Haldi's Exile Ch. 1

Story by haldimir on SoFurry

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#3 of Haldi

The first part of Haldi's adventure after being exiled.

Again if anyone has any questions or advice just let me know.

It had all happened a few days ago. She could still hear her father's words ringing in her ears, "How could you do this? You are a disgrace! A disgrace to the village, to me, even to your mother, Haldi! You aren't welcome here any longer... I no longer have a daughter." He was the only family she had.

She just left. What was she going to do now? She wasn't far from town with the recent storm. She hadn't been able to find shelter the first few nights. She felt cold, it was hard to keep moving. Haldi sat down on the side of the road, and pulled her cloak around her to try to shield herself from the wind.

She started crying, she couldn't hold it back anymore. She had no home, no one wanted her, and she had nowhere to go. Why should she keep going on? What was the point? Her vision blurred as she looked around. The full moon shown all around, and the snow had settled after the storm.

She couldn't stop shivering, sitting beside the road. A dark figure was walking down the road, she had seen a lot of people pass by. A few had offered kind words, some even tossed a bit of coin at her, but most just passed by as if she wasn't even there.

As this stranger approached, she couldn't help but watch from behind her tear filled eyes. It wasn't a Caninu, but a man. He was wrapped in a heavy cloak of his own. The man saw her sitting there, and started walking towards her. She could smell him as he got close, and she couldn't believe her nose. She tried to look at the man as she blinked away her tears.

She wearily asked, "D-Drake?"

The man stopped and knelt down, and she was able to see his rugged face under his hood. His smiled quickly faded as he looked at her, "Haldi! What happened? Dear god you look horrible."

She couldn't help herself from tearing up again. Drake reached down and pulled her up, and she threw her arms around him in a tight embrace. She shook her head, thinking of how her life had changed so much in the last week. "I don't know... I just... I am just happy you're here."

Drake rubbed her back. "Come on, there is an inn just a mile or two up the road. We can rest there, get warm, and something to eat." She could only nod. Her food had ran out that morning, and she was horrible at hunting and foraging.

He gently pushed out of the hug, smiling at her again. As she started to walk, her legs buckled from her exhaustion. His arms reached around her, and caught her. She looked at him embarrassed. "Sorry..."

He shifted and grunted as he lifted her off the ground. As he steadied himself, holding her in his arms, Drake looked down at her. "Don't be, like I said, it isn't far. Just don't expect it all the time." Haldi just nodded, and wrapped her arms around his neck as her tail wrapped around his waist.

Drake trudged through the snow, carrying Haldi as gently as he could. She snuggled against his chest, and could feel warmth returning. The light of the inn came into sight, and it looked like a beacon of hope to her. Drake chuckled, "The Gnarled Hag! What a lovely name for an inn. Just so inviting."

He looked at the door, then down to Haldi as she was cradled in his arms. "Do you think you can walk from here?"

"I can try," she said as she shifted, letting him slowly stand her up. She wobbled at first, but used Drake to steady herself. Once she found her footing, she gave a weak smile, and nodded to him. He returned the nod and opened the door.

The inn was simple. A single table was set in a corner, a small fire burned in the center of the room, giving off a warm light, and a bar was along the back beside a set of stairs. An older man slept in a chair behind the bar. Drake smiled at the man, and gently escorted Haldi to the table.

Drake walked up to the bar and cleared his throat. The man snorted as he woke up. "Huh? Who's there?"

Drake smirked. "Just some weary travelers looking for some shelter from the weather, and maybe some food for the night."

The man blinked, trying to wake up. "Travelers, huh. Right... right." He yawned, and looked over at Haldi, who was watching him curiously. "I have a few free rooms and some leftover stew if you want some food now. Otherwise I can have my wife make some more portable food in the morning."

Drake reached into a pocket, and pulled out some coins. "All of that sounds nice at the moment. This should be enough."

The man looked at the coins, confused. "How many rooms do you want?"

Drake smirked. "Just one should do. Keep whatever the difference is."

The man smiled and stood up. "Welcome to the Gnarled Hag, I will bring some drinks around to help warm you, and once the stew is warm, you are welcome to as much as you can handle."

Drake nodded, and walked back to the table, Haldi looked at him curiously, and asked, "how much did you give him?"

Drake looked at the man pouring their drinks at the bar. "I didn't think it was that much, but if he is acting like that, then he needs it more than I."

Haldi smiled at him. "That is incredibly generous of you."

Drake shrugged. "I like to think, if I can help out who I can, then it will help atone for all of those I have hurt along the way."

