Golem vs. Primals - Part 5 - Dragon

Story by dolphinsanity on SoFurry

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#5 of Violent Fetish Content

Part 5 of 5 of an anonymously commissioned novella of kaiju-hunting mayhem.

A giant robotic golem known only as Unit D awakens in its lab to find its creators extinct and the lab a ruin. Its singular mission: to destroy the five Primal Beasts that brought apocalyptic destruction upon the world's sapient races. With clunky movements and limited options for special attacks, it's going to be a hard slog, especially against creatures with only one weakness...

Advance warning: this work of fiction contains graphic depictions of violence and gore, including the destruction of male genitalia and various internal organs. If you do not wish to read about this or it would be illegal for you to view such material, please turn back now.


Days passed in fruitless searching. Unit D scoured the massive continent with robotic efficiency, focusing more on covering the maximum total area in as much time as possible rather than searching strategically based on induction. The golem's databanks regarding the primals and their locations were unfortunately too scarce to allow for this.

So, battered and working on just one reactor core, it shambled around in pursuit of its duty. Its mission protocol indicated that only one known primal remained, and it would find it and destroy it, or else cease functioning while trying. It had no other option.

Eventually, by procedural inevitability, the golem happened upon the vast ruins of the continental capital city, which in its day had truly been a sight to behold. Composed of a sea of skyscrapers that reached from the ground toward the heavens, it had literally towered over all nearby centers of life... but its crowning achievement had been the arcology near its heart, a place of scientific progress where natural systems were studied, and sapient creatures lived out their lives in a sustainable, experimental harmony.

In the days shortly before the primals woke, the central arcology had been one of the last shrines of environmentalistic thinking on the planet's surface - a place where radicals met with cool-headed scientists to determine how to live in nearer harmony with nature. Of course, there were always dissenters, and the strange spiritualists on the fringes who passed down legends that when the planet's sustainability finally broke, it would already be too late - that the planet would open up its jaws and swallow the people whole.

How right those fringe prophets were... and how wrong they were, as well. Everyone had been swallowed up, although not for quite the same reasons as had been predicted...

Unit D knew none of this, nor cared. It had one mission only. Yet, for the sake of poetics, one might say that it seemed as though the dead of the arcology were watching over the golem as it approached, praying from beyond the grave that the maladroit robot would bring this madness to its final and irrevocable end, by slaying the one beast that remained as tyrant over this broken and polluted land. The beast who made this ruined monument to man and nature his home.

The place, all things considered, was a total wreck.

The arcology's domed enclosure had once extended five kilometers in diameter across the city's center, with its land incorporating what had at one time been a large public park. The dome did not exist anymore - at least not as a dome. Its translucent, faintly bluish fragments ringed the ruin like a great circle of magical ice - but, being only scientifically advanced glass after all, caused Unit D's feet no harm when trampling over its border.

The expansive natural environment that formerly made up the arcology's interior no longer existed. Dirt was all that remained: dead, infertile dirt, without a single plant growing in it... this, despite the ground being almost entirely covered in what looked like normally soil-rejuvenating ash.

Then again, the ash had a queer color to it: not the usual grayish-black, but deep midnight pitch, uniformly colored and without variation, as if billions of microscopic ravens' feathers had snowed in a light dusting all over the ground there. This primal, however, was no raven...

Unit D's feet ran a brief analysis. Unknown compounds. Predictable, and a strong warning sign. It scanned the horizon carefully, seeking any signs of movement among the bleak rubble.

Primal detected.

A creature sat near-motionless in the middle of the craterous ruin. In an optical scan from Unit D's current position, the creature's body looked like an enormous black curtain standing upright on this sooty arena floor- a curtain covered in thick scales, with a spiny tail sticking out the back. Though visual analysis clearly registered it as a primal, at this distance the golem's visual processing systems could tell they were not getting a complete picture of what the creature's form actually was.

The golem stepped closer at its usual steady pace, saving its limited high-speed energy capacity for responding to its enemy's moves, whatever those moves might be. For the time being it knew only that this "curtain" was alive, probably reptilian, and massive in size.

