Beastman Steps Out

Story by powerplayer on SoFurry

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Here's some more wrestling smut.

Went somewhere different with this one. Rather pleased with how it turned out, despite my initial reservations.

For those of you who've been reading my stories in order you've probably picked up on how I'm pretty much setting up another universe. It wasn't something that happened overnight but it gives me a bit more freedom to do with the characters whatever I think appropriate (Wrestling, Sex, More Wrestling.) I may be doing more stories in the future. Thank you for reading.

Beastman Steps Out

Things have changed since Beastman's match with Merman. During their little 'romp' several of the masters had broken into Snake Mountain and taken several important crystals from the storeroom. Said crystals were the only ones of their kind on Eternia so it wasn't hard for Skeletor to figure out where they'd come from. There were no noticeable changes when Skeletor got back: no holes in the walls, no ruined tech, no dazed minions atop each other. Absolutely nothing out of the ordinary; save for the obvious reduction in storehouse inventory.

He was none too pleased with Beastman or Merman, who instead of doing their jobs decided to wrestle it out. And when he finally found them, in the most secluded area of Snake Mountain no less, he proceeded to tear them a new one. Had Trapjaw not spoken up on their behalf he might killed them then and there.

With Skeletor on the warpath the two decided to head off until everything blew over. It was then that Merman offered Beastman a place to crash and Beastman, wanting another shot at Merman, accepted.

Merman's underwater palace was nearly as big as Snake Mountain and much more homely besides. Why Merman chose to live in that dusty old mountain was anyone's guess. Not that it mattered to Beastman; his first attempt at topping Merman ended the other way around, and he wasn't about to let that go unchallenged. It didn't help that in his haste to get away from Skeletor he wasn't able to get a bath or a change of clothes. The scent of his cum-soaked trunks was driving him crazy.

Which was exactly what Merman was counting on.

Beastman wasn't the only one who wanted more; Merman's victory had awakened dark, primal urges within him; it took a colossal amount of willpower to keep from jumping Beastman's bones. The musky odor coming off his unwashed trunks didn't help matters either.

It was a relief for all involved when their shorts and bodies were washed. But even with the smell gone Merman still wanted Beastman's body in the worst way. But unlike his hairy halfwit of a house-guest Merman could think and plan. He wanted Beastman as much as Beastman wanted him (if not more so) but forced himself to wait.

It was almost a week before Merman agreed to a rematch. Beastman could barely contain his joy as Merman took him to his gym, which by all accounts was actually larger than the one on Snake Mountain. And since they both wanted another sex-fight that's exactly what they did; after the pre-requisite wrestling, of course. It ended up much like the first bout, with Beastman sprawled out in the middle of the ring with his trunks down at this ankles and Merman's ass bobbing up and down his massive man-meat.

Undaunted Beastman demanded to go again, determined to turn things around. It wasn't long before he found his naked red ass perched atop one of the turnbuckles, dazed and confused, while a triumphant Merman coaxed his large cannon into blowing several large loads into the canvas with long strokes and gentle squeezes.

As soon as he regained control of his senses Beastman took to Merman again, the final part of their match ending outside the ring, where, strapped to a vaulting horse, his emerald-scaled adversary proceeded to suck his big-rig dry.

Merman was in high spirits as he untied his victim, whose cries for a rematch went unheeded; it was painfully obvious how exhausted he was. Sexually dominating Beastman was fun and all but Merman didn't want to wear him out completely. Not at first anyway.

Several days later it was he, not Beastman, who called for a rematch. Having spent the past few days raising all kinds of hell asking for a rematch Beastman was positively stoked to be able to have another go at him. He surprised Beastman by pulling off his trunks before entering the ring and when asked about it pitched the idea of using their cocks to do the fighting for them. Beastman couldn't get his trunks off fast enough.

As it turned out, Beastman was a faster learner than Merman, and used the size and weight of his meat-log to score several wins over the sea-king's smaller, spiker sea-dong. Dinner that night was especially hard for Merman, who had to contend with Beastman's incessant bragging. The way Beastman told it, the wins from his cock-fights were the only ones that mattered, with the rest having been just practice runs.

His cocky attitude went out the window when Merman won the next day's fights. Apparently having a wider girth meant being a bigger target, a fact that Merman used to his advantage. It quickly became obvious that today wouldn't be a repeat of yesterday. Merman went on the offensive, surprising the larger Beastman with quick cock-jabs. Beastman, still high off his winning streak, didn't really pay him any mind, confident in his skill at this new game. It came as something of shock when a well-placed cock-jab sent him over the edge, letting loose a spectacularly low moan as his cock gave up its spunky payload.

