Wereness 3. The Decision

Story by Woulfe Maelstorme on SoFurry

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Sorry for the long delay...but the wait was worth it. This story will begin moving things along. This includes both the story and the sex. With this story, the reader gets a brief view on life in a place currently known simply as a city. Nothing new is really being added to the story or character structure. You will however get to know the new guy a little better. I realize leaving off, where I did in the previous story, led many to think he would be staying a mess for quite a while. In real life it was quite a while. I wanted to do this story right and not rush it. It may have taken additional months, but it was worth it. After writing this story and going over its structure, I found sufficient resource for at least two more stories. Will it end after that? You will have to read and find that out for yourselves. The only new story element added with this one is the use of brackets. Once you get towards the end of this story, you will see why they are used.

The following story contains strong sexual content and may even contain elements that dare to brutally smash right through societies little barriers known as taboos. Taboos are usually things society dare not do, but have proved many times to be much less threatening than these sheltered individuals would lead you to believe. Thus this ideal metaphor for such a situation: What is the point of living if one is simply too scared to even go out of their house? Possibly this and future stories will deal with just about every sexual taboo known to human kind. It also includes an element some strict Christians might declare evil even. So if this is not your sort of story, please move on and kindly don't send any hate mail my way.

Woulfe Maelstorme

<< The Decision >>

The sound of something being crunched and crushed comes from both within and outside your mouth. The image is of sunlight penetrating very dense red brown cloth. The only sensations that accompany you at the moment are:

The slight tension in the back from sitting upright...

The feel of various chilled greens being crunched and smashed in your mouth...

Slight tension of your right arm holding something up...

The feel of the slick polished surface of this object...

The feel of an equally polished utensil in your left hand...

Wind blowing across every inch of your naked body...

The firm resistance of polished stone under your folded legs...

The sensation of having feet again...instead of hooves...

The occasional sprinkle of water from the creek, just beyond the stones...

The overall sensation of having a human body again...

Taste of spiced vinegar in the greens you are crunching.

"Mmm...this is really good dressing," you say after opening your eyes.

"Glad you approve," you hear to your left between crunching of greens.

You look down at a variety of purple, green and yellow green rippled leaves. You notice some oval shaped ones as well. The dish also had cherry tomatoes, black olives and sliced boiled eggs added as well. The shredded carrot was a nice finishing touch, along with the vinaigrette dressing.

"Hope you don't mind the eggs in the salad," he adds just as you look up and to his face.

"Not at all. I'm not a strict vegetarian. I just simply don't eat meat. Found plenty of other green stuff with same nutrients in it. Haven't found anything to match what is in the egg yet though. You?" you ask while eating and keeping eye contact.

"Being vegetarian or replacing the egg?" he asks and keeps the eye contact as well.


"Well, I am vegetarian of course. Find me a horse that isn't." he chuckles and continues.

"As for finding a replacement for the egg...still searching actually. Too bad it couldn't be as simple as eggplant itself."

He then drops his vision to finishing his plate, as you set yours towards his side and look past his right at the house and bard behind it. Your nose picks up on a horse's scent that you quickly know isn't from him or you. He looks up and sets the plate down on top of yours, noticing your wondering gaze. He says nothing and watches you swing your vision to your right and across the creek to the maple tree on the hill. Every angle you look, rich vibrant autumn colors abound in the trees. Your peripheral vision catches site of him lifting the plates and submerging them in the creek water for a rinse. You then trace your site along a break in the tall grass, between the tree and the creek, all the way to the rock shelf just across from you two. Eventually it comes back to him, lounging on his belly now and actually scrubbing the plates with his hands. You simply set there and admire his physique, as his shoulder muscles ripple with the movements.

"So which body do you like best?" He asks from just beyond the stones.

"What do you mean?"

"Which one...horse or human?"

"I'll stick with human for now."

"I didn't mean you. I know your staring at my body and admiring it. I'm just curious if you like this one or the horse one better. Don't be shy about what you say concerning sex or sexual appeal. We don't live in that horrid city of yours, with its ridiculous rules of social conduct."

"I'm just not sure what to say around you still. I have been to places within the city, with people who say the same thing, but turn out to be not very open minded."

"But that be the difference lad. We are not in the city anymore. We are out here where that doesn't matter." He said, as he raised himself back up.

He then neatly stacked the clean dishes and utensils and gave an exasperated sigh.