For ten seconds the golem continued on with this behavior uninterrupted, its steps clanking along with mechanical regularity.

Then, when the golem got within half a kilometer, the enemy revealed himself.

With a roar that thundered through the cavernous crater and shook the ruined buildings far off past the arcology's perimeter, the enormous dragon unfurled his wings and splayed them toward his sides, with the very act sending a stiff breeze in the golem's direction. Bronze-colored scales covered the monster's newly revealed chest and underbelly, and the musculature thereof would have awed any creature with a mind to care. The grooves of his powerful sinews crinkled like choppy ocean waves beneath the scales' obscurance; the dragon's voice caused the cavern to tremble, his eyes glowing an infernal crimson.

The wings attached to his back above its shoulders, which bore massive forelimbs that looked obviously built for quadrupedal locomotion, even though the dragon for now remained upright on his haunches. He held his arms sideways in an awkward, "Come and get it!" type of posture similar to the golem's own, as if already mocking it and pointing out Unit D's physical inferiority. His legs bore thighs so large and muscled that it seemed they might easily crush Unit D's torso if they caught it with a hind-legged kick, and the sinews of the monster's ankles looked so thick that cutting through them could've taken hours even if he were not invulnerable to damage in that location - which he almost assuredly was.

But that wasn't all. No, of course it wasn't.

Excited by the promise of battle, the dragon's genital slit began to flex and to part, and with a buck of his hips and a firm surge of his loin muscles, his member erected and emerged, growing tauntingly in Unit D's direction.

And what a member it was. A black spear of thick flesh, nearly the length of the golem's chest and half as wide, it jutted enormously out into the still air of the ruins, its pointed glans looking as good for murderous impaling as for whatever else the monster might use it for. Rings of spines surrounded the the member's glans and shaft proper, with the locations of the spines in each ring staggered like a lattice and forming a barrier of dual-purpose defenses and stabbing implements. Just below the glans the shaft looked particularly fat, supported by a firm ridge of flesh and bone that curved along the center of ventral side from the tip to the base, like the bell on a fencer's sword.

The scene in sum looked like something out of a perverse and horrifying fairy tale. The unveiled dragon stretched nearly 350 meters from head to tip of tail, and around four times the golem's overall thickness of torso and limb. In every respect the monster dwarfed Unit D, and made this enormous crater look more like a deadly nest than an arcology... which, at this point, was precisely what it had become.

Unit D, undeterred as ever, stepped forward to do battle. With one reactor core already on the fritz, it evaluated the odds of its success as poor; however, with no known sources of repair having ever been encountered despite much searching, its processors determined that immediate engagement of the target most appropriately suited the priorities of its mission.

The golem lumbered forward with haphazard steps, walking toward the dragon's member with its hallmark mechanical determination.

Then the dragon let out another roar and lowered itself into an imposing combat stance on all fours, approaching the golem in reciprocation of Unit D's steady pace, his forelimbs and enormous neck obviously prepared to move to protect his member, but not currently in a location that guaranteed its safety if Unit D could only get under him somehow. The reptile's muscles rippled in his limbs and chest as he walked, and the cords of his forelimbs began to flex and relax rapidly, as if the beast were warming up for the battle.

Despite the member's taunting presence, Unit D dared not use fast motion here without first gathering more information about the primal's style of fighting. Too-early activations of its speed had led to complications during previous fights, and with only one core remaining the golem was forced especially hard toward conservatism. There was a non-trivial possibility that the dragon's nervous system could, in this stance, react fast enough to screen the golem's attacks even during a fast-motion gambit.

With all of that under consideration, the golem opted to spar with the foe and be ready to react if necessary. The dragon seemed... entertained by this. Unit D struck multiple hard punches against the dragon's snout and arms - none of which suffered the slightest indication of damage. With each attack the dragon took gradual steps backward, its erection bulging to an even larger, fuller size as it got into the spirit of the fighting.

Unit D was aware that the dragon was most likely toying with it, as a lack of any sort of real counterattack was common in creatures smart enough to regard themselves as vastly superior to an opponent. The dragon's precise, measured movements suggested to Unit D that its intellect was surprisingly strong for a reptilian, and probably wily.