Drake shook his head at her worried look, and looked over to see the man bringing their drinks. He set down a glass in front of them and gently set down a bottle on the table. "The stew will be ready in a few minutes. It is just some rabbit, potatoes, and carrots, nothing fancy, but it should help warm your bones," and with that he left to check on the stew again.

Drake raised his glass. "Here's to a better tomorrow."

Haldi raised her glass, and both shared a small drink of honeyed liquor. She licked her lips at the pleasant taste, and after a sigh, she asked, "so how many have you hurt?"

Drake looked away, and softly said, "you're not going to just drop this, are you?"

Haldi looked down. It worried her, but he had been so nice. After a second she smiled, and answered, "it really doesn't matter. That isn't who you are now, and you're trying to make yourself a better person."

Drake sat there for a second, looked at her smile, and nodded. "That is the idea. Though it is always nice to hear."

"Here is your stew," announced the innkeeper as he set down two large bowls of gray liquid with chunks of color floating in it. "I hope you enjoy it... I know it isn't the best. I'll make sure your travel rations are better."

Drake nodded. "I am sure it will be fine. After we finish eating we'll head upstairs."

The man gave a half-hearted smile. "Let me know if there is anything else I can do for you."

Haldi couldn't look away from her bowl. She poked a carrot with her spoon, and watched it disappear under the gray liquid. She slowly dipped her spoon in, and heard her stomach growl. No matter how bad it tasted, it had to be better than nothing.

Drake took a deep breath, tasted his meal, and sat shocked. "It isn't as bad as I expected."

Haldi sniffed at her spoon, and the blend of scents filled her nose. Her stomach grumbled, and she had to stop herself from drooling. She closed her eyes and tried it. It wasn't like the food she was used to, it tasted as bland as it looked. She looked at Drake. "You're right, at least it isn't wretched."

They ate in silence for a while, both of them using the liquor to help keep them warm. Drake finally broke the silence after finishing his second glass. "So... I take it things went poorly with your father."

Haldi set her spoon in the empty bowl, and finished her drink before answering, "I don't have a father anymore." She teared up at the thought of his rage and disappointment.

Drake reached across the table and held her paw in his hand. When she looked up at him, she could see the pain behind his eyes as he apologized, "I am so sorry... I know what it's like to not have a family." He gave her paw a squeeze and said, "hey, at least we have friends, right?"

Haldi smiled, and squeezed his hand back. She bit her lip, and eventually said, "I don't know what would have happened if you hadn't shown up, thank you. You have been a great friend... Better than I deserve."

Drake reached up and stroked her cheek. "Everyone deserves a good friend, even you. Now come on, we should get some rest."

Haldi smirked. "That sounds familiar."

Drake shook his head chuckling. "Well, I know I could use a bath. No offense, but you look like you could use one too."

Haldi scowled, as she growled, "what is that supposed to mean?"

He raised his hands defensively, and replied, "we have both been on the road for a while. It would be nice to wash up. Just figured it would be nice to wash your fur." Her scowl lessened and he looked at her curiously and asked, "If you do take a bath, will you smell like a wet dog?"

Her mouth parted at his brashness, and uttered, "we use soap, we aren't wild animals."

"That isn't what I meant. Ah never mind. I guess I will just have to find out," Drake countered as he stretched and stood up.

She stood as he started walking towards the stairs. Drake looked back to make sure she was walking okay. Haldi smiled and nodded, she felt stronger now that she had eaten, and had something to drink. She caught up to Drake at the top of the stairs and saw only two doors. She looked at him. "Which one is ours?"

Drake shrugged, and reached for the closer of the two doors. He knocked lightly and opened the door. The room was simple, with just a bed, and a small table with a bowl of water and a cloth. Drake let out a sigh as he took in the room. He looked back at Haldi. "Why don't we try that room?"

She nodded, and walked down the small hall to the other door. After a small knock she opened it, revealing a similar room. A larger bed was pushed against the wall, and a table was set with a large bowl with some cloths laying next to it. She shook her head, and said, "it is just as bad. I don't think we are getting a bath tonight."

Drake smirked and replied, "who says we can't? We just have to get a little more...creative."

Haldi curiously looked at him "Those are for your face, not a full bath."

Drake chuckled. "Where is your sense of adventure?" He walked over to her, and looked into the room. Sighing again, he walked in, beckoning her to follow.

Haldi followed, slowly closing the door behind her. She looked back at him, and asked, "adventure?"

Drake took off his cloak, folded it, and placed it near the door. He started taking off his shirt, and answered, "well, I can't exactly reach my back on my own."

Haldi watched him slip his shirt off, his muscles flexing as he set it on the floor. She couldn't help but stare at his fur-less form. She slowly slid her own cloak off, and saw the amount of dirt that covered it. She didn't remember it getting that bad, and she started looking down at her golden fur that was matted in splotches with dirt and mud.

