The Ambush

Story by Abdul on SoFurry

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#2 of Team L

A tale of being in the wrong place at the wrong time and the trouble one trainer and his mon end up in.

It was a bright and sunny day out and thus was a perfect day to walk along the roads. Heh, he wondered just why that weatherman had been so adamant in telling everyone that there was going to be storms and heavy winds today. The weather channel never said what was really going to happen so when John had heard that prediction he had decided to dress for warm weather instead. The young boy only wore a pair of brown shorts with a red shirt and some shoes that were coated with mud and dirt from his long journey. Today he was going to Celadon City to get his next gym badge! He had already been to Lavender and managed to pick up some additional pokemon from the area and he had been hard at work training them all into fighting machines.

Currently his Charmeleon happily strolled along with him, looking around for any potential fights. Yeah, Charmeleon could be brutal if you didn't know how to raise them, but he had learned that Charmeleon had large amounts of aggression. You simply had to send them out sometimes to attack a pokemon you saw on the road to keep that aggression down. Do that and they would become calm for long stretches of time.

"So, ready to light some plants on fire?" He asked his Charmeleon.

The fire type eagerly nodded his head and breathed out a small amount of flame much to the amusement of John. "Well keep up that attitude then. With your fire power we'll take down Erika easily!"

Charmeleon jabbed a claw into the air, letting out a happy sounding 'Char!'

John smiled and as they turned a bend in the road the two paused when they saw an odd sight. There was a large white ball in the middle of the road. From a single look John could tell that it was metallic and so he walked up with Charmeleon and lightly tapped the ball, "Uh... you see anyone around Charmeleon?"

The fire type shook his head and sniffed the ball curiously. "Huh... well, it's a ball..." He tapped it again and scratched his head, "What is a ball doing out here though. It's metal, so it must weigh quite a lot. Someone had to be rather strong to bring it out here in the middle of nowhere."

As he looked over the ball again he shrugged, "Oh well. I guess when we get to Celadon City we can inform some officers what we saw and see if someone is missing a bit white ball."

Charmeleon nodded with him and the two were about to leave when they heard a mechanical whirling sound behind them. The two turned to see the white ball was moving up and soon was floating in mid-air. The ball's surface shimmered as the white color disappeared and its surface became transparent. Inside the sphere itself he could see that there were numerous tentacles writhing about. Suddenly a red light flashed out and something akin to a scanner beam shot out and moved up and down Charmeleon's body. "Subject: Charmeleon. Status: Rare." A emotionless voice droned out of the machine.

A hole appeared in the sphere and one of the tentacles inside shot out moving like a blur as it easily wrapped around the surprised fire type and pinned his arms to his side. In another instant Charmeleon was raised into the air and a second tendril slipped out.

"Char!" The reptile cried out as the second one moved to position itself between Charmeleon's kicking legs and a zap of electricity shot out. A grunt of pain escaped the captive's maw, but the shock did the trick as a bit of red skin slowly began to sip out. Another shock let the cock head come out and finally one last zap brought most of the cock out. All the while John could only look on in shock as a thin, long black tendril slithered out. It moved right to the Charmeleon's cock head and flicked along the sip slowly, pausing when it moved over the opening and without missing a beat it plunged on into his urethra.

Charmeleon screamed out as more of the tendril pushed in and the attention to his groin was causing his cock to become aroused. Slowly but surely his cock began to erect as strangled cried came from the pokemon.

John quickly pulled out another ball and tossed it out, "Come on Hypno! I have no idea what this machine is but push it away!"

"Hypno!" The psychic cried out. He looked over at the machine and then up at Charmeleon, blushing a bit at the sight, but he turned back to the machine and held out a hand. His eyes glowed blue as the ball was covered with a blue glow and Hypno thrust his hand further to push the thing back. Unfortunately two thick tentacles suddenly came out to stab into the ground, preventing the ball from moving, but it now had a new target.

