Visiting a Dragon 1

Story by CookieDraggy on SoFurry

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Well, this is my first story then.. hides his face

In the past I enjoyed writing short paragraphes under my pictures to tell the story. Now I wanted to write some more, but I honestly didn't believe it would result in so much text... but I admit I was pretty excited writing it n_~;;

Might be the first chapter for a longer story.

The two of them wandered down a long corridor below the mansion, lit by the warm light of a dozen ornamented lanterns. Hazel was guest of the house and he was led around by a gorgeous lady with ebony skin and a creme-colored dress. She was an 'employee' of the house as well and judging by her looks and fine features, many noble men paid handsomely every night to keep her company.

But Hazel wasn't here for the ladies. Neither for the men. Since he had heard rumors of the exclusive 'guest' who was dwelling below the baroque mansion. Those extraordinarily wealthy would boast that they had spend time with one of the only dragons ever known to men. How the golden cat club had come into possession of this creature was a mystery, but in aristocratic circles it was now the latest thrill to enter his chambers. According to the official word, the dragon was treated by the house as a very special kind of pet, but judging by numerous rumors it might have been the other way around.

"...Please allow me to emphasize this again. Your generous donation opens the doors for you and gives you the opportunity to spend time with him, as well as perfect privacy of course... What happens between the two of you is not part of that contract."

she stopped for a split second and her face showed a sign of hesitation, if only for a moment.

"As an honored patron of our house you are free in your acts, but I strongly recommended that you do not try and force... the issue. It's not known to lead to desirable... results"

She stopped again, this time because they had arrived at their destination. Hazel looked at the huge portal that covered the whole width of the corridor. The door was covered in dark oaken veneer and framed with polished ornaments of gold. But when the woman took out a massive iron key and opened the portal, Hazel realized that it was ub fact a massive bulk of steel that would could easily be used to protect a safe.

"Here we are, Sir. I will now hand you the key to the inner chamber and they are yours for the next 24 hours" she said as they stepped into a small anteroom. "Please note that we will under no circumstances enter the inner chambers during that time. And once the time is up, we will assume that you have ...left the house. Please enjoy your stay."

With that last words Hazel took the fine, golden key into his hand and the women left the anteroom. The portal closed with a deep clank, followed by an unnatural silence.

He looked at the inner portal. Now he just needed to open this last door.. pushing the key into the keyhole, turning it around... He gulped hard when he realized he could not turn it any further and slowly the door began to swing open. The first thing he noticed was the overpowering scent. And then he saw him.

On a round bed in the middle of the room lay the massive body of a white dragon, sprawling between red pillows of velvet, digging his claws into the soft mattress. His heart began to pound faster. This beautiful creature looked like it was made to hunt down prey. Under the snowy white skin he saw the dragons muscles working every time the beast shifted on the bed. His claws must have been the lengths of hazels fingers.

And between his hindlegs - casually as if it was the most normal thing in the world - lay the dragons gorgeous shaft. Free from its sheath and half-erect, the pink flesh glistened, covered by a natural fluid that was clearly dripping from the rounded tip.

Hazel felt his own member press hard against his underwear as his eyes trailed over the lenghts of the shaft. It looked like it was begging him to touch it, to press his nose against it and lick and worship every inch of it. If only he could just go over and....

His thoughts were interrupted when he realized that the dragon had lifted his head and was staring right at him. Then he opened his mouth, revealing rows of razor sharp teeth. Hazels eyes went wide. 'He's not.. is he.. will he eat me??' All of the sudden he became painfully aware of the fact, that he could see no chains whatsoever. If the beast decided to hunt him down, he had nowhere to run. The chamber was huge and gorgeous, but much too small to even think of hiding from a feral hunter that was three times his size... He could almost feel how the maw would close around his neck, the teeth piercing his skin and then...

But all the dragon did was to let out a heartfelt yawn, licking his lips and lowering his head again, keeping just one eye on the bunny that by now was pressing his back against the chamber portal.

Hazel felt his heart pumping. Well, it seemed the dragon had no interest in harming him, at least for now. And his penis was still lying between his legs, rubbing between the legs, leaving a trail of the glistening fluid on the white skin... the way he was shifting his hindlegs to reveal his manhood, the way he moved his tail to show just the slightest hint of what was between his muscular butt checks... if he didn't know any better he would have guessed that... 'Wait, are you teasing me here? Do you show me that cock on purpose to make me hornyand then see if you can scare me off? In that case...' It was all our nothing, he knew, but he didn't overcome all the trials to turn around and give up now!

