The Dogs: Not Exactly Night - Episode V

Story by Aux Chiens on SoFurry

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West Virginia around October - Halloween - cloaks itself with an eldritch and primeval majesty: every forest shaded night-black with phantasmic ghouls that lurk by every shadowy tree; all the melancholy places - the overgrown railroad tracks, the enigmatic shacks with the sad, staring windows - shudder under the burden of a dark energy. The imagination of the season makes the gathered crows in the rolling fields leer threateningly at passing strangers, and the coffins in the lonesome graveyards noisome and unquiet.

He was back in his kitchen, little Andrew - he was five, yes, five, because he was wearing the Sonic the Hedgehog shirt his Grandma had given him for his birthday - and from his big kitchen window he could see the vast forests beyond the yellow-gold glimmers of Tempest, and beyond them, the looming black shapes, like the arching backs of great shadowy beasts, of the immortal Appalachians.

He was carefully drawing eyes for his Jack o'Lantern with a permanent marker - his Pa away in Charleston for a conference with his brother, Stevie, in tow to see the city, his Ma upstairs, retrieving the camera, to chronicle the event with Bligh, Pappy Lynch's grandson from down the way whom his mother had invited as a neighborly courtesy.

He made the shapes as careful as he could, for this year was the year he would carve the spookiest pumpkin ever. He would show that Bligh boy down the way what a truly spooky pumpkin was. Bligh had bragged at school that his Pappy could carve the spookiest pumpkins he'd ever saw, but that was nonsense, he would show him what a real spooky pumpkin looked like.

But he stopped suddenly - something was wrong - the house was too quiet. He laid his permanent marker on the table as he looked about him.

"Mama?" he ventured. "Bligh?"


He dismounted the kitchen chair and wandered around the kitchen - always spacious, even more spacious, as small as he was, and now entirely too spacious altogether, with the complete quiet it seemed impenetrably large, the opposite of claustrophobic.

He called again, slower, more cautiously: "Mama? Uh, Bligh? Where'd y'all go--?"


He had bare seconds to turn around before he was knocked to the ground by a horrifying wolf, snout upturned and teeth bared in a ferocious snarl.

He screamed, rolling over in a fetal position to protect himself from the terrible monster that had attacked him - when, from that awful beast, came a familiar cackle...

"Gotcha, Drew! I was hidin under the table!"

Andrew rolled back over, furious to tears. "Bligh! That ain't funny! Ya really scared me!"

"I can't believe ya fell for it!" The boy doffed his mask to reveal bowl-cut black hair and icy blue eyes framed in a mischievously grinning face.

"Dang it!' Andrew stood up, hands on his hips, trying as hard as he could not to cry in front of what was supposed to be his new friend. "That hurt! I didn't like that!"

Back came on the werewolf mask - Bligh held up his hands like mock claws. "I'm gonna git ya, Andrew! The werewolf's gonna git ya and bite ya! Then ya gotta be a werewolf too!"

"Stop it, Bligh! That ain't funny now! I said stop!" Andrew pouted, folding his arms and putting his back to the rude little boy.

Again with the playful cackle, the cheerful little howl - undaunted, Bligh tackled Andrew and tittered into his ear: "Gonna bite ya, Drew! Ya gonna be a werewolf too! Aroooooo!"

And then - nothing. The vision, the memory, without any transition, simply stopped...and Andrew was awake.

Andrew opened his eyes to find he was submerged in utter darkness. His eyes darted about erratically, trying with mounting desperation to discover where he was, and how he got there.

He was in his room. Yes. And it was dark - the lights were off. There were two people in the room with him - and he was sitting, he was sitting against the wall near the bathroom door.

His mouth was parched, and bathed in a metallic tang that was so strong it was as if he had eaten refined steel. His throat was even drier than his mouth, and every time he swallowed it was as though his esophagus was raked with needles.

He tried to move, but found he could not. His whole body was trapped in an adamantine paralysis - he could not even move his head. His eyes darted about in the darkness - so he could still move those - but as he tried to cry out for help, he found to his terror that he could not make a sound.

He had read about this before in one of his classes - "Locked-In Syndrome" where only the eyes could be moved. But why had it happened to him? His memories of the hours before - something about he and Bligh on the beach - were blurry and fragmented, and he struggled to make sense of it.

But he could not concentrate - there were people there in the room with him.

Two people.

And from the sound of it, they were having sex - extravagant, hormone-soaked sex that bespoke searing, intense passion. He listened intently, not entirely fully comprehending the situation, to see if he recognized the voices - no, no, that can't be right, not right at all, they sounded like...

His thoughts were cut off abruptly by an obscenely suggestive sound: a slurp, and a groan of what sounded like blackest disappointment.

There was a quiet, satisfied snicker, and a fumbling.

A light switch was flipped, and Andrew squinted painfully as his eyes adjusted to the light - gradually, bit by bit, an image began to de-fragment before him, becoming clearer and clearer, until...

He took in a ragged breath - it was Bligh.

He was naked, but still wearing that Ravens cap. Nearby to him was Cody, in a pile on the floor, and from the obvious looks of things, they had just finished making love.

But Andrew had no time to dwell on the obvious, when with accelerating terror he had to focus on what was directly before him. It was the first time that Andrew had seen Bligh naked in some years: everything was, to encapsulate in a solitary word, wrong. His whole body was wrong - a relentless visual mind-rape of diseased fantasy.

Four additional nipples, diminishing in sequential size as they descended Bligh's abdomen, joined the familiar two on the breasts, stood out from what Andrew knew was already there, a silky forest of sable body hair from neck to navel, that covered an ironclad set of six-pack abs.

But it was here, as his sight trailed down Bligh's naked body, that Andrew's eyes widened in the starkest horror he had ever felt in his life.

Bligh's penis was a wet, glistening, iridescent spear, the color of pigeon's blood, tapered at the tip like a spearhead, at its base bulging in a rounded knot. It jutted out over a pair of hen's egg-sized testicles that were completely coated in the same night-black fur - taken together, every bit of it was completely inhuman. By sight, and by every right of biological anatomy, it should have been on a dog.

Andrew's brain screamed for an explanation - his memories of Bligh in the locker room in high school played in his mind, juxtaposed with the beastly, eldritch monstrosity that stood before him. Something had to be fundamentally amiss - his eyes were tricking him, somehow, or perhaps this was all some ghastly dream from which he could not awake.

No - there it was - in front of him: Bligh's genitals were a hateful mockery from what he remembered them vaguely looking like. There was nothing natural or real about what he was seeing, and he could not look away.

He tried to move his head - but, still paralyzed, he could not budge. He stared at Bligh - so triumphant in his perfect mutation and horribleness, a twisted parody of what he thought he knew.

Bligh's legs were furred the same supple sable of the hair on his head, and terminated in feet with claw-like toenails...from behind him, Andrew could see, his heart pounding in ever-growing terror, what looked like - no, what certainly was - a long, plumed, midnight-black tail.

