A Friend's Tail

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#3 of Taylor & Alex

Taylor & Alex

Chapter 3: A Friend's Tail

Taylor and Jeff � Sci the Cheetah

Alex � Rabbit Chaser

Daniel � Rabbit Chaser


Taylor yawned as his alarm woke him up the next morning. "Alex...time to get up for school..." he said as he shook the lump next to him. The lump rolled over and snored heavily. It was Jeff, since him and Alex had shifted in the night. Now the young wolf was by the wall. Taylor sat down on his mate as he liked to do. It may have been slightly uncomfortable, but he wouldn't be there long as he would be able to wake two birds with one sitting. He then shook the lump next to Jeff. "Alex, time to get up for school."

Alex groaned and tried to pull more of the blanket over him. Taylor sighed and gently picked the sleeping wolf up and gently tossed him over his shoulder. By now, Jeff was awake as well and grinned as he knew what his mate was going to do. Back when they had first started to live together, Jeff would do this to him because the lazy wolf never liked to get up.

Jeff giggled softly as he followed Taylor into the bathroom. The two stepped into the shower and Jeff turned on the water. The cold water flowed out of the showerhead and hit Alex right on the back. The young wolf snapped awake and tried to squirm out of Taylor's grasp, but wasn't able to.

"THAT'S REALLY COLD!!! LET ME GO TAYLOR!!! I'M AWAKE!!! I'M AWAKE!!!" Alex yelled out.

After about a minute, Jeff turned the water to warm and hopped into the shower with the two wolves. "Good morning," he said to the wolves.

"Well, it would be if I wasn't woken up by extremely cold water," Alex said.

"That's your own fault for not waking up," Taylor said. He then set Alex down and the three of them began to play.


They didn't get to play much. But Alex did get to suck off the cheetah and the wolf. Swallowing as much cum from both males as he could till his belly was full.

"Guess I won't be needing those pop-tarts this morning," he chuckled. His belly did look a little distended, but he didn't mind.

Jeff and Taylor took turns orally pleasuring the younger male, trying to see who would get the youth's seed. Jeff won, he was more experienced. But he did let Taylor suck on his cousin's member for a while after Jeff had his fill. Soon all three didn't need breakfast.

Drying each other off Alex went to his room to get dressed and ready for school. When he came out the other two were in the living room, still naked and playing with each other.

He went over and gave them both a hug, making sure to nuzzle into their crotches before saying goodbye and that he'd be back that afternoon.

When he arrived at school he was happier than he had ever been in a long time. And nothing that day bothered him. Not even when the strap broke on his favorite backpack. He took it to the home economics teacher and had her resew it.

When gym came Daniel didn't show up. That bummed Alex out. But just before they were to shower the otter was there. He showered for some reason even though he had no reason to. Alex wondered why.

During the shower Daniel told his friend why he was late.

"I got an emergency phone call from my dad saying he has to go out of town for at least the weekend and that I'd have to be alone till he gets back. I asked if I could invite a friend over and he said of course. So if you want to come over to my place, be there at 7pm". Then he added, "Can your cousin drive you over?"

"Nah, he'll be at work. But Jeff can. Even if I have to sleep with someone to get a ride, I'll be there!" he laughed and the otter laughed with him. Alex never saw the otter's already erect cock jump.

Then school was over and Alex went back home, this day just got better. He had to get home and see if the subby cheetah can teach him how to deepthroat and other things, in case anything develops between him and Daniel. He hoped something would.

Upon entering the apartment he immediately got naked and started pawing off on the couch till Jeff got home.


Jeff sighed as he entered the apartment. "Alex? You home?" he called out.

"I'm right here. Hey, Jeff...I was wondering, could you teach me how to deepthroat?"

"Where did you here about that?" Jeff asked as he set some papers down on the kitchen counter.

"Well, I saw it online. My friend said I could spend the weekend with him and I think something might happen," Alex said. He had a slight blush on his face.