After a few more rounds of punching, the dragon started batting at the golem with its claws from time to time - not even with any seemingly lethal intent, but more with the aim of knocking the golem around, much as a rambunctious child might strike an action figure in hopes of bits of it breaking off. Unit D held up well under these blows, adopting a solid defensive posture and mitigating most of the momentum through pressing its blocky feet against the ground - a fact which seemed to impress the dragon, inasmuch as the dragon's body language could express this emotion.

After a time, the great beast turned suddenly sideways and motioned toward itself with its head, displaying the fullness of its spiked member in plain sight. Unit D paid no heed to its obvious provocation, but nonetheless clunked slowly toward him to attempt the member's destruction.

Apparently, the vain old monster was more than willing to make his own fun. Since Unit D was unwilling to charge him at a pace he considered appropriate, he instead vaulted up on his hind legs and, turning abruptly toward the golem, pushed that great spiked club toward it, his arms ready to slam down at any moment and smash into the golem's shoulders and back.

Unit D took the opportunity for what it looked like - a legitimate chance to inflict damage to the gargantuan organ, but in no way an actual chance to end the fight quickly, by sheer fact of the organ's size - and delivered a right hook toward the cock's head. The dragon let this happen, apparently eager to see how the golem's fist would hold up against his cock's mighty defenses.

The fist struck a calculated, precise blow against a pair of spikes on the dorsal center of the glans, not far from the pointed tip and urethra. The two spikes broke off from the impact, causing the dragon to roar in frustration and bring his weight down heavily on his arms. The golem had anticipated this and sidestepped narrowly away, using the dragon's own great size against him in avoiding the crushing attack.

The dragon's only successful strike in this exchange was a sort of minor headbutt delivered at the last moment as his neck came back down from the rearing position it had been in before. Even this strike was so limited that Unit D only had some armor scratches to show for it thereafter.

So far, Unit D seemed to be faring well. Meanwhile, below the primal, a drippy trickle of blood indicated the truth of the situation: that this beast, too could bleed if struck in a vulnerable location.

Unit D assumed a defensive stance, waiting for the dragon's next move.

Over the next several moments it became clear that something had changed in the dragon's demeanor after that successful strike from the golem. Gone were his playful testings. Now he looked utterly ready to kill, with his jaw repeatedly opening and closing and the redness of his eyes flaring at the intruder.

After a moment of strafing slowly about, the dragon roared in Unit D's face and sheathed his bleeding member just as suddenly as he had let it out, persuading its throbbing shaft to exist for the moment as a mere inflated bulge within the slit. That the massive cock fit inside the dragon's loins at all seemed spatially impossible, but the golem was too much of a robot to let this confuse it. Unit D pressed on undeterred, knowing full well that weak points were still weak points: even hidden inside of flesh, they could easily enough be tugged out.

With the situation thus changed, the robotic titan and the much larger reptilian titan charged at each other once again, both serious but continuing to hold their strongest powers in reserve for now. They clashed, golem fist against dragon chin, and both held up in what seemed - at least for now - a still-even match. It seemed neither could really harm the other, so long as neither overcommitted.

...But the dragon had no intention of leaving this at a stalemate. He never had any such intention in the first place, much less now that the golem had laid a blow on him where it counted.

During one their usual exchanges of forceful attacks, the dragon acted as if he were going for a headbutt, but threw back his neck at the last second instead, narrowly avoiding one of the golem's powerful punches.

Buffeting his wings a single time in conjunction with this motion, the dragon angled his head downward and breathed out a cone of inky black flames, all across Unit D's extended right arm.

The good arm. The one with nearly all of its precise circuitry still intact.

In a matter of moments, Unit D did not have much of a right arm remaining anymore. The metal and plastic dissolved away in the blaze, caught up in a ferocious mixture of heat and acid.

The golem activated fast motion as soon as it detected the dark flame's damage, but could not get out fast enough to prevent the arm's ruin under the searing jet. It didn't help that the bizarre flames clung to the material once initially applied, sustaining themselves for a good while off the limb's destruction.