Beastman bounced back, furiously swinging his big beef-stick into Merman's slimmer jabber, his body tingling whenever the spikes on the smaller-man's cock jabbed into his manhood. Seeing this Merman changed tacs and began positioning his cock so that whenever Beastman swang his beefy-dong it would rub against the ridges on his cock. Under such an attack, it wasn't long before Beastman's cock blew its top.

Beastman, tired of losing, took to jabbing his thick cock like Merman did his. Problem was the top of Beastman's dick was much wider than Merman's, and softer still. His strikes didn't have the sting to them that Merman's did. In fact, the strikes only served to turn Beastman on instead. He missed Merman's cock more often than not and found himself jabbing the warrior's abs, which was substantially harder than Beastman's cock was. That last orgasm was all him.

Merman regarded the panting Beastman with wry satisfaction. He gave Beastman's slumping dick several soft pats, making Beastman shiver, before retrieving his trunks and leaving the room. He was mildly surprised when Beastman didn't immediately come out but didn't think too much on it. Merman figured that Beastman, whose stamina knew no equal, would come out and challenge him to another fight. At least that's what he hoped would happen. He didn't mind challenging Beastman but beating him didn't turn him on nearly as much as it did when Beastman challenged him. The mere thought of topping that hairy red ass made him hard.

Beastman didn't disappoint, challenging Merman to another match: same as before, but with hands too. Merman didn't mind and soon found himself facing Beastman, who didn't waste any time. He reached out with his big red mits and took Merman in hand. Merman gasped as Beastman started stroking him and repaid him in kind, working his big red machine with both hands. They took their sweet time exploring the other, each of them looking forward to a stunning finale.

They got their wishes at the same time, both of them blowing wads of cum through the other's shivering grip. Beastman was the first to come down and started again on Merman's cock. The feeling of fur on the ridges of his dick bought Merman down and he too resumed the fight. Beastman began grunting before long and groaned out long and hard as he came. He relaxed his hold on Merman's cock while he blew his load, though Merman didn't do the same, and the tide soon turned in the sea-king's favor. Merman's skillful hands worked Beastman's cock over with ease, drawing out two loads for every one Beastman drew out of him.

Desperate for a win Beastman began to work Merman over with rough tugs of his spiky spunk-shooter. Merman responded in kind by taking one hand and giving Beastman's jutting nips some twists of his own, all the while not ceasing his lower ministrations. A startled gasp signaled an end to Beastman's fighting. The tugging of Beastman's nips betrayed his body to his enemy: His hands fell off Merman's cock, his hips bucking with every one of the latter's jerks. Load after load after milky-white load was juiced out of his cock, dotting the ring white. Eventually, the loads themselves began to shift from massive globs of beast-spunk to jizzy-dribbles. Seeing this Merman gave Beastman's cock a quick yank, drawing the big brute in for a deep, passionate kiss. All-the-while Merman never stopped working over Beastman, accentuating his tongue-lock with skillful twists of his nips and cock. Beastman's body leaned into the kiss, a puppet in Merman's hands. Upperbody and lowerbody swayed sensuously to the tune of Merman's hands, happily relinquishing control to the victorious sea-king.

Merman's puppeteering of Beastman's body went on for quite some time - a testament to the beastmaster's virility. A sharp tug of his nips pulled Beastman back whenever he tried to pull out. Beastman let out a long moan into the kiss as he felt his dick give out one last time, blasting a massive load over both their knees before going sputtering out. Merman gave Beastman's cock a few more tugs to make sure it was completely empty before he pulled out of the kiss, inwardly smirking as Beastman's face leaned in as he pulled back. As he got up he took the time to look Beastman over and found himself liking what he saw: eyes glazed over. Desperately panting for breath. Flaccid dick slumped over empty balls. Merman had certainly left Beastman in quite a state. And he liked it. Merman felt a rush of power as he stared down at Beastman. He'd never beaten anyone so thoroughly before. He liked how it felt.

He gave Beastman another peck on the cheek, noting with pride how Beastman's limp dick lurched at his touch before leaving the room.