Jeff laughed. "Of course I can teach you," the cheetah said as he started to get undressed. He then sat down next to Alex on the couch. "Let me show you how it's done then I'll instruct you on how to do it as well."

"Okay." Alex said before leaning back against the couch.

Jeff smiled as he got down on the floor on his knees in front of Alex. He then licked over Alex's cock, causing the small wolf to moan out. Jeff then pulled Alex's cock into his maw completely, two inches going into his throat. Alex gasped as he saw his entire cock disappear into Jeff's maw.

Jeff then began to bob his head up and down the shaft, making sure to lick the head as it passed his tongue. Alex let out murrs and moans of pleasure as Jeff continued. Because the wolf had been pawing off, it didn't take long for Jeff to receive his treat.


"Now it's your turn," Jeff said after he swallowed the tasty seed and sat down next to the young wolf. Pretty shortly after he had started sucking Alex he had gotten very erect himself. So all he had to do was scoot his rear to the edge of the couch.

Alex got on his knees in front of the cheetah, took the base in one paw and bent it down so it was facing forward.

"Alright. Now what you have to do is take it in until you feel it at the back of your throat. Then slowly take more of it in. You'll feel something happen, when you do, remove it from your mouth entirely," Jeff started.

Alex did as told and he had about 6-7 inches in his mouth before he felt he wanted to gag, then he removed the cock and looked up at the older male.

"Oh, that was good! Now what you felt was your gag reflex, it makes you want to throw up what is in your throat. The way to get past it is relatively easy. You swallow. Just as you would when you are drinking," the cheetah instructed, then added, "You only have about three inches of my shaft to go. So do as I instructed and see what happens. Make sure you swallow just as you feel the gag kick in, and while you are pushing yourself down upon it".

Alex took the cheetah's member back into his mouth, getting seven inches inside before he felt the gag start, immediately he swallowed, and since he was pushing himself down the shaft in a second his face was stuck in the male's pubes. He continued swallowing a bit to continue fighting the gag until he felt his throat relax, then he pulled off of the cheetah's cock till the tip was just at the back of his mouth. Then repeated the lesson. He did this over and over until, without warning, Jeff pushed his head down all the way and held it there as he thrust his hips up and shot his copious amount of cum down into Alex's stomach. He held it there until his orgasm was over, then he removed his paw, discovering Alex left his head there on his own.

Alex pulled himself off of the male's cock, getting a spurt of cum inside his mouth as he did so, this he swallowed.

"Did I do good, Jeff?" he asked.

Jeff was panting, it was incredible. "Oh yeah! You were great! Now just remember this and you'll be able to do it with just about any cock".

Alex smiled up at the cheetah, got back onto the couch, both laid back and Alex hugged the older male and they rested like that together.


Jeff smiled as he began driving towards Daniel's house. "So, who is this person you're staying with?" he asked.

"Well...he's a really cute otter. He's two years older than me and i really like him," Alex responded.

Jeff smiled again. "So, he's a CUTE otter, is he?"

"Eep," Alex blushed as he realized what he said. "W-Well yeah...To be honest...he's VERY cute."

Jeff giggled. "I'm glad you found someone you like. Just don't think we're going to go easy on you just because you found someone."

"I know...I'm Taylor's bitch, remember," Alex said as they pulled up to the house.

"How could I forget?" Jeff said before kissing Alex on the forehead. "Have fun now...but don't go overboard," Jeff teased.

Alex giggled and grabbed his bag. "I'm sure I will." He stuck his tongue out at Jeff as he hopped out of the car and went up to the front door. He rang the bell and the "cute" otter answered.

"Hmm...he is cute..." Jeff said to himself before making his way back home to inform the wolf of what was happening.


Alex went to knock on the door and it was quickly answered by Daniel, who was wearing nothing but a wet pair of speedos.

"Come on in, Alex. Follow me to the pool, I really shouldn't be walking through the house dripping water but i didn't want you to wait long," with that the otter turned back around, showing the young wolf that the speedos were a thong style, completely exposing the otter's asscheeks. Alex just stood there and stared for a while, feeling his shorts tighten. Collecting himself he shut the door and followed, being careful not to slip on the wet tile.

