Decisions and Sacrfice Four

Story by whipblade on SoFurry

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#5 of Decisions and Sacrifice Fic

chapter four



Decisions and Sacrifice



[email protected]

Part four

The red deserts of Mars is not the friendliest vacation spot. Threats of Saber Squids; monsters that lurked below the sands and grab pray from above with its three thorny tentacles.

Attacks from Sand Raiders; dog like humanoids that enjoy luxuries of slaves and finery. Then there's the winds and sand storms themselves. The one the convoy currently fought against to secure the crashed cargo ship. Brought down by the force of the winds and clogging sands, the small Plutarkian vessel rested on its side, her hull wide open, the cargo of creates scattered in the sand.

"Get those crates secured!" General Carbine ordered her voice being lost against the roaring wind.

Her platoon of 20 relied heavily on their motorbikes AI's and guidance systems.

"SIR!" Turbos voice filled with static hollered over the radio. "Ships engines are congested with sand. There's no hope she'll fly again!"

"Sand never hurt anything!" Stoker's voice entered the conversation.

"The turbulence and sand has over loaded the exposed computer components." Rimfire's voice echoed faintly.

"Salvage what we can!" Carbine ordered as she circled around the craft. The jagged valley rocks had torn hunks into the outer haul. Noting the liquid spouting from the ships cold rear made the recovery of the craft hopeless.

Squinting in the storm, Stoker frowned heavily. The blinding sands and raging winds ruled out hearing or seeing a pending sneak attack by either raiders or Plutarkians.

On a nearby ridge three large vehicles over-looked the crash site, obscured by the whipping sands. Their drivers waited for the opportunity to strike.

"Arr, mates. That be a shipment supply transport." The leader of the group said.

"He he he, was a supply transport. Just a bunch of spilled cargo. You want the cargo boss, hu hu?" A hyena type dog eagerly awaited an answer.

Dirty Dog shook his head in dismay. 'Slobber the Mutt always leaves me to train the pups' he acidly thought. "Nay, nat this time. We be lookin' fer a mouse to capture." The team leader stated.

"Hey boss." Dirty Dog's partner started. "That the General?" The Jackal pointed between the flying sand and ship.

"Arr, that be the one Gunner." Dirty Dog smiled patting his partner on the cheek.

For all the technology the Sand Raiders had, they still stuck with a theory: Anything more than two was too much. Each Stilt-Walker was equipped with two laser cannons mounted at the base of their rounded covered platforms, it took two to pilot the vehicle. The rusty red Stilt-Walker is two stories high. Two long legs jointed at the knees and ankles, the legs base is large and semi-round. Much like a horses hoof.

"Hehehhe, we gonna go fer da kill boss?" The young hyena eagerly asked.

"Arrr not dis time me lad. Der be a large bounty on de fine Generals head." Dirty Dog wiggled his vehicles control stick. "ATTACK!"

The three Stilt-Walkers started their mechanical descend over the red ground and into the storm.

"Secure those supplies!" Carbine yelled over the wind.

Most of the Freedom Fighters continued to tie down the supplies they could cart to their bikes.

"Stoker! Take the first 10 back to base!" Carbine ordered as she saw the first wave ready to leave.

"Gone." Stoker yelled back as he headed back towards the city. 10 Bikes behind him.

"Rimfire! Get your team into the ship!"

"Yes Sir. General!" Rimfire yelled back as he and five others boarded the ship intending to salvage what they could of crew and equipment.

"Turbo! Follow Stoker back to the city with the rest of the supplies!" Carbine ordered as the last seven Freedom Fighters were ready to head out.

"Gone!" The brown mouse Turbo answered as he lead the remainder back.

"General sir, the cargo caught in the debris field is a total loss." Streaks stated.

"Are you sure?"

"Positive. Its far too scattered." .

"What did we lose?" Carbine all but demanded.

"Crates of seeds and anti-rover missiles." Streaks replied.

"Take what you can!" Carbine shouted as the winds grew louder. "Take the others!"

"Gone" Streaks saluted before revving his bike. He motioned for the others around the ship to follow.

Rimfire remained as he waited for Carbine. Stoker would kill him if she was left alone. The snarling winds grew louder until three ominous shadows towered above the useless vessel.

"Yippy hehehehehe yahhooooooooo!" The jeers of the Sand Raiders rose over the winds, giving way to a mechanical whirl no longer mistaken for the wind.

"No!" Carbine cursed. "Rimfire! Get out of here! I'll hold these dirt bags off!" she ordered as she turned her bike around and started firing at the attackers.

"General! You can't hold them off by yourself!" Rimfire's voice crackled over the radio.