"Look...if you going to be a guest at my house...you have to let go of all that. You will have to let it go anyway. You and I both know that you can't go back and live there now. Not with this recent change in your body. Don't say you can hide it...its not that simple. You will eventually be utterly turned off by the smells and sounds as well."

He sets back up into the sitting position "So...my question."

"Hmm? Oh...yes" You finally say, "Well I suppose I actually like the horse one better."

"And why is that?"

"Because, back before the Migration, I grew up around them on the family farm."

"Go on." He encourages as he gets up and offers his left hand to you, with a smile.

"I suppose I felt a lot closer to them than people. Mostly because of their honesty with their feelings and their behavior...if that doesn't sound too strange to you."

"Not at all. Continue."

You then take his left hand with yours, and the dishes with your right, and get up. He takes the dishes and nods to follow him. You just shrug and do so.

"Well as I grew older, I started looking at them quite differently. Not sexually mind you."

"Of course not." He says politely over his shoulder, as he turns around away from you.

"I just simply started seeing them as people and began giving them more direct attention. Especially the stallion kept by himself."

"Hmm. So there were a lot of horses there?" He walked up to the porch and stopped.

"Yes...four mares and two stallions. It is just that the one stallion wanted nothing to do with the mares. Fortunately Mum liked him and convinced Dad to keep him anyway. We weren't hurting for money and could afford it. Mum's other defense was that I was now old enough to raise him, if I was interested."

He turns around to face you and smiles. "I would have said yes at the drop of a hat."

"I said yes too...once Mum told me about what they decided with him." You smile back.

"How long was this before the Migration?"

"Hmm...I had just turned 13 then and now 26...four years."

"What became of the animals during the Migration?"

"Gone. None of us ever found out what happened to them. We had come home, from the neighboring city and were ready to make all the preparations to move into the agrotownship. We immediately noticed the animals were gone and there were clear signs of someone taking them. All we could do was file a missing animals claim and wait. They were never found. Plus we had to wait for the city to restructure the agrotownship to normal residential. We needed to get into the city before the storm front moved in. Apparently we weren't the only farmers who lost their animals."

"OK...that is far enough along. Now lets back up to you and the stallion."

"Thanks." You smile back and see him set the dishes down on the porch floor by him.

"I am here to help you adjust. Believe it or not, this talk is crucial to you excepting what you are better. It will also make our kinship go a little smoother well."

You nod and smile "Well those four years were my best, before today."

"We haven't really done anything yet...but go on." He shrugs towards the barn to follow.

You come up to his right and follow to finish.

"The stallion seemed to really like my presence and eventually became eager when he knew it was time for me to be around the barn. He learned my habits really quick."

"Sounds like he had more than a casual interest in you maybe."

"I suppose he did. My treatment of him only encouraged that further. Dad never could figure out why I wouldn't ride him. My response was when he finally asks me to."

"Aye...I like that one." He laughs just after saying that.

Not really focusing on where you are walking, and yet enjoying the feel of the grass under your bare feet, you do take notice that he is leading you to the barn and the source of that overwhelmingly erotic horse scent. While walking along you glance down at his crotch and notice his cock stiffening just like yours, waving casually from side to side with each step. You look up to his face and notice him looking at yours and grinning. Although this sort of behavior is new to you, there seems to be no reason to be concerned around him. You just smile and look down, noticing yours is actually rock hard. You then decide to actually come clean about where you were going with the stallion story. It is obvious what sort of reaction you have to any mention of him. You then feel a hand on your shoulder and you stop. He turns towards you and turns you towards him gently, with both hands on your shoulders now. He stops grinning and simply smiles before speaking.

"I am going to help you along here and venture some guesses. I'm quite good at figuring things out. You eventually find out you are as well...if you haven't already. OK?"

"Um...sure." You smile reluctantly back at him.

"OK. I know where this story is going and want to make it simple for me and you both."

"If you can...yes...please do."

"I know I can." He grins.

"Go ahead." You reply and smile while folding your arms in front of you.

"You just didn't see those horses as people and simply thought of them as such. They were people to you...especially the stallion. You and the stallion got so close that it went beyond mere friendship or companionship between a man and animal. You became the equivalent of dating partners among humans. I would venture it maybe went as far as mates and hurt like nothing you felt before, when he was taken away. That's why I stopped you with that story just minutes ago. I could see the pain surfacing in your eyes and body language. You attempted to hide it and failed. There is no need to hide such things around here. In fact...horses, like your stallion, consider it rude."


"I'm not done yet lad."

He removes his left hand and holds a single finger in front of your face.

