Guythreepwood Commission: The Weekend

Story by Crownedclown13 on SoFurry

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#4 of Commissions

so here is a commission made for Guythreepwood! Total words: 9871.

Edited by Arkarian

For my commission info see here

and without further ado, Weekend.

"You know what I found out from college dude?" Mike asked his friend, placing his tray on the table and getting settled "All of my high school teachers were liars. There is no way a single one of them found this harder than high school."

Allen nodded in agreement, squeezing some ketchup over his fries. "You're telling me. It's a month in and we have a holiday I've never heard of getting us out of classes for a few days." he picked up his burger, removing the paper wrapper that prevented if from leaking. "Some people are heading home for the long weekend, what are you up to?"

Mike and Allen had been friends since childhood. They grew up on the same street and although Allen's mother was skeptical at first, she couldn't have stopped her son from seeing the panther if she wanted to. Mrs. Frost was a protective single mother with three children. Allen was her youngest, her baby boy, the one who got the most doting which was impressive seeing as his older brother asked for the family car and she handed over ownership. So when her baby boy wanted to hang out with the brother of the local vandal she had a long conversation with the mother.

But, No problems ever really arose and Mike and Allen were fast friends. Allen, being human, grew much slower than his panther counterpart, but he didn't let that stop him from being regular childhood friends. All through school they hung out constantly, even when Mike went into sports and Allen went online. The star athlete was so popular he got Allen into all of the parties and no one gave him much of an issue. They handled different crowds but it never once became a problem.

Mike dug ravenously into his chicken and rice, the table wobbling enough that he slowed down so his protein shake wouldn't spill. "Sorry," he apologized, mouth full "Umm, I dunno. I hadn't planned on headed back north quite yet you know? I hate the drive. You?"

"Same, and I don't think I could handle my mom's badgering. She'd probably send me back with more lipstick kisses and food than I could carry." he chuckled.

"You carry lipstick around usually?" he friend teased.

"Only to impress the ladies of course." Allen grinned "You know me, I've got a harem."

Allen had only ever dated one girl in high school and it had ended rather abruptly. One day she literally just decided not to talk to him anymore. She told him later when he asked that it was because he didn't act like they were actually dating.

"Quite the chick magnet." Mike agreed between bites "All the ladies haha. I keep telling you that you really could if you went to the gym."

Allen groaned "But it's so much effort. I'm not fat so I don't care yet."

Allen was a fairly tall, slightly stocky human. He was not fat in any way, just not muscular. His light brown hair was cut fairly short, but not buzzed, and his eyes were a darker shade. His beard was trimmed and full, he didn't look like a mountain man, but it wasn't patchy. His wardrobe usually consisted of video game, movie, or music related graphic tee's, a hoodie or jacket of some sort, and jeans. Basic and comfortable.

Mike meanwhile was average panther height a foot taller than Allen. His fur was jet black and his eyes were a striking green. Like most felines he had lean muscle only emphasized with all of the weights he lifted and the regimen he had been in since Allen could remember. He was the back-up quarterback for the Pinewood Heights Panthers coincidentally, and was promised the position when the current quarterback graduated the next fall. Allen only ever saw mike in gym shorts and a tee shirt usually, switching to sweats and hoodies in the colder months, but the panther did own a flannel or two, some jeans and a Mario shirt Allen his given him as a gift.

The panther grinned "You won't be saying that when your metabolism slows down, and you'll be all over my case when that happens demanding tips."

"And you'll be right and I'll be wrong as usual." Allen finished, rolling his eyes. "Stop being athletic AND smart, it really screws us singularly talented folk over!" he joked, stealing the panthers protein laced drink "Is this the cookie dough one?"

"Piss off! These things are crazy expensive!" The panther snatched it back taking a long sip "And yes it is. You can have one when you go to the gym."

"Or the store." The human added. "But uhh, about that break?"

"Oh right uhh, I'm not sure either dude. Wanna just chill out at the dorm? I bet we can get a few drinks in and play some Mario Kart like the good old days."

Allen literally could not control a laugh and spit out some food, covering his mouth quickly "I seriously miss your basement dude. Those were the days."

"I seriously miss the vodka my dad never locked away."

"Cheers to that." Allen raised his Pepsi to his good friend.


It was almost painfully easy to get alcohol when you are under age in college. Probably even more so as an athlete. Mike had a bottle of their favorite Black Cherry Vodka and some Kool-Aid within two hours of them making their plans; then they both called home to their mothers about their final plans and about all the work they had to catch up on for various projects. Mike's mom was fine with it; Allen's mom almost had a fit about him not getting behind of his studies now that she wasn't there to hold his hand through it.

The two freshmen shared a dorm room which was nice thing to not have to worry about being freshmen in college. Allen's mom insisted he live in the apartment on campus, but seeing as Mike's scholarship could only be stretched enough to get into the suites opposed to the basic dorms, the two settled there.

The suites themselves were pretty nice. The floors only had three or four rooms on each with a shared bathroom. Each room had two beds and a kitchenette, and the two rooms would share a conjoined living area. As nice as it was, the building was old and had some odd features. The shared bathroom had three bath tubs original to the building, and while the rooms had balconies they were all blocked off with chain link fencing that prevented falls. Apparently the building had been a mental health center originally which explained some things including the film departments desire to always hang around the halls at night and sneak into the basement.

Their shared room was set up with a half wall divider between the kitchenette, dining room table combo, and the bed space. The patio door resting between the two beds and allowing a lot of light in. at the foot of either bed was a desk with shelving and a closet beside it. For an old building it was in fairly good shape. The walls were freshly painted and the carpets made it feel homely unlike the linoleum in the regular dorm halls. Plus it didn't have any weird smells.

Upon entering their room Mike stashed the vodka in the freezer and filled a pitcher with water for the Kool-Aid. "Think we should go buy some orange juice?"

