Mitchell & Michael, Chapter 9 - Another Master's Method

Story by cyberklaw on SoFurry

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#9 of Mitchell & Michael

Part 9 of this old story.

Mitchell & Michael

By Cyberklaw

Part 9 - Another Master's Methods

The muscled rottweiller stepped inside and closed the front door. Daniel fell to his knees, looking up at his Master lovingly. The leather dog looked down at his slave and smiled. He clicked his fingers and pointed to his boots.

Daniel went to work immediately, licking his Master's boots energetically, slobbering his big thick tongue across them.

As the dog slave worked, the rottweiller ignored him, focusing his attention on Michael, who was still standing there.

"I guess you must be Mitch's latest slave." He muttered, looking the naked lion over.

'Latest' slave? Michael wasn't too sure what to make of that. How many slaves had Mitchell had?

"Not exactly what I'd pick." The leather dog was saying. "Not enough submissiveness in your stance. And a bit thin and scrawny for my tastes. But then, as I recall, so was a certain Alsatian when I first met him. Not as much as you, but still..."

Michael blushed, feeling ashamed. He was making a bad first impression on this Master, this friend of Mitchell's.

"But I suppose there's a lot of fun to be had in moulding a slave into what you want." The rottweiller shrugged. "Isn't that right, my slave?"

Daniel looked up from his boot cleaning just long enough to agree. "Yes, Master!"

"My name's Zack." The dog introduced himself. "But I suppose you'll be calling me 'Sir'."

"Yes, Sir." Said Michael, nervously.

There was silence for a few moments, as Zack looked at the lion expectantly. "Well?" Said Zack. "Hasn't Mitch even taught you to kneel before a Master?"

"Yes, Sir." Michael said, dropping to his knees. "Sorry, Sir."

"Hmm." Zack murmured. "You just be glad Mitch asked me not to go punishing you for every little mistake while I'm here."

At this point, Daniel had finished his bootlicking and was kneeling again, looking lovingly up at the rottweiller, waiting for further instructions. Zack walked toward the naked kneeling lion. "Mitch gave me a call." He explained, while stripping off his jacket and giving Michael a good look at his muscular bare chest and stomach. "His thing at work is going to be taking him longer than expected. So he asked me to come by and look after you two until he gets back."

Zack held out his leather jacket to his left. Daniel, seeming to know what was expected of him, was on his feet immediately and carefully took the jacket from his Master's grasp and placed it on the coat rack by the door. He then went and knelt at Zack's feet. The rottweiller took no notice of him. He was still very much interested in Michael.

"But, he made me promise to go easy on you, you still being very new and all." Zack shrugged. "Personally, I don't believe in going easy on new slaves, and giving them the wrong idea. Drop 'em in at the deep end to see if they swim, that's my philosophy." The dog strolled towards him, his imposing frame towering over Michael, sending shudders of nervousness down the lion's spine.

"However," Zack went on. "It's something Mitch and I disagree on, and you're his slave, not mine, so I will respect his wishes in the same way he always respects mine when he borrows Daniel."

A wave of relief washed over Michael. But Zack still glared at him.

"But don't get me wrong," Zack added, "I said I'd go easy on you, I didn't say I wouldn't punish you. If you fail me while under my care, I will discipline you as I see fit. Understand?"

"Yes, Sir." Michael replied, his short-lived relief disappearing.

The rottweiller suddenly smiled. "But try not to worry too much. I'm a caring and considerate Master. Just be sure not to cross me."

"I will try, Sir." Michael said.

Zack simply continued glaring at him, making the lion more and more nervous. He half expected the canine to pull out a whip and start punishing him then and there.

Without saying a word, Zack reached to a back pocket of his jeans and pulled out a leash. It was chain with a leather grip. He stooped and attached the leash to Michael's collar.

He straightened up and held out the leash to one side, where he passed it to Daniel without looking, just assuming his slave was well-trained and would know to be there to take it. And Daniel was, taking the leash.

"Bring him." Zack commanded, as he strolled past Michael into the living room.

Daniel stood and followed his Master, head bowed and ears flattened submissively, leading the young naked lion by the leash. Michael thought it best he stayed down on all fours.

Zack swaggered into the living room and threw himself down onto the closest sofa. He held out his hand and Daniel reverently handed over the leash before falling to his knees at Zack's feet.