Bligh, as he appeared to Andrew now, was a nightmarish, half-canid, half-human monster...and next to Bligh's domineering form of transmogrified ghoulishness was the summation of all his deepest fears - Cody, his boyfriend, crumpled, his ass still up in the air, his anus still gaping from the damage wrought by Bligh's unthinkable genital-weapon.

Bligh swished his tail back and forth, tittering softly all the while - Cody collapsed unto his side, still moaning, trying to catch his breath.

Andrew's body was in full revolt, trying as hard as he ever had in his life to do something, anything, to struggle and overcome against the muscular atrophy that had enveloped him. The helplessness was so intense, so complete, it was coalescing into a physical agony.

As Bligh stood over Cody, the boy finally regained some of his composure, and rolled over to, at least in very small intervals, sit back to face Bligh, looking up at the older male with the smile of a lotus-eater, having become utterly devoid of who he once was. He was still breathing heavy, reaching down to massage his open, abused hole, gasping several times before he could finally become articulate again:

"That - that was - so f-fucking g-good..."

"Ya like dawg dick, don't ya?"

"D-don't--" Cody half-laughed, as though embarrassed. "Y-yeah, I - I d-do--"

"Thought so," Bligh answered with another soft titter.

"But what - what are - are you? What is - all - th-this? Why is your cock--?"

"This is who I really am. This is what I became..." His hand reached to that hideous organ that passed for a penis, and began to stroke it lovingly. "And I fuckin love it..." The strokes increased in speed, his index finger gently swirling the surface of his knot. "...more than fuckin anythin..." His breathing intensified, cut short when a seemingly involuntary spurt of vile, musky-smelling viscous liquid - precum - volleyed from the tapered tip, cutting a wet swathe across Cody's face.

Cody's expression, with the pale streak tearing a divide across it, had become one of frank amazement as he beheld Bligh's manhood - doghood, perhaps, for there was absolutely nothing man-like about it. Bligh had taken notice of Cody's morbid interest, and slowly stepped forward to ensure his penis would crowd Cody's entire vision.

"You''re not - human..."

"Fuckin right. I'm better."

Andrew fought back against the swelling wall of grief that threatened to crush him - he couldn't concentrate on anything, or construct cohesive thoughts, past the transient, broken words that formed in his head, only to vanish as quickly as they came.

Taking the malformed, canid cock in his hand, Cody continued to stare at it with a sort of hideous reverence - responding to the touch, Bligh made a noise halfway between a moan and a grunt as another shot of precum splattered on Cody's face...Cody, in turn, seemed almost not to notice, as he shut his eyes and smeared the inhuman reproductive organ on his cheeks and around his mouth, utterly entranced and enraptured by its size and shape. He was completely and fully under an infernal hypnosis - a spell of heightened sexual ecstasy, his bare boyish face dripping with the slick, greyish fluid.

As the situation he was in fully crystallized, Andrew became sicker and sicker to his stomach - the impossible had been made flesh and fur in front of him, more real than the most vivid nightmare that could ever have infected his dreaming life.

"Want s'more - Pup?"

Cody's response was breathy and barely coherent: "Y-yes--"

Their voices were a knife through the sticky silence that, despite the supernova of panic and outrage inside Andrew's head, still reigned in the small chamber of Hell his apartment's bedroom had become.

"Goddam better than a human's," Bligh growled - he grinned broadly, and Andrew could see clearly what he thought he had hallucinated on the beach - Bligh's canines were unusually fangs.

The phrase was almost a command, as though it was what Bligh expected Cody to agree with. He was not disappointed: Cody nodded very slowly before he leaned up slightly to position himself better, taking the tapered tip into his mouth to suckle.

Bligh seemed slightly taken aback at first, but quickly recovered with the same mischievous cackle Andrew recognized from years before, whenever something unexpectedly excellent had appeared in his fortune.

Andrew's brain nearly shut down from the absolute horror that swallowed it - it had reached a peak that words, human words, could scarcely describe. Everything he was witnessing, down to the finest detail, was part and parcel of an inscrutable night-terror brought into the world of the living.

Cody was, in the meantime, struggling to fit Bligh's large canine penis in his mouth - at a brief length he succeeded his head bobbing back and forth with quickening speed...overcome, Bligh balled his fists, moaning hotly as he counterthrusted in time.

"Better than a fuckin human's--" Bligh repeated like a magical mantra. "Better than anythin a human could ever fuckin be--"

Standing like this - fists clenched, tail awag, with a boy on his knees servicing him - Bligh had assumed the stance of some impossible half-canine fertility deity...the image was so strange, so completely wrenched from the reality that Andrew had, bare hours ago, been accustomed to believing, that it was not infeasible to think this was all just a hallucination, a mirror darkly into his deepest fears.

But this forlorn hope was dashed away as soon as it came, as it was overtaken by a sickening realization that crept into Andrew's mind that, as good as Cody was at giving head, surely Bligh, too, would surely yield before long - no sooner had he thought it, then did it happen.

With an exultant cackle, eyes still closed, Bligh released into Cody's mouth, bucking stronger than Andrew had ever seen a human do before, his tail abruptly rigid and unmoving, grabbing handfuls of Cody's hair with both hands for balance.

Cody's motions, in turn, stopped at once as he struggled - Andrew's intestines fit to burn a hole through him in anguish as he watched - to swallow the incoming flood of semen that was produced from Bligh's large testicles.

After a few more thrusts, the orgasm which Bligh had made sound so utterly victorious at last subsided, and he withdrew his cock from Cody's mouth - still full of the cloudy grey slime that passed for semen, the boy choked back on the fluid until it was finally swallowed in its entirety...thus exhausted at last, and once again gasping for air, he fell forward into Bligh, who, still standing, let him embrace his soft, fur-covered legs.

Bligh leaned slightly to caress Cody's face - then, reaching behind himself, took his tail and brushed it against Cody's cheek...Cody, in turn, reached up to pet it with one hand, looking up at Bligh with what looked like wonder...

"Now ya know why I was wearin jeans in Florida...had ta hide the tail."


As if on cue, Cody, unable to maintain his position of trying to maintain his balance against Bligh's legs, collapsed to the ground. He let yet another loud moan, bringing his hands to his belly as if in some sort of terrible internal agony.

Cody let out the strangest noise Andrew had ever heard another human being make - something between a moan, a cry, and...a howl. He wallowed blindly into a supine position, his hand reaching for his still-erect cock.

"There ya go..." Bligh murmured to himself in obscene delight, his tail now wagging vigorously. With an excited grin, he quickly moved to hover over the boy.

"Unh - nngh..." Cody had been masturbating for the past few seconds, but now his hand picked up speed, rubbing his foreskin in a quickening rhythm.

As Cody's masturbatory efforts gained rapidity, Bligh cradled the boy's head with an almost paternal affection - he kissed Cody, passionately but gently, as though Andrew weren't even in the room, whispering to him that everything would be all right.