When they got to the pool Alex put his bag down on one of the lounges. The otter had been waiting for him so they were both standing on the cement near the patio door.

"I...I've never seen swimwear like those before, they really show off your ass," Alex stammered.

"Glad you like it," the otter stated with a wink that was missed by the younger male, meaning his ass rather than the speedos. "Well you generally don't as they are not allowed at public pools, and I have to wear the school speedos for the swim team. So I only get to wear these at home. I figured you wouldn't mind since you've seen me completely naked before".

Daniel continued, "Since we are here already, and it is a hot day, want to join me for a swim?".

Alex couldn't speak for a while, he had not thought that Daniel would have a pool. "Um. I didn't bring anything for swimming".

"That's alright," his friend said with a smile, "No one can see into this yard, and I've already seen you naked many times you know. Would be nothing new, save that it isn't in the school locker room. Never heard of skinny-dipping?"

Alex had heard of it through Jeff and Taylor, when they were telling about one of their trysts. Alex was still quite a bit shy, this was still something new to him. That, and he had an erection.

But despite this he decided to do it anyway, seeing as how they had seen each other erect many times.

He turned around to face away from the otter, removed his shirt and tossed it onto the lounge where his bag was. Then he bent over at the waist to pull his shorts down, unwittingly giving the otter a good view of his butt through the tight briefs. Then he stepped out of them, still bent over and pulled his briefs down. This gave the older male an unobstructed view of the wolf's tailhole for the first time seeing as how nobody ever bent over in the showers at school. He rather hoped the hole was still virgin.

Alex stood up, still facing away from the otter and said, "I, um, have a boner, I've had it since before I got here. Don't think me gay or anything".

"I've seen you erect many times remember, I understand what it's like to get erections at an awkward moment," Daniel replied.

Alex turned around slowly, and saw that his friend also had an erection and it was peeking well above the band of the tight thong speedos.

"See?" was all Daniel said before diving back into the water before the wolf had time to react.

Alex went over to the pool, his erection bobbing in front of him, not noticing that Daniel was watching him from the other end. The young wolf went down the steps into the pool, expecting cold water but it was surprisingly very warm. Soon he was up to his neck and swimming. Shortly after that they were playing around as if Alex wasn't naked. Though a few times he eeped as he felt the otter press his nose into the crotch of the young wolf as well as swim between the other male's legs. Though Daniel never gave Alex any time to think of these actions before he was playing normally with splashing and such.

Then they got out of the pool. Alex had actually forgotten about being naked but he was reminded when the wind blew through his fur. He was grateful his erection had gone down.

Daniel tossed his friend a towel, before removing his swimwear and grabbing one himself.

"Don't want to leave more water on the floor. We'll have to clean up the water I left before we can go up and take a shower to wash the chlorine out of our fur," Daniel stated.

"Alright. Um, do you want to take yours first or should I?" Alex asked.

"Well let me go first, that way I can leave a towel for you when I'm done," the otter replied.

By now Alex was used to being naked around his friend, and knew that he had to remain that way due to the chlorine. When they got the water mopped up it was already 9:30pm. They went up to Daniel's room where the otter showed his friend the systems and games he had.

"Go ahead and play for a while, I won't be long," with that the otter walked out naked to take his shower. He came back about ten minutes later, still naked, and saw Alex was already up to level 12 on a game. Daniel was impressed. "Your turn," he said.

Alex shut the game off and passed his friend. Having to brush his body against the otter's.

In the shower Alex felt more relaxed and better with the hot water cleaning the chlorine from his fur. He made sure to scrub himself all over as he had thicker fur than Daniel. So his shower took longer. He got out after turning the water off and toweled himself dry. He then realized that he had left his bag downstairs in the hallway when they were mopping. He didn't exactly have much choice so he went back to his friend's room in just his fur. It was about 10pm.

As he was nearing the room he heard noises that were not coming from a videogame. He paused just outside the doorway, out of view and listened.