The rottweiller stared at his slave, pretty much ignoring the lion kneeling there at the end of the leash in his hand.

"How are you, my slave?" Zack smiled. "Have you been enjoying yourself with Mitch and his new plaything?"

Michael frowned at that remark. A part of him didn't like being thought of as a 'plaything', even though he supposed it was true in a way.

"Yes, my Master." Daniel replied. "Master Mitchell has been treating me well, and his new slave shows a lot of potential."

It was a little unsettling for the young lion, being talked about as if he wasn't there, but he kept quiet.

Zack patted Daniel on the head, playing with his head fur. The Alsatian shuddered in delight.

"Maybe I'll try him out for myself later." Zack mused. "Judge for myself his potential."

"I would like that very much, Sir." Said Michael. It slipped out before he even thought about it. The submissive side he'd been cultivating just seemed to take over for a moment.

The huge rottweiller turned to look at the lion, slowly and deliberately. From his piercing gaze and expression, Michael could tell he'd done something wrong.

"Was I speaking to you, cub?" Zack rumbled. It was almost a growl.

"No, Sir..." Michael stammered, fear finding its way into his voice.

"Were you given permission to speak?" Zack demanded.

"No, Sir..."

"Then you will remain silent!" Zack snarled. He then turned his attention back to Daniel, as if Michael had suddenly stopped existing.

"You know, I really missed having you to fuck senseless last night." Zack said to his slave, his voice now kind and gentle. "Did you miss your Master?"

Daniel nodded vigorously. "Oh yes, my Master. This lowly slave always has an ache in his heart when away from your presence. Although Master Mitchell is a wonderful Master and always will be."

Zack laughed. "I knew you were going to say that." He leaned forward and planted a kiss on the huge Alsatian's forehead. Daniel shuddered in ecstasy.

Michael knelt there watching this exchange enviously. The two dogs, while Master and slave, obviously loved each other very much. The lion's heart ached a little. He wanted something like that himself, perhaps with Mitchell as his Master...

The rottweiller Master sat back on the sofa, stretching out and relaxing. "You know, I'm a little thirsty. Perhaps..."

The lion slave perked up at this, seeing an opportunity to please this hunk of a canine. "Would you like me to fetch you a drink, sir?" He said, eagerness dripping from his voice.

The room was suddenly silent, and Michael was aware he'd done something wrong. Zack was glowering at him, a look of rage in his eyes. Michael cowered under his anger. He noticed Daniel looking at him sympathetically. The rottweiller got to his feet.

"Speaking without permission after I specifically told you not to. And interrupting me as well." The huge rottweiller snarled down at the kneeling lion. "Time to teach you a lesson, I think."

Michael trembled beneath the canine Master's barely restrained rage, trembling in fear. He could swear there was a glint of delight in the dog's eye.

Zack turned to Daniel, still on his knees. "Watch him." He commanded. "He is not to speak. If he utters a single word, I expect to be told. I will be back in a few minutes."

The rottweiller stomped out of the room. Michael could him go to the kitchen and open the door to the cellar. It seemed like Zack was going to fetch something...

Michael looked imploringly at Daniel. He opened his mouth to say something, to ask the Alsatian's advice, but Daniel shook his head before any word left his mouth and the young lion remained silent.

"Don't say anything." Daniel said. "Accept whatever punishment my Master may decide upon, like a good slave."

While he wanted to be a good slave, he wasn't sure he wanted to be a slave to Zack. The rottweiller terrified him; it felt like he had an incredibly vicious, sadistic streak just under the surface of his easy-going personality, completely at odds with the caring nature of Mitchell that he had experienced.

Suddenly he realised he did have a way out of this. The safety word. Once Zack returned, he'd...

A cold shiver of fear shot down Michael's spine. Zack didn't know the safety word. Without Mitchell here, the safety word was pretty much useless. He was at Zack's complete mercy.

And yet, as much as he was scared out of his mind at the prospect, it did strike him as mildly erotic, a fact which he found surprising. Unbidden, his cock was stiffening, his arousal growing. Daniel seemed to notice, but chose not to comment. He simply smiled.

A few minutes later, Zack re-entered the room. The muscular canine was carrying a few leather items in his hands. At first, he ignored Michael, turning his attention to his own slave.

"Well?" he asked, simply.

"He did not speak, Master." Daniel replied. "Although, he has an erection without permission."

