Decisions and Sacrfice Eight

Story by whipblade on SoFurry

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#8 of Decisions and Sacrifice Fic

Summary: Vinnie befalls serious injuries during a fight with Limburger's henchmen, Throttle makes the ultimate sacrifice to ensure his bro's care. However the evil of Karbunkle and Limburger spins out of control as they import a new shape-shifting villian in. Rat-Stein takes Throttle's place among the Biker Mice, Trouble brews. Meanwhile Carbine and Rimfire are captured on Mars, along with Stoker are brought to Earth.

Twists and Turns soon lead to Throttle's entrapment on Plutark where he finds Harley.

Unknowing about Harley; Stoker and Carbine along with the remaining Biker Mice attack Limburger Tower storming headstrong into the transporter and to Plutark.

With rescue comes trouble as Harley and Carbine escape, but Throttle and Vinnie find themselves alone on a space ship with an old foe.....


Enter The Ikkywara.... but will they save two Martian mice after what Mace did to them?



Decisions and Sacrifice's



Part Eight

Vinnie was looking around the peculiar cargo hold. The amount of weapons was far more than a restocking of soldiers on some distant planet. The variety of weapons was puzzling as well, they weren't all Plutarkian laser rifles. There were creates of Martian Army surplus, of Earth ammunition and guns, Earth grenades, Martian rat weapons and other supplies from unknown origins. The smell, it wasn't all Plutarkian's, sure there was a scent of them, but only a few. Some rat scents and two different scents that Vinnie couldn't place. Even planet hopping to compete in races, Vinnie couldn't recognize the smells.

Throttle rolled over onto his side, with a sigh the still tender mouse ran his tawny fingers gently over the red paint on Vincent's sleek bike. Throttle wondered how his bike was coping, and if their bros were searching for them.

"Hey!" Vinnie yelled followed by a loud crash. "I found the mother load of electronics!"

Throttle stood up, Vinnie was busy tossing the packing out of the create but Throttle caught a glimpse of a laptop.

"Hold up bro." He said reaching into the create. "Earth computer. Interesting." Throttle hummed as he carried the laptop back to their makeshift hut.

"A computer?" Vinnie snorted, his eyes rolling. "Yeah that's interesting." he continued to dig in the create.

Throttle shook his head. Turning on the laptop he frowned. It had power, but not enough. Glancing over to Vinnie who wasn't paying attention. Throttle hooked the computer to the bikes transmitter unit.

  • Access Mars Data-

-Accessing- granted.-

-Access Martian Mice Freedom Fighters HQ computer-

-Accessing granted. Please enter ID name and number-

-Throttle, 063-26-5 -

-ID accepted, welcome Throttle. Which division would you like to access?-

-General Carbine's personal unit-

-Accessing granted. -

The screen changed to that of an e-mail screen.

Subject: Throttle and Vinnie


You there?


-Sending message-

-Message sent-

The screen changed again to a chat box not even a minute later.

Carbine: Throttle?

Throttle: hey babe!

Carbine: Your alive!

Throttle: You expect less?

Vinnie dragged out some speakers and sound equipment but nothing to hook it up to. Tossing it all back into the create untidy and replacing the packaging messily on top. Vinnie replaced the lid and read the label.

"To: Outer Rings Depot.

From: Plutark"

With a shrug Vinnie looked over his bros shoulder and the text that was being written. "We're headed to some place outer rings." Vinnie mentioned as he roamed around the large cargo hold.

"You sure?" Throttle asked looking up away from the screen.

"That's what most of these creates are labeled with." Vinnie replied.

Throttle frowned as he returned to the screen and typing.

Carbine: Where are you?

Throttle: Heading to the Outer Rings quadrant.

Carbine: Where?

Throttle: The Outer Rings. It's a series of planets that Plutark has occupied; with the help of Tug Transformers; they were brought into Plutarkian space.

The planets being with in easy reach, were completely stripped of all resources and the native populations practically eradicate,

the remaining populations of the destroyed planets banned together, although too few to attack Plutark directly, the populations rebuild what they could. Naming themselves Outer Rings, they started a task force to attack Plutark indirectly. The task force itself is rarely seen and only whispered about by the Plutarkians'. It's called the Ikkywara.