"Not with the Cherry stuff. It tastes like that toothpaste feeling after a while."

"Ginger ale?" the Panther offered.

Allen nodded "sounds good to me. Do you know who is leaving on the floor?" he asked, flopping into his desk chair at the foot of his bed and booting up his laptop.

"Everyone I think. I didn't hear of anyone staying actually." Allen could hear the Panther stirring in the powder over his shoulder "Scared of Bloody Hanna?" he teased, referring to the school legend of the suicide victim who died in the Baker Hall Suites.

"Shove off cat." The human huffed, not a fan for horror movies or anything of the like. He felt big arms and paws grab him from behind and pull his chair close.

"It's ok big boy I gotcha." he teased, rubbing the humans belly quickly and laughing.

"Piss off!" The human fumed, hiding a red face. "I just don't like when shit jumps out at me I'm not afraid of ghosts!"

"All ghosts do is jump out at people!" the cat laughed, storing the Kool-Aid.

"No, Ghosts don't exist; movies have ghosts do scary shit." Allen clarified, fixing his shirt and hair.

Allen tried his best to hide his boner. He had known since the end of their senior year that he found Mike attractive. Muscular, funny, smart, kind, it was hard not to. Allen could not muster the courage to tell his friend and felt guilty about it ever since. He had wondered for a long time about why he never found girls as appealing as some of the other guys their age and he had his answer. There wasn't even a moment of denial when it clicked. Allen could not stop thinking about his best friend, and the panthers very physical nature did not help. did...which meant that it turned Allen on no matter what he tried to do to prevent it.

"Ok kill joy. Movies aren't real. I'm sorry you had to find out this way that Hollywood lied to you."

"Oh sure, Hollywood lies. The next thing you're gunna try and tell me is that Santa isn't real right?"

"You shut your dirty mouth and take that back."

"Make me." the human rebutted, looking back to his computer and pulling some internet tabs open. Mike responded faster than he anticipated, pulling the smaller human right out of his chair with ease, tossing him over his shoulder, and swinging him around.

"Take it back!" Mike said louder. His paws holding firm to his friend's rear and thigh for grip.

"Put me down asshole that's my butt!" Allen fumed.

Mike did not listen for a while though, secretly savoring the closeness with his childhood friend. It felt naughty, in a way fueling his will to keep it up. Mike had realized his feelings for Allen, unknowingly; only a month after the human had pieced together his affections himself. It was at a party after prom, a lot of people were wasted and Allen had come over to the hot tub where Mike and his date Lisa were and kept telling the cat that he loved him and he was going to be his buddy forever, even into college.

"I don't wanna have to not have you around you know?" Mike remembered the human stammering, sliding into the hot tub with his dress pants and Galega tee shirt. He turned to Lisa; the porcupine who was only a little buzzed and put a hand on her shoulder. "I mean this is a great guy you know?" he laughed "YOU know, you know all about that." the hot tub was full of chuckling jocks, laughing at the drunk nerd. "HEY! Hey did YOU know, this guy." he had put the flat of his hand over Mike's face, making his whiskers twitch. "Loves a foot rub."

Mike had tried to stop him but Allen had proceeded to tickle him until someone's date dropped her drink in the flailing that ensued and that someone tossed the human right out. Mike spent the rest of the night watching over his old friend, who kept apologizing and finding a way over to him to kiss his foot, apologizing to it for tickling it.

Whatever it was that clicked that night stuck with the panther into the morning, into that summer, and into college. He had always been a touchy feely guy even before, and had wondered if that was a sign he was always unknowingly attracted to Allen, but regardless it meant he didn't have to change his habits.

The panther laughed to cover a blush and put Allen down, back in his chair. He always felt guilty not telling Allen how he felt, but he wasn't sure how to start a conversation that would change a fact someone thought they knew about a childhood friend. "So Mario Kart right?"

"As always, then some Smash Bros."

"Oh please, if you can even make it past a set of races you light weight."

"I'm in college now, who cares if I'm too drunk?" The human asked half honestly. "I plan to make it to and kick your ass in, Smash Bros.


"That's four to two." The grinning panther mentioned to his fuming friend, pointing at the screen for affect.

"I'm aware." Mike huffed, taking another gulp of his super cherry Kool-Aid. "It says so right there in big gold font."

"You're right!" the panther sounded really fake surprised. "How didn't I notice?"

"Fuck off. I'll still manage to come back from this."

"At this rate? I don't think so. On any normal night? I don't think so. How do you ever think you can beat me?" The panther flexed his muscles as if they had something to do with his current lead. Usually they were evenly matched. It only ever typically fell into the favor of whoever got the other to lose four times. At four drinks their skills would slip enough.

"I usually win!" Allen whined. "And I ALWAYS win at Smash bros!" That was true. Even drunk Allen won most of the matches in that game. The panther smiled playfully "This isn't a fighting game though now is it?"

Whenever Allen was drunk Mike could not help but remember that prom party and how the human couldn't stop kissing his feet. It turned him on. He got hard before he knew why and took another sip in frustration.

"I don't have to answer that. It's my constitutional right." Allen informed him. "And I wanna play Smash Bros so I can get my bro smashed."

Allen was always a weird drunk. Random and incoherent one minute and incredibly witty the next.

"But we are in the middle of the cup."

"But we are in the blah blah blah blah blah!" Allen raised his voice "You just know I'll win!"

Mike shook his head "In your state I don't even know if that's true. You hit the four cups dude. You know that that is goodbye to video game winning."

Allen gave him a disbelieving look "Four drinks does not a drunk make. I'm hardly passed buzzed, not even close to black out. I just wanna play Smash Bros so I can win again."

The panther nodded and took another sip, "I DO need a reason to drink the rest of this. And Mario Kart isn't giving me one."