Beastman didn't challenge Merman again; it was Merman that did the challenging. More often than not Merman would come out on top, coaxing victory juice out of his big dick every time. And with each victory Merman grew more and more confident, which lead to more matches and less time to rest between them. Being constantly worked over was starting to wear on him. Merman would bring him to the brink every time, stopping just before Beastman could lose consciousness. It became less about the competition and more about the sex. And it was starting to wear Beastman out. But no matter what he tried Merman would inevitably do something to make him cum. With each match he uncovered some new weak spot, some new way with which he could manipulate his hairy house-guest into stunning orgasms.

It even began to happen outside the gym. Beastman would be minding his own business when Merman would come up and start working the big red beast over until it blew its top. Hell, there was one time where, upon coming across Beastman in the main hall, Merman pinned the latter to the wall with a hand to his nips, reached inside his deep-blue trunks with the other, and gave the man-beast a shivering orgasm before wiping his hands off on his chest and walking away like nothing had happened. Bathroom, bedroom, living room; no room was safe. Beastman didn't know how much more he could take and started to think of ways to fix it.

First he tried talking it over with Merman. That pretty much went as well as he expected, with his hirsute body writhing on the cold ground as the fish-man's hands coaxed a massive load from his captivated fuckrod.

The other evil warriors were equally useless. It was as though they were all caught up in their own little world; especially Trapjaw. That left the Masters of the Universe, but Beastman would have sooner have been eaten by a dragon than ask one of them for help.

And all the while he could feel his body slipping into Merman's control. His already cumbersome cock had grown in size, stretching the fabric of his trunks even when flaccid. And whenever Merman was around his dick would begin to grow of its own accord, jutting towards him as though it knew who its master really was. Beastman didn't know if Merman had laced him with chemicals or if his body was just getting used to being under Merman's thrall but regardless... it had to end.


The plan was simple: get in, overpower Merman, give him a taste of his own medicine, and leave. He waited until Merman was distracted by an incoming transmission from Skeletor to do anything. Beastman got to him before he was even able to enter the room.

With a savage growl he ripped Merman's trunks off and slammed him into the ground. He gave him a few more poundings for good measure before turning his attention to the slavering slit betwixt his legs. Beastman stuck two fingers inside and began swirling them around, coaxing out Merman's pride and joy with frenzied swirls.

Merman looked upon his growing need with no small amount of dread. In his desire to tame the beastmaster he'd forgotten the needs of his own body. Like Beastman he'd gotten used to their (his) sexual game of conquest. At the beginning he used Beastman's anger to get him off but lately he'd done so much of the 'conquering' that he'd forgotten to take care of himself. Merman's body hitched when Beastman sucked his dribbling cock into his mouth. The savage brute had none of Merman's tact or skill but didn't really need it. Merman was so sensitive that it only took a few good licks to get him to blow his top. He continued working over Merman's extendable cock, his licks drawing out more of that salty-sweet sea cum like a pump in a well. And Merman, well, he was in no condition to stop him. Not that he really wanted to. While Beastman's suckling sapped him of much of his energy he found that he enjoyed the experience. He'd been so pent-up lately. It was a relief to get rid of all that access jizz. And it wasn't like he wasn't going to have Beastman do something like this to him eventually.

Only when it was obvious that Merman had no more spunk to spare did Beastman pull off of the panting fish-man's deflating cock, which he then proceeded to lick clean.

Beastman pulled himself up after finishing, looking down at Merman with no small amount of satisfaction. He'd proven his superiority: Merman was beaten, physically and sexually. He just laid there, his body wracked with tiny tremors, struggling to breathe. He saw Merman hold up a quivering hand before dropping it several times, breathing a little heavier with each attempt.

Beastman snorted down at the pathetic little fish before turning to leave. He was at the door when he turned to give the Merman another long glance. Unbidden came the recollections of their earlier encounters, memories about how after every erogenous defeat at Merman's hands left him in a similar state. It'd happened so many times and in so many ways that leaving him like this wasn't enough; his pride would never allow it.

Merman was barely conscious when Beastman returned. The hulking brute brought Merman upright, taking a step back to regard Merman's struggling with a wry grin. And just when Merman regained his bearings his assailant threw his arms under Merman's and scooped the surprised fish-man into a crushing bearhug.