He took a few steps into the chamber, slowly, and stopped by one of the excuisite red leather chairs that the house had used to give the room a baroque flair and began to undress, folding his clothes clumsily over its back. The dragon was still watching him. He could sense it. His boxers had a dark stain where his cock had pressed against it and it felt both liberating and frightening to stand naked in front of the white beast now.

All the while the dragon had hardly moved. But when Hazel stepped forward, he got up from the bed and stepped forward as well, looking at the bunny full on. He lowered his neck so that their heads were on the same height. 'So far so good'_Hazel smiled, _'and now...'

He lifted his hand, as if to give the dragon an opportunity to take a sniff. It worked for animals, why not for him, too?

And just as he hoped, the beast shifted his head forward, sniffing eagerly, but he didn't stop at his hand, he came so close that Hazel could feel the hot breath on his face. All he could do was to stand still and let the dragon do his thing. He stared directly into his blue eyes, could see the strange intelligence inside and also a hint of playfulness. Then all of the sudden the beast opened his maw again and Hazel felt the huge tongue licking all over his face, slowly, from his chin up to his hair. It was so wet and slobbery it made him chuckle. And then he looked at the dragon who had pulled back a few inches so he could look at him comfortably, his eyes now showed a deep friendliness and his wet, long tongue was still sticking out.

Hazel knew it was now or never. He lifted his hand and gently touched the side of the dragons head and fondled the incredibly smooth skin. Then he came closer, opened his mouth, closed his eyes and slowly licked over the dragons tongue. It was the most exciting kiss in his whole life. His cock was so rock hard... why did it excite him so to trail the slimy dragon tongue with his own? To taste his salvia and touch it with his nose?

He licked all over the wet tongue and the dragon seemed to like it as well as he didn't draw it back. The moment seemed to go on forever. When it ended, Hazel couldn't say if minutes or hours had passed. The dragon gave him another lick over the whole of his face and then turned around. Hazel looked at the elegant hips as they turned, at the long tail with its fuzzy black fur on the top and for a second his dragon cock and balls seemed to dangle in front of him for, easy to touch... until the beast dropped down on his belly on the middle of the bed. 'You damn cocktease! But that's an invitation, right?'

Following the dragon onto the bed, he thought of his next step and had an idea when the white tail casually brushed against his side. He gently held on to the tail and took the tip in both his hands. 'I bet you are going to like this..' He placed his lips around the tip and began licking it. Very slowly, very gently. Sliding his wet tongue all over the smooth skin and the dragon began to quiver, just like as if he was getting goosebumps. 'If you like that, then you're going to love this.' Hazel began to bob his head back and forth while holding the tail in place, each time taking a bit more of it into his maw and bathing it with his tongue. By now he could hear and feel the white beast purrr with content.

After he was sure he got his desired effect, he began kissing the tail. One kiss after another the bunny began working his way along the tail, following its underside. He knew very well that with at least three meters of tail this would take a while, but eventually he would end up kissing his tailbase, and after that...

He was just about half way down the tail when suddenly he flinched! Without him noticing it, the end of the tail had moved around him and now it was brushing him between his legs. It looked like it was moving from side to side, sliding along like an albino snake and just casually glanced the underside of his cock, sending shivers up his body. But by know he knew better. 'Now it's you who is getting impatient?' He smiled to himself. It would be easy to change his plan right now and fasten things up, but he was sure that the huge predator wanted more affection than that.

And so he continued kissing down the tail, ignoring the sensation between his legs that made him shiver again and again. And when he finally came closer to the base of the tail, the dragon slowly lifted his hindquarters, giving Hazel the access to continue on his path. He was so close to his crotch now.. when his nose arrived directly above the monsters tailhole the musk had become so strong, it was intoxicating him. He had to press his nose against it, he had to lick it.. but he couldn't. Not now, at least, not until the dragon gave him permission. He dared not to think about what the predator would do if he came to the conclusion that he didn't like their game after all. And with the throbbing members in his sight, it was obvious what he desired of him. Demanded of him.

So he skipped the spot between the buttocks and instead set his eyes on the dragons huge, round balls that were dangling right in front of him now. He placed his soft hand under one of them and cupped it gently, fondling the white skin with his soft fur. 'You're such a beauty... but if feels like you are pretty pent up. Didn't release yourself in a while? Then I guess that means the other visitors didn't tickle your fancy?'