Carbine: Isn't that a cheese?

Throttle: Was.

Carbine: Was?

Throttle: on Earth long, long ago, Knights carried a damp cloth containing cheese as a ration. It's now extinct.

Carbine: A task forced named after Cheese?

Throttle: the Plutarkians are.

Carbine Good point. What do the Outer Rings consist of?

Throttle: Last count, 48 uninhabitable planets, 5 space stations, 1 planet with an underground habitat. 1 planet with above ground artificial habitat, 12 working space ships. 53 different species 3 being rats.

Carbine: Where are they located?

Throttle: Plutark, not wanting their sky polluted by various rock clumps decaying in their atmosphere, opted to Tug the planets to a more comfortable distance. Rather than mere miles from their own soil, the planets were mere billion miles. Pretty much the distance between Earth and Jupiter.

Carbine: How do they move about?

Throttle: Living close to Plutarkian air space, the Cadets and Outer Ring citizens had to improvise in their traveling methods. They designed cloaking devices, re-designed transporters, re-modified personal transport devices and used an altogether different frequency for TV, Radio and other electronic devices.

All and All, they've managed to reform their lives for a few generations undetected.

Carbine: Generations?

Throttle: the original residences of each planet have long since died, their offspring and great-offspring are in control now.

Carbine: Isn't that dangerous?

Throttle: It is, only if they let themselves forget the stories of war. But with each new planet being Tugged into their territory, it gets harder and harder to forget.

Carbine: What is it like to live in the Outer Rings?

Throttle: You'll have to ask Lee.

Carbine: Who's that?

Throttle: A snow white rat with semi-Himalayan markings.

Carbine: She's just black and white?

Throttle: Yup. Just like I'm all tawny.

Carbine: Don't you mean scrawny?

Throttle: Shut up.

Carbine: How do you know this rat Lee?

Throttle: While I was Karbunkle's prisoner, she was my cell mate.

"Yo! Bro! There's movement outside, get off that thing." Vinnie's voice hissed in the dankness.

Throttle: Headin' Home Soon.

Carbine: We'll be waiting.

Throttle quickly yanked the plug out of the laptop the screen went black. Throttle pressed a button on the sleek bike. The wire quickly retracted into a hidden compartment on the bike.

"Done." Throttle said folding the laptop and kicking it into their hut.

Vinnie motioned for the tan mouse to get into position, as they huddled in the darkness with guns ready Vinnie had to break the silence. "What did Stoker say?"

"It was Carbine, told her we were heading towards the Outer Rings." Throttle said softly, his bionic eyes not glancing away from the door.

"What's that?"

"I'll explain later."

With a whoosh the locks on the doors disengaged. The storage hatch slid open with a loud clank and hiss.

"The interference came from in here somewhere." A snobby voice sniffed. "Find out what create the electronics are in and disassemble them."

"But sir, the contract is firm. All cargo in working order." a younger but gruff voice stated.

"Fuck the contract! If we can't navigate this stinking tub, we may as well put a big red target on our haul." the snobby voice snapped.

Vinnie and Throttle looked panicked as the two entered the cargo hold.

The one rat and one Plutarkian both moved towards the electronics create. Slowly.

Vinnie and Throttle both crouched away from the bike and behind creates. Their adrenaline running high as each held their lasers tight.


Mace steepled his fingers resting his chin on the tips and closed his beady yellow eyes. Alone for once on the bridge thanks to the bridge members investigating the electronic interference from the cargo hold Mace took the time to reflect on his past decision.

Rat-Stein's lab on Plutark.

The two stood in front of the lone occupant in the jail cell.

Rat-Stein shook his head not approving of the plan. "Mace, she's been good to us thus far. Why would you want to just give her away?"

"She bores me." Mace said waving a hand over the nude figure. "I'm sick and tired of listening to her whining and consenting. I want something new."

Rat-Stein frowned. "New? Your planning on just taking some other toy? Just like that?"

"Why not? It may be a few months before I get my chance. But frankly comrade, if I hear one more.." His voice comically mimicked Harley's "Stokers going to save me and kick your ass." Mace cleared his throat, talking normal again. "I am going to loose my lunch."

The blond mouse glared up at the two rats. Her metal ear dropping slightly among her matted mess of hair.