With few other options, and the end of fast motion already approaching, Unit D made a break to attack the dragon's loins with its left fist even as the right one's armor and interior melted away.

Yet, Unit D's fast-motion attack was stopped cold by a simple forward motion of the dragon's right knee. The massive hind leg collided with Unit D's limb at a speed nearly matching the golem's own, a speed reminiscent of the gryphon from the previous great battle. A speed the dragon had not previously betrayed himself as capable of achieving.

Unit D spun through the air like a ragdoll, its movements pathetic and unbalanced. In a desperate effort to accomplish something, it sputtered out a blast of energy discharge from its back, striking the dragon's groin, but causing no damage.

The dragon watched the golem crumple to the ground, and extended his member with another gloating roar - as if to say, "You little snack, is that all you bring to me for challenge!?"

The spiked member throbbed with the dragon's haughty, near-godlike strength. With Unit D on its back and with only one mostly functioning arm, he closed the distance between them in a mere three steps and began to swat at the golem with his front claws, battering the robotic torso from side to side. One more step forward and he loomed over the golem's prone form, his shadow covering Unit D entirely... and from that advantaged position he began slamming his spiked cock against the still surface of the golem's legs.

Under normal circumstances Unit D would have expected such an action to damage the member and in so doing upset the balance of whatever kept the dragon alive, but the dragon seemed to be deriving pleasure from doing this. It now became evident that the tips of the spikes were hard enough to cause problems: their direct impacts punched divots into Unit D's outer armor - divots which became holes when the dragon slammed down hard enough on the same place twice.

A vile black liquid of unknown composition leaked from the dragon's urethra as it worked, seemingly jubilant to have a sturdy plaything to beat to death with its dick, for the first time in what must have been several centuries.

Unlike with the gryphon, Unit D did not plan for any of this - there was no "playing dead" ploy at work here - and the dragon seemed to understand all too delightedly just how superior his present position was.

With one arm and no fast motion Unit D could not free itself from its attacker at this time. It had no choice but to take the blows and try to protect vital areas. In lieu of being able to escape, Unit D's processors worked as hard as they could on tactical analysis, taking in more and more data about the dragon's current behavior and crunching it with all possible haste.

In moment after crushing moment the dragon's limbs rose and lowered, his body cavorting in a half-humping, half-leaping dance that kept his member hard and Unit D under a steady stream of incoming damage. Presently the dragon started circling around the golem while he bludgeoned, periodically pausing to stick his face right up against the Unit D's and growl triumphantly, to which his victim's eye sensors made no reply at all - a fact which seemed to annoy the dragon greatly.

With only one functioning core, fast motion was taking a long time to come back, and having only one arm sorely limited the actions Unit D could take even with it available. It had to wait for the perfect moment.

To the best of Unit D's ability to analyze, that moment came when the dragon grinded the spiked cock slowly across the golem's banged-up chest. Activating fast motion, Unit D raised its damaged left arm to attempt a death-hug on the creature's shaft, but the member proved too large and the dragon too swift in its reactions to make this possible with one limb alone. In the end, Unit D only garnered some additional damage to its left arm through a glancing contact with one of the spikes, and prompted the angry dragon to withdraw its member wisely inside of its sheath.

The golem did not have long left. While the cock was retreating, it forced out one last high-speed blow that it directed at the receding glans. The dragon's eyes flashed as the uppermost parts of its gargantuan member did indeed suffer a wound, with Unit D's arm making a savvy strike in precisely the same place that it had broken the pair of spikes before. The surface of the pointed glans gashed open, bleeding noticeably but not deeply enough to kill the erection, and the dragon's fury grew with each dribbling, bloody pulse.

Before Unit D could do much else, the dragon grabbed hold of it with his teeth and yanked sharply, causing a hunk of the poor golem's remaining chest armor to snap off, the circuitry crackling harmlessly against the ground before abruptly shutting off.

The dragon made a grumbling, almost patronizing sound - glaring down at the golem for a moment before roaring violently.

