Sacrifices Have Been Made

Story by SikGuntz on SoFurry

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A SikGuntz Tale

Kristin rolled over in her bed and stared at the alarm clock on her nightstand with as baleful a glare as she could muster, but that didn't stop it from ringing. She slapped her hand down onto it and turned it off, then yawned widely and groggily dragged herself out of bed, sullenly stepping over to her closet and picking out her school clothes for the day. One light pink blouse, one navy blue pleated skirt that came to just above her knees, some white nylon stockings, and a pair of simple pink Keds sneakers later, and she was ready to face another day. ready as she'd ever be, anyway.

She studied her reflection in the full length mirror on her closet, frowned a little, and tapped a foot. Something missing. One extra little touch to set it off, that certain special...

Ahh. That's what was missing. She picked a simple red ribbon and used it to tie her auburn colored locks of hair back, her tall ears stretching gracefully above them as she looked into the mirror one more time, then nodded.

"How cute," she snorted softly. "Welcome to the only part of your daily life where you can pretend you're like all the other girls," she muttered. She shook her head in disgust, then picked up her bookbag off her bed, the Hello Kitty emblem on it underscoring her shaking head as she hefted it over one shoulder. It was a backpack, but at the moment, she didn't feel like wearing it the way it was meant to be worn. Maybe later, after she had more energy.

She walked down the hall of her and her mother's shitbag of an apartment, the smell of the soiled carpet not registering in her mind, now that she'd lived with it for the past five years. She poked her head around the edge of the open door to regard her mother, who was awake, surprisingly enough. The middle-aged female lapine looked much older than she was, her long hair hanging in scraggly fashion down over her haggard and slightly wrinkled face. A half-empty bottle of Jack Daniels sat on the speaker by her mattress bed, the woman having insisted on giving her daughter the only bedframe they had. A lit cigarette dangled from her fingers as she sat up in bed, knees lifted, eyes bulging and staring forward. Tendrils of smoke wafted through the dim light of the room, the walls yellowed with dried nicotine.

"Mom?" Kristin murmured.

The older rabbit jumped at the sound of her daughter's voice, whipping her head around to face her with a startled look. But upon seeing who it was, her mouth broke into a feeble grin, upper lip twitching a little. "Morning, baby," she said in a scratchy voice. "You off to school already?"

The younger rabbit femme nodded. "Yeah, I'm outta here. I'll probably be home around 8:30 tonight after I get off work." She paused, then frowned as she tried to keep the look of distaste of her face. She didn't want to ask the question, but she knew that she needed to know the answer.

"You got anybody coming by, today or tonight?" she asked.

Her mother looked down at her lap, unable to make eye contact, and her eyes blinked rapidly as though the smoke had gotten into them. "Y-...Yeah. I think. I think someone's coming over at two, and maybe someone else at four thirty. I'll...I'll have to check my book to make sure."

"Ah. Okay, then, I guess that'll work. I won't be home anywhere near then, but if you get a late appointment, you better call Uncle Barney and let him know. He'll have to tell me so I won't come home early and walk in on anything," she warned.

The older rabbit nodded. "Sounds good," she murmured. Her eyes flit nervously again, and she turned her head ever so slightly towards her daughter. "I can fix you breakfast...aren't you hungry?"

Kristin sighed and shook her head. "No time, mom. I gotta go before I'm late for class. Don't worry about it, though, I'll grab something from school," she lied. "I'll see you tonight."

"Okay," her mother said softly, hair obscuring her features again.

Kristin stepped into the kitchen, which had grease stains on the counter and some crumbs from a leftover pizza of two nights before that one of the johns had brought over. She made a bit of a face, but then sighed, opening one of the cupboards and reaching for a small wrapped package of six boxes of dried fruit snacks. She had to be ready, because today was Wednesday. She knew what that meant.

Guess I should be grateful, she thought bitterly. At least THAT john actually brought us something filling to eat.

She stepped out into the hallway, locked the door behind her, tucked the snack box of fruit into her packback, and headed downstairs, the environment still surprisingly tranquil for this time of morning. She only smelled marijuana wafting from two apartments as she walked by, heard the sound of a severe domestic squabble from one other, and didn't have to avoid too many puddles of dried puke and unidentifiable refuse in the stairwell.

