! He moved the towel over and found something of a collection. One was a standard pink vibrator, and the next was a larger human-shaped dildo. The third and final one was a simple butt-plug that they had bought months ago but never used. Jackpot. His pussy was actually dripping at this point, and he was willing to bet any attempt to return these would end with a restraining order.

He started with the vibrator. First he inserted it while it was off. Pushing inch after inch of the soft tube inside him. Only when the vibrator was fully buried into his cunt did he turn it on. Immediately he was awash in sensation. The vibrations traveled through his crotch, satiating the heat that had grown in it. Suddenly Kevin wondered why women don't use vibrators more often. He allowed his whole body to relax. After a few calming deep breaths, the toy still buzzing away in his pussy, he scooted up the bed and laid his head on the pillows. Again he reached down and worked the vibrator in and out of his pussy. Slowly increasing in speed. He got closer and closer to climax, but the simple vibrator began to feel so small. He grabbed lube from the drawer and slid a finger in along side the vibrator. The puffy lips easily gave entrance to his finger, and it felt heavenly. As he neared his climax, the world around him got hazy with pleasure, and he slid yet another finger inside of him before his body was wracked with orgasm. The next breath he took was profoundly relaxing. Soon he was asleep there on the bed, the toy still buzzing away in him, and his fingers still buried in his twitching pussy.

Kevin awoke to both a headache and a stomach-ache. The lights were still on and seemed all too bright. He woozily sat up to look at the clock and felt the vibrator shift inside him. It buried deep within him, but the battery had worn out. Kevin relaxed and removed the pink shaft slowly. The Blu-Ray player said it was 7:20 AM. It was only as he finally stood up and looked in the mirror did he notice the changes. First, the patch of black skin had spread all around his groin and almost down to his knees. It also spread up his belly a ways, and even onto his chest a bit. 6 pink dots arranged in two rows adorned his abdomen. Nipples. The lowest two nipples were as big as his normal nipples and even had a slight swelling behind them. A matting of very fine peach fuzz coated his groin, and he knew that it would soon develop into fur. As he turned, he noticed a very obvious addition: a tail. He had had a mare's tail once before, but this one was different. It was stronger, heftier, and still covered in skin. He wagged it back and forth a bit, testing it. It certainly affected his balance more than the mare's tail had. He figured he had a dog's asshole at this point too, but he didn't know of any significant differences in that department.

He had to stop when he suddenly felt nature calling. He jumped over to the bathroom and sat down on the seat. The tail made finding a comfortable position difficult, but he managed. Pissing was the strangest sensation and it sent a shiver up his spine. It was always a suspicion of his that sexual activity fueled the changes, and waking up today seemed to support that theory. Perhaps he could slow the changes down if he could resist, but even now he felt the lust in the back of his mind. Eyes closed, he dropped his chin to his chest in relaxation. When his eyes opened, he noticed what appeared to be a black ink tattoo just below his lowest nipples. As soon as he wiped (Some thing he learned was necessary with his mare's pussy), he took a picture with his cell phone and started to copy down the symbols by hand. His tail wagged back and forth unconsciously with excitement.

After tossing the sex toys back into the drawer, he woke up his computer and did some morning research. The office wouldn't expect him until Monday, thankfully.. First, he learned more about dog reproduction than he ever cared to know. In the process, he looked at information about hormones, heat, and of course he looked up photos and videos about mating, and about how the male's penis would swell up inside the female, locking them together as the male came. Without thinking, he started to finger himself as he clicked from site to site. He saw how their knots swelled up as big as his fist and felt a drop in the pit of his stomach. His pussy looked larger than the ones on the dogs, how big of a knot could it hold? He shook his head and pushed those thoughts away for now. Next, Google showed him thousands of runes, symbols, etchings, and hieroglyphics. None of them looked anything like the ones on his stomach.

A knock at the door shook him from his trance. He jumped up, quickly donned some pajamas, and then also threw on a robe for good measure. He cracked the door and a very similar face was on the other side. "Kayla?"

She pushed him aside and entered the house. "Shut it."

Kevin slammed the door. "Your nerve! Barging into my home after rejecting me like that last night!"

"Please, no shouting," she sighed.

"You're lucky I'm just as hung over as you," he continued in a normal tone. "Now explain yourself." Kayla looked disheveled. Gone was the composed and calculated image of feminine strength in business, and in its place stood a frumpy and worried looking girl. She was wearing a coat and a skirt that touched the ground. With a sigh, she started to undress.

A sickening fear started rising in kevin's stomach. The fact that she was wearing slacks under her skirt seemed to confirm his suspicion. When she dropped her pants, he instantly recognized what he saw. A horse's sheath and balls rested between her legs. He turned away and bit his finger. "I'm scared, Kev." she murmured after a brief silence. Kevin was shaking, but he forced himself to regain his composure. The last thing she needed was his panicking.