"Fine, have it your way." Rat-Stein shrugged. "I think it's a mistake, but she's your toy."

"Finish what you started. I'll alert Stilton." Mace said strolling out of the lab.

The grayish brown rat shook his head bringing him back to the present.

I should have listened to him. I never realized how boring it is in space without SOMETHING to keep me occupied more so than the endless abyss of space. Mace thought moodily, his eyes looking at the window. It's a wonder how the crew gets by. I never let them touch my entertainment piece, with good reason. Who knows what the crew is carrying or infected with.

He reached down, using a claw he pressed a button on the chair. "Herr Doctor?" he called into the intercom speakers.

"Yes?" Came a static voice.

"Test all Crew members for various infectious diseases." Mace ordered.

"What type?"

"All, Sexually, Bacterially, Wiggley." Mace clarified.

"Yes sir." the doctor replied with a sigh. "I'll start right away."

Mace flicked the intercom off. 'Once this floating rust heap hits Delta-Ryan and the colony. I can unload the supplies, pick up some prisoner from the stocks and head off with the rest of the Pirate forces. The Ikkywara won't know what hit them till its too late." Mace grinned malevolently.


"HE TALKED ABOUT A RAT!" Carbine screamed kicking the computer off the table, the lap top hit the floor, bounced, breaking the screen a couple of keys scattered as it skidded along the floor before stopping against the wall. "Like he knew her personally!" She yelled her fist connecting with the table.

Stoker watched the enraged General. There was nothing he could say that would calm her, he knew the couple had a rocky relationship from the start.

"How do you know that?" Rimfire asked, he kept back.

"He called the rat by name!" Carbine spat.

Rimfire and Stoker exchanged worried glances. They both backed up not daring to open their mouths.

"What's worse! Their heading into a Rats Nest!" she snarled her anger boiling. "Probably to have some insane and disgusting orgy."

Rimfire snickered at the image his mind conjured up.

Carbine's brown eyes narrowed at the young freedom fighter.

Rimfire sobered up. "Sorry, sir."

Harley walked in seeing the broken table, chairs and laptop. "Talked to Throttle lately?" she asked while moving to the refrigerator. Opening the door she rummaged around before pulling out an apple.

Carbine's eyes narrowed. "He's fucked a rat." her voice dripped with acid.

Harley stood up her mouth lingering over the fruit. "Throttle with a rat?" Her brows raised. She kicked the refrigerator door closed, only to jar it the door bounced back open. Harley sighed, using her tail to carefully close the door. "I never pictured him a two timing cheat." Harley said finally taking a bite of the apple. "You, Stoker and Mace, Yes. But not Throttle and not with a rat." She shrugged walking back to the garage bay.

Carbine's mouth hung open.

Taking his cue to intervene before the General bombed the garage, Modo cleared his throat "What do we do now?"

"Sit and wait, its about all we can do." Stoker gave a grateful smile to the gray mouse in the doorway. "Not something I like to do."

"Are they safe?" Charley piped up walking to the sink, her hands full of oil.

"I'm guessing so, they didn't mention anything about needing help." Rimfire added.

Throttles bike blinked her lights and honked as if calling for her rider.

Modo gave the bike a sympathetic look.


Mace sat in the battered chair that served as the captain's chair on the dingy bridge.

"We have stowaways sir." Hammer said.

"From Plutark?" Mace asked standing up. "What do they want, free worms?"

"Mice, sir, their mice." Hammer corrected as he signaled for them to come in. And in deed they came, kicking and cursing the four-drool dogs that dragged them.

Mace's eyes widened. "What do you know? I loose Harley and I gain her boyfriend AND the lone devil who blew my cover on Mars."

Throttle and Vinnie's heads snapped up to see Mace. MACE! Glaring at them. "YOU?!" They shouted horror-stricken.

Mace gave a toothy smile, allowing twisted pleasure to cross his features. "Yes me, comrades. Where is Stoker bros?"

"We're not your bros!" Vinnie snapped his voice ripe with hate as he struggled to get loose and kill the rat.