"Oh, Alex! You don't know how many times I've gotten hard in the showers at school just watching you," he heard the otter moaning.

"I've been wanting to get it on with you for a long time, want to do it all and make you feel so good".

The young wolf peeked in and saw his friend stroking his big 9 inch otter cock and playing with his balls.

"So, Daniel has had the hots for me for a while now, and I never knew," Alex thought to himself than recalled the times he felt the otter's nose press into his crotch and the other male's body swim between his legs in the pool. And realized why the otter had really greeted him at the door wearing the thong speedos.

"So why don't you just come out and ask me for sex, you cute otter?" Alex said as he walked into the room.

Daniel was embarrassed and covered his crotch with a paw. It took him a while before what the wolf had said sank in.

"You think I'm cute?" he asked.

Alex just nodded as he walked over to his friend, who had removed the paw from his crotch and just sat there leaning back on his paws, legs spread.

As soon as the wolf was close enough he kneeled down in between the otter's legs and quickly took his friend's cock into his mouth and began sucking on it before the otter knew what the wolf had in mind.

"Oh, gods!" he moaned out, "You're good! I thought you were a virgin".

"Not anymore, thanks to my cousin and his boyfriend," Alex replied before going back to his fun. Feeling that he could trust Daniel with this information. The otter didn't have time to digest this new information before he was awash in the pleasures, particularly when Alex swallowed his entire thick shaft to the balls. He looked down at his friend when this happened and had a big grin on his face. In truth, Daniel was a virgin and this was the first time he had ever gotten to do it with anyone. He was glad Alex was his first.

Five minutes later he held Alex's head down as he thrust his hips upward and shot his otter seed deep inside the wolf's throat, crying out as he did so. Alex just swallowed what he was given. Daniel relaxed and let go of his friend's head apologizing as he did so. Alex kept the otter's cock in his mouth so he could get a taste of the seed and make sure his friend was spent for now.

"That was amazing, Alex. I'm glad you're my first," the otter stated.

"You mean you are a virgin, Daniel?" Alex asked. The otter blushed and nodded.

"It will be a little while before I'm ready again," the older male said as his friend stood up. "And since it would appear that you are quite ready, I want you to take me".

Alex looked down and realized that he had gotten erect while sucking his friend's dick. He hadn't even noticed he was so involved in getting the otter off.

As Alex looked down, Daniel had gotten into position on all fours. "There's a tube of lube in the dresser next to you," the otter said, "Use it and come over here and devirginize me like a wild animal".

Alex couldn't believe what he was hearing. His friend wanted his ass taken roughly. "He must want it so badly, he doesn't realize it will hurt," the wolf thinks to himself. But it is as if the otter can read his mind, "I know it will hurt. I've seen enough porn. But I want it so bad and I want you inside me now".

So Alex lubes his cock up, gets behind his friend and presses his cock against the otter's puckered hole. "You really want it rough?" he asked.

"Yes, I do. Please, Alex, take me hard and take me now. No more words, please!" the otter practically begged. Alex thought this was cute.

The next moment he shoved himself inside his friend. The otter bit is lip to keep from screaming as his ass was ripped open. To a virgin ass a cock this size is enough to make one want to scream. Alex could feel the older male's body tense up and he almost lost it.

Once Daniel had relaxed Alex went back to pounding his friend's tight hole without mercy.

Five minutes into it, without warning, his knot forced its way inside. Neither expected this and Daniel did scream out as his ass was stretched even wider. But Alex didn't stop, in fact he took a page from Taylor and began pumping his knot in and out rapidly. Making a loud popping sound each time.

Half an hour of this and Alex felt he was very close. "Oooohh! Daniel! I'm about to cum inside you!"

"Oh yes! Alex please! Make me your bitch completely by giving me your seed," the otter replied.

With that a few thrusts later and Alex pushed his knot in one final time, locking himself isnide the otter's ass. With a howl his orgasm came upon him and he began filling his friend's ass. This sent Daniel over the edge and the otter too cried out as he shot his second orgasm onto the floor of his room.