"Fuck you!" Allen burst "Ok how about this wise guy. A bet."

"What did you have in mind?"

The thing was with all the closeness to each other, neither friend really got to get any private jerk-off time. That said, Allen's mind was in a horny place for the alcohol to affect.

"Loser has to be the other personal slave all weekend. Do EVERYTHING the other says."

That peaked Mike's interest. "I'm listening."

"Stock match. Five lives. Best three out of five. Final Destination so we don't get some crappy map. Winner gets to be master all weekend. Starting immediately after the match. The loser will stay on call for the other all weekend if the winner even wants them to have free time. Only exception being you can't tell the loser to do school work or break laws."

Mike felt a normal friend would have told Allen to stop saying 'master' and 'slave' and just say 'winner' and 'loser', but the idea excited him too much to care about correcting his friend. "You got a deal you little piss pot." he held out a paw and they shook on it.

The two horny guys popped in the game and the battle commenced. It was painful how close it was for both of them. Both trying much harder than with the casual races earlier. Each round ended with the winner only having one life left, and now in the tie breaker they were in sudden death. Hands sweated against the controllers. Fox vs. Nes. The panther groaned, launching the little psychic into battle. They danced around each other for a while. Afraid of letting the other hit first. Allen almost threw his controller in his rage scream when a well-timed baseball bat took him out "GOD EFFING DAMMIT!"

Mike laughed and stood up, both arms in the air. "Thank Christ! Jesus that was so close!"

"I'm aware!" Allen shouted back, sitting and slouching back on the couch "Fuck. So close."

"Now you have to do what I say all weekend." the panther grinned, returning to his seat, the leather feeling like a throne. "Now apologize."

The human looked confused "Excuse me?"

Mike grinned, taking more to drink "I want you to apologize for questioning my skills. Fair is fair and that is what I want you to do. Doesn't sound like laws or homework to me."

Allen flipped his friend a big finger "I'm sorry your highness."

Mike laughed again "No no no, on your knee's peasant!" he didn't even know he was going to say that until he said it.

They were both quiet for a moment long enough for Mike to wish he hadn't said it. "What?" Allen asked, his face red with what Mike assumed was liquor and heat.

"I...well..." Mike started "I said kneel peasant. Apologize." The feline blushed but held firm. He was so aroused by the power he didn't want to take it back. He watched as his childhood friend got on his knee in front of his chair.

Allen had never been so turned on in his life. Not to porn. Not to magazines. Not to anything. This was real. He had to remind himself he had a part to play in this and it wasn't just a fantasy. If he didn't participate it stopped. "I'm uhh...I'm sorry sir."

Mike audibly gulped. Sir. The word made him purr. He stretched out his legs and leaned forward to hide his tent. "Now kiss my feet." It felt so wrong and so right and so desirable. He wanted this more than he wanted almost anything before.

Allen made a whimper like sound. He had been told about the prom party. He thought Mike was teasing him now and some part of him hated it while another didn't care in the least. Before he even gave it much thought he lowered his head to the floor and kissed the top of Mike's foot paw, and then the other. "I'm sorry I doubted your skills sir."

Mike shivered in the seat and let out a whine. He coughed and looked down at his friend who still had not looked up from his feet. It was unbecoming of a dominate fur to whine. "Very good." he tried to sound authoritative. "Anything else?" he asked, trying to sound as casually cocky as he could. Usually it wasn't hard for him, but these were abnormal circumstances. Allen still didn't look up. Mike heard something that made his fur stand on end. "Excuse me?" he managed.

"Can I kiss your feet again?" the human asked louder, looking up. His eyes were red, near tears but his face was firm.

Mike didn't know what to do or say "Of course." he managed, as if comforting a child, giving him exactly what he wanted. It was the only option the panther saw.

Allen gulped and went back to kissing his friends feet. He was so embarrassed. So ashamed he couldn't bring this up sooner. There was no way to walk out of here without talking about it now soo...

"Mike I'm sorry but I think I love you." The human looked up. His voice was not caught in tears "I've known for a while now and I don't want it to be weird and I couldn't think of a way to say it but I think I love you. Not like a bro but...well, as a brother but not just that. Like...i think I like you how you like girls and I hate hiding that from you." His voice was catching now. The panther didn't say anything "I understand if you are angry. I know you don't hate gay guys but I did hide it from you and I'm so so sorry. I didn't want to make things weird because I'd rather just have you as my best friend than lose you trying to be more than that. And I can't expect you to return this feeling because it's not something you can just change for a friend you know?"

Mike cut Allen off by kneeling with his friend and pulling him into a large hug. "Shut up." he mumbled. This only made Allen cry more.

"I'm sorry." he managed I'm so, so sorry."

"You have nothing to be sorry for." Mike closed his eyes. "I've felt the same way since Prom."

The room filled with the most awkward silence of their lives.

"What?" Allen managed, pulling out of the hug despite what his body was telling him. He looked up confused at his oldest friend.

"I dunno why, but I knew then that I had a thing for you. Which would explain why I don't sleep around a lot because women aren't really my thing?" The cat said, unable to meet his friend's eyes. It was too embarrassing to talk about his self-discovery. "I just woke up that next morning and it made sense. You were and are the most adorable, sweet, funniest and smartest person I know. How can I not want to be with you, you know? I just didn't know how to exactly bring it up."

"YOU were embarrassed to talk to ME?!" Allen boomed "Are you fucking serious? I mean, you had to know that you telling me you were gay wouldn't change a thing right?"

"Oh, and you telling me you were would have? Thanks a lot!" Mike boomed. It wasn't angry, just sarcastic.

"Well, I mean...let's be serious here Mike. I can't survive being gay. I'm a nerd you know? I can't even dress myself, I have a beard. You are at least athletic and attractive and shit!"