"Oh, but we were for a few years at least." The gray rat smiled walking to Throttle. "So where is Stoker? Surely the old fool is still riding one way or another." he laughed. "Why I remember the way Harley went on about how Stoker and Vinnie was going to rescue her, oh Stoker this, swoon Stoker that. Maybe Vinnie this, Perhaps Vinnie that. I tell you something you white cheese eater, she was tired of being second string to the war with Stoker. Only reason she looked to you was to get lucky and be the first and only thing on your mind."

"THAT'S NOT TRUE!" Vinnie screeched out.

Mace smirked grabbing a hold of Throttles chin, claws digging into the tawny fur. "You really put a wrench in my plans, but like usual you got your bros in a whole lot of trouble." Mace gave a toothy smile removing the green field-specs. "It's a pity you look so much like Harley. It really is."

Throttle spat at Mace.

"Ooohhhh and act so much like her." Mace let go of Throttle. "Put the white one below, but this one." he tapped his sharp claw on Throttles nose. "I want this one my cage."

The crew laughed as both mice were dragged away.

"Sir, there's a motorcycle below." Hammer informed.

"Just one?" Mace looked at his minion warily.

"Yes sir, just one red motorcycle." Hammer confirmed

"If you can get near it, strip her of all goods. If not, we'll auction her off." Mace said settling back down in his chair.

"Yes sir." Hammer replied leaving the small cramped bridge.

Vinnie was shoved against the wall. He lashed out with his feet only to have them grabbed. Thick heavy metal clapped around his ankles tightly. His tail whipped slapping a Plutarkian across the face. In retaliation the fish took a hold of the white whip and it too became trapped in the ankle binding.

Trying to get a punch in, the mouse was over powered as three strong arms clamped around his wrists, shackles forced onto his wrist, again a little too tight. The chains taunted as Vinnie pulled against them struggling to break free or get a lucky hit in.

"Don't put the choker on him!" Hammer ordered looking the white mouse over. "I want him to be able to move." he laughed pulling at the bandoleers.

"How much of it can come off?" A Plutarkian sneered eyeing the silver mask.

"All of it." A new voice entered the fray. Mace strolled down, his posture, arrogance and uniform deemed him commander of the cruiser.

"What? You're the only one who can find your own tail that they put *YOU* in charge?" Vinnie snarled. "How many times have you passed Plutark before you realized your going in circles?"

Mace snarled his claws dug into the metal on the mouse's face. "Enjoy your stay cheese eater!" he hissed ripping the mask off.

Vinnie screamed as the claws ripped away the Flexi-plate, taking fur with them. Fresh blood dripped down his furry cheek.

Mace grinned. "Well what do you know, the left half is worse looking the then right." Laugher followed Mace down the hallway. "Enjoy boys." he said tossing the flexi-plating over his shoulder, the metal dinged as it hit against the steel floor.

Throttle kicked out his foot connecting with a kneecap. The howl of pain from one brought powerful blows from others.

Thorn like claws dug into his scalp pulling his head back. Throttle cursed and kicked as a metal chain loop was slipped over his head. Once around his neck, the metal tightened till the mouse could just barley breath. Panting, Throttle fought, the choker tightening as he jerked and pulled away from his leads wall anchor.

Some one grabbed his tail and pulled, hard. The high pitched scream from Throttle brought laughter from others. Cold steel encased the tip, anchored some where at the foot of the bed.

"Strip him!" the rusty voice of Mace ordered from the back of the crowd.

Hoots and hollers started to sound as Throttle fought harder his neck bandanna was the first thing to be grabbed and ripped off, followed by his glove and wrist ornaments. His vest was roughly removed followed by his boots and socks. His belt, gun holster, -gun previously taken-. Cold metal encased his wrists and ankles limiting his movements.

"Leave the rest." Mace snarled as he pushed his way to the mouse knife in hand. "I've been wanting to mark you since we first met." Mace grinned placing the knifes point against Throttle's hip. The mouse swallowed hard his eyes watching the cold metal object sink into his flesh then slowly dragged downwards, cutting denim, fur and flesh. A thin stream of blood followed in the blades' wake. The sharp sting from the shallow puncture made the mouse hiss. Mace pulled away the garments and grinned.

"Too damn perfect, we'll fix that. In time." Mace smiled reaching down and touching Throttles exposed organ. Throttle spat and cursed at the rat.