As Andrew watched, in silent horror, as Bligh held Cody, whose moans became yet louder, until they seemed to be well outside of his control - as though the wordless utterances that escaped his lips were the only way to express the plethora of foreign sensations invading his nervous system.

He continued to masturbate as hard as he seemed able, his mouth hanging open in protracted ecstasy - with each passing circulation of blood, his canines began to sharpen, the enamel and the bone reshaping themselves until they became as Bligh's were...fangs.

As his teeth at last reached their final shape, Cody's ears - again, with every heartbeat - grew and lengthened into points, soon covered in a light velvety fuzz the same color as his tawny hair. Bligh knelt down and licked them, as though encouraging them to grow - finally removing the Baltimore Ravens cap he had been wearing since his arrival, to reveal pointed, wolf-like ears, black, furry, lustrous.

All Andrew could do was watch in trauma at the twisted reality in front of him - Cody's shaft begin to lengthen in tandem with his hand moving up and down on it - lengthening and sharpening, little by little, into something deformed and inhuman, so that the tip was no longer the familiar mushroom but instead a sharpened, streamlined Bligh's, like a monster's.

The foreskin, intact to begin with, was rapidly thickening and growing, sprouting more of the same light tawny fuzz like that on his ears, which spread and soon completely covered his balls as well - the foreskin finally shaped itself into a canine sheath attaching itself to the bottom of his abdomen.

At this, Bligh took Cody's hand into his own, pressing their faces together in an unexpected scene of romantic sweetness. Silently, Bligh moved his hands down Cody's smooth chest and stomach - until his face was directly over Cody's newly deformed penis. Their eyes maintained, throughout, a complete lock together - there was an obvious commanding hold Bligh now held over the boy.

Bligh lowered his head to give Cody's newly streamlined glans a gentle, almost experimental lick - Cody responded with a loud moan...Bligh closed his eyes and engulfed Cody's metamorphosing penis into his mouth, bobbing his head in a passionate blowjob.

Cody was convulsing with pleasure, his eyes shut tight, unable to see Andrew's eyes welling up with hot, impotent tears that slicked down his cheeks.

With Cody still virtually immobile, Bligh, unaware Andrew was lucid to any of this, grasped the furry sheath, moving it up and down Cody's shaft - but instead of letting the boy finish, he abruptly stopped, causing Cody to let loose two firm squirts of precum that lashed Bligh's face in a ragged stream.

Still gazing down almost lovingly at the helpless boy, he took the transparent fluid that had stuck to his face with his finger - and slurped it.

"Ya taste a lot better." He snickered softly - his grin showcasing those horrible fangs. "Ya taste like me."

Andrew now saw fresh horror unfold: deaf and blind from pleasure, and now without Bligh's oral stimulation, Cody had taken to once again masturbating with both hands, unable to see, as Andrew could, the changes coming to his cock.

Unlike Bligh's, which was a red the color of a ruby, Cody's penis was smaller and hued a scarlet, now thoroughly tapered to an arrowhead-point. At its base, a small bulge, completely encased in the fuzzy-velvet sheath, had begun to form - it was only slightly noticeable at first, but Bligh had seemed to be expecting it, and lowered his head to nuzzle it gently.

"Aww Cody...yer gonna be so beautiful soon..."

As if in response, the bulge grew bigger, and then bigger again, widening more until the foreskin could no longer hold it, and it slipped out unguarded - a canid knot, smaller than the massive one Bligh sported, but totally robbing Cody's penis of any last semblance of humanity.

Bligh cackled loudly in approval, and gripped Cody's wrists away from the boy's penis - first to massage the new knot with his tongue, then with a single action of his mouth, slobbering, upward, to suckle voraciously once more upon the glans...he did not have to wait long, as Cody, without much more prompting, finally let go and climaxed. Bligh, swallowing and savoring Cody's unusually copious semen, made an audible gulp as he finished, at last releasing Cody's wrist.

Cody took in another sharp breath - Bligh seemed to be expecting this as well, and from laying on his back he gently turned the boy around to stand on all fours - Andrew's eyes slowly reopening as he felt, with a mingling of the most hideous horror and genuine curiosity, compelled to watch again.

Cody moaned once more - another strange noise, part afterglow, part continued pleasure, part confusion - and he lowered his head to the ground as a growth of flesh and spinal bone erupted from just above his slowly retightening anus. Beaming with what must have been pride, Bligh stroked this grotesque new addition as it grew, longer, ultimately extending to just right at Cody's shin. All at once, from base to tip, the entire measure of the new tail bloomed - as did his legs, from foot to waist - with feathery fur, the same color as Cody's hair.

As Bligh continued to stroke Cody's new tail, the boy panted as though exhausted, and he winced as the bottoms of his feet keratinized and hardened into paw-pads, toenails lengthening and sharpening to resemble claws - again, like Bligh's.

His panting slowed, and Cody collapsed into Bligh's waiting arms. He cradled the boy lovingly, reveling in a deep satisfaction, stroking his hair as Cody positioned himself to put his face in Bligh's lap, looking up at him.

"Yer so beautiful, Cody," Bligh whispered.

Cody stayed this way, febrile and half-awake, for several seconds. "I - I feel w-weird--"

Tensing his body and struggling to sit up, Cody grabbed hold tight of Bligh as the penultimate stage of metamorphosis burst within him - pushing to the surface of Cody's smooth midsection were eight new nipples on either side of his torso, identical to the ones on his breast that he was born with as a human, but descended in size smaller as they went down his body.

Bligh studied Cody, whose face was a heady mixture of arousal and fear as his nipples rapidly developed. "Ya got more than me..." He said, seemingly to both Cody and to himself. "Hmm...wonder what makes ye different?"

Cody fell limp, his body taxed from the transformation it had just endured...but there was still one final shock to his system.

Cody's eyes, glazed from the ordeal, suddenly bulged, and his hand smacked against his bare chest, where his heart was, as he felt his cardiac muscles contract and shift - Andrew watched, mystified, as he could only guess what was happening.

The boy took in a series of deep gasps, trying to stabilize his breathing and his circulatory system - Andrew recognized the behavior from footage he had seen of a heart attack patient, so that it would seem that not only Cody's external body changed...but his heart, as well.

Finally, Cody's respiratory convulsions subsided, and again he fell limp and nigh-lifeless - Andrew, dumbfound and aghast, still hopelessly numb and immobile, watching Bligh, not six feet away, cradle his boyfriend, his breathes becoming longer and less labored, with fierce, almost paternal affection.

Tense and silent minutes passed before Cody rose slightly in Bligh's arms to take a moment and study himself - his new body - before lifting his eyes to Bligh in wonderment. "I - I look - I look like you do," he said haltingly. "I...I'm not human anymore..."

Bligh knelt to press Cody's face against his own, and they shared a passionately amorous kiss.

"S'why yer so beautiful," Bligh finally answered, before kissing him again.

Andrew felt a listlessness, a lethal impassivity, grip him, as he watched. An unnamable despair had overtaken him, crushed under the weight of impossible circumstance...but a very small part of him found it arousing, even sexy, squirming inside an isolated spot of Andrew's subconscious that he sought, unsuccessfully, to quash and deny.