"Go on." You say with a sigh and grimace on your face.

"To answer my one question earlier...you like the horse body better. Deep down, you want yours back as well. I would even venture to say you want it back as soon as possible, now that you know its possible for you too. Because now it will give you what you have been denied, ever since the Migration, and more. I know there are no horses in those cities. They live only in the wild and as far away from the cities as possible. I also know being here with me right now and standing here so close to that scent, you aren't even thinking of going back to the city. I can see it in your eyes. You have never felt more at peace with yourself, except when you were around that stallion you were so fond of. No...not fond...in love with. Now that you have the chance to reclaim that life, in a way you couldn't possibly imagine before, you will do anything you can to have it. At this very moment, and with all those thoughts going through your mind, I can see you have never been happier."

"True," You say reluctantly and finally give in by sighing and smiling back.

He brings his hand back to your shoulder and gets a slightly serious look on his face.

"I also know you have never felt hornier either. This is understandable. Before your First Change in my house, the only way you knew a mare was in season was by looking at her bum and see if the vulva was swollen. Now just standing here, or sitting back at the creek, you can smell it in the air. Its affecting you more so simply because you and your body is not used to it yet. This will actually work in our favor the rest of your time here. Remember, just because you clearly have made up your mind to not go back, you still have affairs to wrap up back in the city. Should only take you a day. That's all it took for me. But lets not get sidetracked here. I now want you to tell me about the stallion, while we make our way up to me favorite spot here."

He turns back towards the house, while slipping his right hand off your shoulder and slipping his whole left arm around both shoulders. He then directs the two of you just past the bend in the creek and where you just had breakfast. You look up and now notice the sun is at its highest point. Half of the day gone already, you think to yourself. The whole experience has been so eventful and intense, some of your old thinking catches up and you realize a few things are already different about you. The contrast in how your living today, and how you were living in the city, is so much you feel its something to talk about with your newfound friend. You then chuckle a little, just as you two reach the creek and step right into its water. All you feel is a mild chill no different than stepping into a wading pool during the summer. You briefly admire the clever yet organic placement of stone steps on both sides of the creek itself, just as your friend notices the chuckle and inquires about your thoughts.

"Penny for your thoughts?"

"Hmm? Oh. A bit of my old thinking finally caught with what is going on now. Everything has changed so much over the last two days. Particularly today."

"Well you are certainly handling everything better than I thought you would."

"Just how bad did you think I would take it?"

"Bad," he answers as both of you step up out on the other side of the creek.

"I suppose one would assume and brace themselves for that...considering how much a mess I was in the bathroom after the change occurred. It was overwhelming in a good way and simply so much to grasp at the time."

"Aye. Your words, 'And what is that?' certainly said it all for me." He chuckles.

"Well wouldn't you have the same response, if you suddenly found your attached cock suddenly proportionately much bigger and hanging all the way down to your knees?"

"My reaction was actually just as strong as yours my First Change. It happened back in my barn and while fucking my mate." He briefly points to your left at the barn itself.

You nod and decide to finish with the thought that actually brought the chuckle out.

"My other thought was simply how I am handling things right now. I mean...just look around us. It's clearly the middle of fall. I know from the preliminary city weather report that the temperature forecast for the entire week, was 50s in the day and 30s at night. We also have this persistent cool wind blowing that should actually feel quite chilly. Yet here we are strolling casually through some browning field grass completely naked and not notice it. To us it might as well be 70s instead of 50s." You can't help but laugh softly.

"Well enjoy the entertaining contrast between your old thoughts and new ones. Once you get settled in outside of the city, those old thoughts will soon be nothing but a memory."

He turns his head to face you at the same time you turn yours...as if you both were in sync. The timing is so right it causes both of you to lock eye contact and actually stop walking just short of being under the tree. Something about his eyes now just simply makes you loose yourself in them. Your peripheral vision catches signs of him smiling at you in a new way, that is as warming as the autumn sun itself. It also picks up signs of the background slowly turning to your left as he in turn turns towards you, with his arm still on your shoulders. You soon feel your hands make contact just under his arms, just as he brings his other arm up and make contact with the back your head with its hand. Your hands then begin sliding past the armpits and upwards towards his head, across the back of his broad firm shoulders. As you do this, your peripheral vision picks up signs of the background being completely blocked out by his face, as he now draws himself closer. The closeness brings on a briefly distracting and complex sensation, that seemed to last a whole day but actually only seconds:

You feel the touch of something firm and warm against your left thigh...