Michael was momentarily stung by the Alsatian's betrayal of his arousal. But then he realised that Zack was his Master, the one he had chosen to devote his entire life to. There would be nothing Daniel wouldn't share with him.

"Well, he is a pretty pathetic example of an untrained slave." Zack mused. "And I did promise Mitch I'd go easy on him. So I'll let that pass unpunished for now. But there is still punishment to take care of nonetheless." He dropped the items he'd retrieved from Mitchell's dungeon into Daniel's waiting hands.

The rottweiller then strolled across to Michael, who was shivering a little in fear, wondering what lay in store for him. Zack snapped his fingers and pointed to a spot beside him. Daniel scampered across the room to kneel where he had indicated.

"Right you." Zack growled, to the young lion before him. "On your feet." As he said this, he crouched and grabbed the nude lion's stiff cock in on one large hand, grasping it tightly. He stood up again, yanking Michael up by his dick. The young lion grimaced at the pain, but was able to stop himself crying out.

Once up, Michael stood to attention, head bowed submissively and ears flattened, awaiting his punishment.

Zack snapped his fingers and held out a hand toward Daniel. "Blindfold." His slave reverently placed the requested item in his Master's hand.

The masterly canine placed the blindfold on over Daniel's eyes. His world went black. Whatever was to happen next, he was apparently to go through it sightless.

He heard the snap of fingers again, followed by another demand by Zack. "Harness."

There was a jingle of metal buckles and a second later Michael could feel the elaborate leather harness being strapped onto his body. It crossed his chest and back like a regular harness, but also incorporated a strap that ran down to a cock ring that was forced on over his hardened dick.

Another snap of fingers, another demand by Zack. "Wrist cuffs."

Thick leather cuffs were strapped onto the lion's wrists. Michael didn't resist as his arms were forced up behind him and the cuffs hooked onto the harness at the back, leaving his arms trapped behind him.

Snap, went Zack's fingers again. "Ankle cuffs and chain."

Michael stood where he was, feeling the caress of leather as thick cuffs were locked on around his ankles. Once that was done, he felt Zack's strong hands on his shoulders, forcing him down onto his knees. He didn't resist in the slightest. There was a clinking sound as a metal chain was attached to the ankle cuffs, and then the other end to the wrist cuffs. The chain had no slack, leaving Michael unable to move his legs with pulling on his arms and vice versa.

Zack's fingers snapped one last time. "Gag."

Michael suddenly found a large rubber ball shoved into his muzzle, forcing his jaws apart and keeping them there as the ball gag was strapped tightly into place, Zack buckling it into place at the back of his head.

The huge rottweiller whispered in the lion's ear. "Perhaps being denied the ability to move or speak for a time will teach you some obedience, slave!" He sneered. He then laid Michael down on one side on the floor and left him there.

The bound and gagged lion was able to do nothing but lie there and listen as he heard the canine's footsteps as he returned to Daniel.

"I think it's time you and I had some fun, my slave." Said Zack, his voice now tempered with a degree of good humour, as it always seemed to be when he was talking to Daniel. "And leave this new piece of meat to stay where he is and think about how he would have joined us had he been able to behave himself properly."

"Whatever you wish, my Master!" Said Daniel, eagerly.

"Come then." Said Zack. Michael heard his footsteps as he left the room, closely followed by the scampering sound of Daniel following on hands and knees.

Michael was left completely alone in his bondage. It wasn't long before his jaws started to ache at being forcibly held apart by the gag. But as tight and uncomfortable as it was in his restraints, it was erotic. The thought that he was at the mercy of a dominant male, denied movement and speech until a Master deemed otherwise, was arousing him in a way he had not thought possible. Zack and Daniel had not been gone more than a minute before his cock was rock hard, his throbbing erection aching for release.

While he wished he hadn't screwed up, so that he could be off with the two beefy dogs in whatever sexual activity they were engaged in, a part of him was glad he had. Because this was all a new experience for him. If he had been a perfect slave, he wouldn't have had this chance to experience this intense arousal.

Of course, he'd still try to be the best slave he could. The arousal came with a healthy dose of guilt and shame. He felt he should be suffering in his punishment, yet here he was getting some enjoyment out of it.

As the minutes ticked by however, the lion slave came to realise that the arousal was more a curse than a pleasure. He was completely unable to do anything about his throbbing erection and it was staring to ache seriously. He started to think that was part of the punishment.