Carbine ignored her young officer as she strafed avoiding laser blasts. Her tail hitting the ships door panel.

The ramp started to close, but not before a lone biker zipped out of the ship.

Carbine heard the growl of a kin bike and cursed as she avoided and returned fire.

The hyena laughed as he started to fire down at the new Freedom Fighter bike. "Hehheheheh boss there's only two of them!"

Dirty Dog growled as a second bike joined the fight. "Arr, take them both!" He ordered his troops.

Rimfire didn't hear the Sand Raider behind him until it was too late.

"AHHHHHHHHHHH!" the young mouse yelled as he was forced off his bike that exploded, pieces scattering in the wind.

"Rimfire!" Carbine yelled pulling a U-turn. Her weapons firing at the Raiders who dared try to harm her friend.

"Arr, ye not be helping him pretty." Dirty Dog stated as he fixed his weapons on Carbine.

Carbine let out a scream as she landed in the sand beside Rimfire. The two laid motionless as three shadows fell over them.


Vinnie had tried to tell his bro that Throttle wasn't Throttle, but all it did was get his two friends upset at him. Neither one was going to tell their tan bro what Vinnie had said, but it didn't matter to the white biker mouse. The damage was done and neither of his friends believed him.

Vinnie ran his rag over his headlight. 'There has to be a way to prove that Throttle isn't what he appears to be.' Tossing the rag as he stood up, hopped on his bike and drove off with a plan.

Modo couldn't help but notice the lack of tires squealing or the radio blasting as Vinnie left. Getting up from overhauling his bikes engine, he strolled to the office where Charley girl had barricaded herself.

Rapping the door gently he peered in "Everything alright Charley ma'am?"

"No Modo." she sighed "It's not. I just can't get what Vinnie said out of my head. It's not like him to say anything like that about anyone." Charley admitted.

"I know, Darlin'." Modo sat on the edge of her desk.

"Since Throttle came back those two have been fighting you can almost feel the tension. It's a good thing Limburger isn't up to something or Vinnie just might not be riding with you."

"I dunno Charley ma'am, even when Vinnie was moody back on Mars he seemed ta follow orders." Modo said thoughtfully.

"But how was he after Karbunkle got a hold of him the first time?" Charlene asked looking up at the big gray Martian.

"He was.." Modo paused "Moody." he gave the human a sheepish grin. "We were all dealing with our own wounds to really notice."

The human female was quiet for a moment. "Could he be just acting out because Throttle brought him to Karbunkle?"

"He might be" Modo's low voice was barley audible.


Carbine's eyes narrowed as the Sand Raider held her face in his hand.

"This be a fine pretty. Worth more than mere slaves." His sick breath beat against her face.

She spat at the Sand Raider leader. "You filth won't even get that for me." Carbine snapped.

Rimfire groaned as he started to come around. His brown eyes fluttering open only to find himself amidst a Sand Raider outpost. Beside him Carbine argued with a drool dog.

Hands chained behind his bare back, chains around his bare ankles, Throttle stood miserable in front of the transporter. His pants he was thankful Limburger let him have. But the muzzle around his snout was irritating. His missing shades and inability to see clearly made walking difficult. Throttle grunted as he was pushed into the transporter along with Limburger and Karbunkle. Grease pit was standing on guard once they reached their destination.

Throttle couldn't believe it. MARS! He was on Mars! Being shoved ahead of Karbunkle the barefoot mouse started to walk feeling the warm sand under his furry toes.

"Ahh, dear Sand Raiders, good to see you again." Limburger said in greetings to Slobber the Mutt. "And you have the female as well. Splendid name your price."

Karbunkle chuckled evilly as he inspected Carbine.

Throttle was shoved to the ground as the two other Sand Raiders surrounded him.

"Har boss, it's that mouse that tore up our camp last time with those other two." Dirty Dog laughed kicking Throttle in the ribs.

"What!?" Slobber the Mutt snapped pushing the hyena out of his way. He grabbed the tan mouse by the choker chain collar, pulling him up to face level. "Ayy, it be that very mouse the Stalkers been lookin' for too." Keeping Throttle close Slobber turned to the Plutarkian.

"You have yourself a deal. For this fine mouse the other one we captured you can consider a gift."

Limburger's eyes nearly popped out of his head in glorious surprise. "Yes, and just what other mouse is that?" he asked trying to stay skeptical.

Gunner shoved Rimfire out from a tent.

"He will do." Limburger said passively although he was more than excited. "Come along doctor. We haven't got all day."

"Yes, of course your over ripeness." Karbunkle said.