The panther was about to remark about how all gays weren't flamboyant when he stopped and blushed "You think I'm attractive?"

Allen gasped and held his breath a moment. "Well...yeah." he managed. Breathing again. Face beet red. "I'm not gunna sit here and tell you I might be gay and then that the soon to be star quarterback I'm coming out to isn't my type!" he stopped a moment "Well honestly I don't know my type, but you are in whatever it is. Who doesn't think you are attractive?!" he stammered and stood up to walk away flustered.

Mike grabbed his arm. "Don't go Al."

"Let go." The human whined. "This is all a lot and I want another drink."

Mike stood up over the human, his paws gently but firmly grabbing Allen's other wrist. "I said don't go. And I'm the master this weekend." he said, trying to make the most of the situation.

The human somehow blushed a darker shade. "But..."

"But nothing I won the bet." Mike said quieter, sitting Allen down. "Whatever my type is you are it too and I don't want this to be weird but I also don't want to squander it." he paused. "So we both like each other more than just buds. More than best buds."

"Yeah I guess so." Allen rubbed his forearm. It was adorable, the panther got a bit distracted. He looked so cute when he was flustered....anyway.

"So why not make the most of this weekend we have to ourselves." He stopped, getting to the worst of it "So from what I can still... want me on top right?" Allen stood up fast; Mike caught his wrist again faster. "Al? Please answer so it's not just a looming question. Nothing is going to happen tonight I promise."

That wasn't something he thought he would ever have to promise is friend.

"Jesus Mike...I...well yes but...look. I'm not ashamed to admit most anything to you ok? But now that you are directly involved it harder."

That wasn't the only thing. Mike knew his tightening pants would be soaked by now. "I'm still here. No judging. Obviously. Never have I and never will I."

Allen didn't hesitate after that "I'm kinda into weird kinky shit." the room was quieter than the human would have liked. He looked back over at his friend afraid he might have scared him off somehow. "Well? Say something asshole."

Mike was thinking to himself, eyes shifting a bit "What kind of shit?"

Mike sat down again, drinking what was left in his cup. "I like feet and leather and toys always fascinated me." it was getting easier to share. More like talking to his friend again and not like talking to a potential bed mate for the first time.

" me in leather or you?" Mike asked, noticing the same ease.

"Both. I've pictured you in leather a lot. Can I please go get another drink?"

"Get me one too."

"Yes sir." Allen hadn't even meant it in a dominating sort of way and shot Mike a glace after he said it "Uhh...sorry."

Mike gulped "Sorry what?"

"For making it weird." Allen said, pouring the drinks. Mike was beside him in a moment, his arms and paws wrapped around the boy like any other time, but in a whole new way entirely. Allen shivered in his grasp, dropping the empty solo cup. Mike's hands explored this time. Took careful notes of the places under his friend's shirt.

"Don't apologize to me this weekend unless I tell you to."

"Oh god." Allen breathed on the cat's whiskers and on his neck and in his ear.

"Master will suffice."


Once Allen dared to kiss Mike, everything escalated. The human wrapped his arms around his old friend, rubbing his back, one hand dropping to his rear, stroking the top of his tail. The panther responded immediately, both arms mimicking the human until he couldn't seem to contain himself any longer. With both muscular arms he expertly picked up Allen as he always did, easily and with grace. He might tease the human about needing to visit the gym, but he wasn't nearly heavy enough to be a problem.

Their tongues tasted each other in little doses, almost sharing the space at first before being comfortable enough to fight for dominance. Mike won. His tongue was just naturally bigger and while it was his first time with a guy he had more experience in the making out department.

Allen groaned under his touch, whined. He smelled needy, that musky scent that permeated the air. Mike couldn't divert his attention away long enough to decide who smelled needier, his own scent powerful. He moved Allen around before pressing the straddling human gently into the wall. Allen broke the kiss in the new position for just a moment, but Mike's mind was already steps ahead. He raised the human up higher and ran his tongue over his now exposed neck.

Allen shivered "Fucking hell..." he whined quietly. Mike took that as a request to keep going. His sweats managed to feel tight he was so constrained, so hard. The panther growled under his breath, walking the human into their room.

Allen's legs wrapped around Mike's waist. He held firm and tried to get at the large guys neck to no avail. Mike sat back on his bed, arms holding Allen up so they could continue to kiss. It felt so right, so natural and pure. This meant something, it mattered and it just clicked.

Mike pulled away, looking through the dark unto his man. HIS man. Somehow it was already established that with this, their friendship escalated. His filter changed. He noticed all of the great things he didn't quite understand about Allen before. The way his nose crinkled when he grinned. How his eyes shined bright with anticipation. Mike grinned to himself and turned them so Allen was the one belly up on the bed.

"This slave for the weekend thing could not have come at a better time." he said with his purr. "You do exactly what I say got it? I can already tell you like it. Were you always this submissive?" he teased.

"Not really, but it's nice to let go for a bit." Allen answered honestly with a sigh. Still a bit drunk he added "To be yours and not have to worry about my decisions."

Mike chuckled "Good. Now undress." he sat back unto Allen's bed, enjoying the look he got. After a moment of quiet he added "Did I stutter? What should I even call you this weekend? Slave is too awkward. From now on you are Mutt when I'm ordering you around got it? And I am Master or Sir. Understand Mutt?"

He nodded vigorously "Yes sir." at least he was a quick learner.

"Then strip for me. Don't keep your Master waiting."

The human nodded and, with only the briefest of hesitation he removed his shirt and socks. He worked slowly, as if mentally building up to the finale. Mike attacked the little human with his eyes. Ate up every inch of revealed skin. Admiring the natural muscle he did have, swept over the light hair that covered some of his chest. When the pants come off and his bulge stuck out so prominently Mike drooled. He had never been in such a situation in his life, but his body hungered for it. Allen turned away when removing the briefs, his ass was perfect. Some muscle, some jiggle and not too fat or nonexistent. His cock though hung proud and hard. He was a solid five to six inches if Mike had a guess; Mike knew he was longer, himself at a proud seven and a half inches, but he didn't have the girth Allen showed.