For 15 minutes they remained locked together while Alex continued to flood his friend's guts with wolf spunk. Then he felt his knot shrink down and he was able to pull out. His semen running out of the otter onto the expensive carpeting. But the older male didn't care and just remained there as it did. Alex knelt down behind his friend and began rimming his friend, licking his spunk and cleaning his friend off. Daniel hadn't expected this either and his cock became rock hard again as Alex's tongue explored his insides and found his prostate gland.

They went to take a shower together, then went back to Daniel's room to order a pizza.

When it arrived they both went to the door completely naked, whether it was intentional or by accident, nobody but them knows. What is known is that the pizza delivery boy, a young badger in his early 20's got an eyeful of naked furry maleness. He was too stunned and his pants too tight to remember to ask for a tip. Alex and Daniel noticed the older male's reaction with a smile.

Then they went to the dining-room to eat. Knowing they'd have the entire weekend to enjoy each other.


"You didn't even call me to let me know that he was going to a friend's house. He's MY cousin. He's MY responsibility," Taylor said with a heavy sigh. He had gotten home early for work and freaked out when he found that not only was Alex not home, but Jeff wasn't home either. He was worried that they had been kidnapped or something.

"I'm sorry...but I was busy teaching him some stuff that he thought he might use," Jeff said. His ears were flat against his head and he was really upset that he had worried his loving mate. "On the bright side, Alex won't be the only one to have some fun."

When that comment hit Taylor's ears, they perked up a bit as if even his ears had gotten excited to hear that. Taylor had had his back to Jeff, who was sitting on the couch. Taylor slowly grinned as he turned around. It was a grin that Jeff knew quite well when Taylor was mad at him for something.

"Oh, no...Taylor...no...," the cheetah pleaded as he started to back away.

Before he had time to react, Taylor picked Jeff up and threw him over his shoulder. He then went into his room and tossed the feline on the bed. He then quickly strapped Jeff onto the bed face down.

"I thought I was supposed to be the quick one," Jeff said jokingly, knowing that it wouldn't change his situation.

Taylor grinned as he turned off his lights and turned on a set of black lights that he had installed above his bed. Jeff whimpered as he knew what was coming next.


After they ate, they played some videogames. Then they were tired so they got into Daniel's bed (being the only child he never had reason to have more than one bed and he never really had anyone over). He was glad the first one he could have over was Alex and they were both into males, otherwise it would have been very awkward sleeping in the same bed.

But in this case it was very enjoyable. When Saturday morning came it found the two in bed, Daniel behind his friend on their side. Daniel's cock had found its way into Alex's hole and was buried entirely. The otter had woken up to discover this and decided to take advantage of it and wake up his new lover in a fun way. It was 6:30am, and they had a whole day of fun to enjoy.

He slowly thrust into Alex's ass, wanting to take his time. Alex slowly woke up, and when he was awake enough he realized that someone was fucking his ass. At first he thought it was Jeff, "Oh Jeff! Love how your cheetah dick feels inside me, almost as much as Taylor's".

Daniel knew who the two were and thought this was cute, but he'd soon help his friend to realize where he was. He thrust harder a few times, causing Alex to grunt. Alex snapped out of his half-awake state to look back at the older male.

"Oh, I'm sorry, um," the young wolf didn't know what to say.

"That's alright, Alex. I remember you telling me that you were no longer a virgin thanks to your cousin and his boyfriend. I rather think it is hot you get it on with Taylor. I've fantasized about my father but he's straight for all I know," Daniel responded. Though he did not stop thrusting gently into his new lover.

Pretty soon it was all Alex could think of as well.

Half an hour later Daniel warned the young wolf he was going to cum and Alex told him to do it, to fill him with otter seed. Which is what happened. They remained like that till Daniel's orgasm went down and his cock slipped out of its new home and into its regular one.

Laying together just enjoying their new-found level of friendship before Alex asked, "So what's on the agenda for today?"