Then it travels up and towards your abs, smearing a damp trial along the way...

At the same time, you feel something brush the bottom of your cock head...

And then move across it encouraging precum to come out...

The entire bottom of your cock becomes damp, as the moving presence draws closer...

You begin to feel its radiating heat, as you begin to draw closer...

The firm warmness now makes contact with the left side of your cock...

The combined sensation encourages you to close the gap...

The moving presence makes complete contact with your crotch...

Both of your cocks now slide side by side up each other's abs and stop...

The final inch is finally closed and your cocks engulfed in warm flesh all around.

His left arm then drops down your back and rests its hand on the middle of your back. He begins a gentle stroking and massage of your neck while you stop your hands and begin circular massaging circles across his whole upper back. You then finally pull his chest into yours and tilt you head to the side, to rest it on his shoulders. He naturally does the same and begins rubbing your lower back as well. You then feel pull up and then come back to make contact with your necks via his lips. He then applies firm pressure and begins to suck and massage your neck at the same time. You then drop your left arm to his lower back and raise the right one to the back of his head, maintaining your massage routine. He then brings his mouth back up and moves both your heads to make eye contact briefly, before drawing them together at the lips. You hungrily open your mouth and invite him in just as he does the same with his. You alternate your heads angle with his constantly, as the two of furiously wrap your tongues together and explore every inch of the other person's mouth as possible. You then notice something familiar about his mouth. The taste of oats brings back memories of your stallion and the intimacy you two had. This begins to drive you wild and causes the other hand to come up to his head and push his lips as hard as possible against yours. You try to suck as much of the tongue in and force as much of yours into his mouth. You simply had to have that taste. What is more...you simply had to have him. Things only intensify when you feel through your combined chests and hear through your ears, the sound of deep guttural whickering. You find that it just didn't come from him...but you as well.

He then slowly breaks the kiss and brings both his hands to the side of your head and gently cradles it, as your eyes meet again and see such intense need in them. Both of you are now breathing a little hard and he briefly closes his eyes, as his head bows slightly and another soft wicker comes through his chest and up his throat. He then brings his head back up and opens his eyes to meet yours again.

"I want to do something special for you...and with you lad. Something that will actually encourage you to change more often and get more accustomed to it. Yes the sex we are getting to will be part of it. In fact it's the most important part. The only thing you have to do on your end, is keep your hands in contact with my body constantly. Don't lift them up once for anything. Does this sound OK and are you up to it?"

You look into his eyes puzzled and say, "OK...will it hurt?"

"Since you have obviously taken a stallion in your bum...no more than your first time with him. As long as your hands stay in contact with me, you will be just fine. Trust me."

"I trust you," You answer as you see the growing need in his eyes.

"One more thing...you will feel very lightheaded but no nausea."

"Will I pass out?"

"No. You won't even fell it come on to you." He answers and smiles back warmly.

"What do I do then?"

"You will just pick up where we left off and I will guide you through it."

"It actually sounds really wicked."

"That it is lad. That it is."

The both of you then resume the embrace and kiss as if as if nothing had ever stopped it. Only this time you both decide to close your eyes. The sound and feel of the guttural wicker came back stronger than before. He then moves his hands down to your firm bum and begins firmly massaging your buttocks. The intensity of the embrace then begins to grow all by it self and you start feeling a slight tinge of levity. Your then surprise yourself by increasing the strength in your arms and begin lifting yourself up, using his body as leverage. Your lift is swiftly assisted when his hands move down to your thighs and he begins inching you up his body. Your cock itself glides effortlessly up his abs and the sensation itself simply adds to the moment. Just briefly, through the haze of your growing lust, you notice the texture of his skin turn silky smooth and the presence of stallion musk double. Before hoisting you any farther up his body, he breaks the kiss and whispers in your ear, between gusts of breath, as you hug him tighter and bury your face in his neck.

"I want you so badly my horny stallion. I know you want me just as much."

"Yes I do." You say through hushed whispers and gusts of breath.

"You have been too long without a stud in you. I can feel it."

"Yes I have. Take me and make me your mare. Please."

"That's all I needed to know."

He gives you one more deep and passionate kiss and hoists you further, spreading your legs and begins to angle your body out slightly. You then feel the sensation of short squirts of precum hit your exposed hole and know that his cock is right there, ready to enter you.

First you feel the presence of its lubed head resting against your anal opening...

Then the pressure of him slowly pushing past gently, a little at a time...

You briefly feel lights nibbles, from his teeth, on your neck...