Cautiously he turned around. "May I?" The girl nodded and he kneeled down. The generously-sized sheathe was cream-colored with pink spots. Two balls hung like fists in a supple sack beneath her. They probably rubbed against her legs as she walked. What he did next surprised them both: he stood and hugged her. He had been there last month, naked in front of his lover, ashamed, afraid. He knew that all she wanted at that moment was acceptance. She had abandoned him, and he didn't want to inflict that pain on her. So he embraced her not as a lover but as a friend and a fellow victim clinging to his humanity. "When did it start?"

"This morning," She whispered. This disease was still new to him, but he had at least one month of experience that she didn't. He postulated that she hadn't felt much of the horniness yet, but even as the thought crossed his mind he felt something warm stirring against his leg.

He drew away and held her shoulders. "It's going to be alright." A glance downward confirmed that a bit of her new penis had extended from the sheath.

"How can you say that!? My life is ruined. The only person in the world who won't run away from me screaming is you. This thing is so horrible. . . I woke up today with it staring me in the face, Kev, it's huge. The only person I'm compatible with now is you and your freaky horse pussy."

The word stung. "Actually. . ." kevin started to undress. "It's progressed." Soon he stood naked in front of her, tail curled up between his legs, brushing lightly against his new canine pussy. Kayla gasped. "It will happen to you too. You continue to change, Kay. It's not just the privates."

Now it was her turn to stare. He let her stand and look as long as she wanted. At his new nipples, at his tail. There was a resignation in her face. "What do you know about it?"

"Not much, I'm afraid." He started pacing, nude. "Only that the changes continue until. . ."

"Until what?"

"Well. . .seemingly forever. I have a theory on how to 'reset' them, but as you can see," he gestured to his groin, "it doesn't last."

"Are you growing dog's tits?"

"I, uh. I think so."

"Good lord." She slumped onto a nearby couch, her legs spread so that the new meat could rest comfortably between them. "I know you were lying when you said you were seeing a doctor yesterday, Kev." He figured. "What are those symbols above your crotch?"

"A clue," he smiled, "I found it this morning." He walked over to her. There was an unusual smell about her, which he forced himself to ignore. "I can't figure out what they mean."

Kayla rose with energy, and her junk jiggled unceremoniously. "We need an expert. Someone who knows about these kinds of symbols." Kevin couldn't help but smile, "Until further notice, we're partners in solving this thing, Kev." She crossed her arms. "Your tail is, uh, wagging."

"Oh, sorry." He felt ashamed. Noticing that her penis had failed to retreat into her sheathe he mentioned, "Shower's open if you want it. I'll call the University."

Not a moment later she was in the bathroom with the water running. "My stuff's still here?" she called through the door.

"I've. . .been really busy with the proposal," Kevin lied. He'd actually been really busy worrying, traveling, and masturbating himself into a haze. She'd know that soon enough, though.

Twenty minutes later Professor Layla Chaves, the head of Linguistic Studies and Ancient Writing at the University of Texas eagerly made an appointment to study some unidentified writing that a couple had come across while they were landscaping.

As kevin was hanging up the phone he heard the shower door open, "Kev?" The tone she used caused his stomach to sink. His fears were immediately confirmed when he saw the dripping figure of Kayla at the door. Her equine penis was limp, but fully extended from her sheathe. It was about the size of his forearm and speckled pink and white just like her sheathe. Thick, veins traced across its surface. The head of it had swollen immensely, and he knew from experience that she must have just worked herself to orgasm. He could see a horse's tail swaying behind her, and her ears were now large, pointed horse ears that stuck off the top of her head. Her feet were lengthening, and she was standing awkwardly on the flats of them still. He approached and she made no move to shy away. As he helped her to the couch (it was difficult for her to stand) he noticed that she was larger than he remembered, more muscular. It was subtle, but she was only slightly smaller than him now.

"You'll have to learn to walk on the balls of your feet." He said, not mentioning it when her cock flopped against him. She moved it with her hand, and a heat immediately shot to the canine bits between his legs.

Tears began to form in her eyes. "I'm a monster." She wailed. "I'll never close another deal as long as I live!"

"Shhh.. it's only temporary, babe." Kevin embraced her on the couch until she calmed down a bit. "We have a meeting at the University in an hour, Kay." Her legs were still fairly normal, but the feet had extended and her toes had started to merge together. It would probably only be a day or two until she had hooves in the place of her feet. "I don't know what this is, babe, but we'll beat it together."

"Do you forgive me?" She asked softly "I cut you loose, abandoned you."

"Of course, I forgive you. I would have done the same thing." He smiled. "We're sharks, Kay. Cutting off slack and trampling people on our way to the top is what we do."

Her beautiful green eyes locked with his, "You were going to be the one I regretted, Kev."

For once in his life he was absolutely certain she was telling the truth. "I'll go to the University. My changes are easier to hide."

"No." she held his hand firmly. "We're in this together." She needed him.

"Well then." He leaned in close, "we'd better figure out a way to hide those legs soon then."

The Kickbacks, Chapter 2

== ===== =Chapter 2= ===== The changes were so unbelievable that anyone who saw them would probably think it was some sort of strange prank. Or so Kevin said as he merged onto the freeway, "I figure the labs, the cells, the doctors, the media. . ....

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