Price of Life: Chapter III

Story by Czarreynard on SoFurry

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#4 of Price of Life

Just desserts...

Selene had thoroughly enjoyed her bath. Her fur felt great, silky and glossy, as it was meant to feel. Her new robe also felt wonderful. She just loved it. Not only did it match the sexy set of lingerie she had bought at the mall earlier, it was a present from the man she admired so much. Until today, Selene had never really made friends with anybody. It was customary in a life of slavery not to get too attached to someone. TA friend could be sold and make the separation harder or they might try to blame you for something they did in order to escape a beating. Now that she was no longer a slave, she would not have to worry about such matters.

That's what struck her the hardest about today. Selene was free. Dante had burned the contract that signed her over to him. Without it, she could never be made to do something she didn't want to. She was so grateful towards Dante for setting her free. It was all the more reason to adore him. In one fell swoop, the man had changed her life forever. "What a guy," the wolfess thought to herself.

Selene found the guest room and entered. She gasped upon seeing the room. It was a very large room, considering it was meant for a guest. There were hardwood floors and many windows with blue curtains that let the ghostly moonlight into the room. There was a desk, a vanity case, and a large bed on a riser. "A girl could really get used to a place like this," she murmured to herself.

She took the negligee off, breasts bounding as she did so. She opened one of the windows to let some cool air in. The brisk night breeze seemed to envelope her body very playfully. It was if the wind were some kind of lover, desperately wanting to touch her in intimate places. She giggled as it tickled her legs and firm buttocks. She decided that wind had had its fun and returned to the bed.

She tore back the covers and climbed into the bed. Selene placed her body underneath the fresh linens that where there to greet her body with warmth. The silky sheets felt wonderful against her fur. Selene had never slept in a real bed before. She was used to her cot and tattered blanket. She could definitely make do, however. Not ready to fall asleep just yet, peered through the window at the moon on high. The celestial sphere glowed with a pure white shine. It reminded her of Dante's hair. The glowing moon against the pitch black sky was like his silvery hair dangling across his jet black fur. An obvious, yet beautiful contrast. It was only fitting: he was a beautiful man, not only physically, but personality wise as well. She loved seeing that toothy smile that he flashed whenever he saw her. She hoped that she would be the source of that smile for many moons to come.

Suddenly, Selene felt odd. She looked down at her chest to notice that one of her hands had been at work without her noticing. To her surprise, she had been kneading the nipple on her right breast. She gasped at this discovery. Had those thoughts about Dante provoked her hormones? That must've been it. There was no other explanation. She noticed that she was shaking. She felt hot. She felt hot not because of the blankets, but her body seemed to be telling her something.

The only thing she could think about was Dante. His voice and his face were emblazoned in her mind. She could not stop thinking about the black wolf even if she tried.

"You love him," a voice in her head began to say.

Selene asked the newcomer, "I do?"

"Sure you do. When you saw him in the brothel today you prayed to the gods that he would pick you. You didn't care if you became his slave, you just wanted to be with him, whatever it took. And look where you are now! He clothed you, fed you and housed you. Don't tell me you don't love him for that. Even so, I know you like the back of my hand. You're obsessed with him. He's handsome, charming, and sexy. Don't try to deny the thoughts you get when you're around him. Heck, even when you're not around him you're thinking about him in some way or another. So admit it, you love the hunk. Now, come on, let go of all your worries. You need him right now, so don't try to lock all those feelings up, let them out. Treat yourself."

"You mean you want me to...?"

"Yes, dear, just relax and think about Dante, I'll do the rest."

Trembling, she placed her hand back on her breast. With pliant fingers, she began to squeeze the nipple. She cooed softly. She loved the feeling. She had never been pleasured so, she had only pleasured others, so she had no idea it could feel so wonderful.

Taking the voice's advice, Selene let go. Her second hand sinisterly drifted down her chest and midsection and snaked toward her thighs. She had never done this before, but the hand seemed to know exactly what to do. It excited her by running over the fur on her inner thighs, teasing her in preparation. It was making her horny! She longed for it to proceed and pleasure her, but it didn't. The hand kept on rubbing her thighs, making her wait for her treat.

When she could bear it no longer, she whimpered heartbrokenly. To this, the hand complied. With a single finger, she traced an invisible line up her vaginal lips. She moaned ever so softly with glee. Her finger carved around her swollen mound in a teasing fashion, provoking the wolfess to the point of frustration.

It was enough to drive the wolfess mad! Her own body was telling her what to do. Selene had lost all sense now. The only thing she could concentrate on was bringing herself more pleasure. With another whimper, she began to conjure up some forbidden thoughts.

Her thoughts raced as she continued to touch herself. She envisioned Dante in bed with her, touching her passionately with his firm paws. He whispered some sexy things in her ear that made her wet. Already she could feel her juices churning within her. The imaginary Dante told her what a naughty girl she was and how much he enjoyed seeing her so beautifully poised in ecstasy. She called back to him, asking him to slip his manhood into her. She begged him to join her in pleasure. Her sly hand, however, had read her thoughts just as fast as she thought them up. It pointed a single digit and delicately and slowly began to enter her passageway.