"Well, now that we both have firmly established each other as being into males, and have accepted the essence of each other into our naked bodies, I'd say much of what is on the agenda will have to be lots more of it. Whenever and wherever we can," the otter said sounding official but with a big smile on his face. Then he added, "We'll also remain naked the entire time. Only getting dressed when we want to go out, my dad left me plenty of money for things like movies or video arcades. And maybe seeing how many other pizza delivery boys enjoy seeing us naked".

Alex got up out of bed and helped his new lover up as well, "How about right now we get some breakfast? All this talk about pizza and sex is making me hungry!"

Daniel laughed at this and together they walked downstairs naked to the kitchen. Where Alex discovered his otter friend was a very good cook. Rivaling Jeff.

As he ate his breakfast of pancakes, eggs and bacon, Alex wondered what his cousin and Jeff were doing at that moment.


"SHIT!!!" Jeff heard Taylor yell out from the kitchen. He was still tied down and had a dildo shoved up his ass. It was 15 inches long and 4 inches thick. It was pretty much torture because even though it no longer hurt, if he moved even slightly, it would give him a huge burst of pleasure that could almost cause him to orgasm right there. The sheets, which were normally black, were now pretty much stained white with how much he had came already.

"What happened?" Jeff yelled out.

"N-Nothing," Taylor said as he peeked his head into the room. "No reason to worry."

Suddenly, a familiar smell filled Jeff's nose and he laughed. "How many times are you going to try to make waffles? You know you suck at it."

"Yeah. But at least this time I didn't set the towel on fire," Taylor said as he went back to the kitchen.

"How long are you going to keep me like this?" Jeff called out.

"Just until I finish making a meal."

"So, after lunch then?"

"Probably," Taylor responded.

Jeff yawned and looked around. He couldn't do much else. He then remembered what had happened the night before. It had started off with Him ending up being strapped to the bed. He then found himself naked, which meant that Taylor had ripped his pants and underwear. He was just glad that he had decided not to wear a shirt to drop Alex off.

He remembered pleading to Taylor not to do it. He then remembered seeing the giant dildo come out of its hiding spot and he began to struggle. Soon enough, it had been shoved up his tail hole and there it had stayed.

All that was left to do was wait for Taylor to finish cooking (attempting to cook) breakfast and make lunch. He kept hearing sounds from the kitchen and he imagined what was going on. He was sure that Alex and Daniel were having fun by now as it was hard for the young wolf to hide his erection. Not to mention how cute he was.

Jeff then began to think about Daniel. He had never been with an otter before, but he was sure that it must be different than being with a canine or a feline. He probably had some sort of exotic cock that would feel amazing in his tail hole. He felt his cock harden from the thought and then an idea came upon him.

Jeff began to wiggle around a bit and the dildo began to move just how he wanted it to. He began to moan out as he began to imagine the otter's cock pressing up against his prostate. He had seen pictures and perhaps he would get a chance to feel it in person sometime soon. It didn't take but thirty seconds for the dildo to get him to cum and he purred as he rested again.

About an hour later, Taylor came in and took the dildo out of his tail hole. Jeff looked at the clock and it read 10:45. "Early lunch?"

"I couldn't keep you waiting all day, now could I?"

Jeff laughed. "You're too kind."

Within a few minutes, Jeff was free from his binds and the dildo was back in its hiding place. The two of them then went into the kitchen where sandwiches had been made ready to eat. After Taylor and Jeff finished with lunch, they decided to cuddle on the couch while there food digested.

"So, what's on today's agenda?" Jeff asked.

"Well, I haven't gotten a chance to see this 'cute' otter yet, so I was thinking that we could go over there and see what they are up to," Taylor responded.

"That sounds like fun. But you're going to have to wait till another time. We're going to let those two have some fun without us interrupting."

"Fine...I wonder what they are up to anyways," Taylor said.