Mike did not ignore his old friend's obvious discomfort. He stood and moved over to the slightly hiding human. "You are beautiful." He said, out of character. "And packing, have you looked at yourself? Nothing to be ashamed of, you should show off more." he wrapped his muscular arms around his friends naked form.

Before the feline could think of what else to say in the moment of personal bliss Allen spoke up. "Can...Can I undress you now Mike? Uhh Sir?" he corrected shyly.

Mike remembered his role, not really one to have ever engaged in complex role play. "Uhh of course! But uhh first you have to earn it."

"How?" Allen asked turning and looking up. He really wanted this it was unbelievable Mike had never caught on before. "Please." he added for no real reason.

"My feet need some attention. It's been a long week of practice and they don't get nearly enough love." he said, sitting back again and spreading his legs apart, feet pointed up. "Love them Mutt."

"Yes sir!" Allen needed so little prompting Mike lost focus for a moment. The human didn't hesitate for a second before dropping to his knees and kissing the panther's feet. He purred again, the beautiful naked form, the object of his immediate desire was worshiping his feet for the opportunity to get him naked. He almost cut the whole thing short he was so aroused, but he was just beginning to enjoy it, and he knew Allen enjoyed it even more.

The human's eager tongue went to work fast over the pads of his feet. They played with his delicate toes and he even sucked on a few. As loud as Mike was purring he could still hear the human moaning on his own.

He loved those feet. Allen always had a weird thing for feet. Nothing was more submissive, such a sign of surrender and devotion than washing the feet. With his tongue no less. To clean where the manly panther walked in the dirt and all the sweat and he enjoyed it on a primal level. The taste was nothing he would ever see craving, the action itself he knew he would dream about for days. Had dreamed about for days.

He touched them with his hands almost more carefully than his tongue. He rubbed as best he could, hoping it would somehow help the beautiful, sore feet. He ran his fingers between the toes, massages the pads, tossed in a kiss now and then. Allen was in Heaven.

Just as it seemed he found a niche, Mike pulled his feet away and Allen looked up with an unhappy huff. "Dammit Mutt, you're so fucking cute." Mike huffed "Get. These. Clothes. Off."

Allen responded quickly, standing awkwardly and leaning over Mike trying to pull off his shirt. In his impatience the Panther tossed the human backwards onto his back, throwing aside his shirt and ripping off his pants. He realized what Mike felt for that final moment when his fingers rested on his boxer's waistline. There was only that slightest hesitation before excitement took over.

Allen stared up in pure adoration. The sleek black fur of his Master contoured his well deserved and developed muscles perfectly. Every motion was powerful and majestic. Every inch was handsome and masculine. He looked down, gulping in a slight intimidation as he was face to face with the Kurin Family Jewels. Mike's cock was clearly feline, rigged in ways Allen couldn't guess at without closer inspection. He wished he had paid more attention in health class or looked up more about his crushes anatomy. But his large hanging sack was pretty set in stone. His pair were simply huge, like eggs in a jet black sack. Allen could practically taste the musk that bombarded him now. His senses were not as acute as Mike's but it didn't matter at this range. He was drooling.

He was naked. They were naked. The two intertwined in another make out session. Mike lay over his little partner this time. He pulled Allen's right leg up so it wrapped around his lower back. His waist naturally ground into Allen's and the human moaned louder than before.

Then Mike stopped. He looked down at his friend who seemed to have to same idea at the same time. Neither of them knew the first thing about actually prepping for gay sex.

"We can save that for tomorrow you know." Allen whispered in the minute space between them.

Mike did not even think about agreeing. He was too pent up and wound up. He covered Allen's mouth with his paw. "Shut your dirty whore mouth. I'm not going to bed with blue balls Mutt. Would you want Master to have to do that? Huh?" Allen shook his head 'no'. "Good. Now we're on the same page." he paused. "I'm just saving your butt for another night got it? Its building up to a finale not chickening out because Master is not a chicken."

Mike cupped Allen's balls gently; the human still flinched at the touch. From there it was almost natural to move his paw up, grasping the base of Allen's hard dripping penis, he could see the pre in the night lights.

"Fuck Mike."

"That's 'Sir' to you." Mike said with very little conviction before he started stroking Allen's painfully hard cock. The human squirmed and moaned. Whimpered and begged. He wanted more and he wanted it to stop. He wanted to cum and he wanted it to last. He said nonsense words and he said Mike's name. "Silly Mutt, you don't even know what to do with yourself huh? Muscled Master. Muscled Daddy giving you what you want."

The human only moaned more, tossing in yeses trying to answer the question.

"Daddy. That sounds good too. Has a nice ring." Mike licked Allen's neck again, nibbling on it carefully with his sharp teeth. "Daddy is going to make you cum because he loves you, and then you are going to make Daddy cum because Daddy says so."

"But...But I love Daddy too." Allen managed. "Oh shit I'm....ummph!" The human whined like a bitch in heat and came all over his chest. Mike was practically drooling watching all this happen. He sat back and immediately started jerking off harder and more desperately than he had ever before.

"Shit!" he growled and sent white seed to mesh together with that already on his Mutt. He hunched over, the two sweaty and messy. Sticky and spent. It was euphoria neither had ever experience before. Mike looked over at his panting friend. Carefully he licked a single splatter of semen off his cheek, the only piece he could see off the mess on his chest. Slowly and with unsteady feet Mike grabbed a dirty gym shirt and whipped as much of the mess off his friend, glad the human didn't have fur to get matted. Then, discarding the rag, he hoisted the slightly quieting human up into his body again and relaxed back on a pillow. "Wow." he breathed out simply.