* * * * * * *

The ursine janitor opened the door to the boiler room of the school and peered inside nervously, looking around. Sure enough, Kristin was leaning up against one of the grimy walls, and she gave him an annoyed look.

"You're fucking late," she snapped lowly, glaring at him. "I've been here since fifth period. Do you know what a jam I'm gonna be in if my homeroom teacher finds out?"

The bear nodded and held up his hands defensively, looking apologetic. "I know, I know! I'm sorry. Some damn kid and his buds blew up one of the toilets in the boy's bathroom in the math and science hall, and it took me a good hour and a half to get the mess cleaned up and the water shut off," he said, stepping into the room and peering out behind himself to make sure he hadn't been seen. He closed the door firmly, and she came forward and locked it with the key he'd given her. She slid the key into her pocket and turned to face him, frowning solidly. She finally shrugged and said, "Whatever. But we don't have a lot of time, so you'd better get ready in a hurry. You brought the stuff?" she demanded.

He nodded, handing her a new pair of rubber gloves, then he crossed over to what looked like a weight bench that was standing near one of the corners. He took what looked like a large disposable plastic tarp out of his back pocket, unfolded it clumsily, then spread it on the ground and moved the weight bench onto it. Then he took two folding chairs and sat them on both sides of the bench, closer towards one end. Finished at last, he straightened up and began to get undressed.

Kris stood with her back to him the whole time, pondering how ugly he was. A bear of middle age, his muzzle and chest pelt was mottled with some gray and white in places, and there seemed to be a touch of acne on his forehead that he'd never been able to get to go away. His gut was tubby, protruding over his beltline noticeably without the advantage of having the burly chest to match, making his upper body seem a bit sunken in. Mediocre arm muscles and slightly flabby fur-covered legs rounded out his look, and Kristin wondered off-handedly if he was the type his mother would even give a pity fuck to. She doubted it strongly.

"I could use a cigarette," she murmured to him.

"Sure thing," the bear rumbled, tugging his own cigarettes from the front pocket of his sweat and dirt-stained shirt. He crossed over to her, naked to the waist, and offered the pack. She turned towards him and took one of the cigarettes using her own fingers, then stuck it in her mouth as he took his lighter out of his other pocket and lit it for her. She inhaled deeply, then puffed the smoke out of her nostrils and mouth, nodding a thanks to him. He nodded back, then took off his work boots and unbuckled his belts, sliding his pants down and off, then finally his underwear.

Almost pear-shaped, she thought with disdain. At least his cock isn't as tiny as it seems like it ought to be. And it wasn't, although it wasn't huge, either. He had about four inches when not erect, and maybe six when he did. Utterly average, just like him.

He shuffled his feet a bit, and looked over at her, as though seeking her approval. "Ready," he rumbled quietly.

"Fine," she said, continuing to smoke. "Lie down, I'll lock you up."

He complied, stretching his frame out on the bench and putting his feet firmly on the floor, then crossing his hands behind his head. She walked over to one of the utility shelves and pulled out a box that was hidden inside a bigger one, then took out two pairs of shackles-one handcuff-sized, the other larger, for his feet. She locked them into place with practiced ease, then tested him to make sure he was pretty much immobile. Then she picked up a bottle of baby oil that he'd sat on the floor near his head. She pulled on the rubber gloves, then shimmied out of her skirt, standing in front of him with only her blouse and panties. She opened the bottle of oil, then started to spread the wetness over her gloved fingers as she gave him a sharp look and asked as she always did, "How are your grandkids? You still having those urges?"

He nodded, looking both ashamed and somehow excited at the same time. "Ayuh," he rumbled, blinking at her nervously. "Haven't done anything with 'em, though. Almost had to give them a bath last week, but I thought up an excuse to my daughter so I had to leave early, and I didn't do it."

"That's good. Very good, given that it's you we're talking about," she replied, nodding a bit.