She frowned at herself for letting her fur get so unkempt, but at least she was going to clean it. She looked up to see Drake already finishing putting his pants and boxers with his cloak. She couldn't help but blush at seeing him already exposed.

Drake stretched "This should at least feel nice." She watched him turn toward her, and she gasped at seeing him. He looked at her quizzically, and asked, "do you normally bathe with clothes on?"

Haldi shook her head, and started slipping her shirt off. She could smell the dust and dirt on her shirt. She tossed it on her cloak when she saw the dirt on her milky white fur. She had never let herself get this filthy. She undid her pants, and slid them off as she huffed at the filth.

Drake looked at her from the table, and asked, "are you okay?"

Haldi frowned, and replied, "I am filthy."

Drake chuckled and smiled. "Well finish undressing, and come over here. We'll start with you first then, all right?"

Haldi nodded, unclasped her bra, and slowly slid it down her shoulders to reveal her firm, cream-colored nipples. Drake gasped as she stripped, feeling his arousal growing. She let her bra drop, wiggled her way out of her panties, and kicked them off towards her other clothes. She looked over at Drake, who was staring at her. Her smile grew as she slowly strutted over to him, her tail swaying from side to side.

He bit his lip as he took a deep breath. Haldi wrapped her arms around his shoulders. "Well, it seems you like the idea of helping me."

Drake scoffed. "I can't get over how you look." He wrapped his arms around her hips, leaning in and giving her a passionate kiss. Haldi pulled him close, and she closed her eyes as his hands started roaming over her back. She chuckled when he started to pet her tail, and she tried to keep it away.

After a few failed attempts he gave up on her tail and grabbed her firm cheeks. She yipped at his squeeze, and clung to him, digging her claws into his back. He gasped as he asked, "aren't we supposed to be washing?"

She nodded, and gently pulled him down as he grabbed the cloth. She closed her eyes as she felt him gently rubbing her arms, and slowly moving up to her shoulders. She was shocked as he asked, "will you turn around?" She looked down at the white fur of her chest and stomach, and saw the dirt. She looked up at him confused. He chuckled. "I figured you could reach that yourself, but if you want I can."

She huffed, reached up and grabbed the other cloth, and turned around. His hands softly caressed her back, slowly working their way lower. As she started to slowly wash her stomach, she looked down at her full breasts, her nipples were swollen and tender. She slid her hand up and started washing them, circling the cloth around her breast.

Drake leaned in close, and kissed the back of Haldi's neck. Haldi's back arched as she squeezed her breast. A moan escaped her lips as she felt his erection rub against her tail. She slid back into him, and Drake groaned as she pressed up against him.

Haldi leaned forward, raising her hips up. She felt him rub against her sex, and couldn't help but quiver in anticipation. Drake shuddered, "H-Haldi..."

Haldi, on all fours, looked back at him, her sex begging for attention. "What are you waiting for?"

Drake dropped the cloth and grabbed her hips. She felt him prodding against her. He gripped her fur, and pushed his erection into her. Her arms quivered and gave out as he thrust into her, and she felt the floor rubbing against her chest. She bit her lip as she felt him pushing deeper, her sex squeezing down onto his erection.

His groans filled the room as his thrusts became faster and harder. She couldn't hold it in anymore and heard herself moaning as she began to cum. Drake moaned loud as he felt her cumming against him, and he pulled her hips hard against his. He pushed into her fast and hard, using her hips to get deeper.

She dug her claws into the floor as she felt him filling her sex, and looked back, seeing him behind her, his muscles glistening with sweat. He closed his eyes as he pulled his erection out. Haldi gasped at his sudden withdraw.

Drake shuddered. "I... I figured." Haldi grinned. He is still as nice even after all of this. She faced him, brushed his own hand off of his erection, and took it for herself. She could smell herself on him and couldn't help but think about how much had changed in the last few days.

Haldi looked up at Drake, and leaned in, licking his erection. Letting her tongue trace over every inch of it before finally taking him into her mouth. She felt him gripping onto her hair as she began to suck on him. Her mouth was quickly filled with his seed as he groaned. She swallowed, and let his erection slide out of her mouth. She lapped up the last of his juices as he quivered in front of her.

Drake gently pushed her back. Gasping as he said, "I think, we should just try washing up tomorrow."

Haldi looked down at herself, her stomach and chest still mostly covered in dirt. She looked at him, his eyes already half closed as he tried to stand. She chuckled. "Why don't you get some sleep? I'll be there in a second." She saw him stumble towards the bed as she reached for the cloth, determined to at least get her white fur clean.