Krystal, Rouge, Renamon and Sally 5 - Final Confrontations

Story by SPAMZZKRR on SoFurry

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#5 of KRRS

"Long time no see Rouge huh? What's it been, 150 years?" "I had the whole universe to escape from you and now you're here." "And aren't you just glad to see me?" "How the fuck did you survive the onslaught of the creatures?" "Those pathetic things couldn't touch me." "You know me and you would never work, it was for the sake of our species." "NO IT WAS FOR THE SAKE OF THE ELDERS! Those old gits had no idea of what I could do for you. 'Heart of Evil'? Well I guess they were right. I tell ya what; before I horribly murder you and all your friends I'll tell you the full story. As soon as I saw you, I needed you. Your cute hair, your frisky ears and you get-up-and-go attitude. We grew up together and became friends. But I wanted to be more than just friends. Walking through the streets, I was asked by quite a dark figure if I wanted power beyond my wildest dreams for he need one of youth. But if I had you I didn't need power. That night I asked you if me and you could become more than just friends. The elders said that you could create life only if you wanted to. You didn't even need someone's seed or someone's womb. If you loved someone truly, you could create life. You were a vessel of pure life force. However, do you remember what you said to me that night? You said that the elders sensed evil in your heart and so you could not be my partner. You left the next evening. I didn't want you to leave. I found the man again to accept the gift. He took the bodies of the dead creatures and drained their blood to give birth to a power that his 'cult' had been looking for. They called themselves 'the Skirmishers' and it's legacy carries on up until today. I am the proper founder of the Skirmishers. When I was blessed with the unholy fire and made my way to the square, it was too late. I had to train myself, burn my lungs and create a new system of breathing to cross space. All this just for you. But I heard that planet you should have landed on did not receive you. Instead you crash landed somewhere else. I searched the cosmos for you. For your love. You don't care do you? But here is something you will care about. 'The Skirmishers' are a clan of assassins. A bounty was put on Wolf's head and I collected it. A bounty is placed on Krystal's head and I'm about to collect it. However, the bounty of Rouge's head is mine. There are three parts to the Skirmishers. There are three sections to the Skirmishers. 'The Prime', 'The Evonian' and 'The Marmurn'. 'The Prime' are those like me blessed with the unholy fire. 'The Evonian' are those who work with the Prime as assassins or just important people who can gain control of places. 'The Marmurn' are guardians of the Evonian and they serve the Prime directly. The one who was called the Goddess was an Evonian and Miss S and Miss B are the Marmurns. But now we have a new prime." The hospital floors began to shake. A nurse and a doctor or two flew past the doorway, thrown out of the way of the marauding beast in the corridor. Half the wall came down and a huge figure appeared in the door. "Hi Sally. Happy to see me?" "Wolf.....?" He was no longer the normal figure he once was. His muscle bulged and he breath heavily. His face still had slight evidence of burning but most of it was healed. The scaring was still evident and made him look almost alien. His fur was sharp and jagged and his claws and teeth were razor sharp. "Nice to see you again sis. Did you miss me?" "Thank God your okay." "Oh yeah you would say that wouldn't you? You left me on that planet to die. You don't care about me at all." "But why are you working with him? He was the one that killed you!" "But he also allowed me to be reborn. I am Wolf O'Donnell no longer! What ever was left of your pathetic brother is now dead." "Wolf...I' sorry." "WELL IT'S TOO LATE!" Rouge soon stepped into the fray, "Shadow, call him off and fight me. I know I deserve it but these guys don't." "I'm sorry Rouge but he isn't under my control and, besides, we had a deal." There was no hope of calming them down. Rouge grabbed Krystal's utility belt and grabbed the staff, standing in between the attacks and Sally. "Sally, get Krystal out of here." Sally pulled Krystal out of here bed, smashed the window and crawled outside. Wolf began to snarl. He pounced on Rouge and threw through the wall to the room next door. "Good boy Wolf. Now, take care of those two while I take care of Rouge." As Wolf pushed his way through the wall to the outside, Shadow followed Rouge. Rouge pulled herself out of the rubble and wiped the blood away from her mouth. Shadow hovered through the hole in the wall; his eyes and fur burning with the blue fire. "Rouge, rouge, rouge my little girl. Did I hurt you?" "Not as much as I gunna hurt you." Reaching into her boots she pulled out her daggers and threw the staff aside. "My little girl has grown up! Let's see of you remember your training." Shadow began to concentrate, clenching his fist. Soon the rubble around him began to levitate. The began flying towards Rouge. Dodging left, right and jumping past them with acrobatic turns and flips. "That all you got?" He pointed at the ceiling, making it collapse on Rouge. She tried to shield herself with her wings but the weight was too much. Buried under rubble, Rouge was in trouble. Holding his hand to the rubble, a column of fire blew all the rubble off of Rouge. "Aaaww my poor little girl is in pain. Maybe I should have a little fun with you." With a smile on his face, Shadow pointed at Rouge's top. The clips on her bras straps began to split and her breast plate began to roll downwards revealing her plump breasts. "Wow, your really developed!" "And you're a pervert." Renamon had appeared from the door and pounced on Shadow, clawing at his fur. "Aaauuuugggghhh you stupid furry rat." Soon his body exploded in a force of fire, flinging Renamon across the room like a rag doll. "This pathetic creature is what you have spent a lot of your time with?" A slash across Shadow's chest woke him from his dream as Rouge stood there smiling. "I ain't finished yet." "Oh I think you are." All Shadow to do was point at her and cup his fist and Rouge was off the floor, the fire surround her body and constricting her. "I will have my fun and you can't stop me." No matter how she struggled, Rouge could not escape him. His vicious smile making her afraid of his twisted desires. Her body suit began burning straight of her body, leaving her exposed. His fingers made her way to her crotch. "My God, is this what the perfect sator is supposed to look like. So big." His hand began to massage her girth, making her long and hard. "This is the male part but I'm not interested in that." Making his way lower he began to rub her entrance forcing her to become moist. He moved her fingers in and out, exploring her warm passage. "I have never had the pleasure of a woman's body, especially since I was not a sator. However, the gift of power also gave me the gift of manhood. I will take what I want from you." A sheath began to bulge as Shadow's girth made it's entrance. A huge member, bigger than Rouge's was rubbing Rouge clit and begging for entrance. Shadow began to whisper in her ear, "I own you now." "Hey, dickhead!" Shadow turned his head to find Falco staring down the sight of his shotgun, "Hands off the lady!" Round after round was pumped into Shadow, shell after shell sending through him through the wall. A quick reload and Falco had grabbed Rouge by the arm with Renamon on the other side of her, "Rouge come on we gotta go."