Unlike before Beastman didn't swing him around so much, choosing to crush him instead. Beating on Beastman was just as ineffective as last time; even if he were at full strength Merman was still the weaker one. And kicking him in the nads was also out of the question; whenever he tried Beastman would shift his stance and apply even greater pressure. In desperation Merman threw his legs around Beastman's waist, squeezing as hard as he could. Beastman countered with even more force, growling as he put his all into squeezing Merman into pulp.

Merman was on the verge of losing consciousness when he suddenly felt Beastman stop. He looked up to find Beastman's face contorted, like he was straining. Just then Merman felt something poke at his backside, something big and slimy. It was then that it dawned on him what had happened; though Beastman had forgotten what Merman's touch could do to him his cock sure didn't. In all the excitement it'd poked itself out of big red's blue wrestling trunks, primed and ready to go.

And Merman, being the opportunist that he was, saw that opening and proceeded to exploit it. Reaching out with both arms Merman twisted both of Beastman's jutting nipples, drawing a loud roar from the big guy even as his big dick shot a thick load into the air behind him. Beastman's hold on Merman lapsed as he came. And as Merman slid down Beastman's arms his ass came into contact with the latter's jutting fuck-pole, the sensation overloading the gigantic jizz-cannon and enticing another thick volley.

It was then that Merman knew what he had to do. With one hand still on his captive's breast Merman reached behind him and grabbed a hold of that beastly cock, exciting it with several soft touches to the sensitive parts he'd gotten to know, lubing both Beastman's cock and his own ass with the latter's own jizz. Beastman bellowed a long, low note as he felt Merman's hands all over his enlarged phallus, hobbling about on wobbly knees as he tried to dissuade Merman from sucking him in. But his efforts were in vain: Merman removed the hand on his cock and put it back on his nip, giving the sweating, struggling brute a long, hard look before giving them both a few rough twists. Beastman's eyes closed in euphoric bliss, bucking his hips and moaning with each twist. Merman took advantage of the whole thing and brought his ass down, engulfing the big boy's cock in one fluid motion.

Beastman cursed his pride as Merman started to ride him, bucking his ass over Beastman's pride and twisting his nips. The cavities in Merman's anus had grown used to Beastman's massive phallus, and played it like a pipe. The enraptured organ gave out load after load of hot sticky beast gunk, coating Merman's insides. In desperation Beastman tightened the hold and ran Merman into the wall in an effort to dislodge him. And when that didn't take he began bucking up into Merman, his massive cock hilting with each thrust.

But by then, it was too late: his most sensitive areas were inside Merman, who knew just how to work them. His oblong cock, made larger and softer after weeks of sex-play, was in no way ready for a continuous sexual assault and didn't put up a fight. Beastman whimpered as he felt Merman's ass thread his beasthood, milking him of his most vital fluids. His energy sapped Beastman slumped to the ground, panting heavily into Merman's ear. Beastman's arms also fell, landing to either side as Merman continued his erotic subjugation.

When Merman saw that Beastman had released him he stepped up his efforts. He wanted to make sure Beastman was done. Releasing the beast's nips he brought his hands into those deep-blue trunks of his, where they proceeded to kneed his big balls of their cum. And before Beastman could recover he clasped his mouth down onto one of his nips, savoring the heady musk even as he suckled the big red beast into oblivion. Beastman's moans became longer and more piteous as the attack dragged out.

But what Merman hadn't taken into account was his own exhaustion; Beastman's earlier attack had left him far more drained than before, leaving him in no real condition to fight. He'd focused so much of his energy on Beastman that he didn't really have any left over for himself.

It wasn't clear just who collapsed first: Beastman eyes rolled into the back of his head just as Merman suddenly stopped bucking. The former's head sank into the wall, the latter collapsing as well. Beastman's flaccid cock slipped out soon-after; with a large amount of beast-jizz flowing from Merman's devastated ass-crack to pool beneath them. Neither of awakened for hours.


Beastman woke up first, tired as hell and smelling of sex. Upon seeing Merman sleeping atop him he remembered just what had happened and why. He picked up a mumbling Merman and took him to his room, his gaze lingering on his sleeping form. He was sure he lost; at least that's what he thought. His memory was blurry in a few places, but he was positive that he'd been losing. Not that that mattered now. Knowing that this may be his only real chance to escape he picked up his trunks, put them on and left the undersea palace, using one of the underground tunnels Merman had told him. His moved as though on auto-pilot; with just enough awareness to keep him from tripping his booted heels into the many cracks that dotted the tunnel floor as he made his way to the surface.