Perhaps the bondage was supposed to be erotic? Maybe Zack wanted him as he was now, turned on, his cock yearning for attention and orgasm? And the true punishment was him not being able to do anything about it. He couldn't even jerk himself off, and if he were suddenly freed at that moment, he knew there'd be a terrible temptation to do so.

He tried to take his mind off things, but his thoughts invariably drifted to the dominant canine who had put him in this position and the desire to be fucked by him. With the unreleased arousal, he found it difficult to keep his mind off anything sexual. Like Mitchell.

The thought of the Black Panther he called Master sparked off a whole slew of sexual fantasies in his imagination. Which did not help his predicament in the slightest.

It felt like an eternity passed as he lay there, gagged and bound and blind, his cock rock hard, before anything changed. His mind occupied by thoughts of sex and servitude, he didn't notice anything until he heard the footsteps approaching him.

The blindfold was ripped away and the sudden light stung his eyes. He blinked a few times before things came into focus, and he found Mitchell was crouching beside him, still in the suit he'd left in.

Michael wanted to express his delight that his Master had returned, but was still gagged. That, and Mitchell didn't look particularly happy. He looked quite angry and upset.

The panther set about releasing Michael from all his restraints, leaving the gag until last. When all the restraints had been removed and tossed aside, Mitchell pulled the young lion to his feet and removed the gag, dropping it to the floor.

"Master, I..." Michael began, but he didn't get very far.

"Not now, slave." Mitchell rumbled. "Where is Zack?"

"In the dungeon with Daniel, Master." Michael was cowering a bit. Seeing Mitchell angry like this was a tad frightening. But at the same time mildly erotic.

The panther seemed not to notice his slave's twinge of fear. He was more focused on his anger. He looked toward the kitchen. "I should have known." He muttered. He glanced briefly at Michael. "Follow me." He commanded.

Michael followed his Master. He was a little weak and unsteady after spending time restrained, but he managed to keep up as Mitchell stomped into the kitchen and then through the door down to the dungeon.

The lion wanted to say something to the panther, but wasn't sure what. Say how good it was to see him. Maybe explain why he'd been lying there, alone and restrained. But Mitchell's tone of voice made him think his Master wasn't in the mood for stuff like that right now. So he just submissively followed him down the stairs.

They arrived to find the two canines on the far side of the dungeon. Daniel was chained firmly in place on a large metal frame that had been bolted to the brick wall, presumably for the purpose of restraining a slave against it. The Alsatian was chained up by his wrists, ankles and waist, with his arms held up high and legs spread wide.

Zack was pressed up against his restrained slave, kissing him deeply and passionately, one hand clamped on the back of the submissive dog's head, holding him in the kiss. With his other hand, the rottweiller Master was savagely pumping away on Daniel's exposed hard cock.

Mitchell watched for a split second and sighed. He then cleared his throat noisily.

Zack broke away from the kiss and looked around. He also removed his hand from Daniel's cock. The look of disappointment on the slave's face was heart breaking.

"Hey, Mitch, didn't hear you get back." Smiled Zack.

"Obviously." Said Mitchell, coldly.

The canine frowned at the tone of his friend's voice. "Something up?"

The panther was about to say something, but stopped, glancing at the two slaves present. "We should talk." He said. "In private."

Zack shrugged. "Okay."

"Slave!" Mitchell barked, snapping his fingers. "You will kneel over there beside your fellow slave and wait for our return. Understood?"

From the anger in his Master's voice, Michael got the impression he had done something wrong, that the great handsome feline was displeased with him. He felt a need to apologise and explain. "Master, I..."

Mitchell didn't let him get any further. "Is that understood?" He rumbled.

The young lion bowed his head. "Yes, Master."

"Then go kneel." Mitchell hissed. "I'll be back soon." He turned and stomped up the stairs out of the dungeon, closely followed by Zack.

Michael padded miserably across the room to where Daniel was still chained up and fell to his knees beside him, sulking.

"He wouldn't even hear me out." He mumbled, sadly.

"He is your Master, that is his choice." Said Daniel. "There have been many times when Master Zachary did not wish to hear an explanation from me regarding a transgression. As a slave, you must accept your Master's decision and trust in him."

"But, sir, he seemed so angry and upset." Said Michael. "I hate to think that my failure under Zachary might have..."

"Michael!" Daniel interrupted. "You must always speak of all Masters with the proper respect!"