A demanding growl reminded him to continue what he began and the bunny gladly obeyed. He planted a gentle kiss on both of the dragons balls and then began licking them, lifting them with his tongue, covering every inch of them with his salvia until they glistened all over. Then he breathed hot air over them. The dragon murrred deeply and lifted his hindlegs even higher.

And finally, finally Hazel arrived at the dragons huge shaft. Glistening wet with his own juices it waited for him and he pressed his nose against it with pleasure. He had waited for so long and now he could finally taste it, savor the feral musk and worship it without holding back. He was so full of joy and ecstasy, he knew that the slightest touch on his cock would tip him off. Running his tongue all over it he lapped up as much of the dragons precum as he could, bathing his lips in it and keeping it on his tongue before he swallowed.

In response, the dragon rolled on his back, lying himself down comfortably in front of Hazel and spreading his hindlegs to show off his trembling shaft. Hazel wasted no time and crawled onto the dragon, kneeling somewhat above the tailbase, but it felt more like sitting on the tail itself.

He felt his hardon pressing against the dragons orbs. If he would shift down just a few inches, his tip would touch that exquisite tailhole... Hazel bit on his lower lip and instead closed both his furry handy around the shaft, leaning himself forward and against the throbbing member. He could feel the heat against his belly and breast.

The dragon looked at him from dreamy eyes, his maw had opened half way with his tongue lolling out as he was softly panting in pleasure. Hazel gave him a sexy smile and watched him as he began to slowly stroke up and down the shaft. Starting at the base and working his way up to the tip, he moved his fuzzy paws up, softly and gently. On his way back down he griped him hard and pushed his hands against the sheath.

He was rewarded every time with a new drip of precum from the dragons glistening tip which he lapped, all the while looking at the beautiful beast moaning and purring and squirming. In time he started rubbing his own member against the dragon, leaving his own slimey trail on the dragons balls. It felt so hot to feel his sensitive tip brushing over the tightly filled balls. He could just hump away against the smooth wet skin and if he did, he would cover those sexy orbs with his seed and it would drip down between the dragons loins...

The thought made him tremble and he had to hold himself back, clenching the predators cock and holding it tightly against his body.

Next he felt something pressing against his back. The dragon used his tail to poke him, push him forward, urging him to crawl over the massive cock and he stopped only when Hazel was kneeling above the dragons manhood. His head came forward and gave Hazel another gentle lick. But it was different this time. The teasing was all gone and replaced by a feral desire. He wanted him, and he wanted him now.

Hazel felt the tip grinding between his furry butt cheeks. He reached behind him with one hand, guiding it towards his entrance but at the same time lifting his butt as high as he could. "Sssh.. I know, but please be patient", he whispered between their kisses, "you don't want to break me, do you?" Then he lowered his butt slowly until he could feel the hot touch of the dragons cock pressing against his tight pucker.

He had no idea if the beast would understand what he said and realize what the difference between their sizes could mean for the smaller male. And he closed his eyes when the dragons tail wrapped around his hip like a boa and began pushing him downwards against the shaft. "Easy now. Easy.." he groaned.

The next thing he felt was a sharp pain when the tip entered his little tailhole. The bunny whimpered and closed his eyes. He breathed hard and tried to relax, but it was not easy. Then something was scratching through the fluffy fur on his chest. When he opened his eyes again, he realized the dragon hadn't pushed him further and he was caressing his chest with his forepaw, running the claws ever so gently through his fur. His eyes looked almost lovingly.

Slowly the pain subsided and gave way to a comfortable feeling, then to an unstoppable arousal. He touched the dragons forepaw with his hand and pulled it up to his face, rubbing his nose against the digits and giving them all a gentle kiss. Then he relaxed his butt as best as he could and lowered himself on the dragons throbbing member.

They moaned together when inch after inch entered the hungry bunnybutt, stretching him further than any toy the bunny had ever hidden in the chest under his bed. He could feel the precum gushing into him, lubing him up. The realization of being filled by the massive dragon member, to actually ride the dragon right now, being the filly for the white beast overpowered him and made him chuckle with from uncontrollable joy.

He continued to take in the dragons cock, inch by inch until he could no longer. He felt his cheeks press against something bigger that turned out the be a knot at the base of the cock. Hazel grabbed it with his free hand and squeezed it hard, sending shivers through the dragon. Then the dragon growled lowly.

