A Midnight Dance Ch. 2 Part 2

Story by maxxy213 on SoFurry

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#5 of A Midnight Dance

Sorry this ones a little short Ive been busy most of the week. but i hope you all enjoy.

Elliot nodded. Not knowing what to say he looked at his chest and fidgeted with his paws. Looking back up at the wolf Elliot spoke in a quiet voice.

"How long have I been here?" The wolf offered a comforting smile.

"About five days," he pointed to Elliot's wallet. "When you sped off, you left your wallet on the seat. So I decided to take it back to you myself."

"That's when I found you. You were in pretty bad shape, bleeding from your head and other places along your waist and abdomen, and chest. I would have called an ambulance but I thought you might bleed out before they got here. So I picked you up and ran you to a friend." He stopped to scratch behind his head looking around nervously. "And she's a friend that I happen to be staying with."

"a-and so," Elliot hesitated. "This is your room?" He finally said looking up. Tyler nodded. "Yeah, but the books aren't mine though, they all belong to Mollisa. She's... very gifted with lots of things." Tyler said very evasively. Elliot nodded his head as if to say this made sense, when really nothing about his situation did.

"Are you the one who undressed me?" Elliot squeaked looking at the sheets of the bed.

Tyler was quiet a moment before speaking. "Well I'm really the only one who could even lift you. But I swear I didn't look at anything," he was blushing; Elliot could see the blush under the fur of his cheeks turning red. His face looked ready to burst under the pressure, and it made Elliot smile, it was cute watching the dark furred wolf squirm like a worm. He didn't need to really fear this guy, He was after all obviously very aware that he's seen Elliot naked, and the fact that he wasn't being smug about it was a good sign that Elliot was safe. But he was embarrassed to. It was as if he himself had been caught with his pants down. So He was compassionate.

"And Mollisa wasn't home yet so I called her and she told me to start getting you out of the bloody cloths. She was almost home so I did, I got a pair of my underwear on you because it was the only thing that would hug your waist and not slip off. I'm Sorry ok." The big wolf was swallowing now as if he was about to be scolded by Elliot for what he'd done. A blush heated Elliot's face to. He'd never known that he could have caused any kind of creature such discomfort, let alone a big strong sturdy boy like Tyler was.

At that moment the squeak of the door admitted another: Elliot looked up to see a tiny thing of a possum sitting in a wheelchair. Her pointed snout and nose was almost like the point of a drill gun. It was flailing and wiggling with her whiskers and her strangely disproportionately large ears swiveled like satellite dishes to point at Elliot.

"Well I thought I heard you talking to someone." She ticked at Tyler, and wheeled over, closing in on Elliot's side of the bed between Tyler and Elliot. She was looking Tyler up and down. "Well I'm glad I cam e in when I did," she was speaking to Tyler. "Because something's got your flees in a swirl."

Tyler rolled his eyes, "I don't have flees Mollisa, and you know it." He said crossing his arms and averting his eyes in embarrassment. Elliot giggled from the bed. "Well I can give you some, than the statement would be true." She said laughing along with Elliot.

Tyler huffed, and the possum in her wheelchair looked back to Elliot. "Well if you're well enough to laugh, chat, and weasel your way under Tyler's fur, then you're all right. Now let's take a look and see how everything is doing here she said, pulling the covers off Elliot's legs. One by one she pulled off the poultices and touched the flesh under them feeling around with her fingers. At last she moved to his head wound. Her little dot like nose wiggled as she sniffed. Then licked it, like Tyler had done before when he'd thought Elliot was still asleep.

"Elliot is it?" the Possum asked. Elliot nodded. "Are you a doctor?"He wasn't sure, that this woman was a doctor but he wanted to make sure and not be rude to the person that may have saved his life. She looked to be in her late sixties, and if she was a doctor than she had been one for a very long time and had more than enough experience with matters of the flesh.

"You could say that." She said not really answering his question. "How well can you move dear? Is it still to painful?" She asked. He moved his arms and after the Possum moved her wheelchair back enough he lifted his legs over the bed and stood wincing and wobbling again like the last time, but this time he felt lightheaded and quickly sat back down again. By the time the room was standing still again the possum Mollisa had vacated the room. Tyler was sitting on the edge of his seat ready to lung if Elliot started an unbalanced plunge to the floor. A tingling feeling deep inside Elliot's chest, it warmed and fluttered in his stomach. Again He stood, and again he wobbled and swayed then steadied. The warmth of Tyler's large warm almost hot paw had gently grasped Elliot's and held him steady. Elliot wanted so much to give into that warm passionate feeling. He was acting irrationally he knew, and he rationalized that it had something to do with his head being bashed in. nothing here about his situation seemed logical. That settled it in his mind. He would leave a get to the hospital and get checked out, after he got home for a shower that is. After that he would go to the police and file an incident report... then he would have an endless list of things to catch up on in his classes and he knew it was going to be a nightmare. Elliot was lost in thought as he stood there staring at the wall. His mind wandering through things... things that he knew shouldn't be his concern yet, he should be worrying about where he was and whether or not he was in danger from this guy... again he felt no hint of danger, nothing that told him that he should be running or at the very least vacating the premises; in fact he felt more like this Wolf would be here to help him and make damn sure nothing or no one ever laid a threatening finger on him again, and if someone did he would wrench open the very gates of hell on that person. Tyler was in front of Elliot now; his large roping muscled arm circled Elliot as his mind swirled in the chaos of thoughts and the battlefield of memories, and held him against his chest. After a moment Elliot blinked, he realized his head and ear was pressed against Tyler's chest, the rhythmic beat of his heart was like listening to the beat of intense music, it sang and hummed to him like a lullaby, the effect was calming and it disarmed him. He was melting into the warm rock like chest his. It felt damp. That's when he realized that he'd been crying. Tyler's arms were both over Elliot holding him tight. His head was over Elliot pressing down with a reassuring pressure.

After what felt like hours Tyler's warm breath whispered in Elliot's ear. "I don't know how, or why, we don't even know each other... But...I think... I... love you."

Elliot pulled back enough to look into the Wolfs eyes, his own eyes still damp. "I love you to."