Dirty Thoughts

Story by Carnoustie on SoFurry

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Adam glanced up at the clock.

He had been invited to his best friend Serina's to hang out and play video games, perhaps go to the mall later. He tossed on a new shirt, groomed his upstanding fur, and, deciding it was time to go, set off for her house.

Adam arrived and Serina greeted him at the door. They burned time talking, playing DDR, and drinking. They had gotten through several beers before Serina's mother got home. Luckily, Serina herself was an expert at disposing evidence. They were both seventeen years of age, but Mrs. Theroffin didn't approve of drinking at all.

The pair went to the mall for dinner, voraciously eating an entire pizza by themselves, washed down with ice-cold water. They were still having fun an hour later, but it was getting late and Adam couldn't stay forever. After about a minute or less of begging and pleading, which Serina was also an expert of, Adam's mother allowed him to stay the night.

The two were playing DDR at midnight, in a small, closed room with the fan on. Adam wiped sweat off his brow, jumping to the furious beats. Serina, also sweating furiously, was gliding much more gracefully through the song, and managed to hold a combo from start to finish. Adam laughed when it ended, seeing his pitiful score compare to Serina's. The wolf and the bitch gave each other a high five, having both survived one of the hardest levels from start to finish.

"Ugh. You smell so sweaty." They both said together, and laughed. "I'll go hit the shower first," Adam nodded and headed to the bathroom.

After stripping and spending several minutes in the shower rubbing soap against his fur, Adam got out and wrapped a towel around himself, playfully hitting Serina as she took his place in the bathroom.

Adam surfed the web on his friend's computer, before realizing he was bored. He could stir things up with Serina by barging into the bathroom. He knew the door didn't have a lock, and the shower pane refracted light so one couldn't see through it too well. Deciding it was too much fun to turn down, he stood outside the door, gathering courage, then burst in. He waited too long, it turns out, as she was stepping out of the shower right as he came in.

Almost before he could see the curves of her body, she pulled a towel off the rack and covered herself, glaring at Adam. "Why do you insist on doing things like this?" She held her rage in as best she could.

Adam scratched the back of his neck and mumbled a quick apology, although he was not sorry at all to have burst in, as much as he hated seeing his best friend seriously angry at him. He shuffled out of the room, all to avoid her glaring eyes.

Both were lying on couches in the living room a few minutes later. Adam was watching "Most Violent, Dangerous Explosions ever Caught on Film", and somehow, at the same time, Serina was gently snoozing. Adam turned off the television, and looked to Serina, realizing she was asleep. The most evil of ideas crossed his mind. He shook it off, not even daring to think it again. But the idea kept coming back. Knowing he would never forgive himself if he did it, he went ahead and followed along.

Adam crept upstairs to the medicine cabinet and took out some sleeping pills. He got out knife and measured up one and a half pills, the recommended dose for a teenage female for nine hours. Still not believing his own actions, he put them in Serina's mouth and gently rubbed her throat, stroking until he felt her swallow.

Adam was wagging his tail at this point. Leaning over the sleeping dog, he snapped his digits in her face. She nearly rose from her slumber, but then resettled, leaving Adam standing stock-still over her out of fear she'd awaken. A closer inspection of the pill bottle said thirty minutes would be needed for the medication to take effect.

The wolf questioned his morality for all thirty, then, throwing caution to the wind, he determined to make it as fun as possible. He dropped to his knees and looked up her skirt, before pressing his face there and gently pulling her panties off with his teeth. The smell being contained was overwhelming. Pheromones flooded the room, leaving it to smell almost like bleach, yet strangely arousing. Pulling her skirt up all the way, Adam noted that the bitch was in heat. How he hadn't managed to notice that all the time they were hanging out was a mystery to him. The folds of her sex were wet, red, and swollen, and, using his nose, Adam determined she was still a virgin. Adam wasn't going to ruin that for her. He just had some desires to be relieved.

Adam gently pulled her shirt up and off, then, tearing down his pants, he laid her on the couch in position for reverse doggy style. Licking her belly a bit hardened ten teats on her chest; they shown out through her brown fur. "Well," thought Adam. "Might as well get this over with." His erect member was pointing stiffly out, and he guided it to her tailhole.

Now, Adam did not in any way prefer rear to her womanhood. There are several reasons Adam was, though. Perhaps because of the fact that it's a smaller opening, or because Serina's in particular was pink and round and perfectly clean. Adam wanted her tailhole because he didn't want to impregnate her. They were friends, so he wasn't going to rape her so that there'd be permanent effects. This was a one-time thing.

Back to Adam, he was slowly forcing his member in. Once or twice he stopped, worried he was causing her pain, but he continued to make his way through. Once he made it to his hilt, he pulled it out again, at perhaps half a mile per hour. He pulled off this entire action again, before confident he could move a bit more quickly and smoothly. He, still slowly, slid his manhood in and out; Serina took no notice at all and continued her sound sleep. Adam leaned over her, and for whatever reason, kissed her. Perhaps it was to enhance the sexual feeling. Either way, he moved on down to her chest and gently suckled on one of her nipples, even though she was much too young to be lactating just yet.

Adam was speeding up, now hitting her forcefully with his hips every time he went in. His sex drive was through the roof, and he was no longer fully aware or even careful about the things around him. After a few more pushes and pulls, the small, muscular opening in Serina's groin tightened, either because of a dream, the intense feeling, or the subconscious knowledge she was being yiffed. But anyway, it tightened. This was all Adam needed. He howled, not quite loud enough to wake the rest of Serina's family members, and proceeded to paint Serina's insides with hot, sticky cum. This was the first yiff he had shared with a partner, so he pumped out as much spooge as he could, filling her up sufficiently for the first time.

Tired and sleepy, he dried her off with a paper towel and put her panties back on over a wet, dripping sex, inches from orgasm, but he was too tired to finish her off now. He lay down on the nearest couch, pulled his pants up, and fell asleep.