
Story by wbwolf on SoFurry

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#1 of Maya

The story started out with the opening line, as well as an attempt to try to write some something more naughty. A bioengineered vixen starts to become self-aware.

Written in 2010

They were built for pleasure.

She didn't question the why or how, but she knew it just was. Out here at the edge of known space, sexual partners were at a premium, so they had to be made. The workers had to have desires sated lest they became distracted. Distraction was fatal. Nor could they just let sexual diseases or unplanned pregnancies complicate the work. Each worker was an investment, and The Company had to get the maximum return out of the resource extraction these workers performed. It was not a place to raise a family.

The Company had first tried machines and toys -- biofeedback dildos and rubber pussies -- but soon discovered that those weren't enough for many of the workers. By necessity, the crews were of mixed gender, but executives were distressed to discover couples (or more) using the pleasure rooms or any enclosed space for their own copulation, and ignoring the devices and risks.

Next they tried pleasure robots, but there was some revulsion at the look: almost, but not quite human. There were also complaints about the robots just being too cold, even with heaters. In desperation, The Company tried to come up with something that would work, and finally a researcher hit upon some work in the late 21st century regarding the creation of animal-human hybrids. This work was illegal everywhere on Earth, so it was conducted in secret at a Martian underground lab.

Maya was a result of that research. She resembled an upright vixen, standing about 160cm tall. It was decided to make these creatures with fur so as to lessen repulsion. Granted, her eyes were larger, and her muzzle shorter to enable speech, which also reduced the complaints about bestiality. All parts of her were ample; breasts, hips, penis. It was decided early on to make all these creatures hermaphroditic as a means of economy. Maya and her five sisters (she thought of herself as female, regardless of the uncertain gender) were now scattered at various asteroid outposts, mostly just waiting for those times when a worker needed release.

With workers going on and off shift at all hours, the wait usually wasn't that long. In between, she'd clean her fur, eat some of the protein packs and drink some reconst juice that always had a slightly tinny aftertaste because of the recycled water.

For some reason, though, today was a bit slow. She could get by with little sleep, and she didn't feel sleepy at all. Given this was the only private place of any consequence in the facility, her presence here doubled as a guard against the workers trying to sneak in for some illicit sex. So it wasn't that they were relieving their sexual tensions elsewhere. So, Maya sat in her chair in her minimal clothing, tail draped across her lap, and waited.

Intelligence wasn't high up the list of priorities for these creatures, but they had to have some so they could talk and perform more than just rote functions. But previously, Maya had never really had the opportunity to just think. Even just finding amusement for oneself had never occurred to her yet, but as the time stretched from minutes to hours with no customers in sight, Maya began to fret.

She looked around her room, a place she never really left; it was all she knew. She had awoken from coldsleep here, all her necessities were here, and she had been kept busy by a steady stream of humans since. She felt no shame, no particular pleasure, regardless how she was used, though the flood of warmth after each orgasm was real, and helped spur on her partner for the moment.

Maya's tail began to twitch as time stretched on, and the walls of the metal sphere began to feel closer. Maya impulsively got up to lower the lights, if just for something to do. Then she looked around for something, anything. No, just a bed, a chair, a small closet for her few clothes, a chest that held grooming tools and toys that a customer may wish to use on themselves or her, cleaning station and a dispenser for food and drink.

The cold from the metal floor began to seep through the carpet and into her paws. Maya raked small claws through her fur a bit nervously. What was this she was feeling? She was confused and a little scared by this feeling she couldn't identify. It wasn't about sex, but something else...

Maya's ears twitched as she realized that she didn't know any names of the other people living there. Or even where she was. She had never asked.

As she stood by the entry, Maya could hear the familiar click of work boots on the metal plating outside. Quickly, Maya settled herself back in the chair, readying for herself for anything... but in the back of her mind, something had changed.

There was a beep and the door opened inward to reveal a male dressed in the standard issue white jumpsuit with blue accents and black boots. Like most that worked in deep space, he was of indeterminate age (and Maya didn't have enough experience to judge human ages anyway) and indeterminate race. His short black hair and brown eyes revealed nothing, other than a touch of nervousness. Maya idly noted that he hadn't visited before.

"Come on in," Maya purred in her usual invitation. Impulsively, Maya tried to see beyond the man, but only saw a blank wall of metal plate painted beige. Slowly, as if gathering his courage, he stepped into the chamber and closed the door. The hesitation was odd, in Maya's experience, since one had to be outgoing and decisive if you worked out here. All the men and women that made that journey to her threshold had quickly told Maya what they wanted, and Maya obediently complied.

Maya stood up, and reflexively swayed her hips and tail to show off her russet fur with the white blaze that ran from her crotch to her throat. The man looked Maya over, noting the bra and panties that did little to hide the bulges underneath. He then smiled and nodded to himself before saying, "Well, you know why I came here. It's still a little strange for me..."

Maya walked up to him closer. "I'm here for whatever you want me to do."

The man tentatively reached out to stroke the fur on her shoulder. "I've never been with anyone like you..." he mumbled.

"Few have," Maya whispered.

"I mean a... prostitute. Or however you want to be called...."

Maya flicked her ears back, "Never mind that, uh..."

"Mike," he offered reflexively.


"I know... everyone says you're worth visiting."