Two more holes opened up and two tendrils shot at the Hypno. A red beam shot out to cover him and the same mechanical voice spoke out. "Species: Hypno. Status: Common." Instead of wrapping him up one of the tendrils moved up so that it was merely inches from the Hypno's face. Instinctively Hypno stepped back, but the tendril was faster as it moved down and wrapped around the psychic's throat, squeezing tightly. Hypno gasped and dropped his pendulum as his hands moved up to try and break the limb's grip on his neck. As the tendril squeezed tighter and tighter a stirring began to occur between his legs. Out from his hidden sheath a yellow tip emerged. As the tendril squeezed tighter and tighter the yellow cock ended up erecting far faster and just as the Hypno was on his last legs the squeezing stopped. A weak sob escaped Hypno's throat as he desperately gulped in air though that was the least of his worries.

The second tendril approached his length as a similar black tendril pushed out from the tip to slither into the Hypno's cock. The Hypno cried out as his cock bulged a bit while the invading force pushed in deeper and deeper. Both of the mon's cocks throbbed frantically, trying to force the tendrils out, but to no avail. Charmeleon suddenly cried out in surprise as felt a very strange sensation inside of his cock. It was almost as if hundreds of feathers were moving inside his cock, every tip flicking playfully against the urethra and causing him to moan out. Hypno was quick to join in the moaning and soon both males began to thrust their hips forward to gain even more pleasure from the strange tendril invaders.

John paled and stepped back, and turned about to try and find some sort of weapon he could use, but he felt a tentacle wrap around his waist and haul him up into the air. He tensed up, expecting the tentacles to start abusing him, but it seemed he wasn't even worthy of the machine's attention. His two mon kept on moaning out and it looked as if their instinct for battle had vanished quickly under the sexual torment.

"Charmeleon use a Ember! Hypno you can fight back with Confusion too!" John cried out frantically, yet it was as if he was talking to deaf pokemon. Charmeleon was shivering in pleasure and Hypno had his eyes closed and jerked every so often. John glanced back at the tendrils and noticed the bulges in the two cocks were shifting about. He looked at the invading tentacle and realized the black tips were sliding in and out of the cocks. John knew he had to act fast and he had only one mon left. As he slowly reached for his last pokeball he heard a cry of passion. He looked over to see Charmeleon shivering in the tentacle's grip, gasping out as his cock throbbed and the tentacle attached seemed to be sucking something out. The transparent ball hummed as a small bubble appeared inside next to the opening the tentacle had come out. The bubble pressed close as Charmeleon's cum shot into it. More and more cum shot out as the tentacle wiggled back and forth until finally the flow stopped and the bubble sealed itself up and began to harden over and fell to the bottom of the sphere. Charmeleon wasn't released yet as the tendril that had pierced his urethra slid out and moved up to his forehead, the slimy tip pressing against his scales for a few seconds before pulling away.

Charmeleon was slowly lowered to the ground and balanced on his two feet, but at this point John had enough. He suddenly realized something... he still had their pokeballs with him. All he had to do was withdraw his mon! He grabbed Hypno's ball first and held it out, tapping the button to withdraw his mon, but it seemed to be malfunctioning. He tried it again and the mechanical voice echoed out, "It is no use human. I generate a magnetic field. You are free to release pokemon, but withdrawing them is prohibited."

"Then I'll just have to take you down!" John cried out defiantly as he sent out his last pokemon. He usually never used his last one, considering it scared most who saw it and it tended to get out of hand rather easily. Still, the situation called for it and a large shape appeared in front of John, letting out a loud cry as it spread its massive wings.

The machine buzzed as it scanned the new beast. "Species: Aerodactyl. Status: Extremely Rare." The tendrils that had grappled onto Charmeleon flung themselves at the ancient flyer while other tendrils slipped out from the sphere and shot out as well. Aerodactyl cried out as the various metallic limbs wrapped around his legs and throat, but he was powerful. With a loud cry he moved his hands to slash through the thick cables. As he let out a proud cry the flyer let out a cry of pain and turned to see Charmeleon had attacked him.

"Charmeleon what ar-" John stopped in mid sentence as he looked at his mon. The Charmeleon's pupils were gone and his eyes now had a dull pink glow to them. Not only that but there was a symbol tattooed to his head now. A large pink L dominated his forehead. John watched as Charmeleon grinned and sent out another wave of flames at Aerodactyl who raised his wings to shield himself from the heat. As Aerodactyl was busy with that Hypno's sounds of jubilation echoed out and like with Charmeleon a bubble appeared in the sphere to collect his semen. One of the spare tendrils moved up to press itself against the Hypno's forehead and John was finally able to see that the tentacle was imbedding a L into the yellow fur.