Unit D wiggled its slowed-down body forward in an attempt to reach the member again. This proved futile: the dragon quickly had it in his jaws again, and between the actions of the dragon's teeth and front limbs, there was no getting away this time. The dragon had the golem utterly restrained in moments, and bit off each of its legs in turn, crunching them and spitting them out before breathing more of his decomposing black fire across them. Sadistically, he turned Unit D around to force it to watch, perhaps even now mistaking the golem for an organic who would care about these things and experience fear in response.

Unit D's processors were not afraid, but they were fast running out of possible solutions to killing the primal. Very few remained, and one idea in particular was fast moving up the priority list for possible actions...

Now the dragon laid the golem on the ground with its one damaged arm as the only limb left. He took a moment to smack the golem's head several times with glee, his erection growing larger and dripping more of the dark juices as he did so. He then proceeded to bite off the golem's remaining arm, savoring its removal like the snapping of a bone.

Then the dragon left Unit D there and watched what it did. The golem now found it impossible to get itself upright, having only a melted nub from its right arm to work with - yet, in the absence of an immediate tactical reason for deliberately remaining on this position, its proprioceptive sensors all-the-more-urgently requested for the central processor to make the body upright again through whatever means possible - much to the dragon's delight. He watched as what remained of his silvery toy vibrated and jostled helplessly against the ground in a pathetic attempt to right itself.

The dragon held his member low over Unit D's position, flaunting its superiority and relishing the feeling of total domination. Soon he was roaring with excitement, and the flow of his pre increased to a steadily throbbing stream. He pressed the cock firmly down against the squirming robot, impaling the remaining torso armor on the spikes, and forcing Unit D's "eyes" to stare at the shaft's ridged underside. The golem continued its wriggling, still being held in a non-upright position so long as the dragon remained on all fours. The dragon thrust at the air, greedily leaking and groaning as its dark juices rolled down over Unit D's "eyes."

Then the dragon sat on his haunches for a moment. Brought upright by this action, Unit D stopped its diagnostic quivering, and the most-desperate tactical option that had been rising through its list for quite some time now finally reached the top.

Objective projected as uncompletable through all other methods: preparing self-destruct mode. Overloading reactor core(s) to trigger explosive collapse.

Drawing on what bit of high-speed motion it could still muster, Unit D quaked rapidly, vibrating hard against the dragon's erection, prompting the dragon to cradle it even tighter to the shaft and to thrust his hungry member faster. The enormous cock bulged out further still than it ever had up until this point in the fight, particularly near the glans, which fattened considerably and turned (what remained of) its encircling of spikes more perpendicular to the urethra than usual.

Unit D knew everything an encyclopedia could possibly know about animal reproduction, and had a strong suspicion what this particular intensity of thrusting meant. Taking greater control of its energy systems, the golem regulated the overload process, holding the core steadier than originally planned until an ideal moment, which the golem expected to be arriving soon.

The growing heat in the golem's core caused the robot's surface to heat up gradually, with the waves of it venting irregularly thanks to the various punctures in the golem's armor. The dragon felt the heat speckling against his cock through those holes, like warm mist from a hot spring, and it drove him into a state of even higher pleasure. He held the golem's torso tighter than ever, thrusting and gyrating, working himself from his plateau up toward his peak.

The golem no longer bothered making damage calculations when the spines pierced deep into the body. The piercing and thrusting only served to lodge Unit D tighter on the member, which at this point was exactly what the golem wanted. The dragon's savage roars were giving way to what sounded like moans; the member started to throb as the muscles deep within the dragon's belly coaxed his ample seed out toward the surface. Faster, faster, faster... the dragon's arousal rose toward the very edge of climax...

...And at that moment, Unit D overloaded the core the rest of the way.

Self-destruct imminent.

Unit D's body heated up, and heated up rapidly. The confused dragon roared - grabbed hold of the robotic torso with his teeth and both front limbs to try to pull it off of the sensitive cock - but it was too late. While the dragon's semen approached the base of his shaft for ejaculation, the spikes to which Unit D was attached glowed white-hot; the nearby flesh of the cock seared and bubbled from the heat. The dragon flinched, bucked, and roared in agony, giving his hips one last great and irritated thrust, but it was no good.