"Sorry sir." Michael apologised. "I didn't think..."

"Well try to in future." Daniel scolded. "Eventually, it will simply become second nature to refer to all Masters in the proper manner."

"Yes, sir." Michael nodded. "Anyway, I was saying that I hate to think that my failure under Master Zachary is the cause of my Master's mood."

"If it is the cause," Daniel suggested, "then perhaps you can use it as incentive to do better in future."

"But I don't understand why my Master is talking to Master Zachary about it rather than me." Said Michael.

"That is the way of things." Daniel explained. "Master's don't have to ask for explanations from their slaves if they don't wish to hear one. It is the slave's duty to accept what the Master decides. It is obvious that whatever explanations Master Mitchell does want to hear, he does not want us slaves to hear..."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Mitchell slammed the living room door as soon as Zack had stepped through.

"I didn't think it would be right to have this conversation in front of the slaves," Mitchell said, "but I want to know what the fuck you think you were doing!"

"What?" Said Zack, his face a frown of hurt innocence.

"What the fuck do you think you were doing to Michael?" Mitchell hissed. "Leaving him trussed up like that while you went running off to use my dungeon?"

"I needed to punish him." Zack explained. "And I've always liked using a little lonely bondage..."

"You promised me you'd go easy on him!" Mitchell said.

"And I did!" Zack shot back. "I wanted to drag him by his leash down to your dungeon, chain him up and thrash some obedience into him! But I stuck by my promise and toned it down! Or perhaps you'd rather I didn't punish him at all? Would you rather his training involve him getting away with transgressions?"

"His training?" The panther spluttered. "He hasn't even agreed to become my regular slave yet! This is supposed to be just him trying things out! I've been doing my best not to freak him out with too much too soon!"

"Big mistake, if you ask me." Said Zack. "You don't want to go giving him the wrong impression, making him think the slave's life is an easy one..."

"Well, I didn't ask you!" Mitchell snarled. "And I don't appreciate you questioning my techniques!"

"Sorry." Zack shrugged. "But you know me, mouth sometimes runs too fast for the brain to keep up..."

"All I wanted you to do," Said Mitchell, "was come over and let the two slaves know I was going to be late. Maybe have some fun with them. I did not expect to arrive home to find you'd run off to take advantage of my dungeon with your slave, while leaving mine discarded in the living room!"

"Hey now, it wasn't like that at all!" Said Zack, feeling a need to defend himself a little. "I'm not some amateur. I sneaked up to have a little check on him from time to time. From the look of his erection, he was enjoying it quite a bit. The simple fact is, he messed up, so I had to punish him."

Mitchell sighed. "I believe you. And I suppose if he'd had trouble with what you were doing, he'd have used the safety word."

"Ah." Said Zack, his face neutral. "The safety word..."

The panther looked at him darkly. "You did tell him I had told you about the safety word, didn't you?"

"Err..." The rottweiller looked at his friend apologetically. "It must have slipped my mind..."

"Zack!" Mitchell hissed.

"Calm down!" Zack soothed. "It turned out fine. And he didn't protest at all while I was restraining him. He handled himself great without the safety word."

Mitchell couldn't protest that. "It's just that... I don't want to drive him away."

"I see what this is really about." Zack nodded. "You're starting to fall for him, aren't you?"

The black panther could hardly deny it. "I think I might be."

"Nothing wrong with that." Said Zack. "I mean, I love Daniel with all my all my heart and soul. But at the same time, I don't let him get away with anything. You have to let love and discipline work together, not against each other. You shouldn't let whatever feelings you may have make you go too easy on that young lion of yours, you can't be too overprotective."

"I know, I know." Said Mitchell, sagging down in a chair, his anger gone. "But it's hard."

"You're telling me." Zack chuckled. "You know how difficult the first few months with Daniel were."

Mitchell smiled at the memory. "Oh, yes. In all the time I'd known you, I'd never seen you in love before. Lust, yes. But not love."

"Well, I was just waiting for the right slave to come by for me to devote my full energies to." Zack smiled.

"I remember how surprised I was when you actually settled on one." Said Mitchell. "After none of those who went after you, thanks to all that degrading stuff you were involved with, seemed to take your interest."

"Here we go again." Zack rolled his eyes. "How many times do I have to tell you? It wasn't degrading! It was serious art!"