Wolf shatter the wall in front of him top find Sally laying Krystal down by a tree. "What ever happens stay by this tree, don't move." She stood up and turned to face her brother. "What's gunna happen now Sally? You gunna tell me you were always there for me? You still love me, is that it?" "I wish I could get through to you that way." "Hah, I'm gunna show show you why you shouldn't mess with me." Clenching his fist, Wolf went in for a punch with Sally just avoiding him. Swipe after swipe Sally was just dodging. Soon a backhand connected and Sally went flying. Wolf pulled her to her feet and grabbed her throat, slamming her against a wall. "Strike back. HIT ME!!!" He pushed harder on her, pushing her through the wall. "Why wouldn't you hit me? I am not your brother anymore." Sally struggled through Wolf's vice like grip to the throat, "I.....I...still love you." Wolf slammed her to the floor and put his foot on her chest. "You need to hit me, punch me, kick me." "No. I don't hit the people I love." "BUT YOU DON'T LOVE ME!!!" Punch after punch after relentless punch across the face and Sally was bleeding profusely and sending her into delirium. His strikes were getting weaker and slower even though he was not tiring. He began to tear. "It's funny. All that evil blood and all the hatred and you can't kill me. If I hit you then that gives you a reason to hate me and hit me. Even if you don't love me, I still love you and you can't understand that." "Wolfy, piss off." Fox had appeared in the fray and began to fire on Wolf with his rifle. Although the bullets didn't break the skin, it still made him recoil. Still firing, Fox dragged Sally away. Next to them, Shadow had burst through the hospital wall. He then charged back in. Falco and Renamon with Rouge in hand rushed round the corner. "Fox where's the Great Fox?" "They should be here now, just hold them off." Shadow soon appeared and pointed at Falco and Fox, turning their guns mush and sending them across the hospital courtyard. "Enough games, you will die, all four of you. Wolf, you first." Wolf made his way to the cowering Sally. Something grabbed his leg; it was Krystal. Wolf kicked her, sending her sliding back into the tree. Krystal held her stomach in shock, "Oww it hurts!" Something was wrong. Sally crawled over to her. "Where you going sis'? I want more fun." Sally gripped Krystal tight and would let go, stroking her head and encouraging her. "Let go of her Sally or I'll kill both of you at once." "NO!" "Sally..." "DO YOU KNOW WHAT YOU'VE DONE!!! DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA AT ALL?? SHE IS PREGNANT!!!" Sally began to cry through her rage, "What have you done to her?" "Sally...I..." "Enough of this Wolf just kill her." Sally looked sharply at Wolf. "You..... Wolf look at him..." Wolf turned to Shadow, "Your familiar." "He was there when our parents died. He sent the house ablaze." It was him. Wolf suddenly remembered back to that night. The blue fire and his parents screaming. The figure in the middle of the fire, his spikes pushing through his robe, smiling. " killed my parents..." "What does it matter, kill them." Wolf grabbed Shadow by the throat, grabbing a flare off Shadow's belt. "These contain the essence of the unholy fire. It is the soul material that will destroy anything, even you." "You'll die as well." "Good. I don't want to live as this monster." Wolf turned to Sally, "Sally, I'm so sorry, please forgive me. Get Krystal out of here." Wolf lit the flare as the group pulled themselves away. "SALLY, REMEMBER ME AS WHO I WAS." Wolf pushed the flare into Shadow's throat. The sheer dark energy that was contained there in Shadow was too much and created an explosion. Wolf's sacrifice was complete as both burned in the fire as Sally watch from afar, "Sleep now in the" The doctor walked out of the room with a sad look on his face. He sat down next to Sally as he took of his glasses and held her hands. "We did all we could. The trauma that Krystal went through was too much. She had a litter of three. Two died on birth from brain haemorrhage. One did survive with no consequences to it's health. A female red fox. I don't know what to say but I guess congratulations and I'm sorry for your loss." Sally walked into the room where Krystal was sitting, hugging her baby. "Are you sad?" "Of course...but I'm glad she made it." "Yeah, I guess she's a fighter like her mother!" "Yeah...what do you wanna name her?" "Ruby, I wanna call her Ruby." "Sounds good. Ruby it is then." The two hugged each other, happy of the times ahead. THE END