The cock throbbed painfully hard as the heat bit into the flesh and caused the dragon's groin muscles to seize up. What would have been a veritable volcanic eruption of dark semen now only dribbled out feebly, oozing like so much precum, the dragon's genital tract feeling overfull and unsatisfied, to say nothing of how sharply his member stung.

But that was only the barest beginning of the dragon's problems.

Unit D's reactor core tipped past its point of no return. A white light flooded outward, and a great explosion rocked their arena - beginning with the sensitive flesh of the dragon's shaft.

Though it happened in a matter of seconds, the consumption of the dragon's shaft was painfully gradual to its owner. It began with a searing heat that invaded every contour of the shaft's surface. In the first moments, the flesh just beneath the surface melted inward; convection from the spikes and ventral ridge made the interior of the member heat up like a big fat baked potato. The soft inner tissues rose to a boil while the wave of the blast knocked off bit after bit of the cock's spiky outer defenses.

The gash that Unit D had previously inflicted on the tip was particularly sensitive to this tenderization, and while the spiked and plated bits of cockflesh elsewhere were still in the process of heating up, the explosion's wrath was already digging its way into that wound in earnest, tearing away at the flesh and causing a new kind of pain in the sensitive nerves of the glans, a pain so sharp that it made the dragon dig his gargantuan claws into the dirt in an agonized expression of instinct.

Soon enough, the strength of the shockwave and the tenderness of the member from the heat reached a moment of deadly combination. The weakened flesh near the urethra blew away in slimy hunks, losing more and more of its consistency as its temperature continued rising. After a moment the tip was nothing more than a pitiful urethral hole sticking out, melted, with overheated semen still leaking from the dragon's thoroughly ruined orgasm.

The dragon's eyes rolled; the light in them sharpened and then faded, while his jaws yawned open and a jet of his dark flames erupted as if from a blowtorch. The dragon did not cease emitting his flames for the remainder of his life; they poured out of him like blood from a dying heart.

The blast continued on without pause or mercy, and the thick ridge on the shaft's underside - specifically the portions of it just below the tip - was the next major part to give up the fight. Although resistant to both heat and force in its own right - which was why it had endured as long as it had despite being one of the nearest parts to the center of the explosion - even this imposing wall of bone could not endure being surrounded both by the core of the blast below it and the engulfing heat that dug down toward it from the wound above. Like a codpiece suddenly heated up and given a ferocious beating with a blacksmith's hammer, the upper half of the bony ridge caved inward, pressing its weight against the ventral corpus and the urethra, forcing more of the ruined-gasm's cum to burp its way out over the cock's disintegrating meatus.

The ridge continued jerking inward from the heat and force as the blast expanded outward, forcing more fluid out of the urethra at first before eventually sealing off the flow of liquid entirely due to its bulk getting rammed so close to the urethra that the opening collapsed shut. Meanwhile, the process of heating and vaporization continued tearing the flesh away from the softer parts. The constantly melting flesh kept the wound permanently cauterized as it melted down, forcing the blood to stay trapped within in the dorsal corpora. The neurons in the area likewise continued sending pain impulse after pain impulse in desperate pleas to the dragon's brain, causing the jet of flame to widen as its eyes and maw both gaped wider with his growing fear.

Now the dragon's voice let out an eerie cry of woe alongside the flames - a cry that gradually lost strength as the member's flesh burned away down toward its roots. He had never experienced disintegration of his flesh before. Normally he did it to his victims, not the other way around. The smell of his own flesh burning on the air melting away as if his very own fire and acid had been poured upon it - it was as near to absolute terror as the beast had ever been. Yet there was nothing he could do; his muscles seized up, and the plentiful spines on the lower portions of his member heated up painfully hot before blowing away, chafing off in the blast wave of this tricky, dreadful, explosive foe...

Down the member shrank; the thickness of its base was all that remained intact now. For the moment the dragon's cock lived on as a turgid stump, with its erectile blood sealed inside by the melted flesh above... but even that last bastion of its safety was soon to blow away, caught up in the same heat that had taken all the rest.

