Fox Hunt

Story by Nightmask1367 on SoFurry

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A short but intense little romp with a hunter after a fox with a surprise at the end!

The sequel can be found here ->

Fox Hunt


Charles E. Terrell Jr.

AKA Nightmask

Shadows hugged the ground beneath the broad leafy canopy spread so thickly overhead, only the occasional sunbeam managing to fight its way through to illuminate a tiny patch here and there below. The heat of summer filtered its way through to dispel the coolness the shade otherwise brought, and the humid air was rich with the scent of decaying plants. A soft carpet of leaves and fallen branches lay everywhere, broken only by the trunks of the mighty trees both living and dead and the occasional up thrust finger of stone as it otherwise hid the forest floor. A hush seeming to fall over everything as a disruption wound its way amongst the trees and debris below.

She was a small slip of a thing, this vixen was, barely four foot and nine if that, clad in glossy black fur and nothing else to conceal her lithesome form from prying eyes. Small though she was it was clear in looking at her she had long since passed into adulthood, from the proud handful that made up her bosom to the gentle swell of her hips. Dark eyes darted about as she scanned the forest around her, ever vigilant and wary as she made her way towards her unknown destination.

Suddenly she froze as she heard the sharp snap of a twig, ears swiveling as she tried to track down the source, her tail locked up against her back to reduce drawing attention to herself with its motion. Unable to discern where the sound came from as the clutter sucked everything into silence she dropped down onto all fours, crouching, head raised and backside lowered as she waited for more. Minutes passed with nothing more than her ears and eyes moving as she strained to hear more before she relaxed and eased back upright and checked around her once more.

Unable to discern anyone else about she set into motion once more, this time though she kept low to the ground, padding her way along on all fours as her sleek vulpine form was as adept at that as striding about fully upright upon her digitigrade legs. Her slower pace and nose to the ground just barely saved her as she 'yipped!' and sprang aside as a hidden spring trap narrowly missed catching her left hand its tightening coils.

Heart racing she sprang up darted off wildly away from the now disabled trap, tail streaming behind her as she tried to flee the area, every few feet another trap almost catching her as she ran. As she raced at the best pace she could manage she heard the sounds of footsteps behind her, which only spurred her on even harder, her toeclaws digging deep into the loam for greater traction and to push off harder with each step.

The ebony vixen fairly flew across the forest floor as she dashed through the dimly lit landscape like a shadow, but nothing she could do could hide the trail she was leaving behind her like an arrow pointing right to her wherever she ran. Her energy was flagging as well, the harsh pace draining her in spite of her fit and trim form, her instincts pushing her to find someplace, anyplace to hide! Before she could though she stumbled as her right foot hit a soft patch in the leaves concealing a small hole, and as she rolled across the ground the delay was just enough for her pursuer to catch up with her.

Compared to her the human was a giant, easily a foot taller than the diminutive vixen, clad in well-worn and sturdy camouflage gear, while various pouches large and small adorned his clothing in strategic locations. A smile crossed his face as she rolled around to face him, her lips drawn back in a feral grin as he delighted in having finally brought his prey to ground.

Never taking his eyes off of her he reached with practiced ease for the net clipped to his right side, evidently seeking to capture rather than slay, although the vixen's demeanor seemed to take no comfort in that. Eyeing him warily she glanced about looking for some means of escape, but little seemed evident save the trunk of some fallen giant from years before.

'Whoosh!' the net went sailing towards her the moment her eyes were off of him, causing her to 'yerf' in surprise and dash madly to the side, only to end up with the net entangling her head. While she clawed madly at it trying to tear it free he dashed towards her before she could remove it and pulled the rope on his other hip free to try and hogtie her like some rancher would some unruly calf.

Claws ripped and tore at heavy cloth as he fought to restrain her, the vixen's desperate fight shredding his clothes in places while they rolled about in the debris of decades. Too late the vixen realized she was being guided as they fought as she found herself caught up against the fallen tree, her right wrist caught up in the rope as he bound her hand to the broken protrusion of a long-dead limb. Her struggles grew more frantic as she tried to get free, grinding her chest into the harsh wood and kicking back at her captor as best she could, but limited by the loss of her arm it was only a matter of time before he'd bound her across the large trunk, her toes not even reaching the ground as she lay helplessly there.

As she lay panting and struggling feebly, her tail flicking about as the only free part of her left, she 'yipped' and squirmed as the human's hand came up between her legs and stroked at the lips of the captive vixen's sex firmly, inspecting her with casual abandon. Shivers ran up and down along her spine and oscillated through her tail as he felt her damp heat, arousal evident from the way she pushed back into his grasp, her seasonal need leaving her completely responsive to his bold fondling. The chase forgotten she rolled her hips wantonly at him, begging for relief from whoever was at hand.

Her thighs were wet with her juices before the sound of a zipper unzipping added its brief voice to things, sharp vulpine ears perking up as she tried to look back at the sound but couldn't with the arch of the trunk blocking her view. Before she could do more she felt the press of his erection against her slickness as the head worked into that tight opening, forcing its way into a hole never made for it but would soon receive it all the same. A shiver raced up her spine once again as she felt the painful stretching of her kithole, but in her aroused state it meant little to her when compared to the instincts it was satisfying as it sheathed itself into her.

Skin tight as her passage was even with her juices wetting the way it was slow going as he worked himself to the hilt into her receptive sex, hands kneading at her backside and rolling her furry buns around in his grasp as he watched the way her folds slid inch by agonizing inch down to the root of his shaft. The vixen for her part dug her claws into the bark of the tree as she was stretched to her limits and tossed her head back to give voice to the mixture of pain and pleasure the human's shaft was bringing to her.

Time was almost at a premium as the tightness was proving almost too stimulating and too painful for her captor to remain still within her, his hips taking up that slow gyration mandated by her grip upon him as he thrust into her in short jabs. Each thrust he could feel the head of his erection pressing up against her cervix with a small spike of pleasure from the firm contact, while his balls slapped gently against her clit as he stretched her out along his throbbing member.

As the vixen's passage stretched to accommodate the hard maleness filling it the fading pain left only the pleasure as she was mated as thoroughly as she could be, with the slap of his balls to her glistening pearl giving her little jolts that quickly brought her to burst of orgasmic release that gripped her and released her as quickly as it came. With his thrusts growing faster and harder as she opened for him the orgasms seemed to grow with intensity each time they came. She humped back against him as best as her restraints would allow, wanting even more of those heat-augmented orgasms he was giving her.

There was no way to count how many times she orgasmed before the human pounding away at her clutched at her backside and groaned as he slammed himself into her, burying himself completely within her belly as he climaxed with an explosion of cum that poured into her sex and womb. Jet after jet of hot human seed filled her and sent her crashing over the edge into her most powerful orgasm yet, her silken walls rippling along his member as she milked him for all she could, until he collapsed on top of her, arms just barely bracing him so as to not crush her beneath him.

The darkness seemed to grow as night neared, the pair remaining coupled long after their peak, before the vixen turned her head to nuzzle the human on top of her and broke the silence to say:

"Damn but I love going hunting with you dear!"