Hypno was dropped down as the last of his semen was collected and he too turned to Aerodactyl who was busy trying to push away Charmeleon. Hypno snickered and held out a hand, forcing Aerodactyl's wings open and letting Charmeleon dash forth. The reptile pressed his muzzle to the flyer's groin and began to eagerly lick against the skin. A blush formed over the Aerodactyl's face, but his attempts to free his wings from Hypno's psychic grip was laughable at best. Still, the fire types tongue wasn't willing to quit quite yet. It licked and slurped along that lovely skin as the gray cock slowly began to push out. "Withdraw Charmeleon." The machine buzzed and the reptile moved on back to allow a tentacle to come on over.

Aerodactyl could only watch on as the black tip slipped out and wiggled into his urethra. The flyer screamed out and John could only squirm about in the tentacle's grip as he watched his last mon being raped by this odd machine. He tried to break free one more time, but this time the tendril squeezed his body even tighter and he cried out in pain. The young trainer closed his eyes as the machine continued to speak, "Random trainer, you stepped into something far more dangerous than you could have imagined. Your pokemon no longer obey you simply because I have placed obedience seals on their foreheads. They will only serve me and soon your Aerodactyl shall join join them."

John cried out as the tendril gripped him a bit harder and as he tried to twist his face away another tentacle came and twisted around his head to force him to watch. "Do not worry, at this rate your Aerodactyl will fall, and he will become a servant for my builders." The tendril squeezed a bit harder even more, "If you cease your struggling you will be released. There is nothing you can do."

Aerodactyl screamed out, his whole body shivering as even a bit of drool dripped out of the large pokemon's maw. Hypno and Charmeleon weren't standing idly around either. The reptile was busy massaging along a thigh while Hypno used his psychic power to tease Aerodactyl's upper body while still keeping him restrained. The tendril just plunged in and out, moving rapidly as it sought to bring the Aerodactyl to as quick an orgasm as possible. The other free tendrils moved over the occupied cock, letting the black tips slip out to tickle along the cock head and along the thick gray length. All Aerodactyl could do was look down and groan every so often.

The tentacle squeezed John tighter and let out an ominous electronic chuckle, "Do not fret small trainer, for your pokemon will serve a greater purpose. And now, the last is taken." At that moment Aerodactyl's cock spasmed as a thick amount of seed shot out into the tentacle. The various tickling tendril tips rubbed even faster against the throbbing gray length to milk as much semen as possible from the captive cock. The amount of cum quickly filled the bubble it was shepherded into and the rest just sloshed about in the machine. The tickling tentacles pulled away with one placing itself against the Aerodactyl's forehead. The rest pulled away and John could only watch as the Aerodactyl's eyes began to glow a bright pink. His head hung forward and the Aerodactyl let out a confused murmur, but as he took a step forward the flyer gripped his head with his wing tips and screamed out.

The pink L on his forehead began to shimmer a bit and the machine whirled a bit. The tentacles slowly moved out to the Aerodactyl but the gray mon spread his wings wide as a louder scream came out. The pink L on his forehead shattered and the pink color from his eyes faded. Aerodactyl roared out in anger and looked at the tentacles that were no coming at him. He began to flap his wings and Hypno held out a hand to try and restrain him again, but the flyer twisted his head to look at the psychic and shot out a Hyper Beam at the two enslaved mon. His attack flung them both back some way and he turned his head to snarl at the machine, letting out another feral cry as he flew up a bit and right at the machine, moving his wings to slam them against the machine and send it staggering back. John ended up being released by the tentacle and almost fell, but Aerodactyl's head was soon under him and he grunted as he fell against his pokemon. The Aerodactyl wasted no time in flapping his wings faster and faster and soon flew up into the air.

The machine buzzed as Charmeleon and Hypno made their way over. It's body tilted back, almost as if it was watching the departing flyer before it buzzed out, "We shall depart." "Follow." It turned about and began to levitate into the forest with the Hypno and Charmeleon following silently after. The machine had a new mission now, to meet with its builders and inform them of their new slaves.

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