The flames of the dragon's mouth sputtered - seemed to start losing some of their intensity. The blast crushed in against the stump of the base, tearing the flesh away onto the winds and digging down deep, vaporizing every centimeter of flesh away, until the once-mighty cock at last lay flush with the dragon's groin, with the slit that had so often housed its vast length and girth. The still-inviolable scales of the dragon's thighs and belly met the destructive orb of the explosion's power, and withstood it... but they could offer no such protection to what remained of the vulnerable member, which tried futilely to hide within its dragon-cave.

The heat funneled into the slit, surrounded the inner parts of the cock, and claimed them, boiling away the flesh and exploding it into fatty bits within the great beast's abdominal cavity. His bladder and intestines soon found themselves getting acquainted with multiple superheated guests from down the way, but the time for their acquainting did not last long, for the energy that kept the dragon's massive body alive was rapidly, unstoppably depleting.

...What remained of Unit D had scattered to the four winds with the explosion, with its head flying off to a distant part of the arcology's perimeter, and the tightly-encapsulated neural processors in its chest bouncing like a ball across the ground for more than a kilometer, with their processors enduring for just a few minutes afterward on localized battery backup.

Backup visual sensors allowed it to observe these proceedings from a distance - gave what was left of the golem all of the information that it needed, which was that the dragon's body was currently writhing in the last of its death throes.

The beast's mighty limbs flinched pitifully and seized up as the rigor mortis set in, and its dark flame died down until it gave its final puff.

Unit D's backup sensors held on for as long as they could, observing and confirming the familiar process of the primal's death.

* * *

In the aftermath of that final battle, along a collapsed dome wall at the back of the dragon's lair, a curious collection of items lay delicately and carefully arranged upon what looked like an old, stone altar - some sort of ritual site for some system of magic or religion that had long since died away along with the world's sapient races.

Why the altar was even in this place was quite the mystery, but the dragon had certainly kept a close watch over it.

The items upon the altar were six handcrafted figurines, each shaped from various kinds of clay, and each in the image of a different creature. The figurines stood quite large, as figurines went, but no more than twenty centimeters tall apiece.

Five of the creatures depicted were familiar to this world - tiny replicas of the Primals already destroyed. Their genitals were present in the sculptures, but not prominent, not even on the dragon, on whom only the very tip of the penis peeked mockingly out of its sheath.

The last figurine, however, was of a strange blue demon with a many-horned head, with large leathery wings on its back and genitals that were prominently displayed in full arousal. The creature had an open mouth and a malevolent facial expression, as if roaring before going off on a rampage - or perhaps to rape something.

That last creature had been taken from this world to another - summoned away, a long time ago... more than five hundred years, in fact. That summoning-away had occurred just a few years before the other primals awoke, and had been one of the factors contributing to their sudden return to the planet's surface. With the balance of the sleep-inducing magic among them disrupted by the blue, demon-like creature's absence, their early awakening had been both inevitable and utterly apocalyptic.

...Yet, now, as Unit D's batteries failed and its last circuits began to crackle out of operation, a cool quiet reigned in the ruins. The great black dragon lay unmoving, with its genital slit housing the proud member no longer. The cockflesh lay in scorched, exploded puddles nearby. It was over.

The course of the planet's future had now been forever changed. All of the primals remaining on the planet were not merely asleep, but slain... and the final directive imprinted in the robot's emergency processors before they finally winked out was a very simple one.

No further primals have been identified. Good job. Enter idle sleep.

Unit D slept the long sleep of one whose task was completed.

Story (C) 2013 dolphinsanity and was anonymously commissioned.

Golem vs. Primals - Part 4 - Gryphon

**Advance warning: this work of fiction contains graphic depictions of violence and gore, including the destruction of male genitalia and various internal organs. If you do not wish to read about this or it would be illegal for you to view such...

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Golem vs. Primals - Part 3 - Hound

**Advance warning: this work of fiction contains graphic depictions of violence and gore, including the destruction of male genitalia and various internal organs. If you do not wish to read about this or it would be illegal for you to view such...

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Golem vs. Primals - Part 2 - Snake

**Advance warning: this work of fiction contains graphic depictions of violence and gore, including the destruction of male genitalia and various internal organs. If you do not wish to read about this or it would be illegal for you to view such...

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