Then you feel the building pressure of him going past your anal ring...

There was actually very little pain, as his shaft stopped just past it...

Your levity increases to mild lightheadedness...

The cock head then begins to make short thrusts inside your anal cavity...

The thrusts become quite direct and skilled at stroking the prostate inside you...

The sensation brings another wicker from you...

His thrusts then increase in length, as he pushes more inside you...

He then begins thrusting all the way to his roots and begins to wicker softly...

Your haze of lust begins to thicken more and your breathing picks up a bit more...

He pushes in one more time and then stops, staying buried to the root inside you.

He then brings your body completely vertical again and holds you tightly, as your body begins to feel firm vibrations go up its spine through the haze. They seem to be rhythmic like from walking. The rhythm then stops. Then some rather odd but enjoyable sensations begin to take hold, as you briefly feel the subtle sensation of being lain horizontal and onto some sort of grass bundle.

The first being building pressure and movement inside your anal cavity...

The pressure is from being slowly stretched and not hurting at all...

The stretching seemed odd in itself it would go and then stop...

The movement felt like he was pushing farther into you at a very gradual pace...

This feels odd because his hips are as tight against you as possible and not moving...

The skin all around your bum now feels a bit odd against his...

Its like it's moving and stretching at the same time...

Your lightheadedness then starts to set in really strong and brief pain surfaces all over...

Your new sensations begin to become more coherent, as your body temp starts rising...

His cock is clearly growing much thicker and longer inside you...

At the same time, your anal cavity is growing to compensate for its size...

Meanwhile, other equally odd sensations are now occurring elsewhere.

Your hands begin to detect fluctuations in his neck structure under the skin...

Signs of additional hair growth is felt on down the middle of his upper back...

The hands move to sides of his face and find his ears have moved up a bit as well...

You move them back to the neck and now find it much thicker and muscled...

You try to probe yourself mentally, but can't cut through the haze and lightheadedness...

The sensation of your skin rubbing the surface under you feels very odd...

It actually feels much like the sensation where your thighs are pressed together...

His arms then brush against yours, as hands go to your chest and massage it...

The hands themselves seem to glide easily across your skin, too easily.

Your thoughts finally become coherent about what is going on. You are physically changing. Now all the sensations inside and out make sense. He is making sure he changes with you at the same rate. This certainly is making the sex special and very wonderful indeed. Except not much sex is currently going on for obvious reasons. Then more profound physical changes occur, accompanied by slight levels of pain. The change at this point also has a mild electric shock feel to it.

Your feet and head take the brunt of the change, followed by your tailbone...

Your head goes about excessively stretching itself, from between the ears to teeth...

The ears and skull holes begin moving upwards in earnest, diagonally to the back...

The base of your skull gets pulled, with bone stretching, up a few inches...

The sizes of existing nostrils expand and then they spread apart a bit...

Your eye sockets also expand and widen their distance...

The eye sockets and nostrils then orientate to face the sides more...

Your pointed teeth flatten out and a growing space appears just behind them...

Your lips seem to not expand much with your mouth but simply grow...

It feels like an accelerated receding hairline is occurring on your head...

At the same time, more hair is also growing in on your neck and back...

Your tailbone begins to twitch and move oddly, as the skin begins to stretch and grow...

The vertebrate at its end begin to grow, as new ones appear and also grow...

Your forming tail then begins to sprout hair of its own...

Your inner hips alter their structure slightly, as your leg muscles do the same...

Your lower leg bones begin to thicken and move closer together...

The lower leg muscles undergo radical restructuring...

The feet begin aggressive merging and restructuring of the existing bones...

The toes begin to merge, the ends becoming a hoof and the base bones the ankle...

Radical muscle restructuring begins on feet, as they now begin to stretch...

Your fingernails thicken and become much smaller semi-hooves...

The new upper and lower legs finish changing and continue to grow...

The ribcage alters shape from flattened to a more circular structure...

Arms undergo very little structure change and simply grow with existing parts...

Penis keeps growing and extending, as a the ring now forms halfway up its length...

The expanding of the scrotum and thickening of its skin...

The tail finishes generating vertebrate and hair, resumes growth with rest of body.