Selene moaned. Her breathing was now heavy and labored. She never imagined that sex could be so good without a partner, or at least a real one. The finger had reached as far as it could into her cunny and sensed that this alone was not enough. Before long, a second digit was inserted to join the first in her moist honeypot. When the two had joined together, they began to twist and writhe furiously. They tugged and pushed at the tender flesh, trying to stretch out Selene's inner walls. Sticky with her nectar, the fingers delved into her wet sex in a pumping motion. In and out. Hard and fast.

While this magnificent hand worked magic below, Selene had found something to do in the meantime. The first hand was still pinching that tender nipple on her breast. But Selene wanted more. It was all she could think about: more pleasure. Thinking quickly, she brought her head down on her chest, protruded her tongue and began to lick at the nipple on her other breast.

Jackpot. Pleasure spread through her chest as she put the tender bud into her mouth. Her tongue skirted across the pink nub as a painter's brush would a canvas. It felt heavenly. She imagined it was Dante nibbling on her breast so delicately. To feel his tongue upon her body was a heavenly thought.

But all was not well. Selene was closing in on her climax dangerously fast. She dreaded the thought of this intense pleasure ending so quickly with her release. So she began to ease. She slowed the speed of her fingers and slowed her licking. The intense pleasure died away, but a fair amount of ecstasy still lingered.

This created a problem. Pleasuring is a confusing emotion. It teased her brain into a paradox of bliss. One side of her mind was telling her that she wanted more, more pleasure. The other, however, wanted the current pleasure to last. Therefore, her body was faced with a decision: Take it slow or race towards sweet release?

The fingers that were still pumping into her vagina had slowed to an infuriatingly slow pace. Selene wanted more, but knew that it would end too quickly if she let loose. She continued to pump them in and out of her dripping orifice. She needed something to mix up the frustrated fun. She then remembered something a fellow slave had once told her. One of the vixens that performed solo masturbation shows had shown her a small numb inside the hood that was very sensitive to touch. When the vixen touched it on stage, she gave a real, ecstatic moan as she was propelled into a wet climax. This seemed to please her as much as it pleased her audience. So, Selene decided to try it.

She delved three fingers into herself in search of this pleasure fountain. With seconds, she had found it. She tugged on it and immediately received reward. Warmth flowed through her and she cried softly with joy. But her furry mound would require more attention. Giving up on her breasts, Selene placed both hands at the entrance to her womanhood. Using one hand to coax the clit, she used the other hand to tug open her inners walls and stretch them as if a male was inserting himself into her. She kept imagining Dante pumping himself into her, his breathing broken and his eyes on her as he made sweet love to her.

Soon, however, Selene could not take it anymore. This discovery of a new bodily toy had sent her mind into the deep end. There was no return from such pleasure. She rapidly pumped her delicate fingers into her sex, while tugging on her clitoris. Selene moaned loudly. She kept pumping and pumping into her sex, trying to simulate a male's humps. She made love to her hand like a rabid sex-starved animal. Her hips bucked spasmodically against her fingers, trying to meet the thrusts with full force. She began to whine as she slowly approached her climax. She kept working feverishly to make herself cum, but the orgasm still seem a long way off.

Selene whimpered again. This was a whimper of sadness, however. She was getting nowhere and her appetite for sex was not going to be fed by just teasing herself for hours. She pushed a finger farther in; to see if that would help things. Luckily, the finger landed on her g-spot. Selene's sex exploded with juices as her finger scratched the sensitive piece of flesh. "This must be my pleasure center," She thought. Many of the slaves she had once worked with said that they would always try to coax the male to hit the "pleasure center" with their shaft to make the pleasure intensify. This term meant the small area in a woman's sex that would drive her madly into pleasure if touched. The rumor had held true.

She concentrated on this spot for several more minuets. Selene felt more and more satisfied as her orgasm approached. Suddenly, a torrent of juices, accompanied by an electric wave of ecstasy emerged. As her fingers finished up, the wave of juices poured out of the delicious honeypot and onto the bed. She came wildly and intensely. It was if there was a dam inside her, holding the flood back. The dam had apparently broken, because she soared into orgasm. The climax lasted several seconds and the spraying of juices signaled the end of her playtime. As the fluids poured out of her, she could feel the pleasure lingering, but slowly subsiding from the glorious climax. She could not believe how good it felt to spray all of her juices in a wild frenzy. The pleasure lingered for several minutes, basking Selene into a glorious afterglow.

The tingle around her vagina was not enough to keep her interest, though. The act of masturbation had tired her out and she looked forward to sleeping it off. Her loins felt sticky with her nectar, but she was too tired to care. She licked her lips in satisfaction. This had been a wonderful feeling.

Exhausted, Selene's soaked hands drew away from her moist pussy. She had no strength left and her eyes began to fade as she drifted off into well deserved sleep. The voice then called out, "See, I told you. You're in love with him. There's no way that little show you just put on was an act, girl. Good night, get some sleep, you naughty little wolf."

Too tired to respond, Selene realized that the voice was hers. It was not the voice of Selene the slave, but of Selene the lover. She was a new person now, on that would make sure that she would share her pleasure with the man she loved: Dante. As she drifted off to sleep, Selene saw the silvery moon in the pitch black sky peek in at her through the window. She smiled and fell into a deep slumber that was filled with dreams of her beloved.