Their day went like any other, that is, any other day that involves two horny young males who would get erections at the drop of a hat. They remained naked the entire day, having sex wherever they could, whenever one or both wanted it. Like one time Alex was sunning himself, laying on his front when Daniel mounted the young wolf without warning and took his lover roughly. It didn't take long for Alex to get into it though and orgasm himself.

They both enjoyed it gentle and rough, oral or anal, and it didn't matter who topped the other. While they were both submissive they were also dominant and did it all. They loved giving and getting equally.

Then about 8:45pm they called in for another pizza to be delivered, and at 9pm the doorbell rang. Both immediately got up and went to the door together, not a stitch of clothing on either, and this time both were quite erect.

"Which pizza boy do you think it will be this time?" Alex asked his friend/lover.

"I'm hoping it's the fox, I've rather grown fond of canine cocks for some reason," Daniel answered with a wink to his friend.

"I'd like it if all of them showed up, then we could have an orgy," Alex said shortly after Daniel had started opening the door.

They both had forgotten they were naked and quite erect.


"We can't provide an orgy, but a foursome might be fun," Taylor said. Jeff was doing his best to try and push the wolf away from the door, but it wasn't working.

"Sorry, guys. I tried to stop..." the cheetah stopped midsentence as he turned around and saw Daniel's naked body and hard otter cock. He couldn't resist but quickly knelt down and begin sucking on it right there in the doorway. He took his mouth off of it long enough to say, "Damn...I've been wanting this all day".

Daniel began to moan out. As much as he wanted this expert dicksucker to continue, they were doing it in the open doorway. "Hold on a sec. Let's take this into the living-room at least," he protested.

"By all means then," Jeff said as he gave one last strong suck which made the otter swoon, then got up and everyone went to the indicated room after Daniel shut the door.

Jeff had led the way and arrived in the living-room first. Before the others got there he was already naked and on all fours, his tail in the air. "Come on, Daniel. You know you want this as much as I do," he purred.

Daniel murred as he got behind the feline and began to thrust into him. "Damn...you're so loose."

"That would be my fault..." Taylor said. "I kinda used..."

He was interrupted by a ring of the phone. Alex sighed as he went to answer the phone. He came back moments later to see Taylor pawing off to the sight of Daniel humping Jeff.

Just then, the doorbell rang again. Alex, who was still naked and hard went to go answer it.


It was the pizza boy. Apparently a newly hired one, as they knew the pizza place didn't have a pony delivery boy before. It was obvious to Alex that the pony wasn't wearing underwear because he quickly saw the older male's shorts tenting.

Alex went right up to the startled male and began rubbing the massive erection through the fabric saying, "So how much do we owe you for the pizza?".

"Um, well," the pony stuttered as he felt the fly of his shorts unzipped and his hard cock slipped out and into the young wolf's paws.

Not waiting for an answer Alex began licking on the large blunt head, and got a large spurt of pre onto his tongue which he liked the taste of.

Shakily the delivery boy took out his cell phone and called work, "Um, hey boss?" he said trying to keep his voice from quavering, "Do you mind if I take my last break of the day?".

He waited for a reply and then thanked his boss before hanging up and looking down at the younger male with a big smile on his face.

Alex led the pony inside by holding onto his cock and walking backwards away from the door, still licking it. The pizza boy was about to give his name but Alex told him names were not important right now. But he did find out the boy was only 19.

He brought the pizza boy into the living-room with the others and soon had the older male just as naked as everyone else was.


Taylor pried his eyes from the otter and cheetah going at it to watch his young cousin bringing the pizza boy in by the erection that the 19 year old pony had.

Both of them sat down on the couch, Alex leaning over and continuing to lick and suck all that he could of the pony's sizable cock. Occassionally he would try to take in more than he could. But still could only take in the blunt head and a couple of inches, which to Taylor was still rather impressive for one his age and experience.

During the fifteen minutes it took Alex to get the pony off, both Daniel and Jeff had finished what they were doing and also watched Alex to the climactic finish. The 19 year old whinnied his intense pleasure as his cock erupted inside Alex's throat, causing it to bulge with so much cum being blasted all at once. Alex didn't have to do anything but let it flow down his throat and fill his stomach. And after he had come down from his orgasmic high their new friend excused himself so he could clean up before his break was over.