Suddenly the world spinned around and Hazel lost orientation. After a second he knew they had turned around, the dragon was now on top and the bunny on bottom. He gulped, half in fear, half in anticipation. All he managed to do was to get halfway up on all fours and then the dragon was upon him.

His back rubbed against the predators belly and then the cock was pressing against his tailhole again. Still gentle, but no longer patient. The dragon pushed his shaft into the bunny with a loud grunt, burying it deep into him and pressing the bunny hard against the mattress. It hit Hazels prostate so hard, his eyes went wide and he let out a loud "oh FUCK!" and bunnies world dissolved into ecstasy. The dragon pounded away at him and fucked his with no hesitation, growling louder and pushing the bunny into the bed. The beast pleasured his butt in ways he wouldn't have believed existed.

He reached for the dragons forelegs and hold onto them as the beast mounted him, massaging his prostate with every deep thrust. The precum leaked all over his butt, he could feel the drips running down over his balls. His world shrunk until only the strong beast above him and the massive cock was left that filled him with heat and lust.

The pressure in his member got stronger and stronger, pressing against the soft velvet of the mattress until knew he couldn't hold back any longer. He exploded onto the bed, his semen gushing out and against his own belly. He held on to the dragons forelegs as hard as he could with his orgasm sending wave after wave of pleasure through his loins. It wouldn't stop. With the pressure of the dragons cock against his most sensitive parts he felt lost in pleasure, shooting one after another rope of hot, sticky bunny seed between the mattress and his belly, covering himself in cum.

When he felt the last spasm subside, he realized the dragon had lowered his head and was sniffing at him, drawing in his scent. From his position below it looked as if the dragon was grinning, but in any way he was purring directly into his ear and send shivers through his body when he licked along his neck.

His thrusting had become slower as well. Now the beast was pulling his member out all the way, almost leaving his tailhole and the bunny felt the emptiness where the hot flesh had been. Then he buried himself again deep into the bunnies innards, grinding slowly against the sensitive prostate. It felt like heaven.

Hazel allowed himself to close his eyes and relax, feeling only the dragon above him and the mattress below. And the dragon continued to mount him. Sometimes slowing down and fucking him almost tenderly, then again he became a wild, feral beast and thrust into him so hard, he came for a second time.

After what felt like hours of raw, passionate sex, just when the dragon humped him vigorously, he felt something new against his neck. As if dozens of needles would touch his skin at the same time - the beast had closed his maw around his neck! Hazel shivered and clenched under the huge body, but the dragon seemed lost in his lust. His humping became wilder, his groaning louder. The bunny felt his breath hot on his neck. When the teeth dug through his fur and pierced his skin, if only for a little, his arousal grew to a new high. This was definitely the most exciting love-bite of his life! And as the big cock was hammering against his prostate and he felt the dragon coming closer to his climax, he knew he was close again as well.

He moaned loudly when the dragons maw closed stronger around his neck and throat felt the dragon pressing his member against his butt with force, spreading his tailhole further and further.. with a loud roar and a pop the dragon had knotted the bunny and shot his semen deep into him with all his pent-up pressure. Hazel could feel the spurts of the big predator, the hot cum gushing into his belly. 'Fill me with your seed... oh god yes, give me all you've got... Cum into your bunny!' He felt so full with the cock and the big knot and now all the sticky dragon juices were pumping into his belly as well. It sent him over the edge again instantly and while the dragon towered over him and filled his newfound mare, the bunny clenched hard, shooting his own seed one more time between the mattress and his belly.

Then he collapsed exhausted onto the bed. His last orgasm had taken all the strength from him. Still he could feel the dragon letting more of his hot cum flow into him. Even with the huge knot, the cum started to dribble out of his butt, making its way down between his butt cheeks and over his exhausted balls. Finally the dragon collapsed as well, turning on his side and pulling the bunny with him with a surprised "Eeep?!"

They lay there together, both lost in their afterglow. With slow, gentle movements the white dragon curled around Hazel, holding him with his large forepaws and nuzzling his head. Hazel closed his eyes. He was happy. He ran a hand over his belly, felt it bulging from the dragons cock and his juices. Now he felt so warm and secured in the predators strong arms. When he felt the dragon begin so snore, he fought to stay awake for another minute, just to enjoy the feeling of his warm skin and enjoy his newfound feeling of security, before he himself couldn't keep his eyes open any longer and fell into a deep slumber.

End of Chapter 1