"Grease pit! Grab those two mice." Limburger ordered as Karbunkle activated the hand-held relay transporter.

"Get your oily mitts off of me!" Carbine snapped.

Throttle's eyes widened at her voice, he tried to call her name only to have the muzzle interfere.

As Rimfire was shoved into Greasepit's hands, the two Martian mice saw Throttle, before either could say a word they vanished in a flash of light.

"Gunner, contact the Stalkers. Tell them we have their trophy." Slobber the Mutt said with a wicket grin.

The hyena laughed hysterical as Gunner headed to the main tent and its radio.

Carbine and Rimfire sat in the same cell as Vinnie and Throttle had been in. They looked nervously at each other as Karbunkle prepared whatever experiment he intended to preform on Carbine. The deranged scientist continued to rant about a personal army to finish off the Biker Mice.

"General" Rimfire whispered.

"Yeah Rimfire?" Carbine whispered back.

"Did you see Throttle on Mars?" The grayish cream mouse with black hair and a yellow streak down the center of his hair asked his commander.

"Yes Rimfire, I did." Carbine sighed. "What is going on here?"

"I don't know, but I don't think I'm gonna like it." Rimfire replied.


Stoker watched as the last of the team entered the military compound, all were accounted for...except two. "Where's General Carbine and Officer Rimfire?" He demanded from Streaks.

"Sand Raiders attacked us and they went to give us time." Streaks said.

Stoker frowned as he looked towards the desert and the calming storm. "Lieutenant, gather some troops, we're gonna find the General and Officer."

The dark brown mouse standing behind Stoker saluted before turning and running off.

The red desert settled covering much of the fight that took place. The only thing Stoker and his party could find was two mangled standard issue Freedom Cycles, a crushed Plutarkian cruiser and a mangled rover.

"Stoker sir, should we call it in?" Streaks asked.

"Not yet boy. We better check out the local Sand Raider camps. There might be a chance." Stoker solemnly looked over the waste land. "Split into teams, we'll cover more ground."


Throttle turned off the radio and stood up upon hearing a bike entering the pad. The sleek red racer skidded to a stop, its rider pulling off his helmet and whipping it onto the floor. To say the least, Vinnie was furious.

"You told them didn't you?" Throttle's sarcastic sneer echoed.

"Duh!" Vinnie snapped dismounting his ride.

"They didn't believe you." Throttle stated rather than question.

"Ya think!" Vinnie shot back kicking the basket ball out if his way. The orange ball sailed threw the air bouncing off the far wall.

Throttle ducked as the ball whooped over his head bounced off another wall then landed on the table before dribbling off to the side.

"I told you not to tell Vincent."

"Don't call me that!" Vinnie growled as he closed the distance between him and the imposter. Fists clenched and jaw set, Vinnie was determined to finish it right there and right then.

Throttle smiled as he watched Vinnie approach. "You couldn't beat me if I was blind folded with my hands tied." He snapped shifting his form. The 7 foot brown and grey rat stood where Throttle once did. "Come on, give me your best shot." He dared.

"Oh, Believe me sweetheart, I intend to." Vinnie snarled as he leapt at the rat.

Rat-Stein looking like Mace was well prepared as he side stepped the white mouse, grabbing the smaller rodent by the belt.

"OOOOF!" Vinnie found himself suspended mid air then slammed against the floor. "UGH!"

"Take it easy Vincent. It wont hurt as much this time. I promise." Rat-Stein said shifting his form back to mimic Throttle.

Vinnie lashed out while being held down with the doppelganger kneeling on his back. Throttle easily slapped away Vinnie's flaying limbs.

Vinnie's tail whipped up wrapping around the doppelgangers throat then tightening. "NO!" Vinnie yelled as he pulled back, the tan mouse gasped for air, his hands grasping at the white tail around his neck. With the weight diverted, Vinnie flipped over, loosened his tails hold, he then kicked Throttle in the gut with both feet. The tan mouse sailed backwards landing hard against the television set. The electrical item crashed to the floor. The small electrical explosion and shooting sparks backlit the rats true form, he stood winded.

"You'll pay for that mouse!"Rat-Stein threatened.

"Yeah! And you'll pay for pretending to be my bro!" Vinnie screamed back running towards the rat. But instead of tackling, Vinnie whipped out a flair, struck it on his jeans lighting it then jumped into the air and cut a chain dangling above the rats head. He flipped over his foe and landed softly.

Rat-Stein spun around only to have an engine pulley plowing into the back of his head. The rat went down for the count.

Vinnie stood over the still rats form. "I wonder if you told ol' stink fish where we are yet." He pondered while chaining up the enemy. "Now maybe Modo and Charley girl will believe me."