"Zack, they were a series of trashy BDSM porn films!" Said Mitchell.

"They were more than that!" Zack protested. "Sure, they were often low budget, and there were many script problems. But I always did my best to make them more than just sex, I tried to involve a story, with characters and plot..."

Mitchell really didn't want to try to argue this with his friend. He'd tried before and had always given up. When it came down to it, Zack looked back on his days as the star of the 'Bondage Dogs' movies with pride, and nothing would ever change that.

He'd actually watched the very first one, simply for the fun of seeing his good friend in a porn movie. While he had to admit it had been erotic, he hadn't seen it as anything special, the story of a nervous young canine slave being trained in servitude by a handsome and aggressive rottweiller Master.

If anything, it was pretty cheesy throughout. But given a chance, Zack would defend it to the bitter end, talking about metaphor and artistic vision and various other things, but Mitchell had usually stopped listening at that point. But whatever he had thought of it, that first 'Bondage Dogs' movie had done very well, so inevitably led to many sequels, each more terrible than the last.

"My point is," Said Mitchell, "was that thanks to those films, you had a lot of subs and slaves wanting to be yours..."

"Yes, the downside of being a movie star." Zack sighed, wistfully. Mitchell knew that when he said that, he meant it with complete seriousness. "And that was the problem, they all wanted to be the slave of 'Master Canid' rather than be mine. The number of times I was with a slave and he begged for me to slip into character..."

"I guess it must have been worse for your co-star." Said Mitchell. "Considering he was actually straight."

"Which was a big shame, I must say." Said Zack, with a sly grin. "Jason was cute, in his own way. If he really had been gay rather than a straight young actor down on his luck and doing it for the money, I'd have fucked him, no question about it. He played a slave extremely well. Poor pup must have had all sorts of offers from Masters and dominants wanting to take him on..."

"We seemed to have strayed a little off what we were talking about." Said Mitchell, wanting to get back to the point.

"Yeah." Said Zack. "You just have to remember. It's fine to love your slave; I personally think it's essential if you want something truly lasting. But you can't let that make you too over-protective."

"I know all that..." Said Mitchell.

"It sounds to me like you're just a little stressed right now." Said Zack, sympathetically. "I'd guess a combination of work and Masterly worries."

The feline gave his friend a weak smile. "Good guess. Work was a real mess. Some idiot completely screwed up the computer systems and the whole thing had to be shut down and repaired. We lost the details on several big orders as well and I had to personally call clients to give them my apologies. In the end, I had to fire the guy responsible."

"Ouch." Zack wince. "That must have been tough."

"It was." Said Mitchell, exhaustion in his voice. "The worst part is, the best I could manage today was damage control. I've still got the whole mess waiting for me on Monday."

"Well, the only way to deal with such stress is to take some time and unwind. Relax and have some fun." Zack grinned. "And we have us two slaves down in the dungeon waiting for some attention..."

The rottweiller got up and headed for the door. Suddenly, he turned back to Mitchell. "Hey! I just had an idea! Instead of staying in for some fun, let's go out! Let's take our slaves to Alpha's for the night!"

The panther was on his feet in a second. "Oh no! Michael is nowhere near ready for that!"

"And what were we just saying about being over-protective?" Said Zack.

"This is not me being over-protective, Zack!" Mitchell protested. "This is me being sensible! He is not ready to be taken to a leather club like Alpha's!"

"If it's too much for him, we can leave and come back here." Zack suggested. "But I really think you're under-estimating him. Let him experience a leather club. He might really like it! Or don't you have enough faith in your slave to be able to handle himself?"

Mitchell gave it up. "Alright! But the first sign of Michael freaking out and we're out of there!" He didn't tell Zack, but he did really want to go out and have a night of fun. It was just Michael he was worried about. He tried his best to tell himself he wasn't just being too protective of the lion.

Zack was rubbing his hands with glee. "Well, let's go tell our slaves they're in for a treat tonight!"

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Mitchell stood thumbing through the contents of his wardrobe, trying to pick out what to wear tonight. His head was still awash with thoughts of the mess waiting for him at work Monday morning. And Zack's claims of him being too protective of Michael were preying on his mind. All in all, he was so distracted, he barely heard Michael speak.

He glanced over his shoulder at his slave. The lion was kneeling beside the bed, right where Mitchell had left him after bringing him up here on a leash from the dungeon after his talk with Zack.