"H-how? How did you--?"

"When we had sex, Pup. When ya drank me."

Bligh nudged Cody's head to look down - at his new penis. Cody gasped, reaching down to cup the bulging knot, hissing in sudden sensation.

"Th-that's...that's my dick?"

"Yeah it is, Pup. "

Cody, blushing, smiled sheepishly, his new ears fluttering like the wings of a strange moth. "I like it when you call me that."


"Y-yeah. I - I like it. I liked it when you - when we first met..."


Bligh ruffled the boy's hair before he took Cody by the shoulders so that were pressed against each other - in this exquisite intimacy, Bligh took his hand to squeeze both of their cocks together.

Cody gave a hot pant as his powerful spurt of precum erupted onto Bligh's face - a hideous aspersion of a new religion. Grinning, Bligh gingerly removed it with his fingers, putting the tips in Cody's mouth. He sucked it from his fingers, eyes shutting to savor his own taste, corruption sealed - Siegfried and the blood of Fafnel.

"I taste...different."

"Ya taste like me..."

"Y-yeah, I was about to say..." Cody put a hand on Bligh's mat of night-black chest hair. "And my dick looks like yours, too."

Bligh nuzzled Cody's cheek. "Mmmhmm...ya like it?"

Cody moved back slightly to get a better look, once again cupping his new knot with his hand, breathing hot. "F-fuck yes. I only told Andy this once but - I love - I've always loved, like that. And now I have a dog's dick, it's - I'm--" He burst out in an embarrassed laugh. "I'm really fucking happy right now."

"Yeah - me too."

As Andrew watched, sinking further and further into abyssal, jealous misery, Cody and Bligh went back to making out, one on top of the other, slowly at first, but picking up in passion until they became slimy with constant eruptions of precum owing to their improved anatomy. They seemed to be able to feel it coming on, and would each pull apart so that the involuntary geyser was able to meet its mark on respective face and chest - tails wagging lazily, canid cocks wobbling unsteady and lurid in the incandescent light of the bedroom.

Their ardor was violent, almost greedy - the phrase _dogs in heat_seemed apropos to the point of parody, but there was little other way to describe it.

Andrew wanted to be angry - he wanted to feel something, anything, other than helpless, other than sad. And yet - it was as though the paralysis had numbed his emotions as though, now unable to defend his relationship, Bligh had irrevocably emasculated him.

All Andrew could do was watch the two of them together.

At intervals Bligh would lean slightly to suckle on one of Cody's new nipples, and the latter would let loose an immodest shout with what must have been extreme sensory pleasure.

Bligh seemed fascinated with these new mammary bumps, greater in number - nearly double - than his own, but hairless, unlike Bligh's, owing to Cody's distinctly nubile form. Bligh had always been more hirsute than anyone Andrew knew - his nickname on their football team was Wolfman - but now it had been taken to an absurd extreme with furry legs and a tail, all preternaturally silky-soft.

Bligh and Cody possessed the instant closeness, insistent but directionless, without past or future for that exact moment, of new lovers - they had an uncertainty about each other, eased in micrometers by discoveries about one another, that spoke of a connection thus far solely based on the automatic commands and dictations of animal biology.

It had seemed earlier - indeed, for the months Cody and Andrew had been together - that Bligh was skeptical of the boy, which made his apparent desire to monopolize Cody's sexual pleasure all the more stomach-turning - as though Cody's inherently insatiable sexual appetite was a toy for Bligh to play with, a clay with which he could remold and reshape him into something as starkly bestial and hybrid as himself. And perhaps that was, after all, the plan the whole time, which Andrew, ever trusting, had fallen utterly for...

At last Cody stopped, trying to catch his breath - the two of them sat up together, face to face. He gestured with his head to Andrew, still motionless against the wall.

"I - I feel bad. I'm like this - my new body, I guess, but - I - I mean I really do like it, but - we - I cheated--"

Bligh kissed the boy's forehead. "Ya felt sumthin when we met, didn't ya?"

Cody blushed hard. "I - yeah, yeah I did. You were the hottest guy I ever saw. I mean - Andrew's hot but--"

Bligh smirked. "I know. Animal attraction s'what they call it...." Now he grinned, proud. "Wanted me the first time ya saw me..."

Cody sighed, nodding, as though thankful Bligh had said it and not him. "Y-yeah...yeah. I hadn't - been with anyone but Andy in forever and I - you were s-so hot--"

Andrew felt the tender talons of depression tear into him as he heard Cody and Bligh speak - Cody belonged to Bligh now, he realized. Whatever enchantment Bligh had used, it had changed Cody, literally body and heart, into something that categorically was not the Cody who Andrew knew - Bligh had made him physically different, and in the process claimed ownership over his spirit in this new, twisted form. Worse - far worse - was that this was set in motion, without Andrew ever knowing, the moment Bligh and Cody had met.

Putting his face to Cody's, Bligh looked into the boy's eyes, as Andrew had in the parking lot, for affirmation:

"So it weren't nuthin - happens all the time. I wanted yew, yew wanted me--"

"No..." Cody tried rejecting where Bligh's logic was leading, but could not lie to himself. He shut his eyes, humiliated. "I - I--" He shook his head, opening his eyes, near-distraught. "F-fuck - okay, yeah...I saw your cock and - I couldn't fucking help it, I wanted - I wanted it..."

"And ya still can't help it."

At this Bligh took his hand to give Cody's head a subtle push, so that he was looking down at his own magnificent doghood, wet and virile. As before, as though he were under hypnosis, Cody bent forward, pushing Bligh subtly out of the way for a better angle, to take a lick from the tip of his penis - the latter shuddered with pleasure. Cody hesitated, breathing heavily, before looking back up at Bligh with an expression of mixed worry and desire.

"G'on," Bligh commanded softly.

Cody gazed at Bligh's erect canid penis, still lurid and glistening, with wordless longing, almost drooling it seemed like - with deep, ragged breaths, he primed his tongue to lick it again, and out it came, before curling back like an affrighted snake.

He shut his mouth, looking as though he had just devoured something unbearably sour...he shook his head and, his ears going flat, rising to sit back in front of Bligh.

"No - no, no, I can't cheat on Andy...not anymore."

Bligh sighed, his penis beginning to shrink, slowly and by intervals, to begin the retreat back into its sheath. "Pup..."

"And I'm worried about him...he's over there, he still hasn't moved and--"

Andrew perked up as much as he was able at the new attention given to him.

"He's fine, Pup. He's jest paralyzed - I told ya before, I used some herbs from the mountain - boiled em down, and dipped em on my knife. Pappy - ah, my grand - father - he used ta use it when he slaughtered hogs back in the day. He'll be out fer the duration."

It occurred to Andrew that, to Cody, it would indeed look as though he was but a stuffed animal, a teddy bear, sitting against the wall - mute and unmoving.