He insisted that it would be on the house, but Taylor still paid him and gave him a nice tip too.

"If you ever need pizza again, make sure to ask for Tony. That's me. I'll make sure to get it to you."

"Tony? Like the frozen pizza company?" Jeff asked.

Tony blushed a little. "Well...yeah...but you don't have to worry about it. Our pizzas are always made fresh. My dad makes sure of it."

"Your dad?" Alex asked.

"Yeah...my dad owns the pizza place you've been ordering from. I'll see you guys later," Tony said before leaving. He gave a wink towards Alex and left. Alex blushed a bit and then giggled.

He also wondered, in his mind, if Tony's father was also into males, and what it would be like to do it with both father and son together.

"So, what do you guys want to do now?" Daniel asked.

"Well, Jeff and I are going to get going. You two don't have TOO much fun," Taylor said as he picked up his cheetah and went out the front door.

Daniel giggled and gently pushed Alex onto the couch and kissed him deeply, making the young wolf murr a bit. After a few minutes, Daniel slowly broke the kiss.


"Yeah, Dan?"

"Will you take me again?" the otter stated.

With that Alex led his new lover to Daniel's room and they both got on the bed. Alex had his friend lay on his belly, then proceeded to rim the otter till he was nice and slick and aroused.

"Just do it, Alex. I need you in me," the older teen begged his friend.

Alex complied and laid down on top of the otter's back. He lifted his hips up, reached under and grabbed hold of his erection then pressed the tip against his friend's virgin hole.

"Are you sure you want it like this again, Dan? It wasn't that long ago I devirginized you. It's going to hurt," Alex said, wanting to make sure this was what his lover wanted.

"I'm sure," was all Daniel said.

With that Alex shoved his cock inside and penetrated all the way to the beginning of his knot, which was already swollen long before. Daniel bit his lip trying not to cry out as his hole was split open for the second time. The young wolf did not wait till the otter was acclimatized, but began thrusting right away, never going any further than the start of the knot.

A few minutes later Daniel felt the pain subsiding and the more it went away the more pleasure took over until finally he was moaning in bliss at being mated by his friend.

"Give me the knot," the otter cried out.

Alex didn't need to hear that, he was now too far gone in his own pleasure to stop and he was going to tie with his lover anyway. Faster and harder he began thrusting in and out of the otter's backside. Laying on top of the otter completely so the older male could do nothing but take it.

The first attempt at shoving in the knot forced it inside the otter's sphincter but no further, painfully stretching it out even wider than Alex's shaft. The otter was becoming uncertain he wanted to tie this time. Part of him wanted to be Alex's bitch, to be secured to his lover and feel complete. Another part of him didn't realize that it would hurt even worse than being penetrated for the first time and wanted to stop.

Alex's knot was pulled out of the otter's sphincter for a brief moment before Daniel felt it shoved inside again, but this time it went completely inside with a distinct audible pop. Daniel yelled out at the sharp, intense pain. However there was a sharp, intense shot of pleasure as the knot pressed down upon his prostate gland. Daniel cried out as his cock erupted soaking the bed and his stomach fur with otter seed. Alex did not stop thrusting either, so his knot kept rubbing back and forth over the older male's prostate, causing his lover's orgasm to intensify and lengthen.

Wolf balls slapped hard against otter butt for a few more thrusts before Alex let out a howl, slammed in one last time and began filling his lover with wolf seed.

Now stuck together, the two just lay there catching their breath. Alex apologized for how much it hurt, and how rough he had gotten near the end. Daniel told him it was alright, he did ask to be taken.

The experience took alot out of both of them and they both felt very tired.

"I really like you, Alex," Daniel whispered shortly before he yawned.

"I really like you, Daniel," Alex whispered back, then he too yawned.

Both fell asleep. Alex still on top of Daniel, and still tied.

End of Chapter 3