The sun's light rejuvenated Beastman in ways he didn't he needed; the sound, smells, and sensations of nature... that's what he'd been missing. He could already feel himself getting stronger. He realized then how much of a mistake it was to stay underground for so long. Coming across a stream Beastman helped himself to the first fresh-water bath he'd had in months. He took his time scrubbing himself down, choosing to savor the moment. He even gave his trunks and boots a good washing. After he finished he laid down for a nap, but not before putting his clothes on top of a nearby boulder to dry.

A loud thrumming sound broke out above Beastman, waking him from his nap. Coming in directly above him was a massive ship, covering the entire sky. It was easily larger anything he'd ever seen on Eternia. Instincts flaring to life Beastman rushed to the boulder that his clothes were on, hoping that they'd dried. He sighed in relief that they were, and quickly began to dress himself. He'd just finished with his boots when a cerulean light shot out from below the ship, enveloping Beastman in its sea-blue glow. And before he knew what was going on he'd vanished, and the light withdrew itself back to the ship.

Beastman found himself in a large chamber, whose glass ceiling showcased more stars than he even knew existed. And all around him were other beings; some larger, some smaller but each and every one of them sporting a build not unlike his own.

A craggily voice behind him drew his attention to one of his fellow stud-muffins: a strange-looking canine with light-brown fur that went all over his body. He wore green trunks on his wiry form, with a brown belt that went through small loops on the trunks. Hs wore black fingerless gloves, similar to his own, and his brown boots were similar in make to his black ones.

The scraggly mongrel didn't bother to introduce himself, curiosity over Beastman's history. And while he spoke in a condescending manner Beastman sensed that it wasn't aimed at him, more likely being just a facet of this guy's personality, and relaxed his guard, engaging the first pleasant conversation he'd had in some time.

He was just starting to get into his grove when something large shoved him from behind. Looking back he came face-to-face with a large, ape-like being. Like Beastman he had a mane of pale-gray fur that puffed up on his shoulders before trailing down to the small of his back, which coupled with his lightly-tanned skin made him appear almost regal. A single black strap adorned his right arm, just below his shoulder. Both his boots and tightly pack trunks were a resplendent red. A black leather belt with rhinestones on it encircled his massive waist.

This new guy wasted no time in telling Beastman how he was intruding on his property, accentuating his anger with some sharp shoving. Beastman, who never was one to turn down a challenge, returned with some shoving of his own. Only the timely intervention of the ape-dude's smaller companion stopped it from evolving into an all-out-brawl.

A large voice boomed over all chatter, bringing it all to a halt. Beastman took note as to how few people had been paying attention to his little near-fight with the ape-thing. The fresh bruises on the bodies of the congregated spoke of similar fights were happening all over the place.

That loud voice overhead spoke again. Apparently, everyone there had been granted the 'honor' of working for a couple of smucks named Stump and Sling, competing against each other in something called Intergalactic Wrestling. They went on and on about how much fun and excitement everyone'd be having, but from what Beastman could see, no one looked sold, At least not until they started talking about how much money they'd stand to make. Several shafts of light broke through the area, which the voice said anyone could use to return to their respective homeworld, no-strings-attached. All they asked was that anyone who wanted to stay to remain where they were.

Beastman could count the number of people who entered those lights on both hands. A light hand on his shoulder caught his attention. He was mildly surprised to find his new canine-friend looking up at him. The big bully ape was a few steps behind him, arms crossed and looking particularly cross. It was the smaller of the two who'd apologized for the other; apparently, he could get rather possessive at times. Apparently what they both wanted to know was that if Beastman would be willing to step out too like they chose to.

The question rocked Beastman to the core. Truth be told, he'd often wondered what it would be like to be on his own. Really on his own. Not to be kicked out or to run away but to actually choose to step out for himself. Casting a wide glance at the congregated he saw the same uncertainty reflected in the faces of everyone there. Even that man-ape's face fell a bit after hearing his friend's question. And the more he thought about it, the smaller his fears became. A smile crossed his face as the last of his fears fell away and his choice was made clear to him.

Turning to the small dog-morph he gave but a simple nod of his head, the sparkle in his eyes conveying far more than words could. The dude gave a loud yell as he thumped Beastman on the back, wasting no time in telling him that he'd made the right decision. Even the bigger man behind him seemed to approve; if those silent nods of his head meant what he thought they did.

But that didn't matter. Nothing did. No doubts about it: Beastman was stepping out

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