And so it was over. Andrew had lost - Bligh had won. And thanks to Bligh's insidious paralyzing hog-slaughter herbs - that was what he said, wasn't it? - he could do naught but watch Bligh and Cody fall deeper and deeper in love together...without him.

"Are you sure? He's okay?"

"Yeah Pup. I wanted em seein us ta be a surprise..."

"Why would you want that?"

Bligh gently brought the boy's hand to his own bearded face to silence him. "So he'll see what we is and...wanna be like us too."

Cody swallowed. "Then - you - you're gonna do to Andy what you did to me?"

Andrew's bowels turned to ice at the suggestion - panic spread through his lifeless body, and he narrowed his eyes to slits to feign slumber, hoping they would leave him alone if he appeared truly unresponsive.

Bligh's eyebrows met over his nose. "Ya want that?"

"I'm already like this and - I really like it, I told you that, but - I can't--" He swallowed again, on the evident verge of a real breakdown. "He won't like me like this. So we have to be the same. I love him, I - I want him to be like me still. I still wanna be with him and we'd be like this together - I don't wanna be like this without...him..." He shut his eyes, clearly now fighting the urge to cry.

"Pup - stop." Bligh gathered Cody in his arms, clutching him tight. "Shush...s'okay, now..."

A sense of profound helplessness tore apart Andrew's spirit - he wanted to speak, but what good would it do if he could not move? There was no point in trying to protest, no point in trying to do anything other than be wounded, deeper and deeper, at the sight of his beloved in tears.

A brief pause elapsed - Cody's staccato breaths, muffled in Bligh's loving embrace, never quite reaching the peak of a sob. They ebbed, and finally faded, until silence descended between the two.

"I want him to be like us," Cody whispered at last. "I mean think about it, there'd be no way for us not to be together - if we're all the same..."

A choking terror rose in Andrew's chest as the idea of him becoming a monster like Bligh and Cody was floated - his whole body, apart from being in semi-stasis by Bligh's secret mixture of mountain herbs, ran glacier-cold with fear. He opened his eyes to slits, to observe the action still in the safety of faking sleep.

"Yer right," Bligh said softly, barely above a whisper, staring at the wall, his rimy eyes pensive and determined. "S'what I wanted ta do that this whole time."


Bligh nodded. "Yew were so cute, man - when Drew showed me yer picture - blew me away. So I - I wanted yew but - most of all--" He gave a quick sigh, as though trying to express himself properly. "More n'anything_I - I wanted _him..."

Cody nudged him so that Bligh he could see his surprise. "Well why? Why him?"

"He was...he's my best friend, Pup. Always was, since we was real little, understand. He..."

Bligh left the sentence unfinished. His eyes moved back to Cody to share a glance - before he looked away, as though ashamed.

"He - what?"

Bligh shook his head, dismissing the question. "Ya really love em, dontcha."

Cody nodded. "He - he saved my life."

"He did?"

Their voices were low and intimate, their attention firmly fixed on each other even with Andrew on the other side of the room.

"Yeah, I'm sure he told you."

Andrew felt his throat clench with suppressed emotion. Hearing Bligh speak about what he knew was true - that moving had wounded him - was almost as painful as hearing of why Andrew had Cody move in with him immediately...all the memories, and hearing Cody's hushed gratitude, gave him small pinpricks of hope in this otherwise ruinous situation, offset with the sting of guilt as he knew why Bligh felt the way he did.

"He said ya had nowhere ta go."

A twinge came to Cody's face - a half-grimace at bad memories. "I did...I just didn't wanna go back there."

A shuddering breath escaped Bligh as he pulled him into a tight hug. "I know - I know how that feels, Pup..."

Cody closed his eyes and let out a deep, contented sigh, nuzzling the inside of Bligh's arm.

That was it, Andrew knew - that was it. No matter what Cody had said, he really was Bligh's now.

Perhaps a minute passed before Bligh broke the blissful silence:

"Do ya love me?"

Cody paused, thinking a moment, almost as if taken off guard by the question. "I feel - I feel really, really close to you. Like I'd never not wanna be around you."

Bligh nodded slowly. "Mmmhmm..."

"But I love Andy more."


Andrew felt new tears come to him as he heard Cody speak of loving him, even as he was being made to be someone else's.

Cody nuzzled Bligh's beard, and Bligh returned the favor, stroking one of the boy's new furry ears.

"But you scared me," Cody whispered. "Earlier. You just - you came back and you just--"

"I'm sorry," Bligh blurted.

"Well why, why did you--?"

"I don't wanna..." Bligh shifted uncomfortably, and the two separated to look at one another. "Pup I don't--"

"No, tell me. You laid him up against the wall and you - I mean, then we--" He stopped, unwilling to finish. "You never said you - um, you said you paralyzed him but not - not why. I mean, now you did - but you didn't, then..."

Bligh seemed to study the boy, drawing in a deep breath before answering. "I was real worked up - it'd been a few years since I seen em and - he left me, Pup. He was my best friend back home and - and after he left I had nobody. Nobody t'all. I mean yeah I had the guys at the mine, but--"

"The mine?"

"Yeah, there's a mine in our town, I drive a truck." Cody nodded as Bligh continued. "And, I - I didn't have anybody after he left. A dog and Pappy, that was it." He paused - his lower lip quivered in a sudden rush of emotion. "I felt like - like - what was all that for between us if he was gonna leave me in the end? I - I mean, did he ever really like me - or love me? And I was so, so mad--"

"But that's not true! He really likes you. He always has."

"He - what?" It was though a spell had been broken. "How did--?"

"He always said good things about you. Every time you came up. Didn't you know that? Every time he'd call you he'd get sad like he missed you - and I really think he did. He really wanted us to meet because he - he liked you so much..."

A mystified look came to Bligh's face - as though the thought had never, not once, occurred to him.

"He - he did?"

"Yeah! When I said you two were best friends he said - he said you two are best friends..."

Bligh looked away from Cody - to Andrew's motionless body - unable to see that Andrew was fully conscious still, and that his eyes were only half-lidded, and that they tore into Bligh with peal after peal of accusation, of bitterness, of betrayal.

"Then - all these years--"

Cody kissed him on the cheek, and in a whisper: "All those years we can spend together."

Bligh seemed utterly taken aback by this, one of Cody's rare flashes of deep insight - as Andrew would be when Cody would tell him that he was always good enough. This was Cody's purity - always forgiving, always loving, always seeing the best in bad situations.

Bligh's face slowly lit back up, brighter and brighter, until a delightful laugh escaped him and he grabbed Cody, who half-yelped in surprised, into a crushing bear hug.

They stayed like this - intertwined, almost crushed, by Bligh's arms - in silence, until he let out a moist whisper:

"I'm sorry - I'm so fuckin sorry--"

A shudder threatened an imminent breakdown - Cody's hand emerged from the embrace to stroke Bligh's tail from behind him, drifting upward to gently cascade his fingernails down Bligh's back.

"Hey - hey it's okay, it's okay - Bligh."