Once the morphing activity ceased and the growth took over completely, The Lightheadedness begins to fade and you now notice the overwhelming presence of your friend inside you. Never had you ever felt so filled with a stallion's cock, without the feel of the excessive stretching of your anal ring. Finally the lightheadedness went away completely and you could actually hear coherently again. But now you just couldn't here the usual things. Your ears now heard sounds in a completely new way. But there was something else too. Someone's voice was calling from far away. Moving your ears did nothing. The voice then became a little closer. It was like a whisper, but with the solidity of a normal voice. It seemed familiar and comforting. Then you feel the pressure of your friend resting completely on top and against you. The sensation felt great and yet a little new. The voice then spoke again at normal volume and perfect clarity.

[Can you here me now?]

You nod.

[Good. Try focusing on my voice, like you would your ears for a faraway sound.]

You just shrug and try.

[Very good. Now it won't be quite the strain on me.]

You go to speak and immediately a hand covers your mouth softly but firmly.

[Don't speak yet. Now imagine what your doing to hear me is like opening and closing a door from your city. OK?]

You nod again

[Good Lad. Now after I give you this instruction, take that door and replace it with one that opens either way...or if you prefer...a door like on my house.]

You nod, do it in your head and then lay there thinking very quietly, [Now what?]

[Try it again]

[What...he wants me to try the door thing all over again?]

[No...just focus more on me]

[You heard that? Is that really you...in me right now...doing this thing in my head?]

[Yes. Now just focus more on me]

You then ponder and consider the door thing. You then try opening the door and leaving it open and then talking right through it.

[Can you hear me better now?]

[Aye. I can hear you much better now.]

[Wicked. I read about this in books back in the city, but never thought I could do it.]

[All of us that can change, like you and me, can talk like this. I will even show you how to refine it for talking with animals.]

[Animals can do this?]

[They always could lad. They always could. Now open your eyes and take a look at your sexy stallion inside you.]

[Do I have to immediately?]

[No...why do you ask?]

[I like how great this feels. I did it with my stallion all the time, but never this deep or this comfortable before. I feel so full and warm inside.]

[I'm glad I am the first to make you feel this good then.]

[How much of you is in me?]

[Now that be a silly question. Your can feel my hips pressed into yours. I'm sure you can feel my balls resting on your tail too.]

[Not a silly question. I want to know how long your cock measures when this hard.]

[28 inches]

[Wow. Really? Just how big of a horse are you?]

[I'm a Shire]

[I saw pictures in books but never grasped the size.]

[Your no slouch for size or endowment either. Your markings and color or obviously Clydesdale and your cock measures at least 24 inches long.]

[I'm not too big for you am I?] You ask jokingly.

[Only if your dumb enough to fuck me in my human form.] He wickers back.

[I don't see that ever happening. Not after doing what you did for me just now. I just couldn't bring myself to hurt you like that. I just couldn't.] You wicker softly.

[That is good to hear. Now how about opening those eyes now.]

[I think I'm ready]

You feel his weight lift off your chest and the sensation of something soft stroke across your lips. You open your eyes and see a horse look right into yours. Every inch of his head is raven black. The only white is the blaze running from between his eyes and down to his nose. You reach up with your left hand and stroke the side of his jaw softly.

[You are so beautiful]

He responds be simply bobbing his head once and wickers lightly. This apparently sent some impulse down to his crotch. You feel it tense and throb inside you. This causes you to respond by throbbing your shaft and it briefly thumping against your lover's chest.

[Mmm. That got a reaction out of you.]

You look down at your shaft with cream and brown shaft, just as you feel his throbbing inside again. You bob your head and wicker and throb against his chest again.

[Looks like your ready for some intense stallion pounding now. The plus side with us doing it this way...you don't really have to do anything but just lay there and enjoy it. Your cock is long enough for me to suck while I fuck you.]

[But horses can't give real blowjobs.]

[Oh yes they can lad. They have all the right muscles in their mouth and tongue. They just don't know how to use them that way unless shown how. I can and will. I want to work my sexy little stallion into a massive orgasm.] He responds with a bobbing head.

The next thing you know...he begins throbbing his own cock inside you hard and then grabs your throbbing shaft, with his left hand, and takes in just the head. He pays special attention to your cock head and works his tongue all over it. The combined sensation is enough to make you snort, then wicker repeatedly as you begin bobbing your head. He begins rubbing your chest with his free hand.

[Mmm. That's my sexy pony. Just lie there and enjoy the pleasure I give you like a good mare. If you be really good, and continue just laying there, I'll start pumping my massive stallionhood slowly in and out of that hot arse of yours. I will even consider making sure my ring strokes your prostate every thrust. Maybe even make the thrusts longer, letting that ring pop just out of you and then back in again.]

[Mm,. Yes. Anything. Just make your mare and keep me full.]