Allen chuckled and nuzzled comfortably and naturally into the panthers impressive chest. "You said it. Sir."

"I'm already looking forward to tomorrow." Mike said honestly. "But for now, despite the fact that your sexy body is pressed against me, I am off to bed. And you, Mutt, are not leaving my side."

"Wouldn't dream of it Sir."


Allen sat at his computer desk, more on edge than he could ever remember. The events of the previous night and that morning played in his head like some kind of distant dream. He hated how much he had drunk, it was making the details fuzzy, but Mike had done plenty to remind him that morning.

The panther had made them breakfast, casually explained the whole situation, explained their deal in case Allen had somehow forgotten, and gave the human a project for the day.

"Today Mutt, is day one of the long weekend. The last day I will be leaving the room for practice of any sort. It's the last optional practice of the season and I want to stay on the coach's good side." he stopped to have some of the eggs and toast. Allen wore a big blush, both of them still entirely stark naked. Blush or not he could not take his eyes off of Mike's form. He was even sexier in the day, the light showing just how maintained that sleek black fur was and how short it was it clung to him like a permanent form fitting suit. It reeked of dominance and power.

"You're mission today Pup, is to have a meal and a bath ready for me upon my return." he said simply "Nothing crazy." he went to his desk and returned with some money "It had better not just be pizza. I'll be back in three hours."

Mike nodded "Uhh sir?" Mike turned to him "Why three hours? Practice is only two."

"Nothing you need to worry about. I'll be grabbing a red wine so get something to go with that." Mike said simply, getting dressed and grabbing his bag. He stopped before leaving and pulled Allen up into his arms, kissing him slowly and powerfully. "Be a good boy." he whispered into the naked guy's ear before leaving him there to plan his day.

Mike had handed him fifty bucks, but Allen had delved into his personal funds. In total he purchased two large cuts of salmon; Mike's favorite, jasmine rice, the oil and herbs for the fish, dish soap so he could wash the dishes, some zucchini and squash, sherbet for dessert, strawberries and whipped cream as well as bath soaps and two super plush towels. Grand total a little over eighty bucks and totally worth it. Currently he had the vegetables baking and the fish marinating. The rice was ready and waiting, and the bathtub was scrubbed clean and half full so the wait wouldn't be too bad, and Allen was looking up all sorts of random questions.

He had so many questions about the ins and outs and ups and downs of male on male intimacy. It didn't help that he was being as scientific as possible to try and avoid the fact he was practically googleing how to have sex. He also made note of the multitude of sex shops in the area and found himself looking at a variety of underwear and leather attire. He groaned again, chickening out and closing the laptop.

He heard the old elevator ringing open on the floor. Trying to remain cool Allen didn't move from the computer and switched to a tab about some short film he planned on watching later. The door opened behind him and he gulped, still trying to follow old habit and not turn around.

"Smells delicious Al. Pup." Mike corrected. "Practice was a bitch I need to unwind."

Allen gasped when he felt the hands on his shoulders, rubbing them and then playing over the nape of his neck. He gasped louder when he felt the smooth touch of the leather around his neck. He looked down as if he could get a good look at it; he heard a jingle of dog tags. "You like leather right?" Mike breathed, "You like the collar?"

It was obviously rhetorical but Allen nodded anyway "Yes Sir."

"Is the bath ready?" Mike clicked the leash into place and gently tugged Allen up out of his seat. "And as a note I want to return to you in only underwear from now on Pup."

"I-uhh yes it is and ok...sir." The human stammered, gently resting his hand on the leash, rubbing it with his fingers "Mike how do you do this so easily?"

The panther chuckled and tugged the leash gently again, getting them out of the room. "You have no idea how long I've thought about shit like this. Now it's just a matter of living it out and see what is real and stuff." they were alone in the bathroom. "It was odd last night but today everything just clicked. Now, figure it out and stop breaking character pup. Oh, and you are Pup now, it sounds better than Mutt. And it's on your collar." he jingled the tag for affect, making Allen blush.

"Yes sir." he said simply, walking over to the half-filled tub and turning on the hot water. From there he added the soaps he bought special and inhaled the fresh scents. The box said they would sooth muscles and add shine to all fur types. "I hope the water is warm enough for you sir." Allen tried, attempting to find his role in acting it out. Maybe it was just something that needed practice for him instead of coming naturally.

Mike just smiled; it was rare that he ever saw Allen struggle with anything, so it was a particularly special treat to see him so flustered. His cheeks red and unable to be defensive about it. The felt the water and nodded. "Feels great to me. Undress me." he held up his arms and waited.

Allen responded quicker than last night, half from sobriety, half from eagerness. He removed the shirt and made no attempt to try and hide his brief adoration of Mike's body. Sweaty panther was somehow even hotter. The sweat on his fur just...umf!

Next came the pants, Allen made a small noise. Mike wore Jock straps. The front package bulged dangerously close to overflowing with hot and ready feline meat. Again, shameless or trying to seem so Allen walked a little circle around his friend to get a look from all angles. Just stunning. His ass was perfect and soon completely bare.

Mike was loving the attention, he flexed a bit for Allen before getting in the tub and letting out a sigh. It really was perfect and smelled amazing. "Good job pup, the bath is perfect." he closed his eyes a moment and took it all in. "Go find a wash cloth will you?" The human obliged, shuffling away and returning fast. "Good, now wash me would yah? I want a good scrub down; make sure not to miss a single nook or cranny."

Allen did not disappoint. He went about his task with awesome delight. He took his time, starting at one end of the tub; scrubbing each foot and leg, and made his way up the panther's surprisingly lax body. He took special care of Mike's package, still impressive even soft, his balls floating around in an almost comical way.