"It's - I love Drew so much - Cody."

Their eyes met once again - they have must sensed the moment was profound, when they had at last named each other, and the bond, heretofore mere animal copulation, was complete.

Hearing Bligh say it, and articulate it in such a way that there was no confusion, made Andrew shudder in a titan earthquake of shame and regret.

Bligh swallowed hard. "Fuck - man, I - fucked up - I coulda--"

"No, stop. You didn't fuck up at all."


"Because I love what you've made me - I - I'm really grateful."

Bligh looked at him in astonishment. "...yer...yer _grateful_for--?"

Cody blushed hotly. "I - really like being like this. I told you it - am I always gonna be this way?"

Bligh nodded, suddenly self-assured. "Yup."

"I'm not gonna turn into a"

"Nope. Speakin from experience."

"Good - I'll be part dog. Just like you." He smiled - a strange, delirious smile. "And so will Andy..."

Their heads came close together yet again.

"Bein human sucks, don't it?" Bligh whispered.

"I don't even wanna think about what life was like not being a dog - with you and - and Andy, soon..."

The two met in still another close kiss - Cody seemed to be the one to break it off.

"So - so wait. If you're a dog - if we're dogs - why didn't you - you - tie us?"

Bligh pulled him closer, licking the boy's lips with a titter. "I jest had to git the cum in ya. Ya weren't ready yet..."

"The cum changed me?"

"Yup, told ya - once it gets inside ya it starts--"

Cody cut Bligh off with a slight push, to look him dead in the eye. "So knot me now. I'm ready."

Another plunging sensation tore through Andrew as he heard Cody say it - he knew what this would mean, and all the fire of agony that burned within him was not enough to halt what was no inevitable.

Bligh swallowed hard as his penis, heretofore nearly entirely back in his sheath, stirred back to life. As though not trying to press his luck, he answered: "But yew said - ya didn't wanna cheat on em--"

"You're gonna make him like us, right?"

"Yeah - right soon if I can help it."


Bligh snickered. "Yes, Pup, I promise."

Cody nodded. "Then we'll all be together. Then it's not cheating - see?"

"I reckon so..." A smirk, knowing and lecherous, came to Bligh's face. "Ya sure ya can handle this?" He swirled his fingers over his knot. "Ain't ever been inside nobody...but then it ain't like a human's - might be too much for ya."

Cody, eyes locked on Bligh's large canid equipment, whimpered - the same flirtatious begging noise he made with Andrew.

Andrew caught his breath. Something had snapped within him, and instead of desperately trying to avert his eyes, still pretending to be asleep, he kept focused on the freshest horror before him...the wriggling mass in his brain that was aroused by the sight of his best friend and love of his life cavorting as beasts in the field had won, and all he could do was watch, trembling, between arousal and eldritch horror.

"I can handle it, c'mon, please!"

"Dang," Bligh snickered, reaching to scratch behind Cody's ear. "You sure do want this, don't ya Pup..."

Cody's gaze met Bligh's and, with lethal seriousness, took his hand to glide down Bligh's iron six-pack until he came to Bligh's much-larger purplish cock - the latter grunted as Cody gripped, then squeezed Bligh's penis, a volley of precum shooting off as Cody leaned in:

"Tie me."

With a defiant smirk, Bligh huffed hard, snickering.

"Now why d'ye wanna do that, Pup...?"

"Because," Cody answered at once, releasing Bligh from the grip for his hand to drift and play idly with the older male's balls - his voice betrayed a growing impatience that bordered on being painful. "I want it, I really--"

"But why?" Bligh cut in, taunting.

Cody rolled his eyes before shutting them, taking a breath as the admission came: "It''s the sexiest thing I've ever seen." He opened his eyes, whimpering again. "I want it inside me, I--" Suddenly embarrassed, a hot flush came to his cheeks as his ear twitched, self-aware. "I want to be..."

Bligh stroked Cody's cheek. "Ta be what, darlin?"

Cody coughed. "More - we'd be like real dogs."

Bligh smirked toothily, seeming delighted with the new admission. "We already are dawgs, Pup."

"You don't understand, I wanna tie with you, Bligh I - I never - I just feel so close to you."

"C'mon Pup, I ain't never, though - I - I might hurt ya--"

Cody pressed his face against Bligh's defiantly. "Tie me. I want. To be. A dog."

Bligh laughed softly - that confident cackle of the countryboy forced to prove his worth. The slyness returned to his mouth, slick and devious, as he put forth the invitation: "Then c'mere and git it..."

He slid back to let Cody look down on his doghood in its full glory - iridescently ruby-red, crisscrossed with innumerable veins, wet, ready.

"I'll make yew a dawg yet, Pup."

Cody moaned softly at his words, and fired off another volley of precum into Bligh's chest hair, kneeling to crawl overtop him - they locked eyes and kissed for a moment before Cody, breaking the kiss to nuzzle Bligh's beard once more, gently pushed him up by the shoulder so that they were face to face, sitting on the floor together, where they kissed yet again.

From this position, Cody seemed to know instinctively what to do - owing to his desperation to get Bligh inside him, combined with the new difficulties posed by having canine genitals, this seemed the most efficient way: he moved his new tail out of the way and opened his pucker some with his right hand, maneuvering awkwardly over Bligh's canine penis, before gingerly descending upon it - the first two tries were unsuccessful, and Bligh winced as Cody's full weight nearly fell on his erect cock.

The third time, however, Cody's face erupted into a paroxysm of pleasure as Bligh's tip at last gained entrance into his anus - Bligh grunted at the sensation of Cody's innards enveloping slick on the sides of his glans, but he quickly recovered, and once again the sly smirk reappeared.

Down Cody continued to descend on Bligh's fat canid shaft - it was somewhat easier because his anus had only barely recovered from the barbaric pounding it had received perhaps an hour ago, and was thus more eager and ready to receive Bligh at full mast...the whole time he was moaning, the interior of his ass having seemed to have developed a new sensitivity to the shape and size of a canine penis like Bligh's.

At last Bligh was buried, full shaft, inside Cody - gasping, in ecstasy but also vestigial agony from being reopened by such a large piece of sexual equipment, the boy could feel the knot approach his anus, which would not yet yield to the large intruder.

Bligh, sensing that the time for knotting was now finally near, gave Cody a gentle, encouraging kiss, tweaking one of his nipples - before giving a solitary thrust, attempting to gain leeway into Cody's hole bit by bit.

Cody let out a shout and a fuller volley of precum that sprayed into Bligh's beard - Bligh cackled, putting his full balancing weight on his left hand as he took his right to reach up and scoop out and eat up the delicious white liquid-gold.

"Almost there..." Bligh whispered.

Cody whimpered, nodding slightly in response. "I can - I can fe--" He winced hard as he felt his anus very gradually giving way. "Feel - oh - fuck--"

Out from his mouth came an animal scream of pleasure, far louder than he had ever sounded with Andrew's penis inside him - Bligh let forth a guttural growl, as with a final thrust he felt his knot at last penetrate and sink into Cody completely.