[Is that what you really want now? You want me to fill you full?]

[I'm full now. I can't get any fuller.]

[Oh yes you can and I am about to show you how.]

You actually see his lips part into a grin that can best be managed by horse lips and then feel his free hand shift down by your waist. You then notice his body shift, as you feel his left leg come up next to your thigh.

[I want to make sure I have the best position to make my mare-for-the-day enjoy this as much as I will. Are you ready horny slut pony?]

[I'm ready. Give it all to me.]

[Oh you be getting it all.] He managed to grin again with those horse lips.

[Mmm. Fuck me already stallion.]

He slacks on the stimulation of your cock...

Then he begins pumping with his cock, making the strokes gradually longer...

He stops the ring just past your prostate and then pushes it back over into your gut...

You begin to wicker softly and bob your head again...

He then repeats the step and resumes attention on your cock head...

You keep bobbing your head with approval...

[Aye. That will do for now. I'll just gradually work you up to the full stroke fucking.]

He then settles into the new rhythm and picks up the pace with his thrusting...

Your own cock begins leaking precum profusely and is allowed to run out of his mouth...

[That's my sweet little mare. Just hold on to the stack and make sure you don't go anywhere. We are about to move on up to the next level.]

He then takes his left hand off your cock and lowers his left hip back down...

Amazingly, he begins to take more of your shaft into his mouth...

He then begins bobbing up and down around its head, while grabbing your thighs...

The thrusts then lengthen slightly as the ring then comes out and plunges back in...

[That's more like it now. Getting a good stroke going into you now. How is my sweet little pony doing?]

[It feels great. Sooooo great. Don't stop. Please don't stop now.]

[I don't plan to. I intend to finish this and fill you even fuller...as promised.]

He starts picking up the pace with the thrusts and bobbing briefly...

Then slows back down and lengthens the thrusts even more, by slowing them more...

You look down and notice you see the ring, every time he pulls out...

[Does my thrusting meet with slut pony's approval?]

[Yes. Very much...just don't stop.]

He then settles into the new rhythm and occasionally pulls completely out and plunges back in all the way. All you can think of is he knows how to really use his muscle tone. Then you suddenly notice him change the whole rhythm.

[I want to make you cum twice pony and no your close right now. So lets do it.]

He begins bobbing up and down the end of your shaft faster...

His thrusting restricts itself to just pushing inches into you...

The thrusts themselves are directing his cock head right across your prostate constantly...

[Come on pony. I want to taste that sweet load of yours and try to swallow every drop.]

He thrusts begin to speed up more, as that sweet cock head rubs your prostate furiously...

You look down see your shaft begin to throb excessively...

[Good pony. Just let it all go, and then cum your self dry.]

Those words were all it took, to make your back arch and a powerful guttural whinny to escape you muzzle. The orgasm so powerful you close your eyes as the thrusting continues to stimulate your prostate. You eventually open them and watch as your cum runs down your shaft in rivers, from your lovers mouth.

[Mmm. Good pony. Nice sexy slut pony. Keep it up. We have the second one right behind this one. You know you can do it too.]

You dig your hands into the grass bundle underneath and begin gasping for air, as your breathing gets very rough and deep. You want him to stop sucking and as if he read your mind...he did.

[Very good. You did really well. Just stay with me.] He wickers back.

He lets the cock fall out of his dripping mouth, with a wet sloppy smack against your heaving chest. He then licks his lips and locks gazes with you, as he reaches up and strokes your muzzle. Your breathing doesn't slow down much because of the over stimulation inside you, from his throbbing cock.

[Please stop now. I don't think I can go again so soon.]

[That be the old you talking. You're a werehorse now and quite capable of a lot more.]


[You will see. We just have to wait for a bit.]

He then bends down and proceeds to clean off your coated stallionhood. Then he scoots himself up to share the treasure, while pushing back into you all the way and over stimulating your prostate again. You let out a hard gust of air just before his lips meet yours. He keeps his hand on your muzzle and moves it under you to press himself harder against you. The incredibly intoxicating smell of your own cum and hormones, actually gets a throb out of your relaxed softened cock. The smell seems to be everywhere, as you two share the treasure. He then notices the throb.

[See. I told you could do more yet. Now lets see about us both getting satisfied.]

[I still don't see how.]

He just grinned and then thrust briefly. The sensation on your prostate was so beyond anything you felt before. All you could do was whinny hard and nicker. Then both of you look down and see new precum squirt out.

[How is that possible?] You ask.