"Hmm?" He said. "What did you say?"

"I asked for permission to ask a question, Master." Michael replied, head bowed slightly.

Mitchell frowned. The lion hadn't asked for permission to speak before. But it was probably just the lion getting into his role as slave.

"Go ahead." Said Mitchell, turning back to the wardrobe.

"What exactly is Alpha's, Master?" Michael asked.

Then and there, Mitchell could have kicked himself for failing to take into account the young lion's lack of knowledge. When he and Zack had gone down to the dungeon to retrieve their slaves, all they'd told them was that they were going out for a night of fun at Alpha's. With all the stresses of the day still weighing on him, he hadn't thought about how Michael wouldn't have a clue as to what that meant.

"Alpha's Den is a very exclusive Master's club." Mitchell explained, flicking through his clothing again. "Both Zack and I are long standing members. Its run by an old grey wolf who picked up the nickname 'Alpha' somewhere and these days uses it more than his real name. He's quite a character." He shot Michael a smile.

He then sighed. "But if at any point, you think it's too much for you, slave, I want you to tell me, and we'll leave. Going to a place like Alpha's for the first time can be quite an experience."

"I'm sure I'll be fine, Master." Said Michael, nodding eagerly.

"But if you're not, you will tell me." Said Mitchell, looking at him again. "Understand?"

"Yes, Master."

Mitchell returned to fumbling through his leathers. He yanked out a black leather biker jacket and tossed it on the bed before going back to the wardrobe.

Michael watched him, wondering what to do. His thoughts were confused. Since retrieving him from the dungeon from his private talk with Zack, his Master hadn't said much to him, and most certainly hadn't said anything about his failure while under Zack's care. He hadn't been given a chance to explain himself.

He looked at the handsome panther, who was looking at an assortment of black leather harnesses. He wanted to please him so badly. Should he risk asking permission to explain about his failure? He wasn't sure if it would be right of him. The lion envied Daniel with every passing moment. The Alsatian always knew what was expected of him, what was the right thing for a slave to do.

Mitchell had pulled out an elaborate harness of buckles and metal studs on a clothes hanger and was looking at it thoughtfully.

The kneeling lion suddenly decided to go for it, whether it was right of him or not. "May I ask a question, Master?"

"Of course." The panther nodded. "Go ahead."

He opened his mouth to speak, but Michael had a sudden image in his head of Mitchell earlier, angry and dismissive of him. Now that it came to it, he didn't want to risk upsetting his Master again. He quickly tried to come up with another question to ask instead.

"Err... why are you only looking at black leather, Master?" Michael asked, his eyes resting on the open wardrobe. All the red leather had been shoved to one side. "If you don't mind me saying, Master, red leather looks so much better against your fur."

The black panther smiled down at him. "I agree completely." He said. "The red does look better on my fur. But I only wear red at home, not out to clubs. Red leather is used by some to indicate interests which I do not share." He tossed the harness he'd selected onto the bed.

"What kind of interests, Master?" This was news to Michael. He'd had no idea.

"Scat." Mitchell explained. "Shit eating, to put it another way. Some Masters and slaves get a thrill out of it, much to my bewilderment. That sort of thing just doesn't interest me. Same as piss, or 'water sports' to give it the name most know it as. Some slaves just enjoy drinking their Master's piss or getting pissed on. I'm one of the many who don't really understand it. It all strikes me as a little disgusting, but everyone has their different kinks."

This was both fascinating and stomach turning for Michael. He had to agree with Mitchell's opinion that it was disgusting. There was a lot he thought he'd be prepared to do to please his Master, but he'd balk at being asked to serve as his toilet. That was definitely not for him. It was a relief that Mitchell didn't like such things.

"And yellow leather is what you have to watch out for there." Mitchell was saying. "Wearing that is generally accepted to indicate an interest in water sports, just as red indicates an interest in scat. So to avoid confusion, I stick to plain simple black whenever I go out."

Michael made a vow to himself then and there never to buy and red or yellow leather.

"But try not to let it concern you too much." Said Mitchell. "It's not your thing, that much is obvious from your expression. Any good Master will respect such limits. Just try not to judge others based on their kinks. I can understand the sense of revulsion at first finding out such things go on, but that doesn't mean there's anything wrong with them, they just have unusual tastes."

"Yes, Master." Michael nodded, accepting his Master's wisdom on the matter.