Cody's eyes were shut tight as the clenching euphoria exploded in his nervous system - his new tail stood straight up on end, and he took one of his hands, which had wrapped around Bligh's shoulder, to feel down his abdomen, until he stopped, open-palmed, at his stomach, before another moan of transcendent sexual ecstasy emanated from him.

"F-fuck - Bligh - I'm - I'm a d-dog--"

"Ya like the knot, Pup?" Bligh panted unevenly, trying to keep his composure before the sensation of full penetration threatened to have him give in to the final climax of orgasm - he moved his hands from the floor to grasp Cody's sides, leaning in to press his face against the boy's. "Ya like bein a dawg?"

Tears puffed out from under Cody's eyelids, which trickled down his cheeks as the rapture of being knotted was reaching an impossible summit.

"I'm a dog - I'm a dog - I'm f-fucking - dog--"

"Say it, Pup. Say ya love the knot. Fuck human dick - say yew love the fuckin knot." Bligh thrust again, closing his eyes in a split-second of being on the absolute precipice of orgasm. "Say - yew--"

Cody moaned again, still yet louder. "I love the - the - the knot - ah - ah! I hate human dick I just wanna have your big knot - be - tied - like this - be - be - be a d-dog I wanna be - be - ungh oh f-fuck - fuck!"

And with that, taking the free hand from his belly to embrace Bligh in helpless paroxysm, his orgasm took hold - his velvet-tawny fur-covered testicles jerked upward, and with a yelping cry, Cody unleashed an eruptive geyser of aromatically musky cum, colored a more darkish grey than Andrew, rapt in alienated attention, ever poured from Cody's tapered, red-scarlet canid penis, shooting upward, like a fountain that sprayed Bligh's chest and neck in rope after successive rope, joined by his helpless and immodest yell, a cry that spoke of absolute self-actualization, a new level of personal, sexual nirvana.

Bligh, perhaps responding to the volcanisms of his lover, simultaneously lost control, and with a series of final thrusts and ever louder grunts that escaped from gritted teeth, shot his copious seed inside the boy, gripping the boy's sides hard as his long black hair fell forward, with his head - his fangs bared, in orphic rapture.

Andrew shuddered, and felt a wrenching pang of qlippothic jealousy mercilessly smash into him - helpless to watch the two males in front of him, who he both knew, who he both adored in separate ways, make love...and make love without him.

As the two of them, Bligh and Cody, basked in their collective afterglow - Cody slumping forward for Bligh to catch him, sharing a breathless kiss as the last of Cody's euphoric tears slid off his smooth cheeks - Andrew shut his eyes in shame, trying to dam the flooding liquid-fire of arousal and desire that being cuckolded had thrown up inside him. He caught himself breathing heavy, and he tried to swallow - the saliva caustic and harsh as it swam in the desiccated mess of his mouth.

Bligh and Cody parted their kiss - Bligh beamed and cackled to himself, leaning back to lay fully on the floor, Cody still balanced on his lap.

A few more moments passed as Cody seemed to savor being so full of Bligh - of his penis, of his seed, of his desire - but at length a puzzled expression came to him, and he fidgeted where he sat.

"I can't--" He gave an experimental tug to get up from the position he was in. His penis was still out, scarlet, with a lurid sheen, but his knot was, by stages, slowly deflating, allowing to begin a very gradual retreat back into its sheath. "I can't - move. I'm stuck."

Bligh cackled again, this time louder. "Yer knotted, Pup. What'd y'expect?"

Cody's let out a breathy moan as his knot rapidly re-inflated, and his penis telescoped back to life."Oh - God. I don't - I dunno I--" He gave another experimental wiggle - a small motion, trying to lift himself up off of Bligh - only to find, the shy, satisfied smile giving it away, that he could not. "I'm really...I'm really knotted."

"Yes sir," affirmed Bligh, pleased.

Cody's hands swam over Bligh's body as he smiled again, a fragile tranquility on his face. "I've never felt so - so full kinda hurts."

Bligh leaned up a bit. "Are y'okay?"

Cody nodded. "Y-yeah, it's just - y-you're really big."

Bligh tittered. "I know - I know, Pup. Sorry bout that."

"No," Cody answered, giggling. "I like being this full - feeling like this..."

He was satisfied - soul-soothingly satisfied. Some great thirst inside him had been fully and deliciously quenched, as his eyes cast a dreamy, wishful gaze down onto Bligh, who, rising somewhat to prop himself up by his forearms, met the boy's eyes with a serious, almost plaintive look - the smile was gone, replaced with some transcendent, newfound understanding...perhaps it was, actually, love.

The two of them now shared a moment that, even for Andrew, intruding, did not permit time to pass. Earlier that evening they had been nothing - and now they were all things. Cody's new tail swayed in a lazy brush, back and forth, above the carpet, as Bligh's own tail would occasionally thump from beneath him.

It was apropos to the point of destiny, for Andrew had, the same few hours ago, virtually everything he wanted - and now he had nothing. Behind the lightning of hormones and shame - he, interloping into the dark-curtained secret world Bligh had effortlessly and insidiously constructed in this bedroom - was a mortifying passion that drowned out the persistent wail of a bleeding heart. He had, drenched down in the heat, largely lost the full weighted agony of his circumstance - and this was just was well.

Perhaps the American aristocratic myth that draped his family name, of being born better and bred better, held some truth after all, for surely this would have killed stone dead a man of inferior blood.

The blissful silence was broken by Bligh, his voice a hoarse rattle like the sound of a tired truck engine:

"I - h-hey."


"I - I love yew."

Cody, who had been gliding his hands inside the cottony-soft sable forest of Bligh's body hair playfully, abruptly stopped - he looked away from Bligh and, running a tongue over his newly whetted canines, and he nodded slowly.

"I know."

"Yew - ya can't say it back."

Cody shook his head, the same slow speed as when he nodded. "I - I told you--"

"Drew," Bligh guessed.

"Y-yeah..." Cody turned back to look back down at Bligh, somewhat sadly. "I don't want to - um, you know, hurt you--"

"I'm fine," Bligh seemed to state as fact.

"You don't sound it..."

"I jest I - I wanted ya ta like me, yanno..."

"I do though - Bligh. I do." He smiled at him, kneeling as best he could with Bligh still tumescent and inside him to stroke the older male's hair. He paused. "I wanna know something. Can I - in this new body can I..." His face flushed and he giggled, embarrassed at himself.

Bligh tittered curiously. "Can ya what, Pup?"

"Did it change my insides?"

Bligh cocked his head, unsure. "I dun--"

Cody coughed, laughing again - Andrew recognized this as the boy in a purely nervous state. "I...I have more..." He pointed at his nipples. "More of these than you do."

"Yeah, and?"

"What if that means I can - I can have puppies?"

Bligh, in turn, snickered slyly, as though enjoying the idea. "I dunno - but we can always keep tryin."