[You will see. Feel free to whinny as much as you want. I'm still in you and thus you are still my mare. This next orgasm will send into a cumming frenzy just as intense.]

He then leans over you and lifts your hands up to your head, on each side. He then uses his hands, to keep them pinned up there, as he begins to very slowly pull out with his cock. You start snorting immediately from the sensation you are getting.

[Good pony.]

He then gets his cock all the way out and begins pushing it back in just as slowly. You begin snorting again, but not as heavy.

[Very good.]

Once the shaft stops and is in all the way, he pulls out again at a slightly faster pace. Nickers soon replace your snorting.

[We are almost there.]

He pulls completely out again and repeats the plunge back in. He keeps repeating the steps until you find he is actually thrusting regularly into you at a steady pace. He keeps coaching and supporting you as the frequency of the thrusts increase.

[Think your ready now for another orgasm pony?]

You just nod and sigh as he removes his hands and move back to standing behind you. He then gives a brief tug, to move you toward him and make sure he can still get in all the way. He then begins thrusting into you at the pace he is used to and used earlier. A pace that would kill any man but is normal for a stallion. Fortunately you are a horse and can take it easily like any stallion or mare. The over stimulated prostate is actually giving you a heightened sense of touch with what is going on.

The subtle silky gliding sensation of your skin rubbing together...

Your thighs and upper legs rubbing against his sides...

His arms rubbing your thighs and his thighs rubbing your buttocks...

The stroking of your tail between the balls of his scrotum, as they glide up and down it...

The brief stretch of your protruding anal ring, as the cock head slips in...

The brief pressure made by his cock head sliding past your prostate...

The stimulation, from the ring, on your anus and prostate as it follows soon after...

Stimulation of your more sensitive gut area as the cock head enters and stimulates...

The feeling of its warmth inside you so deep, as it reaches its limit and throbs...

The wonderful building pressure as the lower shaft enters and rubs the prostate firmly...

The sudden release as it is drawn back out and over stimulates along the way...

Then the steps are repeated, as he pounds your willing horse hole mercilessly and wanting nothing but the sweet release of need.

[Still with me slut pony?]

[Yes. Are you close?]

[Aye. You?]


[Good. Here it comes then.]

The thrusts then picked their speed, so much you begin rocking with the grass stack. He notices this and grabs on to your upper legs and begins snorting heavily.

The thrusts get faster and harder...

The throbbing gets harder too...

The stimulation makes your whinnies more guttural and your snorting harder...

Your lover begins to wicker deeply...

Your shaft itself is now slapping your chest hard with its furious throbs...

Your anal cavity detects the bulge under his shaft...

You feel your climax coming as well and dig into the grass bundle hard again...

His thrusts increase...








He finally rams himself into you so hard you think he is making a new hole. Then you feel it in seconds. A feeling of being filled up like no other. His cock head mushrooms right inside you and effectively plugs the passage. Every hot drop of horse lust pours right into the rest of your gut and even causes a slight bulge in your relaxed belly to appear. This sends you over the edge and causes your cock to spew forth like a runaway water hose. Both of you let out a whinny in unison, so powerful it bounces off the nearby trees. Your climax clamps hard onto his stallionhood and causes him to loose it and collapse right onto your squirting shaft. What cum is left shoots right onto his cheek and your face. Both of you simply lie there and let your mutual exhaustive bliss take over.

Who cares if the cum will dry and glue your chests together...

Who cares if his softening cock lets all that cum pour back out you and onto the stack.

You are now happier than you have ever been before and may have found the one person you could spend your whole life with. Just before you drift into unconsciousness, you casually role the two of you off the stack and onto the ground. He winds up on the bottom and you on top, with him still in you. Both of you lock eyes for a brief time, bathing in the afterglow from the sex. You then sigh heavily and, with arms and legs braced strategically, turn around the other way. The over stimulation of your anal cavity elicits soft nickers from your muzzle and small droplets of precum from your soft relaxed shaft. Once turned around the other way you slowly lay back against him. He then wraps his arms around you and then rolls both of you onto your sides. Finally both of you let out a gust of air and nicker softly to each other, as you slowly drift off to sleep.

<< Addendum >>

For those who want or require only the best of reading and viewing pleasure for this story, you can email me and request the original format version in native MS Word 2000 format. To my knowledge, the document can even be opened by the latest versions of MS Word, MS Works Word Processor, Lotus Word or OppenOffice programs.

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Now feel free to post any comments you may have,

Woulfe Maelstorme