The evil grin that spread over Maces' face sickened Throttle, Karbunkle had the same expression, but not the twisted glee that was in the rats' beady eyes. "Leave us." Mace ordered not taking his eyes off Throttle.

The others disappointed, none the less filed out of the room. Mace's tail flicked locking the two doors into the room. "Think of it as our honey moon." Mace laughed.

Throttle's eyes widened.

Vinnie's head snapped up hearing Throttle's scream.


"HEY! Would you look at this?" Ma'ze smiled pushing the data pad under Paige's noise.

"It's a motorcycle." Paige said dead pan. "What are you going to do with a motorcycle? Spin your tires in space?"

Lee giggled. "Mmm maybe he'll drive around the hallways, tearing up the rugs and generally pissing off our commander."

"Oh! he could use it to tow Duo Scythe if she ever breaks down." Jade laughed.

"You're a riot. Oh ha, ha, I'm doubled over in laughter." Ma'ze muttered without humor taking back the data pad. "It's a Martian AI bike. Star Gazer is looking for more personal ya know."

"Oh come on! The Milky-Way galaxy hasn't seen a Plutarkian since Venus. What use is an observation post going to do way out there? Use falling Rovers as target practice?" Jade chuckled.

"Well, maybe they might. Mars is said to be a pretty thriving collection of rodents." Ma'ze smiled. "Maybe you could play a game of -Cat and Mouse- with the locals." he elbowed the feline.

"Rrriigght. I'd win." Jade retorted with a roll of her green eyes.

Lee's eyes widened. "Who told you that?"

Paige turned to see Lee who looked like she was going to faint. "It's all over the Ikkywara bases."

"It's a lie!" Lee snarled slamming her fist down. "The Plutarkians already stripped the planet and eliminated most of the populations on Mars! They've already started on Earth!"

"You have proof?" Jade asked eyeing the new rat skeptically.

"I've worked with Martian Mouse samples for the last five years!" She snarled standing up. "Wait a few months and I'll give you all the proof you need." She snarled leaving the mess hall.

"Ouch, that rat has some serious attitude." Jade summed up.

"Think it's true?" Ma'ze asked.

"We'll find out once Star Gazer is built." Paige reasoned.

Lee tossed open her bathroom door and once again bowed to her porcelain goddess. It was infrequent now, her swollen belly and back pains being the dominant issues.

'That tawny mouse better be grateful when I give him this thing. I ain't raising no hybrid anything.' she acidly thought before brushing her teeth.


Modo sat outside in a lawn chair. The roof of the Last Chance Garage had become his place of brooding since his two bros had been lost on Plutark. Neither the Freedom Fighter's on Earth or Mars could locate the so-called Outer Rings. The last communication from Throttle had left hope in all their hearts. He looked up at the stars. "Bros, you have to be alive, Harley made it.. You can too."

Harley peered over the edge of the roof spotting the big gray mouse. "Bro?" she whispered softly.

Modo tilted his head and nodded not saying anything. His mind returning to the here and now.

Harley hauled herself over the ledge, the fire escape rattling as she stepped off it. "Rimfire, Stoker and Carbine are on their way back. They thought you might need some company." She said walking over to Modo.

"It's been a year." Modo's low voice sighed.

"Yeah, I know." She sighed pulling up a patch of roof, sitting beside Modo's chair. "You know, when Mace captured me I thought I would be back on Mars in no time... then as the days flew by I realized that maybe I had to figure out a way on my own. " She gave a small sad smile to the big gray mouse. "Modo, it took me years to get here, and I have yet to set foot on Mars again. Look big guy, Vinnie and Throttle can get out of any jam, Without you, it'll just take them longer." She said reaching for his hand. "Don't be so hard on yourself Modo. It wasn't your fault that Vinnie went the wrong way."

Modo looked down at the female mouse his white furred bro had fallen in love with so long ago. She was so wise now, so smart. She saw right through the mask he tried so hard to hide behind. "Harley...." He muttered softly, his flesh hand squeezing hers.

She smiled and looked up at the handsome mouse. Laying her head on top of their hands the two sat in contentment looking up at the pink sky and few stars twinkling through the city lights.

Decisions and Sacrifice

Will Continue in....

Part Nine!

by Whipblade

[email protected]

Summer of 2004