Another stab to Andrew's heart - this, the most secret part of their relationship, even this was annexed by Bligh. There had been many final straws up to this point - the entire time that had elapsed, however long it had been, had been but a mountain of straws, breaking his back with every kiss, every pant, every oozing sexual fluid. He could not take it anymore - he let out the tears come, he let them flow.

Cody, utterly unaware, laughed, fully embarrassed at Bligh's remark - his ears went flat. "I'd just never met someone I was attracted to so hard, not since--"

His smiled faded, and he looked to Andrew, and his eyebrows furrowed as he noticed seeing the single tear dripping off his cheek in the silence of Bligh and Cody's beautiful moment.


"What's wrong, Pup?

"He - he's crying?"

Bligh's head snapped to Andrew in alarm. "What?!"

At this, knowing the jig of his feigned sleep was up, Andrew's eyes flew open like an awakened mummy in an old horror movie - he breathed heavy, trying to form words, but, his vocal cords still in the grip of Bligh's poison, only managed half-coherent croaks.

Their mood of intimate happiness instantly shattered, Bligh sighed in hot exasperation. "Fuck - dammit ta Hell why, why--"

"What - what's wrong?"

Bligh's face was as one who had been stabbed in the stomach. "He wudn't s'posed ta _see_none o'this!"

A look of creeping horror came to Cody. "You - you mean--?"

Bligh shook his head rapidly. "Thought the poison worked longer than just a few hours--"

"How long was he awake for?"

"I - I dunno?" He seemed put on the spot by the question. "Thought he was asleep this whole - time - there's a chance--"

"So he saw me--?

Bligh nodded gravely. "He saw us..."

Cody looked stricken, his ears going flat and his tail falling limp. "Oh - shit--"

"Fuck - fuck."

"I wanted to - I thought he - we would show him in the morning? He saw - he saw me do all this and I just - I wasn't ready--"

"If he's awake now neither am I..." His face turned hard as his thoughts raced. "Pup - gonna need yew ta sit up."

"O-okay..." Cody once again tried to free himself, wiggling from side to side to see if Bligh's knot would give even an inch, but to no avail. "I don't think I can, Bligh--"

"Shit, we're gonna have to wait - fuckin Hell--"

"What - what are you gonna do?"

"Gonna do ta him what I did t'yew - jest like I promised."

Andrew's attempted to make words again, as loud as he could, but found the only sound that came out was a weak high-pitched whimper - neither Bligh or Cody seemed to have heard it.


Bligh frowned. "The only way - he's gotta have cum in him. But he's paralyzed, so..."


"His mouth ain't gonna work right - I can't jest shove it in."

"Your - dick?"

"What else, Pup?"

"W-well - where - in his mouth?"

"Gonna hafta be. Can't be his ass - I don't wanna hurt em." He sniffed. "And it would hurt em..."

"Well what about me? Would my cum work?"

The idea seemed to intrigue Bligh for a moment before he shook his head. "I wanna git this right, Pup. We only got one chance..."

"Then how--?"

Bligh's face lit up in epiphany. "Sit up, Pup - let's try this again. I think I'm ready."

At Bligh's instruction, Cody once more attempted to wriggle upward from Bligh's tie. He struggled, and after several winces, finally worked himself free, the still-hard doghood slurping out of his anus with a wet pop - he stifled a moan in disappointment which was cut short by a look of alarm...dripping from him was a small torrent of the same greyish, musky liquid that was the altered semen Bligh, and now he, produced. He moved his new tail out of the way, as though trying to keep it clean and dry from the strange substance.

Beneath him, Bligh's canid penis was still turgid, but wobbled in throes of going back down, covered in his own grey semen.

Acting quickly, as Cody watched intently, Bligh took his fingers to gingerly scrape away this fluid, what little he could pick up, hissing and wincing each time as he grazed the sensitive cockflesh.

Andrew watched it unfold with deep puzzlement, but also dread - what was Bligh attempting to do? The numbness in his body had finally dissipated in his head, so that he could do more than move his eyes - sore and unsteady as it was, he could navigate his head and neck to see more of the bedroom before him.

Bligh having finished his task of removing the plastered liquid from his own penis, he looked up to see Cody attempting to move away - Bligh beckoned him back, making a circular motion in the air with his hand.

"What are you--?"

"Bend over."

Cody did as he was told, and, taking the first two fingers on his hand, already somewhat coated in cum, Bligh inserted them into Cody's gaping, if once again slowly retightening anus - the boy moaned at once and let off an involuntarily spurt of precum that landed on the edge of he and Andrew's bed.

His task accomplished, Bligh rose to pace the short distance it took to tower over his best friend, whose eyes widened in sudden terror as he now realized what was about to occur.

"I'm sorry, Drew," he said gravely, the grey slime dripping down his upheld index and middle fingers. "I'm sorry I was so mean t'ya..." He swallowed hard, and, in a single violent motion, swung his free hand to hold the back of Andrew's head still jammed his fingers into Andrew's unwilling mouth.

"Mmmph - fuff!" Andrew convulsed his head, struggling in vain to overcome Bligh's grip.

"Ya know I love ya, Drew - always will..."

"What are you doing to him?"

Bligh relented his finger's attack, watching as Andrew grimaced in horror at the foul, gamey-tasting slime touched his tongue.

"Swallow," Bligh ordered, easing his fingers out of Andrew's mouth.

Cody appeared from behind him, waddling from the uncomfortable feeling of his loose anus, to watch.

Andrew shook his head, trying to fight the substance from touching his throat - at some length he felt he could no longer breath, and his gag reflex betrayed him as the residual santorum from Cody's anus and Bligh's shaft slid down his throat...and began to trickle to his stomach.

As though sensing that Andrew had surrendered, Bligh, taking his still-moist hand to hold Andrew's mouth firmly shut, used the other in a swift motion to retrieve the knife that had been lying next to his jeans on the floor behind him - continuing, fluidly, he unsheathed it and, over Andrew's struggles, grazed the latter's upper arm with the blade.

"H-hey--" Cody protested. "You're hurting him again!"

"Ghumf!" Andrew managed to vocalized his wince of pain under the iron strength of Bligh's hand.

"I know what I'm doin, Pup I - I reckon. I jest - hafta make sure this takes..."

He released Andrew, who hacked violently as his lungs desperately took in air - Bligh rose to restore the knife to its sheath, but Cody knelt to hold Andrew as he continued to heave and sputter as he slouched onto his side.

"I'm sorry Drew," Bligh repeated. "Yer gonna thank me later. Promise."

The insidious lassitude once again swept over Andrew like a wave - he could feel Cody's hands on him, trying to hold him, but he kept his eyes shut, his coughing subsiding, but his will to keep awake evaporating as Bligh's mysterious poison did its work.

"Andy - Andy are you okay...?"

Cody's voice, soft in Andrew's ear, echoing as though from miles away though he was bare inches from him, was the last thing he heard - before he collapsed to the carpet, slipping from Cody's grasp and, though he could not see it, underneath Bligh's watchful gaze, as everything went black once more.