Throttle, even without his field specs, knew the Sand Raiders were drunk. The off-planet booze had been courtesy of the Stalkers the first go around. With an occasion such as this, the Sand Raiders supplies would be re-stalked in no time. Using his tail as a pick, he squinted trying to make sure none of the dogs were watching him. "Who'd guard a blind mouse any ways?" Throttle acidly thought aloud.

The pole he was chained to was pretty standard, but still too large and heavy to drag around in the desert. Once he heard the click and felt the lead chain fall away, Throttle started to ease away from the pole, hoping he was running the right way, towards something other than Stalkers or Sand Raiders.

The cool sand seemed to slow his pace, but he didn't dare stop running. His feet were free of chains, but his hands were still bonded in cuffs. He knew it was getting darker as Mars rotated away from the sun. He knew he could see better in the dark without his shades, but not much. Karbunkle's new optics didn't seem to be an improvement from his damaged eyes. Other than he could see more defined lines and shadows.

Loud rumbling in the distance made Throttle alter his course slightly. He was a very visible target in the flat red desert, but if he could just out distance himself somehow. He knew behind him was Raiders, and obviously to the east of him as well. Who else would waste valuable resources in the vast flat plains with nothing but Saber Squid targets?

Stoker and Streaks jumped a ridge before landing harshly in the sand fish tailing slightly as they road hard and fast towards the last known and the nearest Sand Raider camp. Stoker was focused on the sand ahead of him while Streaks kept an eye out for anything else.

"Stokes! 8 o'clock!" Streaks yelled.

The elder mouse turned his attention to the side position. The figure running was obviously a mouse, it could even be Rimfire, or Carbine with a very sorry hair cut.

"Let's check it out. Who ever it is might have some info on the General." Stoker replied maneuvering his bike towards the running figure. Steaks following.

Throttle panted as the sound changed direction heading for him. He cursed around the muzzle before tripping, landing with a belly flop, Throttle rolled onto his side, sitting up he saw he didn't trip over anything rather something had tripped him. A tentacle raised from the ground followed by another and another. Soon eight tentacles wiggled out of the sand. "Ommmfkkm" Throttle cursed as the two Saber Squids rose out of the red desert floor.

Stoker and Streaks didn't slow down as the Saber Squids made its present known. "Grab the mouse! I'll distract the 3 headed monsters!" Stoker ordered.

"Gone!" Streaks replied as he laid down the hammer and sped towards the fallen Martian. He didn't realize just who it was his tail wrapped around and set on the bitch seat behind him. All Streaks knew was the mouse was tan, dirty, muzzled, wore chains and pants. That was all.

Throttle never felt so relived as he did when that tail secured him behind a fellow Freedom Fighter. He rested his head against Streaks back as they raced to safety.

Stoker yelled triumphantly as he fired his laser blasted at the first squid. The huge red monster ignored the down prey as it focused on the new prey that attempted to bite off more than it could chew. Stoker spotted Streaks with passenger fleeing, spinning his rear tire, Stoker kicked up sand into the monsters face before revving off. The second squid was already on the move but not towards the fleeing mice.

The first Saber Squid roared in anger but did not give chase as more bigger targets entered the desert from the north. It started towards the large loud vehicles of the Sand Raiders, quickly catching up to the other squid.

Streaks skidded to a stop once he was safely out of the Saber squids territory. "Kay stranger. Lets here what you have to say." Streaks said as he turned around undoing Throttle's muzzle.

"Thanks." Throttle's sandy voice said.

"Your welcome." Streaks replied as he unlatched the shackles and chains binding Throttle's wrists. "What are you doing way out here in the middle of no where?"

"Funny, I was gonna ask you the same thing." Throttle replied stepping off the bike. The desert was dark, the night chill and cold winds started to roll in.


The tan mouse turned around at the familiar voice. His once mentor dismounted and removed his helmet. "Stokes!" Throttle shouted with a smile. "Ahh man!, its good to see a familiar face."

"Tell me about it rookie." Stoker smiled, wrinkles appearing at the corner of his eyes. "But what are you doing on Mars?"

"Believe me, you don't want to know." Throttle groaned.

"Yes I do son." Stoker snapped.

Throttle sighed and looked towards Streaks. "Fine, but first tell me why you two are in the middle of nowhere."

"Sand Raiders ambushed a supply shipment. Took Carbine and Rimfire." Stoker said sourly.

"That explains it!" Throttle said pounding his fist into his open palm.

"Care to fill us in?" Streaks muttered in annoyance.