She carefully stood up onto the two chairs that were on either side of the bench nearest his head, and she looked down at him, frowning, the cigarette still in her mouth. She took it out and flicked it onto the floor, then lowered a hand to ease her panties aside next to her vagina, letting him see her folds as she started to rub them slowly. "Get hard for me, you sick, old motherfucking bastard," she said matter-of-factly. "I know you love to see me play with my cunt, and that's what I'm doing. So let me see that pathetic cock of yours pop up."

The bear moaned a little, his ears splaying as he rattled the handcuffs on his wrists just a little in a vain effort to touch himself. His cock stirred on his groin, and began to stiffen just a little at her harsh words. "Awwwww! Listen at you, why you gotta be so mean to your daddy bear?" he whined, his face pleading even as his yellowed teeth widened in a smarmy grin.

"Why? Because you're not my daddy bear. You're a sick fuck of an old ursine that wants to molest his own grandchildren, and you like it when a girl my age can call you out for what you really are. And what you really are is something that isn't worth the shit in my ass," she snapped. She eased her pussy lips aside and began to slide her fingers into herself, her eyes lidding a little, but keeping themselves open, watching him keenly.

The bear inhaled her scent deeply, and another ragged groan eased from his throat, this one larger than the first. His cock firmed up more still, his length starting to ease up towards his abdomen like a snake as it solidified, his gray-haired balls quivering with excitement and anticipation.

"Ohhh, that's right," he whispered, his eyes blinking as some of her natural femme juices spattered lightly down on his chest, a mere drizzling. "I'm a dirty, bad ol' bear, but your ass is so pretty! Don't talk that way about your ass, I love it so much!" he begged.

"Do you?" she growled, her petite face lowering until it was only inches above his. "You fucking liar! You're just saying that because you want to fuck my ass-and probably my tight little virgin hole, too. Look at it," she commanded him, as she turned around to face towards his feet and squatted down over his face, tugging her panties down and lewdly displaying both her anal ring and young, smooth quim lips inches over his nose. "See how tight that cunt of mine is? My momma's a whore, and I bet you'd like to bang my snatch ragged just the way she gets fucked ragged every day of the week. Wouldn't you?" she demanded, reaching a gloved and oiled hand down to give his erect cock a smacking with her palm.

The bear jumped at that, and he gasped in bliss as some pre cum bubbled to the surface of his piss slit. "Yes! Ohh, YES!" he cried, his teeth gritting in pleasure as she gripped his cock firmly, his balls tingling a bit from the lingering pain of the slap. "I want your mommy to watch me bust your tight little ass cherry, and your pussy, too! I wanna deflower your hot little pussy, you tempting little goddess!"

"Oh, I just bet you do," she sneered down at him derisively as she began to stroke his cock. The gloves kept her from actually having to feel him in her grasp, and she slid her fingers over his member briskly as the oil glistened on his shaft, her other finger easing back into her pussy so he could watch her finger herself. "You want to slide your smelly, nasty dick up in my sweet honey patch, because that's all dirty old men like you like to think about-grudge fucking sweet little girls." The dialogue came easy to her, as it had all the other times before. Her tone was borderline bored, and it really didn't matter. His prick was throbbing in her hands just the way it always did when she berated him like this. She heard and felt her stomach rumble from the fruit and the caffeine in the soda she'd had, and she knew it was time to move on to the final phase. She paused fingering herself long enough to take off her panties, then she spread her legs wide over his head and face as she lowered her ass and cunt as closely to his face as she could get without them being within tongue distance.

"Remember how I said that you're not worth the shit up my ass?" she grunted, starting to push with her bowels as she felt her ass ring start to open and separate, a thick piece of fecal matter oozing out of her hole. "Well, now you're... gonna smell and feel... what you are, b-...because you're shit, too!"

The bear gasped, then promptly screwed his eyes shut and lifted his face and chin up towards her defecation as closely as he could. The warm shit spattered onto his upturned features firmly, rolling down over his eyes and leaving a runny, messy trail behind it of unidentifiable food bits, undigested fruit tidbits, and liquid. His gritted teeth got dappled with some of it, and he tried to close his lips over them as his body shivered in pleasure. The smell of it assaulted his nostrils and his cock throbbed visibly, and Kristin had to wrinkle her nose and look away in disgust as another piece of shit squeezed out of herself and landed again on his features. She despised the next part the most, but it was all part of the deal, and she knew it.