Sure he was bathing and supposed to be relaxed, but Allen was genuinely shocked at how Mike's muscles could feel at rest. The thick cords beneath his skin lay taunt, giving way ever so slightly to Allen's touch. He delicately tried to massage Mike as he scrubbed but he was unsure of the fruits of his labor until Mike turned his body around and specifically asked that his pup rub between his shoulder blades in particular.

Allen nodded, unsure if he could manage much intelligent conversation. Water pooled in the dips and waves of Mike's flexing back muscles, dripping down further over the expanse. It was mesmerizing. Not to mention the two firm cheeks beneath his tail that got extra attention. That made the cat's purrs audible above the splashes of a cleaning by hand.

"You're good with your hands pup." Mike murmured, facing away from Al. "It's about time to eat though right? I am absolutely starving. And that fish smelled so damn good." stood up, not even having gotten that shoulder rub. He must really be that hungry. With the jingle of his collar Allen grabbed the plush towel and held it up for Mike who stepped out into it.

Allen took the moment to hug the panther whilst wrapping the towel around his waist and snag a kiss. It was odd, but somehow natural.

"You are planning on drying me off first right?" Mike asked with a smirk. "I just got all that special treatment I hope it doesn't stop there. I was rather enjoying you touching me."

"Me too." Allen said under his breath, breaking into an embarrassed grin and burying his head in the panther's damp, but warm chest. Mike laughed a little and pulled Allen in close to him.

"You're so damn cute."


The dinner went off without a hitch, Mike fully impressed by Allen's ability to cook given the right ingredients. They shared some wine and cuddled on the couch watching some movie and more often than not, not watching the movie. They were still in, what Mike referred to as, the 'Honeymoon phase'. Everything was very physical in the beginning of relationships apparently and he hoped out loud that theirs would last even longer since they already knew everything about each other (that was apparently a cock-blocking phase every guy hated in serious relationships which he called 'Settling in').

"I was thinking." Mike started, looking down at the human leading into him; Vin Diesel shouting about something or other over the unnecessary explosions. "Tomorrow I really want to try...actually having sex." He said, trying not to use off-putting words like 'anal' or 'fucking'. "I just wanted to know if you were comfortable with that yet. I'd imagine this is just as strange and dazing to you as it is for me. I feel like I might wake up at any moment. I just wanted to know where you were with THAT topic. Being on the receiving end of something new like that."

Allen continued looking at the screen for a moment. Looking past it really, he wasn't really paying attention to the film. "Well, how do you know I would be at the receiving end?" he asked in a joking voice. "I might want to get up close and personal with your ass again you know."

"You already told me you wanted to, you bottom!" Mike grinned, shaking his friends shoulder, but pulling him close and kissing his hair. "But really. Where are you standing on that?"

Allen thought about it, wondering how he never really planned for it. He didn't have a clue about any of it. Condoms were still a thing right? Yeah for STD's and not babies. Mike was clean though right? Was it necessary? And how about the lube? God this was not something he thought he would ever have to think about really. Allen had all but submitted to the notion of marrying a woman to seem as straight as possible. He didn't know another guy he was actually attracted to anyway. Not for real and off the television.

"Well I guess we could not ask for a better time to try it out right?" He tried thinking logically. "No neighbors to hear our efforts of..." he was about to say deflowering his ass, but he blushed and stopped saying it. "That." he tried. "The first time. I'm sure we would want to be as alone as possible for that."

"So that's a yes? The plan is a go?"

"Roger roger." Allen saluted.

Mike grinned at his dorky friend. "Roger roger sir." he tossed in.

"Piss off Sir." Al mumbled.

"Oh really?" the panther replied immediately, leaning the human onto his back "Make me." He breathed into his neck, pressing his maw into Allen's mouth.


Allen started to lose his virginity before lunch. He was not allowed to leave the room that day so Mike was out getting them food while he was left to sit, ready for the panthers return, in only his underwear and his leash. He was also not allowed near his computer, to eat anything, or use his phone. Allen was left, focused for half an hour on nothing but his Master's return.

And boy did it get to him. He was hard as a rock, probably leaking like a faucet for what felt like forever. The anticipation was killing him. He played the bath situation over and over again in his mind. How beautiful, manly and just plain hot his panther was. God he wanted to just touch was so tempting. At the same time he wanted the idea of perpetual virginity to end there. He was already in college for Pete's sake!

Mike returned with bags of food in hand, he had asked that Allen be ready to help him with his bags. The human scurried over, tent obvious and leash swishing behind him.

It was a trap. That panther had planned it. No sooner did he reach for the bags did the panther drop them and pull his pup in close and press his tongue to Allen's more than eager lips. He moaned into it, let the dominating muscle inside and allow himself to be directed back into the bedroom. Allen had to say, he could really get used to the way Mike made out with him. The panthers paws groped and his tongue found ways to lick his neck and ear. Allen was left moaning and trying to take notes whilst in the glow of it all. Even the way his mouth always tasted like peanut butter, he was around those protein shakes so much. All of it left Allen needing and he was finally getting more.

Some part of him surrendered to the entire idea. He was not as anxious now as he had been just last night when they were talking about it. It was exciting now, long awaited, naturally desired on the deepest level. Mikes hand gently squeezing his boxers made him moan and squirm.

"You really were just waiting for this huh pup?" Mike spoke more than asked. They were back on his bed now "I had to do some serious research on the topic, but I finally found a sort of guide to gay sex."

"Where?" Allen huffed, unsure how he was supposed to respond exactly. His mind was a little flustered.

"I asked a gay guy."

Allen looked up at his friend "You did not."

"Totally did." the boxers came off and so did Mike's shirt. "He said dick sucking comes first, like some sort of courtesy. Like 'I might hurt your bum but at least I sucked your dick first.'"