Maya privately wondered why she was having a conversation, but it seemed to ease him. "And what do they say about me?" she asked as she guided his hand from her shoulder and to her hip. She then gently rubbed his crotch and was rewarded with his penis stiffening underneath the fabric.

"That you'll do anything you can desire."

Maya leaned in closer to press her chest against his. "And what do you desire?"


Maya abruptly stopped, confused, her ears flattening. "Huh?"

"I haven't been out here for very long, but I'm not really like the other guys on my crew. Oh, they are all right, and the women will flirt with just about anything, but they're not really the intellectual types, you know?"

Maya took a step back. "Look, if you are looking for conversation, you've come to the wrong place...." she said with a depreciating laugh. Even to her own ears, it sounded a bit desperate, an unconscious echo of those first tentative thoughts she had before Mike came.

But Mike surprised her by taking a step forward. "I also came because I'm feeling horny, not like I've felt for months." He wrapped his arms around her waist. "But I can't just fuck anything that moves. I'd rather know the person. What is it that you want?"

Maya just looked up at Mike towering over her. "I don't know. No one has ever asked me. Even if someone wanted me to be a dom, it was because they wanted it."

Mike leaned down to kiss her gently, the fur of her forehead tickling his nose. "Well, I just can't be completely mindless. Tell me what you want to do."

Maya leaned up and kissed him, this time on the mouth. "Well, we can start by getting out of this clothing..." Other clients tended to move pretty quickly, especially since credits were ticking away by the quarter-hour. She figured she'd better move things along quickly herself.

He kicked off his boots, and let his jumpsuit and underwear fall to the floor. Maya looked him over with a practiced eye. Space work tended to make humans wiry, with the combination of fractional gravity and hard labor in the mines and drill rigs. Mike was no exception, and was part of the reason why Maya was made so soft; as a contrast. Maya was also rewarded with Mike's shaft was already semi-erect, and her own nearly in the same state. Before she knelt down to give the head a few licks, she wondered how he'd react to her double assets. Not everyone was quite ready for that sight, though all seemed to enjoy it in the end.

Maya then undid her bra to let her heavy breasts sway free, the black nipples erect through the soft fur from a combination of cool air and excitement. She then grabbed his shaft and stroked it to full length. She felt that she had to be gentle, but he still groaned as the slightly rough pads of her fingers gripped him. A few more well timed licks was enough to get a pearl of precum to come forth.

At that point, Mike lifted Maya's chin so he could kiss her again. She stood up, and he proceeded to undo her panties, bulging and slightly damp from her excitement. It didn't take long for her black penis to unfurl, starkly standing above her black nether-lips -- unobscured by her nearly-invisible testicles -- and against the white fur. Surprisingly, without hesitation, he returned her earlier favor, stroking her shaft and even giving it a few licks. Her clit got much the same treatment, and it didn't take long before the fur of her crotch to be soaked.

Maya urged Mike to stand and then led him over towards the bed. He hugged her from behind, his penis nestled just above her tailbase. "However you want it is fine by me," he whispered in her ear. She directed him impulsively over to the chair she had greeted him in, and had him sit down, his penis standing stiffly at attention. She then straddled him, her erection level with his face for a moment. He gave it a lick which sent shivers down her tail before she knelt down to engulf him. She took him in a single movement, her tits and penis leaning heavily on his chest. The combination was exquisite, and not quite like anything she'd experienced before. It wasn't just that she was being completely stimulated, but because for the first time she was truly in control and with someone who cared. That made the act that much better.

She placed her arms around his shoulders and began to lift her hips off him a slow motion before settling back down. He leaned his head down to grasp a nipple in his teeth to gently suck on it. This caused Maya to gasp, and speed up. He kept his mouth on her teat the best he could, while keeping one arm on her hip and reaching with his other to stroke her shaft, which by now was freely leaking. She was moaning loudly, her tail flicking over his legs, as she continued to drive herself up and down his length.

Mike's own hips started to buck and he groaned between nips on her breast. The heat in Maya rose until finally she burst, her cum splashing all over his chest and face, and vagina convulsing with a mighty ripple. Mike gave one last thrust before he cried out and let his cum spurt into Maya.

For a long moment, the two settled, still coupled as the warmth of experience spread through them. Silently, Maya then removed herself and then did something she had never done before; she kissed him. "Thank you."

Mike smiled in return. "You're welcome. And you're everything and more everyone says you are."

Maya took Mike's hand and led him over to the shower alcove to get cleaned up.

As he was helping her get cleaned up, Mike asked "So what do you do in your off hours?"

They stepped out from the recycled water and quickly toweled off. "I don't know. Until you came, that was the first time I really had any time to... think, I guess," Maya replied.

"I can bring you some books, in case you get bored. I know I'll be back."

"I don't know if I can read."

"That's okay, they'll have lots of pictures as well."

Maya smiled and handed him his clothes. He quickly got dressed. "I'd like that," she answered.

"I'll come back in a couple days and give you what I find, okay? Maybe then we can have that talk I promised."

She just nodded and saw him off. Maybe she was built for pleasure, but she could still build her own future.

The Other Side Of Summer V: Graham's Story

Graham had been blind since birth - he was born several weeks premature and his eyes never had a chance to fully develop. But to call him disabled was a grave mistake. Even as a baby, he'd crawl fearlessly around the house, touching and feeling...

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