"When Limburger brought me here, I was traded for Carbine and Rimfire. Now it makes perfect sense. The only wild card tossed in would be the Stalkers heading to Mars." Throttle muttered, his tail lashing.

"Hop on son. You can explain on the way." Stoker said knowing how Throttle's brain worked.

The tan mouse climbed onto the back of his old teachers bike. Stoker followed Streaks who was determined to report General Carbine and Officer Rimfire's current Earthly location.


"Karbunkle, activate the remote transporter and get that mouse back here. Lord Camembert expects him as a gift" Limburger's voice demanded from the intercom.

"Yes your over ripe cheeky er cheesiness." Karbunkle wheezed as he pulled out a silver box from his over stuffed pocket. Pressing a button he watched the large transport unit activate.


The Martian city, or what was rebuilt of it any ways, was finally visible. Two peeking towers surrounded by various other buildings were shadowed by the double moons. Throttle whistled in awe at the sight.

"A beaut ain't it?" Throttle heard Stoker say.

"Yeah, it is." Throttle smiled. He couldn't get over how the new city represented the new era of Mars. Only if there were enough mice to repopulate it. "What's the population at?"

"'Bout three thousand." Stoker replied mournfully.

Throttle frowned.

Streaks dust trail was almost to the city when a yellow haze fogged their vision.

Throttle lost sight of the red city. Blinding brightness of blue and yellow filled his vision, when the light faded he was looking at a new sight, the receiving end of about thirty guns.

"Guess we aren't on Mars any more." Stoker said with a sigh as he raised his hands.

Throttle frowned and did the same. "I'm getting really tired of seeing the inside of this lab." He snarled as he was pulled from the bike by a greasy hand.

"Duh, don't worry. You wont long." Grease pit laughed tossing Throttle into a very small single cell.

Stoker was equally treated into a already filled cell.

Carbine and Rimfire were ready to make a break for it as soon as the door opened, however, just as they were rushing the goon, Stoker was tossed in landing harshly on both occupant.

Carbine roughly shoved Stoker off of her, before she could get to her feet, the door clang shut.

Stoker rolled off of Rimfire.

"Welcome to the party." Carbine greeted dryly.

"You alright?" Rimfire asked concerned helping the older mouse up.

"I'm fine boy." Stoker huffed as he got to his feet brushing the Martian and Earth dust from his pants and fur.

Throttle glared at the Plutarkian disguised as a Human.

The Plutarkian smiled back gleefully. "Ahh, my dear Biker Mouse, what an unpleasant surprise to see you once again in this humble little lab. Your comfort is not of my concern, but I a sure you it will be of lord Camembert's on Plutark."

"Fuck you." Throttle growled.

Rimfire snickered from the other cell.

"Shhhh" Carbine and Stoker hushed the youth.

"Ah, but you have no choice my furry captive. You see, I have the ace in the hole to say. I have your friends behind bars, I have a spy amidst your bros and at any time you fail to cooperate, I'll kill them. One by One." Limburger finished with an evil laugh.

"You wont get away with it you smelly Plutarkian!" Rimfire shouted.

"Quiet boy." Stoker again hushed the youth pulling him back from the bars.

"You'll be stopped. Maybe not by me, maybe not by my bros, maybe not even by mice. But you'll be stopped eventually" Throttle declared.

"Oh, but even if I am. Eventually can be a very long time. Chicago and most of Earth won't be salvage-able. In deed boy, let them try. Let them all try. For Lawrence Lactarius Limburger will not be so easily defeated." The fat man in a purple suit stated proudly. "Now, Karbunkle, if you will kindly subdue this mouse." Limburger order.

"Uh, right away your overly ripeness." The humanoid doctor with an abnormally large head stated with a hiss. Pulling out a gun from a drawer, he loaded with three darts and stepped towards Throttle's cell.

Throttle stood firm, glaring at the villain he knew would be touching him and torturing him yet again. His only hope was it wasn't in front of his friends.

Carbine winced when the gun went off. The slight groan from Throttle was all they heard before a dull thud of dead weight hitting the hard floor sounded.

Stoker and Rimfire let out a breath as Throttle's cell door was opened and his limp but alive body was dragged out by Greasepit.

"Duh, where you want him?" The 7 foot oily pored goon questioned.

"Put him in the other room!" Karbunkle ordered Greasepit. "With all the trouble he's been, should just finish him off." The scientist muttered passing by the cell of three.

"Carbine, what do you think they are going to do to him?" Rimfire asked worried.

"I'm not too sure." She answered trying to figure out how to get out of the cell. Stoker continued to test the bars.



January 07 2004

[email protected]