Mitchell pulled out a pair of olive green combat trousers from the wardrobe, throwing them on the bed with the rest of the items he had selected.

"I suppose I'm going to have to take the time and help you learn all the accepted rules and protocols of the Master/slave scene." Mitchell said. "For example, did you know that dressed predominantly on your right side, with keys, armbands, wrist cuffs or whatever, you're sending out the signal that you're a submissive."

"No, Master, I didn't know that..." Michael truly hadn't had a clue.

"Well, that's the way it is at leather clubs and such." Said Mitchell. "And dressing predominantly to the left is how you spot a dominant." A leather jockstrap was removed from the wardrobe and thrown onto the bed. "But enough of that sort of thing for now. Time to start getting ready."

They both showered first, Michael washing the handsome panther's body from top to bottom before cleaning himself. Once they were dried off, they got dressed.

The harness and jockstrap Mitchell had picked out were for Michael. The beefy panther slipped them on the unresisting young lion. Michael relished the feel of the leather against his skin and fur. It felt fantastic.

After giving Michael an appraising look, he fetched a few more things. A leather studded wrist cuff and a leather bicep strap, both of which went on his right arm.

Mitchell looked him over again and smiled. "There. A perfect look for a slave at Alpha's. But still... wait here." The panther was still naked from the shower, but padded out of the room. He returned a few minutes later with some of Michael's clothing that had been locked away once he'd arrived here. His jeans and his jacket.

"You may wear these over your current outfit on our way to the club and on our way back." Mitchell said. "Simply for the sake of modesty and warmth. However, you will be expected to take them off while at the club. They will be put in a safe place there until we leave." He handed them over. "Just hold onto them for now. You will put them on just before we go."

"Yes Master." Michael nodded. "Thank you, Master."

Then Michael had the pleasure of watching his hunk of a Master get dressed. He slipped on some tight leather shorts, and then the combat trousers and a grey t-shirt that was pretty much skin-tight across Mitchell's musculature. Then he slipped on a pair of big leather boots, tucking the trousers into them before lacing them up. Finally, he pulled on the jacket.

Michael looked at him adoringly. He looked incredible, like something out of sexual fantasy. How did he get so lucky to be with such a gorgeous specimen of a Master?

The lion was permitted to stand up to walk as Mitchell leashed him and led him out of the bedroom and downstairs. It would have been difficult to walk on all fours carrying some of his 'regular' clothes as he was.

They found Zack and Daniel waiting for them in the living room, already dressed and waiting. Zack was still in his leather biker gear, bare-chested, lounging in a sofa. Daniel was on hands and knees, giving his Master's boots a good clean with his tongue.

"Ready?" Zack grinned.

Daniel was no longer naked. He was wearing a complicated leather harness of multiple straps that crisscrossed his front and back and a pair of thick leather gauntlets strapped across his forearms. A spiked leather armband adorned his right arm. He also wore a pair of extremely tight leather shorts.

"I hope you don't mind." Said Zack. "But I raided the items in your dungeon to put together a suitable outfit for Daniel."

"No, that's fine." Said Mitchell.

"Of course, the shorts will come off straight away once we get there." Zack chuckled. Michael wasn't sure if he was joking or not.

Zack was looking at Michael. The lion shuddered a little under his intimidating gaze.

"I like the outfit for your slave." The rottweiller commented. "Alpha's gonna love it."

"Are we going to go then?" Said Mitchell, a little impatiently.

"Of course we are." Zack looked to his slave, who was carrying on with his bootlicking, oblivious to all around him. The dominant rottweiller snapped his fingers. "On your feet!"

Daniel was standing up a moment later, ready and waiting to obey whatever order his Master barked next. Zack stood up, looking down at his boots.

"A good shine job as always, my pup." Zack smiled, patting Daniel on the head. He pulled a leash from the pocket of his jeans and clipped it to the Alsatian's collar.

Once Michael's leash had been removed and the young lion had slipped on his jeans, jacket, the four of them departed. Michael followed submissively behind his Master, but Daniel remained leashed as Zack led him outside. The lion envied the canine slave for his nerve and pure devotion. He'd think twice about being led around outside dressed in such a way.

The two Masters had apparently decided at some point to take Mitchell's car and they all piled in. Within a few minutes, they were off, driving off into the night, Michael's heart pounding in anticipation as he wondered what experiences might await him at Alpha's Den...

To Be Continued