Allen hardly had time to put two and two together before Mike had his paw on Allen's hard member and his maw wrapped around the tip. The sensation was phenomenal. It was warm and alive and intimate. The panther's rough tongue lapped gently and his cheeks and mouth milked the poor virgin for all he was worth.

"Oh fuck me..." Allen breathed; face red with a mess of emotions he wasn't even sure about. "Do all BJ's feel this good dude? Cause damn."

Mike laughed a little and pulled away "Stop making me laugh." their eyes met and everything stopped for a moment. A moment you just know the two of you have when it happens. "I think I love you dude." Mike said simply as if it were no big deal. "I've never felt this...right when I was with someone else. I've sure as hell never laughed during sex and DEFINITELLY would never felt that it encouraged me to keep going if I have."

Allen was at a loss of words. He sat up a bit, his hand, he realized, resting atop Mikes head. "You're the expert." he finally managed. "I wouldn't know what love feels like dude. At least comparatively you know? But I think I feel the same" he started to stammer "I mean we always liked the same stuff and got along and know wha-"

Mike kissed him again, hard and brief "Don't ruin the moment pup."

"Sorry guy." Allen rubbed his forearm unconsciously. Mike grinned and pulled the naked boy to the end of the bed.

"Rule two for gay sex according to my expert is lots of lube and protection. Pretty basic I guess." he said absently "But also a bit of uhh...massaging. He waved a hand in circles to find the words "Loosen the...inexperienced area."

"Fingering." Allen said bluntly, trying to use his big boy words. It would really make the whole thing easier not to beat around the bush.

"Yeah, that." he held up a paw "Already filed my claws so no worries." it truth it was him who sounded out of place now, but he still stood strong and put a glove on before squeezing the lube all over his fur. It was a common practice really; most fur brand condoms were actually sold next to or with hypo-allergenic gloves.

Without time to think about it Mike lifted Allen's legs with one arm and rubbed some of the excess lube over his exposed pucker. The human moaned and flinched a little, but eventually he got used to the sensation and Mike got comfortable enough to poke the top of his index finger in. With the sounds Allen was making Mike was getting into a system of working his finger in, keeping the depth and knowing when to progress further. It was baby steps, but it was progress all the same.

Allen was in paradise. At first it was uncomfortable, odd and not exactly pleasant, but at a certain point he felt (he assumed) the panther hit his prostate for the first time. All of the strange sensations became pleasure. He wanted more. He moaned and begged for it. Soon it was two fingers, and soon after they got in deep Mike was working them in and out of Allen's needy ass.

Mike liked the way Allen moaned. He knew, in the time it took to work two fingers into a virgin ass, what bending his fingers would do and he liked that too. His pup just squirmed and his cock just dripped constantly, a shiny stream ran down his cock.

But Mike was needy too. "I think puppy dog is ready." he told no one in particular, dropping his own pants and slipping on a rubber. With it pre lubed he slapped his large cock around Allen's very ready hole. It made a wet sound with every smack. "Master is ready." He lined himself up and just as gently as before pushed in and planned to slowly add inches.

That proved much harder than before. Allen's ass had clenched into Mikes fingers, but the sensation was utter bliss on his needy cock. "Tight. Oh fuck." Mike growled. He stopped moving, actually scared he might just cum then and there if he bucked his hips too hard. He wanted so bad to go balls deep. It was the absolute best feeling, a free ride with no limits.

Then he started purring, and Allen moans louder. "Oh god I can feel that purr..." he moaned, almost cried, hand stroking himself.

"I swear to god if you cum before me there will be consequences." Mike growled, baring his teeth against the human's neck who went back to gripping the bed sheets.

"YES SIR!" Mike almost cried, the motion sending another two inches of feline into his prostate. "Oh my feel so good oh my god..." he whined.

"It was so hot. Mike ground two more inches, in and out, slowly inching in more until...yes. He was there. With his first aggressive push he went balls deep, his massive orbs resting against the humans.

The rest was euphoric. Mikes muscles went to work with aggressive stamina, pounding and pounding into Allen who moaned and asked his master for more. At some point the panther grabbed his leash and turned Allen so he was on his side, one leg up high in the sir as Mike continued to work on him. They were both in heaven. Allen was under the complete control of a dominating man, in his place, safe and eager. Mike was taking care of someone that meant the world to him and he would not have it any other way.

"Fuck...I'm gunna..."

When the cat let out a primal roar Allen jerked off faster and more explosively then he ever remembered, their first night included. They lay basking in the afterglow, sitting in Allen's mess, just holding one another.

After some time Mike chuckled to himself. "I have your V-card."

"I swear to god you are a child."

"'I swear to god you are a child sir.'"

"I'm gunna kick your ass if you ruin this."

"Oh really?" the cat wiggled his hips making Allen squirm again. "Like I thought."

~~~~~~~ ``~~~

They fucked like rabbits the following day and people started coming back the night before classes resumed. It was soon official that they were together as a couple and with Allen's adventurous Kinky side; the honeymoon phase lasted long into their sophomore year with no signs of slowing.

New Beginnings part 11

So hereis part 11. ive been combining short chapters so im even closer to being past reboots and on to new materials! i will be posting a reference sheet in the near future as well as requested because honestly ill get lost as well! hope your winters...

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New Beginnings part 10

So here is part 10. im glad this re-boot is getting so much love. :) thank you guys for all the continued support! ## Chapter 10 Ricky's eyes opened slowly, breaking the bonds of the eye crusts trying to stop their progress. He stretched his legs out...

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New Beginnings part 9

so yeah, two chapters in two days. im finally finding my editorial groove now that the smesters over! feels good :D ## Chapter 9 Calper and the rest of them at the table seemed like nice enough guys for the few brief hands Ricky played. Ricky had a...

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