"There you go! You're really in your element now, aren't you?" she spat at him, reaching behind herself to grasp some of the fecal matter carefully in her gloved palm. "An old piece of shit that's covered in shit, and with shit for brains, besides! I'll bet your own mother shat you out instead of giving birth to you, didn't she? I wish the bitch was standing in front of me right now, I'd smear my mess all over her face for bringing you into the world." She brought her stained hand around and grasped his cock once again, starting to stroke him with the scat that she'd just laid out upon his face.

Her words and the feel of the warmth, as well as the thick stench, worked wonders on the bear's cock, and it throbbed with amazing hardness in her grasp as she stroked him off earnestly and briskly, her face staring up at the ceiling so she could bear the smell slightly easier. He began to pump his hips up and down firmly, sliding his shit-streaked cock rampantly in and out of her gloved hand. She kept her other hand back on her pussy lips, fingering herself slowly so that he could see her doing it.

His breathing got labored in a hurry, and his midsection pumped so hard that the whole weight bench shook. Kristin gritted her teeth more tightly and willed him closer to his orgasm as she continued to humiliate him verbally in the way that he so loved. "Tired, tawdry little eager to fuck my shit-coated fingers, just like you wish you were doing to my ass! You just want to slide this smelly, dirty old cock of yours up my chute and screw me till I smear you dirty, don't you? Well, this is what you're getting, so cum! Show me how much you're loving this, you sick pervert fuck! CUM for me!"

And cum, he did, rather powerfully as she felt his balls jerk and she tugged his cock down and aimed it away from her face just in time as thick strands of his semen flew through the air. He grunted hard, gasped tightly, then bucked his hips again as a few more thick strands of his ejaculate dribbled down over his legs and onto the bench and tarp, his body hitching from the exertion and due to his age.

Kristin finished masturbating him until the cum shooting from his piss hole had diminished into sporadic trickles, the running streams of goo oozing down his shaft a dirty mix of off white and brown from her scat. She gave his shaft one final, hard squeeze, and he groaned in response, his head lolled to the side and dripping her shit to the floor. She stepped carefully off the chairs, then pulled a huge bundle of what looked like washcloths out of the same box she fetched the manacles from. Unbundling them, she began to clean her posterior as the bear worked to catch his breath. Once he had, she crossed over to the tarp and pulled the gloves off, dropping them and the soiled cloths onto the tarp before using her keys to unlock his restraints. He sat up slowly, rubbing his wrists to get the feeling back, then grabbed a few clean cloths and cleaned himself up as best he could. Kristin stood to the side and got dressed, once more not facing him as he moved the weight bench, then folded up the tarp carefully and threw it into the furnace next to the boiler. He got dressed, then took out his wallet and handed her a fifty dollar bill.

"Thanks," she muttered, as she tucked it into her pocket. "I better let you get back to work. You'll be hitting the showers before then, too, I'd imagine."

"Yeah," he nodded, his head lowered and unable to make eye contact with her again. He paused, then murmured to her in a low voice, "You really don't know how much I appreciate you doing this, for me. If I could afford to give you more money, I would."

"I'm doing this for your grandchildren, mostly," she reminded him sternly. "Now look at me before I go. Time to give me your promise, again."

The bear slowly dragged his gaze reluctantly to meet hers, and he rumbled slowly, "As long as we keep doing this once a week, I promise not to sexually molest my grandchildren." He paused, then gave her as sorrowful a look as he thought she'd believe. "I don't want to do that in the first place. I really don't."

"Then you better not," she frowned, her eyes firm and cold with him as she unlocked the boiler room door and got ready to leave. "Just remember-if I ever have reason to suspect that you've gone back on your word and done anything bad with those kids, I go straight to the FBI. I'll tell them that you molested me, too, and I'll make sure that everyone in this town knows about your problem."

"I won't," he said, shaking his head emphatically and looking worried at the very notion of her words. "I promise!" He waved goodbye to her, and asked her in a voice that was almost hopeful, "So, uhh...I'll see you next week, then?"

"Same time, same place," she murmured, as she shouldered her pack and headed out.