Underwater Defender

Story by Ephemeral_Dreams on SoFurry

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Something I wrote with my new and (not so) shiny phone on my car ride back to Kansas from Wisconsin. Legs were crampy. But... I think I did well, though I can never be satisfied with anything I write...Just never feels like I've got the entireity of my emotions at the time into it.

Underwater defender

By ephemeral_dreams

Slicing through the night, floundering with no might

Splicing through my emotions, wandering with no sight

Mistakes long forgotten but never forgiven for.

Lakes long polluted but never frozen solid

The ants residing upon the hill, drying the lands unto absolute nill.

Blind to the path with dark storms of the past just above .

The llints clogging the chill, crying til my hands turn the resolute mill.

Behind each breath with cut, torn chest ever naive.

The forecast is unknown, yet the rain never ceases.

Sunrise something to yearn for, yet something yet to learn of.

The past so well-known, yet the cane never misses.

Sunlight nothing to long for, yet something not to scorn at.

Which was the wrong turn, the missed exit.

Was there even one, a hasty missive.

Where was the sign, to this path so hectic

Why oh why was there a road, to this accursed oblivion.

Misfortune following potholes, livelihood destroyed and more at stake

Held out for so long, alas the bridge crumbles.

Soldier of fortune following wind that blows, his small unit disbanded and most in underground chests

Hold out no longer, at last his rage crackles.

Blaming no one but himself, his carcinogenic tendencies.

Claiming nothing to himself, his evangelic tendencies

His brother had failed him, but he took the scar.

His mother had hailed him, but he shook off his tears

Evanescent dreams fly away, as my logical mind deduce away.

Screams of lost goals, streams of costly coal.

The candle burns with light, fueled by my soul's fright

Who takes the blame, when my life is aflame.

Would there be a way out, an exit to heaven.

Could there be a road about, a path unforgiven.

Suppose I shall endure the gale, the unending masses pelting away

Oppose I shall under the gate, the unforgiving gases melting me away

Til my bones be dust and be nourishment for the rest.

Comments and criticisms are appreciated.

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